Secure development automatic identification and mitigation of application vulnerabilities

Post on 06-May-2015

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Lucent Sky AVM

Transcript of Secure development automatic identification and mitigation of application vulnerabilities

Secure Development: Automatic Identification and Mitigation of Application Vulnerabilities



• What’re application vulnerabilities and why they’re bad

• How to identify vulnerabilities

• How to mitigate vulnerabilities + shameless self plug

What’re application vulnerabilities

• Application vulnerabilities are bugs in source code that allow hackers to bypass security features such as authentication or firewall

Application Security Feels Like an Uphill Battle

of web applications vulnerable to data theft

average vulnerabilitiesper application



They’re expensive problems, and also are expensive to fix

What’s wrong with this code?

<% String eid = request.getParameter("eid"); %>

Employee ID: <%= eid %>

What about this one?

String userName = ctx.getAuthenticatedUserName();

String itemName = request.getParameter("itemName");

String query = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE owner = '"

+ userName + "' AND itemname = '"

+ itemName + "'";

List items = sess.createSQLQuery(query).list();

The most common vulnerabilities: cross-site scripting

• Allow the execution of arbitrary JavaScript on website visitors browsers

• Almost every popular website has been hit with XSS in the past

The most common vulnerabilities: SQL injection

• Allow the execution of arbitrary SQL queries and system commands on the database server

• Over 80% of e-commerce sites in Taiwan currentlyhave SQL injections

• What’re application vulnerabilities and why they’re bad

• How to identify vulnerabilities

• How to mitigate vulnerabilities + shameless self plug

Beer time!

• What did you do to identify vulnerabilities in your applications?

• What steps were taken to prevent vulnerable applications from being published?

Three different kinds of static code analysis tools

Dynamic or static testing?

SAST is accurate, but what does it really do?

• What’re application vulnerabilities and why they’re bad

• How to identify vulnerabilities

• How to mitigate vulnerabilities + shameless self plug

What do you do with vulnerabilities?

<% String eid = request.getParameter("eid"); %>

Employee ID: <%= eid %>

What do you do with vulnerabilities?

<% String eid = request.getParameter("eid"); %>

Employee ID: <%= ESAPI.encoder().encodeForHTMLAttribute(eid) %>

What about this one?

String userName = ctx.getAuthenticatedUserName();

String itemName = request.getParameter("itemName");

String query = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE owner = '"

+ userName + "' AND itemname = '"

+ itemName + "'";

List items = sess.createSQLQuery(query).list();

What about this one?

String userName = ctx.getAuthenticatedUserName();

String itemName = request.getParameter("itemName");

String query = "SELECT * FROM items WHERE owner = '"

+ userName + "' AND itemname = '"

+ ESAPI.encoder().encodeForSQL(itemName)

+ "'";

List items = sess.createSQLQuery(query).list();

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