Scope and Delimitations (LimitationS)

Post on 05-Jul-2018

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Transcript of Scope and Delimitations (LimitationS)

  • 8/16/2019 Scope and Delimitations (LimitationS)




    Limitations of the Research: In spite of best of eorts to minimise all limitations that

    might creep in course of the research, there were certain constraints within which

    the research was completed. These are discussed below –

    1. The research was based on secondary as well as primary data. The primary data

    reuired for research ob!ecti"e #o. $ was collected from the samples based in

    %uwahati city. &lthough %uwahati is one of the most important cities of the country

    and a commercial hub of #orth 'ast India, samples selected from the city cannot be

    considered as a proper representation of the population of the country.

    (owe"er, the ob!ecti"e of the sur"ey was to chec) the mood*perception of the ban)

    managers as well as customers of the ban) with regard to the concept of +ni"ersal

    ban)ing. Thus, this may not create hindrance in achie"ing the desired ob!ecti"e

    e"en if %uwahati city cannot replicate other ma!or ban)ing hubs of the country.

    . -or primary data, non response error cannot be ruled out.


    The limitations of this research are only those students that are currently enrolled at XU and is

    having the prescribe study load for a given semester. Only those undergraduate education

    students are allowed to participate in the research.

    This study considered only Xavier University and the students of it. This may have an

    effect on the generalizability of the study and its findings. However, its findings, at least some

    portion and extent of it may still hold true to other schools possessing the same characteristics

    or adhering to the same educational vision, mission, obectives, and curricula of the studies of 

    Xavier University.




    The researcher has made sincere attempt to study the marketin o! "ankin ser#ices$ The

    !o%%o&in are considered as the %imitations o! the study

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    '(This study is %imited to marketin mi) o! *ankin ser#ices

    +(Many respondents did not %ike to re#ea% their interest in ans&erin ,uestions(

    -(Most o! the respondents &ere un&i%%in to re#ea% in!ormation a*out their !inancia%


    .(Due to time and !inancia% constraint$ comp%ete enumeration methods has not *een

    !o%%o&ed(/(Many respondents hesitate to i#e in!ormation a*out their possession o! physica%


    0(The datas are co%%ected$ on%y !rom the peop%e$ &ho are account ho%ders in the *ank(

    1(Samp%e si2e is a%so sma%% so the conc%usion may not re!%ect the tota% customer at

    Tiruchenodu To&n(


    Limitations of the /tudy

     This study will focus on the youth of Los &ngeles 0ounty that are referred to

    for substance abuse treatment. The &dolescent Inter"ention, Treatment, and

    Reco"ery &ITR23 system of care outpatient facilities will be e4amined in this paper.

     There are twel"e agencies contracted by &52&, and their treatment program

    ser"ices are located in twenty67"e treatment facilities throughout the county. &

    ma!ority of youth and families in"ol"ed in the programs are low6income people of


     The treatment agencies are contracted by &52& and the programs oer a

    "ariety of treatment approaches. /ome agencies will utili8e more clinical and

    mental health approaches to treatment. There are other agencies that will apply

    more youth de"elopment or Twel"e /tep &lcoholics &nonymous, #arcotics

    &nonymous3 treatment modalities. This study will not distinguish nor address the

    dierences in the treatment administered by the agencies. This research will

    instead e4amine the data of youth coming from all the &ITR2 treatment facilities

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    anonymously and will e4amine the generali8ed eects of &ITR2 system of care


     The data collection is limited to pre and post test sur"eys completed by

    treatment counseling sta*case managers. The instrument utili8ed is the Los

    &ngeles 0ounty 2articipant Registration /ystem L&02R/3. This instrument records

    the following client data at treatment admission: age, gender, educational le"el,

    corrections or !u"enile !ustice in"ol"ement, referral source, primary drug, secondary

    drug, pregnant, mental health treatment, length of treatment, and freuency of

    &95 use. &t client discharge, the following data is collected: whether or not client is

    &95 abstinent, satisfactory or unsatisfactory discharge. This data collection

    instrument does not pro"ide clear de7nitions of satisfactory or unsatisfactory


     The data collection will be collected and interpreted by agency sta.

     Treatment completion will be interpreted by agency sta when completing the post6

    treatment sur"ey. There is not a clear de7nition of satisfactory treatment

    completion*non satisfactory treatment completion.; Therefore, this information may

    ha"e a wide ranging meaning of treatment success when analy8ing client data

    along this indicator. -or instance, an agency may de7ne treatment completion as a

    client abstinence from &95 for a period of time during treatment. &nother agency

    may determine treatment completion when a speci7ed number of ser"ice acti"ities

    or completed.

  • 8/16/2019 Scope and Delimitations (LimitationS)


    that with the date of post6treatment L&02R/ sur"ey will pro"ide the study with the

    length of time in treatment indicator. The number, type, and freuency of

    treatment e"ents within the time span will not be addressed or included in the data


     This study will be limited to the generali8ed eect of treatment and will not

    include the impact of number, type and freuency of treatment e"ents. The study

    will also not ta)e into consideration the problem se"erity and scope of problem

    issues for each client presenting in &ITR2 treatment programs. 0lients may present

    with mental health disorders, educational issues, health issues, and legal issues.

     Treatment agencies will pro"ide ser"ices to address as many client needs as

    possible. The agencies will refer the client out for ser"ices when they cannot be

    pro"ided at the agency. &ll these ser"ices will be pro"ided as substance abuse

    treatment and cannot be considered in the study.

