Sen. Oectares !? Great Britain Names wipviui««, Murder...

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Transcript of Sen. Oectares !? Great Britain Names wipviui««, Murder...

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la vala will yon found mis­sions and build scboots, if yon are not able to wield tits offensive and defensive weap*-ona o f a loyal Catholic press. —Pope Pio d 3L

K i *

38th YEAJR, Ho. 23 .

«?7fe Catfio/icT&mi&JVewspiaper


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Sen. KIBE Oec tares C a S 0 , !? E f t ^ s

VUIII «m & wipviui««, Murder Baffles Police of Paris

Marriage Should fie A Sacrament

t Germain Neurologists Warn Reichstag ©f Danger In

By M. 3I»ssJaui (Paria Correspondent, N. C. W. C.

News Service) Paris, Feb. 27.—The recent naur-l

March 2.—Declaring der of M. de la Tajob*© de Parades Washington, _ — .„ „„,,„„« u» rare that "marriage should be a religious secretary of the Missions Catthoii<mes,| sacrament and not a civil contract," has baffled the police. Senator King off Utah sharply rebuk-J ML de Paredes. a Spaniard, 58 ed proponents of uniform marriage years old, bad been in the employ: and divorce legislation at a sub-ccm-Jof the Missions Ca.tholia.ues for mittee hearing at tbe Capitol here,twenty years. His office -was dear this week, when lie warned agaiast^he entrance of 8 rue de Varennes, Jetting religious Issues run rampant In the suburb of SH. Germain. When in politics. Ja number of people had sounded bis

Proponents of the legislation mala-jbell wltoout getting any response, talned that there Is too great diver-, the porter decided to break into the! alty in the laws of the several states'room and tbere found the body of as they now stand, and that the,M. de Paredes. Indications -were that resultant confusion and uncertainty,the skull had been fractured with a contributes to the lowering of the club. At first, robbery was thought moral tone of tbe nation. Also, they,to be the motive, but neither the contended, tbey lead to great hard-, money nor furnisb-lnga of the office ships to many women and children.*had been touched. Divorce based on temporary residence[ M. Paredes had many callers, should be Abolished; uniform roles some of them su&plclons characters established regarding procedure in in need of help. It was thought tbat obtaining divorces, and uniform con-jone of these night have killed blra ditions precedent set up for tbe upon being denied assistance, but right to con.tract marriage, they said, in tbat event, banfe-notes that were

Opponents of the legislation con-'in tbe desk would probably have tended that the diversity of sentl- been taken. One man who had call-ment regarding marriage and divorce ed frequently of late and bad been throughout the country made It im-lheand to make indignant remarks! peratlve that rules based on local at being refused aid was questioned1

Paganizing Education

opinion should be adopted by the states. Tho proposed law, they said, represented one more attempt to

by tbe police but established a satis ffaotory alibi.

Tbe location of the Mission, In centralise functions belonging prop-'one of tbe most desirable sections! erly to localities—one more attempt of Paris, adds to t i e mystery. to legislate morality. Such logtsla-j — tlon, they contended, would ibrce'_r\sJLA l; ,

I» CJL^-^IV f_ religion into politics, as represents-!^•'a c n t '**g Sl^WKJsS *•» lives might -be elected on a platform B f U l o t 1 h r e & t e H © c [ favoring no divorce at all, or, on •• the other hand, espousing compan- By Dr. Frederic Fonder ionate marriage. € Vienna Correspondent, N. C W.

Senator King was constantly on NewB Service) the alert during the bearing and bis' Vienna, Feb. J7.—Tbe existence sharp question caused two witnesses of monastic icliooia In the Banat it] to be almost completely disconcerted.Wertoualy endangered by recently! This, he Mid. i s one of the tnortjpubliahed orders of the Government, harmful attempts a t centralisation*! t protested in a resolution adopted ever made. He declared that t i e . unanimously by the annual meeting most inttmate features of domestic'©! One German Swabian People's relations conld be legislated uponV^)Uacii j , ^ aeid ^ Temesvar. Prel-•by the Federal government; that*mto Blaskovio ifitroduced the resotn-the Federal courts would becomeition which is a bitter complaint even more con geated; that the moral againstthe Roumanian Government's'

BY BB» fWOKtmUtt} FUXDEK Vienna Correspondent. N. C. W. C. News Service)

Vienna, Feb. 27.—Eighty-three of Germany's most notable alien­ists and neurologists have sent a stem warning to the Reicbstag bidding it keep irresponsible hands off the religious education of youth.

