Sept. 23, 2010 Issue

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Transcript of Sept. 23, 2010 Issue


By Isabel ThynePulaski High School is con-

tinuing to implement the Raider Crew program in an effort to give the new freshman positive leader-ship. This is only the second year of this program, but it has already

Raider Crew welcomes a new freshman class

Raider Crew leaders pose for a picture during an in-service meeting.

By Krista NeerdaelsThis year was the 67th annual

Badger Boy State convention at Ripon College. At this event, around 800 representatives from high schools throughout the state join together to educate them-selves, not only on government, but also on the characters of each other. Pulaski High School’s rep-resentative, Derek Anderson, son of Tim and Chris Anderson, was fortunate enough to experience this week-long camp, simulating a democratic government. The dorm complexes were divided in two “cities”, which together make up a “county” in the 51st State, Badger.

In his first few days in Ripon, Anderson attended leadership courses where he learned about the four different personality classes of the people around him. After the leadership classes, the citizens had the opportunity to display their leadership skills and responsibilities to run for office in their communities. The politi-cal positions were voted on, and a democratic government was created. Anderson acquired the position of one of five Alder-men, who takes the responsibil-ity of passing laws. Throughout the week, voting took place and a governor of the state was chosen on the last day.

Anderson gained many friend-ships in this experience; he said he and his roommate still keep

Anderson attends Badger Boy

Derek Anderson

By Krista NeerdaelsThis past summer, at the 67th

annual Badger Girl Convention, current senior Stephanie Paape, daughter of James and Elizabeth Paape, was chosen to represent the Pulaski High School and community. She spent one week at the University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh campus with 800 girls who also met the outstanding ex-pectations that must be achieved to earn the privilege to attend this conference. The delegates learned about different political views and government procedures while role-playing in a mock govern-ment system, where they could campaign vote for government positions.

The newly-created state “Badger” was composed of all 800 delegates divided into cities and counties by floor in the dorms. For example, one floor was considered a city and two cities, or two floors, made up one county. Two political parties were created and the representa-tives chose either the National-ist Party or the Federalist Party. Every day, they were up at 6:30 a.m. and spent their days attend-ing meetings and amending the constitutions that the parties had put together. Also, the girls were encouraged to promote them-selves and their special character-istics to each other to get votes for certain positions. At the end of the week, all of the counties came together to vote for a governor; in order to do so, every represen-tative had to give a speech as to why they should be governor.

Paape is honored to have been chosen to fulfill this life-changing experience and thanks the Pulaski school system, the American Legion Post 337, and

Paape represents Pulaski at Badger Girl State

Stephanie Paape

the Legion Auxiliary Unit 337 for sponsoring her. She developed multiple friendships and learned a lot about the government. She said this convention “put her in perspective” of how politics work in the Federal government and feels that what she has learned is very helpful information. In ad-dition, Paape established a great amount of respect for the veterans of our country, and she would like to personally thank every one of them. They have inspired her to make a difference in her commu-nity.

As both the village of Pulaski and Nsight celebrate 100-years of history, Nsight Telservices will be sponsoring a centennial history book as a special joint effort by the Village of Pulaski and The Pulaski Centennial Committee to commemorate the last century. The book will recap the past 100 years, major events, local busi-nesses and growth over the years.

“It is exciting to be celebrating such a significant moment in our shared history. Pulaski’s history has intertwined with Nsight’s history since the very begin-ning as we began our journey just a month apart in 1910,” said Brighid Riordan, Public Affairs Director at Nsight. “This commu-nity has shaped the very essence of our company. We are proud to help make the centennial publica-tion possible, to detail a century of the people who have made this village special.”

The book will be published in honor of Pulaski’s Centennial Celebration and will feature a timeline that chronicles many im-portant events in village history. Highlighted in the 52-page piece will be interviews with key in-dividuals whose life’s work has contributed to the strength, growth and texture of the community.

“The Pulaski Centennial Committee, composed of busi-ness, village, school and histori-cal society members, aspired to publish an eye-catching and fun read that both conjures warm memories of the past and inspires all of us to nurture Pulaski and its people far into the future,” said Gina Sanders Larsen, who headed the research and writing of this project. Sanders Larsen teamed up with Lori Vandenberg, Green Bay, for cover design, Kathleen Caylor, Pulaski, for photography and Steve Massie, Neenah, for page layout.

The book will be available free of charge while supplies last at Nsight Telservices, 122 S. Augustine Street, beginning on September 26 at Nsight’s 100-Year Anniversary Community Event. The celebration will be held from 10:30 a.m. – 1 p.m., and will feature games, free food, tours, and door prizes. Following this date, the book will be avail-able during normal business hours (M – 8 a.m.-6:30p.m., T-F 8 a.m.-4:30p.m.).

Nsight sponsorsPulaski Centennial book

in touch and that the people were great. His knowledge and un-derstanding of leadership, the character of others, and how gov-ernment works increased signifi-cantly. Anderson feels honored to have been chosen by Pulaski High School to represent our community, and he gives great thanks to the high school adminis-tration and the American Legion Post 337 that sponsored him in his educational conference in Ripon.

made an impact. With approxi-mately seventy members, Raider

Crew lends social and aca-demic support to all freshmen.

Raider crew is designed to aide freshmen in the transition from middle school into high school, to

(continued on page 2)





Page - 2 Pulaski News -Thursday, September 23, 2010

Letters to the Editor

Letters should be no more than 200 words. All are subject to editing and must have your address and daytime phone number where we can confirm your letter. Letters will not be run without confirmation. Writers are limited to one letter every 30 days. Letters to the editor and articles submitted to Pulaski News may be published or distributed in print.Mail to: Pulaski News, 1040 S. St. Augustine St., Pulaski, WI 54162 Fax: (920) 822-6726 E-mail:

Raider Crew is very excited about the upcoming year and working with all of the new freshmen.

support all freshmen.Raider crew is designed to aide

freshmen in the transition from middle school into high school, to make them all feel more welcome and accepted. The Crew strives to ensure that each and every fresh-man has a successful and reward-ing high school experience.

The group is made up of seventy senior and junior members interviewed and chosen because they had the qualities of a positive leader. The Crew members were split into groups of four or five during the summer and designated to a specific fresh-men homeroom. Each homeroom and its Raider Crew leaders will

Front Page/ Raider Crew meet about once a month where leaders will teach the freshmen various lessons about high school issues.

Raider Crew also strives to help freshmen excel in the social areas of high school, hosting events every month which pro-motes students to build positive connections with their peers. Raider Crew’s first social event was the freshmen tailgate party. This event preceded the football game of the Pulaski Red Raiders against the Bay Port Pirates.

Raider Crew is excited to have the opportunity to support and en-courage the new freshman class in any way it can.

By Race Noeldner and Brett Smith

On August 28, kids from all over the Pulaski school district, grades one through six, gathered behind the Pulaski High School for the annual Super Saturday camp to learn a bit about foot-ball. Many varsity players came to help out with the event, along with the majority of the Pulaski football coaching staff. The day was a great success; kids not only learned a lot of new skills, but also had a lot of fun.

“All of the kids, including my son, really look up to the varsity football players. The parents really appreciate the high school students and coaches who give up their Saturday to teach and play with the kids,” said Dan Bramschrieber, father of second grade student Bo Bramschrieber.

A group of varsity football players coach the first through sixth graders at Super Saturday.

Super Saturday is a success

The fall meeting of the Fox Valley Chapter of the National Church Library Association (NCLA) will be held October 2 at Shepherd of the Lakes Lu-theran Church, 153 County Road QQ, Waupaca, Wisconsin. The meeting begins at 9 a.m. with reg-istration and coffee, and it con-cludes with a light lunch at noon.

“Grief and Loss - Library Re-sources and Church Helps” is our meeting theme, with Len Sheard as our guest speaker. Focusing on real help for deep hurts, Mr. Sheard is instrumental in leading Grief Share sessions at his church, a program offering community, understanding, support, and en-couragement to persons living with grief and loss.

Please bring books/resources that your church library may have that deal with today’s timely topics of grief and loss for sharing during our round table discussion. Such topics include family loss, chronic/terminal illness, death, divorce, unemployment, lifestyle changes, loss of home, military deployment, etc. The book ex-change table will be available.

Registration fee is $7.00 per person attending and 2010 Chapter dues of $7.00 per church. This association is open to all denominations wishing to begin or improve their church library. Walk-ins are welcome, but pre-registration would be appreciated by calling Mil Herder at (920) 738-6640.

Church Library Association meeting to be held

CommunityThursday, September 23, 2010

“A community needs a soul if it is to become a true home for human beings. You, the people

must git it this soul.”~Pope John Paul II

Page 3

By Laura Szela and Laura Dahms

Traveling from Green Bay to St. Louis were the SJE Young Neighbors in Action.

Becca Polum, a senior at Pulaski High School, was one of 80 students who was able to travel to St. Louis to help make a differ-ence from June 20 to 26. She was one of two girls from her church that joined 14 other students to head down to the large group in St. Louis.

Young Neighbors in Action provides a solid, Catholic ap-proach to service and justice that balances scripture and Catholic social teaching, direct service, and a justice consciousness.

Young neighbors help St. Louis

Lois and Melvin Selle, Pulaski, and Mary and Donald Rudnick, Pulaski, are pleased to announce the engagement of their children Amanda Selle and Kevin Rudnick. The couple has set a wedding date of September 24 for a small intimate wedding in Florence, Wisconsin.

The bride -to- be is a 2003 graduate of Bonduel High School. She earned an LPN degree in 2008 from NWTC and in 2009 completed her Registered Nursing degree. She is employed as an ICU Registered Nurse at the Oscar G. Johnson Veteran’s Hos-pital.

The groom- to- be is a 2006 graduate of NWTC in the electric power and distribution program. He is employed by WE energies as a power line mechanic.


Polum and her teammates were very excited to begin their work in St. Louis. Their first three days were spent volunteering at the Cardinal Ritter Senior Center. Their activities included: weeding the garden, laying mulch, dis-posing of dead trees, installing a garden border, cleaning and sorting a large storage closet, painting a bathroom, installing a foundation for a fountain, and hauling out old furniture.

Polum said, “I was so proud of how much we helped. It was obvious that the Center lacked staff to get everything done.”

