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Transcript of SEALED...FELIX MOSTELAC a/lt/a FELIX MOSTELAC TRUJILLO, Defendants. / FILED BY D.C. nE2 l 3 2216...




CASE NO. 16-60340-CR-ZLOCH/HUNT(s)

18 U.S.C. j 134318 U.S.C. j 134918 U.S.C. j 2








nE2 l 3 2216

STEVEN .M LARIMOREc L E R K .u s . a s .T c .Ts.D. OF FI.A. FT. t-ztlo.



The Grand Jury charges that:


At various tim es relevant to this Indictment;

The Defendants

Defendant M ARCO LAURETI was: (a) Chief Executive Ofticer of

Northview Real Estate, LLC, then located at 2955 N orth Bay Road, M iam i Beach, Florida 33119;

(b) Chief Executive Officer of Northview Equities, LLC, then located at 2955 North Bay Road,

Miami Beach, Florida 33 l 19; (c) President and Registered Agent of ReTrade, lnc., then located at

2955 North Bay Road, Miami Beach, Florida 331 19; (d) President and Registered Agent of Laureti

Holdings Company, then located at 2955 North Bay Road, Miami Beach, Florida 331 19; and (e)

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President and Registered Agent of Laureti Publishing, Inc., then located at 2955 North Bay Road,

M iam i Beach, Florida 331 l 9.

2. Defendant M ARCO LAURETI was licensed by the State of Flodda as a real

estate sales associate (license number 51.569847) and a mortgage broker (license number


Defendant M ARCO LAURETI, Northview Equities, LLC, Northview Real

Estate, LLC, and ReTrade, lnc, m aintained the following bank accounts at W achovia Bank in

M iam i-Dade County, Florida: accounts ending in 4426 and 2870 in the nam e of Northview

Equities, LLC; account ending in 2 171 in the nam e of Northview Real Estate LLC; account ending

in 6712 in the name of M arco Laureti; and an account for Retrade lnc. ending in 2582. Defendant

M ARCO LAURETI was the sole signatory on these accounts and m aintained access to these



M ostelac Enterprises, Inc-, then located at 10714 S.'W . 24th street, Miami, Florida 33165 and (b)

President of Am erican Holding Group, LLC, then located at 6271

Defendant FELIX MOSTELAC was: (a) Director and Registered Agent of

Coral W ay, M iami, Florida


5. Defendant FELIX M OSTELAC, Amedcan Holding Group, LLC, and M ostelac

Enterprises, LLC maintained the following bank accounts at the following banks: Eastern National

Bank accounts ending in 5506 and 2806 in the name of American Holding Group, LLC, and

account ending in 1506 in the nam e of Felix M ostelac and a Colonial Bank account ending in 6607

in the nam e of M ostelac Enterprises, LLC. Defendant FELIX M OSTELAC w as the sole

signatory and m aintained access to these accounts.


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The Title Azencv

Florida Elite Title & Escrow LLC (hereinafter referred as ûTlorida Title'') was a6.

title company, then located at 4801 South University Drive, Suite 127, Davie, Florida 33328.

The Properties

1800 Sunset Harbour Drive was a multi-unit condominium development located in

M iami Beach, Florida. Defendant FELIX M OSTELAC purchased Unit TS-2/TS-3 at 1800

Sunset Harbour Drive (hereinafter ttsunset Harbour property'').

205 E. San M arino Drive was a single fam ily residential hom e located in M iam i

Beach, Florida. Defendant M ARCO LAURETI purchased 205 E. San M arino Drive

(hereinafter ççsan Marino property'').

9. 45 Hendricks Isle (hereinafter 6145 Hendricks 1s1e'') was a multi-unit condominium

developm ent located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Units 2B, 3D, PH-F and 417 of 45 Hendricks

lsle are relevant to this Indictm ent.

The Financial lnstitution

10. W ashington Mutual Bank FA (hereinafter ttW ashington Mutual'), was a mortgage

lender doing business throughout the United States, including in the State of Florida.

W ashington M utual was a federally insured tinancial institution, as defined in Title

18, United States Code, Section 20, and whose accounts were insured by the Federal Deposit

Insurance Corporation.

12. The Sunset Harbour property, San M arino property, and Units 2B, 3D , PH-F and

417 of 45 Hendricks Isle were subsequently foreclosed upon and W ashington M utual was affected

because it suffered substantial losses.

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Purchase & Sale of Residential Real Estate

13. Purchasers of residential property, commonly referred to as the borrowerts),

frequently tinance the purchase of real estate by obtaining a mortgage loan tllrough a financial

institution or m ortgage lending com pany. As part of the m ortgage lending process, m ortgage

brokers, for a fee (using the information supplied in whole or in part by the bonower) fill out and

submit to the lenders on behalf of the borrower, vadous forms containing the information

necessary for the lender to consider in deciding whether to approve the loan. Among the

customary forms are: the Unifonn Residential Loan Application tForm 1003); the Request for

Verification of Employment (F0rm 1005); the Request for Verification of Deposit tForm 1006);

and other documents. The mortgage lenders rely on the accuracy of the information supplied in

the applications and fonns in the approval process of the loan.

l4. Once the loan is approved by the mortgage lcnder, a closing on the property is

scheduled. Generally, upon approval and prior to the closing of the loan, the lender will fund the

loan by sending the funds by wire transfer to the bank account of the closing agency responsible

for the closing. The closing agency is then responsible for disbursing these funds to the

appropriate parties. At the closing, the closing agency, acting for and on behalf of the m ortgage

lender, is required by the mortgage lender to prepare a Settlement Statement (hereinafter SSHUD-I

Settlement Statemenf') showing the receipt and disbursement of all funds, that is, the funds paid

in by the borrower, the funds furnished by the borrower's lender, the funds due to the seller and

closing costs and expenses. The HUD-I Settlement Statem ent will also retlect the escrow

deposits, the seller's mortgages to be paid off, if applicable, and m iscellaneous obligations to be

paid off. The closing agency will collect any additional funds due from the borrower at the


