Senator jesse helms on world government mar-apr 2000

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Transcript of Senator jesse helms on world government mar-apr 2000

March/April 2000Volume 10/Number 2



Senator Jesse HelmsOn World Government

China Turns Up the Heat

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Many have stated that it is impossible to know whether ornot we are living in the last days before the second comingof Jesus Christ. However, below you will find dramaticproof that this is the last times. All of the proofs belowtaken together defy coincidence.

1. EUPHRATES RIVER TO BE DRIED UP: InRevelation 16:12, the Bible predicts that the EuphratesRiver will be dried up to prepare the way for the kings ofthe east to invade Israel. This will happen at the time of thebattle of Armageddon according to verse 16 of the samechapter. The battle of Armageddon will be the final battle atwhich time Jesus Christ will return and fight on the side ofthe nation of Israel. Immediately thereafter He will estab-lish His kingdom and usher in His 1000-year reign ofpeace.On January 13th, 1990, theIndianapolis Star carried the head-line “Turkey will cut off flowof Euphrates for 1 month.”The article stated that ahuge reservoir had beenbuilt by Turkey. Whilefilling up the reservoir,the flow of theEuphrates would bestopped for one monthand a concrete plug for adiversion channel built.These things have nowbeen done. With this newlybuilt dam, Turkey has the abil-ity to stop the Euphrates River atwill. The conditions for fulfilling this1900 year old prophecy are now in place!

2. CHINA GOES TO WAR: In Revelation 9:15-16, the Bible prophesies that an army of 200 millionsoldiers will launch a war which will kill “the third part ofmen”. Never in the history of the world, until our presentgeneration, has there been a power on earth that could field200 million soldiers. However, the late ruler of China, MaoTsetung boasted in his diary that he could field an army of200 million. We see that this prophecy pertaining to thevery last times could not ever have been fulfilled until now.

3. WORLDWIDE NUMBERING SYSTEM PRE-DICTED: In Revelation chapter 13, the Bible prophesiesthat a world dictator will soon rule over a world govern-ment. He will cause all people on the earth to receive anumber without which they will be unable to buy or sell.

We are seeing this prophecy fulfilled before our eyes in amost astonishing way. Nearly every human being in theworld now has been assigned a number. In America it is oursocial security number. In the last few years we have seenthis number extended to small children. A child without asocial security number cannot be declared as a dependent onan income tax return. We have seen the emergence of elec-tronic money, shopping with credit cards, and many peopleare urging the abolishment of cash. All of these things couldnot possibly have been fulfilled until this present time. Onlyafter the invention of the computer could such a worldwidenumbering system be administered.

4. THE EMERGENCE OF A NEW WORLDORDER: Revelation 13:7 and Daniel 7:23 prophesy the establishment of a world government. We recently have

seen the term “new world order” being usedby the leading political people of our

world. Mikhail Gorbachev hasmade the term famous, and

Pope John Paul II has re-ferred to it repeatedly.

Finally our formerPresident, GeorgeBush, in the ChicagoTribune, September12, 1990, said “Iraq isthe first test for thenew world order.” He

stated emphatically thatthe Iraq War

is Saddam Hussein againstthe world. The United

Nations troops are continually re-ferred to as the multi-national forces.

The decision has been made to establish an in-terdependent community of nations that will rule the worldunder United Nations authority. The Bible says that thiswill lead us into a great world government. We can see thishappening right before our eyes.

COINCIDENCE OR DIVINE PROVIDENCE? TheEuphrates River can be dried up, the necessary 200 millionman army is available, a worldwide numbering system ispossible because of the computer, and now the new worldorder is appearing.

Is it coincidental that all of these major prophecies pertain-ing to the last times are being fulfilled simultaneously?



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United States State Deparement Photo

AP WideWorld Photo/UN Photo, Evan Schneider

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Cover: Left to right, Kofi Annan, Jesse Helms, Richard Holbrooke: AP WideWorld Photo/UN Photo, Evan Schneider

C OV E R S TO RY8 Jesse Helms Addresses the UN Security Council

The ultimate prophetic destiny of the U.S. is unknown. Will we be absorbed into the Antichrist's New World Order or stand in opposition? Helms eloquently identifies the crossroads at which America now find herself. Its prophetic significance is clear.

F E AT U R E A R T I C L E S14 Exclusive Interview—Dr. Hans Kung

Endtime recently spoke with the man who authored “Towards a Global Ethic,” a document designed to become “a statement of faith” for the New World Order.

18 China Turns Up the Heat"It is better to fight now than in the future...the earlier, the better," reads a recent document from the Chinese military. Are they bluffing? Taiwan doesn't think so. Neither does the U.S. The 6th Trumpet of Revelation may be hanging in the balance.

22 The Year 2000 & Middle East PeaceBarak is prepared to return the Golan to Syria and Arafat's Palestinian State looks like it will be a reality by year's end. Will Clinton's legacy be Middle East peace or Monica Lewinsky? What will Pope John Paul II's visit to Israel in late March bring?

26 World Review & Prophecy ShortsWhile many were preoccupied with the cares of this world, ice balls fell from the sky, the moon turned to blood, the pope called for unityamong the world's religions, a goat-toss in Spain was cancelled and the UN gave us a taste of what life will be like under the Mark of the Beast.

28 The I.M.F. & the Fed—A Bedtime StoryOnce upon a time a group of men decided they were going to take over the world. Come children. Sit down. Let me read you a bedtime story.

D E PA R T M E N T S4 Editorial6 Letters

13 Whetstone29 Crossword31 Seek & Find

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4 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000

It is almost spooky to see majorprophecies of the endtime becom-ing issues in our present presidentialcampaign. Why is the status ofJerusalem so important that every

candidate is asked, “If you become presi-dent, will you move the U.S. Embassy inIsrael to Jerusalem?”

What is so amazing is that the Bibleprophesies the status of Jerusalem will bethe pivotal issue of the endtimes.Zechariah 14:2 states that the nations ofthe world will come against Jerusalem,

precipitating the apocalyptic Battle ofArmageddon.

China has threatened loud and oftenthat she will invade the island of Taiwanif steps toward unification with themainland are not taken soon. Each of usas Americans want to know whether thecandidates, if they became president,would risk nuclear war with the RedChinese Dragon over Taiwan.

That ominous prophecy lurks in theback of all of our minds—the one thatforetells an army of 200 million soldierstriggering a war that destroys “the thirdpart of men.”

George W. Bush was asked who his fa-vorite philosopher was. I think all of uswere more than a little shocked when heanswered, “Jesus Christ.” It was as thoughthe world’s entire news media establish-ment gasped for their collective breaths.You could almost hear the political pun-dits whispering behind their hands, “Ican’t believe he said that!”

So, are Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson

evil, as John McCain said they are? IsGeorge W. Bush a Catholic-hater, as hewas accused of being, or was McCainmerely playing the “religion card?”

Wherever your political loyalties lay, itseems only fitting that endtime issuesshould be receiving such prominence inthis endtime presidential election.

Is God dead? Has He gone on a jour-ney and left the world to its own devices?It certainly does not sound like it from“Campaign Trail 2000!” ❏

EditorialProphecy and thePresidential Race






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What is Endtime Magazine?In 1968, Irvin Baxter Jr. discovered the United States and other modern nations in the Bible. He also

found the Berlin Wall in the Bible and that one day it was to be torn down, reuniting Germany, and thatevent would be the catalyst to spark an international movement called the "New World Order." Thesethings have now come to pass.

Irvin Baxter Jr., a Pentecostal minister, began Endtime Ministries in 1986 when he wrote A MessageFor The President, a book explaining the major prophecies of the Bible which he had been teachingsince 1968.

After the fall of the Berlin Wall, prophetic fulfillment accelerated rapidly. The decision was made tolaunch Endtime. The purpose of the magazine is to explain the prophecies of the Bible and to showthat they are now being fulfilled in intricate detail.

Articles focus on the soon return of Jesus Christ, the truth of the Bible, and the need for salvation.Endtime does not deal with doctrinal controversies, as valid as they may be. This will be left to otherpublications.

STATEMENT OF FAITH: We believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God, that Jesus Christ isthe Savior of the world, and that He will come again to establish a kingdom that shall never be de-stroyed (Daniel 2:44).Those who are born again (John 3:3-5) will have eternal life and rule as kings andpriests with Christ forever.

Irvin Baxter Jr., Endtime Editor

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E-mail:, Website: http://www.endtime.comSEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 1999endtime

Lesson 1United States &Other ModernNations in the


Lesson 2New World Order

is WorldGovernment

Lesson 3Mideast Peace—

Prelude toArmageddon

Lesson 4The Four


Lesson 5Holy Roman

Empire Revived

Lesson 6Antichrist & False


Lesson 7Mark of the Beast

Lesson 8The Coming One-

World Religion

Lesson 9How to Enter theKingdom of God

Lesson 10The Rapture

Lesson 1United States &Other ModernNations in the


Lesson 2New World Order

is WorldGovernment

Lesson 3Mideast Peace—

Prelude toArmageddon

Lesson 4The Four


Lesson 5Holy Roman

Empire Revived

Lesson 6Antichrist & False


Lesson 7Mark of the Beast

Lesson 8The Coming One-

World Religion

Lesson 9How to Enter theKingdom of God

Lesson 10The Rapture

Understandingthe EndtimeLevel One

Understandingthe EndtimeLevel One

Video Series: $99.97Study Manual: $18.97

Cassette Series: $39.97Transparencies: TBA

Video Series: $99.97Study Manual: $18.97

Cassette Series: $39.97Transparencies: TBA

Three Ways to LearnVideo Series: $129.97 ● Cassette Series: $59.97 ● Study Manual: $14.97

Four Ways to TeachFlip Chart: $59.97 ● Transparencies: $150 ● Slides: $59.97 ● Video Series: $129.97

Three Ways to LearnVideo Series: $129.97 ● Cassette Series: $59.97 ● Study Manual: $14.97

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Richmond, IN 47375-20661-800-ENDTIME

Endtime MagazinePO Box 2066

Richmond, IN 47375-20661-800-ENDTIME

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Understandingthe Endtime

Level Two

Lesson 11: 11:59 P.M.Lesson 12: The 7 TrumpetsLesson 13: Where Are We in Prophecy

Right NowLesson 14: Will the UN Invade Israel NextLesson 15: Is the Antichrist Among Us

Understandingthe EndtimeLevel Three

Revelation Revealed

“The Sequence of Endtime Events”

Lesson 1: The Secret of Understanding Revelation

Lesson 2: Seals, Trumpets & VialsLesson 3: The Wrath of SatanLesson 4: The Wrath of GodLesson 5: The Second Coming of Jesus

ChristLesson 6: Timeline of the End

Understandingthe Endtime

Level Two

Lesson 11: 11:59 P.M.Lesson 12: The 7 TrumpetsLesson 13: Where Are We in Prophecy

Right NowLesson 14: Will the UN Invade Israel NextLesson 15: Is the Antichrist Among Us

Understandingthe EndtimeLevel Three

Revelation Revealed

“The Sequence of Endtime Events”

Lesson 1: The Secret of Understanding Revelation

Lesson 2: Seals, Trumpets & VialsLesson 3: The Wrath of SatanLesson 4: The Wrath of GodLesson 5: The Second Coming of Jesus

ChristLesson 6: Timeline of the End

Video Series: $80.00 ● Any 3 videos: $50.00Cassette Series (6 tapes): $39.97

Video Series: $80.00 ● Any 3 videos: $50.00Cassette Series (6 tapes): $39.97

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6 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000

The term “saints” does not refer only to JewsIn the book of Revelation, it says that the dragon will make

war with the “saints.” I have read in other texts in the Biblewhere “the saints” have referred to Israel. I am wondering ifthis is not referring to Israel at this point. What do you think?

