Scottish Government's International Development Policy- what does it mean for health in Malawi?

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Scottish Government's International Development Policy- what does it mean for health in Malawi?

What does it mean for Health in Malawi?

Scottish Government’sInternational Development


How did Health input into Strategy?• Consultation Responses• Consultation Events – Health particularly

well represented• Discussions in Government – 10 years of

programme management and sector engagement

SG ID Strategy: The Headlines• 4 Partner Countries: Malawi, Rwanda,

Zambia, Pakistan• Investing our IDF in 3 streams:

1. Development Assistance2. Capacity Strengthening3. Investment

• Policy Commitments: Historic & Contemporary Links, Scottish Expertise, SDGs, Beyond Aid Agenda.

What have we been good at?• Coming together as a Community of Practice Commitment to Networking Support • Harnessing Scottish Expertise Integration into Criteria • Realising the ‘Partnership Approach’ A guiding principle of project selection Projects using older links AND projects

forging new ones

Partnership Approach“It’s an approach that recognises that one of the legacies of Scotland’s history of global

exploration, trade, missionary work, and inward immigration, is a ready-made network of links to

developing countries, and in particular their health and education systems. By working

through these pre-existing links, we bring about development outcomes that achieve significant

impact with a modest amount of money.”

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform

SMP AGM, 3rd Oct 2015

Partnership Approach

Network of links to Malawi Skills Sharing based Initiatives

* Health, particularly medical education projects, particularly suited to this model of engagement

The College of MedicinePartnership Approach

The College of MedicinePartnership Approach

University of Edinburgh4 projects (2006-16)

University of St Andrews3 projects (2007-15)

Development of MBBS (Medical Undergraduate Curriculum)

Creation of M.Med Psychiatry Career progression of Principal

Scholarship Scheme to train Malawi’s first ever cohort of clinical


SG Input into Principal’s Long-Term Vision for


What could we be better at?• Being Programmatic 3 funding streams will help SG to be more


• Contribution to the Beyond Aid Agenda Integration into Criteria

• Maternal Health• Sexual Health • Cancer Treatment• Meningitis • Community-

based health improvement

• University Curriculum

• Obstetrics• Clinical Officer


Next Steps…• Increased £10M IDF from April• New £1M HAF from April 2017• Small Grants 2017+ to be announced end

Feb/early March• Rwanda and Zambia funding rounds to

open first half of 2017• Malawi funding round to open second half

of 2017