The final two days were spent at St. Patrick’s Homeless Shelter. They sorted through mounds

Historical Society to hold bake and craft sale

The Pulaski Area Historical Society will hold its fall bake and craft sale on October 1 at Premier Community Bank, Hwy. 32, Pulaski. It will begin at 8:30 a.m. and last to noon. We invite you to visit our sale at the bank for great baked goods and an interesting selection of local crafts. We will be accepting memberships to the Pulaski Area Historical Society at this time and will also answer any questions you may have about the museum or the historical society. Members are asked to kindly bring their donations of baked goods, crafts or mon-etary donations to the bank be-ginning at 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Proceeds of this semi-annual sale support the maintenance of the Pulaski Area Histori-cal Society Museum at 129 W. Pulaski St., Pulaski, WI. Anyone who has a question or wishes to volunteer at the bake sale, please call Pat Budz at 865-7875. We look forward to seeing you there!

Michelle Reeb, daughter of Michael and Tracy Reeb, Green Bay, and Aaron Breitenfeldt, son of Bruce and Cheryl Breitenfeldt, Pulaski, were married on August 7, 2010, at St. John Lutheran Church, Pulaski.

Michelle is a graduate of Pulaski High School and Univer-sity of Wisconsin-St. Norbert. She is currently teaches at Keshena Elementary School.

Aaron is a graduate of Pulaski High School and University of Wisconsin- Platteville. He is cur-

rently working at Robert E. Lee & Associates, Inc. as a civil engi-neer.

Honor attendants were best man Rob Vanden Langenberg, and maid-of-honor Kaelyn Wilke. Other members of the wedding party included bridesmaids Lindsay Leanna, Courtney Tom-check, Gina Breitenfeldt, Kayla Fehrmann, groomsmen Craig Pe-terson, Tyler Breitenfeldt, David Reeb, Tom Breitenfeldt.

The bride and groom are now happily married in the town of Krakow, WI.


Amanda Selle and Kevin Rudnick

of donated items, and then they hauled them to the store. Then they spent hours organizing and cleaning up.

“Not only does the St. Pat-rick’s help the homeless acquire clothing and necessities, but also they help them start fresh by equipping them with life skills so that they will have a better chance obtaining a job,” said Polum.

Polum said that whenever she recalls the trip she begins to miss it terribly and wishes that she could somehow go back.

Reflecting on her experience, Polum said, “Without a doubt, Young Neighbors in Action should expect to see me for years to come!”

By Morgan Swiecichowski The Shawano County Fairest

of the Fairs competition was held March 27 at the Shawano County Fairgrounds, and Angie Brusky, a 2009 Pulaski Graduate, rose to the top. Brusky has attended every fair since she was one week old, and ever since has been hooked. She enters animals and art at the Shawano County Fair, and her family has always enjoyed par-ticipating in the fair. Brusky has followed in her family’s footsteps

Brusky namedFairest of the Fairs

being active in 4-H, Cloverbuds, Dairy, Visual Arts, Photography, Dogs, and Nature and Space. Brusky has also spent time in the 4-H stand and taken part in pig wrestling. Brusky has been a part of exhibiting her whole life, some years she is so busy she doesn’t even make it to the grandstands. This year though, she is very excited to fully enjoy her unique experiences as the Fairest of the Fairs and promote all aspects of the fair.

Page - 4 Pulaski News -Thursday, September 23, 2010

Retired Pulaski teachers pose in front of Doc’s Timeline Saloon after having lunch. They attended the District’s Welcome Back festivities, a meeting of Pulaski Retired Educators, and then fol-lowed up with a lunch social. The Pulaski Retired Educators group is a new group that formed for retired teachers to stay in contact with each other, share information, have social activi-ties, and do service activities. In the picture are Bev Howland, Carol Anderson, Joan Walgurski, Sue Tucker, and Mari Flana-gan. Their next social activity will be held on September 27 at Titletown to cheer the Packers on to victory.

4-H fair members work hard in the kitchen at the Shawano County Fair.

DRIVE THRU BOOYAH – LT. SUAMICO FIRE STATION, SOBIESKI. Sunday, September 26 – 10 am until gone. Bring your own containers. Pro-ceeds go to the Firemen’s Memo-rial Fund. Donations to the fund can be sent to the Harris Bank-Lt. Suamico.

BAKE/CRAFT SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, by the Pulaski Area Historical Society at Premier Community Bank from 8:30 a.m. till Noon.

PULASKI AREA HISTORI-CAL SOCIETY Annual Dinner Meeting will be held on Wednes-day, October 27, 2010 at the American Legion Hall. Tickets are $14 and may be purchased at Citizens Bank, North Shore Bank and Premier Community Bank or by calling Marian at 822-5856 through October 23.

PULASKI AREA HISTORI-CAL SOCIETY MUSEUM at 129 W. Pulaski St., Pulaski will be open by appointment during the fall and winter months by calling Marian at 822-5856 or Pat at 865-7875. We encourage individuals and groups to tour the museum during this Pulaski Cen-tennial Year.


THE PULASKI COMMU-NITY FOOD PANTRY, INC. is in need of dry goods, canned fruit, cereal, pasta and pasta sauce. The pantry is open every first and third Tuesday of each month from 1 to 4 p.m. If you can help the pantry with these items, or any other food items, please call 822-6050. The pantry appreciates your will-ingness to help feed the hungry.

CLOTHING DONATIONS ACCEPTED – for local distribu-tion through New Life Commu-nity Church. New or clean gently used clothes can be brought to the church office at 450 E. Cedar St., Pulaski (next to Subway) or call 822-7117.

JR. AUXILIARY UNIT 337 meets every first Monday of the month from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. at American Legion Hall; 135 N. St. Augustine St. Girls ages birth to 18 years are welcome to join whose family members have served in the military forces. For membership information: call Dorothy at 822-5485 or Joan at 855-6486.

PULASKI LIONS CLUB meets every first and third Monday of the month at the Legion Hall located at 135 N. St. Augustine St., Pulaski. There is a 6 p.m. social and a 7 p.m. meal followed by the meeting. New members are always welcome. Call 619-7762 for more information.

PULASKI AREA MUSEUM, 129 W. Pulaski St. Pulaski is open each Tuesday during the Farmer’s Market from 3 – 6 pm and Thurs-day afternoons from 1-4 p.m. during summer months. Also the

Community Announcementsfirst Wed. Of each month from 6-8 pm.

AMVETS POST 160 OF AN-GELICA/PULASKI meets the first Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the American Legion building in Pulaski. We welcome all veterans from all E. R. A.’s. Delicious lunch served after each meeting. For more information: 822-5933.

POLISH LEGION OF AMERICAN VETERANS AUXILIARY KRAKOW POST 178 meets the first Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the American Legion building, 135 N. St. Augustine St. Pulaski. New members are always welcome. Call 865-7617 for information.

WELCOME HOSTESS: The Welcome Hostess for Pulaski is Tiffany Rondou. If you know of any newcomers to the area, please contact Tiffany at 920-822-2119.

AMERICAN LEGION MIXTACKI-JOHNSON POST 337 meets the second Monday of the month at the Veterans’ Hall, 135 N. St. Augustine St. Pulaski. A social begins at 6:30 p.m. and meeting begins at 7 p.m. with a delicious lunch after. All veterans and active service members are encouraged to visit us to find out what we are about. If eligible, we need you to join. Hall rentals – 822-6996. Membership informa-tion -822-2337/822-3017. Com-mander LeRoy Holl: 826-5324.


at Pulaski Senior Center on Mondays Oct. 4, Nov. 8, Dec. 6,

and Jan. 10. Time: 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call 822-8100 for an appointment.

COLOR TRIP to Wausau on Wednesday, October 6. In con-junction with P.A.C.E. office. Cost: $50.00. Call Deb at 822-6050 for information and reserva-tions.

M A C H I C K A N E E PLAYERS / NOBODY WILL HEAR YOU SCREAM on Sunday, October 24 at 2:00 p.m. Cost: $12.00 Dutch treat dinner after show at a local restaurant. Leaving from Pulaski Senior Center at 12:30 p.m. Reserva-tions due by October 11. Call 822-8100 for more information.

BOOK GROUP at Pulaski Senior Center on Wednesday, October 13, 3:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (Place to be determined). Light supper will be served for $2.00. October’s book will be Loving Frank by Nancy Horan. Books available at the Senior Center. Call 822-8100 for more information. All ages welcome.

SING-ALONG at Pulaski Senior Center on Friday, October 1 at 10:00 a.m.

MOVIE MONDAY on October 18 at Pulaski Senior Center. We will be watching

Auntie Mame with Rosalind Russell. Shows start at 12:15 p.m. Snacks provided.

CARDS every Monday at 12:30 p.m. at the Pulaski Senior Center. If you are interested in playing CRIBBAGE, call the Pulaski Senior Center at 822-8100.

BINGO at Pulaski Senior Center Tuesdays at 12:15 p.m.

RED CROSS VAN will take senior citizens to Super Ron’s, bank, etc. On Wednesdays at 10:00 a.m., to hair appointments on Friday mornings, and to church on Saturdays at 3:30 p.m. If inter-ested, call Kitty at 822-8100.

QUILTING WORKSHOP at Pulaski Senior Center on Wednes-days from 9:00 a.m. to


SCREENING at Pulaski Senior Center on Mondays from

11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Sponsored by N.E.W. Rescue Service.

BENEFIT SPECIALIST, Mary Kay Norman from the Aging and Disability Resource Center of Brown County, Green Bay office, will be at the Pulaski Senior Center from 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on October 19. Do you have questions about benefits for seniors that she may help you with? Call Kitty at 822-8100 or Mary Kay at 448-4308.

FOOT CARE CLINIC at Pulaski Senior Center on Tues-days September 28 and October 12 (site to be determined) starting at 9:00 a.m. Call 822-8100 to set up an appointment. Cost: $17.00

SEWING SIMPLE QUILT TOPS at Pulaski Senior Center Fridays at 9:00 a.m.

Wii BOWLING at Pulaski Senior Center on Thursdays from 12:15 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. All ages welcome. Call 822-8100 for more information.

SIT & BE FIT CHAIR EX-ERCISES on Mondays and Thursdays at 10:30 a.m. at Pulaski Senior Center. Call 822-8100 for more information. All ages welcome. Sponsored by Prevea Health.