Thanks!I. SandersMorgantown, IN

Reply: The passage to which you refer is Revelation 13:7, “Andit was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcomethem: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, andnations.”

Notice that the saints were to be from all kindreds, and tonguesand nations. This would obviously rule out them being exclu-sively Jewish saints. Furthermore, I know of no proof in the NewTestament where the term “saints” refers only to Jews.

The Bible doesn’t specifically prophesy a transfer of wealth

I have heard by a number of Bible teachers that, before theSecond Coming of Christ and the 1,000-year reign of peace,there will be a transference of wealth from the unbeliever tothe believer. The verse used is “The wealth of the wicked isstored up for the righteous” (Proverbs 13:22). I do not see howthis fits into the endtime events. Please comment.

In Christ,J. StankoCampbellsburg, KY

Reply: Proverbs 13:22 gives us a general principle that hasproven to be true throughout the ages of time. I would not be sur-prised if God did allow great financial resources to come to Hischurch for the purpose of financing a great evangelistic outreach inthese last times. However, to say that this scripture specificallyprophesies a transfer of wealth during the endtime on a greaterscale than at any other time appears to be a stretch.

Could a re-born Soviet Union be the prophesied ten-horned beast?

I appreciate your ministry very much. It has been an inspi-ration to me in my walk with the Lord.

I thought it was very interesting how Boris Yelsin just sud-denly stepped down from power. I was reading about this manwho replaced him Vladimir Putin. I noticed how he fits someof the scriptures of the Antichrist.

Could Russia come back together to form the ten-nationunion of the Antichrist? I know you believe the sixth trumpet

is next, and I think you are right. It just seems to make sensethat, if the United States and China went to war and knockedeach other off, it would be easy for this man to dominate theworld scene. A United Russia would still have nuclear powerand could dictate to the United Nations how to rule. I knowthis is just speculation because I don’t know how Putin couldfulfill other scriptures. I would appreciate your answer verymuch, because I know God has opened your eyes to theprophecies of the Bible.

Sincerely yours,B. CoveyRodessa, LA

Reply: I do believe it may be possible for Russia to become thecenter for a re-born Soviet Union. To speculate at this time onthe possibility of Putin being the Antichrist would be just that—speculation.

“Third Way” concept definedI listen to your program daily. Since we don’t get the pro-

gram live, sometimes it is hard to get my questions answered.That’s why I’m writing.

Tony Blair mentioned the Third Way last week in an inter-view. Tell us about the Third Way movement. What is it?

Joerg Haider of Austria appears to be a new Hitler. Could hebe the Antichrist? He is from a little horn shaped country.

Thanks,D. EdwardsIndianapolis, IN

Reply: The two dominant forces in our world since World WarII have been Capitalism and Communism. Since the dissolution ofthe Soviet Union, the enemies of capitalism have attempted to comeup with an alternative ideology that would avoid what they see asthe evils of capitalism. This has resulted in the birth of the “ThirdWay.”

The Third Way concept is to retain all the welfare programs ofSocialism under the guise of Democracy. The proponents of the newmovement are actually advocating Social Democracy. However,since Socialism has been so thoroughly discredited, a new name wassought for this hybrid political system. Thus “The Third Way” wasborn.

Under the influence of this new wave, 13 of the 15 members ofthe European Union have now elected socialist governments. Thishas happened only ten years after the fall of the Berlin Wall and thesupposed death of Socialism. Because of its many socialistic pro-grams, the Democratic Party here in America has been encouragedby Britain’s Tony Blair to join the Third Way movement.

In simple terms, the Third Way is Socialism with a new dress on.

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Letters to Endtime

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7MARCH/APRIL 2000endtime

Joerg Haider has expressed admiration for many of the policies ofAdolf Hitler. Hitler was definitely a forerunner of the Antichrist.Because of Haider’s pro-Hitler statements, much alarm has beenproduced throughout the world by his rise to power in Austria.

Since we don’t know for certain who the Antichrist is, it wouldbe impossible to totally rule Joerg Haider out. However, I tend tothink it will be a man who is widely accepted, not one who hasreceived almost universal condemnation. Revelation 13:3 tells usconcerning the Antichrist, “…and all the world wondered afterthe beast.”

The World Community is World GovernmentI was blessed when I read your Endtime Magazine. Could you

please answer the following questions:When you talk about one-world government, one-world

economy and one-world religion, what do you mean exactly?You talk about the Antichrist waiting in the wings. When

they sign the Middle East peace accords, will the Antichrist berevealed and will the one-world government, one-world econ-omy and one-world religion come into existence?

Where will the Antichrist come from?

Yours faithfully,B. WosoKiwbe, West New BritainPapua, New Guinea

Reply: 1. When you read in your newspaper about the WorldCommunity or the International Community, you are readingabout the one-world government. The United Nations is the proph-esied one-world government in formation. When the UN has thepower to arrest citizens of a sovereign nation against the will of thatnation, as it does now, we are in world government. When the na-tions of the world act in concert against an individual nation as wasrecently done in Yugoslavia, we are in world government.

When the nations of the world become entangled in global eco-nomic treaties such as the World Trade Organization, which can tellthem what trade policies to adopt and can issue fines for violations,we are in one-world economy.

When it becomes politically incorrect to speak against a religionor to say that a religion is wrong, we are moving into a global spir-ituality.

2. The Antichrist will not be revealed at the “confirming of thecovenant.” He will be revealed three and one-half years later at thetime of the Abomination of Desolation (II Thessalonians 2:3-4).

We are gradually moving into global government, religion andeconomy right now. The emerging system of global governance willforce the people of the world into compliance to its edicts during theGreat Tribulation and the time of the mark of the beast. This willtake place during the final three and one-half years beforeArmageddon.

3. I can not tell you for sure at this time where the Antichristwill come from.

E-commerce is leading us toward the “Mark of theBeast”

During the day I listen to BBC Radio; and at night I listen

to the WHRI stations. On the BBC stations, I have been hear-ing a lot about e-commerce and how it will change ourshopping habits.

Yesterday, I read in a newspaper that a hacker in the east hastried to extort money from a company after hacking into theircomputer and copying credit card details of their customers.

I wouldn’t think that all this has done much to boost e-com-merce! The risks of sending one’s credit card details throughthe mail or on the Internet is surely obvious. It seems this kindof criminal activity could bring large companies to bank-ruptcy.

On the other hand, an electronically transmitted “mark”might solve some of these problems. Do you think this couldbe one of the things that will propel us into a cashless society?And do you think people will actually bear a visible mark ontheir hand or forehead for this purpose?

Yours sincerely,TremlettEngland

Reply: The developments that you describe are definitely leadingus straight into the arms of the mark of the beast. However, it is veryunlikely that the mark of the beast will be a visible mark. One pos-sible method, which is being experimented with right now, is animplanted computer chip. This would be invisible, but it would pro-vide positive identification and would be perfect for use in buyingand selling.

We’ll know, sooner than we care to, how the endtime programof the Antichrist will be executed. It can’t be that far away.

..And Boy, Were My Arms TiredLove your stuff!! I have no way to find out what's going on

in this world except by listening to your program and tapes.I'm in North Dakota and do have a little difficulty in receiv-ing your radio show. I have to stand in the hallway and holdthe radio above my head - but - it's worth it!!

Keep up the good work and may you be blessed many timesover.

In Jesus name and under His blood,

GeorgetteShortwave Listener

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Endtime thanks you for yourletters. The letters we use inEndtime do not necessarily reflectthe views of Endtime and/or its staff.

Endtime reserves the right to editletters according to space and edi-torial style.

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8 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000

On January 20, Jesse Helms,Chairman of the powerfulU.S. Senate Committee onForeign Relations, spoke be-fore the UN Security

Council. Helms’ committee controls thepurse strings on U.S. contributions to theUnited Nations, and has been withholdingpayments for quite some time.

In his address he explained, from his per-spective, the conditions under which theUnited States should participate in the UN.

While the U.S. is specifically mentionedin Bible prophecy (see Understanding theEndtime, Level One, Lesson One), its ulti-mate destiny in world affairs remainsunclear. Will the U.S. be absorbed into theAntichrist’s New World Order or stand inopposition? Helms’ speech very eloquentlyidentifies the crossroads at which Americanow finds herself. Its prophetic significance isclear.

Mr. President, DistinguishedAmbassadors, Ladies and Gentlemen,

I genuinely appreciate your welcomingme here this morning. You are distin-guished world leaders and it is my hopethat there can begin, this day, a patternof understanding and friendship betweenyou who serve your respective countriesin the United Nations and, those of uswho serve not only in the United States

Government but also the millions ofAmericans whom we represent andserve.

It may very well be that some of thethings I feel obliged to say will not meetwith your immediate approval, if at all. Itis not my intent to offend you and I hopeI will not.

It is my intent to extend to you myhand of friendship and convey the hopethat in the days to come, and in retro-spect, we can join in a mutual respectthat will enable all of us to work togetherin an atmosphere of friendship and hope—the hope to do everything we can toachieve peace in the world.

I am not a diplomat, and as such, I amnot fully conversant with the elegant andrarefied language of the diplomatic trade.I am an elected official, with somethingof a reputation for saying what I meanand meaning what I say. So I trust youwill forgive me if I come across as a bitmore blunt than those you are accus-tomed to hearing in this chamber.

Never before has the Senate ForeignRelations Committee ventured as agroup from Washington to visit an inter-national institution. I hope it will be anenlightening experience for all of us, andthat you will accept this visit as a sign ofour desire for a new beginning in the

Jesse HelmsAddresses the UN


Helms is escorted into the Security Council chamber by Secretary-General Kofi Annan, left, andU.S. Ambassador Richard Holbrooke.





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9MARCH/APRIL 2000endtime

U.S.-UN relationship. If we are to have such a new begin-

ning, we must endeavor to understandeach other better. And that is why I willshare with you some of what I am hear-ing from the American people about theUnited Nations.

Now I am confident you have seen thepublic opinion polls, commissioned byUN supporters, suggesting that the UNenjoys the support of the American pub-lic. I would caution that you not put toomuch confidence in those polls. Since Iwas first elected to the Senate in 1972, Ihave run for re-election four times. Eachtime, the pollsters have confidently pre-dicted my defeat. Each time, I am happyto confide, they have been wrong. I ampleased that, thus far, I have never won apoll or lost an election.

So, as those of you who represent de-mocratic nations well know, publicopinion polls can be constructed to tellyou anything the poll takers want you tohear.

Let me share with you what theAmerican people tell me. Since I becamechairman of the Foreign RelationsCommittee, I have received literallythousands of letters from Americans allacross the country expressing their deepfrustration with this institution.

They know instinctively that the UNlives and breathes on the hard-earnedmoney of the American taxpayers. Andyet they have heard comments here inNew York constantly calling the UnitedStates a “deadbeat.”

They have heard UN officials declar-ing absurdly that countries like Fiji andBangladesh are carrying America’s bur-den in peacekeeping.

They see the majority of the UN mem-bers routinely voting against America inthe General Assembly.

They have read the reports of the rau-cous cheering of the UN delegates inRome, when U.S. efforts to amend theInternational Criminal Court treaty toprotect American soldiers were defeated.

They read in the newspapers that, de-spite all the human rights abuses takingplace in dictatorships across the globe, aUN “Special Rapporteur” decided hismost pressing task was to investigatehuman rights violations in the U.S. —and found our human rights record want-ing.

The American people hear all this;

they resent it, and they have grown in-creasingly frustrated with what they feelis a lack of gratitude.

