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Bachelor of Computer Science (Computer Network Security) With Honours

Faculty of Informatics and Computing

Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Terengganu, Malaysia

MAY 2018



I hereby declare that this report is based on my original work except for quotations and

citations, which have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been

previously or concurrently submitted for any other degree at Universiti Sultan Zainal

Abidin or other institutions.


Name : Maizatul Auni Binti Mazhar

Date : ..................................................



This project report titled Secure Video Transmission Using Steganography and

Cryptography was prepared and submitted by Maizatul Auni Binti Mazhar

(BTBL15041087) and has been found satisfactory in terms of scope, quality, and

presentation as partial fulfilment of the requirement for the Bachelor of Computer Science

(Computer Network Security) with Honour in University Sultan Zainal Abidin.


Name : Prof Madya Dr Zarina Binti Mohamad

Date : ..................................................



Praised to Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful Alhamdulillah, for blessing

me and giving me the opportunity to undergo and complete this final year project titled

Secure Video Transmission Using Steganography and Cryptography.

Here, my greatest appreciation goes to my beloved family that give me support as well

as encouragement throughout this project.

Then, I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartiest appreciation and

gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Zarina Binti Mohamad for encouragement, guidance,

critics, advices, motivation, and supported. Without continued support, this project would

not have been the same as presented here. Thank you.

Besides, I would like to thank to all my friends as throughout this project, they too also

give me help, guidance, advices as well as suggestion to make my project a better one.

Last but not least, I would like to thank to Faculty of Informatics and Computing for the

chance to expose and explore as a degree student with this project. I would like to thank to

all my lecturers in this faculty that give me a great support to complete this project. Thank

you a lot.



Nowadays, the growth of high speed computer networks and that of the Internet in particular

has increased the ease of Information Communication. Besides that, the cause for the

development is also of the apprehension which is the use of digital formatted data. In

comparison with analog media, digital media offers several distinct advantages such as high

quality, easy editing and compression. Analog media is like printed paper, recorded sound,

magazines and videotapes film which is in original form whereas digital media is whether

created from scratch on computers or converted from analog media sources are composed of

digital codes. But this type advancement in the field of data communication in other sense has

hiked the fear of getting the data snooped at the time of sending it from the sender to the

receiver. So, Information Security is becoming an inseparable part of Data Communication. In

order to address this Information Security, Steganography plays an important role.

Steganography is the art and science of writing hidden messages in such a way that no one apart

from the sender and intended recipient even realizes there is a hidden message. In the current

internet community, secure data transfer is limited due to its attack made on data

communication. So more robust methods are chosen so that they ensure secured data transfer.

One of the solutions which came to the rescue is the video steganography. In this paper, we

propose a combination of cryptography and steganography as solution. For cryptography, we

are using RSA algorithm to make an encryption whereas in video steganography (Least

Significant Bit) LSB insertion method is used. In this project, the message will be encrypted

first before embedded it into video steganography. MATLAB software will be used as a tool

during this project implementation. The result will be analysed with different term which are

Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE).As a conclusion, this

proposed approach will improves data security during communication and significantly prevent

eavesdrop from happened.



Pada masa ini, pertumbuhan rangkaian komputer berkelajuan tinggi dan Internet

khususnya telah meningkatkan kemudahan Komunikasi Maklumat. Selain itu, punca

pembangunan juga adalah kebimbangan yang menggunakan data digital yang diformat.

Sebagai perbandingan dengan media analog, media digital menawarkan beberapa

kelebihan yang berbeza seperti kualiti tinggi, penyuntingan mudah dan pemampatan.

Media analog seperti kertas cetak, bunyi rekod, majalah dan video kaset yang dalam

bentuk asal sedangkan media digital sama ada dicipta dari awal pada komputer atau

ditukar daripada sumber media analog terdiri daripada kod digital. Tetapi kemajuan jenis

ini dalam bidang komunikasi data dalam erti kata lain telah menaikkan ketakutan untuk

mendapatkan data yang diketahui ketika menghantarnya dari pengirim ke penerima. Oleh

itu, Keselamatan Maklumat menjadi sebahagian daripada Komunikasi Data. Untuk

menangani Keselamatan Maklumat ini, Steganography memainkan peranan penting.

Steganography adalah seni dan sains menulis mesej tersembunyi sedemikian rupa sehingga

tidak seorang pun daripada penghantar dan penerima yang dimaksudkan menyedari ada

pesan tersembunyi. Dalam komuniti internet semasa, pemindahan data yang selamat terhad

kerana serangannya dibuat pada komunikasi data. Jadi kaedah yang lebih teguh dipilih

supaya mereka memastikan pemindahan data yang selamat. Salah satu penyelesaian yang

datang untuk menyelamatkan adalah steganografi video. Dalam makalah ini, kami

mencadangkan gabungan kriptografi dan steganografi sebagai penyelesaian. Untuk

kriptografi, kami menggunakan algoritma RSA untuk membuat penyulitan manakala

dalam kaedah steganografi video (Least Significant Bit) kaedah penyisipan LSB


digunakan. Dalam projek ini, mesej itu akan disulitkan terlebih dahulu sebelum

dimasukkan ke dalam steganografi video. Perisian MATLAB akan digunakan sebagai alat

semasa pelaksanaan projek ini. Hasilnya akan dianalisis dengan istilah yang berbeza iaitu

Ratio Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) dan Mean Square Error (MSE). Sebagai kesimpulan,

pendekatan yang dicadangkan ini akan meningkatkan keselamatan data semasa

komunikasi dan dengan ketara menghalang penggelapan dari berlaku.













