Secret Surgery’S 10 Part Guide To Surgery Abroad

Post on 02-Jun-2015

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Guide To Surgery Abroad - This is an information guide - parts 1 to 10

Transcript of Secret Surgery’S 10 Part Guide To Surgery Abroad

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Secret Surgery’s

10 Part guide

to Surgery Abroad

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Part 1 - Why Surgery Abroad?

People have been going abroad for surgery for years, and the overseas industry just continues to grow. Maybe it’s because it’s cheaper, maybe it’s because it sounds exotic, but it could also be the fact that it is a safe and viable option.

There are always horror stories – of course there are – although most appear to be extreme cases that have become apocryphal tales used to inveigle UK consumers into staying on these shores.

With some proper research and knowledge on your side, you’ll be ready to take that trip abroad for surgery. With the media’s penchant for sensationalising everything, you’ll be happy to learn that surgery abroad is not the nightmare some make it out to be. On the whole, the service is very professional and the aftercare is excellent.

There a few things you can do to empower yourself before surgery abroad, but there’s probably one thing to ask yourself above all other considerations: ‘Is surgery abroad right for me?’ No matter what the credentials of the clinic are, and no matter how much you want to have the procedure done; if you can’t cope with being away from home, and the thought of leaving your family at home distresses you, undergoing surgery abroad might not be the right option for you.

If you think it is a viable option, then read more about the topic and glean all the information you can. Read the papers, watch television and chat to friends and family about the merits of seeking surgery in a foreign country. You can gain a lot from simply scanning the media, but make sure you’re not just skimming the front pages of tabloids. Go to one of the cosmetic surgery events that are regularly held all over the country to learn about procedures in countries as diverse as Poland and India.

Once you’ve got a basic idea of what surgery abroad entails, you’re ready to decide whether the option is something for you to consider. The fact that foreign surgeries may have shorter waiting lists – and be cleaner – than those under the NHS are two possible reasons to jet off for your procedure. Another? Simply the fact that you’ll be combining the surgery with a holiday in the country of your choice. You can chill out on a tropical beach, or soak up some culture in a capital, and all the while saving money simply because you’re outside the UK.

Secret Surgery takes the worry out of all of this for you by packaging the whole thing together so that you don’t need to think or worry about anything another than catching your flight!

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Part 2 - Where Should I Go?

Choosing where to go for cosmetic surgery abroad isn’t simply about choosing the destination where you fancy a holiday: different countries have varying reputations for excelling in specific surgical areas.

Take the Philippines for example, where British tourists flock to every year to receive competitively-priced dentistry. Or France, renowned for their expertise in bariatric – or weight-loss – surgery. Head over to Belgium, Germany or Spain for a variety of elective surgeries, or simply grab a short flight to Poland where the reputation for cosmetic procedures is excellent.

Is the surgery you desire or require available in the country of your choice? You ought to find out which countries or cities have the best reputation for the surgery you’re looking to have.

Scan the newspapers, ask people on surgery forums: do whatever you can to find out what’s right for you. You’ll probably

be presented with several enticing options to choose from in the end.

This is when you can start to be a little pickier, and decide how you’re going to make the most of your trip abroad.

Ask when the high season is so you can avoid expensive flights: you’ll enjoy more moderate weather after undergoing surgery, and appreciate the pennies that you’ll undoubtedly save in the process.

Find out about the costs of a holiday; how much it is to eat out, how much it costs to travel around, and generally how much you’ll have to cough up over and above the price of your surgery. Your flights will cost more the further away you go, but then the cost of living should conversely be cheaper.

Secret Surgery takes the worry out of all of this for you by packaging the whole thing together so that you don’t need to think or worry about anything another than catching your flight!

If you’re in doubt, check out Know Before You Go, the Foreign Office’s campaign that gives you all-important information. Once you know the costs of everything else, you can start thinking about the cost of the actual surgery itself.

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Part 3 - How Much Does It Cost?

One the greatest reasons for undergoing surgery abroad is the price. It’s definitely cheaper if you travel outside the UK, and not because surgeons abroad are any less capable.

I underwent surgery myself in Poland and discovered that waiting lists were shorter and prices were more reasonable. Moreover, customer care was also exemplary.