ZUMBA GOLD (chair exer-cise dancing) will be starting on Tuesday, October 5 at 10:30 a.m. at Pulaski Senior Center. Call 822-8100 for more information.

MEMORY GAMES on Tuesday, September 28 at 9:30 a.m. at Pulaski Senior Center.

SKYLITE PLAYERS & LUNCH at Pulaski Senior Center on Thursday, September 30. Lunch at 11:30 a.m. Skylite Players at 12:30 p.m. Cost: $4.50 which includes lunch.

PULASKI SENIOR CENTER WILL BE CLOSED FOR PAINTING the week of October 11-15. There will be no activities and no meals served at the Center that week. Meals on Wheels WILL BE DELIV-ERED that week.

HALLOWEEN PARTY at Pulaski Senior Center on Friday, October 29 at 11:30 a.m. Call for lunch reservation by October 26. Entertainment will be Tammy & Rollie. Cost: $4.50. Call 822-8100 for information.

PULASKI SENIOR CENTER MEALS FOR Sep-tember 24–October 8. Meals served at 11:30 a.m. Suggested donation of $3.50 per day. Meals are available for delivery to the homebound. Reservations re-quired by 11:00 a.m. of the previ-ous day.

Friday, September 24 --- Baked Chicken

Monday, September 27 — Pork Loin in Gravy

Tuesday, September 28 — Pizza Casserole

Wednesday, September 29 --- Tuna Alfredo

Thursday, September 30 — Open Face Shredded Beef Sand-wich

Friday, October 1 — Swedish Meatballs

Monday, October 4 — Baked Ham

Tuesday, October 5 --- Baked

ChickenWednesday, October 6 —

Salisbury Steak Thursday, October 7 ---

Turkey Alfredo Friday, October 8 --- Salmon


Thursday, September 23, 2010 - Pulaski News -Page 5

By Kalli Seglund and Jordan Stiede

Olivia Schmidt, a junior at Pulaski High School, was crowned Miss Pulaski Polka Days of 2010. To have such an honor, Schmidt was required to write four different essays. The essays were about what would make her a good candidate, what she would do in the community, why she wanted to be Miss Polka Days, and dancing the polka.

Since Schmidt was six, she attended Pulaski Polka Days and always admired the Miss Pulaski Polka Days of each year. In addi-tion, Schmidt loves to polka and enjoys all the different activities. After Schmidt was crowned Miss Pulaski Polka Days, she endured various responsibilities. The two most important of these are repre-senting the Pulaski community at different festivals and doing com-

Schmidt crowned Miss Pulaski Polka Days

Miss Pulaski Polka Days Olivia Schmidt stands with Miss Wiscon-sin Polka Boosters Melissa Argenzio at a recent event.

munity service. The weekend of September

11 and 12, Schmidt will be par-ticipating in a Polka Festival in Wisconsin Dells. While there, she will wear her crown and sash while talking to other people about Pulaski. Also, Schmidt will be participating in a dance com-petition by doing the polka in front of a large crowd. She will be judged according to the audi-ences’ level of applause.

Furthermore, Schmidt said, “The overall experience is so much fun, and I have the opportu-nity to meet a lot of new people.”

For any girls who are inter-ested in becoming Miss Pulaski Polka Days Schmidt said, “They should have a love for the polka.”

Schmidt would also like to give a special thank you to the local businesses and the Teen Hope Center for their support.

Derek Leidel of Maple Grove Countryside 4-H Club shows his Reserve Grand Champion Linebacker cow at the Shawano County Fair.

Morgan Denzer stands proudly with her purebred shorthorn heif-er, which was reserve overall and her mom Pam, dad Steve, and brother Gavin.

By Morgan Swiecichowski In July, FFA and 4-H members

from Pulaski excelled at the Out-agamie County Fair. They spent the whole spring and summer working hard to prepare their animals and projects for the fair.

Outagamie County Fair is great experience for all

“The fair really is a great op-portunity to show off your hard work from the previous months,” said Oakley Swiecichowski of the Crystal Star 4-H Club. Stu-dents that exhibited at the fair in-cluded David Coehorn; Morgan and Oakley Swiecichowski; J.D., Emily, and Sarah Hendzel; Gavin and Jalessa Henn, and Gavin and Morgan Denzer.

Morgan Denzer exhibited the Reserve Champion Breed-ing heifer this year and Oakley Swiecichowski exhibited the Reserve Overall Market Steer. Morgan Swiecichowski showed the reserve overall Brown Swiss. Overall the fair is such a great opportunity to learn about hard work and making lifelong friend-ships.

Melissa Zimdars, a 2004 grad-uate of PHS and daughter of Tom and Karla Zimdars, completed her Master of Arts in Media Studies at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee in August of 2010. Zimdars also attended the Uni-versity of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, and earned a Bachelor of Arts in both Journalism and Media Com-munication and Political Science. Zimdars has accepted a Teaching Assistantship at the University of Iowa in progress toward a Ph.D. in Communication Studies.

Zimdars completes Master of Arts

Melissa Zimdars

By Erika Lambert Chantel Streblow likes to do

demolition in her free time. Stre-blow is a 16-year-old girl, junior, at Pulaski High School. On Sep-tember 6, at 1 pm, Streblow entered into the Shawano Fair Demolition Derby race as number 99b1/2.

Streblow’s demolition car was an 83 Cadillac Deville, full size. Her demolition car was sponsored by Arrow Auto, Streblow After Hours, and Broadway Demo Team.

“I’ve been watching my dad do demolition derbies for a long time, and I have wanted to do what he did,” said Streblow.

Following that, Streblow said, “You need to be 16-years-old, and it cost about $35 to enter.”

Streblow has stated that she has 10 people on her demolition team.

“This will be my first year, and I’m super excited but nervous at the same time. Hopefully, from watching my dad for many years, it will help me out in the demoli-tion,” said Streblow.

Streblow was put in heat one out of five other heats.

“I had lost in heat one, because my gas peddle came off, and I

Demolition thrills Streblow

Chantel Streblow and her dad stand next to Chantel’s demoli-tion car called 99b1/2.

had to work my car with a throttle cable by pulling it. I ended up taking second in my constellation, and I did not make it to the next round,” said Streblow.

“In the end, I had a lot of fun. It was a ride of a lifetime, and I would love to continue to do de-molition in the future,” said Stre-blow.

Page - 6 Pulaski News -Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vandalism is a major concern in Pulaski

Chief Dunford stands with Brett Janssen and Jack Fitzgerald next to the squad car.

By Brett Janssen and Jack Fitzgerald

Since January 2010, there have already been 26 reported cases of vandalism or theft in Pulaski. Vandalism is not taken lightly, it can be taken to criminal court and you can be charged with a misdemeanor or even a felony. Although Fall Fest is right around the corner, tradition is no excuse to vandalize or cause havoc in the community.

Chief Randall Dunford the police chief of Pulaski said, “There is no leniency when it comes to vandalism, it can be a serious crime.” The fine for simple toilet papering is $431. The punishment only goes up from there; you could face felony charges if the damage is serious.

Chief Dunford strongly sug-gested using Crime Stoppers as prevention against these crimes. Crime Stoppers is a service that keeps witnesses anonymous and pays cash if they report a crime that is solved. You can call Crime Stoppers at 434-STOP (7867) or report crimes online at www.greenbayarea.crimestoppersweb.

Submitted by Chief of Police Randal Dunford

08/24/2010 7:00 am - Theft All Other - U.S. Post Office

Pulaski Postal Inspector re-ported that the padlock of the col-lection box beside Pulaski Post Office was believed to have been cut off and possibly mail gone through. Happened sometime between 8/21/10 and 8/23/10. This is the third incident of this type in past two weeks. Little Suamico and Shiocton report-ed lock missing and mail gone through from their collection box, which they believed happened the same night. No reports of missing mail reported as of this date.

08/26/20101:18 pm - Juvenile Problem - S. St. Augustine Street.

Ongoing juvenile problem with harassment and threats at address. Male party on scene arrested on Milwaukee Co. Warrant. Kyle J. Clark, 20, Oneida, was arrested and transported to Brown County Jail. All other parties were told to remain off the property or be cited for trespassing.

08/29/2010 10:31 pm - Do-mestic Violence Offense - W. Pulaski Street

Arrested Kenneth Forquer Age 35 from Pulaski for DVO.



Citizen’s Update

09/06/2010 4:43 am - Family Disturbance – Camelot Park-Domestic Violence. Arrested Timothy J. Hoppock, Age 50, from Pulaski and Zachary J. Hoppock, Age 28, from Gresham. Timothy was taken to Green Bay Hospital for injuries sustained in the altercation. Both subjects transported to Brown County Jail.

09/07/2010 4:11 pm - Animal Complaint – Crest Drive Report of large black bear sitting by corn field next to road on Crest Drive west of Mountain Bay Drive. Unable to locate the animal. Nu-merous sightings have been made of the bear in this same area of woods located behind McK-eefry’s.

An incident occurred Friday night during the home football game in which an individual, wearing a clown mask, jumped the fence and ran across the field naked. Our investigation into the incident lead to the arrest of a 17 year old rural Pulaski resident. The student cooperated with police giving a full statement into his actions and we are satisfied that he acted alone in the incident. Municipal citations for Disorder-ly Conduct and Lew & Lascivi-ous Behavior will be issued. The student also faces disciplinary action from the school.

com. Starting in October you can also text in crimes at the same number.

Mr. and Mrs. Jaworski are local victims of vandalism. Two lights were stolen along with two of their neighbor’s lights from their front yards. Also stolen were two expensive birdfeeders from a neighbor’s property. “I enjoy putting up decorations for each holiday, but after these thefts I do not know if it’s worthwhile due to the risk of them being destroyed,” said Mrs. Jaworski.

Prevention of vandalism is painless. Chief Dunford said “Many people that see vandalism in their neighborhood are afraid to report it because they second guess themselves and are afraid that they won’t remain anony-mous.” Simply keep your prop-erty secured or indoors. Interact often with your neighbors and be involved in neighborhood watch. Motion lights help significantly to catch possible vandals in the act. If you see anything suspi-cious don’t be afraid to report it to Crime Stoppers, or your local police station.

