Script draft 3

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Script draft 3

How youths are represented through different media platforms

Brief of one minute

Over the last years the news has represented youths as violent and irrational groups of young people who go around causing trouble on the streets of London.

EXT. Central London. Mid-Day

Last year 63% of the news press was based on negative perceptions of young people. Is the media taking it a step to far?

(Cuts to police woman interview on London riots)

2min Brief

How has the news distorted the image of young people when discussing the London riots?

(Cuts to interview- Miss Rayner)

(Cuts to police woman on riots)


The term gang has now been applied to describe any group of youths. Is this, a fair generalisation of youths?

The negative coverage of youths on the news has influenced a significant amount of the British public to look down on young adolescents

(Cuts to interview with Miss John Charles)