Second Life and Inquiry Based Learning

Post on 06-May-2015

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This poster was presented by Sheila Webber at the CILASS (Centre for Inquiry Based Learning in the Arts and Social Sciences) summer fair, on 14th June 2010. It presents an intervention using Second Life, the virtual world, in a core module (Information Literacy) in the BSc Information Management, and identifies the modes of IBL used.

Transcript of Second Life and Inquiry Based Learning

© Sheila Webber / Sheila Yoshikawa & the University of Sheffield, Department of Information Studies: the iSchool

June 2010. Photos by Sheila WebberSecond Life is a trademark of Linden Labs

Second Life and

Inquiry Based LearningSheila Webber

The learning

environmentsThe learning & teaching


The IBL framework

Second Life




e to



The intervention

Compulsory activities in a core level 1

module: BSc Information Management

(25-35 students each year; 2007/8-2009/10)

“Curriculum design should have

a greater focus on the

interactive dimensions of

learning and the social

experience of students, for

example working in small

groups and more enquiry-based

and project work. It should also

provide a more challenging

learning experience to

encourage greater engagement

and the development of

independent learning and high-

level critical skills.” Whittaker,

2008: 8.

By the end of the module students will have learnt:

• to analyse their own information behaviour and start to identify ways in

which they can become more information literate

• to understand some key information literacy models and theories

• to plan a strategy for seeking information and search for information in

specific information sources

• to apply an evaluation framework to information resources

• to interact with others to explore their information behaviour and needs

• to communicate more effectively orally and in writing

Assessment: Analysis of & reflection on research interviews in Second

Life; E-portfolio on their progress in relation to the SCONUL 7 Pillars of

Information Literacy

Inf104: Information literacy

Students as research

assistants[6:35] Interviewer: did you acquire any information by bumping into it: coming across it when you weren't specifically looking for information on this topic?

[6:35] Interviewee D: I had seen cubes offering land for sale

[6:36] Interviewee D: I knew a bit from just being in SL and knowing the environment

[6:36] Interviewee D: I'd clicked on a few rental posters and boxes

[6:36] Interviewer: and can you say something about how you felt when you had bumped into the information?


avatars in the

3D world, SL


Webber, S. (2010) Investigating modes of student Inquiry in Second Life as part of a

blended approach. International journal of personal and virtual learning environments, 1 (3).

(in press)

Whittaker, R. (2008) Quality Enhancement Themes: The First Year Experience: Transition to

and during the first year. Glasgow: QAA Scotland



Literacy class

IBL framework applied to SL

Problem set by Inf104 tutor,

knowledge base explored

outside SL, presented within SL

Research question

set by Inf104 tutor,

primary data

gathered by

students within SL

Conclusion“taking a blended

approach made it easier

to engage students with

all quarters of the IBL

matrix …WebCT

(„information responsive‟)

and SL („discovery

active/responsive‟) were

complementary in this

respect, while face to

face work enabled

various modes of IBL,

and prepared students

for online work.”

Webber, 2010