Subject stabbed by victim. Subject charged with Felony Sub-stantial Battery, Felony Physical Abuse to Child, Felony Intimida-tion of Witness, Felony False Im-prisonment.

08/31/2010 4:41 pm - Animal at Large – Crest Drive

Report of Black Bear on roadway near PHS property line, caller concerned about football team practice taking place.

Pulaski Police Department joins cause to protect childrenSubmitted by J.B. Van Hollen,

Attorney GeneralThe Pulaski Police Depart-

ment has joined the Wisconsin Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force.

“We are pleased to have you as a member of the Wisconsin ICAC Task Force and pledge our full support to you as we work togeth-er to make Wisconsin safer for our children,” said Wisconsin At-torney General J.B. Van Hollen.

As part of this affiliation, the Pulaski Police Department is eli-gible for:

Reimbursement to help fund ICAC related expenses, including computer hardware and software;

Notification of and priority for sought-after ICAC related train-ing, offered both nationally and in Wisconsin;

Investigative assistance from highly trained ICAC investigators and forensic computer analysts throughout the state;

Access to the national ICAC email group;

Recognition on both the Pulaski Police Department’s website, and on the Wisconsin Department of Justice website.

“Pulaski Police Depart-ment is committed to doing ev-erything we can to protect our children and seek out predators who desire to take advantage of them,” said Police Chief Randal Dunford. “We are grateful to be able to partner with the Wiscon-

sin Department of Justice and the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force to fight this growing problem. By law enforcement working together in this collab-orative effort, we will send a clear message that the internet is not a fishing well for sexual predators. We will do everything within our power to bring them to justice. By working together we will do a better job of educating our com-munity on the dangers of the in-ternet, as well as arrest those who use it to commit crimes against children.”

To learn more about the ICAC Task Force program at the Pulaski Police Department, contact Chief Dunford at (920) 822-4090.

This year marks the 11th an-niversary of the founding of the Wisconsin Department of Justice Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

“In the past decade, Wiscon-sin’s ICAC Task Force and Af-filiate Agencies have arrested 728 suspects, executed 1,017 search warrants, and rescued countless numbers of children throughout the state,” said Van Hollen.

According to Van Hollen, there are over 22,304 internet pro-tocol addresses in Wisconsin con-taining and offering to distribute known images of child pornog-raphy. One in seven children are asked online to engage in sexual activities, sexual talk, or provide

personal sexual information.Van Hollen has placed a pri-

ority on law enforcement’s pro-active response to the growing problem of internet crimes against children. To that end, Van Hollen has directed a 67 percent increase in the number of special agents assigned to the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force within the Division of Criminal Investigation.

In addition to expanding in-vestigative capacity internally, Van Hollen and the Department of Justice have continued to add additional local affiliates to the Wisconsin ICAC Task Force. The number of local law enforce-ment partners to the Department of Justice’s ICAC Task Force has increased by more than five times to 157 since Attorney General Van Hollen took office. You can access a list of affiliates at

“Let internet predators take note. Our commitment is unceas-ing. We will identify you, arrest you, and take you off the street; we will follow you to every area of the internet, no matter where you try to hide; and we will work together in law enforcement to stay one step ahead of you,” said Van Hollen.

For more information on how your community can become an affiliate of the Wisconsin ICAC Task Force, contact Michelle Dubois at (608) 266-1671.

School UpdatesThursday, September 23, 2010

“The best and fastest way to learn a sport is to watch and imitate a champion.”

~Jean-Claude Killy

Page 7

By Heather PautzOver the summer, the Pulaski

School District has made numerous repairs to the different

schools, including fixing the roofs and patching up the parking

lots. The Pulaski School District

has also improved their technol-ogy by adding digital projectors and Smartboards: interactive whiteboards, in classrooms.

The High School juniors will be using laptop computers to par-ticipate in a new English class.

Pulaski Community Schools get a fresh look

Donsia Strong Hill has been se-lected to fill out the term vacated by the resignation of Dr. William Hynes on the Pulaski Community School District Board of Educa-tion. Dr. Hynes has assumed the Presidency of Holy Names Uni-versity in Oakland, California.

Strong Hill has been very active in the Pulaski Community School District. She has served as a member of the school district’s Excellence Task Force, along with being a very involved parent at Lannoye, Hillcrest, and Pulaski Community Middle School.

A practicing attorney, Strong Hill has served in Governor Doyle’s cabinet as Secretary of the Wisconsin Department of Regulation and Licensing. She was also a White House policy analyst for the Clinton Adminis-tration.

Her family, husband Rick, and sons Sage and Dakota, live in Oneida.

The school board term she is filling will end in April 2011.

Donsia Strong Hill selected to serve on school board

By Sara Brown and Isabel Thyne

Golden Apple Award winner Katie Titler received six cell phones from the local Cellcom business.

This generous donation was made because Cellcom contacted Titler after viewing the Golden Apple Awards in order to help in the classroom in any possible way.

“My classes will use them for

Cellcom reaches out to foreign language education

accessing, speaking, texting ac-tivities, and other various activi-ties in the classroom. In addition, we will use them for web 2.0 programs and homework assign-ments,” said Titler.

According to Titler, these cell phones allow every student to par-ticipate in the same way, which is more engaging.

I am very thankful for Cellcom donating the cell phones to support and benefit the classroom in the 21st century,” said Titler.

Students in Pulaski High School enjoy using cell phones for a series of World Languages Learner activities.

The children of Assumption B.V.M. Catholic School were greet-ed with a new statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary when they returned to school on September 1. Fr. Patrick Gawrylewski, O.F.M., priest of Assumption B.V.M. and St. Stanislaus Parishes, and Deacon Dennis Majewski dedicated and blessed the stat-ue for the students. Thanks go out to all the students, their fami-lies, and many parishioners who helped us fund this project by collecting nearly 80,000 box tops and milk caps. The children were very surprised that the nickels and dimes they collected through their box tops and milk caps really do add up.

Band students are having fun at Friday night’s football game.

Sporting events available on television

By Eman Jazayeri, Cody Klaus, Mike Kuss, and Brett

RadeckiStudents in Randy Fondow’s

video production class tape home contests for football, volleyball, and soccer games.

“We started teaching video production in class in 1988 and it blossomed into a different type of project,” said Fondow.

Students really enjoy taping the sporting events during school and after hours.

Some kids are not involved in sports, so they work with the equipment. The technol-ogy doesn’t always work, so the kids work together and problem solve,” said Fondow.

The videos of the games are running on digital channel 2 or on analog channel 46. The games are rotated every two days and will play at 3 a.m., 9:45 a.m., 4:30 p.m., and 11:15 p.m.

Fondow explained why stu-dents tape the various sport-ing events, “people wanted to see highlights, and some elders cannot get to sporting events.”

Students inspired Fondow to start taping sporting events and the program has since grown to:

“seven camera people for the first semester and may get even larger,” said Fondow.

Randy Fondow stands next to the camera his students use to film the sporting events.

Page - 8 Pulaski News -Thursday, September 23, 2010

By Brooke Lauritzen and Samantha Brabender The second grade class attend-

ing Assumption B.V.M. School is taught by Rose Wenzel. The stu-dents enjoy playing games within the Super Reader Estimating Me Bag. This helps them to learn about their greater than and less than mathematical signs. In this big bag, an estimation jar and a three clues game are found. Every Thursday one student is chosen to bring home the jar and put some-thing besides food in it. They have to know the exact amount so the rest of the students can esti-mate how much is in there when the jar is returned. Amelia Lara says, “It’s exciting and I can’t wait until Derek brings in the jar next week!”

2nd grade participates inactivities at Assumption B.V.M.

The other game the second graders played was called Three Clues. Wenzel says three clues to her students about objects found in the classroom, and they have to guess what it is. For example Wenzel said, “I use it when I make mistakes, it comes in a bottle, and I can pour it. What is it?” All of the students thought for awhile and their hands shot up. It is White Out of course!

After the Super Reader Es-timating Me Bag, Wenzel read Froggy Rides a Bike to her second graders. According to Lara, the Froggy book was her favorite part.

The second graders at As-sumption B.V.M. are also study-ing plants in science and write various things in their science journals.

Second graders use their white boards to estimate the quantity in the jar.

By Graham Severson Pulaski Community Schools

have made recycling simpler by uniting with Waste Management and Przybylski Waste Services to create a new recycling system called “Single Sort recycling.” The new recycling system will allow recyclables like papers, plastics, and aluminums to go in a single container together for recycling. This method of recy-cling is dependant on the staff, students, and guests within the Pulaski schools and, if successful, will decrease waste and aid in the effort for a more environmentally friendly world.

The acceptable recyclables for Single Sort Recycling bins include the following: most glass containers, most plastic contain-ers, empty square paint contain-ers, cosmetic bottles, boxes, most papers, aluminum cans, metal cans, jars, milk jugs, and more. Some things that can not go in the bins are plastic bags, tissue paper, window glass, pesticides, bat-teries, phones, pans, Styrofoam containers, flower pots, drinking glasses, light bulbs, food, yogurt containers, or waste soiled with food or liquid. Food or food-soiled waste put into the Single Sort recycling bins will cost the Pulaski Community Schools hundreds of dollars. The bottles labeled 3 and 7 are not allowed in the bins. Although these bottles make up a small amount of all plastic containers, if you do not know what bottle you have, see if the container has a threaded neck, which is okay to recycle in the Single Sort bin.

The Pulaski Community School District is making strides to create more environmentally friendly schools. Single Sort Re-cycling is a great step to reach that goal but requires teamwork and effort from all people associ-ated to make it work. Take pride in your community and school by making an effort to recycle re-sponsibly.

Pulaski schools implementnew recycling service to save money

Alex Hu, a Raider Crew member, enjoys the freshman tailgate party on September 10.

By Sam Schwartz and Katrina Katers

On September 10, the Pulaski Red Raider Crew held a tailgate for all current freshmen before the Pulaski football team took the field against the Bay Port Pirates. The Red Raider Crew is a leader-ship organization primarily to aid freshman in making the transition from middle school to high school a smooth and easy process. This tailgate provided a fun and excit-

ing atmosphere for freshmen to hang out and eat before the big game.

Freshman Ashley Stazsak said, “The tailgate was fun because it gave me a chance to get pumped up before the game with all of my friends!”