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closing (which is known as the cash-to-close, cash required to close, or cash from borrower) and

will disburse funds due to the seller and/or borrower. The borrower and seller will sign various

legal documents at the closing, including the warranty deed, note, mortgage, occupancy aftidavits,

final Uniform Residential Loan Application tForm l 003), HUD-I Settlement Statement, and

lender disclosure documents. The closing agency will then issue a final title insurance policy to

the bonower and lender showing the new owner, legal description, mortgage amount and

exceptions to the policy.

l 5. The closing agency has a fiduciary responsibility to the mortgage lender to hold the

borrowed loan funds in a trust/escrow bank account. The closing agency, under their fiduciary

role, is required to collect a11 necessary funds, to disburse all funds to the appropriate parties and

to account for all monies disbursed at closing. The closing agency responsible for the closing is

obligated to adhere to the mortgage lender's closing instructions, and must obtain and send back

to the mortgage lender, signed and executed documents that the lender requests, including the final

HUD-I Settlem ent Statem ent.

l 6. A straw buyer is som ebody who purchases property in their own name in order to

conceal the identity of the true purchaser.




(18 U.S.C. j 1349)

The allegations in paragraphs 1 through 16 of the General Allegations section of

this lndictment are re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein.

Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 5 of 24


and M iami-Dade Counties, in the Southern District of Florida, and elsewhere, the defendants,

From in or around June 8, 2007, through in or around January 30, 2009, in Broward




did willfully and knowingly combine, conspire, confederate, and agree with others known to the

Grand Jury to commit wire f'raud, that is, to knowingly, and with intent to defraud, devise, and

intend to devise, a scheme and artifice to defraud, and to obtain money and property by means of

materially false and fraudulent, pretenses, representations, and prom ises, knowing that they were

false and fraudulent when made, and, for the purpose of executing the scheme and artifice to

defraud and to obtain money and property, did knowingly transmit and cause to be transmitted, by

means of wire comm unication in interstate comm erce, certain writings, signs, signals, pictures and

sounds, and affecting a financial institution, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Section

l 343.


It was the purpose of the conspiracy for defendants M ARCO LAURETI,

FELIX M OSTELAC and their co-conspirators to unlawfully enrich themselves by, among other

things, causing to be made and making materially false statements on Uniform Residential Loan

Applications tForm 1003's), HUD-I Settlement Statements and elsewhere, and submitting those

false statements to the lender, W ashington M utual, in order to fraudulently obtain m ortgages on

various properties within the Broward and M iam i-Dade Counties in the State of Florida, and

diverting portions of the loan proceeds for their own use.

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The manner and m eans by which the defendants and their co-conspirators sought to

accomplish the object of the conspiracy included, among others, the following:

4. Identifying residential properties in Broward and M iami-Dade Counties for


Recruiting straw buyers to purchase the properties at 45 Hendricks Isle.

6. M aking materially false statem ents on the Form 1003 Loan Applications and

HUD-I Settlem ent Statements to induce the lender, W ashington M utual, to fund the m ortgage

loans on the properties.

Obtaining the funding for these mortgage loans tlzrough an interstate wire transfer;



co-conspirators' own use and profit, including to pay the straw buyers and to pay the cash from

the borrower portion of the purchase price required by W ashington M utual, as specifically

Diverting a portion of the proceeds of the funding loans for the defendants and their

described in m ore detail below with respect to each property.

Sunset Harbour Propertv

9. On or about June 8, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX M OSTELAC

and others submitted and caused to be subm itted a m aterially false and fraudulent Unifonn

Residential Loan Application tForm 1003) and related documents to the lender, Washington

M utual, thereby inducing the lender to make a m ortgage loan to defendant FELIX M OSTELAC

for his purchase of the Sunset Harbour property which contained, am ong others, the following

m aterial misrepresentations:

Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 7 of 24

Defendant FELIX M OSTELAC stated that the balance in his Colonial

Bank account ending in 6007 was $620,200, when defendants M ARCO

LAURETI and FELIX M OSTELAC knew that this account balance was grossly

inflated and false; and

Defendant FELIX M OSTELAC stated that the balance in his Colonial

Bank account ending in 1628 was $800,206, when defendants M ARCO

LAURETI and FELIX M OSTELAC knew that this account balance was grossly

inflated and false.

l0. On or about June 8, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX M OSTELAC

and another co-conspirator submitted and caused to be submitted to the lender, W ashington

M utual, a HUD-I Settlement Statement stating on line 303 that defendant FELIX M OSTELAC

provided içcash from borrower'' of $2,341,1 13.62, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI and

FELIX M OSTELAC knew defendant FELIX M OSTELAC did not pay the amount from his

own funds. Defendant M ARCO LAURETI directed a co-conspirator to wire and divert

$3,100,000 from W ashington M utual's loan funding wire to defendant FELIX M OSTELAC'S

company, American Holding Group, on June 13, 2007, resulting in defendant FELIX

M OSTELAC obtaining a cashier's check on June 13, 2007, to pay the tûcash from borrower''


On or about June 8, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX M OSTELAC

and another co-conspirator caused W ashington M utual to wire the loan proceeds of approxim ately

$4,270,621 .71 in interstate commerce from W ashington Mutual Barlk in Stockton, Califomia to

Florida Title's Bank of America account ending in 9340 at Davie, Florida, for disbursement at the


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closing of the sale of the Sunset Harbour property.

45 H endricks lsle. Unit 2B

12. On or about June 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC and others submitted and caused to be submitted a materially false and fraudulent

Uniform Residential Loan Application tFon'n 1003) and related documents to the lender,

W ashington M utual, thereby inducing the lender to make a mortgage loan to the borrower, a straw

buyer, for the 45 Hendricks lsle property, Unit 2B, which contained, among others, the following

material m isrepresentations'.

Theborrower's stated employment income was $36,407.77 per month,

when defendants M ARCO LA URETI and FELIX M OSTELAC knew that this

income amount was grossly inflated and false;

The borrower's stated balance in his Bartk of America account ending in

0158 was $472,248.65, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI and FELIX

M OSTELAC knew that this account number did n0t belong to the borrower and/or

the balance was grossly inflated and false; and

iii. The borrower's stated use of the property would be as his prim ary residence,

when defendants M ARCO LAURETI and FELIX M OSTELAC knew the

property would be held for investment purposes only.