1.0 Introduction 1

1.1 Problem statement 3

1.2 Objectives 4


Scope Of Project 5


2.0 Introduction 6

2.1 Steganography 6

2.2 Least Significant Bit (LSB) 8

2.3 RSA ( Rivest–Shamir–Adleman ) 9

2.4 Analysis Of Existing Paper 10

2.5 Summary 21



3.1 Introduction 22

3.2 Methodology Used 22

3.2.1 Analysis Phase 23

3.2.2 Planning Phase 24

3.2.3 Design Phase 24


3.2.4 Build and Testing Phase 24

3.2.5 Development Phase 24

3.3 Framework 25

3.4 Flowchart 27

3.5 Techniques / Algorithm Used 30

3.6 Summary 32





4.1.2 ENCODING INTERFACE 35 Features 35 Steps Involved 35

4.1.3 DECODING INTERFACE 39 Features 39 Steps Involved 40

4.1.4 ANALYZER INTERFACE 42 Features 42 Steps Involved 43



4.3 SUMMARY 50










Table 1 Result based on several parameters after analysing frame images 48




Figure X Process of Agile eXtreme Programming 23

Figure 1 Framework of Video Steganography Project 25

Figure 2 Encoding Flowchart 27

Figure 3 Decoding Flowchart 28

Figure 4 Main Interface 34

Figure 5 Encoding Interface 35

Figure 6 Slot to browse (.mp4) video 35

Figure 7 Slot to insert the selected frame 36

Figure 8 Slot to browse your (.txt) file 36

Figure 9 Slot to the encryption process 37

Figure 10 Slot to comparing files 37

Figure 11 Slot to generate the steganography video 38

Figure 12 Decoding Interface 39

Figure 13 Slot to browse your stegovideo.mp4 40

Figure 14 Slot to extract the secret message 40

Figure 15 Slot to retrieved ciphertext file 41

Figure 16 Slot to decrypt the secret message 41

Figure 17 Analyzer Interface 42

Figure 18 Slot to insert the original frame 43

Figure 19 Slot to insert the encoded frame 44

Figure 20 Slot to analyze the video frame using MSE and PSNR



Figure 21 Analyzer Interface 50



RSA Rivest–Shamir–Adleman

LSB Least Significant Bit




A A.1. Gantt Charts of FYP1 56

B A.2. Gantt Charts of FYP2 57




Steganography is a method for securing the confidential data information from

being known by the third party or by an authorized person. Steganography has been

originated from Greek word steganography and graphics. Steganography means covered

or hidden and graphics means writing. Greek People used steganography to convey secret

message through different methods. Other method to maintain security of information is

cryptography and cryptography. Steganography is mainly used in security applications

like covert communication, legal fields and copyright Control. Security systems are

mainly focusing on protection of secret information by using encryption or cryptography.

Cryptography provides security of information by altering meaning of information

through scrambling or encoding by using encryption key. No matter how shatter proofed

is our encrypted message, it will always be vulnerable to attack as intruder already knows

the existence of secret information. Hence, using only cryptography method is not

enough. We should combine both of cryptography and steganography method together to

provide better security.

Capacity, security and robustness are three different aspects affecting

steganography and its usefulness. Capacity refers to the amount of information that can

be hidden in the cover medium. Security relates to an eavesdropper’s inability to detect

hidden information and robustness is the amount of modification the steganography

medium can withstand before an adversary can destroy the hidden information. Videos


may use discrete frames that flash by too rapidly to be observed, but contain secret

information when viewed as still images. Video images could also be altered in

essentially the same ways as still images, and since video files are larger than single

image files, more data could be hidden. Audio recordings may contain background

"noise" that actually contains a message, or could be altered in a way that, like the

modification of images, leaves the sound natural, but reveals a message when compared

against the original audio file. [1]

Cryptography is an essential section of any approach to address message

communication security requirements. Cryptography is the study of methods of sending

messages in concealed form so that only the intended recipients can remove the mask and read

the message. It is the actual art of converting messages or data into a different form, such that

no-one can read them without having access to the key. The field of cryptography can be

divided into different types are symmetric cryptography, asymmetric cryptography and hash

function cryptography. Cryptology is the science underlying cryptography. Cryptanalysis is

the science of breaking or cracking encryption schemes, which is discovering the decryption

key. Cryptographic systems are broadly classified along three independent dimensions [1].

In a conclusion, a combination of steganography and cryptography method

must be applied as they will enhance security of data embedded. Hence, communication

between two parties could not be trace by the intruder.


1.1 Problem Statement

Computer security involves safeguarding computing resources, ensuring data

integrity, limiting access to authorized users, and maintaining data confidentiality.

Confidentiality which means that the non-authenticated party does not examine the data

whereas integrity guarantee that the data which is received by the receiver has not been

change or modified after the send by the sender.

Furthermore, with the development of large open network, security threats have

increased significantly. For example, there are modification of information, masquerade,

disclosure, denial of service (DOS) and other threats. This kind of threats causes security for

information transmission during communication more vulnerable. Besides that, steganography

techniques have been applied to secure data during transmission. However, using only

steganography method is no longer secured. Hence, cryptography technique must be

combined together with steganography method to provide better security.

However, for the cover media, video file is being used which generally a

collection of images and sounds, so most of the presented techniques on images and audio can

be applied to video files too. The great advantages of video are the large amount of data that

can be hidden inside and the fact that it is a moving stream of images and sounds. Therefore,

any small but otherwise noticeable distortions might go by unobserved by humans because of

the continuous flow of information. In this research will be hidden data in images after cutting

up video to frames.



Objective to implement this approach:

1. To propose a combination of steganography and cryptography techniques to provide

authentication and confidentiality of that secret data.

2. To design the proposed techniques to protect the secrecy of data.

3. To implement and test if quality of the cover media is loss after the encrypted message

is hidden into it.



In my project scope, security acts as an important role which have double layer of

data hiding. Message will be encrypted first using RSA algorithm and then embedded into

video using LSB techniques. Next, quality loss of cover video will be analysed by using


Then, for the user scope, it involved between the sender side and the receiver side.

As for the sender side, video will be inserted using mp4 video format. Next user need to input

two values of prime numbers to generate private key and public key. Public key will be used

for the encryption whereas private key will used for decryption. At the receiver side, video

steganography will extract the encrypted message from its video. Then, user need to decrypt

the message as to get the real message.