Now I won’t delve into every point offrustration, but let’s touch for just a mo-ment on one — the “deadbeat” charge.Before coming here, I asked the UnitedStates General Accounting Office to as-sess just how much the Americantaxpayers contributed to the UnitedNations in 1999. Here is what the GAOreported to me:

Last year, the American people con-tributed a total of more than $1.4 billiondollars to the U.N. system in assessmentsand voluntary contributions. That’spretty generous, but it’s only the tip ofthe iceberg. The American taxpayersalso spent an additional $8.779 billiondollars from the United States’ militarybudget to support various U.N. resolu-tions and peacekeeping operationsaround the world. Let me repeat that fig-ure: EIGHT BILLION, SEVENHUNDRED AND SEVENTY NINEMILLION DOLLARS.

That means that last year (1999) alonethe American people have furnished pre-cisely $10.179 billion dollars to supportthe work of the United Nations. Noother nation on earth comes even closeto matching that singular investment.

So you can see why many Americansreject the suggestion that theirs is a“deadbeat” nation.

Now, I grant you, the money we spendon the UN is not charity. To the con-trary, it is an investment – an investmentfrom which the American people rightlyexpect a return. They expect a reformedUN that works more efficiently, andwhich respects the sovereignty of theUnited States.

That is why in the 1980s, Congressbegan withholding a fraction of our ar-rears as pressure for reform. AndCongressional pressure resulted in someworthwhile reforms, the arrears accumu-lated as the UN resisted morecomprehensive reforms.

When the distinguished SecretaryGeneral, Kofi Annan, was elected, someof us in the Senate decided to try to es-tablish a working relationship. The resultis the Helms-Biden law, which PresidentClinton finally signed into law this pastNovember. The product of three years ofarduous negotiations and hard-foughtcompromises, it was approved by the

U.S. Senate by an overwhelming 98-1margin. You should read that vote as avirtually unanimous mandate for a newrelationship with a reformed UnitedNations.

Now I am aware that this law does notsit well with some here at the UN. Somedo not like to have reforms dictated bythe U.S. Congress. Some have even sug-gested that the UN should reject thesereforms.

But let me suggest a few things to con-sider: First, as the figures I have citedclearly demonstrate, the United States isthe single largest investor in the UnitedNations. Under the U.S. Constitution,we in Congress are the sole guardians ofthe American taxpayers’ money. (It isour solemn duty to see that it is wisely in-vested.) So as the representatives of theUN’s largest investors — the Americanpeople — we have not only a right, but aresponsibility, to insist on specific re-forms in exchange for their investment.

Second, I ask you to consider the al-ternative. The alternative would havebeen to continue to let the U.S.-UN re-lationship spiral out of control. Youwould have taken retaliatory measures,such as revoking America’s vote in theGeneral Assembly. Congress wouldlikely have responded with retaliatorymeasures against the UN. And the endresult, I believe, would have been abreach in U.S.-UN relations that wouldhave served the interests of no one.

Now some here may contend that theClinton Administration should havefought to pay the arrears without condi-tions. I assure you, had they done so, theywould have lost.

Eighty years ago, Woodrow Wilsonfailed to secure Congressional support forU.S. entry into the League of Nations.This administration obviously learnedfrom President Wilson’s mistakes.

Wilson probably could have achievedratification of the League of Nations if hehad worked with Congress. One of mypredecessors as Chairman of the SenateForeign Relations Committee, HenryCabot Lodge, asked for 14 conditions tothe treaty establishing the League ofNations, few of which would have raisedan eyebrow today. These included lan-guage to insure that the United Statesremain the sole judge of its own internalaffairs; that the League not restrict anyindividual rights of U.S. citizens; that the

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10 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000

Jesse Helms’ Address to the UN Security Council

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Congress retain sole authority for the de-ployment of U.S. forces through theleague, and so on.

But President Wilson indignantly re-fused to compromise with SenatorLodge. He shouted, “Never, never!”,adding, “I’ll never consent to adoptingany policy with which that impossibleman is so prominently identified!” Whathappened? President Wilson lost. Thefinal vote in the Senate was 38 to 53, andLeague of Nations withered on the vine.

Ambassador Holbrooke and Secretaryof State Albright understood from thebeginning that the United Nations couldnot long survive without the support ofthe American people — and theirelected representatives in Congress.Thanks to the efforts of leaders likeAmbassador Holbrooke and SecretaryAlbright, the present Administration inWashington did not repeat PresidentWilson’s fatal mistakes.

In any event, Congress has written acheck to the United Nations for $926million, payable upon the implementa-tion of previously agreed-uponcommon-sense reforms. Now the choiceis up to the UN. I suggest that if the UNwere to reject this compromise, it wouldmark the beginning of the end of USsupport for the United Nations.

I don’t want that to happen. I want theAmerican people to value a UnitedNations that recognizes and respectstheir interests, and for the UnitedNations to value the significant contri-butions of the American people. Let’s becrystal clear and totally honest with eachother: all of us want a more effectiveUnited Nations. But if the UnitedNations is to be “effective” it must be aninstitution that is needed by the great de-mocratic powers of the world.

Most Americans do not regard theUnited Nations as an end in and of itself– they see it as just one part of America’sdiplomatic arsenal. To the extent thatthe UN is effective, the American peo-ple will support it. To the extent that itbecomes ineffective – or worse, a burden— the American people will cast it aside.

The American people want the UN toserve the purpose for which it was de-signed: they want it to help sovereignstates coordinate collective action by“coalitions of the willing,”(where the po-litical will for such action exists); theywant it to provide a forum where diplo-

mats can meet andkeep open chan-nels ofcommunication intimes of crisis; theywant it to provideto the peoples ofthe world impor-tant services, suchas peacekeeping,weapons inspec-tions andhumanitarian re-lief.

This is impor-tant work. It is thecore of what theUN can offer tothe United Statesand the world. If,in the coming cen-tury, the UNfocuses on doingthese core taskswell, it can thriveand will earn anddeserve the sup-port of theAmerican people.But if the UNseeks to move be-yond these coretasks, if it seeks to impose the UN’spower and authority over nation-states, Iguarantee that the United Nations willmeet stiff resistance from the Americanpeople.

As matters now stand, manyAmericans sense that the UN has greaterambitions than simply being an efficientdeliverer of humanitarian aid, a more ef-fective peacekeeper, a better weaponsinspector, and a more effective tool ofgreat power diplomacy. They see the UNaspiring to establish itself as the centralauthority of a new international order ofglobal laws and global governance. Thisis an international order the Americanpeople will not countenance.

The UN must respect national sover-eignty. The UN serves nation-states, notthe other way around. This principle iscentral to the legitimacy and ultimatesurvival of the United Nations, and it isa principle that must be protected.

The Secretary General recently deliv-ered an address on sovereignty to theGeneral Assembly, in which he declaredthat “the last right of states cannot and

must not be the right to enslave, perse-cute or torture their own citizens.” Thepeoples of the world, he said, have “rightsbeyond borders.”

I wholeheartedly agree. What the Secretary General calls

“rights beyond borders,” we in Americacall “inalienable rights.” We are endowedwith those “inalienable rights,” asThomas Jefferson proclaimed in ourDeclaration of Independence, not bykings or despots, but by our Creator.

The sovereignty of nations must be re-spected. But nations derive theirsovereignty — their legitimacy — fromthe consent of the governed. Thus, it fol-lows, that nations can lose theirlegitimacy when they rule without theconsent of the governed; they deservedlydiscard their sovereignty by brutally op-pressing their people.

Slobodan Milosevic cannot claim sov-ereignty over Kosovo when he hasmurdered Kosovars and piled their bodiesinto mass graves. Neither can FidelCastro claim that it is his sovereign rightto oppress his people. Nor can Saddam

“On behalf of the president let me say,” Madeleine Albright told the UNSecurity Council after Helms’ speech, “that the Clinton administration andI believe that most Americans see our role in the world and our relation-ship to this organization quite differently than does Senator Helms.”










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Hussein defend his oppression of theIraqi people by hiding behind phonyclaims of sovereignty.

And when the oppressed peoples ofthe world cry out for help, the free peo-ples of the world have a fundamentalright to respond.

As we watch the UN struggle with thisquestion at the turn of the millennium,many Americans are left exceedinglypuzzled. Intervening in cases of wide-spread oppression and massive humanrights abuses is not a new concept for theUnited States. The American peoplehave a long history of coming to the aidof those struggling for freedom. In theUnited States, during the 1980s, wecalled this policy the “Reagan Doctrine.”

In some cases, America has assistedfreedom fighters around the world whowere seeking to overthrow corruptregimes. We have provided weaponry,training, and intelligence. In other cases,the United States has intervened di-rectly. In still other cases, such as inCentral and Eastern Europe, we sup-ported peaceful opposition movementswith moral, financial and covert forms ofsupport. In each case, however, it wasAmerica’s clear intention to help bringdown Communist regimes that were op-pressing their peoples, — and therebyreplace dictators with democratic gov-ernments.

The dramatic expansion of freedom inthe last decade of the 20th Century is adirect result of these policies.

In none of these cases, however, didthe United States ask for, or receive, theapproval of the United Nations to “legit-imize” its actions.

It is a fanciful notion that free peoplesneed to seek the approval of an interna-tional body (some of whose members aretotalitarian dictatorships) to lend sup-port to nations struggling to break thechains of tyranny and claim their in-alienable, God-given rights.

The United Nations has no power togrant or decline legitimacy to such ac-tions. They are inherently legitimate.

What the United Nations can do ishelp. The Security Council can, whereappropriate, be an instrument to facili-tate action by “coalitions of the willing,”implement sanctions regimes, and pro-vide logistical support to statesundertaking collective action.

But complete candor is imperative:

The Security Council has an exceedinglymixed record in being such a facilitator.In the case of Iraq’s aggression againstKuwait in the early 1990s, it performedadmirably; in the more recent case ofKosovo, it was paralyzed. The UN peace-keeping mission in Bosnia was a disaster,and its failure to protect the Bosnianpeople from Serb genocide is well docu-mented in a recent UN report.

And, despite its initial success in re-pelling Iraqi aggression, in the years sincethe Gulf War, the Security Council hasutterly failed to stop Saddam Hussein’sdrive to build instruments of mass mur-der. It has allowed him to play a repeatedgame of expelling UNSCOM inspectionteams which included Americans, andhas left Saddam completely free for thepast year to fashion nuclear and chemicalweapons of mass destruction.

I am here to plead that from now onwe all must work together, to learn frompast mistakes, and to make the SecurityCouncil a more efficient and effectivetool for international peace and security.But candor compels that I reiterate thiswarning: the American people will neveraccept the claims of the UnitedNations to be the “solesource of legitimacyon the use of force”in the world.

But, some may re-spond, the U.S.Senate ratified theUN Charter fifty yearsago. Yes, but in doingso we did not cede onesyllable of Americansovereignty to theUnited Nations.Under our system,when internationaltreaties are ratifiedthey simply becomedomestic US law. Assuch, they carry nogreater or lesser weightthan any other domes-tic U.S. law. Treatyobligations can be su-perseded by a simpleact of Congress. Thiswas the intentionaldesign of our foundingfathers, who cau-tioned againstentering into “entan-

gling alliances.” Thus, when the United States joins a

treaty organization, it holds no legal au-thority over us. We abide by our treatyobligations because they are the domes-tic law of our land, and because ourelected leaders have judged that theagreement serves our national interest.But no treaty or law can ever supersedethe one document that all Americanshold sacred: The U.S. Constitution.

The American people do not want theUnited Nations to become an “entan-gling alliance.” That is why Americanslook with alarm at UN claims to a mo-nopoly on international morallegitimacy. They see this as a threat tothe God-given freedoms of theAmerican people, a claim of political au-thority over America and its electedleaders without their consent.