So why is it so much cheaper abroad? Well, because almost everything is. You can expect to pay anywhere between £3000 and £4000 for a nose-reshaping (rhinoplasty) in the UK, and as little as £850 if you travel to India.

In other countries you’ll pay somewhere in between, but it’s almost always cheaper than having surgery done privately in this country.

Of course, you may conclude that once you factor flights, accommodation and living expenses into the equation, you’ll end up paying out more overall, but this isn’t the case. The further abroad you travel, the more expensive your flights will be, but conversely your living expenses will become cheaper.

The best way to ensure you spend less is to opt for an all-inclusive package. Yes, you can find both flights and accommodation for a pittance, but without a package the surgery might carry ‘hidden’ costs: you may have to pay for medication and anaesthesia, and if you’re going for a boob job even breast implants might cost ‘extra’!

Always make sure you do your research before you travel. Know how much everything costs, and ensure that everything you need has been paid for before you fly.

Are there any passport or travel visa costs? How about airport pick-up, and travel both to and from your medical provider? Will you be provided with an English speaking assistant for free?

Here at Secret Surgery we endeavour to prove that cheaper really does mean cheaper, and that you’ll receive first-class care throughout the duration of your holiday. We offer all-inclusive holiday packages so you don’t have to worry about hidden costs, allowing you to concentrate on recovering after surgery.

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Part 4 - Choosing a Provider

When you choose to have surgery abroad, knowing where to go and how much you can afford is just the beginning. You need to pick the very best when it comes to medical providers too, and it can be tricky to know which company is right for you.

First off, make sure you feel comfortable with them. Any doubts, and you should probably look elsewhere. Of course you want to ask questions; of course you want to be reassured!

If the company is becoming impatient or seems unsympathetic to your concerns, it’s probably safe to say that they’ll be as rushed when it comes to your surgery.

So ask away, and expect firm answers. It’s no light undertaking to decide to go abroad for surgery, so be prepared to give all you’ve got in terms of pushing for total costs. Even if you’re opting for an all-inclusive package, the broker should have all the information at hand to let you know who your surgeon is, and the proof of his or her accreditations

Ask questions, and then ask some more. You need to feel confident with the answers given, and you may have to undertake some extensive research yourself. Once you’ve verified the surgeon’s qualifications and credentials, know all there is to know about the procedure you’ve elected for. You should feel confident that you can afford everything involved in the experience, be able to affirm ‘This is the right provider for me.’

Here at Secret Surgery, we don’t hide away from questions, no matter how many you have to throw at us or how taxing they may be! All of our surgery is performed at our EMC Specialist Hospital and Outpatient Clinic, distinguished by both the Polish Ministry of Health and the Polish Association of Surgeons. Our surgeons are fully qualified, and we provide fully-inclusive packages with no ‘hidden costs’ to worry about.

In our opinion picking a specialist surgeon for the procedure you want is a MUST! For example you want a qualified and registered plastic surgeon to carry out your cosmetic surgery procedure – Not a general surgeon who dabbles in a bit of plastic surgery here and there… So research the appropriate plastic surgery associations for the Country where the surgery will happen as well as International & European associations too! An example of which if it is a Polish Plastic surgery you should check the following links to see that they are recognised. Ask yourself the question why are they not registered if they are what they say they are?!

European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery ESPRAS Polish Society of Plastic and Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery

So get in touch and ask away. After all, our aim to is to obviate the stigma that surrounds medical tourism, and our priority is to make sure that you and your health are taken care of.

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Part 5 - Choosing a Surgeon

Choosing a surgeon is always going to be tricky, because each and every country has different regulations. We’re not all capable of unravelling the medical jargon, and it can be difficult to gauge whether or not someone is fully qualified.

So what do you look for? Well, most other ‘surgery abroad’ guides will tell you to look for a GMC registered surgeon. Here at Secret Surgery however, we say think again.

Unfortunately, many surgeons abroad will use their GMC status as a marketing tactic, because they know it’s what UK patients look for when considering surgery. It basically means that the surgeon you’ve found is listed on the UK’s General Medical Council; it means he or she has completed a simple paper exercise. Your local GP is also registered with the GMC, but you’re not going to pop down and ask him or her for surgery any time soon for a boob job.

