SCM Integration

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Transcript of SCM Integration

Supply Chain Integration: Putting Humpty-Dumpty Back Together Again1

Geoffrey G. Parker

Tulane University Freeman School of Business

New Orleans LA 70118 504.865.5472

Edward G. Anderson Jr.University of Texas

McCombs School of Business Austin TX 78712


We propose integration and learning as appropriate lenses through which to view supply chain design decisions. As background, we discuss the challenges already posed by product outsourcing, and future challenges likely to arise as design outsourcing becomes more common. We describe outsourcing traps which are decisions that improve a firm’s short-run cost position but fail to take integration issues into account and lead to a long-run cost penalty. We present supply chain design for integration, discussing key factors in building integration capability. We then describe the change in supply-chain management toward supply-chain integration, finding that as large firms disaggregate into linked chains of focused firms specializing in distinct areas, those focused firms paradoxically require more highly-skilled generalists, "supply-chain integrators," capable of coordinating product development, marketing, production, and logistics within and across organizational boundaries. Finally, we call for systematic study of integration and learning in supply chain design.

August 4, 2000

To Appear as a Chapter in the Book:

Future Directions in Supply Chain and Technology Management

This book is to be published in conjunction with the

Frank Batten Young Scholars Forum in Operations and Information Technology Management College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA

June 30-July 1, 2000

1 The authors would like to thank Tonya Boone and Ram Ganeshan for organizing the Batten Conference. We would also like to thank Mary Ann Anderson, who made numerous contributions to the intellectual content of this paper.


1 Introduction

“How do we manage the networks of suppliers we are building in order to be

competitive?” In our fieldwork on the management of supply-chains, we have heard this

question at every firm we have visited. As they have vertically disaggregated in the

product domain at an often blinding pace, these firms sense that their existing models of

supplier management are inadequate, yet they have no clear idea of what might work

better. Even as firms are still experimenting with their product supply chain decisions,

they face a new challenge: how to think about design outsourcing.

In this chapter, we suggest that a key organizing principle behind supply chain decisions

should be learning and integration. When viewed through the learning and integration

lens, we can make rational choices about what products should be made internally and

what design capabilities should be retained in-house. These decisions are intimately

related to product design choices and indeed product design and supply chain design

should be concurrent, as a number of authors have suggested (Nevins and Whitney 1989),

(Fine and Whitney 1995), (Fine 1998). However, we go beyond this earlier work to

describe when retaining integration capabilities might be particularly important.

The period from 1980-2000 saw a dramatic re-organization of industry in the United

States and much of the world toward a tiered system of industrial production, modeled

after the system Toyota developed in the 1960s and 1970s. The Toyota system has been

much-studied and is well documented in (Womack, Jones et al. 1990) and (Clark and

Fujimoto 1991) and in many other sources. Supplier firms such as Solectron and SCI

have experienced tremendous growth rates as brand-name firms have concluded that

marketing, distribution, and product design are where their talents lay. More recently,

firms have re-considered the distribution function, turning third-party logistics into an

industry with twenty percent growth rates. We suspect that the product development and

design function is the next area likely to see increasing outsourcing activity.


1.1 Design for Supply Chain Integration

A key feature of the economy for the past century has been that the wealth of

technological knowledge is increasing at an exponential rate. This has led to the

subdivision of technologists into ever-finer specialties creating management problems for

large companies that no longer are capable of monitoring and rewarding their

technologists effectively (Zenger 1994). This problem is often referred to as a

“diseconomies of scale in R&D.” However, two recent trends in the past decade, the rise

of information infrastructural capabilities and the breaking down of regional trade

barriers, have radically reduced the costs of geographic distance on knowledge

collaboration (Fine, Gilboy, and Parker 1995). Thus, we speculate that there is again a

return of R&D economies of scale, albeit for groups based on more narrow

specializations and greater geographical distribution than before. This leads, however, to

what we call the “Humpty-Dumpty” problem. Any technical design or development

work of the future is likely to incorporate many more firms than 5 years ago or even

today, each of which will have a different set of corporate cultures and beliefs. But once

technical development is broken into perhaps a dozen or more pieces, how are all the

King’s (or OEM’s) product planners going to put them back together again into a product

that satisfies customer requirements? Maintaining product coherence, let alone quality,

across the supply chain will become an ever more difficult and important proposition as

the number of supply chain members increases. Hence, in the future, one key to product

quality will be how effectively a supply chain integrates individual firms’ development

projects into a coherent whole. In this paper, we speculate on two themes. First, how

does a firm integrate all of the pieces of a “humpty-dumpty” project back into a coherent

whole? Second, as a key lever to answering the first question, exactly what sort of sizes

and parts should a firm break up the “humpty-dumpty” of a product development project

into in the first place? By examining these two questions, we hope to provide a key to

successful product development in the future.