The effort to establish a UnitedNations International Criminal Court isa case-in-point. Consider: the RomeTreaty purports to hold American citi-zens under its jurisdiction — even whenthe United States has neither signed norratified the treaty. In other words, itclaims sovereign authority over

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Here are some things to look for:1. The Jewish Temple will be rebuilt after almost 2,000 years.2. The nation of Israel will resume animal sacrifices.3. Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete. All states will recognize a

single, global authority under U.N. leadership.4. Economic sanctions will be enforced against any nation or individual who

does not adhere to U.N. decisions.

You can know the futureUsing scriptures found in the Bible, Endtime predicted the fall of the Berlin Wall, the signing ofwhat was called the Oslo Peace Accords, and the ushering in of a new global cooperationover 20 years before they occurred! This global cooperation is known as the “New WorldOrder”—the same type of one world government predicted to be established at the time ofJesus Christ’s return!

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March/April 2000

Volume 10/Number 2



Senator Jesse Helms

On World Government

China Turns Up the Heat


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American citizens without their consent.How can the nations of the world imag-ine for one instant that Americans willstand by and allow such a power-grab totake place?

The Court’s supporters argue thatAmericans should be willing to sacrificesome of their sovereignty for the noblecause of international justice.International law did not defeat Hitler,nor did it win the Cold War. Whatstopped the Nazi march across Europe,and the Communist march across theworld, was the principled projection ofpower by the world’s great democracies.And that principled projection of force isthe only thing that will ensure the peaceand security of the world in the future.

More often than not, “internationallaw” has been used as a make-believe jus-tification for hindering the march offreedom. When Ronald Reagan sentAmerican servicemen into harm’s way toliberate Grenada from the hands of acommunist dictatorship, the UNGeneral Assembly responded by votingto condemn the action of the electedPresident of the United States as a viola-tion of international law – and, I amobliged to add, they did so by a larger ma-jority than when Soviet invasion ofAfghanistan was condemned by thesame General Assembly!

Similarly, the U.S. effort to overthrowNicaragua’s Communist dictatorship (bysupporting Nicaragua’s freedom fightersand mining Nicaragua’s harbors) was de-clared by the World Court as a violationof international law.

Most recently, we learn that the chiefprosecutor of the Yugoslav War CrimesTribunal has compiled a report on possi-ble NATO war crimes during the Kosovocampaign. At first, the prosecutor de-clared that it is fully within the scope ofher authority to indict NATO pilots andcommanders. When news of her reportleaked, she backpedaled.

She realized, I am sure, that any at-tempt to indict NATO commanderswould be the death knell for theInternational Criminal Court. But thevery fact that she explored this possibilityat all brings to light all that is wrong withthis brave new world of global justice,which proposes a system in which inde-pendent prosecutors and judges,answerable to no state or institution,have unfettered power to sit in judge-

ment of the foreign policy decisions ofWestern democracies.

No UN institution – not the SecurityCouncil, not the Yugoslav tribunal, not afuture ICC – is competent to judge theforeign policy and national security deci-sions of the United States. Americancourts routinely refuse cases where theyare asked to sit in judgement of our gov-ernment’s national security decisions,stating that they are not competent tojudge such decisions. If we do not submitour national security decisions to thejudgement of a Court of the UnitedStates, why would Americans submitthem to the judgement of anInternational Criminal Court, a conti-nent away, comprised of mostly foreignjudges elected by an international bodymade up of the membership of the UNGeneral Assembly?

Americans distrust concepts like theInternational Criminal Court, and

claims by the UN to be the “sole sourceof legitimacy” for the use of force, be-cause Americans have a profounddistrust of accumulated power. Ourfounding fathers created a governmentfounded on a system of checks and bal-ances, and dispersal of power.

In his 1962 classic, Capitalism andFreedom, the Nobel-prize winning econ-omist Milton Friedman rightly declared:“[G]overnment power must be dispersed.If government is to exercise power, betterin the county than in the state, better inthe state than in Washington. [Because]if I do not like what my local communitydoes, I can move to another local com-munity... [and] if I do not like what mystate does, I can move to another. [But] ifI do not like what Washington imposes,I have few alternatives in this world ofjealous nations.”

Forty years later, as the UN seeks toimpose its utopian vision of “interna-

tional law” on Americans, we can addthis question: Where do we go when wedon’t like the “laws” of the world?

Today, while our friends in Europeconcede more and more power upwardsto supra-national institutions like theEuropean Union, Americans are headingin precisely the opposite direction.

America is in a process of reducingcentralized power by taking more andmore authority that had been amassed bythe Federal government in Washingtonand referring it to the individual stateswhere it rightly belongs.

This is why Americans reject the ideaof a sovereign United Nations that pre-sumes to be the source of legitimacy forthe United States Government’s poli-cies, foreign or domestic. There is onlyone source of legitimacy of the Americangovernment’s policies — and that is theconsent of the American people.

If the United Nations is to survive intothe 21st Century, it must recognize itslimitations. The demands of the UnitedStates have not changed much sinceHenry Cabot Lodge laid out his condi-tions for joining the League of Nations80 years ago: Americans want to ensurethat the United States of America re-mains the sole judge of its own internalaffairs, that the United Nations is not al-lowed to restrict the individual rights ofU.S. citizens, and that the United Statesretains sole authority over the deploy-ment of United States forces around theworld.

This is what Americans ask of theUnited Nations; it is what Americansexpect of the United Nations. A UnitedNations that focuses on helping sover-eign states work together is worthkeeping; a United Nations that insists ontrying to impose a utopian vision onAmerica and the world will collapseunder its own weight.

If the United Nations respects the sov-ereign rights of the American people,and serves them as an effective tool ofdiplomacy, it will earn and deserve theirrespect and support. But a UnitedNations that seeks to impose its pre-sumed authority on the American peoplewithout their consent begs for confronta-tion and, I want to be candid, eventualU.S. withdrawal.

Thank you very much. ❏

Jesse Helms’ Address to the UN Security Council

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“There is only onesource of legitimacy

of the American government’s poli-

cies — and that isthe consent of theAmerican people.”

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Radio Log

1. God’s covenant to Noah was signified by His____in the sky. A. Star B. Sun C. Bow

2. The ____ loveth the Son. A. Father B. Mother C. Uncle

3. Took the ____ of Elijah. A. Parchment B. Mantle C. Staff

4. For all the prophets and the law prophesied until____. A. Agabus B. Saul C. John

5. What virtue is the fulfilling of the law? A. Love B. Hope C. Faith

6. Beat your plowshares into____. A. Pruninghooks B. Spears C. Swords

7. Can____walk together, except they be agreed? A. Two B. Four C. Seven

8. Set a____upon the foreheads of the men that sigh … A. Mitre B. Phylactery C. Mark

9. God did not set this person in the church. A. Gossiper B. Apostle C. Prophet

10. He was the greatest of all men of the east. A. Elisha B. Manoah C. Job

11. Upon seeing this giant the men of Israel fled. A. Rephaim B. Goliath C. Og

12. When this covered the tent of the congregation, the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. A. Snow B. Rain C. Cloud

13. Peter was to be brought forth to the people after this holiday. A. Easter B. Thanksgiving C. Christmas

14. The mother of John the Baptist. A. Mary B. Elisabeth C. Hannah

15. Mordecai refused to bow down to this Persian officer. A. Ahasuerus B. Cyrus C. Haman

16. To not fulfill the lust of the flesh, walk in the____. A. Spirit B. Twilight Zone C. Worldly Elements

17. For what should we earnestly contend? A. Joy B. Faith C. Brotherly Kindness

18. Separation to the Lord is the vow of these people. A. Edomites B. Anakims C. Nazarenes

19. The love of pleasure shall make a man____. A. Wealthy B. Poor C. Healthy

20. He rebuked Herod for having his brother’s wife. A. Andrew B. Paul C. John

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Whetstoneby John L. Bryant

Answers on page 31

WV Charleston WBGS 1030 AM 8:00 am

March/April 2000

Volume 10/Number 2



Senator Jesse Helms

On World Government

China Turns Up the Heat

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14 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000 E-mail:, Website:

Much ado has beenmade about a docu-ment called, “Towardsa Global Ethic.”Authored by Catholic

theologian Hans Küng, its purpose is toidentify principles upon which all majorreligions of the world can agree.

“Towards a Global Ethic” was adoptedby the Council of the Parliament of theWorld’s Religions at their 1993 Chicagoconference. It was taken to a higherlevel, however, at the CPWR’s confer-ence in Cape Town, South Africa thispast December. In Cape Town, Küng’sGlobal Ethic was presented to govern-ments, corporations, commerce, science,medicine, universities, religious organiza-tions and more. In other words, it wasofficially presented to the institutionsthat guide and control the lives of everyperson on earth. Appropriately it wasnamed, “A Call to Our GuidingInstitutions.” The intent is for it to beadopted, and then promoted, by theseguiding institutions.

The implications of this are staggering.Every facet of society in the world has

now been called upon to implement theprinciples put forth in the Global Ethic.What will happen when each of these in-stitutions incorporates these newprinciples? Might the Global Ethic be-come the de facto law of the land?

If you think this is far-fetched para-

noia, consider that the prophecies of theBible indicate that such a situation will,in fact, exist during the endtimes. TheGlobal Ethic, by Küng’s own admission,is designed to bring in a New WorldOrder!

Hans Küng’s vision will come to pass,

Exclusive Interview

Dr. Hans Küng Author of “Towards a Global Ethic”


German theologian and author of the “Global Ethic”, Hans Küng

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15MARCH/APRIL 2000endtimeE-mail:, Website:

and it appears that the Global Ethic willplay a significant role. It may very wellbecome the “statement of faith” for theprophesied global religion of the end-times.

Endtime recently spoke with Dr. Küngby phone from his home in Augsburg,Germany.

Global Ethic vs. the Bible

Baxter: Can you please summarize forus what the Global Ethic is trying to ac-complish? What are the principlesbehind it?

Dr. Küng: The Global Ethic is, ofcourse, not a new ideology. It is notsomething that would make the specificethics of the different religions andphilosophies irrelevant. It is, therefore,no substitute for the Torah of the Jews orthe Sermon on the Mount of theChristians or the Koran of the Muslims.Nor is it the substitute for the courses ofthe Buddha or the sayings of Confucius.No. The Global Ethic is only the neces-sary minimum common values, standardsand basic attitudes. In other words, it is aminimal basis for consensus relating tobinding values, irrevocable standards andmoral attitudes that can be affirmed bypeople of all religions despite their dog-matic or theological differences.Non-religious individuals can also sup-port it.

Baxter: In the Global Ethic you talkabout the need to respect other religions.In particular you stated, “Religions arecredible only when they eliminate thoseconflicts that spring from the religionsthemselves. Dismantling mutual arro-gance, mistrust, prejudice and hostileimages and thus demonstrate respect forthe traditions, holy places, feasts and rit-uals of people who believe differently.”Most of the Global Ethic I think I agreewith. There were a couple of places,though, that gave me a little bit of aproblem, and those are what I want toask you about. Can Christians respecttraditions, feasts or rituals that the Biblewould teach to abhor or that the Bibleteaches would be paganism? How doChristians deal with that?

Dr. Küng: Well, that is, of course, adifficult question. What I think is neces-

sary is that we need people who arerooted in their own religious traditionand are nevertheless open for the othertraditions. You need in your whole exis-tence two dimensions. One is what youbelieve in your heart and what you alsocall your personal conviction. On theother hand, there is another dimension— the exterior dimension — that otherpeople have different opinions, convic-tions and religions. I think that should bethe basic approach to the other religions.

Advocating a New World Order

Baxter: I am very impressed by thedepth of your knowledge concerninggeopolitics. Do you feel we are on thebrink of a New World Order?

