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Sensitivity of Discrete Systems 7

The first step in the analysis of a complex structure is spatial discretization of thecontinuum equations into a finite element, finite difference or a similar model. Theanalysis problem then requires the solution of algebraic equations (static response),algebraic eigenvalue problems (buckling or vibration) or ordinary differential equa-tions (transient response). The sensitivity calculation is then equivalent to the math-ematical problem of obtaining the derivatives of the solutions of those equations withrespect to their coefficients. This is the main subject of the present chapter.

In some cases it is advantageous to differentiate the continuum equations govern-ing the structure with respect to design variables before the process of discretization.One advantage is that the resulting sensitivity equations are equally applicable tovarious analysis techniques, whether finite element, Ritz solution, collocation, etc.This approach is discussed in the next chapter.

As noted in chapter 6, the calculation of the sensitivity of structural response tochanges in design variables is often the major computational cost of the optimizationprocess. Therefore, it is important to have efficient algorithms for evaluating thesesensitivity derivatives.

The sensitivity of structural response to problem parameters also has other ap-plications. For example, it is usually impossible to know all the parameters of astructural model, such as material properties, loads and dimensions exactly. Thesensitivity of the response to small variations in these parameters is essential forcalculating the statistical variation in the response of the structure.

The simplest technique for calculating derivatives of response with respect to adesign variable is the finite-difference approximation. This technique is often com-putationally expensive, but is easy to implement and very popular. The efficiency ofthe analytical methods discussed in the present chapter is measured by comparisonto the finite-difference alternative. Unfortunately, finite-difference approximationsoften have accuracy problems. We begin this chapter with a discussion of theseapproximations to sensitivity derivatives.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

7.1 Finite difference approximations

The simplest finite difference approximation is the first-order forward-differenceapproximation. Given a function u(x) of a design variable x, the forward-differenceapproximation ∆u/∆x to the derivative du/dx is given as



u(x + ∆x)− u(x)

∆x. (7.1.1)

Another commonly used finite-difference approximation is the second-order central-difference approximation



u(x + ∆x)− u(x−∆x)

2∆x. (7.1.2)

It is also possible to employ higher-order finite-difference approximations, but theyare rarely used in structural optimization applications because of the associated highcomputational cost. If we need to find the derivatives of the structural responsewith respect to n design variables the forward-difference approximation requires nadditional analyses, the central-difference approximation 2n additional analyses, andhigher order approximations are even more expensive.

The key to the selection of the approximation and the step size ∆x is an estimateof the required accuracy. This topic is discussed in [1] and [2], and is summarized inthe following section.

7.1.1 Accuracy and Step Size Selection

Whenever finite-difference formulae are used to approximate derivatives, there aretwo sources of error: truncation and condition errors. The truncation error eT (∆x)is a result of the neglected terms in the Taylor series expansion of the perturbedfunction. For example, the Taylor series expansion of u(x + ∆x) can be written as

u(x + ∆x) = u(x) + ∆xdu

dx(x) +




dx2(x + ζ∆x), 0 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 . (7.1.3)

From Eq. (7.1.3) it follows that the truncation error for the forward-difference ap-proximation is

eT (∆x) =∆x



dx2(x + ζ∆x) , 0 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 . (7.1.4)

Similarly, by including one more term in the Taylor series expansion we find that thetruncation error for the central difference approximation is

eT (∆x) =∆x2



dx3(x + ζ∆x) , −1 ≤ ζ ≤ 1 . (7.1.5)

The condition error is the difference between the numerical evaluation of the functionand its exact value. One contribution to the condition error is round-off error in


Section 7.1: Finite difference approximations

calculating du/dx from the original and perturbed values of u. This contributionis comparatively small for most computers unless ∆x is extremely small. Howeverif u(x) is computed by a lengthy or ill-conditioned numerical process, the round-offcontribution to the condition error can be substantial. Additional condition errorsmay occur if u(x) is calculated by an iterative process which is terminated early.If we have a bound εu on the absolute error in the computed function u, we canestimate the condition error. For example, for the forward-difference approximationthe condition error eC(∆x) is (very!) conservatively estimated from Eq. (7.1.1) as

eC(∆x) =2

∆xεu . (7.1.6)

Equations (7.1.4) and (7.1.6) present us with the so called “step-size dilemma.” If weselect the step size to be small, so as to reduce the truncation error, we may have anexcessive condition error. In some cases there may not be any step size which yieldsan acceptable error!

Example 7.1.1

Suppose the function u(x) is defined as the solution of the following two equations

101u + xv = 10 ,

xu + 100v = 10 ,

and let us consider the derivative du/dx evaluated at x = 100.

Figure 7.1.1 Effect of step size on derivative.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

The solution for u is

u =−10x + 1000

10100− x2,

and the exact value of du/dx at x = 100 is −0.10. The forward-difference and central-difference derivatives are plotted in Figure 7.1.1 for a range of step sizes. Note thatfor the very small step sizes the error oscillates because the condition error is not acontinuous function. For the higher step sizes the total error is dominated by thetruncation error which is a smooth function of the step size. We can change theproblem slightly to make it more ill-conditioned, and increase the condition error asfollows

10001u + xv = 1000 ,

xu + 10000v = 1000 .

The values of the forward- and central-difference approximations at x = 10000 areshown in Figure 7.1.2. Now the range of acceptable step sizes is narrowed and we haveto use the central-difference approximation if we want to have a reasonable range.•••

Figure 7.1.2 Effect of step size on derivative.

A bound e on the total error— the sum of the truncation and condition errors—for the forward-difference approximation is obtained from Eqs. (7.1.4) and (7.1.6)as

e =∆x



∆xεu , (7.1.7)


Section 7.1: Finite difference approximations

where sb is a bound on the second derivative in the interval [x, x+∆x]. When εu andsb are available it is possible to calculate an optimum step-size that minimizes e as

∆xopt = 2


|sb|. (7.1.8)

Procedures for estimating sb and εu are given in [1] and [2].

7.1.2 Iterative Methods

Condition errors can become important when iterative methods are used for per-forming some of the calculations. Consider a simple example of a single displacementcomponent u which is obtained by solving a nonlinear algebraic equation which de-pends on one design variable x

f(x, u) = 0 . (7.1.9)

The solution of Eq. (7.1.9) is obtained by an iterative process which starts withsome initial guess of u and terminates when the iterate u is estimated to be withinsome tolerance ε of the exact u (Note that ε is a bound on the condition error inu). To calculate the derivative du/dx, assume that we use the forward-differenceapproximation. That is, we perturb x by ∆x and solve Eq. (7.1.9) for u∆

f(x + ∆x, u∆) = 0 . (7.1.10)

The iterative solution of Eq.(7.1.10) yields an approximation u∆, and then du/dx isapproximated as


dx≈ u∆ − u

∆x. (7.1.11)

To start the iterative process for obtaining u∆, we can use either of two initial guesses.The first is the same initial guess that was used to solve for u. If the convergenceof the iterative process is monotonic there is a good chance that when we use Eq.(7.1.11) the errors in u and u∆ will almost cancel out, and we will get a very smallcondition error. The other logical initial guess for u∆ is u. This initial guess is good if∆x is small, and so we may get fast convergence. Unfortunately, this time we cannotexpect the condition errors to cancel. As we iterate on u∆, the original error (thedifference between u and u) will be reduced at the same time that the change due to∆x is taking effect. (Consider, for example, what happens if ∆x is set to zero, or anextremely small number).

Reference [3] suggests a strategy which allows us to start the iteration for u∆ fromu without worrying about excessive condition errors. The approach is to pretend thatu is the exact rather than approximate solution by changing the problem that we wantto solve. Indeed, u is the exact solution of

f(x, u)− f(x, u) = 0 , (7.1.12)

which is only slightly different from our original problem (because f(x, u) is almostzero). We now find the derivative du/dx from Eq.(7.1.12), by obtaining u∆ as thesolution of

f(x + ∆x, u∆)− f(x, u) = 0 . (7.1.13)

Because u is the exact solution of this equation for ∆x = 0 the iterative process willonly reflect the effect of ∆x.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Example 7.1.2

Consider the nonlinear equation

f(u, x) = u2 − x = 0 ,

and the iterative solution process

um = 0.5(um−1 + x/um−1) ,

which is an application of Newton’s method to the square-root problem and thereforehas quadratic convergence properties.

Table 7.1.1 Iteration history starting with u = x

x = 1000 x + ∆x = 1000.1 x + ∆x = 1100Iter. u f u∆ f ∆u/∆x u∆ f ∆u/∆x

0 1000.00 999,000 1000.10 999,000 0.99850 1100.00 1,208,000 1.000001 500.500 250,000 500.550 250,000 0.49800 550.500 302,000 0.500002 251.249 62,100 251.274 62,100 0.24900 276.249 75,200 0.250003 127.615 15,300 127.627 15,300 0.12450 140.115 18,500 0.125004 67.7253 3,590 67.7315 3,590 0.06225 73.9380 4,370 0.062585 41.2454 701.2 41.2486 701.3 0.03174 44.4256 873.6 0.031806 32.7453 72.25 32.7471 72.27 0.01862 34.5930 96.68 0.018487 31.6420 1.216 31.6436 1.217 0.01587 33.1957 1.954 0.015538 31.6228 -0.005 31.6244 0.000 0.01587 33.1663 0.0007 0.01543

Exact values u(x = 1000) = 31.6228; du/dx = 0.01581

Table 7.1.1 shows the convergence of u for x = 1000, x = 1000.1 and x = 1100,and the estimate of the derivative du/dx at x = 1000. The first guess for u is taken tobe x in all three cases. Note that far from the solution the convergence is slow withthe error being halved at each iteration. As the error gets smaller the convergencerate increases. It is seen that the convergence of the derivative is slightly slower thanthat of u. Also, we do not see that the small ∆x leads to any large condition errorsas compared to the large ∆x. This is due to the monotonic convergence and theresulting cancellation of condition errors.

Now we switch the first guess of the perturbed solution to an iterate of the nominalone. Starting the perturbed solution from a good approximation to the nominalsolution we obtain fast convergence; usually we need only one or two iterations.Therefore, the value of the finite-difference derivative remains virtually constant afterthe first two iterations. Table 7.1.2 shows the second iterate u2 obtained when theperturbed solution is started from each of the last four iterates of the nominal solutiongiven in Table 7.1.1.