On or about June 25, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI and FELIX

M OSTELAC and another co-conspirator submitted and caused to be submitted to the lender,

W ashington M utual, a HUD-I Settlement Statem ent stating on line 303 that the borrower provided

çécash from borrower'' of $143,417.83, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI and FELIX


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M OSTELAC and another co-conspirator knew the borrower did not pay the amount from his own

funds. Defendant M ARCO LAURETI directed another co-conspirator to wire and divert

$387,208.92 from W ashington Mutual's loan funding wire to defendant FELIX M OSTELAC'S

company, American Holding Group, LLC, on June 26, 2007, resulting in defendant FELIX

M OSTELAC obtaining a cashier's check on June 26, 2007, to pay the d<cash from bonower''


14. On

M OSTELAC and another co-conspirator caused W ashington M utual to wire the loan proceeds in

about June 25, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

two separate wires of approximately $ 1,316,006.80 and $160,639.20 in interstate commerce from

W ashington M utual Bank in Stockton, California to Florida Title's Bank of Am erica account

ending in 9340 in Davie, Florida, for disbursement at the closing of the sale of the 45 Hendricks

Isle, Unit 28 property.

45 H endricks Isle. Unit 3D

15. On or about June 26, 2007, defendant M ARCO LAURETI and others submitted

and caused to be subm itted a materially false and fraudulent Uniform Residential Loan Application

tFonu 1003) and related documents to the lender, Washington Mutual, thereby inducing the lender

to make a mortgage loan for the 45 Hendricks lsle, Unit 313 property, which contained, among

others, the following material misrepresentations:

The borrower's stated emplom ent income from a company owned by

defendant M ARCO LAURETI was $49,619.09 per month, when defendant

M ARCO LAURETI knew that the incom e am ount was grossly intlated and false

and the employment was false; and

l 0

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The bolw wer's stated balance in his W achovia account was $700,000.00,

when defendant M ARCO LAURETI knew that the balance was grossly intlated

and false.

l 6. On or about June 26, 2007, defendant M ARCO LAURETI and a co-conspirator

submitted and caused to be submitted to the lender, W ashington M utual, a HUD- 1 Settlement

Statement stating on line 303 that the borrower provided tfcash from borrower'' of $596,050.99,

when defendant M ARCO LAUQETI and a co-conspirator knew the borrower did not pay the

amount from his own funds. Defendant M ARCO LAURETI directed a co-conspirator to wire

and divert $955,000.00 from W ashington Mutual's loan funding wire to defendant M ARCO

LAURETI'S company, N orthview Equities, LLC, on June 27, 2007 resulting in defendant

M ARCO LAURETI obtaining a cashier's check on June 27, 2007, to pay the tçcash from

bonower'' obligation.

On or about June 26, 2007, defendant M ARCO LAURETI and a co-conspirator

caused W ashington Mutual to wire the loan proceeds in a wire of approximately $ 1,497,734.30 in

interstate commerce from W ashington Mutual's account in Stockton, California to Florida Title's

Bank of America account ending in 9340 in Davie, Florida, for disbursement at the closing of the

sale of the 45 Hendricks Isle, Unit 3D property.

205 E. San M arino Drive Propertv

18. On or about July 18, 2007, defendant M ARCO LAURETI and others submitted

and caused to be submitted a m aterially false and fraudulent Unifonn Residential Loan Application

tFonn 1003) and related documents to the lender, W ashington Mutual, thereby inducing the lender

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to make a mortgage loan to defendant M ARCO LAURETI for his purchase of the San M arino

property, which contained, am ong others, the following material misrepresentations'.

Defendant M ARCO LAURETI stated the employm ent incom e from his

company, Laureti Publishing C0., was $ 105,483.25 per month, when defendant

M ARCO LAURETI knew that the income amount was grossly intlated and false;

Defendant M ARCO LAURETI stated that the balance in his Citibank

account ending in 5133 was $597,659.45 and, in addition, defendant M ARCO

LAURETI provided, in an electronic comm unication dated June 12, 2007 to the

mortgage broker, a falsified Citibank account statement showing the balance in the

account ending in 5133 was $605,520.25 for April 30, 2007 and $597,659.45 for

M ay 31, 2007, when defendant M ARCO LAURETI knew that the balances on the

Form 1003 and in the Citibank account statem ents were grossly intlated and false;

iii. Defendant M ARCO LAURETI stated in an electronic communication

dated June 12, 2007 to the mortgage broker that his assets included $960,000 in a

personal account at W achovia, and, in addition, defendant M ARCO LAURETI

provided a falsified bank statem ent for a W achovia account ending in 6712 with a

balance of $960,915.32 as of M ay 17, 2007, when defendant M ARCO LAURETI

knew the balance was grossly inflated and false; and

Defendant M ARCO LAURETI stated in an electronic comm unication

dated June 12, 2007 to the mortgage broker that his assets included $778,000 in a

W achovia account for Laureti Holdings Company,and, in addition, defendant

M ARCO LAURETI provided a falsified bank statement for a W achovia account


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ending in 2401 for Laureti Holdings Company with a balance of $777,790.96 as of

M ay 31, 2007, when defendant M ARCO LAURETI knew the balance was grossly

inflated and false.

19. On or about July 18, 2007, defendant M ARCO LAURETI and a co-conspirator

submitted and caused to be submitted to the lender, W ashington M utual, a HUD-I Settlement

Statement stating on line 303 that the borrower, defendant M ARCO LAURETI, provided tdcash

from borrower'' of $1,693,899.41 when defendant M ARCO LAURETI and a co-conspirator

knew defendant MARCO LAURETI did not pay the majority of the amount from his own funds.

Defendant M ARCO LAURETI directed a co-conspirator to wire and divert $1,200,000.00 from

W ashington M utual's loan funding wire to defendant M ARCO LAURETI'S company, ReTrade,

Inc., on July 19, 2007 resulting in defendant M ARCO LAURETI obtaining a cashier's check on

July l9, 2007, to pay the Gçcash from borrower'' obligation.

