Search features and architecture in DNN 7.1

Post on 24-May-2015

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7.1 Search and Lucene.Net Lucene.Net was the obvious choice of technology for Search in 7.1. Lucene is a general purpose search engine, integrating with the intricracies with DNN wasn't trivial. Ash was very instrumental in design and development of the new Search in 7.1. Join Ash to hear all about DNN Search and Lucene.Net and what's the future look like.

Transcript of Search features and architecture in DNN 7.1

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7.1 Search and Lucene.Net

Ash Prasad

@DNNCon @ashishprasad

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• History and New Objectives • Architecture• Lucene / Lucene.Net• Crawlers, Entities, Controllers• Ranking, Synonyms, Ignore Words,

Stemming• Security Trimming• Module Integration, New Crawler


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• Platform Edition• SQL Server• ISearchable

• Commercial Edition• Lucene 2.9.2• URL and Files

History of Search




Scheduler Module



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• Handle diverse Content • CMS, Social, Localized, 3rd Party


• Consistent User Experience• Simple for Module Developers• Uniform Architecture • Feature based differentiation

Objectives of New Search

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@DNNCon @ashishprasad

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• Java-based indexing and search technology

• Managed by Apache• NOSQL database• Near real-time, Spellchecking,

Highlighting, Ranking, Synonyms

• Many companies use Lucene directly or customize

• Facebook’s Graph search uses

similar ‘Inverted Index’

What’s Lucene

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• Line-by-line port from Java to C#• Maintains high-performance requirements• A bit behind Java releases• Who Uses Lucene.Net• Products - RavenDB, Orchard, Umbraco,

SubText• Commercial Sites – BBC UK Top Gear,

AutoDesk, Koders.Com

What’s Lucene.Net

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• Flexible Schema

• Consists of Documents• Which are collection of Fields

• Documents can have different set of Fields• Field(“ID”,”xxx-yyy-999”), Field(“Title”,

“My best doc”)• Field(“Owner”,”Ash”),


Lucene – A Document Store

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• Denormalized (No Referential Integrity)

• Deletion – Done through a flag• Compact reclaims deleted space

• Update is Delete + Insert • Boost = Ranking• Unicode compliant

Lucene – A Document Store (Contd.)

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Book consulted for Search

• Book on version 3.0

• ~ 500 pages• Very useful

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Search Phases

Content Acquisition• Crawling• ISearchable• ModuleSearchBase• URL• Doc / PDF

Content Indexing• Text Analysis• Ranking• Synonyms• Ignore Words• Stemming

Content Search• Querying• Sorting• Security Trimming• Boolean Search• Highlighting

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• Platform• Site Crawler• Module and Tab Metadata• Module Content


• Commercial Edition• File Crawler • Uses IFilter for extraction of text

PDF/Office files

• URL Crawler• Internal and External URLs


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• SearchType• Distinguishes Crawlers

• SearchDocument• Properties for a Content• Stored in the Index

• SearchQuery• Parameters to execute a Query

• SearchResult• Derived from SearchDocument

Search Entities

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Search Entities – Indexing vs. Querying

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• SearchController• For Querying

• InternalSearchController• For Adding / Updating / Deleting

• LuceneController• Interacts with Lucene


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• Doc and/or Field can be boosted in Lucene

• DNN does Field boosts (Default - 10)• Title (50)• Tag (40)• Keyword (35)• Description (20)• Author (15)

• Configured manually by HostSettings

Ranking = Boosting

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• Synonyms are injected into Index

• Ignore Words are removed from Index

Synonyms and Ignore Words

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• Convert words to its root• PorterStemFilter is used• Country and Countries = countri• breathe, breathes, breathing,

breathed = breath• fishing, fished, fisher = fish


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• Done through Collectors (Callback)

• Each Doc found is sent to Collector

• Collector rejects/accept per Permission

• Site Crawler - Module / Tab Permission

• File Crawler - Folder Permission• User Crawler – Profile


Security Trimming

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• ModuleSearchBase • New abstract class with just one

method• Defined in BusinessControllerClass• GetModifiedSearchDocuments• Returns New, Changed and Deleted

content• Delta based• Granular Permission, Localization, etc.

• ISearchable continues to work (no delta)

Module Integration

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• Define a new SearchType• Optionally use IsPrivate to hide

from site search

• Implement BaseResultController (2 methods)• HasViewPermission• GetDocUrl

• Create Scheduled Task• Call AddSearchDocuments to inject


New Crawler (How to)

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@DNNCon @ashishprasad

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• New Search uses Lucene.Net• Platform has Site Crawler • Commercial has URL and File

Crawlers• Modules to implement

ModuleSearchBase• New Crawler implements



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