Selling Through NLP June 2011

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Transcript of Selling Through NLP June 2011

  • 7/28/2019 Selling Through NLP June 2011




  • 7/28/2019 Selling Through NLP June 2011


    The Magic Of TRUST People buy trust first, products next

    Trust is crucial in successful sellingIf trust is present, a customer will

    be open for suggestions have more time for sales person

    be more likely to open up

    discuss needs and buying habits and futureplans

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    Mental Maps and Representational Systems

    In 1970s Richard Bandler & John Grinder,Founders ofNeuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), began studying theworking methods of successful therapists,hoping to provideuseful insights for all therapists to follow.

    NLP is a collection of concepts and techniquesintended to understand and change human behavior-patterns.

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    Mental Maps and Representational Systems

    In this process they discovered 3 basic methods

    people perceive the world around them:

    VISUAL (sense of seeing): They See the world.

    AUDITORY (sense of hearing): They Hear it.

    KINESTHETIC(sense of smell, touch, taste): They Feel it.

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    Predicates Eye Movement Visual CharacteristicsSeeShowBrightPictureClear Look ViewPerceiveIllustrateHighlightFocusReflectWatchPreviewSurvey/Perspective

    Maintains good eyecontact

    Good Visual Memory

    Good with directions

    UP Right (thinking aboutthe Future)

    Voice High-Pitched, Fast

    UP Left (Thinking aboutthe Past)

    Unfocused/Straight(Synthesizing thoughts-

    Converting words to

    Visual Cues

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    Eye Movements of a Visual

    Up Right

    Up Left


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    Predicates Eye Movement Visual Characteristics

    SayTellToneStaticTalk Talk to themselves.RingSoundSpeak Express

    MentionAccentResonateRemark Ask InquireHear

    Side Right(Thinkingabout Future)

    Side Left( Thinking aboutthe Past)

    Down Left( Synthesizingthoughts-Converting

    words to sounds)

    Lower- Pitched Voice,Rhythmic and Smooth

    They try to sound good

    Auditory Cues

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    Down Left

    Side Right

    Side Left

    Eye Movements of an Auditory

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    Predicates Eye Movement Visual Characteristics


    HandleRub Like to touch PeopleGraspAffectImpressHitSuffer TaklePressureKnowIntuit

    Down Right(Synthesizingthoughts-Converting to


    Feel hot or cold aboutyou

    Frequent pauses in


    Kinesthetic Cues

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    Eye Movement of the Kinesthetic

    Down Right

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    What is your Mental Map /Representational System?

    Rapport is the bridge that helpsthe person you arecommunicating with find

    meaning & intent in the things yousay.

    ReallyAllPeoplePrefer O thers to


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    Types of Listening:1. Active Listening

    2. Reflecting andParaphrase Listening

    3. Shared Listening

    1.Effective Listening is the bottomline of TRUST

    A smart sales person listens to emotions,not facts

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    The 8 Steps of Active Listening:1. Value the Speaker

    2. Listen to what is not said

    3. Try to hear the truth

    4. Limit the time you speak 5. Avoid the tendency to think about what you will say

    after your customer stop talking

    6. Listen to your customers point of view

    7. Repeat your clients comments to make sure thatthey know you heard what they said

    8. Dont take extensive notes while listening

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    Using the KEY WORDS Marking Out

    2.Verbal Techniques that build TRUST:If some one uses words that hold special meaning

    for you, more than just information is conveyed.You instinctively feel that you have beenunderstood

    Reframing Small Talk

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    The 15 Most Persuasive Words:1. Discover

    2. Good3. Money

    4. Easy

    5. Guaranteed

    6. Health

    7. Love8. New

    9. Proven






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    3.MIRRORING: Building TRUSTNon-Verbally

    When you can learn to read others nonverbalsignals & communicate back to them in the same

    way, you take rapport to a very deep level

    Mirroring Calibrating

    Crossover Mirroring

    Matching Voice Patterns

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    Eliciting Outcomes: Discovering your clientsbuying strategy

    Through outcomes, People will Know it onlytell you what they hope to buy, but how youshould sell it to them

    5 Steps to ELICITING Outcomes:1. Revealing your own interest

    2. Find out your clients WANTS & NEEDS

    3. Translating needs into Benefits4. Instant Replay

    5. As If

  • 7/28/2019 Selling Through NLP June 2011


    Pacing & Leading: Bringing your clients tothe point of BUYING

    By understanding the Power of VERBAL & NON-VERBAL Pacing, you can lead your client togreater commitment and to the point of saying

    YES to the sale.

    Non-Verbal Pacing Verbal Pacing

    Pacing a Group

    Breaking Rapport Anchoring

    Stealing Anchors

  • 7/28/2019 Selling Through NLP June 2011


    Cashing Objections:Turning a NO into asales opportunity

    Remember what objections really are: They providevaluable information whether you are satisfyingyour clients needs

    Why do clients object?

    1. The financial risk/Reward ratio is not great enough

    2. Your client is afraid to make a decision

    3. Your client is suspicious4. Your client wants absolute proof that your product is

    what you have presented it to be.

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    Cashing Objections:There is a 3 step process to it :

    1. Pacing an objection

    2. Uncovering the intent behind the objection

    3. Resolving the objections with unconsciouscompetence

    Psychological Sliding:1. It starts with matching your clients focus of attention

    2. When you sense that your customer is blocking with an

    objection slide as smoothly as you can to another sensory


    3. Try to help customers experience the new mode as

    much as possible

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    Buying Signals:Here are few specific non-verbal buying signals.

    1. The slow head nod

    2. Extensive pupil dilation

    3. Gestures that show interest

    4. Buyer possessiveness

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    1. The Assumptive Close2. The Alternate OR Choice Close

    3. The I RECOMMEND Close

    4. The Benefits Close

    5. The Ultimate OR Last-Chance Close

    6. The Recurrent YES Close

  • 7/28/2019 Selling Through NLP June 2011


    Thank You

    Happy Selling!