Secrets of World Class HR Depts | webinar with PayStream Advisors & docSTAR

Post on 15-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Secrets of World Class HR Depts | webinar with PayStream Advisors & docSTAR

PayStream Webcast

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Secrets of World Class Human

Resources Departments:

Best Practices Used by Leading

HR Organizations

Anna Barnett, PayStream Advisors

Colleen Williams-Wright, docSTAR


Today’s Presenters

Anna BarnettTechnical Writer/Analyst

PayStream Advisors

Colleen Williams-Wright, PHP, SHRM-CPDirector of Human Resources


Who is PayStream


Research and Advisory Services

for Financial Operations

o HR, IT, Accounts Payable, Accounts


o Research, Tools & Education

o Benchmarking

o Electronic Payments

o INNOVATE 2015: The Purchase-to-Pay


Who is docSTAR?

Experts in HR and Enterprise

Content Management Solutions• Award winning workflow and content productivity software company

founded in 1996

• 8,000+ customers, 145,000 users in many industries

• Robust, scalable, affordable solutions supported by a highly

responsive technical team

• Solution is available on-premises or in the cloud


• Today’s HR Challenges

• Secrets of World Class HR Departments: Best Practices of the Leaders

• Enterprise Content Management Solutions for HR

• The Future of HR

Today’s HR Challenges

Today’s HR Challenges

Source: World Resources Institute –

The problem with paper

70%Percentage of of today’s businesses that would

fail within three weeks if they suffered a loss of

paper-based records due to fire or flood.

22%Percentage by which paper in the average

office grows every year, meaning your paper

will double in 3.3 years. This will happen much

sooner in a high-growth organization.

Today’s HR Challenges

Source: World Resources Institute –

The problem with paper

30%The time a typical employee spends looking

for information locked in email and filing

cabinets – filing costs average about $20 per


$125The cost of a misfiled document in a typical HR

organization. A lost document costs $350-400,

and a large organization loses a document

ever 12 seconds.

Today’s HR Challenges

Source: “The hidden reality of payroll & HR administration costs,” Price Waterhouse Coopers

Percent of organizations without

a system or solution to manage

the HR function listed.

Disparate HR systems Increase Risk

Poll Question #1

Which of these efficiency thieves is stealing

your department’s time?

A. New applicant paperwork

B. Ad hoc requests for employee files

C. Preparing for HR audits

D. Maintaining compliance with HIPAA, ACA and ADA

Best Practices of HR


Best Practices of HR LeadersThey take a proactive approach to demographic changes.

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2012

Best Practices for HR Leaders

Today’s workforce is more technology-

minded than their predecessors

They want efficiency, connectivity, and

a technological focus in both their work

and personal life

They value an integrated, transparent,

collaborative “silo-free” workplace


They are automating and enhancing their hiring process

Best Practices of HR LeadersThey utilize a standardized onboarding process

Source: ‘Onboarding Employees: Maximizing Success’ Society of Human Resource Management, 2014

69%New employees who attended a structured

onboarding orientation program, were 69% more

likely to remain at a company up to 3 years.

54%Organizations with a standard onboarding

process experience 54% greater new hire

productivity and 50% greater new hire retention.

Best Practices of HR Leaders

A formal review schedule is

supplemented by more frequent,

informal feedback.

The workforce is kept as nimble as

possible, ensuring that any issues

are addressed sooner than later.

Employees are kept abreast of

changes and new opportunities that

can affect their goals.

They’ve revamped their employee review process.

Best Practices of HR LeadersThey’re aggressively eliminating paper and manual


Best Practices of HR Leaders

Source: PayStream Advisors’ 2015 Financial Meta Survey

They’re aggressively eliminating paper and manual


Moving from a ‘novice,’

highly paper-based

organization to an

‘innovator,’ organization

can reduce document

processing costs by up to


Best Practices of HR LeadersThey’re aggressively eliminating paper and manual


18%increase in productivity and staff engagement

after the implementation of ECM.

reduction of office space allocated to filing

storage is possible when shifting to a culture

of electronic-only filing.

Source: AIIM: “Capitalizing on Content” 2012


Best Practices of HR LeadersA Real World Case Study: Nazdar

Nazdar Business Challenge: On-board new employees

faster and reduce paper-based processes

“We really wanted to be paperless. With over 40

years’ worth of active employee files, we needed a

user-friendly document management system that

could handle all of our complex legal and medical

personnel information in one location.”

Cindy Upshaw, Nazdar HR Manager

Poll Question #2Where are you in your electronic HR document

management journey?

A. We haven’t really thought about it

B. We are just doing preliminary research

C. We are considering implementing a solution this year

D. We are definitely automating and are currently evaluating providers

E. We are highly automated

Enterprise Content

Management (ECM)

Solutions for HR

Use Cases for ECM in HRIncrease productivity; Improve Governance and

ComplianceManaging forms and documents for the complete employee life-


• Employee On-Boarding process

• Benefits

• Change in employee status

• Time off requests

• Terminations

The Future Role of HR

The Future Role of HRHR is rebranding themselves within their organizations.

HR departments are not satisfied with

spending their time sifting through piles of


They are using technology to create more

value within their department

With ECM, they can hire more efficiently,

manage employees more securely, and

offer valuable insight on performance and


Contact:Anna Barnett

Contact:Colleen Williams-Wright


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