Speaking a s men whose lives have been devoted to researches in asylums for the insane, these learned men say, in effect, to the legislators: Diminish by the smallest part the implanting of Cisiia-tlan faith i n the hearts of the young, and see nervous disorders; increased!

This impressive warning comes at a time when the German Reichstag Is fighting out the question of whether paienta snail Jnave the right t o nave their children educated in religious schools. The

i alienists speak as men of science, woo have watched the effects of the presence or lack of the anchor of religious training when the great crises smite people in latter life.

The declaration of the group let as follows: "In tbe present deplorable contest of political parties for the

schools and tbe youth of Germany, hands have been laid In the most Irresponsible manner upon tbe stronghold of Christianity.

"We, the undersigned, alienists and neurologists who in studying and treating morbid states of mind dally see distress of soul i n its most abysmal forms, urgently an earnestly warn against permitting Christian faith to vanish in the bearts of our yonth. even in the slightest degree, to say nothing of withdrawing it from them aJto> gether. It la just this Christian faith which is the anchoi In the stormy days o f life!

"The Christian religion still Is—and forever will remain—the philosophy, the psychology, the ethics, and the social doctrine. It so declaring, -we alienists and neurologists are a t one with tho greatest and noblest master minds—Schlelermaoher, Kant, Hegel and. the others—whom the German nation is proud to call Its sons. They have taught us to recognize the meaning and the object of real Christianity, In its Infinite wisdom, verity, Uberlty and strength,"

Included among the'83 notable scientists who are signatories of the manifesto are Dr. Hans Berger. head of the JPsjchlatrlc Hoi-

, pltal of the University of Jena; Dr. Specht, head of the Hospital | for Nervous diseases of the University of Ertangen; and the fiirect-! ors of the bcepltajs for mentally affected persons and the Insane ! of Wlnnontal in Wuerttemberg, Scbleswlg-Stadtfeld. Ahrweiier,

Potsdam, Rastenburg. Schussenrled, Bayreuth, Orden-Halle and Hamburg.

immmmmmmmmmm mmamm %®*$<m

i * J » ' » J

Great Britain Names

Paris Ambassador


I Regensburg. P J burg, Gteuem,

English Bishop Answers Critics

Of Catholicism

Notable Temperance Campaign Conducted

By German Priest

London. Feb. 29 Is praised by tbe Bishop of Clifton, Dr. Burton, In his Lenten pastoral, for rescuing the word "transubstan tiation" from dlabonor.

If tbere is one man/'^aays Dr,

jects ha* not seen elevated. Tbe Senator emphasised the dan-j

ger of allowing religious Issues to'

larrlskge should! be a religious sacrament—not civil contract. I regret deeply tbe modern tendency to divorce. We mast set our face against this mater ialiiin, agnoaticisnn and atheism, so rampant in this age. But we cannot successfully seek this end by legis­lative enactments of this type."

Among those -appearing In favorj of the legislation wore: Mrs. Edward

Some years ago now, negotiations were undertaken looking; to the cosn-j elusion of a concordat between tbe

enter into nattonal politics, and iald:{vatlcan and Boumaniau Catholics "I believe that marrlasre shouldfitopBd that somo agreement would

b e reaohed and that their trials would be ended. However, the con tinuance of acts Inimical to Catholics

[baa given rise- to dtrobttas to wheth­e r the Roumanian Government ever was serious In Its efforts to estab­lish that peace which, tbe Catholics desire to fatten in ths country.