20. On or about July 18, 2007, defendant M ARCO LAURETI and others caused

W ashington M utual to wire the loan proceeds in a wire of approximately $5,210,280.82 in

interstate commerce from W ashington M utual's account in Stockton, California to Florida Title's

Bank of America account ending in 9340 in Davie, Florida, for disbursement at the closing of the

sale of the San M arino property.

45 H endricks-lsle. Unit PH -F

21. On or about July 20, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M O STELAC, a co-conspirator and others submitted and caused to be submitted a materially false

and fraudulent Uniform Residential Loan Application tFonu 1003) and related documents to the

lender, W ashington M utual, thereby inducing the lender to make a mortgage loan to the bonower,


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a straw buyer, for the 45 Hendricks lsle, Unit PH-F property, also referred to as Penthouse F, which

contained, among others, the following material misrepresentations:

The borrower's stated income from her employer was $91,709.81 per

month, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX M O STELAC and a co-

conspirator knew this income amount wasgrossly inflated and false and the

employment was false;

ii. The borrower's stated balance in her Bank of America account ending in

5600 was $1 ,1 79,761.85, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC and a co-conspirator knew that this account balance was grossly

inflated and false; and

The borrower's stated use of the property would be as her primary

residence, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX M OSTELAC and a co-

conspirator knew the property would be held for investment purposes only.

22. On or about July 20, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC and other co-conspirators submitted and caused to be submitted to the lender,

W ashington M utual, a HUD-I Settlement Statem ent stating on line 303 that the borrower provided

çûcash from bonower'' of $716,992.40, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC and other co-conspirators knew the borrower did not pay the amount from her own

funds. Defendant M ARCO LAURETI directed a co-conspirator to wire and divert

$ l ,663,38 1.50 from W ashington M utual's loan funding wire to defendant M ARCO LAURETI'S

company, Northview Equities, LLC, on July 24, 2007, resulting in defendant M ARCO LAURETI

obtaining a cashier's check on July 24, 2007, to pay the çfcash from borrower'' obligation.


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23. On about July 20, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC and other co-conspirators caused W ashington M utual to wire the loan proceeds of

approximately $3,105,8 17.44 in interstate commerce from W ashington M utual Bank in Stockton,

California to Florida Title's Bank of America account ending in 9340 in Davie, Florida, for

disbursement at the closing of the sale of the 45 Hendricks lsle, Unit PH-F property.

45 Hendricks Isle. Unit 4D

24. On or about August 6, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC, the borrower/co-conspirator and others submitted and caused to be submitted a

materially false and fraudulent Uniform Residential Loan Application tForm 1003) and related

documents to the lender, W ashington M utual, thereby inducing the lender to make a mortgage loan

to the borrower, a straw buyer, for the 45 Hendricks lsle, Unit 417 property, which contained,

among others, the follow ing m aterial misrepresentationsz

The borrower/co-conspirator's stated incom e from his employer was

$46,047.96 per month, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC and the borrower/co-conspirator knew that this incom e amount was

prssly intlated and false;

The borrower/co-conspirator's stated balance in his Citibank account

ending in 4444 was $1,313,207.91, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M O STELAC and the borrower/co-conspirator knew that this account balance was

grossly inflated and false; and

iii. The borrower/co-conspirator's stated use of the property would be as his

prim ary residence, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX M O STELAC


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and the borrower/co-conspirator knew the property would be held for investment

purposes only.

25. On or about August 6, 2007, defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC and other co-conspirators submitted and caused to be submitted to the lender,

W ashington Mutual, a HUD-I Settlement Statement stating on line 303 that the borrower provided

ççcash from borrower'' of $157,917.36, when defendants M ARCO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC, the borrower/co-conspirator and another co-conspirator knew the borrower/co-

conspirator did not pay the amount from the borrower/co-conspirator's own funds. Defendant

M ARCO LAURETI directed a co-conspirator to wire and divert $790,000.00 from W ashington

M utual's loan funding wire to defendant M ARCO LAURETI'S company, Northview Equities,

LLC, on August 6, 2007, resulting in defendant M ARCO LAURETI obtaining a cashier's check

on August 6, 2007, to pay the ttcash from borrower'' obligation.

26. On or about August 6, 2007, defendants M AR CO LAURETI, FELIX

M OSTELAC and other co-conspirators caused W ashington M utual to wire the loan proceeds in

two separate wires of approximately $ 1,719,315.54 and $2 10,849.00 in interstate commerce from

W ashington M utual in Stockton, Califom ia to Florida Title's Bank of America account ending in

9340 in Davie, Florida, for disbursement at the closing of the sale for the 45 Hendricks Isle, Unit

417 property.

A11 in violation of Title l8, United States Code, Section 1349.


Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 16 of 24


(18 U.S.C. jj 1343 and 2)

The allegations in paragraphs 1 through 16 of the General Allegations section of

this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated by reference as though fully set forth herein.

2 .

County, in the Southern District of Florida, and elsewhere, the defendants,

From in or around June 8, 2007 through in or around August 6, 2007, in Broward



did knowingly, and with intent to defraud, devise, and intend to devise, a scheme and artifice to

defraud, and to obtain money and property by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses,

representations, and promises, knowing that they were false and fraudulent when made, and for

the purpose of executing the scheme and artifice to defraud and to obtain money and property, did

knowingly transmit and cause to be transmitted, by means of wire communications in interstate

commerce, certain writings, signs, signals, pictures and sounds, and affecting a financial

institution, in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343 and 2.


It was the purpose of the scheme and artisce to defraud for defendants M ARCO

LAURETI, FELIX M OSTELAC and others to unlawfully enrich themselves by, among other

things, causing to be made and making materially false statements On Uniform Residential Loan

Applications tForm 1003's), HUD-I Settlement Statements and elsewhere, and submitting those

false statem ents to the lender, W ashington M utual, in order to fraudulently obtain mortgages on

various properties within the Broward and M iami-Dade Counties in the State of Florida, and


Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 17 of 24

diverting portions of the loan proceeds for their own use.


