
Post on 27-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Script(c&c)

Joan Of Arc



Joan of Arc (Sue)

King Charles VII (MJ)

Jean De Dunois (Oat)

Jean De Aulon (Shiko)

La Hire (Tristan)

Gilles De Rais (Roy)


WIlliam Glasdale

John Talbot

General (Tim)

Scene 1

*French preparing to attack and Joan marches forward*

General: Looks like the whore has to come to pay us a visit!

Joan: Glasdale! Do you hear me? You may call me a whore. I feel pity for you, for your soul and for the souls of your men. Kneel! Kneel down to the King of Heaven, or go back to your island.

General: And you, go back to your pigsty!

Glasdale: Men at walls

*Joan returns to the French army*

Joan: This morning, God gave us a great victory, but it is nothing compared to what he will give us now. And I know you all are tired and hungry but I swear to you that even if the English are hanging from the clouds by their fingertips, we will pull them down before nightfall!

*French army cheers with high morale and charges forward, with Joan leading them on*

*War begins and rages on as Joan climbs a ladder*

Joan: Come on! Come on! Let's go!

Aulon: Joan! No! Don't go!

Joan: Come on!

*Joan gets shot by an arrow and falls of the ladder*

General: Archer! You just killed my women! (smirk and laughter)

Glasdale: Go to Hell.

*Glasdale returns to his room while Joan is being carried back and attended to*

Aulon: Clear the table! I need to pull the arrow now!

La Hire: Its in too deep, she might bleed to death.

*Joan gasps, losing conciousnes*

Joan: Why aren't you fighting?

La Hire: You're badly wounded, Joan. Its in too deep.

Aulon: You must stay still!

*Joan pulls out the arrow*

Joan: At least now it wont bother us anymore. Now, let's go to battle!

Aulon: No Joan!

*Joan being pinned down to the table and her wound covered*

Joan: Go back to battle, promise?

*Joan faints and Aulon checks her breath*

Aulon: She is sleeping! (astonished but relieved)

*Aulon walks out to notify Dunois about pressing on the battle*

Aulon: Joan is alive

Dunois: Good! Sound the retreat!

Aulon: But I promised Joan we'd fight on.

Dunois: I make no such promises! Sound the retreat for the night!

Aulon: No, but that was her order.

Dunois: I'm fed up with taking her orders! She swore we will defeat the English by nightfall! Look, Look! Look at the mess we're in, its her mess not mine! We're worse off than she didn't come at all! Now, do as I say and sound the retreat!

General: Hey! Where are you going? Come back and fight!

*sound of retreat*

-End of scene 1-

Scene 2

*Joan wakes up in the room and stumble outside*

General: Retreat! What happened to your precious angel? I'll tell you what happened. We sent your little bitch, back to hell! So she can go fuck with the devil! What are you gonna do now? Retreat (sarcastic) Why don't you come out? And fight? Come on, come on, or are you too busy praying to bring your fucking witch back from the dead? Do you hear me?

*Joan runs forward with her banner*

Joan: I hear you! I'm alive! May God forgive your blasphemy! For I never will. I never will!

*Joan walks back and Aulon wakes up finding her*

Aulon: Joan, what are you doing? You need to rest.

Joan: I need to wake up the soldiers, now.

Aulon: But Joan..

*Joan srumbles around waking soldiers*

Joan: My fine soldiers, wake up! Wake up! My fine soldiers, wake up! To arms, to arms! Wake up! We must fight the battle! The battle has begun! … We need this tower up, we need this tower up*

*Soldiers pull up the archer tower*

Gilles: What's going on?

Joan: We're taking back the trail. (triumphantly)

Dunois: Joan, what are you doing?

Joan: I'm sending a message to Glasdale.

Dunois: WIth that?

Joan: Yes

Dunois: But you got its back to front (puzzled)

Joan: Sir, I know what I'm doing. So, just get back to bed.

*A messenger wakes up Glasdale*

Eng msg: My lord.

Glasdale: What?

Eng msg: The French bitch. She's back from the dead

*Joan and the men pushes the tower forward*

Aulon: Joan, don't you think we should take some time to think about this?

Joan: Sonner is better than later.


General: What the fuck is she playing at?


Dunois: I don’t know! How can we plan anything if she doesn’t consult with us?!

La Hire: Did you consult with her yesterday?

Dunois: Don’t even start, you agreed to attack yesterday.

La Hire: That doesn't count.

Dunois: Why is that?

La Hire: Because, I always agree to attack! (High morale)

*Glasdale from the top of the tower*

Glasdale: Crazy bitch.. She doesn’t even know how to use it.

*Archer tower starts to tilt and crashes on the drawbridge of the English fort*

General: Oh my God!

*The English stumbles back while they started losing the battle*

*Shadow play of the fight and victory*

-End of scene 2-

Scene 3

*shadow play of Joan and the French army passing through the people with celebrations and confetti*

*setting up the king *

Charles: May I see the seamstress? It is too tight, I can't breathe. Is this meant to be a crown? Isn't there something more regal? … I asked for a grandiose coronation and this is what I get? This whole thing is gonna be an utter FIASCO!

Asst priest: We took 3 days to prepare, your father's coronation took 3 months.

Charles: He is probably right, we should call for a delay..

Asst priest: There is no time Sir, we can't put off the ceremony. There's no knowing when the English might get back.

Charles: Let them come, let them see who is the true King of France! … Those damned English, we should be doing this in Paris, Notredame. It is much more prestigious and twice as big

Asst priest: It is the sacred place that matters, not the size, am I correct, Bishop?

Bishop: Oh yes that's right! All the Kings must be coronated at the Great Cathedral of Reims with the Holy Oil of Clovis.

*Charles walks off restlessly and light fades off*

*Priests taking positions and getting ready for the coronation*

*Charles walks down the aisle grandly and kneels down in front of the Bishop*

*Charles gets crowned by the Bishop*

Bishop: The sacred oil, blessed by the hands of the Father in Heaven, to anoint you Charles, to be the sovereign Lord, King of this kingdom of France. Charting that you shall defend the faith of our Mother, Holy Church as long as you shall live. Amen.

*Charles stands grandly while everyone cheers, confetti dropping, grand day*

-End of scene 3-

Scene 4

A shadow play of Joan being captured, trialed and burnt at the stake.