Mosaitic schools Jave been dent e d the right of an esqual status with

Ffaaklia WSite. Deputy Attornevkjktioaai educational Institutions, t l ie General of Illinois; Mrs. Duncan S. Johnson, representing the General Federation of Women's Clubs; Mrs, Atleo of Mlll-ersvlllo, Pa., and Mrs. Genevieve P*axknurst. contributing] editor of the Tietorlal Review.

Tbe opponents of tbe measure in eluded: Thomas F. Cadwalader, J. G. Whitely, Iredell Mearea and sirs. Loads M. Olbbs, representing the Sen tlnels of the Republic, Baltimore, Md


[German training college for women teachers of Temesvar, managed by Catholic Sisters, has been forbidden | t o give Instruction in tbe German'

London Night Club I» Blessed

London, F'eb. 27.—A new non-Cathollc club In *he Soho district of London, where many night clubs are to be found, was . blessed this week by a Catholic priest, Canon Dunford. The proprietor Is a Catholic.

By Rev. Dr. Wilbelm Baron von Capftalne

(Cologne Correspondent, N. C. W. C Nawa Sarvice)

Cologne, Feb. St,^~J^tb*r Hlfi;

King Georgeldius. 0. M.% the German aposrtlt of abstinence, baa added to hia ataccessr-ea in the Rhtneland and Wsatphalia fresh triumphs in the Northern, dias­pora districts, and now Is planning to press his crusade in Upper Silesia

•P^.^j^y-^^W. jW^SrfB1. *...,»?«*>.-«**^rfMl^acse^tuausrt,

Father Elpldlus has spoken mba fpurl

aoj t o I»or4 Crewe, and tlia- SL C. W. C. N"ew» S»JVlce foroojist 1;h.eJ Rppolnttnent Bever*! -weeW ago. Po llttottl wltera sa^r in Sir Williftin's religion tbe only poisthle bdr to th«| appointment.

Ho will vacate th* post Q* Pe*. manent Under Sectstafy of Stats- at the Foreign Q&ca, which h e t as held since 1926, when he goes Paris.

"He will unquMUonably b e tlte right man in the right place/* say* tho "Morning Post," a oeniitaant which, finds e-xprasrtlon in wsmt prsai, relorancei to t h e anointment.

a t ft a * a s M / i S . t v S S

ebuka Of Hefltii v Given Approval

torn ^*M#m*m

Lcotdntt, P&. %tt«-«~$it W4|4jaji!j TyiratFs appointatoettt to th? Sl^aUW Embassy at Pari* has 4>«en - w a r w f weloowod by tlie English pt^t •whlcb sees in aar Wttilatn a dijnio-. - _ . . ,. M j , . . T 3 mat lawtoy U t©preae»t'W» <*wmto-**0*1** *?" SJl ***2S^ ^ F ^ in tb*t important «monsB*ua*iai ™ W w W t « l e a r *fiM mi, SenttOr &M0, *& Robinson

It i s sow* c«nturt«Mi ainoa a Gath. ***P& f* *** W 8 * ^ . ! * ^ " olic m a appointed to'the p » * 2 f f ^ ^ ^ l ^ ^ * 1 ? * ^ embassy - S«a*t«r UqWttWa*! r ^ r hair*

Great Britain is now npNswtaA m*£* p^l^}^U *. "" * la._s by Catholic* to tho t*r« most t m * . * f t* j * * * 1 * « *h» W * * **** teat diplotaaUc of&W g b W H s * - - ^ * ? ^ ^ 1 ^ ^ 5 « » * ft» Washington and rati* M f ^ i 0 * 1 f ^ , M f t i 5 * % a S *

beon menttoaed for «pa^ m o o t t h * ' * ' * ^ ^ » ¥ w & past a* tbat of the soailbte «ifcei*E*2* pwiwjftloa « ttt* aoasHUt1

Si +5

Farmers To Take Part In Catholic

Rural Life Meet Atcbison, Kanaai, JIarah J,—<Th«]

