Scoring key for Catell’s Culture Fair Intelligence...

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Scoring key for Catell’s Culture Fair Intelligence Test

No. of Items Test-I Test-II Test-III Test-IV

1. 3 2 1 3

2. 4 3 3 1

3. 1 4 2 2

4. 3 1 5 4

5. 2 3 3 3

6. 5 3 3 3

7. 2 2 2 1

8. 3 5 4 2

9. 3 4 5 -

10. 3 3 1 -

11. 4 3 2 -

12. 1 3 2 -

13. - 1 - -

14. - 4 - -





Std: VI Marks:20

I. Listen to the reading and find out the odd one: 4 X 1 = 4

1. may day say way my

2. meat beat beak seat feet

3. sin bin tin site pin

4. see bee sea big tea

II. Choose the best answer: 4 X 1 = 4

1. House

a) market b) hall c) lorry

2. Jewellery

a) hand b) finger c) bangle

3. Kitchen

a) shelf b) stove c) butter

4. King

a) Queen b)Princess c) horse


III. Match the objects with its suitable actions: 4 X 1 = 4

1. Stars - fly

2. Wind - bark

3. Birds - blows

4. Dogs - shine

IV. Rearrange the letters to coin meaningful words: 4 X 1 = 4

1. hcolos

2. otua

3. twon

4. collbku

V. Read the given Passage and complete the sentences: 4 X 1 = 4

A long time ago there was a Greek story- teller, whose name was Aesop. He told

lots of stories called ‘fables’. Fables are stories with a moral. A moral is a piece of good

advice about how to behave.

1. The story- teller’s name was ------------------------------.

2. He was a ------------------------------- story-teller.

3. His stories are called as ----------------------------.

4. A ------------------------- is a story with a moral.



(Each question carries one mark)

I. Listen to the reading and find out the odd one:

1. my

2. beak

3. site

4. big

II. Choose the best answer:

1. b)

2. c)

3. b)

4. a)

III. Match the objects with its suitable actions:

1. shine

2. blows

3. fly

4. bark

IV. Rearrange the letters to coin meaningful words:

1. school

2. auto

3. town

4. bullock

V. Read the given passage and complete the sentences:

1. Aesop

2. Greek

3. fables

4. Fable







Programme : Ph.D.

Title : “Effectiveness of Computer

Integrated Method on the

Performance in English of Upper

Primary Students”.

: S. Jebamalar Anna Jothi


Guide : Dr. M. Sadananthan

Professor and Head

Dept of Education,.

M.S. University.

Dear Students,

I request you to respond to the questionnaire promptly so as to enable me to gather

information for my Ph.D. dissertation.


Name of the Student :

Name of the School :

Class and Section :

Sex :


Please write the corresponding number in the gap provided.

I. Occupation of Father :

1. Unemployed

2. Private sector

3. Government Employee

II. Occupation of Mother :

1. Unemployed

2. Private sector

3. Government Employee

III. Father’s Education


1. Illiterate

2. School Education

3. College Education

IV. Mother’s Education :

1. Illiterate

2. School Education

3. College Education

V. Parents’ Income :

1. Upto Rs. 50,000/-

2. Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 1,20,000/-

3. Rs. 1,20,000/- and above



Name of the Scholar : S. Jebamalar Anna Jothi

Std: VI Marks: 140

I. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences: 5 X 1 = 5

1. Balu’s father is in -------------------------(Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai)

2. The letters are delayed due to the ---------(Heavy rain, train accident, bad weather)

3. Balu wants to get some --------- regarding his mail. ( details, message, information)

4.The ------------ helps Balu to show the way to the sorting office ( attendant, postmaster,


5. The sorting office was ---- kilometers distance from the post office (one, half, two)

II. Ring the odd one: 10X 1 =10

1. day may clay by

2. cone tone gone bone

3. spoon moon june food

4. stuff rough round tough

5. search keep deep tease

6. wild child mild field

7. mad bad card sad

8. lean been keen bear

9. soul role goal cough

10. huge hunt blunt hut

5 X1= 5

III. Choose the correct answer:

1. Where do you come from? ( Village, town)

2. How do you come to school? (auto, van, bus , bicycle, car , by walk etc.)

3. We can see-----------------------------(big building, small huts ) in a village.

4. There are ------------ (cars and lorries, bullock carts) in a town.

5. The village side is ---------------- (calm, noisy).


IV. Read the following sentences and state whether it is ‘True’ or ‘False’: 5 X 1= 5

1. Could I get in sir?

2. It would rain today.

3. We should go for a tour in last week.

4. You may go now.

5. I can speak English.

V. Complete the dialogue: 10 x 1= 10

T.M. How are you cousin?

