Semester 2 Vocabulary. Genetics Both alleles are the same Homozygous.

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Transcript of Semester 2 Vocabulary. Genetics Both alleles are the same Homozygous.

Semester 2 Vocabulary


Both alleles are the same


The physical appearance of a trait Phenotype

A trait that appears most commonly in males Sex-linked

A person with O blood can get blood from which types? Only type O

A red flower and white flower produce pink flowers. This is an example of which pattern of inheritance?

Incomplete dominance


A change in species over time Evolution

Survival and reproduction of the organisms that are well suited to the environment

Natural Selection

The source of variation in organisms Mutation

When humans choose which animals reproduce Artificial selection

Bacteria evolve to become immune to antibiotics. Is that macroevolution or microevolution?


Mammals appear in the fossil record. Is this macroevolution or microevolution?


An inherited characteristic that improves an organism’s ability to survive and reproduce in an environment is a: Adaptation

The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce. Fitness


The largest and most diverse taxon. Domain or Kingdom

Unicellular eukaryotes


The most specific and least diverse taxon. Species

Unicellular prokaryotes that live in extreme environments Archaebacteria

The phylum that includes insects, arachnids, and crustaceans Arthropod

Bacteria, Viruses, Prions

The only organelle found in bacteria Ribosomes

Small hair-like structures that help bacteria adhere to surfaces and push them along in liquids. Pilli

The first vaccine was made against: Smallpox By Edward Jenner

A misfolded protein is called a Prion


Organisms that produce their own food through photosynthesis are called Autotrophs

The outer dermal tissue that protects plants is called the Epidermis

Hard- walled cells used to transport water and nutrients through plants are called Xylem

These structures surround the stomata and help them open and close: Guard cells

A plant that does not contain vascular tissue is called non-vascular. Which plant type is non-vascular?


The part of the leaf that exchanges gasses Spongy mesophyll

The part of the leaf that does photosynthesis is: Palisade mesophyll


All organisms require what to carry out life’s processes? Energy

An organism that cannot make their own food is called a: Heterotroph

The breaking down of glucose to create ATP is called: Cell Respiration

Which molecule is split during photosynthesis causing oxygen to be released?


The process of converting light energy into chemical energy is known as: Photosynthesis

C6H12O6 is:


Alcoholic and lactic acid fermentation occur under ________conditions Anaerobic


1. Father of genetics

2. Founder of the theory of evolution

3. Creation of binomial nomenclature

4. Creator of first vaccine

5. Creator of antibiotics

a. Alexander Flemming

b. Charles Darwin

c. Carl Linnaeus

d. Edward Jenner

e. Gregor Mendel


1. Father of genetics

2. Founder of the theory of evolution

3. Creation of binomial nomenclature

4. Creator of first vaccine

5. Creator of antibiotics

a. Alexander Flemming

b. Charles Darwin

c. Carl Linnaeus

d. Edward Jenner

e. Gregor Mendel