This chapter provides an overview of previous research on the work of video

steganography. Many techniques have been proposed to perform steganography. There are

many types of cover media and technique used to make better security while sending or

transferring data or message to the authorized user. While transferring the data, there might be

intruders or eavesdropper that might be steals our data. Thus, steganography plays an

important role in securing while transmitting the data. To make a better security, cryptography

and steganography should be combined.


Steganography is a method of hiding secret message behind cover media or cover message

which include audio, text, image and video. Secret message will be embed in those cover

media to not letting unauthorized people know the message that being transfer between the

trusted two parties. Basic requirements of steganography system are imperceptibility, capacity

and robustness. Imperceptibility is the property in which a person should be unable to

distinguish the original and the steganography image. [2] Imperceptibility refers to the

visibility of modification inside the cover media. High Imperceptibility means increasing the


invisibility of slight modifications in cover object. Modern day steganography approaches are

highly intelligent to detect slight modifications. High Imperceptibility has motivated

researches to design steganography resistant video steganography methods [3] [4]. Besides

that, capacity refers to the amount of secret information that can be embedded without

degradation of the quality of the image [2]. Steganography aims at hidden communication and

therefore usually requires sufficient embedding capacity. Steganography capacity is the

maximum number of bits that can be embedded in a given cover file without affecting the

quality of the cover medium and also minimizing the perception of the hidden data in the

steganography medium. The capacity of the secret message that is to be embedded must be

less than the size of the cover medium. Furthermore, robustness refers to the degree of

difficulty required to destroy embedded information without destroying the cover image. The

robustness requirement is required when traded with data hiding capacity. In steganography,

robustness is not a top priority, thus steganography systems are either not robust against

modifications or have limited robustness against technical modifications. Then, steganography

consist of three types which are pure steganography, secret key steganography and public key

steganography. Furthermore, pure steganography where there is no steganography key. It is

based on the assumption that no other party is aware of the communication whereas secret key

steganography uses a type of hiding key, which is called the secret key. [5]The steganography

object contains the cover, hidden message and the secret key. Only the parties who know the

secret key can reverse the process and read the secret message .Unlike Pure Steganography

where a perceived invisible communication channel is present, Secret Key Steganography

exchanges a steganography key, which makes it more susceptible to interception. The benefit

to secret key Steganography is even if it is intercepted only parties who know the secret key

can extract the secret message. [6, 7] Public key steganography where a public key and a

private key is used for secure communication.



Least significant bits (LSB) insertion is a simple approach to embedding

information in image file. The simplest steganography techniques embed the bits of the

message directly into least significant bit plane of the cover-image in a deterministic

sequence. Modulating the least significant bit does not result in human-perceptible difference

because the amplitude of the change is small, [13]. For example, if we consider image

steganography then the letter A can be hidden in three pixels (assuming no compression). The

original raster data for 3 pixels (9 bytes) may be,

(00100111 11101001 11001000)

(00100111 11001000 11101001)

(11001000 00100111 11101001)

The binary value for A is 10000001. Inserting the binary value for A in the three

pixels would result in

(00100111 11101000 11001000)

(00100110 11001000 11101000)

(11001000 00100111 11101001)

The underlined bits are the only three actually changed in the 8 bytes used. On

average, LSB requires that only half the bits in an image be changed. You can hide data in the


least and second least significant bits and still the human eye would not be able to discern it.

The resultant image for the above data insertion and the original cover image are given below.


2.3 Rivest–Shamir–Adleman (RSA)

The RSA algorithm is a kind of asymmetric encryption algorithm which

appeared in 1978. The algorithm is public key encryption algorithm which is a widely

accepted and implemented by public. RSA implemented two important ideas which are

public-key encryption and digital signatures. In RSA, encryption keys are public, while

the decryption keys are not, so only the person with the correct decryption key can

decipher an encrypted message. Everyone has their own encryption and decryption keys.

The keys must be made in such a way that the decryption key may not be easily deduced

from the public encryption key. Before encryption process take place, user need to insert

two value of prime number. Then, the private key and public key value will generate and

the encryption and decryption process may proceed. As for encryption, user needs to use

public key whereas for the decryption, user have to use private key.



The main aim of this research of "Image Steganography Using Secured Force

Algorithm for Hiding Audio Signal into Colour Image" is to hide audio signal into colour

image using Advance Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm and circular LSB algorithm. This

embedded output is secured using secured force algorithm which provides another layer of

security. At decryption side Advance Decryption Standard (ADS) algorithm provides

decrypted output. This image steganography provides hiding of data more effective and

efficient manner with help of circular LSB and secured force algorithm. This paper present a

more efficient way for hiding secret data into an image and also provides a more secure way

of secret communication. It is also the way of hiding an audio signal into colour image and

transmitting through more secured way. This will prevent attackers from hacking the hidden

data into the cover medium because only using password the decryption process can be

carried out on steganography image.[8]

In this journal of "Video Steganography: A Survey", we have analyzed only video

steganography. In video steganography secret information is enveloped inside a video to make

it safe from intruders. In this paper we have critically analyzed fundamental concepts,

performance metrics and security aspects of video steganography. Different methods used for

protecting secret information by using a video as cover media are explored. Comparisons

between different video steganography techniques are also provided. The research of video

steganography techniques can be explored in effective selection of cover media, to identify

methods for embedding secret message with high imperceptibility, high embedding capacity,

high embedding efficiency with optimum data hiding locations, low computational cost of


data retrieval and data embedding rate, high security, different video files extension, different

types of secret message like video inside video, image inside video, audio inside video and so

on steganography is also discussed in brief. [9]

From research paper named, "A Secure Image Steganography Using Hash LSB

Technique and RSA Algorithm within Digital Signature Framework" by Sonupriya P S uses

Hash-LSB technique to hide secret data in the LSB of the carrier image file. Prior to

embedding process, secret message is converted into cipher text using RSA encryption

algorithm. Integrity and authentication of data transmission is ensured using digital signature.

