Security Access Control Requirements Gathering Pack

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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This is a pack that I create to gather business requirements for a new Security Access Control system. It inlcudes basic questions that you should ask when completing an initial scoping exercise.

Transcript of Security Access Control Requirements Gathering Pack

Access Control Requirements Gathering Session 1

• The business requirements will form the basis of future projects and will determine the eventual scope.

• If a ‘need’ is not raised as a requirement, the project will not know that the system must perform an action- therefore it will not be included within the scope of the project or included within the end solution.

• The requirements will be base-lined at the end of the Initiate Phase. Any requirements submitted after this date will not be accepted without a change request and associated funding (where applicable).

• The identified business stakeholders are responsible for ensuring that all requirements are raised during the Initiate Requirements gathering process.

The Importance of Requirement Gathering

• Review each area of Access Control functionality.

• Prepare a set of draft Access Control BUSINESS requirements for each of the functional areas.

• Agree a priority for each draft requirement.

• Agree next steps, actions and areas for further investigation.

Workshop 1 Objectives

Defining the Threat- Review

• What threats are present?

• What are the drivers for an access control system? i.e. controlling visitor numbers, protecting people, protecting assets, anti-tailgating, anti-pass back, etc?

• Who and what are we trying to protect?

Defining the Nature of the Threat- Discussion

Areas of Concern

• What general areas need to be controlled?- areas, rooms, locations etc?

• What exceptions exist?- i.e. Fire Exits etc?

• What areas require enhanced access control?- i.e. Equipment Rooms, Data Centres etc

• Why do these areas need to be controlled? What is the related threat?

• What is the level of risk associated with these areas?

• What is the function of installing control in these areas?

Areas of Concern (General)- Discussion

• What vulnerable points exist for each area to be controlled?- doors, windows, air conditioning shafts, conduits etc

• What points should have access control?

• Should access be controlled on a location by location basis or should access be controlled to area ‘types’?

Areas of Concern (Specific)- Discussion

Health & Safety

• Are there any legal requirements? Health & Safety or Disability & Discrimination Act?

• How should access control act in case of an emergency?- i.e. release on emergency?• What is the definition of an emergency?

• What fire officer requirements exist?

• What provisions should be granted to the blue light services?

• What are the requirements for disabled access?

• When will the access system be operation? 247/ 365 or night time only?

Health & Safety- Discussion

Type of Access Control

• Should the system be automatic or manned?

• What types of barriers should be used for each of the areas in scope?- door locks, arm barriers, vehicle block devices etc?

• What types of additional barriers should be used for the priority locations?- electronic keys, finger print scanning?

• What type of verification measures should be used? Electronic key card, IRIS scan, Finger print recognition, ID codes, keys etc.

• What should the user do when access is denied? Should an intercom system be present?

Types of Access Control- Discussion

• How often will the access control be used in each of the areas?

• What level of security should be in place?• If the power drops what should happen?• Anti-Tamper mechanisms?

Technical Details Discussion

Operational Considerations

• How will access control be managed?- customer, Staff, Disabled Visitors/ Staff, Contractors etc?

• What information will be captured against each person granted access? Name, address, role, date given, expiry date etc?

• What period should access be granted for?

• What types of protected access should be provided?

• How will deliveries be controlled?

• Where will data entry and monitoring of alarm activity take place?

• How will data for entry or modification be gathered?

• How will security clearance be processed?

Operational Issues- Discussion

Integration to Other Systems

• Should there be integration between the Access Control System and other systems? i.e. CCTV system?

• What information should pass between the systems?

Integration Discussion

Management Information, Reporting & Maintenance

• What information should the system capture?• Successful access- user ID, time, location etc.?• Unsuccessful access- user ID, time, location, number of attempts etc.?

• Should information be captured and available to view in real time? i.e. should it be possible to identify where an individual is located at all time?

• What reports should be available from the system?

• Should the system automatically alert based on event triggers? If so, what events should trigger alerts and how should the system alert?

• What should the system do in the event of a breach? – i.e. a door is forced?

Management Information & Reporting Discussion

• What should the system do in the event that an access control point fails in the following scenarios:• Access point looses power• Access point fails- i.e. reader not able to read card• Access point operational but input not detected- i.e. an issue with the card.• Access point breached?

Support & Maintenance Discussion

Any Questions?