2 Background and Motivation

2.1 Product outsourcing has happened

As noted above, outsourcing in the product domain is a well-established practice. Very

few firms remain vertically integrated, and those that do are likely to be reconsidering

their supply chain design in the near future.

At Japanese automobile firms, outsourcing became common during the 1970s (Clark and

Fujimoto 1991; Womack, et al. 1990). However, outsourcing really did not hit most U.S.

firms head-on until the beginning of the 1990s. Now, there is a tidal wave of outsourcing

as firms scrutinize their operations and keep in-house only what is core. And—as we

shall see in the HP study—the “new” outsourcing is much more radical than the

traditional Japanese keiretsu model in both its extent and continual reconfiguration. As a

result, supplier firms are surfacing in all domains and industries. Sturgeon (1997) calls

this new model of “brand-name” firm/contract-manufacturer firm partnership a “turnkey

production network” and documents its emergence in the electronics industry. For

example, it is now possible to purchase a hard-drive service in which the supplier firm

delivers a certain amount of storage (usually measured in terabytes) and performs

maintenance and backups (Parker 1999b). This relieves firms of a large asset. The hard-

drive service has been particularly popular with web-based start-up firms who want to

avoid large capital outlays but require a high level of service. A similar situation has

evolved in the shipping industry with the emergence of “third-party-” and even “fourth-

party-logistics” providers. With annual industry growth rates of twenty percent, these

firms are taking control of companies’ docks, inventory control systems, and, in some

cases, inventory itself (Alden 1999). A close look at any industry would likely reveal

similar breakups of vertically integrated organizations and the formation of firms that

provide non-core products and services (non-core to the customer firms). Our goal is to

better understand how to work with these new suppliers to ensure successful integration

of their activities into a coherent final product or service. We are also concerned with

understanding and mitigating transaction costs as non-core activities are performed by


suppliers (Williamson 1975). One key source of transaction costs, product integration, is

especially important in industries with short product or process life-cycles in which

suppliers are often changed, requirements are unclear, and the incentives to achieve

coordination have not been specifically addressed.

In answer to these problems, the Japanese keiretsu model is illuminating but insufficient.

In the paradigmatic keiretsu, the assembly firm still designs the core components that

form a product’s technological center-of-gravity (Prahalad and Hamel 1990). However,

as (Parker and Anderson 2000) learned in their study of Hewlett-Packard, some of the

new disaggregated firms seem to outsource everything except product integration. Thus,

disaggregated firms must “design” products without having any traditional design—i.e.

component—capabilities to leverage. In contrast, keiretsu assembly firms typically

outsource the design of non-core components only to suppliers with whom they have

decades-long relationships. These conditions foster an atmosphere of well-understood

mutual expectations enabling efficient and precise problem resolution (Fujimoto 1994).

However, disaggregated firms do not have the luxury to spend twenty years developing

good supplier relationships. One of the challenges firms face as they assemble a virtual

organization is how to ensure that products are specified, designed and built coherently,

even though many individual firms may be responsible for pieces of a product, and, as we

discuss in the next sub-section, the design of a product.

2.2 Design outsourcing is coming

We believe that design outsourcing is likely to increase, as firms again examine their

corporate structures for areas in which to reduce cost. The design services business is

experiencing high rates of growth as firms take advantage of design outsourcing

(Wiederhold 2000). In the past, firms have retained design in-house, arguing that this

was their core competence, as they outsourced production. However, firms are now

asking whether all of design can possibly be a core competence, and if not, then what


pieces should be sub-contracted to a supplier of design services, and what should be

retained internally.

Given that much production is outsourced, and that design outsourcing could become a

substantial trend, we now discuss some of the possible pitfalls from failing to take

integration into account.