Here cryptography is incorporated with steganography to provide more security. Digital

signature means signing the digest. It is used for data integrity, image authentication, non-

repudiation and data confidentiality. At the sender side, a message digest is generated from the

original message using hash function. Then the message digest is encrypted using the private

key of the sender. Encrypted message digest is transmitted with the original message to the

receiver. At the receiver side a message digest is created from the received message. At the

same time encrypted message digest received along with the original message is decrypted

using the sender’s public key to get the message digest of the original message created by the

sender. Then a content based verification is performed between the message digest created by

the sender and the message digest created by the receiver. If they are same, the message is

authentic and correct. If there is any discrepancy, it is discarded. [10]

Audio steganography methods advantages and disadvantages have been mainly

discussed in journal of "Information Hiding Using Audio Steganography" by Jayaram P,

Ranganatha H R, Anupama H S. The main disadvantages associated with the use of existing

methods like echo hiding, spread spectrum and parity coding are, human ear is very sensitive


to noise and it can often detect even the slightest bit of noise introduced into a sound file and

another problem is robustness. Phase coding has main disadvantage of low data transmission

rate because of the fact that the secret message is encoded only in the first signal segment.

Hence this method is used only when a small amount of data needs to be transferred. Among

different information hiding techniques proposed to embed secret information within audio

file, Least Significant Bit (LSB) coding method is the simplest way to embed secret

information in a digital audio file by replacing the least significant bit of audio file with a

binary message. Hence LSB method allows large amount of secret information to be encoded

in an audio file. This method provide better security and also ensure that the size of the file is

not changed even after encoding and it is suitable for any type of audio file format.[11]

From "Video Steganography through LSB Based Hybrid Approach" by Hemant

Gupta, Dr. Setu Chaturvedi had stated that they proposed an advance approach for dynamic

data protection using LSB and hybrid approach. The proposed methods for replacing one or

two or three LSB of each pixel in video frame and apply Advance encryption standard (AES).

It becomes very difficult for intruder to guess that an image is hidden in the video as

individual frames are very difficult to analyze in a video. In this paper, they are calculating

PSNR and correlation between Original and embedded image for 1 bit LSB & 2 bit LSB & 3

bit LSB Substitution and AES method. In this observation PSNR is decreased when number

of LSB substation bit increased. So that hackers cannot easily hack important information and

security is sufficient to stop hacking. Result analyze the correlation coefficient has the value

r=1 if there is not difference in the original image. The number of LSB Substitute is increase

then correlation factor is decreased. In this paper observation autocorrelation between original

image and encrypted image for different frame (Images) are not related as AES algorithm is


generated Key lengths of 128, 192, and 256 bits are supported. So that hackers cannot easily

hack important information and security is sufficient to stop hacking.[12]

In this "MP4 Video Steganography Using Least Significant Bit (LSB) Substitution

And Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)" research, they will applied in Android platform,

and the inputs used MP4 video format (.mp4extension) as the host (cover media) and JPEG

image (.jpg extension) as the secret data which embedded into the host. The image embedded

into the video using LSB substitution algorithm, which is encrypted first using AES

encryption. The image was embedded into the first sample of the video. Sample is obtained by

mapping all the MP4 video’s atoms. MP4 video has atoms which its arrangement is almost

constant, although generated from different devices. It makes a possibility for the mapping

process to get a sample from the video. The results of experiment and analyses showed that

steganography video did not suffer damage as seen by the human eye, and video could be

played by the video player on the smartphones or desktop computers. The same results were

also obtained when extracting images from steganography video, where the image was not

damaged and identical with the original image. Steganography video quality is measured with

Qualify software. Steganography video has excellent quality with a value of 80. This research

could be developed by embedding data in more than one sample, with the number of images

inserted more than one image. This research would be applied to various operating systems in

many devices, thus will be more useful.[16]

From research "Data Hiding Technique Using Video Steganography and

Watermarking", they present video steganography with digital watermarking techniques as an

efficient and robust tool for protection. This paper is a combination of Steganography and

watermarking; which provides a strong backbone for its security. Here considers video as set


of frames or images and any changes in the output image by hidden data is not visually

recognizable. This proposed system not only hides large volume of data within a video; but

also limits the perceivable distortion that might occur while processing it. [17]

In this "Improved chaos-based video steganography using DNA alphabets"

research, they propose a DNA properties-based mechanism to send data hidden inside a video

file. DNA properties involved as DNA polymeric chain reaction and DNA cutting properties

with a linear congruently generator and a Burger chaotic map. Initially, the video file is

converted into image frames. Random frames are then selected and data is hidden in these at

random locations by using the Least Significant Bit substitution method. They will analyse the

proposed architecture in terms of peak signal-to-noise ratio as well as mean squared error

measured between the original and steganography files averaged over all video frames. We

have also checked histogram differences and pixel correlation of original and steganography

videos. All obtained experimental results indicate a high standard and a good visual quality

for the steganography video, which is not likely to be suspicious. [18]

From "Biometric Steganography Technique Using DWT and Encryption" journal,

steganography method used in this paper is based on biometrics and the biometric feature used

to implement steganography is skin tone region of images. Here secret data is embedded

within skin region of image that will provide an excellent secure location for data hiding.

Before embedding, secret data is needed to be encrypted using stream cipher encryption

scheme RC4. Skin colour tone detection is performed by using HSV colour space. DWT is the

frequency domain in which this biometric steganography is implemented. Secret data is

embedded in one of the high frequency subbed by tracing the number of skin pixels in that

band. Different embedding steps are embedded on the cropped region of the image will act as


a key at the decoder side. Embedding data only within the skin regions provide an excellent

secure location for data hiding. Encrypt secret image using RC4 stream cipher algorithm

before embedding enhances the security level. The quality of recovered message is not

degraded even if the steganography image is attacked after transmission. The proposed

approach provides invisibility and fine image quality of the steganography image, higher

security and satisfactory PSNR. [19]

From journal of "Sequential Multiple LSB methods and real-time data hiding:

variations for Visual Cryptography ciphers", a general model approach of real time data

hiding and watermarking for image, video and audio communications is proposed. The aim is

the development of security robustness variations and data-rate (capacity) extensions of

Steganography fast schemes for RT (real time) or NRT (near real time) image, video and

audio media communication and data hiding, with no significant distortion of the medium.