Inspection of Table 7.1.2 shows that, because the perturbed solution is more ac-curate than the nominal one, the derivative obtained by finite differences is erroneous,


Section 7.1: Finite difference approximations

Table 7.1.2 Effect of starting u∆ from u0

x + ∆x = 1000.1 x + ∆x = 1100u†

0 u2 ∆u/∆x u2 ∆u/∆x

41.2454 31.6436 -96.0181 33.1755 -0.0807032.7453 31.6244 -11.2093 33.1662 0.0042131.6420 31.6243 - 0.1772 33.1663 0.0152431.6228 31.6243 0.01572 33.1663 0.01543

†u0 are iterates from Table 7.1.1.

except at very high accuracies (low ε). The effect of the finite difference increment∆x is also evident. The errors for the small ∆x are larger than for the larger ∆x,except when u0 has fully converged (so that there is no condition error).

We now use the approach of 7.1.13, replacing the original equation by

u2 − x− f = 0 ,

where f is the residual of the last iterate of the nominal solution. That is, for theperturbed solution we try to calculate the root of x + f instead of x. The resultsof the modified calculation are shown in Table 7.1.3. We can now get a reasonableapproximation to the derivative in two iterations.• • •

Table 7.1.3 Modified derivative calculation

x + ∆x = 1100 x + ∆x = 1000.1u0 u2 ∆u/∆x u2 ∆u/∆x

41.2454 42.4404 0.01195 41.2466 0.0120532.7453 34.2382 0.01493 32.7468 0.0151131.6420 33.1846 0.01543 31.6436 0.0157231.6228 33.1663 0.01543 31.6243 0.01572

Cost and accuracy considerations often dictate that we avoid the use of finite-difference derivatives. For static displacement and stress constraints analytical deriva-tives are fairly easy to get, as discussed in the next section.

7.1.3 Effect of Derivative Magnitude on Accuracy

It is well known that small displacements and stresses are not calculated as accuratelyas large stresses and displacements. The same applies to derivatives. When both thefunction u and the variable x are positive, the relative magnitude of the derivativecan be estimated from the logarithmic derivative



d(log u)

d(log x)=


dx/x. (7.1.14)

The logarithmic derivative gives the percentage change in u due to a percent change inx. Therefore, when the logarithmic derivative is larger than unity the relative change


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

in u is larger than the relative change in x and the derivative can be considered tobe large. When the logarithmic derivative is much smaller than unity, the relativechange in u is much smaller than the relative change in x. In this case the derivativeis considered to be small, and in general, it would be difficult to evaluate it accuratelyusing finite-difference differentiation (or any other procedure subject to condition ortruncation errors). Fortunately, when the logarithmic derivative is small it is usuallynot important to evaluate it accurately, because its influence on the optimizationprocess is small.

The logarithmic derivative can be misleading when a variable is about to changesign so that it is very small in magnitude. In that case we recommend using typicalvalues of u and x instead of local values. That is, we define a modified logarithmicderivative dlmu/dx as





, (7.1.15)

where xt and ut are representative values of the variable and the function, respectively.

Example 7.1.3

The increased error associated with small derivatives is demonstrated in the followingsimple design problem. We consider the design of a submerged beam of rectangularcross section so as to minimize the perimeter of the cross section (so as to reducecorrosion damage). The beam is subject to a bending moment M and we require themaximum bending stress to be less than the allowable stress σ0. The design variablesare the width b and height h of the rectangular cross-section. The problem can beformulated as

minimize 2(b + h) ,

such that6M

bh2≤ σ0 .

We nondimensionalize the problem by defining a characteristic length l and using itto define new design variables x1 and x2 as

l = (6M/σ0)1/3, x1 = b/l, x2 = h/l .

In terms of the new variables the problem can be reformulated as

minimize u = x1 + x2 ,

such that1


= 1 ,

where the inequality has been replaced by an equality because it is clear that thestress constraint will be active (otherwise the solution is b = h = 0). The equalitycan be used to eliminate x1, so that the objective function can be written as

u = 1/x22 + x2 .


Section 7.2: Sensitivity Derivatives of Static Displacement and Stress Constraints

We now consider the calculation of the derivative by finite differences at two points;at an initial design where x2 = 1, and near the optimum, at x2 = 1.29. In both caseswe use forward differences with ∆x2 = 0.01. At x2 = 1 we get



=1/1.012 + 1.01− 2

0.01= −0.970 ,

which is 3 percent off the exact value of the derivative du/dx2 = −1.0. However, atx2 = 1.29 we get



=1/1.302 + 1.30− (1/1.292 + 1.29)

0.01= 0.0791 ,

which is 16 percent off the exact value of 0.0683. The logarithmic derivative canwarn us that we should expect the large relative error in the second case. Indeed, forx2 = 1, we have u = 2.0, and the logarithmic derivative is estimated from the finitedifference derivative to be



≈ ∆lu





u= −0.97× 1/2 = −0.485 .

At x2 = 1.29 we have u = 1.891 and



≈ ∆lu





u= 0.0791× 1.29/1.891 = 0.054 ,

so that the logarithmic derivative is indeed quite small.• • •

7.2 Sensitivity Derivatives of Static Displacement and Stress Constraints

7.2.1 Analytical First Derivatives

The equations of equilibrium in terms of the nodal displacement vector u are gener-ated from a finite element model in the form

Ku = f , (7.2.1)

where K is the stiffness matrix and f is a load vector. A typical constraint, involvinga limit on a displacement or a stress component, may be written as

g(u, x) ≥ 0 , (7.2.2)

where, for the sake of simplified notation, it is assumed that g depends on only asingle design variable x. Using the chain rule of differentiation, we obtain




∂x+ zT du

dx, (7.2.3)


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

where z is a vector with components

zi =∂g


. (7.2.4)

Note that we use the notation dg/dx to denote the total derivative of g with respectto x. This total derivative includes the explicit part ∂g/∂x plus the implicit partthrough the dependence on u. The explicit part of the derivative is usually zero oreasy to obtain, so we discuss only the computation of the implicit part. DifferentiatingEq. (7.2.1) with respect to x we obtain




dx− dK

dxu . (7.2.5)

Premultiplying Eq. (7.2.5) by zTK−1 obtain

zT du

dx= zTK−1(


dx− dK

dxu) . (7.2.6)

Numerically, the calculation of zT du/dx may be performed in two ways. Thefirst, called the direct method, consists of solving Eq. (7.2.5) for du/dx and thentaking the scalar product with z. The second approach, called the adjoint method,defines an adjoint vector λ which is the solution of the system

Kλ = z , (7.2.7)

and then we write Eq. (7.2.3)as




∂x+ λT (


dx− dK

dxu) , (7.2.8)

where we have used the symmetry of K.

The solution of Eq. (7.2.7) for λ is similar to a solution for displacement under aload vector z. The adjoint method is also known as the dummy-load method becausez is often described as a dummy load. When g in Eq. (7.2.2) is an upper limit on asingle displacement component, the dummy load also has a single nonzero componentcorresponding to the constrained displacement component. Similarly, when g is anupper limit on the stress in a truss member, the dummy load is composed of a pairof equal and opposite forces acting on the two ends of the member.

For this case of static response the derivation of the adjoint technique is verysimple. However the technique will be used in many other cases where we will want tocalculate the derivative of a constraint without having to calculate first the derivativeof the response u. We repeat the derivation of the adjoint method in a procedure thatis applicable to the general case. This procedure consists of adding the derivative ofthe equations of equilibrium multiplied by a Lagrange multiplier to the derivative ofthe constraint. The Lagrange multiplier, which is equal to the adjoint vector, is then


Section 7.2: Sensitivity Derivatives of Static Displacement and Stress Constraints

selected to satisfy equations that lead to elimination of the derivative of the response.For the present case we rewrite Eq. (7.2.3) as




∂x+ zT du

dx+ λT (


dx− dK



dx) , (7.2.9)

where the additional term is the adjoint vector times the derivative of the equationsof equilibrium. Rearranging the terms in Eq. (7.2.9) we have




∂x+ (zT − λTK)


dx+ λT (


dx− dK

dxu) . (7.2.10)

If we want to eliminate du/dx from this expression we need to select λ so as toeliminate its coefficient, which gives us Eq. (7.2.7) for λ. The remaining terms arethe same as Eq. (7.2.8) for the derivative of the constraint.

Example 7.2.1

In this example, we calculate the sensitivity derivative of a constraint on the tipdisplacement of a stepped cantilever beam with respect to the moment of inertia I1

and the length l1.

Figure 7.2.1 Beam example for derivatives of static response.

The constraint on the tip displacement is posed as

g = c− wtip ≥ 0 .

The problem is simple and has an analytical solution based on elementary beamtheory, namely

wtip =p


(l31 + 3l21l2 + 3l1l22) +



so that∂g




(l31 + 3l21l2 + 3l1l22) ,


∂l1= − p


(3l21 + 6l1l2 + 3l22) = − p


(l1 + l2)2 .


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

The finite element solution is based on a standard cubic beam element, with oneelement used for each section. We denote the displacement and rotation at the ithnode by wi and θi, respectively. The element stiffness matrix is

Ke =EI


12 6l −12 6l6l 4l2 −6l 2l2

−12 −6l 12 −6l6l 2l2 −6l 4l2


so that the global stiffness matrix, corresponding to degrees of freedom w2, θ2, w3,θ3, is

K = E

12(I1/l31 + I2/l

32) −6(I1/l

21 − I2/l

22) −12I2/l

32 6I2/l


4(I1/l1 + I2/l2) −6I2/l22 2I2/l2

12I2/l32 −6I2/l


sym 4I2/l2


The load vector f = [0, 0, p, 0]T , and the solution for the displacement vector is

u =





=( p


) l31/3I1 + l21l2/2I1

l21/2I1 + l1l2/I1

(l31 + 3l21l2 + 3l1l22)/3I1 + l32/3I2

l21/2I1 + l1l2/I1 + l22/I2


We first use analytical methods for the derivative calculation, so that we need(∂K/∂I1)u and (∂K/∂l1)u



u =



) 12 −6l1 0 0−6l1 4l21 0 0

0 0 0 00 0 0 0








) 12w2 − 6l1θ2

−6l1w2 + 4l21θ2





) 1l200


where the solution for w2 and θ2 was used. Similarly,


∂l1u =



) −36 12l1 0 012l1 −4l21 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 0








) −9w2 + 3l1θ2

3l1w2 − l21θ2





) −6(1 + l2/l1)

2(l1 + l2)00


In the direct method∂u


= K−1[∂f


− ∂K


u] ,


Section 7.2: Sensitivity Derivatives of Static Displacement and Stress Constraints







= K−1




= − p


l21l2/2 + l31/3l1l2 + l21/2l21l2 + l1l

22 + l31/3

l1l2 + l21/2


so that ∂g/∂I1 = −∂w3/∂I1, which agrees with the beam-theory result.


