Sept 2018 Come unto me, all...

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Transcript of Sept 2018 Come unto me, all...

Pastor Letter ……..1-2

Info/Events ………..3-7

Children’s Info ……..6

Race Registration …7

Birthdays & Anniversaries ………8

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will

give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn of me; for I am

meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For

my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. ~ Matthew 11:28-30

I chose the above passage because Labor Day is upon us.

Labor Day, which is celebrated the first Monday in September,

honors the American labor movement and the contributions

workers have made to safety, prosperity, laws, and well-being of

the country.

Labor Day weekend is recognized as the unofficial end of

summer. Vacations come to an end, schools have opened, and

fall sports are about to kick off. In some states, school doesn’t

begin until after Labor Day. I would imagine the beaches and

golf courses would be packed. I say imagine because I’m not

going to fight the crowd. Some towns have outdoor concerts,

parades, and other activities. I remember my mom used to use

Labor Day as the date when she could wear white again. Or is it

the other way around? I don’t think very many people go by this


I have always loved Labor Day because it meant one last

weekend to do things outside. I have always enjoyed just kicking

back and having a barbecue. You always want to cook

something which takes several hours so you have an excuse to

stay with it. You might hear me on the phone say, “Oh, I’d love to

come over and work on your house, but I’ve got meat on the

barbecue and I can’t get away; maybe some other time.” Then,

I’ll take a deep breath and enjoy a day off from labor.

I have labored my whole life. Even as a boy, I had jobs around

town. I passed papers, waded for golf balls, mowed grass, and I

even herded turkeys. Being a turkey herder meant you also

loaded trucks. I have carried this work ethic on into adult life, but

becoming a workaholic is a real danger. Everyone needs rest

from their labors.

(continued on page 2)



Jesus had just taught the people about John the Baptist and how he was treated when He

offered up a brief prayer and reached out to the people with the passage above. There will

be times when ministry may seem overwhelming but, with the Lord’s help, we can make it

through rough times.

I read awhile back about how some of the Amish train their draft horses. They use a

special yoke which is placed on two horses. A young horse needs to learn and is paired with

a mature horse who already knows how to pull. The yoke is designed to allow most of the

load to be applied to the mature horse. In other words, the first time or two the younger

horse is just walking alongside the mature horse. The yoke then is adjusted so more weight is

applied to the younger horse. This progresses until the younger horse has learned to pull his

own weight. I’m not even sure the younger horse even realizes he is pulling more weight.

I like this example because new Christians have not learned to pull their weight. We are to

adjust so they can learn. Jesus said, “…yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Even after we

have learned to pull our weight, we have Jesus helping us along the way. It can feel as easy

as it was at the beginning. Yet, we are to enter into His rest.

Another example is an illustration about a wood splitter. There once was a wood splitter

who made his living from splitting wood. He had worked for the same person for over 25

years, and he considered himself the best there was. One day, his boss came up to him and

said he had lots of extra work coming so he had hired a second wood splitter. The new

person was a young man who looked like he was in his 20’s and very fit. Well, as you can

imagine the older wood splitter was worried this young man might show him up and maybe

take his job from him. So, he started work before starting time and split wood all the way to

break time telling himself, “I’ll not let this young whippersnapper show me up.” By break

time, he had a larger pile of wood split but he wanted to really show him up, so he worked

through break time while the younger man took a break. Lunch time arrived, and it

appeared the pile of wood from the young man was catching up, so he worked through

lunch. The young man took his lunch and then went back to work. By afternoon break, the

two piles of wood were the same height and the older man worked through his break time

while the younger man took his break. By the end of the day, the young man’s pile of wood

was higher than the older wood splitter’s pile.

The older man came over to him and said, “I don’t understand! I have done this my whole

life and I am the best there is – yet you outdid me. I even worked through breaks and lunch.

What are you doing differently than I am?” The young man replied, “Well, I’m not sure I’m

doing anything differently, but I do sharpen my axe at break times.”

Sometimes, we need to take a break and sharpen our axes. When we do, we can

accomplish so much more.


September 8 at 8 am

Door Village Harvest Festival

Sept 4



will resume


at 7 pm


Sept. 12

The Charles Trottier family

would like to thank the

Door Village United

Methodist Women for

their delicious desserts for the memorial

service dinner.

School bags We will continue the Kingsbury

Backpack Project again this school

year, funded by the Missions/

Outreach fund and your donations.

We need donations of peanut butter,

jelly, ramen noodles, cans of

Spaghetti-O’s, ravioli, soup, boxed

macaroni and cheese, pop tarts,

instant oatmeal packets, cereal bars,

fruit cups, granola bars, cookies, fruit

snacks, etc. We want to change the

variety every week so they don't get

the same things. We will be doing 50-

60 bags per week. If anyone in the

congregation is willing to volunteer to

pack the bags, we really need help

with this. We are hoping to set up a

work station where people can come

and go as their schedules

allow since some

would like to help in

the evenings while

others prefer mornings.

Contact Becky Jeffers

for more info.

September 9 Bring a lawn chair or sit on a

hay bale and join us for

outdoor worship during the

Door Village Harvest Festival.