Dr. Küng: This is the third challengefor a New World Order. We still remem-ber President Wilson who, towards theend of the First World War, proclaimedhis 14 points and wanted to have a NewWorld Order. But he was defeated byEuropean politicians who thought theywere more realistic than PresidentWilson. Wilson was also not supportedvery much in the United States, and helost the fight in Versailles. The result wasNazism, Fascism, Communism and fi-nally World War II. At the end of WorldWar II we had a second chance for a NewWorld Order with the foundation of the

United Nations. We had a great deal ofhope that now a New World Orderwould arise. But this New World Orderwas made impossible, especially by Stalinand Communism. Instead of a NewWorld Order, it divided the world. In1989, we had the great EuropeanRevolution and the collapse ofCommunism. Everybody thought thatthis would be the third opportunity for aNew World Order. Unfortunately, wehad no clear vision of a New WorldOrder. When President Bush mentionedthe New World Order, it raised a greatdeal of hope, but when he was askedwhat this New World Order meant, hedid not have a very clear idea. So a lot ofpeople have been disappointed. This isnow a third opportunity missed by hu-manity. I still hope that our politicians,our religious leaders, our spiritual leaderssee the necessity of having a real NewWorld Order.

The need for global spiritual revolution

Baxter: “A Call to Our GuidingInstitutions” is actually aimed at bringingtogether most of the leading institutionsthat make society what it is, and gettingeveryone thinking in an ethical way.

Dr. Küng: Exactly! All these politi-cians who were thinking about the New

The Big Four of the Allies chat while gathering in Versailles for the Treaty of Versailles, which offi-cially ended World War I. They are, left to right, David Lloyd George of Great Britain, VittorioOrlando of Italy, Georges Clemenceau of France, and Woodrow Wilson, United States President.




ld P



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World Order did not think enough aboutan ethical foundation of the New WorldOrder. They think it is enough to have afree market society. A market economycan only function if it is based on a func-tioning civil society, and a civil societyneeds a foundation in very clear moralvalues and standards.

Baxter: Am I hearing you say that, re-ally, we will not successfully achieve aNew World Order unless there is somekind of a global spiritual revolution aswell?

Dr. Küng: Yes. I think in all soberness,we need a spiritual revolution in thesense of a change of consciousness.

Advocating wealth redistribution

Baxter: You talk about the worldeconomy and its role that it must playand you stated in the Global Ethic thatthe world economy must be structuredmore justly. “Individual good deeds andassisted projects, indispensable thoughthey be, are insufficient. The participa-tion of all states and the authority ofinternational organizations are needed tobuild just economic institutions.” Am Ireading this correctly? Is this a call forwealth redistribution?

Dr. Küng: Yes. These are no fantasticproposals. We live, of course, in an age ofglobalization — a structural revolutionin the world economy. But my belief isthat globalization is unavoidable. Thereare winners and there are losers. Thereare countries that win and countries thatlose. You see, globalization is unpre-dictable, and therefore, globalization canbe and should be controlled. Certain leg-islation and regulation could correct thenegative results of globalization by cer-tain institutions.

Obligations for every humanbeing

Baxter: This has been a wonderful in-terview. Thank you so much for takingyour time. Let me ask you one or twomore questions as we are wrapping uphere. If the Global Ethic begins to be em-braced, is it something that will almostbecome mandatory in order for us tohave a global order? I mean, we are living

in very perilous times — dangeroustimes, when the potential is to blow theworld up. Is the Global Ethic somethingthat people are almost going to have tocome to?

Dr. Küng: I think it is really necessary,but you cannot just legislate the respon-sibilities of human beings as you canlegislate rights. That is the reason whythe so called Interaction Council, an im-portant group of former heads of stateand government, among them PresidentJimmy Carter, former GermanChancellor Helmet Kohl, as well asmany others, propose as a consequence ofthe Declaration of the Parliament of theWorld Religions that the UnitedNations should also discuss the UniversalDeclaration of Human Responsibilities. Ithink it would be a good thing to knowwhat the obligations are of the humanbeing. We would then come back towhat we have already in the Parliamentof the Worlds Religions, but this wouldbe a moral appeal and not just a law youcan enforce by police and tribunals andprisons.

Catholic position on Interfaithism

Baxter: My last question is about theRoman Catholic Church. It is such ahuge spiritual force in our world. What isthe Roman Catholic position onInterfaithism?

Dr. Küng: Well first, I think it wouldnot like the word “interfaithism,” be-

cause for many people “ism” looks like anideology. I would rather think the popewould agree completely that we needpeace among the different religions.Nobody wants to construct one unifiedreligion today. It would be impossibleand illusionary. But what we need ispeace among the religions. This is themain phrase as I hear repeated all overthe world, again and again. There will beno peace among the nations withoutpeace among the religions. And therewill be no peace among the religionswithout dialogue between the religions,and in this sense we need humanism.

Baxter: One follow-up question: Iknow the Pope is planning on having anecumenical meeting with Jews, Muslimsand Christians in Israel next year whenhe visits there. Would the pope’s attitudebe that Muslims and Jews must convertto Christianity or would he be able to saythat there is validity in their present be-liefs?

Dr. Küng: I think he would probablysay the second. As I said at the beginningof our nice conversation, to be rooted inyour personal faith does not excludebeing open for other faiths. You do nothave to give up your own faith in order tosee that also others have honest convic-tions. ❏

(An audiotape of the full-length interviewis available. See Recommended Cassettespage. Use order #S1104.)

Dr. Küng interview

The Parliament of the World’s Religion’s, in 1993, issued the “Global Ethic,” which is influencingthe direction in which the religions of the world are moving right now.





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19MARCH/APRIL 2000endtime

“And the four angels were loosed,which were prepared for an hour, and aday, and a month, and a year, for to slaythe third part of men. And the numberof the army of the horsemen were twohundred thousand thousand: and Iheard the number of them.”

Revelation 9:15-16

The Bible prophesies that ahorrible war will soon occuron earth that will result inthe annihilation of “thethird part of men.” All of the

signs seem to indicate that China will bethe nation that triggers this war. It ap-pears likely that the issue of Taiwancould become the flash point for theprophesied conflict.

In early 1999, China began to pressTaiwan to engage in negotiations towarduniting Taiwan with the Mainland. Theopening of the talks was scheduled forAugust of 1999.

Knowing the talks were about tobegin, Taiwanese President Lee Teng-Hui made his move to start negotiationsoff on the right foot. On a German talkprogram on July 9, 1999, Lee assertedthat China must deal with Taiwan on astate-to-state basis. China has alwayscontended that Taiwan is not a sovereignnation, but a renegade province thatmust soon submit itself to the rule of theMainland.

Lee’s assertion was taken by China as ade facto declaration of independence.China had always stated that a declara-tion of independence by Taiwan wouldresult in the invasion of Taiwan byChina. Consequently, President Lee’sstate-to-state assertion resulted in vehe-ment Chinese reaction.

Prepare for WarOn August 10, 1999, the Central

Military Commission of the CommunistParty of China issued a secret documentto all of China’s military personnel con-taining instructions to prepare for war.The directions transmitted in the docu-ment are alarming, to say the least.Following are a few excerpts from the se-cret communiqué:

Reunification using militarypower

“Based on the current situation, LeeTeng-Hui has pushed the relationships

between the two sides into a dead endwith his “two-country theory” and there-fore stuck his foot across our bottom line,actually providing us with solid groundsfor achieving reunification using militarypower.”

Preparing Chinese soldiers mentally for war

“Commanders at all levels should en-hance their understanding of the

position adopted by the Party’s CentralCommittee in regard to the reunificationand carry out, at the same time patrioticeducation, a wave of politically-orientedmilitary exercises aimed at opposingsplittism and promoting reunification soas to raise the political consciousness ofall commanders and soldiers up to a levelrequired by war.”

Possible U.S. involvement in thewar

“Taking into account possible inter-vention by the U.S. and based on thedevelopment strategy of our country, it isbetter to fight now than in the future—the earlier, the better. The reason beingthat, if worse comes to worse, we willgain control of Taiwan before full de-ployment of the U.S. troops.

“From the perspective of winning alarge-scale modern war with defense asthe main purpose but involving local of-fensives, an early war has anotheradvantage over a later war; namely, notcounting the risk of a nuclear war, ourconventional forces compare favorablywith those of the U.S.”

We fought the United States inVietnam

“So far the strategic superiority of theU.S. joint forces has not been tested in awar against a big country. In contrast,using the Vietnamese War as an exam-ple, our forces do have the experience of

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“Based on thecurrent situation,Lee Teng-Hui haspushed the rela-

tionships betweenthe two sides into adead end with his‘two-country the-

ory”...providing uswith solid groundsfor achieving re-unification usingmilitary power.”

The United States has pledged to come to Taiwan’s aid if China attacks.


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endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000 E-mail:, Website:

fighting the U.S. forces under modernwarfare conditions. In that war, theChinese forces were mainly responsiblefor air defense and accumulated a wholeset of experiences in this regard.”

U.S. won’t fight nuclear war“Basically, we do not foresee a nuclear

war between China and the U.S., for twobasic facts will prevent it. First, it isagainst the U.S. interests to fight a nu-clear war against China simply for LeeTeng-Hui and his followers. Second, wehave built up the capability for the sec-ond and the third nuclear strikes and arefairly confident in fighting a nuclear war.The PCC has decided to pass throughformal channels this message to the topleaders of the U.S. This is one of the con-crete measures that we will take toprevent the escalation of war in the spiritof being responsible.”

We will seek peaceful solutionuntil the last minute

“At present, the foundation of a peace-ful dialogue between two sides has beendestroyed and the possibility for militaryactions has been greatly increased. Evenso, we still strive to bring about a peace-ful solution, which option shall remainvalid until the last moment.”

In addition to the ominous tone ofthese military instructions, the leaders ofChina have not missed a chance to an-nounce to the world that military forcewill be used to unite Taiwan with theMainland, if peaceful unification is notforthcoming. These threats have been is-sued on a weekly and sometimes dailybasis for the last eight months.

With Taiwan’s presidential electionscoming up on March 18, China’s leader-ship apparently felt that it needed to turnthe heat up. Until recently, China hadstated that two things would result in adecision by China to invade Taiwan: 1. IfTaiwan actually declared independence2. If a foreign power invaded the island.

However, on February 21st, 2000, athird condition was added. China’s cabi-net issued an 11,000-word White Paperstating that, if Taiwan continued to dragher feet on opening negotiations for uni-fication, China would initiate militaryaction against the island.

The people of Taiwan want nothing todo with subjecting themselves to the rule

of China’s communistic dictatorship.Taiwan has built a modern, economicallyprosperous democratic nation. She hasthe 18th largest economy on the face ofthe earth. Taiwan is the world’s secondlargest producer of computer chips. Yetto say that the Chinese people are notfearful of the huge red dragon breathingdown their necks would simply be un-true.

Taiwan would like to think she candepend on the United States to defendher. Yet the signals she is receiving fromAmerica seem to be mixed and ambigu-ous.

Taiwan’s three leading presidentialcandidates each favor preservation of thenation’s independence. Yet China’sthreats have become so loud and so fre-quent that they simply cannot be

ignored. As each Taiwanese steps intothe voting booth on March 18th, fore-most in his mind will inevitably be, “Willthis candidate lead me and my familyinto war with the Mainland.

So what will happen? We would like to believe that common

sense will prevail and this dangerousticking time-bomb would just go away.China assures us that it won’t.

Will the Taiwanese cave in and agreeto being taken over like Hong Kong andMacao have recently done before them?Taiwan’s leaders say that won’t happen.

Perhaps the United States and theworld will just look the other way, offer-ing the island of Taiwan on the altar ofthe Red Chinese Dragon in order to pre-serve the peace. Most think that wouldmerely encourage Chinese adventurisminto the 21st Century.