When looking for a surgeon, you need to know that they’re fully qualified in their country; that they’ve completed training according to their country’s legislation. The best way to check this is by looking to see if the surgeon conforms/adheres to standards laid out by the ESPRAS, or European Society of Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery. There are websites like this for every continent in the world, so simply find out what you should be looking for before you start talking to surgeons.

Lastly, ask yourself whether everything is as it should be. Do your research, and know your stuff: with knowledge on your side, you’ll find the right surgeon for you.

If the surgeon is willing to give you a tummy tuck and breast implants at the same time, you have to ask whether your safety is at the forefront of their mind. Unfortunately, people do cut corners.

Make sure you have all the relevant blood tests taken at least a day before your surgery, and ensure your stay in hospital is sufficiently long enough for you to recover. I suggest 3 days post surgery.

Make sure the surgery is undertaken in hospital, and not a clinic: if anything was to happen whilst you were under anaesthetic, you’d want to be in the best possible place to be looked after properly.

Here at Secret Surgery, you can receive a virtual consultation to provide the answers and peace of mind you’re seeking. Simply send your pictures to and I’ll send them on to the surgeon so you can receive his or her expert opinion. We work with fully-registered practitioners with the Supreme Medical Council of Poland.

Moreover, so you always feel safe and comfortable the procedure, you’ll be able to meet with them the day before your surgery. With the right surgeon in place, you can look forward to your procedure and to the enhanced quality of life you’ll be able to enjoy afterwards.

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Part 6 - Things To Ask Yourself

Once you’ve thought about your procedure and found a reliable hospital abroad, you may think you’re ready to go ahead with the decision. You may have researched your country of choice and even calculated the costs, but you should still give the idea a once over before you opt for surgery abroad. There are always questions to ask yourself before jumping in at the deep end.

Do you really know everything about your chosen surgery?

Different materials and techniques are used across the world, so checking a UK website for guidance doesn’t always give the complete picture. You need to know everything you can about your surgery in particular: you don’t want to wake up afterwards to surprises of any kind. Ask, ask, and ask again…..

Do you really know how long you’ll need to be away?

There can, of course, be complications with surgery, so you may be away longer than you think. It’s always best to have more time off work than less, as your absolute priority is concentrating on getting better. Aside from clearing everything up with your workplace, you should also make arrangements to contact home whenever you need to. If you’re travelling for surgery on your own, you need to make sure you’ll have an escort at the other end, and if a family member or close friend is accompanying you, you need to make sure they’re as flexible as you are.

Do you really know the costs?

You may need to stay abroad longer – anything from a couple of days to a couple of weeks – so make sure you have the spare cash to pay for this. Don’t get me wrong, surgery abroad is usually straightforward, but complications can arise if you jet home to the UK before you’re properly healed. Flying back for an appointment in the Philippines is no easy feat for you or your wallet.

Here at Secret Surgery, we try to answer these questions before you even ask them. Has the other medical tourism companies provided you with an upfront quote that explains every aspect for your treatment (including terms and conditions). If not then question this – why aren’t they giving you this information? What are they hiding? Do you really trust the type of Company with your life after a 1 page email quotation?

We’re always here to let you know everything you need to, and our virtual consultation process allows you to communicate with your personal surgeon.

Booking one of our all-inclusive packages makes sure you know the exact costs, as they include everything from flights to free contact facilities with the UK. Our hospitals in Poland are also a little closer to home than most, so if there are any complications you won’t have to cough up a fortune to get back to us. It’s easier to travel to Secret Surgery than to jet off to Malaysia on a whim, but you can always contact us for a chat if you need to discuss your surgery afterwards.

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Part 7 - Things to Ask the Surgeon

There are an endless number of questions to ask your chosen surgeon before the procedure. I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to ask away, because as well as being better prepared, you’ll find out how professional the surgery is.

If there’s any hint of frustration or hesitation in answering your questions, you know something’s not quite right with the surgery. This is your body, and your decision, so don’t settle for anything less than complete understanding.

If you’re unclear of something, let them know. Here’s my personal checklist of questions you should ask the surgery, and the answers you should be getting in reply:

Is the operation performed in a clinic or hospital? Do you use an outpatient clinic or a hospital afterwards? If it is a clinic, how far is it from an intensive care unit?