∂l1= K−1[


∂l1− ∂K

∂l1u] ,







= −K−1

−(6p/l1)(1 + l2/l1)

(2p/l1)(l1 + l2)00

= (p



l21 + l1l2l1 + l2

(l1 + l2)2

l1 + l2


so that ∂g/∂l1 = −∂w3/∂l1, again agreeing with the beam-theory result.

In the adjoint method, zT = −∂wtip/∂u = [0, 0,−1, 0], and we can solve for theadjoint vector

λ = K−1z = K−1


= (− 1


l31/3I1 + l21l2/2I1

l21/2I1 + l1l2/I1

(l31 + 3l21l2 + 3l1l22)/3I1 + l32/3I2

l21/2I1 + l1l2/I1 + l22/I2


so that from Eq. (7.2.8)



= −λT ∂K


u =p








) =p


(l21l2 + l1l22 + l31/3) ,



∂l1= −λT ∂K

∂l1u =


El1(l1 + l2)(−


− 3l1I1



) =p


(l1 + l2)2 .

• • •

The difference between the computational effort associated with the directmethod and with the adjoint method depends on the relative number of constraintsand design variables. The direct method requires the solution of Eq. (7.2.5) once foreach design variable, while the adjoint method requires the solution of Eq. (7.2.7)once for each constraint. Thus the direct method is the more efficient when thenumber of design variables is smaller than the number of displacement and stressconstraints that need to be differentiated. The adjoint method is more efficient whenthe number of design variables is larger than the number of these constraints.

In practical design situations we usually have to consider several load cases. Theeffort associated with the direct method is approximately proportional to the numberof load cases. The number of critical constraints at the optimum design, on the other


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

hand, is usually less than the number of design variables. Therefore, in a multiple-load-case situation the adjoint method becomes more attractive.

Both the direct and adjoint methods require the solution of a system of equationsas the major part of the computational effort. However, the factored form of thematrix K of the equations is usually available from the solution of Eq. (7.2.1) forthe displacements. The solution for du/dx or λ is therefore much cheaper than theoriginal solution of Eq. (7.2.1). This provides the major computational advantage ofthese two analytical methods over the finite-difference calculation of the derivatives.For example, the forward difference approximation to du/dx


dx≈ u(x + ∆x)− u(x)


requires the evaluation of u(x + ∆x) by re-assembling the stiffness matrix and loadvector at the perturbed design and solving

K(x + ∆x)u(x + ∆x) = f(x + ∆x) . (7.2.12)

The required factorization of K(x + ∆x) is typically much more expensive than asolution for another right hand side with the already factored K(x) in Eqs. (7.2.5)and (7.2.7). The advantage of the analytical methods over the finite-difference ap-proximation becomes very pronounced for a large number of design variables.

7.2.2 Second Derivatives

In some applications (e.g., calculation of sensitivity of optimum solutions, see Section5.4) we also need second derivatives of constraint functions with respect to the designvariables. In the following we obtain expressions for evaluating d2g/dxdy where xand y are design variables. For the sake of simplicity we assume that the constraintfunction g is not an explicit function of the design variables, so that ∂g/∂x and ∂g/∂yare zero. More general expressions are to be found in [4].

As in the case of first derivatives we have a direct method and an adjoint methodfor obtaining second derivatives. The direct method starts by differentiating Eq.(7.2.3) with respect to y


dxdy= zT d2u

dxdy+ (




dy, (7.2.13)

where R is the matrix of second derivatives of g with respect to u, that is

rij =∂2g


. (7.2.14)

We obtain the second derivative of the displacement field by differentiating Eq. (7.2.5)




dxdy− d2K

dxdyu− dK



dy− dK



dx. (7.2.15)


Section 7.2: Sensitivity Derivatives of Static Displacement and Stress Constraints

Solving Eq. (7.2.5) for du/dx, a similar equation for du/dy, and Eq. (7.2.15) ford2u/dxdy we finally substitute into Eq. (7.2.13).

The adjoint method starts by differentiating Eq. (7.2.8) with respect to y


dxdy= (

dy)T (


∂x− dK

dxu) + λT (


dxdy− d2K

dxdyu− dK



dy) . (7.2.16)

To evaluate the first term we differentiate Eq. (7.2.7) with respect to y


dy= R


dy− dK

dyλ . (7.2.17)

Using Eqs. (7.2.5) and (7.2.17), Eq. (7.2.13) becomes


dxdy= (




dx− λT (








dy− d2f



dxdyu) . (7.2.18)

In this case the adjoint method is always more efficient than the direct method.Assume that we have n design variables and m constraint functions. The directmethod requires as its major computational effort the solution of Eq. (7.2.5) n times,and the solution of Eq. (7.2.15) n(n + 1)/2 times. The adjoint method, on the otherhand, requires the solution of Eq. (7.2.5) n times for the first derivatives, and thesolution of Eq. (7.2.7) m times for the adjoint vectors.

7.2.3 The Semi-analytical Method

Both the direct and adjoint methods require the derivatives of the stiffness matrixand load vectors with respect to design variables. These derivatives are often difficultto calculate analytically, especially for shape design variables which change elementgeometry. For this reason a semi-analytical approach, where the derivatives of thestiffness matrix and load vector are approximated by finite differences, is popular.Typically, these derivatives are calculated by the first-order forward difference ap-proximation, so that dK/dx is approximated as


dx≈ K(x + ∆x)−K(x)

∆x. (7.2.19)

However, while the semi-analytical method is as efficient as the analytical director adjoint methods, it is based on finite-difference approximations, and may haveaccuracy problems. Such accuracy problems can be particularly serious for derivativesof beam and plate structures response with respect to geometrical parameters.

The accuracy problem was observed first in Ref. [5] for the car model shown inFig. (7.2.2) made of beam elements. The semi-analytical method was used success-fully for all section size and most geometrical design variables. However, for some ofthe derivatives with respect to the overall length dimensions of the car, there wereserious accuracy problems.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Figure 7.2.2 Stick model of a Car.

Figure 7.2.3 Errors in the derivative of the strain energy with respect to a lengthvariable of the stick model for overall-finite-differences (OFD) and semi-analytical(SA) methods.

Figure (7.2.3) shows the dependence of the relative error of the derivative of thestrain energy of the model with respect to one length variable in the semi-analytical(SA) method and the overall finite difference (OFD) approach. For large step sizes,the OFD method has smaller error (mostly truncation error) than the SA method.The step-size range for which the approximate derivative has an error less than 1%is much larger for the OFD than for the SA approximation. For small step sizes the


Section 7.2: Sensitivity Derivatives of Static Displacement and Stress Constraints

OFD method has a larger error (mostly condition error) than the SA method. Figure(7.2.3) shows that, for a relative step size of 10−7, the SA method approximates wellthe derivative. For some variables, however, there was no step size giving accuratederivatives! To solve the accuracy problem the central difference approximation tothe derivative of the stiffness matrix had to be used, which increased substantiallythe computational cost.

Figure 7.2.4 Forward- and central-difference SA approximation of the derivative ofthe strain energy with respect to a second length variable of car stick model.

Figure (7.2.4) compares the forward- and central-difference approximations ofthe derivative with respect to a second length variable. We can clarify the cause ofthe high truncation errors associated with the semi-analytical method by consideringEq. (7.2.5) carefully. The right hand side of the equation, sometimes referred toas the pseudo load, is the ‘load’ that has to be applied to the structure to producea displacement field du/dx. For beam and plate structures the derivative of thedisplacement field with respect to geometrical variables is usually not a legitimatedisplacement field (for example, it may grossly violate the Kirchhoff assumption).The finite element approximation to this illegitimate field is a valid, though highlyunusual, displacement field, which requires large self-cancelling components in thepseudo load. As the finite-element mesh is refined, the pseudo load required togenerate du/dx acquires ever larger self-cancelling components. Thus the errors inthe pseudo load due to the finite difference derivative of the stiffness matrix can begreatly magnified.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Figure 7.2.5 Errors in the semi-analytical (SA) and overall-finite-difference (OFD)approximations to the derivative of tip displacement with respect to cantilever beamlength (one percent step size).

This phenomenon is demonstrated in Fig. (7.2.5) which shows that the error inthe derivative of the tip displacement of a cantilever beam with respect to the lengthof the beam greatly increases as the finite-element mesh is refined.

When a beam or a plate structure is modeled by more general elements, such asthree dimensional elements, mesh refinement is no problem. However, as the beambecomes more slender or the plate thinner, the displacement-derivative field becomesmore and more incompatible with the geometry, and the same accuracy problemsensue. Reference [6] reports very large errors for beams modeled by truss, plane-stress and solid elements for slenderness ratios larger than ten.

Example 7.2.2

We repeat the calculation of derivatives in Example 7.2.1 to compare the errorsassociated with the finite-difference and semi-analytical methods. Using forwarddifferences we find



≈ −wtip(I1 + ∆I1)− wtip(I1)



the truncation error, eT , given by Eq. (7.1.4) is approximately

eT = −∂2wtip



2= − p


(l31 + 3l21l2 + 3l1l22)∆I1 ,


Section 7.2: Sensitivity Derivatives of Static Displacement and Stress Constraints

and the relative truncation error is



= −∆I1



Therefore, it is enough to take ∆I1/I1 = 10−3 to get a negligible truncation error.Similarly, the truncation error for the derivative with respect to l1 is approximately

eT = −∂2wtip



= − p


(l1 + l2)∆l1 ,




l1 + l2,

and it is enough to take a perturbation in l1 to be 0.001l1. The error analysis forthe semi-analytical method is more complicated. The derivative with respect to themoment of inertia is approximated as



≈ λT K(I1 + ∆I1)−K(I1)


u ,

and the truncation error vanishes

eT =∆I1

2λT ∂2K


u = 0 ,

because K is a linear function of I1. The situation is not as good for the truncationerror ∂g/∂l1 which is approximately

eT =∆l12

λT ∂2K

∂l21u =


(3l21 + 7l1l2 + 4l22) ,

so that the relative error is



= −3l21 + 7l1l2 + 4l22(l1 + l2)2



Comparing the semi-analytical error to the one obtained by the finite difference ap-proach, we note that it is seven times larger when l1 = l2. As shown in Ref. [7], thislarger error for the semi-analytical method increases as the mesh is refined.• • •

7.2.4 Nonlinear Analysis

For nonlinear analysis, the equations of equilibrium may be written as

f(u, x) = µp(x) , (7.2.20)


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

where f is the internal force generated by the deformation of the structure, and µpis the external applied load. The load scaling factor µ is used in nonlinear analysisprocedures for tracking the evolution of the solution as the load is increased. This isuseful because the equations of equilibrium may have several solutions for the sameapplied loads. By increasing µ gradually we make sure that we obtain the solutionthat corresponds to the structure being loaded from zero.