Freshman Brian Fitzgerald added, “I had a great time at the tailgate, I had tons of food and hung out with my friends. What more could I want?”

Red Raider Crew holds tailgate

On Friday night, September 10, 2010, a concert was held at Glenbrook on the playground. Dave Landau entertained chil-dren, parents and staff . The Glenbrook PTO was responsible for bringing Landau to Pulaski. The students shown in the photo were actively participating and having fun.

Thursday, September 23, 2010 - Pulaski News -Page 9

Branden Rosner gives Pulaski High School metals teacher Tom Glinski a welding helmet, one of the four helmets donated in the memory of Brent Rosner by the Rosner Family.

Rosners donate helmets


MILK PROGRAMThis is the public release that we will send to: Pulaski News, Green Bay Press Gazette, Oconto County Times Herald, Shawano Evening Leader

sent on August 8th, 2010


The Pulaski Community School District today announced its policy for children unable to pay the full price of meals served under the National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program or milk for served under the Wisconsin School

Day Milk Program. Each school office and the central office has a copy of the policy, which may be reviewed by any interested party.

The following household size and income criteria will be used for determining eligibility. Children from families whose annual income is at or below the levels shown are eligible for free and reduced price meals, or free milk if a split-session

student does not have access to the school lunch or breakfast service.

FAMILY SIZE INCOME SCALE For Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals or Milk


Family (Household) Size

FreeMust be at or

below figure listed

Reduced PriceMust be at or between

figures listed

FreeMust be at or

below figure listed

Reduced PriceMust be at or between

figures listed

1 $14,079 $ 14,079.01 and $20,036 $ 1,174 $ 1,174.01 and $1,670

2 18,941 18,941.01 and 26,955 1,579 1,579.01 and 2,247

3 23,803 23,803.01 and 33,874 1,984 1,984.01 and 2,823

4 28,665 28,665.01 and 40,793 2,389 2,389.01 and 3,400

5 33,527 33,527.01 and 47,712 2,794 2,794.01 and 3,976

6 38,389 38,389.01 and 54,631 3,200 3,200.01 and 4,553

7 43,251 43,251.01 and 61,550 3,605 3,605.01 and 5,130

8 48,113 48,113.01 and 68,469 4,010 4,010.01 and 5,706

For each additional household member,


+ 4,862

+ 4,862 and 6,919

+ 406

+ 406 and + 577

Application forms are being sent to all homes with a notice to parents or guardians. To apply for free or reduced price meals or free milk, households must fill out the application and return it to the school. Additional copies are available at the principal’s office in each school. The information provided on the application will be used for the purpose of determining eligibility and may be verified at any time during the school year by school or other program officials. Applications may be submitted at any time during the year.To obtain free or reduced price meals or free milk for children for whom households receive FoodShare FDPIR, or Wisconsin Works (W-2) cash benefits, an adult member needs only to list the names of the school children, give FoodShare, FDPIR or W-2 case number for each child, sign his/her name and return the application to the school office. For the school officials to determine eligibility for free or reduced price meals or free milk of households not receiving FoodShare, FDPIR or W-2, the household must provide the following information requested on the application: names of all household members, and the social secu-rity number of the adult household member who signs the application. In lieu of a social security number, the household may indicate that the signer does not possess a social security number. Also, the income received by each household member must be provided by amount and source (wages, welfare, child support, etc.). Under the provisions of the free and reduced price meal and free milk policy, Kris Reed, Food Service Asst./Wellness Coordinator will review applications and determine eligibility. If a parent or guardian is dissatisfied with the ruling of the official, he/she may wish to discuss the deci-sion with the determining official on an informal basis. If the parent/guardian wishes to make a formal appeal, he/she may make a request either orally or in writing to: Pamela Kercheval, Director of Business Services, 143 W Green Bay St, Pulaski, WI,54162, 920-822-6010 if a hearing is needed to appeal the decision, the policy contains an outline of the hearing procedure.If a household member becomes unemployed or if the household size changes, the family should contact the school. Such changes may make the household eligible for reduced price meals or free meals or free milk if the household income falls at or below the levels shown above, and they may reapply at that time.In certain cases foster children are also eligible for these benefits. If a household has foster children living with them and wishes to apply for free or reduced price meals, the household should complete an application for a family of one or contact the school for more information.The information provided by the household on the application is confidential. Public Law 103-448 does authorize the release of student free and reduced price school meal eligibility status to persons directly connected with the administration and enforcement of federal or state educational programs.In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint of discrimination write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Any questions regarding the application should be directed to the determining official.

By Cassie Zahn Every year, high school stu-

dents all over the country par-ticipate in standardized testing such as the ACT. For some, it is a daunting task that requires hours of studying and prep work. For others, it is simply one Saturday morning that they have to spend in a desk. Despite the different views students have on how to go about preparing for the ACT, there is always high competition to receive commendable scores.

This year, Pulaski students produced scores that would make commendable sound like an un-derstatement. Overall, Pulaski had an average composite score of 24.0. The averages for the four sub scores were as follows: Reading: 24.0; English: 23.0; Math: 24.9; and Science: 23.6. These scores were comparatively higher than many high schools across the state and the highest scores in the FRCC conference. Pulaski ranked third out of forty schools in our area, finishing behind Kohler and Gibraltar who had composite scores of 24.8 and 24.1, respectively. Out of the 74 high schools in Wisconsin that have an enrollment of 1200 or more, Pulaski came in 10th place for its average composite score. The schools in our area that were close to this rank were De Pere in 14th place, Green Bay South-west in 20th place, and Bay Port in 26th place. Out of all 462 public high schools in Wisconsin, Pulaski ranked 23rd.

“This score is the result of the dedication and hard work of our educators in our elemen-tary, middle, and high schools. Congratulations to all our educa-tors for the outstanding achieve-ment by our students!” said Dr. Mel Lightner, Superintendent of Schools.

Along with the hard work of the students and teachers, Pulaski can also attribute its high ACT scores to offering more AP and college credit courses, and conducting ACT Prep classes. Pulaski surpassed its average composite score for 2009, which was 23.8, and the school hopes for even better results next year.

Dr. Mel Lightner responded, “Let’s keep going upward!”

Pulaski ACT scores rank high in state

By Kyle Renel and Dallas Rank

On June 6, a great friend, student, co-worker, and good person, Brent Rosner, was lost. Brent had just started his dream job welding at J.R.’s welding in Pulaski. One of Brent’s favorite things to do was weld, so this was the perfect job for him.

When Brent passed away, many students and teachers were very heartbroken. Brent’s family decide to give back to the school and donated four new auto-dark-ening welding helmets for the metals classes at Pulaski.

Brent’s dad, Jeff Rosner, said, “It was nice to give back to the school because of all the support the community gave us, and the Leo Club helping out at the funeral was a huge help to us.”

Brent’s twin brother, Branden Rosner, was all for giving the helmets to the school for students to use for the class.

Branden said, “The helmets will be a good thing to keep the memory of him in the school for

something he loved to do.” Tom Glinski had money saved

out of the budget for new welding helmets for this school year, but since they had four new ones donated, it saved the school a lot of money because they are not cheap.

Tom said, “I liked having Brent in class, he was a jokester but worked very hard at what he did and loved it.”

Even though we all lost a very good friend he will still be re-

To advertise in the Pulaski News Call (920) 822-6800

membered in the community for the great things he did.

Sports Thursday, September 23, 2010

“The best and fastest way to learn a sport is to watch and imitate a champion.”

~Jean-Claude Killy

Page 10

The Pulaski Boys Soccer team defeated Sheboygan South in FRCC action on August 30 at Sheboygan. With a team total of 15 shots on goal, Ryan Gerhartz and Ryan Bartels both scored goals. Keeper Logan Vandehouten made two saves for the shut out.

Boys soccer defeats Sheboygan South

By Laura Szela The Pulaski Red Raiders took

on the De Pere Redbirds on Sep-tember 2nd. The Raiders gave their best effort but fell short to the Redbirds in three games. The scores of the games were 25-5, 25-20, and 25-15. The Raiders look forward to their next game as they continue to improve, and they thank the community for showing their support!

Raiders fall short to Redbirds

By Brooke Lauritzen On September 2, the Pulaski swimming/diving team traveled to

Green Bay Southwest/West and came home with a 128-42 victory. Pulaski smashed their opponent in every individual event. The indi-vidual winners include Katelyn DeStarkey, Stephanie Paape, Kelsie Dorn, Paige Steide, Amanda Laird, and members of the 200 Medley Relay, 200 Free Relay, and 400 Relay. Good job swim team!

Girls swim to victorySwim Team: Pulaski’s swim team aggressively competes against Green Bay South West.

The Hofa Park Panthers ended their season on August 15 with an 11-1 loss to the Bonduel Broncos in the Northern Division cham-pionship game in Bonduel. The Panthers advanced to the cham-pionship game by defeating the Shawano Lobos in Hofa Park the Sunday before by a score of 7-0.

Hofa Park defeated the Lobos behind one hit shut-out pitching by Jeff Luedke, who struck out 12 and walked one batter and hit another. The Panthers scored one run in the second inning on an RBI single by Jaryd Callen-der. They added two more runs in the third on a two run double by Jon Rupno, which scored John Jarosinski and Tyler Jacob-son, who had each drawn a walk

in the inning. Two more runs were added in the fifth inning on RBI singles by Jacobson and Jeff Lajeunesse, and in the seventh inning on a single by Matt Zittlow and an RBI fly ball by Rupno. Rupno and Jacobson each had two hits on the day.

The Panthers traveled to Cecil on August 11, to take on the Mudhens in an exhibition game and came away with a 7-1 victory. The Panthers scored 6 runs in the third inning; Dylan Hunkins lead off with a walk and with one out Matt Zittlow, Tyler Jacobson, and Jeff Lajeunesse hit consecutive singles. Braidon Hunkins was hit by a pitch and Ryan Rozmiarek walked, Jaryd Callender followed with a 2 RBI single followed by

Hofa Park ends season

Spencer Lawniczak’s RBI single to end the scoring in the inning. Hofa Park added a single run in the fourth on a single by Braidon Hunkins. Tyler Jacobson pitched the Panthers to victory throwing 4 innings, allowing 2 hits while striking out 3.