C.M: ----------------------------------How --------------------------?

T.M.: How ------------------------------------journey?

C.M.: The journey was not good.

T.M.: Do you ---------------------------?

C.M.: I have some water,. If you like I’ll look around -----------?

T.M.: Coconut water, I --------------------. Don’t you have -------------------------------?

C.M.: I don’t ------------------------------------------------.

T.M. Can you -------------------------------for me?

C.M.: I am afraid not.

T.M: O.K. Let us ------------.

VI. Choose the correct answer to fill in the gaps: 5 X 1 = 5.

1. -------- I get in sir? (may, might).

2. ------------ I help you? (may, might)

3. You ------- go home now. (will, may ).

4. It -------- (may, might) rain today.

5. ---------------we go for a picnic to Kanyakumari? (could, shall)


VII. Read the conversation “Sort it out” and choose the correct answer: 5 X 1 =5

1. How many persons are participating in the conversation? ( two, three)

2. What is it about? ( an accident , a mail)

3. Whom did the boy approach first? (post master, peon)

4. Did he help him? ( Yes, No)

5. Who was busy? ( attendant, postmaster)

VIII. State whether the given statements are ‘True’ or ‘False’: 5 X 1 = 5

1. The Town mouse felt happy about its travel in the train.

2. The Town mouse enjoyed the dinner very much.

3. They went to the farm to hunt for food.

4. The telegram was given by the Town mouse.

5. The Mouse hole was full of delicious food.

IX. Read the following letter and answer the questions given below: 5 X 1= 5

( The Town mouse and the Country mouse were cousins. They often wrote to each other.

One day, the Country mouse got this letter from his cousin).

Kitchen Cupboard,

Mouse Town,

11 March 2150.

Dear Cousin,

I have been ill with cough and my doctor feels I need a holiday. He has asked me to

spend a week in the countryside.

May I please stay with you?

With warm regards,

Yours affectionately,

Town cousin.


Answer the following questions in one or two words: 5 X 1 = 5

1. Who writes this letter? To whom?

2. Where does the Town mouse live?

3. What is he suffering from?

4. What is the advice of the doctor?

5. Who receives this letter?

X. Read the following sentences carefully and arrange them in proper order: 5 X 1 =5

1. The Country mouse was waiting at the station.

2. The Town mouse felt very uncomfortable in the train.

3. The Town mouse packed his bags to come to the country to take rest for a week.

4. The Town mouse and the Country mouse were cousins.

5. The Town mouse dropped a letter to the Country mouse about its visit to the country.

XI. Read the following time-table carefully and answer the questions: 5 X 1= 5


16. 12. 2008 Language 2.00 p.m to 4.30. p.m

17. 12. 2008 English 2.00 p.m to 4.30 p.m.

18. 12. 2008 Mathematics 2.00p.m. to 4.30. p.m.

19 . 12. 2008 Holiday --------

20. 12. 2008 Holiday --------

21. 12. 2008 Science 2.00p.m to 4.30.p.m

22. 12. 2008 Holiday --------

23. 12. 2008 Social science 2.00.p.m. to 4.30.p.m


1. Do you have a holiday for Mathematics?

2. What subject do you have on 22nd


3. What is the duration of the examination?

4. How many days will you get for Christmas holidays?

5. When does the examination start and end?


XII. Choose the correct answer: 5 X 1 = 5

1. Country side

a) city b)town c)village d)country

2. dreadful

a)unpleasant b)unavoidable c)unbearable d) uncomfortable

3. delicious

a) tasty b)good c)bad d)bitter

4. whispered

a) noisily b)calmly c)murmured d)loudly

5. strange

a) familiar b)known c) not familiar d)well known

XIII. Fill in the missing letters: 10 X 1 = 10

1. S __ r__ g __

2. d__ e __ d f __l

3. t r__ff__c

4. d e l __ c __ o u s

5. w __ i s p __ r

6. n __ b __ l __ d

7. r __ o __

8. m __ u s __

9. r __ w

10. t e l __ g r __ m

XIV. Coin meaningful word: 10 X 1 = 10

1. apelraone ---------------------------.