     The &ITR2 study will pro"ide general information of the treatment eects of

    the &ITR2 system of ser"ices. =ore speci7c information on speci7c treatment

    approaches, intensity of ser"ices, and duration of ser"ices will need to be conducted

    in future studies.



    The study pro#ides important insiht reardin &ork %i!e *a%ance o! &omen emp%oyees o! Indian

     *ankin sector( "ut sti%% the study has some %imitations( 3hich &ere mentioned *e%o&(

  • 8/16/2019 Scope and Delimitations (LimitationS)


    • First o! a%% the samp%e o! the study &as %imited to *ankin orani2ations o! 4a5asthan

    on%y( And it cannot *e enera%i2e !or the &ho%e country(*eacause to some e)tent &ork %i!e

     *a%ance is a%so a!!ected *y p%ace

    • Due to the c%ose ended ,uestionnaires the respondents ha#e to *e in %imit &hi%e e)pressin their 


    • The outcome o! the study cannot *e enera%i2ed *ecause the study is on%y *ased on the

    &omen emp%oyees( And the conte)t o! &ork %i!e *a%ance &i%% *e di!!erent in case o! ma%e


    • The study is chie!%y concentrated on%y on the "ankin sectors( Hence it *ecomes di!!icu%t

    to 6ude the importance o! 3ork7%i!e *a%ance across other Industries(

    • The study is on%y *ased on pu*%ic and pri#ate *anks o! india(*ut in today8s competin

    &or%d &hen !orein *anks *ecome an important part o! o#er economy( They ha#e not

     *een inc%uded in the study(

    • For the study on%y !e& !actors ha#e *een taken to measure &ork %i!e inter!erence and

    &ork %i!e *a%ance( 3ork %i!e *a%ance is a #ast phenomenon and there are many other !actors &hich can *e considered !or the study(

    • Time !actor &as a ma5or cha%%ene( "ecause as a study &as time *ound so it *ecome

    di!!icu%t !or the researcher to co%%ect the data !rom the %arer popu%ation(

  • 8/16/2019 Scope and Delimitations (LimitationS)




    /092' 5'LI=IT&TI9#

     This study was delimited to the preparation, implementation, and

    e"aluation of a prototype drama production6based module aimed at

    impro"ing students? oral communication s)ills in 'nglish.

     There was only one drama used in the module which was #ew @or)er in

     Tondo; by =arcelino &gana. The choice of the drama was anchored on Aia?s

    1BCB"iews that a good play for language teaching is culturally loaded;

    and one that 7ts the language to the culture.

    -urthermore, the study was con7ned to getting the responses of the student6respondents and did not include teacher6respondents.

     The study in"ol"ed a class of sophomore students, thirty eight all, in the tertiary

    le"el enrolled in 9ral 0ommunication 'nglish $3 during the 7rst semester of the

    academic year DD6DD$ at the #ew 'ra +ni"ersity, Eue8on 0ity. The class was

    pic)ed by the researcher out of the two 'nglish $ classes she handled during the

    7rst semester because it was composed of students ma!oring in dierent 7elds of

  • 8/16/2019 Scope and Delimitations (LimitationS)


    business, therefore were not classmates in all their sub!ects and would ma)e e4tra

    eort to )now each other, interact, and go through the stages of drama production.


    /092' 5'LI=IT&TI9#

      9ut of 1FB second year accounting students of /aint =ary?s +ni"ersity, 1DDstudents

    were used as a sample in conducting the sur"ey.

      This study limits its co"erage on the second year accounting students only. It?smain

    purpose is to identify the common problems that they encounter and to proposepossible

    solutions regarding this problems.

      This study considers e"ery aspect of students? personal information that has animpact

    on their academic performances such as their parents educational bac)ground, their

    parents income, their gender, age and home location. 'ach of the respondents aregi"en

    same uestionnaires to answer. &nd this study focuses on the current second year

    students of the present school year, DDF6DDB.


    Scope and Delimitation

    !n general, the focus of this study is directed towards the design and

    development of an online clinic management system. "bout five small to medium sized

    medical clinics with its doctors, staff and patients are randomly selected within #ebu

    area only from $ecember %&&' to (anuary %&&). The study is largely dependent on the

    honesty, sincerity and integrity of the respondents.

  • 8/16/2019 Scope and Delimitations (LimitationS)


    !n this proposed system, records and files are computerized and stored online for 

    accessibility and portability. However, the proponents limit the online feature of the

    system to doctors and staff only. *eb+access of the patients is not included. The

    system has a secure log+in for doctors and staff. anaging appointments is also

    integrated and billing statements and official receipts are automated as well as medical

    prescriptions and medical certificates.


    /092' 5'LI=IT&TI9#

     This study examines the prospects of a nursing career at DepEd,

    particularly the relationship between the level of job satisfaction and work

    commitment among the nurses assigned at the DepEd Southern Leyte

    Division, located at Mantahan, Maasin City.

    Only the DepEd registered nurses served as the respondents of the

    study. Exempted from the study were registered nurses who performed

    administrative functions.


    Scope and Delimitation

     The study will be done in the campus of /an Guan 5e5ios 'ducational

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    -oundation Incorporated 0ollege3. This will includethree le"el III clinicalinstructors teaching #ursing 0are =anagement #0=31D1 0ommunicable5isease*/tress3 and le"el III