Separation/SkillBridge/Deployment on/before 31 March ......3. Click the dropdown menu. 4. Select the...

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Transcript of Separation/SkillBridge/Deployment on/before 31 March ......3. Click the dropdown menu. 4. Select the...

Separation/SkillBridge/Deployment on/before 31 March 2020 ONLY Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS)

v.7/08/2020 1

Information Letter

The Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS) is required for all service members transitioning off active duty. Individuals separating or retiring, attending a SkillBridge program, or deploying on or before 31 March 2020 ARE authorized to complete TRS virtually using the guidance below. If the separation/retirement date, SkillBridge program start date, or deployment date is after 31 March 2020, virtual TRS is NOT authorized.¬

**Contact your UTC for guidance if your separation or retirement date is after 31 March 2020**

Follow the steps below to initiate and complete the virtual TRS requirements. If you have any questions, contact your Unit Transition Coordinator (UTC) or visit our website at

STEP 1: INITIATE VIRTUAL TRS: SERVICE MEMBER inform UTC that your separation or retirement date is on or before 31 March 2020, and that you will be moving forward with the virtual TRS requirements below.

STEP 2: COMPLETE INITIAL COUNSELING/PRE-SEPARATION COUNSELING (IC/PRESEP) & TRS REQUIREMENTS: SERVICE MEMBER complete the following items. Use the “Notes for Virtual TRS” for step by step assistance.

Create a Premium DS (level 2) Logon (Note 1)

Complete the ONET Interest Profiler (Note 2)

Complete the ROOB courses (Note 3)

Initiate, SAVE, and digitally sign the eForm (Note 4)

Download and review Statement of Benefits (Note 5)

Complete the following JKO courses (Note 6) TGPS-US000 Demographics Survey (Note 6)

TGPS-US001 Managing Your Transition (Note 6)

TGPS-US002 MOC Crosswalk (Note 6 & 8)

TGPS-US003 Financial Planning Trans (Note 6 & 9)

TGPS-US004 TGPS DOL Employment (Note 6 & 10) (optional for retirees with 20+ years)

TGPS-US005 TGPS Federal Employment (Note 6) (optional for retirees with 20+ years)

TGPS-US006 VA Benefits and Services (Note 6)

Complete the following mandatory career readiness standards (CRS) available at

Self-Assessment (Note 7)

Gap Analysis (Note 6 & 8)

Budget (Note 6 & 9)

Résumé (Note 6 & 10)

Update personal email address in MOL

STEP 3. MEET WITH UTC: SERVICE MEMBER provide the UTC your JKO completion certificates for each item listed in STEP 2. The UTC will:

Verify completion of items in STEP 2.

Complete and sign the COVID-19 JKO Checklist.

Assign the service member a TRS advisor

STEP 4: ASSIGN TRS ADVISOR: UTC connect the service member to the assigned TRS Advisor via email and email the following documents to BOTH the TRS Advisor and the service member:

COVID-19 JKO Checklist, completed and signed by UTC

Completed CRS deliverables from STEP 2.

STEP 5: COMPLETE CAPSTONE REVIEW. SERVICE MEMBER and TRS ADVISOR complete the Capstone Review via email and/or telephone.

STEP 6: CONDUCT COMMANDER’S VERIFICATION: SERVICE MEMBER meet with CO or Capstone designee (the individual at the command appointed in writing to meet with the service member to conduct Capstone and digitally sign the eForm.)

STEP 7. PRINT COMPLETED EFORM: SERVICE MEMBER download and print a completed copy of the eForm from the milConnect website to turn into IPAC upon check out. Recommend 3 copies (service member, UTC, IPAC).

Information Letter

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Note 1. Create a Premium DS (Level 2) Logon: Access the DS LOGON website

1. Click on the button on the Self-Service Consent to Monitor webpage.

2. Log in using your DS Logon, CAC, or DFAS my pay account information.

3. will be located in the top right corner of your welcome page if you have a premium account. Print your Welcome/Home Page that displays your name and the Premium Account Level for the DS Logon to provide your UTC with proof that you have created your DS Logon.

a. From here you can conveniently access MilConnect to sign into your eForm:

Click on the tab labeled “Websites Accepting DS LOGON”

Locate the box labeled “milConnect”, click on it to log into your account

Proceed to Note 3 below.