Differentiating Eq. (7.2.20) with respect to the design variable x we obtain


dx= µ


dx− ∂f

∂x, (7.2.21)

where J is the Jacobian of f at u,

Jkl =∂fk


, (7.2.22)

often called the tangential stiffness matrix.

The direct method for obtaining dg/dx is to solve Eq. (7.2.21) for du/dx andsubstitute into Eq. (7.2.3). The matrix J is often available from the solution of theequations of equilibrium when these are solved by using Newton’s method. Newton’smethod is based on a linear approximation of the equations of equilibrium about atrial solution u

f(u, x) + J(u, x)(u− u) ≈ µp(x) . (7.2.23)

Equation (7.2.23), solved for u, typically provides a better approximation to u thanu. This new approximation replaces u in Eq. (7.2.23) for the next iteration, eitherwith an updated value of J (Newton’s method) or with the old value ( modifiedNewton’s method). The iteration continues until convergence to a desired accuracyis achieved. If the last iterate u, for which J was calculated, is close enough to u,then that J can be used for calculating the derivative of u.

The adjoint approach is very similar to that used in the linear case. The adjointvector λ is the solution of the equation

JT λ = z , (7.2.24)

where again z is the vector of derivatives of the constraint with respect to the dis-placement components, zi = ∂g/∂ui. It is easy to check that we obtain




∂x+ λT (µ


dx− ∂f

∂x) . (7.2.25)

7.2.5 Sensitivity of Limit Loads

At a critical point with the load value denoted as µ∗, the tangential stiffness matrix Jbecomes singular, and we can have either a bifurcation point or a limit load. We candistinguish between the two by differentiating Eq. (7.2.20) with respect to a loading


Section 7.3: Sensitivity Derivatives of Static Displacement and Stress Constraints

parameter that increases monotonically throughout the loading history. The loadparameter µ is not a good choice, because at a limit point it reaches a maximum andis not monotonic. Instead we often use a displacement component, known to increasemonotonically, or the arc length in the (u, µ) space. We denote such a monotonic loadparameter by α, and denote a derivative with respect to α by a prime. DifferentiatingEq. (7.2.20) with respect to α we get

Ju′ = µ′p . (7.2.26)

At a critical point, J is singular, and we denote the left eigenvector associated withthe zero eigenvalue of J by v, that is

vTJ∗ = 0 , (7.2.27)

where the asterisk denotes quantities evaluated at the critical point. PremultiplyingEq. (7.2.26) by vT , we get

µ′vTp = 0 . (7.2.28)

At a limit point this equation is satisfied because the load reaches a maximum, andthen µ′ = 0. In that case, Eq. (7.2.26) indicates that the buckling mode, which isthe right eigenvector of the tangential stiffness matrix J, is equal to the derivative ofu with respect to the loading parameter. At a bifurcation point µ′ 6= 0, and instead

vTp = 0 . (7.2.29)

For a symmetric tangential stiffness matrix v is also the buckling mode, and Eq.(7.2.29) indicates that the buckling mode is orthogonal to the load vector.

To calculate sensitivity of limit loads we need to consider a more general responsepath parameter ν which can be a load parameter, a design variable, or a combinationof both—a parameter that controls both structural design and loading simultaneously.We denote differentiation with respect to ν by a dot and differentiate Eq. (7.2.20)with respect to ν to get

Ju +∂f

∂xx = µp + µ


dxx . (7.2.30)

We now want a parameter ν that controls the design variable x and the load parameterµ so that we remain at a limit load, µ = µ∗. We select ν = x, and then Eq. (7.2.30)becomes

J∗u + (∂f

∂x)∗ =


dxp + µ∗dp

dx, (7.2.31)

where we used the fact that for our choice of parameter x = 1. Premultiplying Eq.(7.2.31) by the left eigenvector, vT , and rearranging we get




∂x)∗ − µ∗dp



. (7.2.32)

The quantity in brackets in the numerator of Eq. (7.2.32) is the derivative of theresidual of the equations of equilibrium at the limit point. Thus we can use thesemi-analytical method to evaluate the limit load sensitivity as follows: We perturbthe design variable, calculate the change in the residual (for fixed displacements) andtake the dot product with the buckling mode to get the numerator. The denominatoris the dot product of the buckling mode with the load vector.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

7.3 Sensitivity Calculations for Eigenvalue Problems

Eigenvalue problems are commonly encountered in structural stability and vibrationanalysis. When forces are conservative, and no damping is considered, these problemslead to real eigenvalues which represent buckling loads or vibration frequencies. Inthe more general case the eigenvalues are complex. Our discussion starts with thesimpler case of real eigenvalues.

7.3.1 Sensitivity Derivatives of Vibration and Buckling Constraints

Undamped vibration and linear buckling analysis lead to eigenvalue problems of thetype

Ku− µMu = 0 , (7.3.1)

where K is the stiffness matrix, M is the mass matrix (vibration) or the geometricstiffness matrix (buckling) and u is the mode shape. For vibration problems µ is thesquare of the frequency of free vibration, and for buckling problems it is the bucklingload factor. Both K and M are symmetric, and K is positive semidefinite. The modeshape is often normalized with a symmetric positive definite matrix W such that

uTWu = 1 , (7.3.2)

where, for vibration problems, W is usually the mass matrix M. Equations (7.3.1)and (7.3.2) hold for all eigenpairs (µk,u

k). Differentiating these equations with re-spect to a design variable x we obtain

(K− µM)du

dx− dµ

dxMu = −(


dx− µ


dx)u , (7.3.3)



dx= −1

2uT dW

dxu , (7.3.4)

where we have used of the symmetry of W. Equations (7.3.3) and (7.3.4) are validonly for the case of distinct eigenvalues (repeated eigenvalues are, in general, notdifferentiable, and only directional derivatives may be obtained, see Haug et al. [8]).In most applications we are interested only in the derivatives of the eigenvalues.These derivatives may be obtained by premultiplying Eq. (7.3.3) by uT to obtain


uT (dK

dx− µ



uTMu. (7.3.5)

In some applications the derivatives of the eigenvectors are also required. For ex-ample, in automobile design we often require that critical vibration modes have lowamplitudes at the front seats. For this design problem we need derivatives of the


Section 7.3: Sensitivity Calculations for Eigenvalue Problems

mode shape. To obtain eigenvector derivatives we can use the direct approach andcombine Eqs. (7.3.3) and (7.3.4) asK− µM −Mu

− uTW 0







dx− µ



12uT dW


. (7.3.6)

The system (7.3.6) may be solved for the derivatives of the eigenvalue and the eigen-vector. However, care must be taken in the solution process because the principalminor K−µM is singular. Cardani and Mantegazza [9] and Murthy and Haftka [10]discuss several solution strategies which address this problem.

One of the more popular solution techniques is due to Nelson[11]. Nelson’smethod temporarily replaces the normalization condition, Eq. (7.3.2), by the re-quirement that the largest component of the eigenvector be equal to one. Denotingthis re-normalized vector u, and assuming that its largest component is the mth one,we replace Eq. (7.3.2) by

um = 1 , (7.3.7)

and Eq.(7.3.4) bydum

dx= 0 . (7.3.8)

Equation (7.3.3) is valid with u replaced by u, but Eq. (7.3.8) is used to reduce itsorder by deleting the mth row and the mth column. When the eigenvalue µ is distinct,the reduced system is not singular, and may be solved by standard techniques.

To retrieve the derivative of the eigenvector with the original normalization ofEq. (7.3.2) we note that u = umu, so that




dxu + um


dx, (7.3.9)

and dum/dx may be obtained by substituting Eq. (7.3.9) into Eq. (7.3.4) to obtain


dx= −u2


dx− um

2uT dW

dxu . (7.3.10)

We can also use an adjoint or modal technique for calculating the derivatives ofthe eigenvector by expanding that derivative as a linear combination of eigenvectors.That is, denoting the ith eigenpair of Eq. (7.3.1) by (µi,u

i) we assume




ckjuj , (7.3.11)

and the coefficients ckj can be shown to be (see, for example, Rogers [12])

ckj =ujT (


dx− µk



(µk − µj)ujTMuj

, k 6= j . (7.3.12)


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Using the normalization condition of Eq. (7.3.7) we find

ckk = −∑j 6=k

ckjujm . (7.3.13)

On the other hand, if we use the normalization condition of Eq. (7.3.2) with W = M,we get

ckk = −1

2(uk)T dM

dxuk . (7.3.14)

If all the eigenvectors are included in the sum, Eq. (7.3.11) is exact. For mostproblems it is not practical to calculate all the eigenvectors, so that only a few of theeigenvectors associated with the lowest eigenvalues are included. Wang [13] developeda modified modal method that accelerates the convergence. Instead of Eq. (7.3.11)we use


dx= uk

s +l∑


dkjuj , (7.3.15)


uks = K−1


dxM− dK

dx+ µ



]uk (7.3.16)

is a static correction term, and

dkj = µk

ujT (dK

dx− µk



µj(µk − µj)ujTMuj

, k 6= j . (7.3.17)

The coefficient dkk is still given by Eq. (7.3.14) for the normalization condition ofuTMu = 1. For the normalization condition of (7.3.7)

dkk = −uksm −

∑j 6=k

dkjujm . (7.3.18)

Sutter et al. [14] present a study of the convergence of the derivative with increasingnumber of modes using both the modal method and the modified modal method anddemonstrate the improved convergence of the modified modal method.

Example 7.3.1

The spring-mass-dashpot system shown in Fig. (7.3.1) is analysed here for the casethat the dashpot is inactivated, that is c = 0. Initially the two masses and thethree springs have values of 1, and we want to calculate the derivatives of the lowestvibration frequency and the lowest vibration mode with respect to k for two possiblenormalization conditions: one of the form Eq. (7.3.2) with W = M, and one of theform Eq. (7.3.7) with the second component of the mode set to 1.


Section 7.3: Sensitivity Calculations for Eigenvalue Problems

Figure 7.3.1 Spring-mass-dashpot example for eigenvalue derivatives.

Denoting the motions of the two masses as u1 and u2, we find the elastic energy,E, and the kinetic energy, T , to be

E = 0.5[ku2

1 + (u2 − u1)2 + u2


], T = 0.5(u2

1 + u22) .

This gives us the stiffness and mass matrices as

K =

[1 + k −1−1 2

], M =

[1 00 1


For k = 1, the eigenvalue problem, Eq. (7.3.1) becomes[2− ω2 −1−1 2− ω2



}= 0 . (a)

Setting the determinant of the system to zero we get the two frequencies, ω1 = 1,and ω2 =

√3. Substituting back the lowest frequency into Eq. (a) we get for the first

vibration modeu1 − u2 = 0 ,

−u1 + u2 = 0 .