The allegations in paragraphs 4 through 26 of the M anner and M eans Section of4.

Count 1 of this Indictment are re-alleged and incorporated fully herein by reference as a description

of the scheme and artifice.


On or about the dates specified below, in Broward County, in the Southem District

of Florida and elsewhere, the defendants, M ARCO LAURETI and FELIX M OSTELAC, and

others, for the purpose of executing the aforesaid scheme and artifice to defraud and to obtain

money and property by means of materially false and fraudulent pretenses, representations and

promises, did knowingly transmit and cause to be transmitted by means of wire communication,

in interstate comm erce, certain writings, signs, signals, pictures and sounds, affecting a fnancial

institution, as more particularly described below:

. . ' t.) 7.. . .. . . . . j . . . /( . ... . ..y . .. a )k) ) à Cg .j) t S t4 . .j... . 4t. ; Jj . j)(L() jjj ) .' k yy ... .. . ; ? . J 't t r . . j t . tktjj jj .. jjjj é $. '' J%5.' j.? . S ' , .) ..'')) '% . $h( ''' ' ' . S ' ' u? ' . ( .;t t > -.'b Ik ' ' ' j l ' . j . ... t . .' . .; .) Ltë.- . . .41(:::2:. .;- - ?' . .f. ; . . . .-.E;?'t'-r yj.'jy rp), '.' (jI(Fi'9- '..r ?-'y , ;.. j .. ''' '. '-) tj ,- (k. g );- ,jj:y.ë j!j;;. ' f'' j'..; jh 1; h!k )r.i-'r6)-;l$Ep j: â- -. '--. ); q@!t. . . r- -:,ys lràt ly', p.jF -. yE!ryy). :Cpg,;tjIIE!lk, . ; ,. . (; ii'r ()jI!!1d)) ,jky; . -; rt .. ';. j j;(;)) ',$q; lr ')''y)j, - ;,i1; (y);.é'. y yt yrl ''jj 4jj Iù( g q, :.. .- ;jjjj;k. . - . j,:.... '..' ;; ). k) ., j j:; lfrt.lljlr'.c -', ., t., ,, ; j ï''t 74:. ' : t'l:ylqs, y ' y .' ;j,. y', .' 'j ..' ?f.. ; i:gr ..'y':,:'.' .'' :-'ii . ,?

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.; '. .lt,-....$hj -)pj.y)'j:;jp gt- r4tz. . g ,t.''-rqt.,(pqj'jïs)r jt ç. ti' .4a';i.

f. î,: j sjjiri k''z. --? tr ,.j'-.T:k,-r')'$,,tqk jjlt- q, rùty' tE. 'tt ifptd 'j)rI'j isr ,iq?.i i y.k.8'.k?#. p)'j:;F..'l ,'. . jj'. t:: rr.v,?,, k hè-,,- t r..-;,k4l,!jdI.2i' r,-f-oï r '''t-k$I 11 ( lt-.f -'jp 7-:.... 'lp''dpi:' 11. ,' ( ' .. . .9!ik..-!)-,! ryk ùri .#./ r ,:,r r,- pri'r l'I(r, 4h..:,rir) )y. -.-pqfê.i;ir2.':j',, :jpyijjliytjizj-iikrqi-,r: Ck-t-i r),'jk. .).t-' #. :- i,. ,àtù, LJ).qI.,f-l;,.,@j$.; ;;fjjp-;;;: Ss-). (;s....-..n,-.' ,- ;é,--..j?..''.'.--'-'!èq--ë.'. '; .j. -é... .'. ..E$-!' ? . . ...-ë .y '. ):. . . ;. .. p'.ès !)j ) / . L .k . . é; . . . ! ). !. . g tr, . . . ' . ..! y ttjyjk jj$ g, .qyL-;. ,.v -.r, .; j, r. yjk) g.. yyy.@ 71$) j jrj?jijj y.. yyj - ., ; .r $ gyjyrs yy?;y,. . ,jjj.. . ,I)j j yrrijyjk; F2j r:. ujy? . yg. . ;!r, . y, r., .yk y . j,, . r $ . jjjjjjy. , y)j. ;y y jpjjjjljpl yr ..y)r(p jp j- jlj, , /jl ;jtj. ) ?j);... - . .,2 f;, y , ., - , , - jyr . ryj.y , .(jjjky. .?. .j,j j y ytj jjy...t- .


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yyi.ysqj-yjjjyyyrsjygy rry.o


...(yyy!k;)ry lsjjpjjqtjrj k gyyyk;' :'.yji.).r.;t..q$,j y .-yJg jr. pt..yy ;., tyëpsyj yj, jjykjtltj j i$$1j k1 ty1;z'k'. .( j.jj

y..,sy'jy, t gr,j;'yy,g yyjyy yyy'. yyyy.yï

ylyjy,,jtyj. ygj jjjygjy ;yj jjjy yy,y

L yqy


. ..t,

,yy' jjjjjlyj lyjlrijl (@ r 1:41aTslyl1t jftj.'ù;I.jj fjzjlij't pl 1jj 1. ).j j.r .'Vz'' v''% 7.7 î . 1'2. a , . ' ' '.i ,, 471.6 ). ' jj, jyylylljtl; jtj


rjyjyyj 'jj'jpy?j'y'y:.ryy.y.g.jy yyls yyl.yujyy...y.r.(j. ,.