2. cbuopadr ---------------------------.


3. saucngear ---------------------------.

4. jronuey --------------------------.

5. cnoucto --------------------------.


6. jiuec --------------------------.

7. onrgae --------------------------.

8. weart --------------------------.

9..rrlieos --------------------------.

10.gurnod --------------------------.

XV.Put mark near the correct spelling: 5 X 1= 5

1. chugged chugd chuggd

2. strang strange strangee

3. nibbled nibeled nippled

4. lemonede lemonaid lemonade

5. delices delicius delicious

XVI. Match: 5 X 1 = 5

1. Village - roots, nuts, sugarcane

2. Town - vessels, meals, butter

3. Farm - bullocks, fields, huts

4. Kitchen - station, engine, signal

5. Train - buildings, traffic, college

XVII. Read the following sentences and underline the adverbials of time:5 X 1 = 5

1. Sekar met his friend yesterday.

2. We often visit Chennai.

3. I go to the Church on all Sundays.

4. He received the letter yesterday.

5. The doctor arrives this morning.


XVIII. Choose the suitable tense forms of the verbs to fill in the blanks: 5 X 1 = 5

1. We------------ (visit, visited) Madurai in last week.

2. They --------(played, playing) Tennis yesterday.

3. My sister -------- (present, presented) me a watch in last week.

4. I -------- (kill, killed) a snake two days before.

5. My father ---------- (return, returned) from Tiruchy yesterday.

XIX. Fill in the blanks with correct tense form of the verbs: 5 X 1 = 5

My friend ------ (come) to our house yesterday when I was watching the T.V. I ----------

(switch off) the T.V. We ------- (go) out to the nearby playground. We ---------- (play)

cricket. We -------- (return) home nearly 6.30 p.m.

XX. Choose the correct plural nouns for the words: 5 X1= 5

1. PEN a)penns b)pens c)penss

2.MANGO a)mangos b)mangoes c)mongoes

3. BABY a)babies b)babys c)babyes

4.MATCH a)matchess b)matchse c)matches

5. GLASS a)glasses b)glases c)glasess

XXI. Read the poem and find out the correct answers: 5 X 1 = 5

1. The dog is --------------------------------( bad, good)

2. It bays at the -----------------(moon, sky)

3. It teases the ---------------------(sheep, cat)

4. It is very -------------------------(fat, lean)

5. It is a ---------------------- (rough, soft) dog.

XXII. Write down the rhyming words from the poem: 5 X 1 = 5

1. LEAN ----------------.

2.ROUGH ---------------.


3. BAD ---------------.

4. LONE ---------------.

5. SHEEP ---------------.

XXIII. Choose the best answer: 5 X 1= 5 .

1. lone - a) with partner b)double c)single

2. bay - a)shout b)bark c)cry

3. hunt - a)chase b)kill c)search

4.tease - a)hurt b)annoy c)press

5. rough - a)stormy b)crude c)not soft

XXIV. Fill in the blanks: 5 X 1 = 5

1. The poem is about a -----------------------------------.

2. The dog looks very -----------------------------------.

3. “I am a lean dog, -------------------------------------.

4. “I love to --------------------------------.