As expected, the system is singular at a natural frequency, so that we need the nor-malization condition to determine the eigenvector. For the normalization condition(7.3.2) the additional equation is

uTMu = u21 + u2

2 = 1 .

For the normalization condition Eq. (7.3.7), the condition is

u2 = 1 ,

where we use the bar to denote the vibration mode with the second normalizationcondition. The solutions with the normalization conditions are

u =




}, u =




Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Next we calculate the derivative of the lowest frequency from Eq. (7.3.5) using primesto denote derivatives with respect to k. For our example

K′ =

[1 00 0

], M′ = 0 .

We use the mode normalized by the mass matrix in Eq. (7.3.5), so that the denomi-nator is equal to 1, and then

µ′ = (ω2)′ = uTK′u = 0.5 .

We can also get the derivative of the frequency and the mode together by using Eq.(7.3.6). We note that

K− µM =

[1 −1−1 1

], Mu = Wu = u =





−(K′ − µM′)u = −K′u =






2uTW′u = 0 .

Equation (7.3.6) is then 1 −1 −√

2/2−1 1 −



2/2 −√

2/2 0









We solve this equation to get

u′1 = −

√2/8, u′

2 =√

2/8, µ′ = 1/2 .

In order to solve for u′ from Eq. (7.3.3), with the additional condition u′2 = 0, we

need to evaluate the expressions:

µ′Mu = 0.5u =


}, −(K′ − µM′)u = −K′u =



Then Eq. (7.3.3), with u replacing u, and the additional condition yield


2 = −0.5 ,


2 = 0.5 ,

u′2 = 0 .

The solution isu′

1 = −0.5, u′2 = 0 .

We can show that u can indeed be retrieved from u′ by using Eqs. (7.3.9) and(7.3.10). Equation (7.3.10) becomes

u′2 = −u2

2uT u′ = −0.5(

√2/2)[ 1 1 ]




2/8 ,


Section 7.3: Sensitivity Calculations for Eigenvalue Problems

which agrees with our previous result. Equation (7.3.9) becomes

u′ = (√

2/8)u + (√

2/2)u′ =














which also agrees with our previous result.• • •

When the eigenvalue µ is repeated with a multiplicity of m, there are m linearlyindependent eigenvectors associated with it. Furthermore, any linear combinationof these eigenvectors is also an eigenvector, so that the choice of eigenvectors is notunique. In this case the eigenvectors that are obtained from a structural analysisprogram will be determined by the idiosyncrasies of the computational procedureused for the solution of the eigenproblem. Assuming that u1, . . . ,um is a set oflinearly independent eigenvectors associated with µ, we may write any eigenvectorassociated with µ as

u =m∑


qiui = Uq , (7.3.19)

where q is a vector of coefficients and U a matrix with columns equal to ui, i =1, . . . ,m. As the design variable x is changed, the eigenvalues usually separate, andthe eigenvectors become unique again. We obtain these eigenvectors by substitutingEq. (7.3.19) into Eq. (7.3.3) and premultiplying by UT to obtain

(A− dµ

dxB)q = 0 , (7.3.20)


A = UT (dK

dx− µ


dx)U , (7.3.21)

andB = UTMU . (7.3.22)

Equation (7.3.20) is an m × m eigenvalue problem for dµ/dx. The m solutionscorrespond to the derivatives of the m eigenvalues derived from µ as x is changed, andthe eigenvectors q give us, through Eq. (7.3.19), the eigenvectors associated with theperturbed eigenvalues. A generalization of Nelson’s method to obtain derivatives ofthe eigenvectors was suggested by Ojalvo [15] and amended by Mills-Curran [16] andDailey [17]. Their procedure seems to contradict the earlier assertion that repeatedeigenvalues are not differentiable. However, while we can find derivatives with respectto any individual variable, these are only good as directional derivatives, in thatderivatives with respect to x and y cannot be combined in a linear fashion. That is

dµ =∂µ

∂xdx +


∂ydy (7.3.23)

will not hold in general. This is demonstrated in the following example.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Example 7.3.2

Let us consider a simple, two variable system

K =

[2 + y x

x 2

], W = M = I .

The two eigenvalues are

µ1,2 = 2 + y/2±√

x2 + y2/4 . (a)

The two eigenvalues are identical for x = y = 0, and we will first demonstrate thatthe eigenvectors are discontinuous at the origin. In fact for x = 0 the two eigenvectorsare

u1 =


}, u2 =



and for y = 0

u1 =


}, u2 =



Obviously, we can get either set of eigenvectors as close to the origin as we wish byapproaching it either along the x axis or along the y axis.

Next we calculate the derivatives of the two eigenvalues with respect to x and yat the origin. At (0,0) any vector is an eigenvector, and we select the two coordinateunit vectors as a basis, that is

U =

[1 00 1


We first calculate derivatives with respect to x, and using Eqs. (7.3.21) and (7.3.22)we get

A =

[0 11 0

], B =

[1 00 1


The solution of the eigenvalue problem, Eq. (7.3.20) is


∂x)1 = 1, (


∂x)2 = −1 ,

and the corresponding eigenvectors are

q1 =



q2 =




Section 7.3: Sensitivity Calculations for Eigenvalue Problems

and because U is the unit matrix, from Eq. (7.3.19) ui = qi. It is easy to check thatthese are indeed the eigenvectors along the y axis (x, 0). Similarly, for derivativeswith respect to y we have

A =

[1 00 0

], B =

[1 00 1


and the two eigenvalues of Eq. (7.3.20) are


∂y)1 = 1, (


∂y)2 = 0 .

The corresponding eigenvectors are

q1 =



q2 =



To see that the above derivatives cannot be used to calculate the change in µ due toa simultaneous change in x and y, consider an infinitesimal change dy = 2dx = 2dt.From the solution for the two eigenvalues, Eq. (a), we have

dµ = dt±√

2dt .

On the other hand, Eq. (7.3.23) yields four values depending on which of two valueswe use for the x and y derivatives. These are 3dt, dt, dt, and −dt.• • •

The implications of the failure of calculating a derivative in an arbitrary directionfrom derivatives in the coordinate directions are quite serious. Most optimization al-gorithms rely on these calculations to choose move directions or to estimate objectivefunction and constraints. Therefore, these algorithms could experience serious dif-ficulties for problems with repeated eigenvalues. On the bright side, computationalexperience shows that even minute differences between eigenvalues are often sufficientto prevent such difficulties. Furthermore, the coalescence of eigenvalues often has anadverse effect on structural performance. In buckling problems it is associated withimperfection sensitivity, and for structural control problems coalescence of vibrationfrequencies can lead to control difficulties. Therefore, constraints are often used toseparate the eigenvalues in design problems.

7.3.2 Sensitivity Derivatives for Non-hermitian Eigenvalue Problems

When structural damping is important or when damping is supplied by aerodynamicforces or active control systems, the damped motion u is governed by

M¨u + C ˙u + Ku = 0 , (7.3.24)


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

where C is the damping matrix, assumed to be symmetric, and a dot denotes differ-entiation with respect to time. Setting

u = ueµt , (7.3.25)

we get[µ2M + µC + K]u = 0 . (7.3.26)

Note that we have not defined the eigenvalue µ in the way we did for the undampedvibration problem. There µ was the square of the frequency, while here, when C = 0,we get µ = iω where ω is the vibration frequency. The derivative of the eigenvalueµ with respect to a design variable x is obtained by differentiating Eq. (7.3.26) withrespect to x and premultiplying by uT

dx= −

µ2uT dM

dxu + µuT dC

dxu + uT dK


2µuTMu + uTCu. (7.3.27)

This equation can be used for estimating the effect of adding a small amount ofdamping to an undamped system. For the undamped system C = 0, the eigenvalueis µ = iω, and the eigenvector is the vibration mode that we will denote here as φ todistinguish it from the damped mode u. Then Eq. (7.3.27) becomes

dx= −

φT dC


2φTMφ. (7.3.28)

Example 7.3.3

Use linear extrapolation to estimate the effect of the dashpot in Figure (7.3.1) on thefirst vibration mode, and then compare with the exact effect for c = 0.2, and c = 1.0.

For this example we take x = c and then (using K, and M from Example 7.3.1)

C =

[x 00 0





dx= 0,



[1 00 0


Using the first vibration mode from Example (7.3.1) which is normalized so that thedenominator of Eq. (7.3.28) is 1, (φ1)T = (

√2/2)[1 , 1], we get

dc≡ dµ

dx= −0.5φT dC

dxφ = −0.25 .

From Example (7.3.1), the frequency of the first natural mode is ω1 = 1 (whichcorresponds to µ = i in the notation of this section). Then using linear extrapolationto calculate an approximate eigenvalue µa we get

µa = µ∣∣∣c=0


dcc = −0.25c + i .


Section 7.3: Sensitivity Calculations for Eigenvalue Problems

For the two given values of c = 0.2, and c = 1.0, the approximate eigenvalues are−0.05 + i, and −0.25 + i, respectively. We compare this approximation to the exactresult obtained by solving Eq. (7.3.26); this yields[

µ2 + cµ + 2 −1−1 µ2 + 2



}= 0 . (a)

The eigenvalue µ is obtained by setting the determinant of this equation to zero. Forthe two values of c we get

c = 0.2 : µ = −0.05025 + 1.0013i .

c = 1.0 : µ = −0.29178 + 1.0326i .

We see that the prediction that c changes only the damping and not the frequencyis quite good, and that linear extrapolation worked quite well for predicting thedamping. • • •

The order of the damped eigenproblem is commonly reduced by approximatingthe damped mode as a linear combination of a small number of natural vibrationmodes ui, i = 1 . . . , m. This may be written as

u = Uq , (7.3.29)

where U is a matrix with ui as columns, and q is a vector of modal amplitudes.Substituting Eq. (7.3.29) into Eq. (7.3.26) and premultiplying by UT we get

[µ2MR + µCR + KR]q = 0 , (7.3.30)

whereMR = UTMU, CR = UTCU, KR = UTKU . (7.3.31)

After we solve for the reduced eigenvector q from Eq. (7.3.30), we can calculatethe derivative of the eigenvalue using two approaches. The first approach, called thefixed-mode approach, employs Eq. (7.3.27) with µ calculated from Eq. (7.3.30) andu given by Eq. (7.3.29). The second approach, called the updated-mode approach,uses Eq. (7.3.27) for the reduced problem, that is

dx= −

µ2qT dMR

dxq + µqT dCR

dxq + qT dKR


2µqTMRq + qTCRq. (7.3.32)

The derivative of KR is given as


dx= UT dK

dxU +


dxKU + UTK



with similar expressions for the derivatives of MR and CR. The names of the twoapproaches are associated with the fact that the corresponding derivatives will agreewith a finite-difference derivative calculations with the modes being fixed or updated,respectively. Also, it can be shown that if we omit the terms with dU/dx from theupdated-mode expression we will recover the fixed-mode result. The calculationof derivatives of vibration modes is expensive, and for this reason the fixed-modeapproach is more appealing. However, as the following example demonstrates, theupdated-mode approach can, occasionally, be substantially more accurate.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Example 7.3.4

For the spring-mass-dashpot example shown in Fig. (7.3.1) construct a reduced modelbased only on the first vibration mode. Calculate the fixed-mode and updated-modederivatives of the eigenvalue associated with the lowest frequency with respect to theconstant k of the leftmost spring. Compare with the exact derivatives for c = 0.2and c = 1.0.