Additionally, this paper includes the proposal of specific case models such as Steganography

of the total of Visual Cryptography schemes of black and white images. SMLSB is a different

approach on real-time and non-real-time data hiding, which gives an advantage of robustness,

while it provides various modes of the method depending on the requirements. The method

can be used for the specific occasion of Visual Cryptography Ciphers Steganography. Despite

the models’ disadvantages, they can provide security robustness and higher capacity under the

correct use. In some cases, the generalized method has minor computational costs and has no

difference comparing LSB methods for real-time use while in others the computational cost

should be considered, measured and compared. [20]


In this researched paper named "Two New Approaches for Secured Image

Steganography Using Cryptographic Techniques and Type Conversions" had introduces two

new methods wherein cryptography and steganography are combined to encrypt the data as

well as to hide the encrypted data in another medium so the fact that a message being sent is

concealed. One of the methods shows how to secure the image by converting it into cipher

text by S-DES algorithm using a secret key and conceal this text in another image by

steganography method. Another method shows a new way of hiding an image in another

image by encrypting the image directly by S-DES algorithm using a key image and the data

obtained is concealed in another image. As per the results obtained, steganography when

combined with encryption provides a secured means of secret communication between two

parties. The future work could be to extend this method to arrange the text that is obtained by

the encryption of image, to form a word or meaningful sentence and new methods to prevent

steganography done by other than LSB method.[21]

From "Steganography Based on AES Algorithm and BPCS Technique for a

Securing Image Data" research, they have proposed a new technique of image steganography

which are BPCS technique and Advanced Encryption standard algorithm for providing more

security to data as well as our data hiding method. The proposed technique uses BPCS. This

technique divides image in the bit planes that also called as 8bit plane. After that we use the

AES algorithm work of that algorithm is data encryption by using advanced technique. AES

totally work on matrix transformation. If in any case the cipher text got revealed from the

cover image, the intermediate person other than receiver cannot access the message as it is in

encrypted form. An efficient Steganography method for embedding secret messages into

cover images without producing any major changes has been accomplished through BPCS


method. In this project, the image is divided into 8 planes. Furthermore, AES algorithm also

implemented for encrypting and decrypting data. [22]

In this journal named "Audio Steganography using ZDT: Encryption using

Indexed Based Chaotic Sequence" had proposed Zero Distortion Technique (ZDT) as a

technique to hide secret message in an audio and also apply Indexed Based Chaotic Sequence

as the way to encrypt the message. Zero Distortion Technique (ZDT) ensures zero distortion

in the cover audio file. A large amount of data can be hidden and security is ensured by using

Indexed Based Chaotic Sequence. [23]

From this "Secure Data Transmission" journal, they have proposed the method of

using both the techniques cryptography, and steganography. In cryptography, we will perform

three layers of encryptions which are AES, DES and Blowfish algorithms. In steganography,

we will be embedding the data file in any audio, video or image with the use of LSB, DWT

and DCT technique and then they will communicate the secure data to the receiver end. The

proposed techniques used are versatile, secure, user-friendly algorithms. It can be used in

different fields like private companies, different government or organizations like aeronautical

agencies, research and development organizations and intelligence agencies. [24]

From the journal of " Reversible Video Steganography using Hybrid DWT- DCT

with Secure Cryptographic Technique and GPU" ,video steganography using hybrid DWT-

DCT followed by SVD along with cryptographic technique has been proposed. The proposed

scheme hides the secret video stream under the cover medium which allows hiding large

capacity secret data. Both cover video stream and secret video stream are broken into a

number of frames, then each frame of cover video is decomposed into four LL, LH, HL, HH


bands. DCT is applied on the LL band and used to divide the image into different frequency

regions and compression. In middle-frequency region, secret data is embedded frame by frame

using SVD. For the security and authorized access of secret video stream, AES cryptographic

algorithm is used. To reduce the execution time, proposed model is implemented on GPU.

The result shows good hiding capacity for a secret message. It allows to hide 2.09 MB video

under the 2.27MB video which is quite high than any other video steganography existing

system. Also, the quality of the cover video stream and secret video stream is good and is not

much affected after embedding. It is tested against various cryptographic attacks and gives

satisfactory result. Further work can be done to increase the hiding capacity to hide a large

amount of secret data. [25]

In this "Steganography Using Unforeseen Media" had proposed to integrate secret

data within media like viruses, raw file and multiple layer archive files as data within media

like these create less suspicion over other forms of data{audio, video or image}. Before

Steganography technique could be applied, AES algorithm will change the secret message

into cipher text to ensure the two layer security of message. This paper will focus on exploring

new media instead of changing algorithms. The reason streams like audio, video and images

are being used for such purposes are the availability of redundant data in them, which could

be replaced with our private data.[26]

From this journal named "Audio steganography with AES for real-time covert

voice over internet protocol communications", they proposed a VoIP steganography algorithm

with variable embedding capacities, incorporating AES and key distribution, to realize a real-

time covert VoIP communication. The covert communication system was implemented by

embedding a secret message encrypted with symmetric cryptography AES-128 into audio


signals encoded by PCM codec. At the beginning of each VoIP call, a symmetric session key

(SK) was assigned to the receiver with a session initiation protocol-based authentication

method. The secret message was encrypted and then embedded into audio packets with

different embedding algorithms before sending them, so as to meet the real time requirements

of VoIP communications. For each audio packet, the embedding capacity was calculated

according to the specific embedding algorithm used. The encryption and embedding processes

were almost synchronized. The time cost of encryption was so short that it could be ignored.