4. If you do NOT see Premium, upgrade your account by following the instructions on the screen. Once you receivethe Premium account, print or take the screenshot that displays your name and the Premium Account Level toprovide your UTC with proof that you have created your DS Logon.

Note 2. Complete the ONET Interest Profiler: Access the O*NET website at:

1. Read the instructions on each slide and click the button to navigate through the assessment. 2. Save and print/screenshot your completed assessment results to show your UTC proof of completion.

Note 3. Complete the ROOB courses 1. We recommend using your CAC and a computer with a CAC reader.2. Go to and select “authentication” for your CAC certificate.3. Type ROOB in the search box on the MarineNet portal page.

4. Locate the Reserve Opportunities & Obligations Brief (ROOB) in the Instructor-Led Training/Moodle part of theMarineNet ecosystem and enroll in the course.

Notes for Virtual TRS:


Separation/SkillBridge/Deployment on/before 31 March 2020 ONLY Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS)

Information Letter

v.7/08/2020 3

5. Read the ROOB introduction and scroll to access the videos.

6. Select the Introduction to Reserve Opportunities and Obligations card and then select the link to launch the firstvideo. NOTE: There are 17 videos, and you MUST view them ALL for course completion.

7. Once the content launches, select the play button to start the video. Then scroll down if necessary to read anyaccompanying text and linked resources which will open in new tabs. NOTE: During peak times, you may need torefresh the browser in the resource tab for the website to load properly. When the current video is complete,select the link on the bottom right to launch the next video in the series in the same tab.

Separation/SkillBridge/Deployment on/before 31 March 2020 ONLY Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS)

Information Letter

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8. Upon completion of ALL 17 videos, take a screen shot showing the completion of the ROOB course to satisfy therequirement. Ensure a date stamp AND your name (top right) is included in your screenshot.

Note 4. Initiate, SAVE, and digitally sign the eForm: Access the milConnect website at

1. Click the button. 2. Login using your CAC, DS Logon Username, or DFAS Login.

3. Click the dropdown menu.

4. Select the link.

5. Click the button.

6. Click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the webpage. 7. Complete Section I. Service Member Personal Information. Answer any items highlighted in RED or marked

with the symbol.

8. Click the button in the bottom right hand corner of the webpage to navigate to the next page. 9. Complete Section II. Pre-Separation/Transition Counseling, Pre-Separation/Transition Counseling Needs

Assessment, Review and Verification:

a. Select the radio dial for items 1 and 7 Use the icon to select the date that you completed the eBenefits registration (DS Logon) and O*NET Online Interest Profiler (see NOTES 1 & 2).

b. Leave items 2 through 6 and 8 in this section as “NO”.

Separation/SkillBridge/Deployment on/before 31 March 2020 ONLY Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS)

Information Letter

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c. Items 9 through 12 ONLY APPLY if you have attended the Vocational Career Track or the Education

Career Track. Select the radio dial for items 9 - 12 since this DOES NOT apply to you.

10. Click on the button in the bottom right hand corner of the webpage to navigate to the next page. 11. Answer the questions in Section III. Signatures and Remarks, 1. Service Member Consent for Information

Sharing and/or Post-Separation Contact.

12. Click on the button in the bottom right hand corner of the webpage. Thebutton WILL NOT appear if there is any missing information in your eForm. Answer any items highlighted in RED

or marked with the symbol and save the form again. You may have to save and close the form acouple time before the button illuminates.

13. Click on the button. Click on the button for the “I approve electronicallysigning this document” dialog box to digitally sign and lock your eForm. The eForm will automatically close onceit has been digitally signed.

14. Click on the hyperlink to re-open eForm.

15. Click on the button to open a PDF file with your digital signature at the bottom. Ensure the digital signature is present before printing/taking a screenshot.