There is one other possibility, and it isthe one to which the biblical propheciesseem to point. China has promised thatshe will move militarily against Taiwan ifreunification is not forthcoming. TheTaiwan Relations Act passed by the U.S.Congress in 1979 commits the UnitedStates to the defense of Taiwan in theevent of invasion. If a full-scale warwould break out between China and theU.S. over the Taiwan issue, God aloneknows where that might end.

It appears that He has forewarned us

china turns up the heat


“If a full-scalewar would break

out between Chinaand the U.S. overthe Taiwan issue,God alone knows

where that might end.”

Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji delivers a speech during the 3rd Session of the 9th National People'sCongress in Beijing on Sunday, March 5, 2000. He said China will not “sit idly by” and acceptTaiwan going its own way, but hopes the island will accept peaceful reunification.




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21MARCH/APRIL 2000endtimeE-mail:, Website:

The China ThreatT112 China — An Urgent Wake-Up Call to the WorldT201 Bill Gertz from Wash. Times Speaks on Imminent China ThreatT222 China Tells Taiwan: Talk or Fight!T125 The Chinese Red Dragon Is Rising! Interview with Bill TriplettT126 The Chinese Red Dragon Is Rising!, Part IIS1012 Interview with U.S. Senator James Inhofe on China

Global ReligionS1220 Ecumenical Movement: A Critical Look, Part IS1221 Interview with United Religions Executive Director Charles

GibbsS1222 Ecumenical Movement: A Critical Look, Part IIS1104 Hans Küng Interview: Author of the Global EthicS1207 Implications of the Global EthicS818 Dalai Lama & One-World Religion of the EndtimeS819 Matthew 24: False Prophets of the Endtime

The Vatican in ProphecyS308 Identifying the Whore of Revelation 17, Part IS310 Identifying the Whore of Revelation 17, Part IIS315 Marriage of Catholicism & CommunismS329 Mother of Harlots: Who Are Her Daughters?R707 Is Pope John Paul II a Socialist?R1116 The False Prophet: Absolute Identification

NEW—Endtime Parables of JesusS916 Parable: The Fig TreeS923 Parable: Harvesting the Wheat and the TaresS930 Parable: The Wicked Husbandmen

Mark of the BeastT217 The End of MoneyT119 How Will We Survive the Mark, Part IT120 How Will We Survive the Mark, Part IIS303 Privacy? What Privacy?S1011 Invention of the Computer and the Mark of the Beast

Proofs of the EndtimeR521 Proofs of the Endtime, Part IR522 Proofs of the Endtime, Part II

Israel, 3rd Temple, ArmageddonT214 Missed Deadline for Middle East Agreement: What Does It

Mean?T202 Inside Israeli Politics with CBS Jerusalem Correspondent

David DolanS804 Live with Gershon Salomon, Temple Mount FaithfulS309 Red Heifer Project: Live with Clyde Lott

World GovernmentR706 Greatest Deception of the 20th Century: Death of CommunismS1108 Fall of the Berlin Wall: 10th AnniversaryS908 The New World ArmyS1214 The Global Straitjacket of the New World OrderS928 Strobe Talbott: Clinton’s Globalist GuruR924 Global Taxes: Ready or Not

Will Gorbachev Be the Antichrist?T111 Does Gorbachev Now “Own” AOL & Time Warner?SPECIAL — 1988 Lecture by Irvin Baxter Jr. on GorbachevR511 Live with Globalism Expert, Gary KahS1020 Gorbachev—World Savior or Antichrist?


Prophetic Future of United StatesT211 Interview With Alan Keyes — U.S. Presidential Candidate T110 The United States and Other Modern Nations in the BibleT208 Jesse Helms: It’s America vs. The U.N.T209 Madeleine Albright Rebukes Helms: Prophetic ImplicationsT215 Pat Buchanan Speaks Against World GovernmentS223 Alger Hiss: U.S. Communist Spy, Father of the UNS1213 Violating U.S. Sovereignty in the Name of Human Rights

Understanding the Book ofRevelationR603 Chernobyl — The 3rd Trumpet of RevelationR604 Understanding the 6th Seal, 7th Trumpet & 7th VialR1217 5th Trumpet — Saddam Hussein in the BibleT228 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

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22 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000

Is the year 2000 just another year?Not in the Middle East! This is theyear that the world intends to reacha settlement over the most disputedpiece of real estate on the face of

the earth—Jerusalem. This is the year that the State of

Palestine will finally be born. There hasnever before been a Palestinian state inthe history of the world.

And this could very well be the yearthat the prophesied “confirmation of thecovenant” takes place. It is this eventthat marks the beginning of the finalseven years of human government onthis earth. The prophesied seven-year pe-riod ends with the Battle of Armageddonand the establishment of Jesus as King ofkings and Lord of lords!

When the Oslo Accords were signedon the White House lawn on September13, 1993, the date of May 4, 1999, wasset as the deadline for finalization of bor-ders between Israel and the Palestiniansand for an agreement on the final statusof Jerusalem.

When the May 4th deadline rolledaround almost six years later, there wasnot even a remote possibility that thegoals could be met. Palestinian leaderYasser Arafat had announced that hewould declare Palestinian statehood onthe May 4th date if agreement on theoutstanding issues had not been

achieved.President Clinton and other world

leaders convinced Arafat that it wouldnot be in the best interest of thePalestinians nor of peace in the MiddleEast for independence to be proclaimed.Arafat finally agreed to give the peaceprocess one more year. A new deadline toachieve final agreement was set—September 13, 2000. This date is exactly

seven years from the original signing ofthe Oslo Accords.

Where do things stand?As of March 9th, the Palestinian-

Israeli peace process seems to be back ontrack. It has been agreed that an addi-tional 6.1% of the West Bank will beturned over to the Palestinians withinthe next few days. Barak and Arafat have

The Year 2000&

Middle East Peaceby Irvin Baxter Jr.


The February 13, 2000 deadline passed without a framework agreement. Recently, negotiatorscleared the way for a withdrawal from another 6.1 percent of the West Bank, putting the peaceprocess back on track.










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23MARCH/APRIL 2000endtime

set May as the goal for reaching a frame-work agreement on the remaining issuesof the peace process. Another land with-drawal is scheduled for June. And thenSeptember 13, 2000, is the date when allremaining issues are to be resolved and acomprehensive agreement implemented.

Meanwhile on the Syrian track, nego-tiations between Syria and Israel wereresumed on December 15, 1999, afterhaving been suspended for the last fouryears. All indicators pointed to an earlyagreement between the long-time antag-onists.

However, in the middle of the negoti-ations, Israel’s government leaked abridging proposal that had been put for-ward by the United States. This madeSyria so angry that she refused to sendher representatives to the next scheduledround.

Though talks are presently on hold, ru-mors persist that negotiations are secretlycontinuing. Syria has insisted that talkscan not resume until Israeli PrimeMinister Ehud Barak publicly commits toIsrael’s withdrawal to 1967 borders. Twoweeks ago, Barak did just that.

As we go to press, the announcementhas just been made that Israeli-Syrian ne-gotiations will resume within the next 30days.

It is generally agreed that Syria will not

return to the peace talks unless an agree-ment is virtually assured. Many peoplethink that all major issues between Israeland the Syrians have now been resolved.

The Lebanon factorBecause of continual attacks staged

from Lebanese territory, Israel invadedLebanon in 1981. She has continued tooccupy a buffer zone in southernLebanon since that time in an attempt to

safeguard the villages along the northernborder of Israel. The Hezbollah has beenrelentless in its attacks on the occupyingforces of Israel.

Because Israel continues to lose youngsoldiers in the confrontation with theHezbollah, the occupation of Lebanonhas become more and more unpopular.In his campaign for the leadership ofIsrael, Ehud Barak promised to haveIsraeli troops out of Lebanon by June of

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U.N. peacekeepers carry the body of a Hezbollah guerrilla Monday, June 29, 1998, who was killedin fighting with Israeli troops in southern Lebanon.




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24 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000

this year. He committed to withdrawunilaterally whether he had a peaceagreement with Lebanon and Syria ornot.

Believe it or not, Syria does not favor aunilateral withdrawal from Lebanon byIsrael. As long as Israel is suffering casu-alties, the pressure remains on Israel tonegotiate an agreement with Lebanon,which means an agreement with Syria.This is true because 40,000 Syrian troopsoccupy Lebanon. If Israel withdraws fromLebanon, then the justification for con-tinual attacks on Israeli positions isremoved.

Barak’s latest promise is that Israel’stroops will be out of Lebanon by July.This may be why Syria has just agreed toresume the peace talks.

Peace on both tracks? Barak has promised the Israeli people

that he will not withdraw from theGolan Heights without the approval ofthe Israeli people in a nationwide refer-endum. He has made the same promiseconcerning the final borders betweenIsrael and the Palestinians.

It now appears that Barak is hoping tobring both of these peace tracks to com-pletion simultaneously so that he canhold one national peace referendum.

The remaining six months betweennow and September 13th are going to beinteresting, to say the least.

The Clinton legacyPresident Clinton has made no secret

of the fact that achievement of peace inthe Middle East is the number one prior-ity of the final year of his presidency. Hedesperately desires to be known as thepresident who finally brought peace tothe Middle East rather than be known asthe most immoral president in the his-tory of the United States. Clinton evenstated that his extraordinary efforts to-ward peace in the Middle East are a formof repentance in his mind for some of thethings he has done wrong.

The players in the Middle East dramahave boldly announced that peace isgoing to be very expensive. There will beIsraeli settlers that have to be moved outof the occupied territories. Reparationswill have to be paid to Arabs that are notallowed to claim their former propertiesin Tel Aviv, Haifa and other non-nego-tiable areas of Israel. Multi-billion dollar

defense deals will be needed to re-enforcethe defenses of Israel as she withdraws toless defensible borders. The price forpeace has already been estimated in ex-cess of $100 billion. And guess who isexpected to pay this ransom note? WhyUncle Sam, of course! Oh well—blessedis the peacemaker.

Pope John Paul’sHoly Land Visit

“For many years I have been lookingforward to celebrating the 2,000th an-niversary of the birth of Jesus Christ byvisiting and praying at the places spe-cially linked to God’s intervention inhistory,” said Pope John Paul II whencommenting on his planned travels tothe Middle East.

Pope John Paul sees this year of 2000as a year of tremendous significance. Ithas been designated as a year of ecu-menism—of bringing religions together.That’s why the Pope wanted to start hisjourneys to this part of the world by vis-iting Ur of Chaldees, the homeland ofAbraham. Pope John Paul wanted to em-phasize the symbolism of Abraham as thefather of Jews, Muslims and Christians.

Ur of Chaldees is located in the nationof Iraq. When Saddam Hussein refused

to allow the Pope’s visit, this first stage ofthe Pope’s plan was thwarted. Instead, avirtual visit to the homeland of Abrahamwas prepared for the Pope using the won-ders of video and cyberspace.

First visit to Egypt by a Roman Catholic pope

The next stop for the Pope’s pilgrim-age was Egypt. Egyptian President HosniMubarak, along with government offi-cials and Muslim and Christian leaders,greeted John Paul II as he arrived for thefirst trip to Egypt by a Roman Catholicpope.

“To do harm, to promote violence inthe name of religion is a terrible contra-diction and a great offense against God,”the 79-year-old pontiff said after a briefprivate meeting with Egyptian PresidentHosni Mubarak. “We must all work tostrengthen the growing commitment tointerreligious dialogue, a great sign ofhope for the peoples of the world.”

Sitting at the foot of Mount Sinai,where Moses is said to have received theTen Commandments from God, PopeJohn Paul II emphasized an appeal forharmony among Christians, Jews andMuslims that has been a theme of his pa-pacy. He said, “The wind of the Sinaicarries an insistent invitation to dialoguebetween followers of the great monothe-istic religions in their service of the

mideast update

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Pope John Paul II is accompanied by top Sunni Muslim religous leader Sheikh Muhammed SaidTantawi, third from left. Denouncing violence in the name of religion as ̀ `an offense against God,''Pope John Paul II called for tolerance on Thursday as he began a visit to Egypt.