Full-model analysis:

The eigenvalue problem for this example is given by Eq. (a) of Example (7.3.3),and the exact eigenvalue is solved in that example for the two required values of c.For the eigenvector we use a normalization condition that the second component, u2,is equal to 1, and employ the second equation of the eigenproblem to obtain

u =

{µ2 + 1



To calculate the derivative of µ with respect to the stiffness k of the leftmost springwe use Eq. (7.3.27) with matrices calculated in Examples 7.3.1 and 7.3.3

M =

[1 00 1

], C =

[c 00 0

], K =

[k + 1 −1−1 2


M′ = 0, C′ = 0, K′ =

[1 00 0

] ,

where a prime is used to denote a derivative with respect to k. Then from Eq. (7.3.27)we get

µ′ = − uTK′u

uT (C + 2µM)u=

−(µ2 + 2)2

c(µ2 + 2)2 + 2µ[(µ2 + 2)2 + 1

] .

For the two values of c we get (see Example 7.3.3 for values of µ)

For c = 0.2 : µ = −0.05025 + 1.0013i, µ′ = 0.02525 + 0.2522i

For c = 1.0 : µ = −0.29178 + 1.0326i, µ′ = 0.1544 + 0.3460i

Reduced-basis analysis:

The vibration frequencies and first vibration mode were calculated in Example(7.3.1). Since the normalization condition for the full-model eigenvector was thatthe second component be equal to 1, we take the vibration mode with the samenormalization. This mode was denoted with an overbar in Example (7.3.1), but wedrop this overbar since it is the only mode used here

u =




Section 7.3: Sensitivity Calculations for Eigenvalue Problems

Since we use only one mode for the reduced basis, U = u, and using Eq. (7.3.31)with k = 1 we get

MR = 2, CR = c, KR = 2 .

Equation (7.3.30) for the reduced system becomes

(2µ2 + cµ + 2)q = 0 ,

so thatµR = −0.25c + i

√1− 0.0625c2 ,

where the subscript R is used to denote the fact that this is the eigenvalue obtainedfrom the reduced system. The eigenvector, which has only one component, we selectas q = 1. For the two values of c we get

c=0.2: µR = −0.05 + 0.9987i ,

c=1.0: µR = −0.25 + 0.9682i .

It appears that the reduced model gives excellent results for the low-damping case,and moderate errors for the high damping case.

Fixed mode derivative:

For the fixed-mode derivative we still use Eq. (7.3.27), but with µ replaced byµR and u replaced by its approximation in term of the vibration modes. Since theeigenvector q = 1, this approximation is equal to the first vibration mode, so

µ′ = − uTK′u

uT (C + 2µRM)u=


c + 4µR


For the two values of c we get

c=0.2: µ′Rf = 0.2503i ,

c=1.0: µ′Rf = 0.2582i ,

where the subscript f was used to denote derivatives calculated with the fixed-modeapproach. We note that the derivative of the imaginary part (frequency) is good onlyin the low-damping case, and that the fixed-mode derivative misses out altogetherthe effect on the real part (damping). Large errors of this type can happen whenthe derivative is small. Recall that the size of a derivative is best estimated by thelogarithmic derivative. However, here the logarithmic derivative of the real part, sayfor the low damping case is


dk/k= 0.02525/(−0.05025) = −0.5025 ,

so that it is quite substantial.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Updated-mode derivative:

In this case we need the derivative of the vibration mode with respect to k. Thiswas calculated in Example (7.3.1) as (remember that we use u from that example)

u′ =




Then from Eq. (7.3.33)

K′R = uT [K′u + 2Ku′] = [ 1 1 ]

[ [1 00 0


}+ 2

[2 −1−1 2



} ]= 0 .


M′R = 2uTMu′ = 2[ 1 1 ]

[1 00 1



}= −1 ,

C′R = 2uTCu′ = 2[ 1 1 ]

[c 00 0



}= −c .

Finally, from Eq. (7.3.32)

µ′Ru = −−cµR − µ2


4µR + c.

For the two values of c we get

c=0.2: µ′Ru = 0.025 + 0.2513i ,

c=1.0: µ′Ru = 0.125 + 0.2843i ,

which is a much better approximation to the exact derivative than µ′Rf .• • •

In many applications the damping matrix is not symmetric, and then it is con-venient to transform the equations of motion Eq. (7.3.24) to a first order system

B ˙w + Aw = 0 , (7.3.34)


A =

[C K−I 0

], B =

[M 00 I

], w =


}. (7.3.35)

Settingw = weµt , (7.3.36)

we get a first-order eigenvalue problem

Aw + µBw = 0 . (7.3.37)

For calculating the derivatives of the eigenvalues it is convenient to use the left eigen-vector v which is the solution of the associated eigenproblem

vTA + µvTB = 0 . (7.3.38)


Section 7.3: Sensitivity Calculations for Eigenvalue Problems

The two eigenproblems defined in Eqs. (7.3.38) and (7.3.37) are easily shown to havethe same eigenvalues (e.g., [18]). Differentiating (7.3.37) with respect to a designvariable x

(A + µB)dw

dx+ (


dx+ µ


dx)w +

dxBw = 0 , (7.3.39)

and premultiplying by vT we get

dx= −

vT (dA

dx+ µ



vTBw. (7.3.40)

To obtain derivatives of the eigenvector we need a normalization condition. Aquadratic condition such as Eq. (7.3.2) is inappropriate because the eigenvector iscomplex and wTWw can be zero. Even if we eliminate this possibility by replacingthe transpose with the hermitian transpose, the condition

wHWw = 1 (7.3.41)

does not define the eigenvector uniquely because we can still multiply the eigenvectorby any complex number of modulus one without changing the product in Eq. (7.3.41).Therefore, it is more reasonable to normalize the eigenvector by requiring that

vTBw = 1, wm = vm = 1 , (7.3.42)

where m is chosen so that both wm and vm are not small compared to other compo-nents of w and v. The derivative of the normalization condition gives us


dx= 0,


dx= 0 , (7.3.43)

and together with Eq. (7.3.39) we can solve for the derivative of the eigenvector. Thisis the direct method for calculating the eigenvector derivatives. As in the symmetriccase, the adjoint method for calculating the same derivatives is based on expressingthe derivative of the eigenvector in terms of all the eigenvectors of the problem.Denoting the ith eigenvalue as µi and the corresponding eigenvectors as wi and vi

we assumedwk



ckjwj , (7.3.44)

and the coefficients ckj are

ckj =vjT (


dx+ µ



(µk − µj)vjTBwj

, k 6= j , (7.3.45)

andckk = −

∑j 6=k

ckjwjm . (7.3.46)

The upper limit in the sum, l, is the order of the matrices A and B. As in thesymmetric case, it is possible to truncate the series without taking all the eigenvectorsfor the purpose of reducing the cost of the derivative calculation. This introduces anerror which, in general, is problem dependent. Additional information on the variousoptions for derivative calculation can be found in [10].


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

7.3.3 Sensitivity Derivatives for Nonlinear Eigenvalue Problems

In flutter and nonlinear vibration problems, we encounter eigenvalue problemswhere the dependence on the eigenvalue is not linear. For example, Bindolino andMantegazza [19] consider an aeroelastic response problem which produces a transcen-dental eigenvalue problem of the form

A(µ, x)u = 0 (7.3.47)

Differentiating Eq. (7.3.47) we get





∂µ= −∂A

∂xu (7.3.48)

Using the normalizing condition um = 1 we can solve Eq. (7.3.48) for du/dx anddµ/dx. Instead, it is also possible to use the adjoint method, employing the lefteigenvector v satisfying

vTA = 0, vm = 1 (7.3.49)

to obtain

dx= −

vT dAdx


vT dAdµ


A common treatment of flutter problems is to have two real parameters representingthe frequency and speed as an eigenpair instead of one complex eigenvalue. Forexample Murthy [20] replaces Eq. (7.3.47) by

A(M, ω)u = 0 , (7.3.51)

where the Mach number, M , and the frequency, ω, are real parameters. Using thisapproach, differentiate Eq. (7.3.51), premultiply by vT , and use Eq. (7.3.49) to get


dx+ fω

dx= − fx , (7.3.52)


fM = vT ∂A

∂Mu, fω = vT ∂A

∂ωu, fx = vT ∂A

∂xu . (7.3.53)

Multiplying Eq. (7.3.52) by fω (the complex conjugate of fω) we get

fM fωdM

dx+ | fω |2

dx= −fωfx (7.3.54)

The second term in Eq. (7.3.54) as well as dM/dx are real, so by taking the imaginarypart of Eq. (7.3.54) we get


dx= − Im(fωfx)

Im(fM fω)= −


vT ∂A∂x

u) (

vT ∂A∂ω



vT ∂A∂M

u) (

vT ∂A∂ω

u)] . (7.3.55)

Next, multiplying Eq. (7.3.52) by fM and following a similar procedure we find

dx= −


vT ∂A∂x

u) (

vT ∂A∂M



vT ∂A∂M

u) (

vT ∂A∂ω

u)] . (7.3.56)


Section 7.4: Sensitivity of Constraints on Transient Response

7.4 Sensitivity of Constraints on Transient Response

Compared to constraints on steady-state response, constraints on transient responsedepend on one additional parameter—time. That is, a typical constraint may bewritten as

g(u, x, t) ≥ 0 , 0 ≤ t ≤ tf , (7.4.1)

where for simplicity we assume that the constraint must be satisfied from t = 0 tosome final time tf . For actual computation the constraint must be discretized at aseries of nt time points as

gi = g(u, x, ti) ≥ 0 , i = 1, . . . , nt . (7.4.2)

The distribution of time points has to be dense enough to preclude the possibilityof significant constraint violation between time points. This type of constraint dis-cretization can greatly increase the number of constraints, and thereby the cost of theoptimization. Therefore it is desirable to find ways to remove the time dependencewithout substantially increasing the number of constraints.