16. Click on the button to close out of your eForm. 17. Provide your UTC with a printed copy or screenshot showing your digital signature.

Note 5: Download and review the Statement of Benefits (if not provided by your UTC): Access the DoDTAP website at: Click on the link and follow the prompts to download a PDF copy of the Statement of Benefits for Service Members. For additional resources and transition information, visit the Marine for Life Cycle website at .

Note 6: Complete required JKO courses: Access the JKO website at:

1. Click on the button on the DoD Warning Banner dialog box.

CAC Users

2. Click on the hyperlink. 3. Enter your PIN.

Non-CAC Users

You will need a CAC User to sponsor you. From a computer that has Microsoft Outlook, have your sponsor select the appropriate icon under “I DO NOT have a CAC”. They will need to send an email to JKO to get you a username and password.


4. Click on the tab at the top of the webpage.

5. From the dropdown menu select and click on the button.

6. Click the button for each required course listed on page 1.

7. Click on the button in the Academic Integrity Notice dialog box.

8. Click on the tab at the top of the webpage.

Separation/SkillBridge/Deployment on/before 31 March 2020 ONLY Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS)

Information Letter

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9. Scroll down to the section of the webpage and click the button each required course listed on page 1.

10. Click on the tab at the top of the page to launch the course.

11. Follow the prompts on the screen to complete the online training.

12. Exit the course by selecting tab at the top of the web page.

13. Select the tab at the top of the webpage.

14. Click on the icon to download a copy of your training certificate. Save a copy of your certificate to your computer or take screenshot as proof of your completion.

15. Repeat steps 4-14 until all listed courses have been completed.

16. Provide proof of completion for all of the JKO courses to your UTC.

Note 7: Complete the Self-Assessment: Download a copy of the Self-Assessment from the MCCS website at: SELF-ASESSMENT: Fill out the assessment hardcopy or electronically. There is no JKO online course that corresponds to completing this assessment. It is your road map for establishing your transition goals. This document will be reviewed during the Capstone Review phase with your assigned TRS advisor, as well as during the Capstone/Commander’s Verification phase with your Commander/Capstone Designee. Include notes for the following items on the Self-Assessment: SECTION C: PERSONAL ASSESSMENT

Individual/Family Insurance Considerations

Post-Transition Housing and Relocation Considerations

Post-Transition Transportation Considerations

Community Resources and Peer to Peer Support

Note 8: Gap Analysis found at

Complete this requirement in conjunction with JKO Course TGPS-US002 MOC Crosswalk. Use your Joint Service

Transcript (JST) /Verification of Military Education and Training (VMET) to help guide you with your skills, education, &

training. Use O*NET and My Next Move to find the salary information and employment trends. Be sure to fill in all


Helpful Websites for completing the Gap Analysis:

ACE credits:


My Next Move



Note 9: Budget: found at

Complete this requirement in conjunction with JKO Course TGPS-US003 Personal Finance Planning. You must complete ALL of the following TABS (BOTH the ACTUAL AND PROJECTED columns):

Net Worth


2nd Income (to input your projected income)/Spouse’s Income (if applicable)

Living Expenses

Separation/SkillBridge/Deployment on/before 31 March 2020 ONLY Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS)

Information Letter

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Action PlanIf you would like additional assistance with personal financial planning, reach out to a Personal Financial Manager or Counselor by visiting to schedule a virtual appointment.

Note 10: Develop a draft Résumé: Download a sample résumé template at DRAFT RÉSUMÉ: Complete this requirement in conjunction with JKO Course TGPS-US004 TGPS DOL Employment. The template is only a guide to help you get started. There are multiple options to choose from, pick one that works for you. You can set up a résumé development appointment with your TRS advisor if you would like feedback on your resume. Your draft résumé will be reviewed during the Capstone Review phase with your assigned advisor, as well as during the Commander’s Verification with your Commander/Capstone Designee. Please do not send your résumé via Google Docs or another file sharing software site, as we are unable to access them via our government computers.

Separation/SkillBridge/Deployment on/before 31 March 2020 ONLY Transition Readiness Seminar (TRS)