(alxth anttual me*tln| *>f th> Catholic! Rural Life Coafarattee *lll b* H«M at 8t. Banadlct's Abbsy hers, 8Np-|«*nd «as#*A««4 %W*s t Htttbac:. l i , I t and * t WbAl-««r

iU mm *fcl 4Ms tt»Tr#

of m* cliurcli forwardsd to RobiMon U m fotlow*;

and congregation of the Mmm byterian Church of LittU Itcok. kaniM, tbjit we mo*t KaarUly,

stand taksn b x aanator 4*m' Koblft#on. fh,hi»>r#*»a|^ttt#t * v ^ a/aai^p %f.AS}S/y |%s^ sv^ssays/sssar jRts^sswsjavssx

i*1 ^r'*.*it*.^P^PffWsf5 T " ^ ***rfi ™ W^aflif ••Jft s fw

J p a * " % * l a * ! P w r * *^**^^ TFV**a^a?Pia- 'a^ssrai/

with refsrsnee to ralitlo^i by all «*opl« allka ymm to political omi* n ^tr|r tk>ni. Th* impwtatlw,'' ol differancei and dla«*n«t«M r*alm of politic f» ix\ tit*** imt Jttft | « t H ¥ ' „ l«al instltutloas th«o»»*f# rockad oft ths riant of «M

m th* dicUtaa o t hJ» lieiafioe,1" *

sourecUadt J P * "Aanong tH «mr* *haa,

eoaotrHlng tin iftffim. nouncame^t has - be»n wade by. thilta* Itttolsrant « t M « j m s i

t«ry o f tb* Coaisrahoa,

- * ( * # ' •1**


th« Rov.. A J. L.uckey, of Maalaat-with'ta'^ors awmlatad

:ta», •* Tensas, :\y*l${ifa'itf' -'^m^^'^^pk_ jvUHsd -the Abbey W beflii tbe prep a,ratlons for the xnsatiDg. - TliW aesiton M the Confe«t»o«,

it from dishonor, It Is our own King, who has earned the gratitude recently In the Free City of Danil*-, of many millions of bis subjects allfwbere by preaching In 14 chtxrehes the world over by refusing to de­nounce at bis coronation a doctrine whioh be knew to be dear to them

In a striking passage Bishop Bur-| ton replies to the church's critics:

"They aay our creed « Intolerant; but so is truth, s o Is logic.

They say w e oppose divorce,j face-restriction. Communism, spirit ism, Godless education, compulsory prohibition: wed, at least we know our own mind..

first fence

£!SPhey «ay, when they begin tej*p«ake on aleohbi and abitiaea^e tafary pisgi^eot ^t €B#

tongue, despite that botb Uie" tsTctoJ " T 0 ^ "& l h e ' ' c o t o e a c r O M »CEn

'dais In every age of our existence, and In every page of pur history: such was Christ's prophecy.

"They say we obey a foreign prel-; jate: Christ himself was a foreigner.!

Catholic and Jew's Notable Friendship

By Rev. Dr. WUhelm Baron von . Capstalne

(Cologne Correspondent. N. C. W. C News Servicse)

*" Coldgne, Feb. 27.-^-A remark-** able life-long feriendehlp was re­pealed at WaWorf; nestr Bonn with the death a few days ago of a Catholic and a Jew, each

;?*-yiargoldC . .'' -^ :.•.;-••• :• T4e twov men irere bom on

the iaine d ^ i amd «ietr"friendi;(

ship began *t ss ve*^ early age. When :th% wag:; broke >o.ut'>iB.,' 1870 both ttfole iftrt la it, and:

each' retunoea fieasrisg owoftndaj and'" decorations. The attach­ment continued tbrouseb the •years, ani wben Uie Catholic felt that his end was approach­ing he ei«sftiifi6tl,;']:-"A&d; Mow - -Levi Heyamntt *fil*: ef." Bothi aaeii died the same' ,'afteiaaiBon..: '•

M,:mtiim»mlM ,the,Catho-':; | lie, W6 priest - fflwl* the long ':

^ e f o p i o o ^ l b M ^ s ^ d f l . : ' * • '•

est and the pupils are all German. The Government has ordered that tbe Roumanian language bo substi­tuted as the language of instruction

A Government decree also pro­vides that schools conducted by a s Order are not to b e considered de­nominational schools. This means, the resolution of pretest points out, that tbe Catholics are to receive [poorer treatment than other denom­inations, and that, in contravention o f the constitution, -equality of civil rights is seriously violated.