3 Outsourcing Traps

This section draws substantially from material first developed in (Anderson and Parker

2000) and later in (Anderson and Anderson Forthcoming). As we have discussed above,

since the 1990s, there has been a tidal wave of firms outsourcing all or part of their

products and services. The two remaining domestic automakers have recently broken off

their multi-billion-dollar component businesses to focus on their core design and

assembly operations. Many personal computer manufacturers, such as Hewlett-Packard,

are farming out their notebook computer products to manufacturers in Taiwan. In the

software industry, the rise of contract software designers in the “three I’s”—India,

Ireland, and Israel—represents a prominent trend. Some firms—such as those who

outsource their logistics decisions to “fourth-party” logistics providers— have even gone

so far as to outsource the very decision of whether or not to outsource. Why are so many

companies taking this dramatic step? The benefits of this new business model include

lower parts or service costs, lower investment, and less financial risk if expected sales

volumes do not materialize. But outsourcing has hidden drawbacks that may take several

years to emerge. Ultimately, these “outsourcing traps” may actually increase a firm’s

cost structure, reduce its products’ competitiveness, or in the worst case, lead to the

emergence of new competitors.

As the vertically integrated firm of yesteryear transforms itself into the virtually

integrated supply chain of today, it evolves from a firm that produces all of its final

products’ subcomponents and services internally into a firm that buys all of its


subcomponents and services from a network —or supply chain — of independent

supplier companies. But how does it manage this transformation without falling into an

outsourcing trap? Research shows that the design of a company’s supply chain is of

decisive importance. Fine (1998) argues that supply chain design may be a business’s

most important competency and that deciding which components to make and which to

buy profoundly influences long-term corporate survival. We suggest in our research that

one key to making wise sourcing decisions is to understand the short- and long-term

trade-offs that outsourcing entails.

Although the outsourcing issue has been extensively examined in the academic literature,

most of this work has focused on topics such as the economies of scale available through

outsourcing. We are aware of few resources that examine the outsourcing issue from a

systems perspective, taking into account the intricate relationships, time delays, and

feedback processes that relying on an outside vendor sets into motion. But companies

that fail to apply this level of analysis to the decision-making process may encounter a

series of traps that could seriously undermine their competitive position.

3.1 Common Outsourcing Traps

As part of our research, we have developed a system dynamics simulation model that has

identified several circumstances in which an organization may experience short-term

gains from outsourcing followed by devastating—and unexpected—long-term

consequences. We call these “outsourcing traps.” Three of the more interesting traps


1. A firm loses its market dominance when its supplier acquires its propriety

technology and diffuses it to its competitors.

2. A firm relies too heavily on a single supplier, which weakens its ability to negotiate favorable purchase agreements.

3. A firm outsources a component to a vendor to reduce costs only to encounter

higher expenses or reduced functionality when assembling the final product.


We examine each of these dynamics in more detail below.

3.2 Making Life Easy for the Competitor (or Maybe Creating One)

One possible consequence of outsourcing is that a competitor may gain access to critical

technology through a common supplier, either directly through purchasing it, or

indirectly as the supplier’s engineers move to projects with other companies bringing the

knowledge gained from working with the original firm. If the competitor then uses the

information to duplicate or improve the original product, it may erode the first company’s

market position. The classic example of this dynamic occurred when IBM was

developing its new personal computers (PCs) in the early 1980’s. The company made

what turned out to be a fateful decision to outsource production of the PC’s

microprocessor to Intel and development of its operating system to Microsoft. Little did

IBM know that by doing so, it was opening the door for direct competitors such as

Compaq and Dell to purchase directly the two components of the PC most difficult to

duplicate (Carroll 1993). Today, IBM is only the third-largest maker in an industry that it

helped to create. Furthermore, the majority of profits in IBM’s PC business come not

from manufacturing the “box” but rather from “servicing” it by providing buyers with

maintenance and technical support. Hence, its ability to generate profits rests not on its

capability to design and manufacture products efficiently, but rather the capability to

keep these products up and running for their clients at all times. The logical progression

of this trend would be for IBM to give up producing boxes, and instead provide services

for those made by other firms.

Enterprise-wide integrated software packages such as SAP provide another example.

While they often improve operational performance for many firms, they also remove any

chance for a company to obtain a sustainable strategic advantage through advanced

information systems. Furthermore, once the information systems group of a corporation


is disbanded, a firm may lose its capability to create new technological advantages and

become utterly dependent on the supplier for innovation.