As a result of AES-based steganography, observers could not detect the hidden message using

simple statistical analysis. At the receiving end, the corresponding algorithm along with the

SK was employed to retrieve the original secret message from the audio signals. Performance

evaluation with state-of-the-art network equipment and security tests conducted using the

Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon method indicated that the proposed steganography algorithm is

secure, effective, and robust. [27]

Furthermore, journal named "New approaches to encryption and steganography

for digital videos" had stated that a novel video encryption algorithm designed for both

lossless and low-motion spatial-only video codecs. The algorithm preserves, and in many

instances even improves the spatial correlation of the source data. The proposed encryption

method can thus be performed before compression at the encoder side, and after

decompression at the decoder side, a unique and often desirable feature. In effect, the

algorithm produces fully application-friendly output, and requires no modification to the

codec modules. We present both security and performance analysis of our method, and show

that the algorithm is computationally efficient and resistant to typical cryptanalytic attacks.

Finally, we introduce a new type of steganography as an extension to our encryption


approach. The proposed steganography scheme enables disguising a video with another video,

which is a new concept in digital video steganography. [28]

From "An Image Steganography Method Using Spread Spectrum Technique"

journal, had proposed a spread spectrum image steganography method that is the combination

of encryption, properties of orthogonal image planes, spread spectrum, modulation, and image

encryption techniques. Embedding process uses the orthogonal planes of the cover image to

modulate and hide the important message. Secret message can be extracted from the

steganography image without the cover image. Message is modulated with pseudorandom

locations of the orthogonal image plane using key. Receiver can extract the message using the

keys used in embedding process, known to sender and receiver only. This provides one more

level of security. This method is secure because an attacker will be unable to extract the

hidden information without knowing secret keys. The proposed method is tested on different

image formats: bmp, jpg, and png. Text messages are embedded into ten images, and

experimental results are shown with steganography images and encrypted image planes.

Hidden message can be completely recovered from the steganography images. [29]

"A Secure Image Steganography Based on RSA Algorithm and Hash-

LSB Technique" had proposed a new technique of image steganography which are Hash-

LSB with RSA algorithm for providing more security to data as well as the data hiding

method. The proposed technique uses a hash function to generate a pattern for hiding data

bits into LSB of RGB pixel values of the cover image. This technique makes sure that the

message has been encrypted before hiding it into a cover image. If in any case the cipher

text got revealed from the cover image, the intermediate person other than receiver cannot

access the message as it is in encrypted form. Furthermore, H-LSB technique have been


applied in images however it can work with any other formats with minor procedural

modification like compressed images. The future scope for the proposed method might be

the development of an enhanced steganography that can have the authentication module

along with encryption and decryption.


In general, this chapter have discussed about the existing techniques or approach

that has been used by other researcher to perform video steganography. In this project, RSA

algorithm has been chosen as it is the most secure encryption algorithm during the key

exchange. This is because, RSA algorithm uses different key to encrypt and decrypt message.

Therefore, it would be low vulnerability and possibility of intruders to get the secret key.

Unlike the symmetric encryptions which have high risks for the intruders to steal their key as

they only have one key to be shared for both encrypt and decrypt. The preference of RSA over

any other cryptographic algorithm also due to its ability to provide better security for large file

size thereby reducing computational complexity. Although this algorithm is much slower than

the other cryptography techniques, but the intruders cannot easily break the encryption.

Security of data is much important and valuable than the speed of encryption and decryption

of the data.





In this project, the proper methodology is chosen and will be followed until the end of the

project. Proper project methodology plays the main role to make sure the project can be done

well. Research on this topic is done to understand in depth on the technique and algorithm

used during implementation. By using the methodology, it can ensure an exact process and

increases the probability of achieving the desired final objective.


Methodology used in this proposal project is Agile extreme Programming (XP).Figure 3

shows how Agile extreme Programming progress.


Figure X : Process of Agile eXtreme Programming

In Agile eXtreme Programming, it contains 6 stages which are analysis phase, planning

phase, design phase, build phase, testing phase and development phase. This methodology is

adaptive and focuses on adapting quickly to changing realities. Once bad feedbacks are given,

project can be looped back to initial or previous stages until it fulfils the project requirements.

This methodology can help improve productivity and provide a guarantee on quality of project


3.2.1 Analysis Phase

In analysis phase, it is about on how to identify the learning environment and finding the

interest fields. Then, data gathering and data analysing will be used to collect more

information and gain more knowledge which are related to interest fields. Information can be

collected from researches, journal, website, documentation and others.


3.2.2 Planning Phase

Activities that are included in this phase is the discussion on project title with the help of

information gathered from previous phase. First, thinking a new idea, choosing a project title

and writing down all the description about the project and then discuss with supervisor.

3.2.3 Design Phase

After title is being confirmed, start designing the flow of the project. Understanding the

algorithm or technique chosen and creating flow chart for each of them to help others

understanding the project. Besides that, creating and design expected interface for project

implementation is required in this phase.

3.2.4 Build and Testing Phase

Building phase is all about coding. Writing down pseudocode first for all the steps will

help to ease to write actual code. In this project, Matlab software is used to process all the

code and analyse all the data. After coding, testing will be carried out simultaneously

according to expected results.

3.2.5 Development Phase

In this phase, workable codes are combined with design interface. Some term will be

analysed during development:

( i ) Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR)

( ii ) Mean Square Error (MSE)





+ encrypted M Stego -Video

Receiver LSB Extracting


Figure 1: Framework of Video Steganography Project

A framework is often a layered structure indicating what kind of program that

should build and how they would interrelate. It may be set of function within a system and

they interrelate, and much more. A framework is generally more comprehensive than a

protocol and more prescriptive than structure.

Based on the figure 1, it stated the flow of video steganography with an encryption.

It illustrates the process of combination of steganography and cryptography which is an RSA


e S








algorithm. Firstly, sender will writes secret message .This secret message is called as plaintext

in this framework. Then, the plaintext will be encrypted by using RSA algorithm to become a

cipher text, which is an unreadable message.