I’d always recommend having the surgery in a hospital, because you want to be in the best possible position to recover if something goes wrong…

Are you certified with the local and national health organisations? What professional memberships, training and qualifications do you hold? What proof do you have of this?

Don’t simply settle if the surgeon’s registered with the GMC: they must adhere to the regulations of their country, and be a member of National or International Plastic Surgery organisation.

Does your surgeons and anaesthetists work together often? Will the anaesthetist give me both a pre-operative and post-operative evaluation? Do I have a choice between a local or general anaesthetic?

It’s important that the surgeon and anaesthetists work together, as they’ll respond to your needs better on the day.

How long does the procedure take? How long will I need to be hospitalised? How soon can I fly home afterwards?

If the surgery’s willing to give you more than one procedure at once, or allow you to fly home after a short amount of time, or offer you limited hospital stay after a major procedure –they may not have your health and safety in mind.

Here at Secret Surgery we like to have the answers ready for you. All this information is readily available on our website, but we’re more than happy to chat to you about any concerns you might have. After all, we want to put you and your well-being first.

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

The Lowdown On Contracts

Contracts are always a pain. Companies don’t expect you to read pages and pages of jargon, so you end up signing on a dotted line for something you’re not 100% sure of.

When it comes to surgery, home or abroad, this is a risk you can’t afford to take.

Ask the surgery to provide a document that outlines every legal entitlement clearly, and make sure the agreed price is stated in there as well. Check it over, check it over again, and ask your friends and family to read through it too. Two points to look for are:

1. The Refund Policy - Make sure you’re able to get one. If you change your mind once you arrive, you’ll be upset if you’ve lost thousands of pounds for nothing. Even if you don’t have second thoughts, something else might come up that’ll stop you from going ahead. You never know what’s around the corner, so it’s important to know what options are open to you. Make sure you’ll receive a refund if the surgery doesn’t go ahead with the procedure; if the surgeon becomes ill or something happens to the building, you don’t want to be left out of pocket through no fault of your own. It is normal to expect a 100% non refundable policy on deposits on all inclusive packages after all they have already booked and paid for things such as flights, hotels, surgery and transfers in advance of your arrival but don’t part with any additional cash until you’ve had your full consultation and agree to everything suggested and fully trust the surgeon.

2. Follow Up Surgery - It’s imperative to understand the follow up clauses. If something does go amiss either during or after your surgery, the surgeon should put it right if they have done something wrong. Think about it: if it’s a reputable surgery they should stand by their surgeons, and trust them not to make a mistake! You shouldn’t have to pay additional fees for follow up surgery, as there are so many companies that now provide reassuring guarantees. With the right provider you’ll be covered for the cost of further surgery, the necessary flights, and accommodation too.

3. Exclusions - Please bear in mind what is included in the contract - this will throw up all the hidden costs that aren't included - for example. What will happen if you aren't fit enough to leave hospital on the required day. Does the price include additional nights stay if needed? What about herapin injections the day of your flight, stitches removal if some are remaining when you fly home, DVT risk reduction are TEDS surgical stockings included or medications such as pain killers or antibiotics after you are discharged - will they give you enough until you get home?

Here at Secret Surgery, our policies are out in the open. We want you to know that no matter what happens, we’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to get in contact if you’d like to talk personally.

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Part 9 - Dos and Don’ts

When I had surgery, reminding myself of what to expect was invaluable. I started Secret Surgery to help others considering medical tourism, and I’ve always wanted to pass on my experiences and advice with complete honesty. To save you the trouble, here’s my personal ‘dos and don’ts’ list:

Do familiarise yourself with your country of choice. Do Check out local customs and culture, and make sure you have the relevant clothing and phrases to hand. It’s also important you know if and what vaccinations are necessary, and go to your GP to arrange these.

Do have realistic expectations. If you’re travelling to enjoy the country’s attractions, make sure you’re aware of what

you can and can’t do. Diving and going on safari sound great in theory, but you can’t expect to do these after undergoing major surgery! Cultural cities will be more suited to your needs, and the mild weather will aid recovery.

Do remember your passport. Make sure it’s valid, and if you don’t have one, get one. You can’t consider surgery abroad without having the necessary documents first, so make sure you don’t miss the flight because you haven’t arranged the correct visas.