The Catholics of the Banat will fight to the last man against such discrimination, It i s declared.

When Roumanla took, possession [of areaa inhabited by Hungarians, Germans and . Rutlenes, i t also undertook the responsibility of re­specting the rights of denomination a i minorities, even if tbose Chrls-J tians, not members ol the. schismatic Orthodox Church, be nationals.

Paderew3ldls Heard by Nuns

read, that they are brought up against us, the sane tn every quar­ter of the globe: such was Christ's promise.

he won 8,400 Catholics to promlBes ['of abstinence. And the movement i s going forward there. The Catholics of? Danaig, though tttey are i n the minority, now hare more persons - -.-. v. ^..~ ^ pledged to abatinenoe than hare the^raxitleai;r«ri^tt«*.'.Id*• ||bW*'I|riSsf|!| Inter-denomlnatlonalQood Teinjilajrii,ecoiloMlftpll|W |t "hlW* |^:;^»VfBI| hr-'bo wciulre that thfir members *b* il,f*)te*o.','".'.:; ^ ' '•' '''';•'"' „;?'''"iill". 'stain from alcohol. - " " • ' : \fim:Wk:'$p* ^bmto'WWm,

The assistance of Catnolie cwg|aH Ittfio^ -;C :J9l«Wia« i&ift -WmmjA Isations and unions U sought b^Ja^hi lOT*» sjJ''^-i»i^lWttB^-^#ilf .

.I^ett. '^^.-ifa^s^Bsyt-'

r*--*lla#l««ltosi||i *4^at,^lst: tbe •dB«ll?ejit*tioai ' a M

W # »

(in ri ianyraspe^.- WraJiI iaaon^ |iuch gathering, ; a r v ' - W r * : - ' - i ^ into vrblch r»al active fariiurs oa^t|ly « d th* tsndsnw. of l*r#»e«» been' bfottpthf #«***'' dlsciiNloo - ^ 1 ; ^ :'i1i&f*rt" 4$gk freedom •% M

their ^Wbiemi, H iwatt tiat'liw -^«a1la'''«»tt#f•-wWit* :^'-t0^$m M- • $$%

flrst.o«caiion'.rtt:*^fW&tim0tM;,»#^4tot*a«^"**?'-. -.-^$'$£m

tber Elptdlus for bis program. He

"They say, to give one more ob­jection* meant b y theni to be nnaMlg in tbe great hall of the that we are so anlQce everybody else!society, -Father $fpidltts had

njonattertes, before vast „consErega4fctf« CoB»re|tei, ^(My'Wttik tions, in hbspifciis; in prtions;.. api ipnlnir itntmm o€-iJi»"tteitl^ btUer places. "Great- auooeae-'.haa-at*ftt^:R^'Aihpi;i^ftli:if#tni''0J temded' the, • p?lMt*s- sffc 'W *&-- Wrii iV-lpm^ tftvfpitiott',tfeji; i«'tta>f--'W seboolB.' Addreises t o . tnel. v o litivMnlr""sieliiE-'*Sf-" #fe'"«ii4»1atli*BV -**tii1| classes of seven secondary sebools celebrate a aolema high iSfau a t Qis| bnought 600 promises of of vthe meeting |from alcohol and nicotrne front bojni With St. Be^edlot'i Abbey situat-j and girls—all of whom inscribed fed virtually at the intersection of their names in the "Gold Book." lour States, it i« planned to bring