Conversion from plaintext to ciphertext needed of RSA algorithm. Firstly, user

must insert two different prime numbers before public key and private would be generated for

the later use. Public key will be used for the encryption process whereas private key is needed

for the decryption. Besides that, a successful encryption will display the ciphertext of the

secret message. Then, the user may proceed with the embedding method. Before that, user

should choose for the insertion of secret message in the video frame. Next, it will continue

with the injection button that will compare the text file itself whether suitable or not to insert

in that video. Now, it is the time to embed the secret message in the video.

In the receiver side, ciphertext will be extracted from steganography video. The

ciphertext is decrypted by using private key to reveal the secret message. Before that, user

also have to press the inject file button as to retrieved the secret text file message. Then,

decryption process started and the plaintext or original message would display.

Next, user can analyse and measure in terms of its quality between the

embedded frame and the original frame. From these two error metrics which are MSE and

PSNR, user can compare image compression quality which is the frame of the video. The

MSE represents the cumulative squared error between the compressed and the original image,

whereas PSNR represents a measure of the peak error. The lower the value of MSE, the lower

the error. The higher the PSNR, the better the quality of the compressed or reconstructed





Display name of video after selecting by user

Display video frames by frames

Display total number of video frames

Display current number of video frames

Display name of text file which user already write

down the message

Value needed for user input to process encryption

Display progress on encryption process

Display message which user input and cipher text

after encryption


Figure 2: Encoding Flowchart

This flowchart above is the flow of encoding interface which includes encryption phase

and embedding phase.

Display status of embedding process

Display name of steganography video


Display current number of video frames

Display total number of video frames

Display steganography video that user has chosen

Slot for user to input which frame that hides the




Figure 3: Decoding Flowchart

This flowchart above is the decoding interface that includes extraction and decryption


Slot for user to input the process decryption

Display cipher text that have been extracted




For cryptography techniques, RSA algorithm is used. The RSA algorithm

works by utilizing the prime factorization trapdoor and the Diffie-Hellman Key

Exchange to achieve asymmetric encryption. Fundamentally, RSA cryptography

relies on the difficulty of prime factorization as its security method. Using a very

simplified example with limited math described, the RSA algorithm contains 4 steps.

Firstly, during the key generation step, a user can pick 2 prime numbers

called p and q. These numbers must be kept secret. Compute n=pq where “n” is the

modulus for both public and private keys and its length is known as the key length.

Make “n” as public. Next, will be the second step which is key distribution. Let us

take some scenario related with this process that include between Bob and Alice.

Bob wants to send Alice secret information. He must know Alice’s public key to

encrypt the message. Besides that, Alice must know her private key to decrypt the

message. For Bob to be able to send his encrypted message, Alice sends her public

key to Bob. Alice never distributes her private key.

Then, for the encryption step, after Bob obtains Alice’s public key, he can

send an original message to Alice. First, he turns plaintext message into an integer

through using an agreed upon padding scheme. He then computes the ciphertext

using Alice’s public key and transmits ciphertext message to Alice. Lastly, for the

fourth step which is decryption method. Alice then can recover the ciphertext


message by using her private key. She can then recover the original message by

reversing the padding scheme from the encryption method.

For steganography, Least Significant Technique (LSB) are proposed which can

perform insertions of bits of text file inside video in the least significant bit position of

RGB pixel. We are going to use MATLAB software as our tool.

Data is hiding in video file with the help of least significant bit (LSB)

algorithm. LSB coding technique has the advantage of low computational complexity and

very high watermark channel bit rate. By this technique, least significant bits of the

individual pixels of carrier files are changed with the message bits. Each pixel has 3 bits of

secret message; one in each RGB component. For hiding three bits of message in every

pixel's color, we use 24-bit image like BMP (Bitmap). The human eye cannot easily

differentiate between 21-bit colors and 24-bit color. 3 pixels of a 24-bit image are given


(00100110 11101000 11001001)

(00100111 11001001 11101001)

(11001000 00100111 11101001)

Character 'a' has an ASCII value 97 in decimal and its equivalents binary value is 1100001.

These seven bits changed with the LSB of each seven bit of carrier bytes.

(00100111 111010001 1001000)


(00100110 110010000 1101000)

(11001001 001001111 1101001)

With LSB technique a small difference in the colors of the video image. This would be

extremely difficult for the human eye to discern the difference.


This chapter describes the methodology used in this project. The

activities in each phase of the methodology are explained clearly so that it can be understand

easily. Besides that, this chapter also provide a clear description on what algorithms or

techniques that are used in this project.





This project is implements as a video steganography project using matlab

version R2017a.This project includes a combination of cryptography and steganography

techniques while hiding secret data or messages in the cover video.


This project involves 4 main interface which are encoding, decoding,

analyser and help interface. In encoding interface, it includes encryption phase and

embedding phase. Furthermore, decoding interface includes extraction and decryption

phase. Analyser interface will be used to calculate and measure the quality loss of video.

Lastly, help interface will guide the user step by step on how to use the system project.



Figure 4: Main Interface

User will first enter this interface to process any stages or options they want.

1. First, user may go to the "Encoding Interface ".

2. Second, user also can choose to go to the "Decoding Interface".

3. Going to the "Analyzer Interface".

4. Lastly, user may go to the "User_Manual" interface.



Figure 5: Encoding Interface Steps Involved

1. User need to "Browse" the mp4 video and the total frames will be display.

Figure 6: Slot to browse (.mp4) video


2. Next, user should insert the number of "Selected Frame" that used to embed the

secret message. The value must be not more than and equal to "Total Frames" (<=total


3. Then, user has to press the "Display Selected Frame" button.

Figure 7: Slot to insert the selected frame

4. Then, user need to browse text file (.txt) that needed to embed in the video.

Figure 8: Slot to browse your (.txt) file

5. Value of p and q need to be input as prime number only by the user. User need to

push the "Encrypt" button. Value of n, public key and private key will be generated.

Original Text and Ciphertext also will be display.