.(. '.j,..jj;,.',j jytjy.jygyksyyjyyksjjygsgyrgjjiygyjj,yjj ,yysï.qyozjx, j.yy!,t. :s,,,,.y.yj.,.t.,jys,: , ' . . 'tt: r. ; qêy: r jk. . ( . ; y. k. . .' j,f; . . tl .4 1 j) . tj ' ; t ': . :. j: ) , yjyrj jju . uj. ., r ; .ty j'. .. . . , : y. ... , . kr)( ry .. . .. (E :. . . . .. sl,ltj ë ë,.,y; .y .j .(r.r.F .j.j, t . ..; . . . ? .,. 4.j)kkLjj ëjkp j; r. . ?y . y ;.y' .jjs:. kjjlt.k jty y jtyjy ;. jj )ji yy lj , (; (. if: ,.. )r.rjs..( j.,:, ( . yj jjj gfllrr j 1) yyj yyy. , .y ,yt yy .,y.g y .ajjgjyyjjj yj ygyy y gyyjj jy y yjyjyj.. . ,;y. t jjjjljjgjjjt jujyj.( j yjy ! gjpyy yjjjjjljjjjj jj rjiy j jjyjjr ->y ). 4 :F ... .. !,.. . ..7 ... .... ) ). ;t; :y j q j j tjy y j yyyjjy y . y y . yk .j .j,j. jyjjyygyyjyyj jj. ?. .. ..j, y,..y...yy,y,.,..iï ''

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jtkjyi,(rrljù j, Ipl.jjjjj jjljj jjjj k). 1111142: 9j- LqL..1 jt ;; è lt.;)t.'' L :...'f' ., 7 ';'jq' .è q,lk$1 ïjl rl:jjjjjjjlj rsj:.q! . , y y . jjy.j, j j k.rrg, . j.;,r. ,y, g ,y,jy..... , ..i'. L . . .., r). . ..tL.;;k'.: .. i.(j.t;tr

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. ..' ' !. â .' k''

.'.'7i:.q'. ,3.3 . '. ..i ;'IyT' :.:. . . . .'@,' )qïk'.)p$j@j :: f.y ,:.

6 ).ï.v .E . J... ..r'.)?éhjk' $.... 4'.'.rI q).) lqi,'it'.t' t.J .(r !7:3.) ,.é.? llr .k t)) it.frt LSj r1j !;t';:' 't!:'fëj l:rtqip. k; ,! w.'.E ..):h';)t' 'r)q'j,,jë(;!!:;. h#..y ; ;t... ...? ; ; .. :., .?tk.. . . . . . .îr . ; (,.,jjj.t,t tj,,r ? rïjlj rj r. r.. tj pï. q! l$. jjl;. ë:r tllgiè. g:L..q.. . , ' ,'. . ;. ..i'! ;)'.).('lkl!k(l Lt,tL!,,)é ):;. s : # '. , yt . -,'. .: ..f..k. . ?r . ,jr; , . . ..

ARCO June 8, 1800 Sunset ire transfer of $4,270,621.71I,AU Tl and 2007 Harbour Drive, from ashin on utual BankFET,IX Unit TS-2/TS-3, in Stockton, Califonu'a to the

OSTEI,AC iami Beach, Bank of Amen'ca account

Flon'da 33139 ending in 9340 of Flon'da Elite

Title Escrow LLC, a title'

n Davie 1 ,


Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 18 of 24

- t)c.. : 'r ro-''- ' 'ir- ' ' .Cj: ' (j!?1i;('.) ''- '' ' r 'r)jj(r'. 'j t-. -tj-)t t.yjjrillllr:lpp. ); -' :' .è ' )y!' -' ,#N. t. '. (1j(::11t. ' ..' l 47 ''.'.t; .''. , !'ë1j(;'-yyy ). '(, C7'!, j-à').à ' t)k?'!.! ;.f)k'ltliy pj), : . ' '+.-.-è' - 8!12 k . ê.. t,(t8t)- l jr 'kltti -t.j ! ) . ' ;' st- ' fpr. : mu -.- I qjjgippgk-y . ,yt yy,yr#. :',-(j llli pèk': (. ktlipjs-l pll pj Lpj- .. ''' - . 'j11rqq:!!,' ': 7-- t, 7'11r;4p:.C . -t'' 1: yy: ' .,,;j. ; rktj , j',1(::2)p1It! -ë-)i;. -. yj:,ji;I'; -- i'- j LCIqF k)y :.k)jIjir,. .)ët);-jj : .' rë; ! kp.,y.. ;: r;y; i..q(:j(jk,.C-'' '- .' , -.- - ' !. - fpt -. . : ' -.i,)':t,ë;,(yrk.). .tLsl-#: t- l (.:r)èjt, ykjty ),j#jy.j.':y-.y.t $,)'.qjjrtq),)t --- y ), ;




yqjytpy..yj-y'è)h. !- ),- )t)?-.y)$, ;py;è#r,r. .,-- ti?)t.!.

! ?.

'. ;kt-pt',t)t- ?tr





-':1,. k. sfri,t 2tjr- , -jjp-/.y,:-''i tjj

r' :7, '!..'è'r p k7j #r.-j, r.jj,- t;Aj#. ' kbistjy' '- 'ls:rllld'r-,/iëir ë; /' 'C' - #. ltl,

' :-ii'!---, ,-'q'C.-. 'Tqi -..- ,t-ltk.llrlpt-i't t-' 1.-- p ) q)'l, ?'fkt/ltyhjkz k:

., -):r,-, ,- ji ,- $ . ,t- ,)vk,y,, -b' ,t


''-- -.-? -.ïqyà,t!t-:.2..t.r.. t. sl 'r-$i.-fi2:--,-', p. !ri(j,Ih:'.@p-jrqyjyjjry,--.)--,:! ijtj ,:y'-:.-o''- .'j,?,,-. t-k; .: i''',-,,: y,i:.). q.j):@..!jk-$i.



y, i:j -t;.7

-:, :':'tà. fl s);?-Cè,) f';'!' .t?;; .' -?l-);'.t'i-''$5t' .t) ) y .r t:. - ,:. - y-!-,,r j: .-. t y . , -:- . - , t :,j, yj -. .y y. tyjyy kjyj y,.y jyxj jyy-q.t-)jy,jy,- .yy, rrjjy),. - yy. yty. ( y,j, .,. y.yj) yyy. iytragjyqjj yjtiyj $ rjp.k,gy;,yy.. ,.- jjtqy-qyrij, yj j, ùlijyyj. ljjj-yr,,y.. ! ( j -. - .:j1;::iiy,. .t- d r . - ,r t. . . - yjyjy, ..