Don’t go for cosmetic surgery based solely on pictures or basic email correspondence. You wouldn’t expect your GP to give you medication based on a photograph, so expect the same level of thoroughness from your chosen clinic and surgeon. It is good practice to at least have a virtual consultation in advance of agreeing the procedure but a face to face consultation a day or so before your actual procedure is necessary so that you do feel rushed into having a procedure without having all your questions fully explained.

Don’t choose a country based purely on your wish to go there. Without fully checking out the reputation of your clinic or hospital of choice, you could be in for a holiday you’ll actually want to forget. A tropical destination is fine, but exotic surgery definitely isn’t! The thought of a lovely beach sounds divine but really you should be near water or the sun after a major procedure. The other thing to consider is how clean is the actual destination once you leave the sterile hospital/clinic as 3rd world countries could increase infection risks.

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Don’t go ahead with the procedure if you’re not 100% satisfied. You’re entitled to change your mind, and should always be given that right. Even if it’s five minutes before, you should voice any concerns and be treated with the respect you deserve. Having your 1st consultation and pre-op assessment on the morning of your procedure is worrying as you won’t be thinking straight and everything will be rushed – This really isn’t best for you.

Do arrange a consultation with the anaesthetist too! They are also there to care for your welfare throughout the procedure and they should explain all the risks and potential complications and also get to know your wishes and expectations in advance of the procedure. Best practice dictates that you should have been asked to complete a medical questionnaire and send it to the surgeon and anaesthetist in advance of your arrival so that they have a chance to read through your medical history and ask any questions that they need or also request changes to current medications in preparation for a hassle free procedure on arrival. They’ll want to know about neurological issues, current pain medications, thyroid, diabetes, full blood test results or blood pressure issues as all of these plus other things will be important and can impact on your health and comfort during the procedure and also delay recovery.

Do your research – Call the Company, speak to their team then ask yourself how difficult was it to communicate over the telephone? Ask to speak to previous patients – contact as many as possible and make sure these are genuine patients – ask for their before and after photos and then call them to find out more. If they live local then arrange to meet for a coffee and a chat in a nutral location. Something I picked up on when I researched was that one particular Company’s previous patients all seemed to email me very similarly worded phrased responses – watch out for this telltale sign.

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email

Secret Surgery Ltd - Company Registered No: 7437618 Email:, Tel: 0843 289 4 982

Part 10 - What If Something Does Go Wrong? So you know it’s important to ask questions about the surgery, and to always ask questions of yourself. You’ve learnt what to look for in contracts, and may have everything documented and detailed to perfection. You know where you’re going, you have your finances in order, and you’re ripe and ready to travel. You’re flexible, you have a friend to hand, and you know to plan for complications.

But no matter how much we plan, things sometimes go wrong even if you choose surgery at the hospital down the road! I wrote this guide to help you prepare for your own surgery abroad, as when I underwent surgery myself I could have done with a clear ‘how to’ guide! I hope you’ve been able to take something from it, including these last three pieces of advice: 1. Make sure you have a GP at home who knows you’re going abroad, and will help you on return to the UK. There’s a stigma surrounding medical tourism, and I know only too well that general practitioners are sometimes the authors of it. However, if you find the right GP and express how prepared you are for every eventuality, he or she should support and respect your decision. 2. Ask the surgeon abroad what to expect post-operatively, because you should know what level of pain or discomfort is normal. Of course it’s worrying when you haven’t experienced surgery before, but knowing if something really has gone wrong is imperative. 3. Lastly, don’t worry about getting in touch with the surgery. It’s ridiculous to suffer in silence, so simply contact them to express any concerns you might have. It’ll be easier to deal with if you alert them quickly, and you’ll feel more confident once you have all the answers. Luckily, complications due to cosmetic surgery are rarer than you might think: we perform hundreds of operations monthly, and we haven’t had a single complication to date. We monitor your progress post-operatively so we’re able to make sure you’re doing well, and - if something was to happen - we’re able to respond immediately. I’ll finish as I started off - there will always be horror stories about botched boob jobs in the media. Research everything thoroughly, and you’ll come to your own impressions about that. If you do opt for surgery abroad, I hope you’re as pleasantly surprised as I was. Find the right surgery outside the UK, and you’ll be amazed at how wonderfully clean, professional and caring they really can be.

For further Information please visit or call 0843 289 4 982 or email