The final game of the year started out looking promising for Hofa Park when they scored a run in the top of the first inning against the Bonduel Broncos. Ja-cobson doubled with one out and later scored on a single by Lajeu-nesse but that was all the scoring the Panthers could come up with in the 11-1 loss. Jeff Luedke took the loss throwing two 2/3 innings, allowing seven runs on eight hits while walking one and striking out two. The Panthers managed seven hits in the contest with Lajeunesse the only player with two.

The season ended with the Panthers having a 14 win and 9 loss season overall. They were eight and six in league play. Jeff Luedke pitched the most innings on the year tallying 59. He lead the team with a 6-1 record and had a ERA of 1.37, he struck out 58 batters while walking 13 and allowing 44 hits and 9 earned runs. Dave Landers was second in innings pitched with 39 2/3. He struck out 32 hitters while walking 11 and allowing 34 hits and 8 earned runs. He finished the season with an ERA of 1.82 in seven games. Tyler Jacobson fin-ished the year with a 2-1 record. He threw 35 2/3 innings, struck out 34 while walking 17 and al-lowing 18 hits and 4 earned runs. His ERA was 1.01 in nine overall games. Finally, Matt Zittlow fin-ished with a 3-0 season throw-ing 24 2/3 innings, striking out 30 while walking 9 and allowing 10 hits and 0 earned runs in 10 appearances. Leading the team in hitting was Tyler Jacobson who had 30 hits on the year for a batting average of .411, he also lead the team in doubles with 3, stolen bases with 5, and walks with 11. Second on the team in batting average was Matt Zittlow who had 24 hits and an average of .372, he also walked 11 times and stole 4 bases.

The Hofa Park Panthers would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our fans who fol-lowed us throughout the season and all of our sponsors who make our season possible.

By Luke Zablocki, Skyler Adamski, and Josh Sendra All players on the Pulaski

Red Raider Varsity Football Team know the tradition known as the “Sketty Dinner.” Head coach Dennis Bogacz has used the “Sketty Dinner” as a way for his team to bond. Parents of the players help provide the spaghetti

Spaghetti dinners a traditionand the desserts for the team.

“Last year during one of the ‘Sketty dinners,’ coach had us all sing a song to the team. It was a fun experience to hear my team-mates sing,” said senior lineback-er Ben Thiem. Although they have yet to sing, they hope to do it again this year.

Football players: Members of the Pulaski Red Raider Football Team enjoy spaghetti made by their supportive parents at one of the team spaghetti dinners.

Football team not playing to potential

By Nevada Skenandore The Pulaski Red Raider foot-

ball team took on Sheboygan South in a conference showdown on September 3. The team was looking to advance to being 2-0, but came short losing a tough one 34-17. They played well but were outplayed by the Redwings as they took advantage of their passing game, putting up four touchdowns through the air. The Raiders offense put up 17 points with touchdowns on the ground by Derek Anderson and Jared Skinkis. Shane Reinhard also

contributed making a 33-yard field goal.

“The team played well, but just not up to its potential. We had too many turnovers and overall just didn’t bring it,” said senior-captain Race Noeldner.

The Red Raiders will take on Bay Port in a conference game on Friday, September 10. The Raid-er-Pirate game is a fan favorite as it is one of the biggest rivalries in the conference, and the Red Raiders look to pull out a big win making them 2-1(1-1).

Andrew Adamski (#64), is about to snap the football to quarter-back Race Noeldner during the recent Pulaski – BayPort game.

Pulaski Seniors cheer on the Pulaski football team at the sta-dium.

Thursday, September 23, 2010 - Pulaski News -Page 11

By Jake PelegrinAt the Green Bay Southwest

Invite on September 9, the Pulaski Boys Varsity Cross Country team took 11th. Dustin Koep-sell of Pulaski had an excellent race individually, taking eighth in the varsity race with a time of 16:43. The girls varsity team took 15th. There was great weather at Colburn Park, the race site, which assisted all participating athletes. Most of the other teams partici-pating in the event are in the same conference as Pulaski, so it was a great opportunity for the Pulaski team to get to know their compe-tition.

Pulaski cross country competes By Jake Pelegrin

On September 9, the Pulaski Girls Tennis Team defeated Bay Port 6-1. Pulaski won all four singles matches. Number one Laura Schott won 6-2, 6-7 (5), 6-4. Number two Natalie Kaiser won 6-3, 6-0. Number three Marissa Bieda won 6-2, 7-6 (4), and Number four Annie Gjerde won 6-3, 1-6, 6-4. Number one doubles, Daisee Francour-Kaira Kamke, lost 3-6, 5-7. Number two doubles, Krista Neerdaels- Grace Kaiser, won 6-2, 7-5. Number three doubles, Taylor Saari-Ma-ran Collett, won 6-1, 6-4. Overall, it was an excellent win over Pu-laski’s rival.

Girls tennis defeats Bay Port

By Heather PautzThe Pulaski Girls Golf team

competed on August 31 at the Crystal Springs Golf Course, where they completed the day with a score of 219. The girls had a great time playing.

Girls golf compete

The volleyball program raised money for the Pulaski Food Pantry as part of their community night on August 31. They held a bean bag toss, with the winner claiming half of the pot. Cindy Egnarski was the winner and donated her portion back to the Pulaski Food Pantry.

Volleyball gives to community

The Pulaski Varsity Volleyball Team stands with Deb Schneider as they hand her a check donation to the pantry.


9/24Green Bay East

Home7:00 pm


Away7:00 pm

10/08Notre Dame De

La Baie AcadamyAway

7:00 pm

10/15De PereHome

7:00 pm

10/21Green Bay West

Home7:00 pm


9/23Sheboygan South

Away7:00 pm



7:00 pm

9/30Bay Port

Home7:00 pm

10/05Sheboygan North

Away7:00 pm

Varsity Sports Schedule 10/07

Green Bay WestHome

7:00 pm

10/12Notre Dame De La

Baie Academy Home

7:00 pm

10/14Green Bay Southwest

Away7:00 pm


9/23Green Bay Preble

Home6:30 pm

9/28Sheboygan north

Away6:30 pm

9/30De PereHome

6:30 pm


Away11:00 am

10/05 Lincoln (Mani-


6:30 pm

10/07Green Bay West

Away6:30 pm



Home4:30 pm

9/28Sheboygan North

Away5:30 pm

9/30 Ashwaubenon

Away5:30 pm

10/02Pulaski Diving Invite

Home10:00 am

10/07Sheboygan South


10/14Bay Port

Away6:30 pm

10/19@ De Pere with

Green Bay PrebleAway

6:30 pm

10/23Neenah Diving Invite

Away10:00 am

10/28Conference Diving

Meet @ Green Bay Southwest


10/29Conference Meet @

Green Bay SouthwestAway

5:00 pm


9/23FRCC Conference

Tier Play Rd. 2Away TBA


Conference Tournament AwayTBA


Conference Tournament AwayTBA


9/25Hortonville Invite


9/30Red Raider Invite

Home4:00 pm

10/07FRCC Conference

West Div. @ Bay PortAway

4:00 pm

10/15FRCC Conference Meet

Away3:30 pm

By Samantha BrabenderThe Pulaski Red Raider

Varsity Boys soccer team came up with another win on Septem-ber 2 against Waupaca. On the road, they defeated Waupaca with a 1-0 score for the non conference win. Ryan Gerhartz, assisted by Alex Mijal, scored in the second half, and the Pulaski keeper kept the shutout. The Pulaski JV team also defeated Waupaca 6-1.

Overall, the varsity boys have scored 34 goals and have only given up three goals this season, giving them a 9-1 record.

Boys soccer victorious

Practice: Pulaski Soccer Team members practice before their big game against Waupaca

By Nevada Skenandore On September 10, the foot-

ball team took on the Bay Port Pirates at home in one of the biggest rivalries of the season. The anticipation for this game is always huge. Pulaski started off strong putting up a touchdown on their first drive with a 32-yard pass from Race Noeldner to Brett Smith. The atmosphere was insane as it looked good for the Red Raiders early. Bay Port then utilized its running game putting up 21 unanswered points.

“Going into halftime down 7-21, we knew we would have

Red Raider Football going through a rough patch

to respond fast. We went through our game plan for the second half and had high hopes.” said Shane Reinhard.

It looked good as Pulaski put up another seven points with a seven-yard run from Noeldner, but from there it just went down-hill for the Raiders letting up 20 more points. Pulaski’s second team offense put up 7 points with a run by Zach Wech but in the end, fell to the Pirates 41-21.

Next week the Red Raiders take on Green Bay Southwest and must respond to a slow start if they look to contend for playoffs.

By Jessika ZegersThe Pulaski Girls Golf Team

competed in the 32nd annual Sheboygan Invite on September 20. 17 teams competed in this 18 hole event. Pulaski golfer Kaitlyn Hilliard shot one of her best scores of a 93 fallowed by her teammates; Jessika Zegers shoot-ing a 100, Alexis Decaster with a 111, Courtney Dettman shooting a 113, and Shannon LaDow with a 125. All five ladies had many beautiful shots and played very well to reach their goal of where they wanted to finish. They fin-ished in front of their closest com-petitor, Bay Port, by 2 strokes.

Pulaski Girls Golf team competes at invite

Page - 12 Pulaski News -Thursday, September 23, 2010

Red Raider defense takes

on the Bay Port


By Samantha Brabender There was yet another victory

for the Pulaski Boys Varsity Soccer team on September 9. The turf at Notre Dame was no match for the Pulaski boys who won 2-1. Ryan Gerhartz scored for the Red Raiders, while Drew Smith sunk the winning goal with eight minutes left in the game. Keeper Logan Vandenhouten had 15 great saves for the win. The Raiders’ record is now 10-1.

Boys soccer wins big

By Laura Szela The Pulaski volleyball team

traveled to Green Bay East on September 9. The girls went into five games, losing the first (25-23) winning the second (17-25), losing the third (25-23), winning the fourth (18-25), and losing the fifth (15-10), which named the Red Devils the match winners. The Raiders continue to work hard and are looking forward to their upcoming games.