Delivering bis last address in Saa- into the meeting' farmers from'ltafi* rifle iM, Nebraska, 3£fs»ottrl and'lour*, «8~|The BaHttdtetlne father* at St, Betuhf

occasion', '©n- '^hiaa^tni'^Ssn*!^ m®,: ,*tt 's^^llfrllss^MaV

IpiatAjs^Ofi;!*"©. ' 1 f ^ aettot*] wrnm

domain of religion we present to. the: world ft spectacle of unity ef j ffaith, coeWenstTe liclty. a spectacle of definite doe-trine and- disciplined order, a free­dom from the gr ip of the state, of Ipersistent vitality in spite of fre-[tiaent and often severe persecution, of continuity of organic life, coming] down from the Apostolic age, and fraught with promise for the future, a spectacle such a s no other Chris-; tianbody in the world presents, we thankfully own. that wigl are unllkef everybody else, and wf*n*they were] one with us."

Silesia and the Eastern German; (provinces, he said.

(By N. G. W.C. News Service) Minneapolis, Feb. 29.—Despite the

rigidity of their vows, which made [it impossible for th«m,to hear him i n pusbllc concerts, ten nuns all ar-&0nt lovera of musiic, were -treated to- a private recital by. Ignace Jan Paderewski, famous Polish pianist, hatae '.on -tiieBday.' '-'

Dftparttns; from a schedule that jkoeps nlm, at 67, In condition for a <mtvii&m4

Priests Re By Chinese Bandits

Brussels, Feb- 27.~-Tbroagh the combined efforta of the French and! Belgian Ministers, Fathers Rutson |and Esquinet have been released from capitivity by Chinese brigands. Pa-

[atrentiotui- concert tour, the «t«fe thr#e hours earii«sr|

itfisfi saaual - on that <lay. to piay for] t i w nntts i n his priwate car here.

or four days, bait Father Esaumet, been imprisoned for almost

[laoatliiv'.;'.;"'. .V -.^ •. '-•:•'-The latter has been a missloner In]

China for twenty-nve years.

[If by this they mean that we arepstclty audience composed d€ aena-i ulct's who constitute the local «wat less regardful of our obligations inters, municipal officials, clergymen mltteo for th<t maeting' are Ittasttd^} public and private life, leeg'loyafof all denominations, \prof^a*or»i ing to "this featuwa of the prograatn to King and country, less honest inteachers, deputies and metnber« of and will extend Invitations to t&e bur dealing w i t h other folk, lesavarious political factions of the diet, farmers through tbe paatorii in tbts frank and sociable than are therepresentatlves of sporting unions four States, mulutudes among whom we live, w eafed others* The resolutioa cabling 0 f i p e B |a,j interest to" the *etfar«, are content to be judged by onrfor a&stinence from the abtts* of ^nnem accepting this l»YM*fo>tt irtlt peers. alcohol was unanimously adopted. ^ 6 discusston o4 'eoonomtcf pfob-

"But if they itteati that, in the, ^hfii reaction to> Father Blptdlui? W m i i gxrmgtQ by tit, S^rsilC O'Harm, crfisaoe; In Dan*tg iassvld to o e of fnlttmox of Political fieo^oair *tj

jpartieglaf Importance, and the ©rleat t t ia Cftt ioito TJoiwarilty ol AtttaWte* with our Catho^hisBself asserts that>h» has aevftrT h l | e^aowio discussion elrraied ^ ^ ^ ^ _

enjoyed so. great success to his t o a jg^or potltidn on t&e (kwt«*'- t^**^ ? J , B!* ^ F ™ L . 1 * ^ S * movement. He is *ow, pianhmg the , p W g l 4 m f or ttt# flittttitM * j l ? * 5 £ * j . ^^V^SkS^L esctension of his crusade into OPP«r|thte meeting, trtll «mbfaoe a atoay]1^ *****'* *** * u <w>1""* ^

the roteti decide that the visit shall be wne*lled, i t Ui tbat the towjl will have #

j f r * ' W " r*^" 'Ppfe " W T waj^ss^pjaas^sjei^iT" ^^ssrissassBsaws

Aldsrman ^M«sa> *l * imtiFTk^Q

French IMpiiaf 0®l •", - <*••* <&§* T*ls)a*WasJ»^t&

of the dispoaltton ol surplua crosae, [mattera of taxation, farm taan*g»-]