5. The author of the poem is -------------------------.





Item No. Content Difficulty Index Discriminative


I. Multiple choice - Dialogue

1. Listening comprehension 100 .0

2. Listening comprehension 100 .0

3. Listening comprehension 93 .0

4. Listening comprehension 25 .21

5. Listening comprehension 64 .14

II. Odd one out - Prose

1. Pronunciation-Listening 64 .14

2. Pronunciation 21 .14

3. Pronunciation 46 .64

4. Pronunciation 71 .28

5. Pronunciation 71 .14

6. Pronunciation 71 .14

7. Pronunciation 89 .21

8. Pronunciation 89 .21

9. Pronunciation 79 .14

10 Pronunciation 46 .35

III. Multiple choice - Prose

1. Listening comprehension 100 .0

2. Listening comprehension 93 .14

3. Listening comprehension 93 .0

4. Listening comprehension 93 .14

5. Listening comprehension 75 .14

IV. True or False - Dialogue

1. Listening comprehension 50 .14

2. Listening comprehension 64 .0

3. Listening comprehension 46 .28

4. Listening comprehension 50 .42

5. Listening comprehension 89 .07

V. Sentence completion - Prose

1. Speaking 82 .07

2. Speaking 86 .21

3. Speaking 18 .14

4. Speaking 04 .07

5. Speaking 18 .21

6. Speaking 07 .0

7. Speaking 04 .07

8. Speaking 07 .0

9. Speaking 04 .07


10 Speaking 11 .07

VI. Multiple choice – Other Activities

1. Speaking 93 .14

2. Speaking 75 .21

3. Speaking 14 .28

4. Speaking 54 .21

5. Speaking 68 .50

VII. Multiple choice - Dialogue

1. Speaking 68 .21

2. Speaking 21 .14

3. Speaking 36 .14

4. Speaking 14 .0

5. Speaking 54 .35

VIII. True or False - Prose

1. Reading comprehension 89 .07

2. Reading comprehension 79 .14

3. Reading comprehension 68 .14

4. Reading comprehension 79 .14

5. Reading comprehension 61 .07

IX. Answer in one word - Prose

1. Reading comprehension 79 .42

2. Reading comprehension 50 .57

3. Reading comprehension 39 .64

4. Reading comprehension 11 .21

5. Reading comprehension 50 .57

X. Arranging Jumbled sentences - Prose

1. Reading 61 .35

2. Reading 39 .21

3. Reading 50 .14

4. Reading 43 .21

5. Reading 61 .50

XI. Answer in one word – Other


1. Reading 57 .28

2. Reading 71 .14

3. Reading 21 .42

4. Reading 14 .28

5. Reading 43 .28

XII. Multiple choice - Prose

1. Vocabulary 61 .07

2. Vocabulary 50 .28

3. Vocabulary 61 .35

4. Vocabulary 36 .28

5. Vocabulary 39 .07

XIII. Fill in the missing letters - Prose

1. Spelling 75 .07

2. Spelling 75 .50

3. Spelling 61 .35


4. Spelling 96 .07

5. Spelling 75 .50

6. Spelling 42 .28

7. Spelling 75 .21

8. Spelling 61 .35

9. Spelling 75 .07

10. Spelling 93 .14

XIV. Coining words - Prose

1. Vocabulary 82 .14

2. Vocabulary 71 .28

3. Vocabulary 68 .35

4. Vocabulary 64 .42

5. Vocabulary 75 .35

6. Vocabulary 79 .28

7. Vocabulary 96 .07

8. Vocabulary 07 .14

9. Vocabulary 14 .14

10. Vocabulary 61 .35

XV. Tick the correct spelling - Prose

1. Spelling 82 .14

2. Spelling 93 .0

3. Spelling 86 .0

4. Spelling 86 .14

5. Spelling 89 .07

XVI. Match - Prose

1. Vocabulary 64 .57

2. Vocabulary 64 .71

3. Vocabulary 79 .42

4. Vocabulary 89 .21

5. Vocabulary 86 .28

XVII. Underline Time Adverbials -


1. Grammar 75 .21

2. Grammar 29 .28

3. Grammar 64 .42

4. Grammar 64 .42

5. Grammar 79 .28

XVIII. Multiple choice - Prose

1. Grammar 50 .28

2. Grammar 50 .42

3. Grammar 50 .14

4. Grammar 71 .14

5. Grammar 54 .50

XIX. Fill in the blanks - Prose

1. Grammar 50 .28

2. Grammar 50 .14