Raiders fall short to Red Devils

BusinessThursday, September 23, 2010

“To open a shop is easy, to keep it open is an art”

~ Chinese Proverbs

Page 13

To advertise call 920-822-6800

The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE), the world’s largest anti-fraud orga-nization and leading provider of anti-fraud training and education, is pleased to award Keith Baker, Pulaski, the globally-preferred Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) credential. In order to become a CFE, Baker has met a stringent set of criteria and passed a rig-orous exam administered by the ACFE.

Baker has successfully met the ACFE’s character, experience, and education requirements for the CFE credential, and has dem-onstrated knowledge in four areas critical to the fight against fraud: Fraudulent Financial Transac-tions, Criminology & Ethics, Legal Elements of Fraud, and Fraud Investigation.

Baker joins the ranks of busi-

Baker earns CFE Credentialness and government professionals worldwide who have also earned the CFE certification. Baker is cur-rently a CPA and financial analyst for Civil Air Patrol headquartered at Maxwell Air Force Base in Montgomery, Alabama.

CFEs have the ability to examine data and records to detect and trace fraudulent trans-actions, interview suspects to obtain information and confes-sions, write investigation reports, advise clients as to their findings and testify at trial, be well-versed in the law as it relates to fraud and fraud investigations, and under-stand the underlying factors that motivate individuals to commit fraud. Certified Fraud Examiners (CFE’s) on six continents have in-vestigated more than one million suspected cases of civil and crimi-nal fraud.

Dynamic Designs is pleased to announce a new donation policy aimed to help local non-profit or-ganizations.

Each month Dynamic Designs will choose one non-profit organi-zation of focus. On Wednesdays during that particular month, five percent of showroom sales will be donated to that organization. Pref-erence will be given to organiza-tions that reciprocates business with Dynamic Designs.

“It’s a great opportunity for our local economy. We receive so many requests for donations, we just thought this policy would enable us to donate more for the organizations that do business locally.” Said Tammy Brzecz-kowski, co-owner of Dynamic Designs. The first organization that will be featured in October is the Knights of Columbus.

If you would like your group or organizations to be considered for the monthly donation, e-mail dynamic or call (920)822-4450. For more information check out the website at, under the DD universe, community section.

Dynamic Designs plan to help non-profits

Knights of Columbus first to be featured

By Lori Stephan, Country Pride Realty, Inc.

Just as we move winter cloth-ing back into closets in prepara-tion for cold weather, so should we prepare our homes to with-stand winter’s frosty bite.

Here’s a list of household items to check and tasks to do before the temperatures drop and the snow flies.

Doors. Two steps to stop gusty cold drafts. First, check to see if exterior doors close tightly: Do they sag? Do they rub their door frames? Are latch plates or hinges loose? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, spend some sweat equity to straighten the way your doors hang. Second, weather-strip, particularly if your built-in door weather stripping is worn out If you can’t find exact replacements, spring plastic strips, V-strips, or tubular gaskets make good alternatives.

Windows. While Jack Frost’s handiwork makes a lovely window scene, it’s a sure sign of trouble for your heating bill. Prevent frost from showing up at your windows this winter by stop-ping air leaks now.

Remove debris from window wells and add storm windows if you have them. Weather-strip and caulk older windows between window frames and along frame edges. If your windows are fairly new, simply caulk your frames. Even if you have storm windows, you should weatherstrip interior windows to prevent condensation.

In addition, consider adding clear plastic sheeting to the inside of older windows. Available in kits and easy to use, plastic sheets

Preparing home for winterstop cold air leaks--and may reduce your heating bills.

Roof and gutters. Don’t allow leaves and twigs to clutter your gutters, downspouts, and leaf strainers. When you rake your yard, be sure to take the extra time to clean these out.

And while you’re outside, you may want to check storm drains for debris.

Water pipes. Frozen or burst pipes are among a homeowner’s worst nightmares. Protect pipes in unheated areas from freezing by adding insulation, which reduces heat loss from hot-water pipes and condensation on cold water pipes.

Insulation can be as basic, and as inexpensive, as newspa-per bundled around the pipes and tied with string. But it’s better to wrap pipes with insulating tape or to encase pipes with preformed plastic foam. While tape tends to be less expensive than plastic foam, it’s more time-consum-ing to apply. Two other options include standard blanket insula-tion wrapped with duct tape or an insulating liquid, which can be messy.

If you’re extremely concerned that a particular pipe will freeze, wrap it with an electric heat cable, which prevents freezing even with icy temperatures of 20 degrees or more below zero. This option uses a good deal of elec-tricity and can be costly.

Fireplace. Before winter has you reaching for some seasoned logs, hire a chimney sweep to inspect your chimney flue and clean it if necessary. Make sure the flue’s seal is good--a drafty chimney is a wintertime no-no.

Heating system. Don’t let tem-peratures plunge before a profes-sional heating contractor inspects your oil-burning unit, heat pump, or radiator (annually) or your gas-fired or electric furnace (every two to three years). In addition, ask the inspector how you can best maintain your system year-round.

Water heater. Just because your water heater seems to work fine now doesn’t mean you should put off an annual inspection. Fall is a perfect time to have your tank’s pressure and temperature relief valve inspected.

For all your real estate needs Call Lori Stephan at (920)822-4663 or email

Lori Stephan

Births and Deaths Thursday, September 23, 2010 Page 14

“To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone.”

~Reba McEntire

Daniel V. Przbylski Przybylski, 82, Pulaski died

peacefully morning, September 6, 2010, at a Green Bay hos-pital following a short illness. The son of the late John and Helen (Pytel) was born Sep-tember 16, 1927, in the Town of Angelica and farmed in the Town of Chase most of his life. As a young man he worked for Chicago and Northwestern Railroad. He also built silos and installed silo unloaders and barn cleaners. He also sold seed for many years. In his heyday, Danny belonged to several area dance

Ullmer, Elizabeth “Betty”

Elizabeth J. Ullmer, 85, Pulaski, passed away peacefully with family at her side on Sep-tember 7, 2010. Betty, as she was lovingly known, was born to

William Sr. and Hazel Vollmar on March 26, 1925, in Green Bay.

On October 24, 1944, she married her sweetheart, Ronald G. Ullmer, at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church in Howard. To-gether they lived a faith-filled life, raising their six wonderful chil-dren. As pillars of the commu-nity, the couple balanced family and service, always going above and beyond to help grow their community and church.

A grandmother to twenty-three and a great-grandmother to another fifty-three, she was always surrounded by those she loved most, her family. While always humble and avoiding the spotlight, Betty was the shining light who guided her family.

As devoted members of As-sumption B.V.M. Church in Pulaski, Betty and Ron could often be found supporting their parish community. From church auctions to the produce stand, Christian Mothers (now Council of Catholic Women) to Sunday Mass, Betty offered her time and talents in any way she could. She was also a member of the Ameri-can Legion Auxiliary, Unit #337, Pulaski.

An avid baker, Betty could always be found busy in the kitchen. From her chocolate cup-cakes, well… anything chocolate, to her butterscotch torte, Betty always had a delicious snack on hand for her grandchildren. It is well known in her family that a party just wasn’t a party unless Grandma Betty’s potato chip dip and butterscotch torte were on hand!

Betty loved to knit and passed on her talent to several of her grandchildren. Each winter she was ready to clothe the little ones in scarves and mittens. In her later years, she attempted to make each great-granddaughter a little hat, which they will always trea-sure.

From 1963, when Ron and Betty open their first grocery store in Howard, to her final days as a proud customer, Betty took great pride in what she and Ron had ac-complished and the legacy that they left for their family. From the days when Betty ran the cash register while still making sure that supper was on the table and homework was completed, to the day she became our angel in heaven, she wore many hats. She certainly put the “Super” in Super Ron’s!

Survivors include her chil-dren, Kristine (Francis) Ullmer, John Ullmer, Charles Ullmer, David Ullmer, and Virginia (Larry) Westenberg; her grand-children, Paul (Kathy) Ullmer, Lisa (Greg) Stachura, Mark



July 16, 2010Binon, Tara (Baranczyk) and

Adam Camarillo, California, daughter

September 7, 2010Mikulsky, Melissa and Adam

Pulaski, daughter

September 3, 2010Schlise, Amy and Nick

Abrams, son

Clonkey, RobinRobin J. Clonkey, 57, Pulaski,

died September 10, 2010, at his home. The son of the late Lionel and Marjorie (Stamper) Clonkey was born January 15, 1953, in Portland, Oregon. He moved to Pulaski in the early 1990s. Robin had been employed at Carver Yachts in Pulaski.

Survivors include a son, Justin (Joy) Clonkey, Pulaski; a step-daughter, Leah Nelson, Fred-eric, Wisconsin; a daughter-in-law, Gwen Cheny, Arizona; two granddaughters, Acasia Clonkey and Isadora Nelson, and a grand-son, Gabriel Clonkey; two broth-ers, Rick and Ray, and one sister, Rita. He was preceded in death by one son, Seth Clonkey; his parents; two brothers, Dale and Randy, and one sister, Virginia.

September 13, 2010DeNoble, Stein, Alexa and Chris

Green Bay, daughterSeptember 13, 2010Tessmer, Tanya and

Rybicki, BradGreen Bay, daughter

September 11, 2010McGillivray, Erin and Lewis, Alik

Pulaski, daughter

September 10, 2010Sheedy, Tanya and Brian

Pulaski, daughterSeptember 10, 2010

Yurek, Amber and Mills, BryanPulaski, son

September 12, 2010 Jason and Jill Wesenberg,

Bonduel, daughter Grandparents are Duane and Elaine Karcz, Krakow, Jerry

Wesenberg, Bonduel and Cindy and Ken Huebner, Shawano.

Treankler, Lisa MarieLisa Marie Treankler, 46, died

peacefully at home surrounded by her family after a courageous fight with breast cancer.

Born June 4, 1964, in Green Bay, to Melvin and Mary Ann Treankler.

Survived by daughter, Amber; parents, Melvin and Mary Ann; brothers, Larry (Kathy) and Carl (Michelle) Treankler; as well as nieces and nephews, Layne (Bohm), Lance, Ashten, Erin, Brock, Helen and Kaitlynn Tre-ankler and great-nephew, Bryce Bohm.

Lisa had many friends and other relatives that were by her side during her battle. Special thanks to the Ribbon of Hope, Deanna Favre Foundation and Unity Hospice for their support and dedication. Preceded in death at the hand of cancer by Theo-dore and Helen Trudell, Ronald Trudell, Al and Barb Trudell.