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25MARCH/APRIL 2000endtime

human family.”Archbishop Damianos, who heads the

monastery at Sinai, criticized the Vaticanfor what he perceived to be designs to“globalize” religion. The Orthodox andRoman Catholic churches split in the12th Century, following differences overthe Pope and the holy trinity.

Israel—March 20-26In March, John Paul II plans to visit

holy sites in Jordan, Israel and in areasunder Palestinian control as part of hislong-desired millennial pilgrimage fol-lowing in the footsteps of Moses andJesus in the Middle East.

The Pope has put great emphasis onhis desire to hold ecumenical serviceswith Jews, Muslims and Christians in theHoly Land.

Pope John Paul’s visit to Israel isfraught with political minefields. Onlywithin the last few years has the Vatican

recognized Israel’s right to exist as a na-tion. Even while supposedly extending ahand of friendship, the Vatican hasadamantly refused to recognize Israel’sright to Jerusalem.

Tensions were aggravated in Februaryof this year when Pope John Paul andYasser Arafat announced the signing ofan accord concerning the status ofJerusalem. The document condemnedunilateral actions taken concerning thestatus of the Holy City by any nation (re-ferring to Israel, of course). The Vaticanhas contended that Jerusalem should bean international city as called for by UNResolution 181. Israel angrily accusedthe Vatican of meddling in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

One thing is certain. The Middle Eastwill never be quite the same after thispapal visit. According to the Bible, theVatican will yet play a pivotal role in thefuture of the nation of Israel. ❏

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CARBONDALE, ILApostolic Life UPCIPastor Ronald NullApril 4Speaker: Irvin Baxter Jr.

TOLEDO, ILCalvary TabernaclePastor J.L. JenkinsApril 4-6217-849-2855Speaker: Dan Barkley

LOVES PARK, ILPentecostal Church of theFirstbornPastor Wendell MaynardApril 7-9815-633-0030Speaker: Dan Barkley

SOUTHAVEN, MSHeritage UPCPastor James SandyApril 12-14662-349-2291Speaker: Irvin Baxter Jr.

ISRAEL TOURApril 26- May 8

DALLAS-FT. WORTH, TXArlington Convention CenterMay 12, 7:30 pm765-962-6344Speaker: Irvin Baxter Jr.Free AdmissionSouth of I-30, North of the ballpark at Arlington, west of Six Flags

BATTLE CREEK, MIApostolic Faith TemplePastor Keith RodriguezMay 19616-968-2322Speaker: Irvin Baxter Jr.



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26 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000

Moon Turns To BloodJoel 2:31 tells us that the sun will turn

to darkness, and the moon into blood,before the great and the terrible day ofthe Lord. On January 21, as a result of alunar eclipse, the moon turned blood red.Many have asked if this was the fulfill-ment of Bible prophecy or ‘just one ofthose things?’

The answer is, it was just one of thosethings. Joel’s prophecy will not be ful-filled until after the Great Tribulation.

Goat-Toss CancelledOfficials from the northwestern

Spanish town of Manganeses de laPolvorosa have conceded to vehementprotests from animal rights activists, andhave cancelled its annual goat-toss.

The goat was scheduled to be thrown(no bungee) from the top of the town’sbell tower on January 23. Tradition dic-tates that the town’s annual Festival ofSt. Vincent cannot begin until a goat ishurled from atop the bell tower andsafely caught in a tarp below.

The town was issued a small fine lastyear by the regional government afterthe National Association of AnimalWelfare and Protection filed a complaintabout the throw.

Goat-toss today….animal sacrifices ata rebuilt Jewish Temple tomorrow.

Attempted Intrusion:A Sign of the Times

On January 5, the U.S. LaborDepartment ruled that companies wholet employees work at home would nowbe responsible for federal health andsafety violations. This includes makingsure that the employee’s home office hasergonomically correct furniture, properlighting, ventilation systems and emer-gency medical plans and equipment.

Employers will be held liable for ill-nesses or injuries as if they occurred atthe company work site.

Two days after the ruling, amidst a fu-rious backlash from the public andbusiness sectors, the Labor Department

backed off.

Frozen Bank Accounts Is Forerunner to Mark

Those who think that a Mark of theBeast system is mythological at worst or along way off at best may want to reexam-ine the situation. The United Nationswar crimes tribunal is now working tofreeze the bank accounts of suspectedcriminals.

This new policy is being carried out byUN prosecutor Carla del Ponte, who isworking on the genocide cases inRwanda and Yugoslavia.

“I think we should freeze the bank ac-counts so that judges can decide on thedestination of these accounts,” she said.“Not only could the money be confis-cated to compensate victims, but also tomake it impossible for them to flee.”

In a global economy that is becomingincreasingly cashless with each passingday, the act of freezing a person’s bank ac-count is the equivalent of preventingthat person from being able to buy or sell.Del Ponte makes it clear that this act willferret criminals out so they can bebrought to justice.

Individuals who do not bend to thewill of the “International Community”are now being subjected to economicsanctions. Bank accounts are beingfrozen. No buying, no selling.

The UN has already been given thepower to “freeze the bank accounts” ofnations. A country that does not bend tothe will of the “InternationalCommunity” is subject to economicsanctions. That nation is not allowed tobuy or sell anything on the world market.The UN is now exercising this samepower against individuals.

One day, and it doesn’t seem too faroff, the leader of a global governmentalstructure will insist upon unity fromevery person on earth. This will be per-ceived as necessary in order to achieve aNew World Order of peace and security.He will ask everyone to pledge allegianceto his way. Those who do will be given a

mark. This mark will allow them to par-ticipate in what will then be an efficientglobal cashless economy. It will allowthem to have access to their bank ac-counts so they can buy and sell.

Those who refuse the mark will beperceived as enemies of peace.

Why would someone refuse to makesuch a pledge and take such a mark? It’sbecause there will be something inher-ently unbiblical about the pledge. This isapparent from the prophecies of theBible.

Does the case of the Rwandan geno-cide criminals give us a glimpse of what itwill be like for saints of God on earthduring the Great Tribulation?

In a related matter, a groundbreakingdecision was reached by theInternational Criminal Tribunal forRwanda when Alfred Musema was sen-tenced to life imprisonment. He wasconvicted of genocide and crimes againsthumanity for his role in the murder of agroup of Tutsis who had taken refuge inhis tea factory. The judgment is the firstever against a person who was not at thetime a member of the government, civiladministration or army.

Pope Calls for UnityTwenty non-Catholic representatives

attended a ceremony at the Vatican.This meeting is being hailed as the mostimportant ecumenical event of the year-long celebration marking Christianity’sthird millennium. Anglican, Catholicand Orthodox leaders all knelt togetherin a gesture of unity.

Among the other participants werethe World Methodist Council,Lutherans and Pentecostals.

“We know we are brothers still di-vided,” said the pope, “but we haveplaced ourselves with decisive convic-tion on the path that leads to full unity.”He went on to ask Christ for pardon foreverything in history the church hasdone to prejudice His design of unity.

The pope is due to visit Israel inMarch.

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W o r l d Rby Eddie Sax

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27MARCH/APRIL 2000endtime

Missile Defense Test FailsProgress report on a U.S. missile de-

fense system: A mock warhead, meant tosimulate a nuclear attack on the UnitedStates, was launched from a military basein California. It was to be intercepted byan anti-missile missile halfway across thePacific. Very close, no cigar.

A successful intercept would havegiven a major lift to the Pentagon’s effortto show that a limited missile defense sys-tem can work.

Russia and China ardently oppose thedevelopment of a U.S. national missiledefense system. The Clinton administra-tion says that North Korea poses themost immediate missile threat. This, in-terpreted, is a politically-correct way ofsaying that China poses the most imme-diate missile threat.

Charlemagne Prize Awarded to Clinton

The International Charlemagne Prize,established in 1950, is awarded each yearto the person who has most effectivelyworked towards European unity.President Clinton will be this year’s re-cipient. The ceremony will be held onMay 1.

Charlemagne was a very significantfigure in Bible prophecy fulfillment. In800 A.D., he became the first emperor ofthe Holy Roman Empire. Daniel 2prophesies there will be five world em-pires from the time of Babylon’s KingNebuchadnezzar until the return of JesusChrist. The Holy Roman Empire is thefifth and final of these empires, and it isprophesied to be revived in the endtimes.

Charlemagne, in partnership withPope Leo III, led the first Holy RomanEmpire. The final one will again be ledby a union between the world’s politicalleader and whoever is the pope at thattime.

The fact that the European Unionwould place such emphasis onCharlemagne acknowledges how closeits ties are to the Vatican…so interestingin light of Bible prophecy!

Russia Increases Willingness To Use Nuclear Weapons

A new decree signed by RussianPresident Vladimir Putin reduces thethreshold for using nuclear weapons, tocounter what is seen as a growing mili-tary threat. The previous concept,published in 1997, stated that Russia re-served the right to use nuclear weaponsonly if its very existence was threatened.Now the Russian Federation “considers itpossible to use all forces and equipmentat its disposal, including nuclearweapons, if it has to repel armed aggres-sion—if all other means of resolving thecrisis have been exhausted.”

Russia, having recently firmed up amilitary alliance with China, has justsigned a new friendship pact with NorthKorea. It is aimed at reestablishing diplo-matic relations between the twocountries.

The ex-Soviet state of Belarus is in theprocess of forming a joint air defense sys-tem with Russia to protect their westernfrontier from NATO. “This would be apeaceful defense system,” said Belarusmilitary commander Valery Kostenko.

Vladimir Putin, a former spy who tookoffice in the Kremlin after Boris Yeltsinresigned on New Year’s Eve, is the run-away favorite to win Russia’s presidentialelection on March 26.

Prophecy Shorts● Yasser Arafat has vowed to declare an

independent Palestinian state beforethe end of this year, with or without apeace agreement…

● The UN Commission on HumanRights is calling for a war crimes inves-tigation in Chechnya…

● Definitive steps are now being taken toform an army for the new EuropeanUnion…

● A Wisconsin appeals court ruled that astatue of Jesus Christ that stands onprivately owned land within a citypark violates the law because peoplemay assume the city government en-dorses a religion. It is not known if the

court took the existence of aChristmas tree on the White Houselawn into account before renderingtheir decision…

● is reporting thatJane Fonda, a.k.a. Mrs. Ted Turner, hasbecome a born-again Christian, andthat is the reason the two have sepa-rated…

● The Economist, reputed to be the mag-azine of kings and presidents, ran afull-page obituary on God in their finaledition of 1999…

● Kofi Annan will deliver the com-mencement address at Notre Dame inMay…

● The U.S. Court of Appeals for theArmed Forces heard arguments onFebruary 4 in the case of ArmySpecialist Michael New. The decisionis expected in the spring. New wascourt martialed in 1996 for refusing,what he says was, an illegal order to re-move his Army insignia and cap andreplace them with those issued by theUnited Nations…

● The Ford Motor Company is purchas-ing what could be up to 350,000 laptopcomputers from Hewlett Packard, andmaking them available to each of itsemployees at a cost of about $5 permonth. The purpose of the program isto enhance Ford’s ventures into e-commerce and to make its employeesmore familiar with the Internet…

● Mysterious balls of ice have beenfalling from the skies of Spain andItaly. No prophetic significance thatwe know of…

● Pope John Paul II is considering nam-ing assassinated civil rights leader Dr.Martin Luther King a martyr in theeyes of the Roman Catholic Church.“Martyr,” in Catholic doctrine, means“died for the faith.” King was aBaptist…

● In the spirit of tolerance, 300American rabbis have called forIsraelis and Palestinians to shareJerusalem. Another 800 rabbis refusedto sign the petition… ❏

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R e v i e w

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28 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000

Come children. Sit down.Once upon a time, far, farfrom Jerusalem, and not toolong ago, a group of mendecided they were going to

take over the world. They were going todo this by buying one country at a time.