- c#t. ,#p(. 1;/) y.(jr, pkkjr,r,,kjrjy)j,,,- ,'- #.;yy- - ;;.-)y ,t- y). y ;y - ( -. ;- .))k- .,.-; j., lij.jjjjjtlt? y,y,.jcyjy..


jj,-j:..-w.. ,y,

.yjy. r ,,,,;,));j....,,-:-,:(,;)tïb'ièï'. y)- j, yjy-gjjjtyjyr) ,:,;;,- y-iyy- , --y- ygj.: .?.è'#.. ::8-;7@t ')C))ë ' :.g:7ql Lrq i- i;-'2llptq, r#. - :'. t..'' . . ii rqi .ï ,:i'p r,ë - i , -, y t , t q-,? t.tkj.j ;ty ; ij tjjjjt yyl

yl, -- y -yjjygr ; yjyy )jy, ,j.y.-r yk-);

-,gy , j ju. ! ..jt.;I-) j., ;jj;.., t;. ,,)j4;... y. tjjr jrjjyyjy..rgsp k! g y j rgyyy:)ï;--t)8hjjjty-ty- y- y-yt:,:,k!j gp kp,g y):jj#4;it. #. j.t,,!t)p yd k )- grj )- p-:j . )- ;:- p) rgj $j, p,r-., g)kë'-. .)p,,. .-.g) krpjjip! Ij,-i)rqjp,--rk@,,-..--y j. . t-jkyA ;)tj:)---. 'r -- . .) ;r , y. yrqrqtt f)ty!(. r,- -,!j-jpjy y ; yry, - j y yj , ygtr. ryj-,. yf y; - tyjt :.). .y ---y);.t j-, . :jjjljsjy, jy jyy ,yj . ..yj.q'1 ' '' 'Lii$1'' F

.,'- iiq ; yr)l t' . ::1, 7'q#k(fr





.:.''-i-.; lrë) t t--t.. .:) k-p! r';: tè:; r.t)q.



'.; ( tylg---ty-. ,.. y; .) ..y.-,.:i- jj-r..-.j t. .-,k-...,,-jr.- . ;)-)(L. ;.y.,.y?. -, .. y ..;----j,,-j j.--- .,t- --)?tpqj. .-. ,y ,,.- jj-j t?.!,-?-,,;.j y ;t. ,, -,,qt-.y-) q. rj,.j-,r- ,k-yyy ? (- ,-p, ...yrl-:- );g-), (r,, yjyyr yà,-- y,r -yyr..).-..;--5.,,,!,-.j, :);, T- p,.(-- -,,yy, --p;t,;-!- . ,,yt.t. :. ,y,-që.g-p,,jp r- jr))ëptjjjç... .,-

.j,?-j - v,.---j--- yj()#ik$.-- ,)- jrj$,. . - 4p. ,y..r).,,',.;.,,,.-rq.p.j,,, j-,, r-ë. j, .j,- r. ,r,g.,,),. ), jj);- g)tt8,.--.---),)- -)ùt--. .-,rr, tr:rt,ï,()q.. . yt--k. y-- #,. -tq;.--T-,t- #)...., -, :t.,r'.,qjjjj,j,p,)@--j p. ..--).,.,--. .,,) , . . - :. - ., , t, .r-,: !.-- - 4p( -t,. ,. . y'' è. y- ;.... ' l ))- L ô'?. t. .; . . . , .... ;.-:.: - pqp.;. ):. . . . : :. . . ....?. . . .:. . - . ,. . . .. .. . .;



3 M ARCO June 25, 45 Hendricks W ire transfer of $1,316,006.80LAU Tl and 2007 lsle, from W ashington M utual Bank

FELIX Unit 28 in Stockton, California to the

M OSTELAC Fort Lauderdale, Bank of America accountFlodda 33301 ending in 9340 of Florida Elite

Title & Escrow LLC, a title

company in Davie, Florida.

4 M ARCO June 25, 45 Hendricks W ire transfer of $160,639.20LAURETI and 2007 Isle, from W ashington M utual Bank

FELIX Unit 28 in Stockton, California to the

M OSTELAC Fort Lauderdale, Bank of Am erica accountFlorida 33301 ending in 9340 of Florida Elite

Title & Escrow LLC, a title

company in Davie, Florida.

M ARCO June 26, 45 Hendricks W ire transfer of $1,497,734.30LAURETI 2007 Isle, from W ashington Mutual Bank

Unit 317 in Stockton, California to the

Fort Lauderdale, Bank of Amelica accountFlorida 33301 ending in 9340 of Florida Elite

Title & Escrow LLC, a title

company in Davie, Florida.

M ARCO July 18, 205 E. San W ire transfer of $5,210,280.82LAURETI 2007 M arino Drive, from W ashington M utual Bank

M iami Beach, in Stockton, Califom ia to the

Florida 33139 Bank of America accountending in 9340 of Florida Elite

Title & Escrow LLC, a titlecompany in Davie, Florida.


Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 19 of 24

. . . . . .. . . . . .. . . . ... . . ' . . ..s y; yr . . . . ..' g,. jj ,.a'' ' . . : j k ' jj ..'.; ', . . bt ,.' ' .f . ...7; '' ;; '' ' '' . '' '' . ' '. ' ' '. ''$t. â ' ' '. ,.t''r )';' t' ;' b . ' .' C ' ' 2 ' ' 73'C : ' 2 0' L k 49 ''' '' '''' '''C ! ' ' t ''' ' ' ' ' ' ' '1. ' ' E 'ki-'. r: ?4j(:rr:!.' . .t , 114:2:1,4. .. -: . j,. -7). ''- 'rt,''ql1(r!r- t.';:'y'.p t)y..':p' 2- ' ()j1j!2:r. . ' . -- gN.' jyy' y

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M ARCO July 20s 45 Hendricks W ire transfer of $3,105,817.44LAU Tl and 2007 Isle, from W ashington Mutual Bank

FELIX Unit PH-F in Stockton, California to the

M OSTELAC Fort Lauderdale, Bank of America accountFlorida 33301 ending in 9340 of Florida Elite

Title & Escrow LLC, a title

company in Davie, Flon'da.

