Post on 13-Dec-2015

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Transcript of SDLC

Inception• Under this phase of software development life cycle

following activities are done:Requirement elicitation and analysis.Describing the project scope (hardware and

software).Describing the limitations.Distinguishing the critical use cases.Creating the base line Architecture.

• Requirement for Google glass and Software scope Hardware specification: A) Touchpad: With the help of which user can perform the . … operation like. 1.) For getting the current and past events (eg: weather report . … and last phone call details ).

2.) Swiping the cards, displayed on user interface.

B) Camera: Google Glass has the ability to take photos ….. … and record 720p HD video.

C) Display: Images from Google Glass project onto the reflective …. surface in the prism, which redirects the light toward …. your eye.

Continue…..D) Speaker: Google glass using bone-conducting Speaker.

Software Specification:

1.)Used Operating system: Android 4.4.2.(Mainly used in smart … phones)

2.)Applications: Some native application such as Google Now, Google Maps, Google+, and Gmail.

3.)Voice Activation: The voice response is relayed using bone conduction through a transducer that sits besides the ear.

• Limitations a) Display issue: Dense text can’t be read on the

Google glass.

b) Features less camera : There’s no LED flash, no digital zoom, no settings of any kind.

c) Glass becomes useless in the dark.

d) Till now gaming application are useless.

• Use Cases:

Capturing the Pictures and browsing over the internet.

Wearing Glasses

Response to input

Operating System

Giving voice commands




• Basic architecture, follows client server approach:

This architecture describe about how the functionalities depicted in the last architecture will be establish.

• Elaboration: This phase is mainly responsible for describing the critical use cases.

• For preparing the corresponding architecture.

1.) generating the timeline card as required by the user.


Generating timelinecards MirrorApi




• Architectural description for Timeline card generation.

• Overall architectural diagram for previously discussed use cases.

Construction phase: Mainly deals with the optimization of resources. That can be achieved by the use of modern economics concept.

Used technology in Glass project are :

a.) Programming Language: Object oriented. b.) Development approach: Component based development.

c.) Mirror API