In Berlin, sermons la 18 cbu^chesf^^ %&^ 0 t n e r t opt» ireaulted in 1,800 Catholic* pledgingj T h e R o n j , e i l x N t #1% m*tiof {themselves to total abstinence. ftendent of schools In the DloUese <tt

toulsvIHfi, i« ohairajaaii of *coh4mtt-

« * . *''••?- **•-' - * - rural Catholic schools, *s well sw. M i n i s t e r C o n v e r t e d religious vacatloa «ehoois, whteh|

wltt be tak«tt up «t the meeting* (By N* C. W, C. Nftna Seryicse) fhis wfU be a Particularly important] London, Feb. 2 9.r^A sensation feature ol the aao&Ml m^etlag, *«•

was caused In,religions clrctea lapsclally since a number of dloceaan 'Swotland^ this week••; by the ann6ttncfr4supertntendents of school* having meht of the conversion to C*tholt* large ruial Areas, andei'their j n r ^ - Q | Co«i«jpl«tlW« «w« clam of ihe Rev. j ; H. 0. Macfarlane*diction have airea4y, salo tboy * r f i i U i ^ \ ' . - ^ m ^ l ^ : . ^ m Barrow, rector of All iaints, tsiver-attend. .-,.•• •''''• •.,: ij^i^tbi^S^^My^d

(Scottish^^ Episcopal ChurclS). The fiatl^nal Council. oiCatbOltc

:Uie 'Bds> .'ha4^<QttXf'b««a hetd (^ree|bf: AJll Balnto church h^setr^naade

ftry The Scottiah Episcopal Bishop ofJwome i- will be represented a t t3aj

Argyll and the Ules fewn the. l^lPi*lneet|tt»V 'taidhg• "»ataeuiarM#t*m in tie setatons de*Uft« with r e u # ^ | | y ^ t * ; ^ e

b* ooanrmed

">•• ^efora'tolttg to^nvC«ary'Mf.; Wae. t h e t n a S S ^ S ^ d M ^ ^ S ^ WuctM" by

Lochgilphead and^ ^ f o o h l e v e a . lBeoeilf«$^ Ahhet. „jb-.,'

• ( " •," , , ' , . t | .: ifl irtyjfijsijmissr'-

of th« «aual«lpal tot*r« Mr usi^'mfm'iSt.^ " """ ohli«#d,^^iSiv«^

obHMaoon! ok^reh: has dibarrad C*t&^l(# ooJdUtf the .mayoral oaetv -, Prseton i s one of th* «t9at 'oils, tow*d^,®a |Un*, *N#«*»t4 *fr~ * tbe popnlatioa f*i*f 'Caiho^sav J $ \ ^

* ho -,rm c*l«br«te th* golden

be' offersd for hU jubilee It*** »v golden ohaJi&? & a-- gift f>osa al l , French priests who hayd fifcewii* ceJebrfcted their fiftieth WMftmiwi"

Tho subscription h£» «lp5»i4|r «m^ me-nced aoct my- t n r i M ««e i t f4 will he giyea t» the .|iolr J^*h*t for, {the use ol Catholic tattstdn***

[sra^^a^sseil1! *a a* • •Bst%%BB%^ss'sBBlaB>SBsi> ^ ^ ' .ss ^ s r s y wr -jJF e#H ^W'Jfc'^Bwasesj^SFSBy^BST ••

fffael iflajLv H M t ** iftV^ *<sV

'T#li^ Confirrjaed mmm»& ##n ^ <3aMir«i $& j|«' ha* arranged to h*ye_ the %$mm0$$^ •"; ; o l " " •* '' ' '

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Right R«v*r»ndJftnii*ritls the' first ^apanese -OasK :. Phe "«ei*&ofty' T$$.J f*.SMflB>

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