8 M ARCO August 45 Hendn'cks W ire transfer of $1,719,315.54LAURETI and 6, 2007 lsle, from W ashington M utual Bank

FELIX Unit 417 in Stockton, Califonu'a to the

M OSTELAC Fort Lauderdale, Bank of America accountFlon'da 33301 ending in 9340 of Flon'da Elite

Title & Escrow LLC, a title

company in Davie, Flon'da.

M ARCO August 45 Hendricks W ire transfer of $210,849.00LAURETI and 6, 2007 lsle, from W ashington M utual Bank

FELIX Unit 417 in Stockton, Califom ia to the

M OSTELAC Fort Lauderdale, Bank of en'ca accountFlorida 33301 ending in 9340 of Flon'da Elite

Title & Escrow LLC, a title

company in Davie, Florida.

Al1 in violation of Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1343 and 2.


The allegations of Counts 1 through 9 of this Indictment are re-alleged and by this

reference fully incomorated herein for the purpose of alleging forfeitures to the United States of

Am erica of property, in which the defendant has an interest, pursuant to the provisions of Title 28,

United States Code, Section 2461 and Title 18, United States Code, Section 981(a)(1)(C) and Title


Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 20 of 24

l8, United States Code, Sections 982(a)(2).

2. Upon conviction of any of Counts 1 through 9 of this lndictment, in violation of

Title 18, United States Code, Sections 1349 and/or 1343, the defendants, M ARCO LAURETI

and FELIX M OSTELAC, shall forfeit to the United States, pursuant to Title 18, United States

Code, Section 982(a)(2), any property, real or personal, which constitutes, or is derived from,

proceeds traceable to such violation.

All pursuant to Title 18, United States Code, Section 981(a)(1)(C), as incorporated by Title

28, United States Code, Section 2461, and the procedures outlined in Title 2 l , United States Code,

Section 853 and Title 18, United States Code, Section 982(a)(2).







Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 21 of 24


CASE NO. 16-60340-CR-ZLOCH/HUNT(s)





Court Division: (Select One)


Case Information:

New Defendantts)Number of New DefendantsTotal number of counts

Yes No1

M iami Key W estFTL --N -- WPB FTP

I do hereby certify that:

I have carefully considered the allegations of the indictment, the number of dcfendants, the number of probablewitnesses and the legal complexities of the Indictment/lnfonmation attached hereto.

I am aware that the infonnation supplied on this statement will be relied upon by the Judges of this Court insetting their calendars and scheduling criminal trials under the mandate of the Speedy Trial Act, Title 28 U.S.C.Section 3161.Intemreter: (Yes or No) YesList language and/or dialect Spanish

This case will take 15 days for the parties to try.

Please check appropriate category and type of offense listed below:

(Check only one)I 0 to 5 days

11 6 to 10 days

IlI 1 l to 20 daysIV 2 1 to 60 daysV 6 1 days and over

6. Has this case been previously filed in this District Court? (Yes or No) YesIf yes:Judge: W illiam J. Zloch Case No. 1 fk-/ifIAZICt-CIR-W IZ

(Attach copy of dispositive order)Has a complaint been tiled in this matter? (Yes or No) Nolf yes:Magistrate Case No.Related M iscellaneous numbers:

Defendantts) in federal custody as ofDefendantts) in state custody as ofRule 20 from the District of

Is this a potential death penalty case? (Yes or No) Yes X No

(Check only one)PettyM inor

M isdem .Felony X

U -

Does this case originate from a matter pending in the Northern Region of the U.S. Attolmey's Office plior toOctober 14, 20037 Yes X No

Does this case originate from a matler pending in the Central Region of the U.S. Attorney's Office prior toSeptember 1, 2007? Yes X No


*penalty Sheetts) attached

Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 22 of 24



Defendant's Name: M arco Laureti

Case No:

Count #: 1

Conspiracy to Commit W ire Fraud Affecting a Financial Institution

Title 18. United States Code. Section 1349

/ Max. Penalty: (30) thirty years' imprisonment; up to (5) tive years' supervised release; fine; up to $250,000 or notmore than the greater of twice the gross gain or twice the gross loss.

Counts #; 2-9

W ire Fraud Affecting a Financial lnstitution

Title 18 United States Code Section 1343

*M ax. Penalty: (30) thirty years' imprisonment; up to (5) five years' supervised release; fine: up to $250,000 or notmore than the greater of twice the gross gain or twice the gross loss.

Count #:

*M ax. Penalty:

Count #:

*slax. Penalty:

*Refers enly to pessible term of incarceration, dees nct include pessible fines. restitutien. special assessments.parcle terms or fnrfeitures that may be applicable.

Case 0:16-cr-60340-BB Document 5 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/13/2016 Page 23 of 24



Defendant's Name: Felix Mostelac alk/a Felix Mostelac Trujillo

Case No:

Count #: 1

Conspiracy to Cornmit W ire Fraud Affecting a Financial lnstitution

Title l8. United States Code. Section 1349

/' M ax. Penalty: (30) thirty years' imprisonment; up to (5) five years' supervised release; fine: up to $250,000 or notmore than the greater of twice the gzoss gain or twice the gross loss.

Counts #: 2-4

W ire Fraud Affecting a Financial lnstitution

Title 18. United States Code. Section 1343

*M ax. Penalty: (30) thirty years' imprisonment; up to (5) five years' supervised release; fine: up to $250,000 or notmore than the greater of twice the gross gain or twice the gross loss.

Counts //:7-9

W ire Fraud Affecting a Financial lnstitution

Title 18, United States Codes Section 1343

*Max. Penalty: (30) thirty years' imprisonment; up to (5) five years' supervised release; fine: up to $250,000 or notmore than the greater of twice the gross gain or twice the gross loss.

Count #:

*M ax. Penalty:

+Refers cnly t: pnssible term of incarceratien, dnes n0t include pnssible fines. restituticn, special assesszents,

parole terms er fnrfeitures that zay be applicahle.

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