6. The (.txt) file then has been successfully encrypted.


Figure 9: Slot to the encryption process

7. User then must press the "Comparing Files" button. Here, the text file will be open

and be compared to notice whether the text file is suitable or not to be embedded into the


Figure 10: Slot to comparing files


8. Lastly, user needs to push the "Combine" button to reconstruct video. A new

steganography video will be created and save in current directory.

Figure 11: Slot to generate the steganography video



Figure 12: Decoding Interface

40 Steps Involved

1. User needs to "Browse" the mp4 video and the total frames; embedded frame

value will be display.

Figure 13: Slot to browse your stegovideo.mp4

2. Then, it is the time to extract the secret message from its video.

Figure 14: Slot to extract the secret message


3. User also needs to click the "Retrieved Ciphertext File" button.

Figure 15: Slot to retrieved ciphertext file

4. Value of n and the private key value must be inserting the same as in the previous

encoding interface to decrypt the secret message.

5. Lastly, user needs to push the "Decrypt" button. As the decryption process

successfully, the original text will be display.

Figure 16: Slot to decrypt the secret message



Figure 17: Analyzer Interface

43 Steps Involved

1. First, user must insert the "Original frame" of that video.

Figure 18: Slot to insert the original frame


2. Then, user need to insert the "Encoded frame".

Figure 19: Slot to insert the encoded frame


3. User has to click to "Mean Square Error (MSE)" button.

4. After that, "Peak-Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR)" button need to be press by the


5. Lastly, the user should push the "Analyze" button. Hence, the quality loss of frame

which are hiding message can be measured and analyzed.

Figure 20: Slot to analyze the video frame using MSE and PSNR parameters




1. Mean Square Error ( MSE )

MSE is used to calculate quality loss between steganography frame and the

original frame.


- m is Height

- n is Width

- I( i, j ) is the Original Frame

- K( i, j ) is the Encoded Frame


2. Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio ( PSNR )

PSNR is the ratio between the maximum possible power of a signal and the power of

corrupting noise that affects the fidelity of its representation. Because many signals

have a very wide dynamic range, PSNR is usually expressed in terms of the

logarithmic decibel scale.


- B is bit depth . For example, (2^B -1) - 255 for 8-bit image

- dB is the scale for PSNR which is decibel.

- MSE is Mean Square Error


Results are evaluated by using different size of text file. Different sizes of text file are

embedded in the same video file format and produce a steganography video. Then, it was

done to test the quality and the security of the system with small and large file sizes. As

the file size of the secret embedded message increases, there is variation in the PSNR and

MSE values.

Video File Text File Sizes MSE Value PSNR Value Analyzer

Kucaimars.mp4 2908 0.0909983 58.5405 Quality is low

Panorama.mp4 104 0.058002 60.4964 Quality is


Niat Puasa


16661 0.108443 57.7788 Quality is low.



12622 0.395502 52.1593 Quality is low.

Atin.mp4 856360 0.0599 60.3565 Quality is


AIM.mp4 13348 0.282954 53.6136 Quality is low.



30860 0.116206 57.4785 Quality is low.

Table 1: Result based on several parameters after analysing frame images.


From the table above, it stated that Kucaimars.mp4 has MSE and PSNR

value which is 0.0909083 and 58.5405 respectively. It shows that the quality of

encoded frame is low as the text file size inserted is large compared to

Panorama.mp4 video. Quality of encoded frame in the Panorama video is acceptable

as the value of text file is small. Because of that, not much changes to its frame as

the quality is good.

Besides that, the MSE values for the acceptable quality of its steganography

video much appear to 0. The value stated like 0.058002 and 0.0599 is considered as

good quality which means they only facing minimum distortion or quality loss of

that video frame. The smaller the MSE value, the better the quality.

Table 1 shows, the value of PSNR for the acceptable quality is approximately

quite the same which are 60.4964 and 60.3565 for Panorama.mp4 and Atin.mp4

video. Typical values of PSNR values are between 30 and 50 provided for 8 bit

depth of data. Then, general values for 16 bit depth of data range between 60 and 80

dB. The higher the PSNR value, the better the quality.


Figure 21: Analyzer Interface


In conclusion, the results stated that the video frame which are embedded by

the large text file message get higher MSE and lower PSNR value. It means that it

provide bad quality loss of that video frame. Meanwhile, as the PSNR is higher and the

MSE value is approaching to 0, it shows better quality of its video frame.





This chapter summarize the overall project that has been carried out.

Weakness, future works and suggestions are stated briefly in this chapter.


This implemented system takes longer time to encrypt and decrypt as the

RSA algorithm has long key. Due to the slow speed of processes, it is not suit for faster

communication. The RSA encryption and decryption algorithm need a lot of calculation

and the speed is slowly, compared with the symmetric cryptographic algorithm thousands

of times slower. With the development of large number of decomposition technique, key

length would increase to ensure safety, so the computation will be greater.Every process

must work correctly. If not, it will influence the whole program. Another thing is that

user must work on step by step in using the system as it will cause an error.



This system implements video steganography combines with cryptography

techniques that will create double security and authentication to the user. But, to make it

more secure and less distortion to the encoded frame, compression and AES algorithm

must be combined for the steganography project. Compression technique really helpful to

decrease the value of distortion in the encoded frame. Furthermore, for the double

encryption within the combination of RSA plus AES algorithm will provide better

security. The probability the intruders may steal or eavesdrops will not occur.


This project aims to provide secrecy and security by combining both

cryptography and steganography method together. Cryptography techniques can encrypt

the real message as unreadable message to any trusted person. Next, the steganography

method added the security functionality as it can hides the secret message in the cover

video that makes the intruder does not make any sense to the presence of the secret

message hidden in it. This approach provides double security and maintains the privacy

to the users' data.



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A. Project Timeline

A.1. Gantt Charts of FYP1



1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


Data Gathering

Discussion and

Project Title




scope and




Algorithms /





A.2. Gantt Charts of FYP2



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Build and Testing


Build Flowchart

Do Codes in Matlab

Run and Test Code

Development Phase

Create Interface

with workable code

Run and Test

Analyze the results