3. Grammar 50 .42

4. Grammar 68 .21


5. Grammar 79 .0

XX. Multiple choice - Prose

1. Grammar 96 .07

2. Grammar 100 .0

3. Grammar 96 .07

4. Grammar 96 .07

5. Grammar 82 .21

XXI. Multiple choice - Poem

1. Reading comprehension 86 .28

2. Reading comprehension 93 .14

3. Reading comprehension 89 .21

4. Reading comprehension 93 .14

5. Reading comprehension 93 .0

XXII. Finding Rhyming words - Poem

1. Pronunciation 68 .35

2. Pronunciation 36 .42

3. Pronunciation 40 .21

4. Pronunciation 36 .14

5. Pronunciation 43 .42

XXIII. Multiple choice - Poem

1. Vocabulary 21 .42

2. Vocabulary 11 .07

3. Vocabulary 21 .28

4. Vocabulary 11 .21

5. Vocabulary 07 .0

XXIV. Fill in the blanks - Poem

1. Listening comprehension 100 .0

2. Listening comprehension 50 .42

3. Listening comprehension 54 .21

4. Listening comprehension 21 .14

5. Listening comprehension 04 .07




Name of the scholar: S. Jebamalar Anna Jothi


Std:VI Marks:50

I. Ring the odd one: 3 X 1 = 3

1. Spoon Moon June Food

2. Stuff Rough Round Tough

3. Huge Hunt Blunt Hut

II. State whether the following sentences are ‘True’ or ‘False’: 2 X 1 = 2

1. We should go for a tour in last week.

2. You may go now.

III. Choose the correct Modal auxiliary to fill in the gaps: 3 X 1 = 3

1.---------------------- I help you. ( may/ might )

2. It ------------------- ( may/ might ) rain today.

3. --------------------- ( shall/ could ) we go for a picnic to Kanyakumari.

IV. Read the conversation ‘Sort it Out’ and choose the correct answer: 2 X 1 = 2

1. How many persons are participating in the conversation? (two, three)

2. Who was busy? (attendant, post master)

V. Read the following sentences carefully and arrange them in proper order 3 X 1 = 3

1. The country mouse was waiting at the station.

2. The town mouse felt very uncomfortable in the train.

3. The town mouse and the country mouse were cousins.


VI. Read the following letter and answer the questions: 3 X 1 = 3

( The Town mouse and the Country mouse were cousins. They often wrote to each other.

One day, the Country mouse got this letter from his cousin).

Kitchen Cupboard,

Mouse Town,

11 March 2150.

Dear Cousin,

I have been ill with cough and my doctor feels I need a holiday. He has asked me to

spend a week in the countryside.

May I please stay with you?

With warm regards,

Yours affectionately,

Town cousin.

Answer the following questions:

1. Who writes this letter?

2. Where does the Town mouse live?

3. Who receives this letter?

VII. Read the following Time-table carefully and answer the questions: 2 X 1 = 2


16. 12. 2008 Language 2.00 p.m to 4.30. p.m

17. 12. 2008 English 2.00 p.m to 4.30 p.m.

18. 12.2008 Mathematics 2.00p.m. to 4.30. p.m.

19 . 12. 2008 Holiday --------

20. 12. 2008 Holiday --------

21. 12. 2008 Science 2.00p.m to 4.30.p.m


22. 12. 2008 Holiday --------

23. 12.2008 Social science 2.00.p.m. to 4.30.p.m


1. Do you have a holiday for Mathematics?

2. When does the examination start and end?

VIII. Choose the correct answer: 2 X 1 = 2

1. dreadful

a) unpleasant b) unavoidable c) unbearable d) uncomfortable

2. delicious

a) tasty b) good c) bad d) bitter

IX. Fill in the missing letters: 6 X 1 = 6

1. d_e_df_l

2. tr_f_ ic

3. w _is_ _r_d

4. n_bbl_d

5. ro_t

6. r_w

X. Coin meaningful words: 6 X 1 = 6

1. cbuopadr --------------------------.

2. saucngear -------------------------.