Door Village

UMW Door Village United Methodist Women meet the

3rd Monday of each

month in the parlor

at 7 pm. Monthly

meetings resume on September 17.

Tearsa Schable and Laurel Noll will

present a program on Understanding

Poverty. Nancy Weaver & Pat Gault

will provide refreshments.

Tuesdays after school til 5:15

After-school program for Grades K-5 Playground time at the park

Snacks at 4 pm Christian lesson ~ Lots of fun

Pick-up time is 5:15

September 18 –

Welcome Back Party

Pizza & Outdoor Games

September 25 – Kids Club Fun

We’ve got some really great programs planned for next month! Watch for the

October schedule, coming in next month’s newsletter!

STARTING SEPTEMBER 12 Come to Checkpoint for great bible study, food, and fellowship. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. 5:30-6 pm Community Meal (sign-up sheet on parlor bulletin board)

6-7 pm Adult Bible Study, Littles Bible

Study, and Youth Group Mission Work

7 pm Choir Practice (starts Sept 12)


Programs at 6:00

Choir Practice 7:00


Weekly Sunday School 9 am

Weekly Worship 10 am

Communion Service First Sunday


Checkpoint 5:30 pm begins 9/12

Youth Group 5:30 pm

Choir Practice 7 pm begins 9/12

Confirmation 7 pm (12th, 19th, 26th)

Confirmation after worship (16th, 30th)

Tuesday, Sept 4

Senior Breakfast 8 am

at Christos’

Saturday, Sept 8

Men’s Breakfast 8 am

at the DV Harvest Festival

Sunday, Sept 9

DVUMC Youth Meeting

Lunch & Lesson

Monday, Sept 17

UMW Meeting 7 pm

Tuesday, Sept 18

Kids Club Welcome Back Party

Thursday, Sept 20

SPRC Meeting 6 pm

Ad Council Meeting 7 pm

Sunday, Sept 23

Youth to Luhr Park

Cookout & games after church

Tuesday, Sept 25

Kids Club

Sept 2 – Communion Greeters:

Liturgist: Katrina Langford

Acolyte: CC Langford

Ushers: Rob & Tearsa Schable, Jack

Langford, Jack Schable

Sept 9 – Outdoor Service Greeters: Steve & Connie Clougher

Liturgist: Katrina Langford

Acolyte: CC Langford

Ushers: Rob & Tearsa Schable, Jack

Langford, Jack Schable

Sept 16 – Traditional Service Greeter: Judy Tolk

Liturgist: Katrina Langford

Acolyte: CC Langford

Ushers: Rob & Tearsa Schable, Jack

Langford, Jack Schable

Sept 23 – Traditional Service Greeter: Judy Tolk

Liturgist: Katrina Langford

Acolyte: CC Langford

Ushers: Rob & Tearsa Schable, Jack

Langford, Jack Schable

Sept 30 – Traditional Service Greeter: Judy Tolk

Liturgist: Katrina Langford

Acolyte: CC Langford

Ushers: Rob & Tearsa Schable, Jack

Langford, Jack Schable

Mon thru Thurs

7 am – 12 noon

219. 362. 3812

SEPTEMBER COUNTING TEAM Evan Lancaster, Mike Martin,

Evan & Laurel Noll

Sept 9

Lunch & Lesson

Bring money for lunch out.

Invite your friends!



SEP 2 - Jesus Joins His Family

SEP 9 - Jesus and His Parents

SEP 16 - God’s Family

SEP 23 - Jesus Creates a Family

SEP 30 - Jesus and the Children

Sept 23

Food, games, and fun. Bring

your fishing gear if you’d like to

fish. Invite your friends!

9/02 Pastor Bob

9/02 Bev Kelver 9/14 Eric Veach 9/22 Kevin Kaiser 9/06 Dan & Pam Ribordy

9/02 Nathan Spurr 9/15 Jace Gakle 9/22 Wesley Lancaster 9/08 Beth & Dennis Kellogg

9/03 Graziella Bernacchi 9/15 Jillian Ross 9/22 Dan Ribordy 9/09 Ted & Pat Warfield

9/03 Steve Eyrick 9/16 Jeannee Nordin 9/24 Todd Hindsley 9/11 Nathan & Nicole Bernacchi

9/07 Deb Applegarth 9/16 Jack Sinclair 9/25 Dennis Fischer 9/11 Sue & Darrell Kaiser

9/07 Laurel Noll 9/17 Brayde Hines 9/26 Wyatt Guillen 9/17 Bob & Donna Denney

9/09 Daryl Veach 9/17 Michelle Lancaster 9/26 Marilyn Kaldahl 9/20 Steve & Carolyn Eyrick

9/11 Lois Bridegroom 9/19 Karen Lindeman 9/28 Robert Koselke 9/21 Randy & Alynn Eggert

9/12 Kurt Coulter 9/19 Bill Sinclair 9/28 Beth Voelker 9/27 Alan & Cheryl Good

9/13 Lynlee Marhanka 9/20 Kevin Council 9/29 Bob Wiltfong

How to contact Pastor Bob:


Mobile: 260-251-1529

Office: 219-362-3812

Find him on Facebook!