Seasons and weather

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Seasons and weather

The theme of the lesson: Step 2 What nice weather !

The aim of the lesson : 1. To teach pupils new material2. To develop pupils skills in oral

speech and habitat ability3. The aesfretical educationThe visual aids : the

interaction blackboard , test

I wish you success,

good luck, good health, happiness, to peace, to

friendship, to cooperation, to our success, attention,

have a nice time , may all your dreams come

true !

2. Asking home tasks Read the text Cambridge and its environment Cambridge is in the east of England. It is a small city. The population is about a hundred thousand. Cambridge is an ancient city. It is famous because it has a very good university. The main industries in Camdridge are tourism and agriculture. There are also a lot of English language schools. The land near Cambridge is flat. There are no hills or mountains. The climate is warm in summer and cold in winter. And there is usually some air pollution, especially in the centre of the city.

Answer the questions1.In what country do you live ?2. Which season is it at the moment ?3. Is the weather hot and sunny today ? 3.Phonetic drill.Everything is good in it’s seasonӘр нәрсенің өз уақыты барEast or West, home is bestӨз үйім, кең сарайдай бөз үйім

Today is the 9th of December Class workStep 2. What nice weather !

4. Presentation new material. Vocabulary Spring - көктем hot - ыстықSummer - жаз cold -суықAutumn - күз wet - дымқылWinter - қыс dry -құрғақSunny - күншуақты windy -желдіRainy - жаңбырлы cool -салқынCloudy - бұлтты warm -жылыSnowy - қарлы freezing –мұз,

тоңдыратынFoggy - тұманды thunder –найзағайСelsius - градус weather -ауа райы

It’s summer.

.It’s autumn.

It’s winter.

It’s spring.

hotIt is hot.

It is warm.

coolIt is cool.

It is freezing.

It is cold.

It’s raining

It is snowing.

windyIt is windy.

It is sunny.

There is a tornado.

There is a thunderstorm

There is a rainbow.


Task 1.Word work. Activities 1. Do you know the weather of the year ? Match the phrases, the months names and the picturesTask 2.Word work. Activities 2. Describe the weather.

1.Play game .Level 2. 13 a. Put the objects in the pictures

2.Play game. Level 3. 18 a. Drag the words into the gaps.

3.Play game. Level 3. 18 b. Drag the words into the gaps

4. Play game. Level 4.6 a. Drag the pictures into the maps

5.Conclusion: English level 3.Check progress ,yourself.

Giving аssessmentsHome task. Ex.3. Work in pairs.