Mom and Dad are so very proud of their little girl and the courage and grace that she showed in these past few months.

Births and deaths are a compli-mentary service from Pulaski News. If you wish to place an obituary, please have your fu-neral home director email it to us. If you wish to place a photo with the obituary, there will be a $20 fee. Contact Laurie Fischer at (920)822-6800 for more infor-mation.

clubs. He enjoyed playing cards, and was active in the 4-H. Danny loved the outdoors and enjoyed snowmobiling, hunting and fishing. He had been a member of Assumption B.V.M. Parish in Pulaski for the past 60 years. Danny is survived by three daughters and sons-in-law; Darlene (Jim) Dalton, Green Bay; Bonnie (Mike) Drzewiecki, Pulaski; Diane (Ed) VanDen-Berg, Waukesha; and one son and daughter-in-law; Thomas (Jennifer) Przybylski, Pulaski. He is further survived by 11 grandchildren; Daniel Nelson, Jeffrey (Crystal) Nelson, Andrew Dalton, Crystal Drzewiecki, Amy (Ben) Putthoff, Brian Drze-wiecki, Kenneth and Gregory VanDenBerg, Chase, Felicia, and Annmarie Przybylski; two brothers; Ray, southern Wis-consin; Tony, Krakow; a special friend for the past 26 years, Bertha Wesolowski, Pulaski; along with nieces and nephews, relatives and other friends. He was preceded in death by his children’s mother, Helen Bolssen, on December 5, 2009; one grand-son, Joseph Drzewiecki; and three sisters; Adalaide and Mary Przy-bylski, and Virginia (Bernard) Blazer.

(Dawn) Ullmer, Bridget (Bill) Drew, Joseph (Katie) Ullmer, Adam (Misty) Ullmer, Dominic (Lindsey) Ullmer, Rebecca (Trevor) Anderson, Maria (Nic) Knutson, Jean (Travis) Gritt, Therese (Tony) Sobiesczyk, Amy (Devin) Kropp, Jacquelyn (Josh Engel) Ullmer, Francis Jr. (Aaryn Lexow) Ullmer; Sara (Jay) Neuenschwander, Bryan (Steph-anie) Ullmer, Melanie Ullmer; Jessica (Ron) Zimmerman, Jenni-fer (Rick Olson) Ullmer, Ashlee Vandewettering; Elizabeth (Matt) Dorobek; her great-grandchildren, Karla, Paul Jr., Jennifer, Kayla, David, Elizabeth, Stephen, Isa-bella and Owen Ullmer; Joseph, Alex, Luke and Lydia Stachura; Danielle, Christopher, Hailey, Rachael and Matthew Ullmer and Tallion; Charles, Nicole, Katlyn, Bernadette, Anthony, Benedict, Jean, Simon, Emily and James Drew; Meggan, Michael, Carissa, Valerie and Genevieve Ullmer

and Eian, Katelynn, Hunter and Joshua Wadeen; Austin and Shane Ullmer and Haley; Dominic and Nathan Ullmer; Rebeka, Spencer and Drew Knutson; Harvey, Wesley and Brooke Gritt; Nyklus and Antone Sobiesczyk; Mason and Taylor Neuenschwander

She is also survived by three sisters, Joyce (Robert) Calewarts, Bonnie (Ralph) Barlament, and Mary (William) Ricker, one sis-ter-in-law Ruth Vollmar, Ron’s family: Sister Carlotta Ullmer O.S.F., Gerald (Edna) Ullmer, Delores (Donald) Rettmann, Charlene (Gary) Maus, E.J. (Mary Amy) Ullmer.

She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband, Ronald G. Ullmer, on January 22, 2001, an infant son, Michael, two grand-children, Katherine and Brett, a daughter-in-law, Mary Ullmer, two brothers, William Vollmar Jr. and Jim (Jan) Vollmar.

ClassifiedsThursday, September 23, 2010

“Coming together is a beginning, Keeping together is progress, Working together is success.”

Henry Ford


JACUZZI HOT TUB – 200 gallon. Two years old – hardly used. Some chemi-cals also. $3,000. Call 822-3907 and leave message.

BRAND NEW! Queen pillow top mattress set sealed in plastic. Delivery avail. $175. Call 920-590-1110.

MULTI PROFESSIONAL TENANT OFFICE BUILD-ING –at 585 E. Glenbrook Dr. Pulaski. Asking $433,000.00. Call for details: Vander Zanden Real Estate Col, LLC. 920-437-9797.

White Wood Twin Loft Bunk Beds w/bookcase desk. $275. 920-562-5899.


CASH N CARRY SALE – SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th. Isaar Inn (off VV in Isaar) 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. Party Lite, Passion Parties, Tupper-ware, Arbonne & Miche Bag.

FOR RENT3 BEDROOM DUPLEX – 2 BA, 1,400 sq. ft. Ap-pliances. Two stall garage. A/C. $800 a month. No Pets.920-822-3955.

UPPER 2 BDRM & w/d hookups. $450. Se-curity deposit. No Pets. Available now.

LOWER 1 BDRM. $350. Se-curity deposit. No Pets. Avail-able Nov. 1st. 920-899-3662.

1 Bedroom Upper Apart-ment in Krakow. Stove & Ref. No Pets. Located in Quiet Residential Neighbor-hood. Call: 920-994-9503. Please Leave Message.

TWO – 2 BDRM APART-MENTS - $335 & $440. Heat & water included. No Pets. 357 W. Pulaski St. 715-758-8503.

TWO BDRM MOBILE HOME in excellent condi-tion also 3 BDRM HOME - both $450 month + security deposit. Near Pulaski. Ref-erences required. No Pets. 920-822-5496.

DOWNTOWN PULASKI! Approx. 1,500 office space or retail/restaurant space for lease for $900 month! Also, approx. 3,500 sq ft of warehouse space available or use as variety of options! Call Lori @ 246-3000.

PROFESSIONAL OFFICE SPACE FOR LEASE. 1,740 S.F. now available in Glen-brook Plaza (585 E. Glen-brook Dr.). Along Hwy 32. Asking $1,740 per month, includes all utilities and-

common area expenses. Call Vander Zanden Real Estate Co., LLC at 920-437-9797.

RUMMAGE SALE246 CHICAGO ST. PULASKI – Sept. 23 & 24 – 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Sept. 25 – 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. Small baby crib, high chair, children thru adult cloth-

ing and many misc. items.

SATURDAY ONLY – SEP-TEMBER 25. 235 FRONT ST. - 7 a.m. – 3 p.m. Drum set, flute, books, DVD’s, c.d.’s, kitchen & household items. TV’s, stereos, furniture. American Girl dolls and books and other collectables. Lots of misc.

Thursday, September 23, 2010 - Pulaski News -Page 16 Fans attending the Pulaski -

Bayport varsity football game donated to the Brown County Crime Prevention Fund upon en-trance to the game. The game was played on September 10 in Pulaski. Fans placed money in either a Bayport milk can or Pulaski milk can.

The schools conducted dona-tion campaigns throughout the week at the respective schools. As an extra incentive to donate to the Crime Prevention Fund, the Athletic Directors at each school, Jerad Marsh, Pulaski, and Otis Chambers, Bayport, have agreed to wear an opposing school’s shirt for a day if their school raises less money per student.

The Brown County Crime Prevention Foundation benefits a number of programs in the county, including DARE, Neigh-borhood Watch and Teen Court.

Fans were also encouraged to attend the tailgate party prior to the game. Food was served.

Pulaski Football helps Brown County Crime Prevention

Superintendent of Schools Dr. Mel Lightner welcomes represen-tatives from the Bayport administration and Pulaski administra-tion to the Pulaski- Bayport football game.

Pendleton is “Made”

Sharon Pendleton competes with the state champion Pulaski rugby team.

By Melanie MorganLast school year, MTV’s hit

show “Made” came to schools in Northeast Wisconsin, including Pulaski High School, looking for one student with a goal he or she wanted help accomplishing. After going through thousands of high school students’ tryout forms, the casting crew found a girl that had caught their eye: Pulaski High School student Sharon Pendleton. Pendleton’s a high maintenance girl that has a love for make-up and pampering. At the time, Pendleton was a freshman that had a dream of becoming a rugby player for Pulaski’s state winning team. Many were wondering why such a girly-girl would want to play such a difficult sport on an all boys team.

Q: What were your thoughts about trying out for made?

Pulaski High School Class of 1948, gathered at TJ’s Supper Club in Krakow on July 23, 2010. There were 22 classmates in atten-dance to celebrate 62 years. All the class members and spouses had an excellent time enjoying the meal and beverages, while reminiscing about past events. The next get together should be in July, 2012. Alice (Wendzikowski) Czchasz came from Arizona to be with them. Standing in the back row are Alice (Wendzikowski) Czchasz, Eugene Ruechel, Bernice (Bajorek) McDermid, Dorthy (Kropp) Cartier, Jean (Martin) Duckart, Zita (Pac) Ostrenga, Joan (Van-Gheem) Rueden, and Yvonne Ruechel.Standing in the second row are Roman Gill, and Chester Nowak. Sitting in the back row are Donald Palubicki, Chester Nowak, Marjorie (Stender) Kraszewski, and Joan (Hanson) Wudtke. Standing also in the back row are Bill Muck, Lois (Goska) Lawniczak, James Kellam, and Leonard Radecki.Sitting in the front row are Rita Staszak, Margaret (Dombrowski) Staszak, Pat (Marnocha) Muck, and Orville Kuske.

A: I thought I wasn’t going to get the spot.

Q: What was your first reaction when you found out you made it?

A: I was really excited.Q: Would you have done any-

thing differently?A: I wouldn’t have been so

cocky.Q: Why did you choose rugby?A: I picked it because it’s

really hard.Q: Why didn’t you think you’d

get picked?A: There were a lot of kids, so

the odds were slim.Q: Did you continue with

rugby after the show was done?A: Yes.Q: What was the hardest part

of rugby?A: The hardest part was getting


Q: What changed after Made?A: People took me more seriously and were surprised that I actually

followed through with it.Q: Are you going to play rugby this year?A: Yes, I actually like rugby and I’m getting good at it. It also kept

me in good shape.