They formed a group called theInternational Monetary Fund.

Here’s what they did, kids. The IMF, asit was called, rounded up a lot of theworld’s richer countries and asked forcontributions to their fund. They toldthese well-to-do nations stories of theneed for world stability, sustainable de-velopment and other such fairy tales.

The nations gladly contributed money.After all, the money was going for thegood of the world community. But whatmost people didn’t know was that theIMF was really doingthis for their own good,not for the citizens of theworld.

Here’s how theIMF did it

Sometimes countriesgot themselves into fi-nancial troubles.Some leaders weregreedy and someothers simplyweren’t on the

dean’s list. But there they were, desper-ately in need of cash.

So the IMF would give them a loan.The loan was never enough, though.

The country appreciated the money, andwould use it to take care oftheir immediateproblems. Thenthey would, ofcourse, start mak-ing interestpayments on theloan.

But these interestpayments werehigh. They were veryhigh. Forget payingoff the loan,k i d s !Oftentimes,

t h e

country couldn’t even come up with theinterest payments!

Without fail, the country would goback to the IMF and request anotherloan. It would always be granted. Thissecond loan was to help them make in-terest payments on the first loan.Remember, they still haven’t paid off anyprincipal. It’s all been interest —- andthe payments are now higher, becausethere are now two loans instead of one.Follow?

Then the IMF would start feelingbadly. This poor country, paying all thatinterest! So in a heart-warming display of

charity, the IMFwould eventually re-duce the interest ratesand give better pay-ment terms. It would all be for show,however. Too little, toolate. The situation wasalready out of control,and the IMF was firmly in


Where did the IMF gettheir money?The country that gave themost money to the IMF wascalled the United States.Even though the UnitedStates was the richest country

The I.M.F. & the FED— A Bedtime Storyby Eddie Sax








lt P






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29MARCH/APRIL 2000endtimeE-mail:, Website:


1. A family of returned exiles (Ezr. 2)3. “____ the seven Spirits...” Rev. 1:45. “...then look ___,...” Lk. 21:286. People9. “...___wings of a great eagle,...”

Rev. 12:1410. “___verily, their sound...”

Rom. 10:1812. Chapter, abbr.14. “...have ___upon,...” 1 John 1:117. “, and___of fire,...” 2 Ki. 2:1120. Opposite of her21. “...children of___,...” 1 Chr. 7:1222. Take away life24. Isaiah, abbr.25. Appeared (Song 5:6)28. Listened30. Particular32. “...destroy___kings and people, ...”

Ezra 6:1234. wild animals36. East of Eden (Gen.4)38. closed securely39. At a certain time42. kine43. South, abbr.45. Timeout, abbr.46. portion48. What Lot did in the gate of

Sodom (Gen 19:1)50. “Sufficient ___the day...”

Matt. 6:3451. Possessive pronoun 52. Little color53. appetite55. View61. Revelation, abbr63. Judah's firstborn65. “That at the ___...” Phil. 2:966. “...put the child ____...” Ex. 2:368. Ghost71. Opposite of hers.73. “...the heaven of ___,...” Neh. 9:676. “...who ___before of old” Jude 1:477. nation


1. Astatine, symbol2. a need to scratch

3. number of gospels4. Model year, abbr.5. We6. “God created __heaven” Gen 1:17. An altar (Josh. 22)8. “say in their hearts, ___,”

Ps. 35:2511. obeyed12. The Spirit and the Bride say this13. A wild animal15. Kings, abbr.16. “full of eyes __” Rev. 4:818. Above19. Arise (Gen 2:17)20. “he ____ horns...” Hab. 3:423. Potipherah was a priest of this

Gen 41:4526. “this is nothing ___” Neh. 2:227. Hophni's father (1 Sam 1:3)29. “___ if I be offered...” Phili. 2:1731. Judgement place32. “These ___the generations of

Noah” Gen. 6:9 33. “cakes upon the __.” Gen. 18:635. Sharp weapon37. Ohio, abbr.

40. Opposite of south41. the sun, moon and stars were

made on this day44. “As he saith also in ___,”

Rom. 9:2546. “force and ___.” Ezra 4:2347. “Before Abraham ___, I am.”

Jn. 8:5849. “Forasmuch a ___” Dan. 5:1254. Bestowed56. Outfield, abbr.57. Opposite of life58. Opposite of he59. “bring ___a son...” Matt. 1:2160. opposite of in61. A measure of length Ezek 45:162. “___, saith the LORD.” Hag. 2:1764. talked67. Possess69. “___thine house” Ruth 4:1170. Female lamb 2 Sam 12:372. Speak Phil 4:474. Nobelium, symbol75. Induim, symbol


Answers on page 31

1 2 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8

9 9 10 11 11 12

11 13 14 14 15

16 17 18 19 17 20

21 22 22 23

25 24 24 25 26 27

28 29 35 30 31 28 32

33 34 35

36 37 38 36 35 39 40

41 42

43 44 40 41 45 46

47 48 49 50 51

52 53 54

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59 60 61

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66 70 68 71 72

73 74 72 75

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30 endtime MARCH/APRIL 2000

a bedtime story

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ever on earth, they weren’t always smart,and they didn’t always do the right thing.That’s probably why they gave so muchmoney to the IMF.

Where did the U.S. get all of thismoney to begin with, you might ask?Well, they got the money from their tax-payers. The money came from ordinary,hardworking people. But it’s not thatsimple. I wish it were. Let me explain.

What really happened was all of thetax money that the Americans gave totheir government was already spent onthings like building roads and makingsure their schools were good. The moneythat their government gave to the IMFwas actually borrowed.

I know, that might confuse you a little,but that’s the way they did it. The U.S.borrowed money so they could give thatmoney to the IMF. The IMF then lentthat money to other countries.

Where did the U.S. get theirmoney?

So what about this money that theU.S. borrowed? Where did they get it?Well, they got it from some big privatelyowned American banks. These banksworked together and called themselvesthe Federal Reserve System. It was a pri-vate company, but it was called Federal.That in itself is confusing, kids, but let’snot dwell on it. We still have someground to cover.

Anyway, the Federal Reserve Systemmade lots of loans to the U.S. govern-ment. The government, of course, alwayspaid back those loans, but while theypaid back those loans, they paid theFederal Reserve a lot of interest too. Yes,the banks made lots and lots of money bylending to their own government.

Where did the Federal Reserveget their money?

The next question you may want toask, children, is where did the banks gettheir money? Remember, the privatelyowned banks worked together, and madeup what was called the Federal ReserveSystem.

The Fed, as it was affectionately re-ferred to, would lend billions and billionsof dollars every year to their government,and they would earn billions and billionsof dollars in interest from making theseloans. It was a pretty good deal for theFed. The U.S. government was a great

customer indeed. So, again, where did the Fed get all of

this money to begin with? You mightthink that they had a lot of “reserve”money just lying around. But they didn’t.The way they got their money was theycreated it out of thin air!

It’s almost like the way God did it inthe beginning of the world. Remember

how God said, “Let there be light?”What happened next? There was light!That’s pretty much what the Fed did.They said, “Let there be money,” and lo,all of a sudden there was money! Someguy, I think his name was Alan, would sitat a computer, type in a one followed bylots of zeroes and poof, all of a sudden theFed had money that they could loan outto people like the U.S. government.

Isn’t this an interesting story? An insti-tution called the Federal Reserve Systemwasn’t Federal, it was private, and it hadno reserves. It simply created reserveswhenever they felt like it. What astrange name they had! A system thatwasn’t federal, and had no reserves, wascalled the Federal Reserve System! It’sodd how so many smart people couldgloss right over this paradox.

So this explains why they were soeager to lend lots and lots of money tothe U.S. government. For every dollarthey loaned out, they would collect in-terest. That’s a great profit margin,

wouldn’t you say? The money didn’t costthem anything, but their profits werehuge!Who paid the interest to the Fed?

So, again, the U.S. government madebig interest payments to the FederalReserve System. Where did the govern-ment get the money to make thesepayments?

From the U.S. taxpayers, of course.

Hopping down the money trailOkay boys and girls, let’s see if we can

follow the money trail. The Americancitizens paid taxes to their government.Part of these taxes went toward payinginterest to the Federal Reserve. The Fedwas collecting interest payments onmoney they created out of thin air.

And the reason the U.S. governmentwas making interest payments to the Fedwas because she borrowed money fromthe Fed. The reason she needed to bor-row money was so that she could give itto the IMF.

So the U.S. taxpayers are paying inter-est on money created out of thin air, andthis money is now in the hands of theIMF. The IMF, which by the way, isowned by the United Nations, uses thismoney to buy countries.

Global taxWhen all was said and done, U.S. tax

money ended up in the hands of poorcountries. There were a few steps in be-tween, and it’s a little hard to follow, butwhen the smoke cleared and the dust set-tled, that’s pretty much how it went.

When bad people do things like this,it’s called money-laundering. Whenthese people did it, it was called progress.

They made it very complicated, chil-dren. The reason they did it this way isbecause, if the U.S. taxpayers really un-derstood that their hard-earned moneywas being spent on helping the UnitedNations buy countries, they might getmad. If the U.S. taxpayers really under-stood that their taxes were going up, andwere being spent on fulfilling globalistagendas, they might have yelled, “foul!”After all, who wants a Global Tax?

Can you spell Global Tax?The system was too complicated, how-

ever. Nobody ever caught on, or saidanything. And that’s the way it went,year after year.

Don’t forget to say your prayers. Good

“If the U.S. taxpayers reallyunderstood thattheir taxes weregoing up, and

were being spenton fulfilling glob-

alist agendas,they might haveyelled, ‘foul!’”

m/a 00 mag 1/24/01 3:09 PM Page 30

31MARCH/APRIL 2000endtimeE-mail:, Website:

1. C., Bow, Genesis 9:132. A., Father, John 3:353. B., Mantle, II Kings 2:144. C., John, Matthew 11:135. A., Love, Romans 10:136. C., Swords, Joel 3:107. A., Two, Amos 3:38. C., Mark, Ezekiel 9:49. A., Gossiper, I Cor. 12:28

10. C., Job, Job 1:3

11. B., Goliath, I Samuel 17:2412. C., Cloud, Exodus 40:3413. A., Easter, Acts 12:4,514. B., Elisabeth, Luke 1:515. C., Haman, Esther 3:516. A., Spirit, Galatians 5:1617. B., Faith, Jude 318. C., Nazarenes, Numbers 6:219. B., Poor, Proverbs 21:1720. C., John, Mark 6:18

Whetstone AnswersBy John L. Bryant



Seek & FindBy N. Teri Grottke

Crossword AnswersBy N. Teri Grottke




A M I 2 F R O M U P 6 T H E M AT T W O 9 Y E S F H D C H

11 C U B 14 L O O K E D OW H O R S E S L 17 L I H I MI R V A K I L L 22 O A ET 25 E I S 24 F O P E N E D EH E A R D 35 T H A T W L 28 A L L

I N H E B E A S T S R IN O D S E A L E D D 36 E 35 W H E N

H A L F O O XS O R 40 41 T O P A R T R


S E I T B E H O L D SF O R E H R F E HO 57 U 58 M E E R S 60 N A M E

T H E R E I N S P I R I T T 76

T A D 66 E A N 68 H I SH E A V E N S W K 72 T I A

68 E O W E R E C O U N T R Y



The Four Horsemen













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