Seizing the Agenda | Progress to Progress 8 with Shireland Collegiate Academy

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Seizing the Agenda | Progress to Progress 8 with Shireland Collegiate Academy

From Raising the Floor to Raising the Ceiling

Whole Education 6th Annual Conference

Twitter | @WholeEducation #Seizingtheagenda

Establishing a shared vision for school improvement

Seizing the Agenda

Sir Mark Grundy, Executive PrincipalGeorge Faux, Vice Principal

Kirsty Tonks, Assistant Principal

Progress to Progress 8

1% from headgear design1% from saddle design3% from core bike frame design2% from suit designAnd so on ....

"The aggregation of marginal gains."

A % here, A % there..

Mundanely Clever

P= C x E x M I

C = Curriculum

•L4L•KS4 diet•FD/AW•Lectures, Seminars•Visits

Screenshot of Class Site from last year

E-Learning 247

KS4 Diet

Focus Days

Achievement Week

Lectures and Seminars


•Office 365• L4L Base• Immersive Base• Performance Block• Theatre• Playground

E = Environments

Office 365

Office 365

Year 10 Science Class Site

L4L Base

Performance Block


Immersive Room

‘Watch This Space

• Flipped Learning• Feedbacks•Questioning • R&D led initiatives• Training led initiatives

M = Methodology

Flipped Learning

Utilising e-learning solutions to support school improvement and accelerated student achievement by implementing a Flipped Learning methodology in Mathematics in Year 5 and 6.



R&D led initiatives

OCR School Improvement ProjectsYear 1

R&D led initiatives

OCR School Improvement ProjectsYear 2

Celebrating Faiths

Teaching School

• Inactivity• Interest• Inertia• Ignorance

I =

Behaviour Management Services

Where next?• Free School Bid• R&D Hub Bid

23rd-24th March 2016At Shireland Collegate Academy

A 2-Day Conference focusing on how to flipyour lessons with the founders of Flipped

Classroom Aaron Sams and John Bergmann.

Find out what you need to ‘Flip’ and the impact FlippedLearning has had on standards and the levels of

progressat two of the leading UK Schools in the use of

technologyfor learning, Shireland Collegiate Academy and

VictoriaPark Academy in the West Midlands.

• John Bergmann and Aaron Sams take you through a

step by step approach to the Flipped Classroom.

• Lord Knight facilitates a Q and A panel session.

• Sir Mark Grundy highlights the central role that technology has played in the success of Shireland

Collegiate Academy over the last 10 years.

• Have the chance to visit lessons and talk to teachers

about the difference Flipped Learning has made to their lessons.

Book your place through TES Online in

December 2015.