Self and Military defense with Krav Maga

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Self and Military defense with Krav Maga

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8/7/2019 Self and Military defense with Krav Maga 2/6

As all, there are no rules in Krav Maga, as it is a defense fighting technique which is notregulated making it the ideal choice for personal defense! It is utilized to keep the user safe and

incapacitate the opponent by any means necessary. Men and women generally undergo similar drills. It has no sporting federation as it is not regulated, and there are no official uniforms or 

attire, although some organizations do recognize growth through training with rank badges,

different levels, and belts.General principles include: 



y  Counter attacking as soon as possible (or attacking preemptively).

y  Targeting attacks to the body's most vulnerable points such as the eyes, jaw, throat, groin,

knee etc.y  Neutralizing the opponent as quickly as possible by responding with an unbroken stream

of counter attacks and if necessary a take down/joint break/concussion.y  Maintaining awareness of surroundings while dealing with the threat in order to look for 

escape routes, further attackers, objects that could be used to defend or help attack and soon.



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While Krav Maga does use kicks, it focuses on efficient, low-risk 

kicks. The actual focus is on low kicks. More advanced and risk prone kicks are taught at highlevels, but use of them is discouraged. They are mainly taught so that practitioners are able to

recognize them in case they are facing an experienced opponent with a background in kick-heavymartial arts, such as taekwondo. Some of the leg techniques that are taught include the front kick,

round kick, side kick, back kick, heel kick, slap kicks, axe kicks, various knee strikes, and


y  Defense techniques 

Krav Maga practitioners are taught to go from defending to attacking as

quickly as possible as the best defense is a good offense. Most blocking techniques are designed

to facilitate the conversion from defense to attacking. Students are taught how to defend againstkicks and punches, as well as learning how to defend against attacks from any angle


y   Groundfighting 

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Krav Maga details many ways to remove and defend your-self against

many common weapon threats as it is mainly developed for the armed services. These KravMaga Techniques include: Gun defense techniques, Knife defense techniques, and blunt striking

weapon, such as a stick.