7.4.1 Equivalent Constraints

One way of removing the time dependence of the constraint is to replace it with anequivalent integrated constraint which averages the severity of the constraint over thetime interval. An example is the equivalent exterior constraint

g(u, x) =



∫ tf


< −g(u, x, t) >2 dt


, (7.4.3)

where < a > denotes max(a, 0). The equivalent constraint g is violated if the originalconstraint is violated for any finite period of time. If, however, g(u, x, t) is not violatedanywhere, g(u, x) is zero. The equivalent exterior constraint is identically zero inthe feasible domain, and so no indication is provided when the constraint is almostcritical. An equivalent constraint which is nonzero when the constraint is satisfied isbased on the Kresselmeier-Steinhauser function, [21, 22], and Eq. (7.4.2)

g(u, x) =−1




], (7.4.4)

where ρ is a parameter which determines the relation between g and the most criticalvalue of g, gmin. Indeed, we can write Eq. (7.4.4) as

g = gmin −1




]. (7.4.5)

And from Eq. (7.4.5) we get

gmin ≥ g ≥ gmin −ln(nt)

ρ, (7.4.6)


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

so that g is an envelope constraint in that it is always more critical than g. Theparameter ρ determines how much more critical g is. However, if ρ is made toolarge for the purpose of reducing the difference between g and gmin, the problem canbecome ill conditioned.

The savings obtained by replacing the discretized constraint, Eq. (7.4.2), by anequivalent one may seem illusory because the integral in Eq. (7.4.3) or the sum inEq. (7.4.4) usually require the evaluation of g(u, x, t) at many time points. Thesavings are realized in the optimization effort and in the computation of constraintderivatives discussed later.

Figure 7.4.1 Critical points.

The disadvantage of equivalent constraints is that they may tend to blur designtrends. Consider, for example a change in design which moves the constraint g fromthe solid to the dashed line in Fig. (7.4.1). An equivalent constraint g may becomemore positive, indicating a beneficial effect, while the situation has become morecritical because we have moved closer to the constraint boundary (g = 0), at least atsome time point tm1. To avoid this blurring effect we use the critical point constraintreplacing the original constraint by

g(u, x, tmi) ≥ 0 , i = 1, 2 . . . , (7.4.7)

where tmi are time points where the constraint has a local minimum. Figure (7.4.1)shows a typical situation where the constraint function has two local minima: aninterior one at tm1, and a boundary minimum at tm2. The local minima are criticalpoints in the sense that they represent time points likely to be involved first inconstraint violations.

One attractive feature of the critical point constraint is that, for the purpose ofobtaining first derivatives, the location of the critical point may be assumed to be


Section 7.4: Sensitivity of Constraints on Transient Response

fixed in time. This is shown by differentiating Eq. (7.4.7) with respect to the designvariable x












dx. (7.4.8)

The last term in Eq. (7.4.8) is always zero. At an interior minimum such as tm1 inFig. (7.4.1) ∂g/∂t is zero. We get a boundary minimum when ∂g/∂t is positive atthe left boundary or negative at the right boundary. This boundary minimum cannotmove away from the boundary unless the slope, ∂g/∂t becomes zero. This means thatas long as ∂g/∂t is nonzero at a boundary minimum, the minimum cannot move, sothatdtmi/dx is zero.

7.4.2 Derivatives of Constraints

For the purpose of calculating derivatives of constraints we assume that the constraintis of the form

g(u, x) =

∫ tf


p(u, x, t)dt ≥ 0 . (7.4.9)

This form represents most equivalent constraints, as well as the critical-point con-straint, which can be obtained by defining

p(u, x, t) = g(u, x, t)δ(t− tmi) . (7.4.10)

The derivative of the constraint with respect to a design variable x is



∫ tf







dx)dt . (7.4.11)

To evaluate the integral we need to differentiate the equations of motion with respectto x. These equations are written in a general first-order form

Au = f(u, x, t) , u(0) = u0 , (7.4.12)

where u is a vector of generalized degrees of freedom, and f is a vector which includescontributions of external and internal loads.

We now discuss several methods for calculating the constraint derivative startingwith the simplest—the direct method. As in the steady-state case, the direct methodproceeds by differentiating Eq. (7.4.12) to obtain an equation for du/dx


dx= J


dx− dA

dxu +




dx(0) = 0 , (7.4.13)

where J is the Jacobian of f

Jij =∂fi


. (7.4.14)

The direct method consists of solving for du/dx from Eq. (7.4.13), and then substi-tuting into Eq. (7.4.11). The disadvantage of this method is that each design variable


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

requires the solution of a system of differential equations, Eq.(7.4.13). When we havemany design variables and few constraint functions we can, as in the static case,use a vector of adjoint variables which depends only on the constraint functions andnot on the design variables. To obtain the adjoint method, we pursue the standardprocedure of multiplying the derivatives of the response equations, Eq. (7.4.13), byan adjoint vector and adding them to the derivatives of the constraint



∫ tf







dx)dt +

∫ tf


λT (Adu

dx− J


dx− ∂f



dxu)dt (7.4.15)

We want to group together all the terms involving du/dx and define the adjointvariable so that the coefficient of du/dx will vanish. To do that, we need to integratethe term involving du/dx. Integrating by parts and rearranging we obtain



∫ tf



∂x− λT


∂x− dA




∂u− λT (A + J)− (λ)TA








(7.4.16)Equation (7.4.16) indicates that the adjoint variable should satisfy

AT λ + (JT + AT )λ = (∂p

∂u)T , λ(tf ) = 0 . (7.4.17)

Then from Eq. (7.4.16) we get



∫ tf



∂x− λT (


∂x− dA


]dt , (7.4.18)

where we used the fact that du/dx is zero at t = 0. Equation (7.4.17) is a system ofordinary differential equations for λ which are integrated backwards (from tf to 0).This system has to be solved once for each constraint rather than once for each designvariable. As in the static case, the direct method is preferable when the number ofdesign variable is smaller than the number of constraints, and the adjoint methodis preferable otherwise. Equation (7.4.17) takes a simpler form for the critical-pointconstraint

AT λ + (JT + AT )λ = (∂g

∂u)T δ(t− tmi), λ(tf ) = 0 . (7.4.19)

By integrating Eq. (7.4.19) from tmi− ε to tmi + ε for an infinitesimal ε, we can easilyshow that Eq. (7.4.19) is equivalent to

AT λ + (JT + AT )λ = 0, λT (tmi) = − ∂g


−1 . (7.4.20)

A third method available for derivative calculation is the Green’s function ap-proach [23]. This method is useful when the number of degrees of freedom in Eq.


Section 7.4: Sensitivity of Constraints on Transient Response

(7.4.12) is smaller than either the number of design variables or the number of con-straints. This can happen when the order of Eq. (7.4.12) has been reduced byemploying modal analysis. The Green’s function method will be discussed for thecase of A = I in Eq. (7.4.12) so that Eq. (7.4.13) becomes


dx= J






dx(0) = 0 . (7.4.21)

The solution of Eq. (7.4.21) may be written [23] in terms of Green’s function K(t, τ)as



∫ tf


K(t, τ)∂f

∂x(τ)dτ , (7.4.22)

where K(t, τ) satisfies

K(t, τ)− J(t)K(t, τ) = δ(t− τ)I ,

K(0, τ) = 0 ,(7.4.23)

and where δ(t − τ) is the Dirac delta function. It is easy to check, by direct substi-tution, that du/dx defined by Eq. (7.4.22), indeed satisfies Eq. (7.4.21).

If the elements of J are bounded then it can be shown that Eq. (7.4.23) isequivalent to

K(t, τ) = 0 , t < τ ,

K(τ, τ) = I ,

K(t, τ)− J(t)K(t, τ) = 0, t > τ .


Therefore, the integration of Eq. (7.4.22) needs to be carried out only up to τ = t. Tosee how du/dx is evaluated with the aid of Eq. (7.4.24), assume that we divide theinterval 0 ≤ t ≤ tf into n subintervals with end points at τ0 = 0 < t1 < . . . < tn = tf .The end points τi are dense enough to evaluate Eq. (7.4.22) by numerical integrationand to interpolate du/dx to other time points of interest with sufficient accuracy. Wenow define the initial value problem

K(t, τk)− J(t)K(t, τk) = 0 ,

K(τk, τk) = I , k = 0, 1, . . . , n− 1 .(7.4.25)

Each of the equations in (7.4.25) is integrated from τk to τk+1 to yield K(τk+1, τk).The value of K for any other pair of points is given by (see [23] for proof)

K(τj, τk) = K(τj, τj−1)K(τj−1, τj−2) . . .K(τk+1, τk) , j > k . (7.4.26)

The solution for K is equivalent to solving nm systems of the type of Eq. (7.4.13)or (7.4.20) where nm is the order of the vector u. Therefore, the Green’s functionmethod should be considered for cases where the number of design variables andconstraints both exceed nm. This is likely to happen when the order of the systemhas been reduced by using some type of modal or reduced-basis approximation.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Example 7.4.1

We consider a single degree-of-freedom system governed by the differential equation

au = (u− b)2, u(0) = 0 ,

and a constraint on the response u in the form

g(u) = c− u(t) ≥ 0, 0 ≤ t ≤ tf .

The response has been calculated and found to be monotonically increasing, so thatthe critical-point constraint takes the form

g(u) = g[(u(tf )] = c− u(tf ) .

We want to use the direct, adjoint, and Green’s function methods to calculate thederivative of g with respect to a and b.

The problem may be integrated directly to yield

u =b2t

bt + a.

In our notation

A = a, J =∂f

∂u= 2(u− b) .

Direct Method. The direct method requires us to write Eq. (7.4.13) for x = a andx = b. For x = a we obtain


da= 2(u− b)


da− u,


da(0) = 0 .

In general the values for u and u would be available only numerically, so that theequation for du/da will also be integrated numerically. Here, however, we have theclosed-form solution for u, so that we can substitute it into the derivative equation




bt + a


da− ab2

(bt + a)2,


da(0) = 0 ,

and solve analytically to obtain


da= − b2t

(bt + a)2.


da= −du

da(tf ) =

b2tf(btf + a)2



Section 7.4: Sensitivity of Constraints on Transient Response

We now repeat the process for x = b. Equation (7.4.13) becomes


db= 2(u− b)


db− 2(u− b),


db(0) = 0 .

Solving for du/db we obtaindu


b2t2 + 2abt

(bt + a)2,

and thendg

db= −du

db(tf ) = −

b2t2f + 2abtf

(btf + a)2.