3. jronuey -------------------------.

4. cnoucto -- -----------------------.

5. jiuec -------------------------.

6. gurnod ------------------------.


XI. Match the following: 3 X 1 = 3

1. Village - buildings, traffic, college

2. Town - roots, nuts, sugarcane

3. Farm - bullocks, fields, huts

XII. Underline the adverbials of time: 4 X 1 = 4

1. Sekar met his friend yesterday.

2. I go to the Church on all Sundays.

3. He received the letter yesterday.

4. The doctor arrives this morning.

XIII. Choose the suitable answer: 3 X 1 = 3

1. We -------------------------( visit, visited ) Madurai in last week.

2. They ----------------------( play, played) Tennis yesterday.

3. My father--------------------( return, returned ) from Trichy yesterday.

XIV. Fill in the blanks with correct tense forms of the verbs given in brackets:3 X 1 = 3

My friend -----------------(come) to our house yesterday when I was watching the T.V.

We --------------------(go) out to the nearby playground. We -----------------------(play)

Cricket then.

XV. Write the other rhyming word from the poem: 3 X 1 = 3

1. Lean -----------------------------------.

2. Bad ----------------------------------.

3. Rough ---------------------------------.

XVI. Listen to the reading and fill in the blanks: 2 X 1 = 2

1. The dog looks very ------------------------------------.

2. “I am a lean dog, --------------------------------------.”




(Each question carries one mark)

I. Ring the odd one:

1. food

2. round

3. huge

II. ‘True’ or ‘False’:

1. False

2. True

III. Choose the best answer:

1. may

2. may

3. shall

IV. Comprehension questions:

1. three

2. post master

V. Arranging jumbled sentences:

1. 3

2. 2

3. 1

VI. Comprehension questions:

1. The town mouse

2. In the kitchen cupboard

3. The country mouse

VII. Reading to the time-table and answering questions:

1. No.

2. It starts on 16.12.2008 and ends on 23. 12.2008


VIII. Choose the correct answer:

1. c)

2. a)

IX. Fill in the missing letters:

1. dreadful

2. traffic

3. whispered

4. nibbled

5. root

6. raw

X. Coin meaningful words:

1. cupboard

2. sugarcane

3. journey

4. coconut

5. juice

6. ground

XI. Matching type:

1. bullocks, fields, huts

2. buildings, traffic, college

3. roots, nuts, sugarcane

XII. Underline the adverbials of time:

1. yesterday

2. all Sundays

3. yesterday

4. this morning

XIII. Choose the suitable answer:

1. visited

2. played


3. returned

XIV. Fill in the blanks with correct tense forms of the verbs:

1. came

2. went

3. played

XV. Write the other rhyming words from the poem:

1. Keen

2. mad

3. tough

XVI. Listening to the reading and fill in the blanks:

1. lean

2. a keen dog



A Scale of Attitude Towards Computer Integrated Method

SD – Strongly Disagree D – Disagree U – Undecided

A - Agree SA- Strongly Agree

For each statement tick in any one box:


No. Statement SD D U A SA

1. I think that English could be learnt through

computers effectively.

2. I like learning English through computers.

3.I like learning English with the support of the

teacher and the computer.

4.I can learn English Spelling, Vocabulary,

Grammar etc. like a game in computers.

5.Learning English through computers make me

feel uncomfortable.

6.I can learn again and again the items which are

difficult to me through computers.

7.The computers help me to learn English


8. I can learn more attentively through computers.

9.I have a lot of self-confidence when I learn

English through computers.


10.Learning English through computers increases

my concentration.

11. Computers are changing the world too rapidly.

12.I can learn English through computers according

to the speed of my learning.

13.I can avoid learning through computers if I feel


14. Computers would save my time.

15. Computers will improve Education.

16.I can check whether my answer is right or wrong

through computers.

17.Computers help me to learn items easily.

18.Computers could not express their feelings

towards us. So, I don’t like it.

19. Computers improve overall quality of life.


I believe that it is important for me to know the

computer applications to cope with the modern











Strongly disagree




Strongly agree











Teaching through Computer Integrated Method