Adjoint Method. The adjoint method requires the solution of Eq. (7.4.20) whichbecomes

aλ + 2(u− b)λ = 0, λ(tf ) = −1



∂u(tf ) =




aλ− 2ab

bt + aλ = 0, λ(tf ) =



which can be integrated to yield

λ =1


bt + a

btf + a)2 .

Then dg/da is obtained from Eq. (7.4.18) which becomes



∫ tf


λudt =

∫ tf




bt + a

btf + a)2 ab2

(bt + a)2dt =

b2tf(btf + a)2


Similarly, dg/db is



∫ tf


2λ(u− b)dt = −2


∫ tf


(bt + a

btf + a)2 ab

bt + adt = −

b2t2f + 2abtf

(btf + a)2.

Green’s Function Method. We recast the problem as

u = (u− b)2/a ,

so that the Jacobian J isJ = 2(u− b)/a .

Equation (7.4.24) becomes

k(t, τ)− [2(u− b)/a]k(t, τ) = 0, k(τ, τ) = 1 ,


k(t, τ) +2b

bt + ak(t, τ) = 0 .


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

The solution for k is

k =

(bτ + a

bt + a


, t ≥ τ ,

so that from Eq. (7.4.22)



∫ tf



∂akdτ = −

∫ tf


(bτ + a

bt + a

)(u− b)2

a2dτ = − b2t

(bt + a)2.




∫ tf



∂bkdτ = −

∫ tf



(bτ + a

bt + a

)2 (u− b


)dτ = −b2t2 + 2abt

(bt + a)2.

• • •

7.4.3 Linear Structural Dynamics

For the case of linear structural dynamics it may be advantageous to retain the second-order equations of motion rather than reduce them to a set of first-order equations.It is also common to use modal reduction for this case. In this section we discuss theapplication of the direct and adjoint methods to this special case. The equations ofmotion are written as

Mu + Cu + Ku = f(t) . (7.4.27)

Most often the problem is reduced in size by expressing u in terms of m basis functionsui, i = 1, . . . m, where m is usually much less than the number of degrees of freedomof the original system, Eq.(7.4.27)

u = Uq , (7.4.28)

where U is a matrix with ui as columns. Then a reduced set of equations can bewritten as

MRq + CRq + KRq = fR , (7.4.29)


MR = UTMU, CR = UTCU, KR = UTKU, fR = UT f . (7.4.30)

When the basis functions are the first m natural vibration modes of the structurescaled to unit modal masses, U satisfies the equation

KU−MUθ2 = 0 , (7.4.31)

where θ is a diagonal matrix with the ith natural frequency ωi in the ith row. In thatcase KR = θ2 and MR = I are diagonal matrices. For special forms of damping, thedamping matrix CR is also diagonal so that the system Eq. (7.4.29) is uncoupled.After q is calculated from Eq. (7.4.29) we can use Eq. (7.4.28) to calculate u. Thismodal reduction method is known as the mode-displacement method.


Section 7.4: Sensitivity of Constraints on Transient Response

When the load f has spatial discontinuities the convergence of the modal approx-imation, Eq. (7.4.29) can be very slow [24, 25]. The convergence can be dramaticallyaccelerated by using the mode acceleration method, originally proposed by Williams[26]. The mode acceleration method can be derived by rewriting Eq. (7.4.27) as

u = K−1f −K−1Cu−K−1Mu . (7.4.32)

The first term in Eq. (7.4.32) is called the quasi-static solution because it representsthe response of the structure if the loads are applied very slowly. The second termand third terms are approximated in terms of the modal solution. It can be shown(e.g., Greene [27]) that K−1 can be approximated as

K−1 = Uθ−2UT (7.4.33) .

Using this approximation for the second and third terms of Eq. (7.4.32) we get

u ≈ K−1f −Uθ−2CRq−Uθ−2q . (7.4.34)

This approximation is exact when U contains the full set of vibration modes. Notethat q and q in Eq. (7.4.34) are obtained from the mode-displacement solution, Eq.(7.4.29). Therefore, there is no difference in velocities and accelerations between themode-displacement and the mode acceleration methods.

In considering the calculation of sensitivities we treat first the mode-displacementmethod. The direct method of calculating the response sensitivity is obtained bydifferentiating Eq. (7.4.29) to obtain


dx+ CR


dx+ KR


dx= r , (7.4.35)


r =dfRdx

− dMR

dxq− dMR

dxq− dKR

dxq . (7.4.36)

The derivative of KR with respect to x is given by Eq. (7.3.33), and similar expres-sions are used for the derivatives of MR, CR, and fR. The calculation is simplifiedconsiderably by using a fixed set of basis functions U or neglecting the effect of thechange in the modes. In some cases (e.g., [28]) the error associated with neglectingthe effect of changing modes is small. When this error is unacceptable we have toface the costly calculation of the derivatives of the modes needed for calculating thederivatives of the reduced matrices, such as Eq. (7.3.33). Fortunately it was foundby Greene [27] that the cost of calculating the derivatives of the modes can be sub-stantially reduced by using the modified modal method Eq. (7.3.15) keeping only thefirst term in this equation. This approximation to the derivatives of the modes maynot always be accurate, but it appears to be sufficient for calculating the sensitivityof the dynamic response.

For the adjoint method we consider a constraint in the form of Eq. (7.4.9)

g(q, x) =

∫ tf


p(q, x, t)dt ≥ 0 , (7.4.37)


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

so thatdg


∫ tf







dx)dt . (7.4.38)

To avoid the calculation of dq/dx we multiply the response derivative equation, Eq.(7.4.35), by an adjoint vector, λ, and add to the derivative of the constraint



∫ tf







dx)dt +

∫ tf


λT (−MRdq





dx+ r)dt . (7.4.39)

We want to get rid of the response derivative terms by selecting λ appropriately.We use integration by parts to get rid of time derivatives in the response derivativeterms. We obtain



∫ tf



∂x− λT r +


∂q− λTMR + λTCR − λTKR







+ λTMRdq


∣∣∣tf0− λTCR






If the initial conditions do not depend on the design variable x, Eq. (7.4.40) suggeststhe following definition for λ

MRλ−CRλ + KRλ = (∂p

∂q)T , λ(tf ) = λ(tf ) = 0 , (7.4.41)

and then Eq. (7.4.40) becomes



∫ tf



∂x− λT r)dt . (7.4.42)

For the mode-acceleration method we consider only the direct method. We startby differentiating Eq. (7.4.27) and rearranging it as


dx= K−1


dx− dK



dx− dC



dx− dM


]. (7.4.43)

Next we use Eq. (7.4.34) to approximate the second term, and the modal expansionEq. (7.4.28) to approximate the other terms to get


dx≈ K−1


dx− dK

dx[K−1f −Uθ−2CRq−Uθ−2q]−


dx− dC



dx− dM




Finally we use the modal approximation to K−1, Eq. (7.4.33) to obtain


dx≈ K−1


dx− dK





dxUθ−2CRq− dC







dxUθ−2 − dM






Section 7.5: Exercises

Note that the calculation involves the solution of Eqs. (7.4.29) and (7.4.35) for q anddq/dx, followed by Eq. (7.4.45) for retrieving the du/dx. Additional details can befound in [27].

7.5 Exercises

Figure 7.5.1 Three-bar truss.

1. Write a program using the finite-element method to calculate the displacementsand stresses in the three-bar truss shown in Fig. (7.5.1). Also calculate the derivativeof the stress in member A with respect to AA by the forward- and central-differencetechniques. Consider the case AA = AB = kAC . (a)Take k = 10−m where m is thenumber of decimal digits you use in the computation minus two. Find the optimumstep size. (b)Find the smallest value of k that allows an error of less than 10 percent.

2. Calculate the derivatives of the stress in member A of the three bar truss of Fig.(7.5.1) at a design point where all three cross-sectional areas have the same valueA. First calculate the derivative with respect to the cross-sectional area of A usingthe direct and adjoint method. Next calculate the derivative with respect to thecross-sectional areas of members B and C using one method only.

3. Calculate all the second derivatives of the stress in member A of problem 2 withrespect to the three cross-sectional areas.

4. Obtain a method for calculating third derivatives of constraints on displacementand stresses (static case).

5. Obtain a finite-element approximation to the first vibration frequency of the trussof problem 1 in terms of A, l, Young’s modulus E and the mass density ρ. Assumethat there is no bending. Then calculate the derivative of the frequency with respectto the cross-sectional area of the three members. All areas are the same.

6. Calculate the derivative of the lowest (in absolute magnitude) eigenvalue of prob-lem 5 with respect to the strength c of a horizontal dashpot at joint D: (i) whenc = 0; (ii) when c is selected (by linear extrapolation on the basis of part (i)) to makethe damping ratio (negative of real part over the absolute value of the eigenvalue) be0.05.


Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

Figure 7.5.2 Two-span beam.

7. The beam shown in Fig. (7.5.2) needs to be stiffened to increase its buckling load.Calculate the derivative of the buckling load with respect to the moment of inertia ofthe left and right segments, and decide what is the most economical way of stiffeningthe beam. Assume that the cost is proportional to the mass, and the cross-sectionalarea is proportional to the square root of the moment of inertia.

8. Obtain an expression for the second derivatives of the buckling load with respectto structural parameters.

9. Repeat Example 7.3.4 for the derivative with respect to c instead of k.

10. Consider the equation of motion for a mass-spring-damper system

mw + cw + kw = f(t)

where f(t) = f0H(t) is a step function, and w(0) = w(0) = 0. Calculate the derivativeof the maximum displacement with respect to c for the case k/m = 4., c/m = 0.05,f0/m = 2. using the direct method.

11. Obtain the derivatives of the maximum displacement in Problem 10 with respectto c, m, f0 and k using the adjoint method.

12. Solve problem 10 using Green’s function method.

13. Solve problem 10 using the mode-displacement method and mode-accelerationmethods with a single mode.

7.6 References

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[3] Haftka, R.T., “Sensitivity Calculations for Iteratively Solved Problems,” Inter-national Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 21, pp.1535–1546,1985.


Section 7.6: References

[4] Haftka, R.T., “Second-Order Sensitivity Derivatives in structural Analysis”,AIAA Journal, Vol. 20, pp.1765-1766, 1982.

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Chapter 7: Sensitivity of Discrete Systems

[20] Murthy, D.V., “Solution and Sensitivity of a Complex Transcendental Eigen-problem with Pairs of Real Eigenvalues,” Proceedings of the 12th Biennial ASMEConference on Mechanical Vibration and Noise (DE-Vol. 18-4), Montreal Canada,September 17–20, 1989, pp. 229–234 (in press Int. J. Num. Meth. Eng. 1991).

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