Another twist on this situation may occur as the supplier grows more efficient at making

the component and learns more about the component’s functionality. Eventually, it may

become sufficiently skilled at manufacturing the entire product to become a direct

competitor. U.S. consumer electronics firms followed this path in the 1960s and 1970s

when they outsourced production of televisions and other electronics to Japanese

suppliers (Dertouzos, Lester et al. 1989). Ultimately, as domestic suppliers failed to

develop their own capabilities, they fell further and further behind their own vendors. The

suppliers eventually began to sell products under their own names—including Sony,

Panasonic, and Mitsubishi—driving U.S. manufacturers such as Zenith and General

Electric out of business. Today’s U.S. electronics and software companies may be

repeating the same mistakes, as they increasingly outsource design activities to

international suppliers.

3.3 Held Hostage by Your Supplier

A common but subtle outsourcing trap occurs when a supplier holds a firm hostage. If a

firm—or an industry—becomes too reliant on a particular vendor or set of vendors,

power may shift to the supplier, allowing it to reap most of the profits. This dynamic is

really just an extension of the problem illustrated earlier in the example of the IBM PC.

Little did IBM know that the PC assembly industry would become primarily a

commodity business as the functionality that differentiated performance migrated from

the assembled circuit board into the purchased semiconductor chips and software. When

IBM outsourced the bulk of the PC’s intellectual property to the software and

semiconductor houses, they gave up a great deal of power in the supply chain. Intel and

Microsoft could sell to any of a number of circuit board manufacturers that could readily

duplicate IBM’s design, but IBM could only purchase Intel-compatible processors from

Intel and Windows-compatible operating systems from Microsoft. This gave Intel and


Microsoft something of a monopolist’s power and enabled them to capture the bulk of the

supply chain’s profits (Carroll 1993).

IBM tried to buck this trend by developing OS/2, its own operating system, in the late

1980s. It was arguably a better operating system than Windows, however, customers

wouldn’t buy OS/2because the majority of software applications available at the time

functioned only on Windows. Furthermore, because Windows had many more users than

OS/2, Windows customers could much more easily trade documents or software with

other users than could OS/2 customers. In the end, the OS/2 system didn’t offer enough

new features to convince users to overcome these standardization benefits (Carroll 1993).

Because of the difficulties in competing with Microsoft or Intel, many PC firms are

instead trying to expand beyond the unprofitable PC business today by following IBM’s

move into providing services to PC users, which offers more comfortable margins.

Others are giving up in another way by outsourcing as much of their production as

possible to Asian contract manufacturers with lower personnel costs.

Another possible adverse consequence to outsourcing is that a company may lose the

ability to intelligently purchase components—and the suppliers may take advantage of

this ignorance and price them at a premium. An executive at a top PC manufacturer

recently stated that his firm found completely outsourcing a product to be undesirable

(Anderson 2000). He said that, when the company first outsourced its computer

manufacturing, it could do so efficiently. However, after three years, the technology had

changed sufficiently that internal people no longer knew enough about the product to

determine whether a contract bid was sufficiently competitive—especially because they

suspected their vendors of engaging in price collusion and price gouging in certain areas.

The suppliers had the PC company in a difficult position, because they knew that the firm

could no longer make the product themselves and that they had even lost the ability to

determine the cost of the products they were buying.


The danger of falling into this trap is especially acute for companies that outsource a

component to one supplier for a long period of time. Lack of expertise within the

original company about creating the component leads to increased in-house

manufacturing costs, which makes outsourcing even more attractive. This reinforcing

dynamic can prove costly if the firm ever desires to make the part again, because as time

passes and the knowledge of how to make the component diminishes, it can become

prohibitively expensive to reverse the outsourcing decision. If the firm determines in the

future that this component is vital to the performance of the product, it may need to invest

to bring the knowledge back in-house. However, this penalty may be necessary to regain

some bargaining leverage with suppliers.

3.4 Outsourcing’s Impact on Systems Integration

A related problem to having enough information to effectively negotiate with suppliers is

the need for a firm to know enough about its components to effectively integrate them

into coherent products. As stated earlier, a common reason why a firm outsources is that

it can purchase a component from a supplier for much less than the firm can make it

itself. In (Anderson and Parker 2000), the authors develop a model of sourcing that

incorporates learning effects. We draw on this source for Figures 1-3 below.

Figure 1 below illustrates the point about the need to mind integration by showing three

cost curves: integration cost, component cost, and total cost. At time t=10, the firm

changes from internal component production to 100% component outsourcing in order to

take advantage of a supplier’s lower component cost position.

Figure 1 - OEM switches from 100% internal component production to 100% purchasing of component at t = 10


Component Costs in Dollars vs. Time






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50year

Component Make/Buy CostSystem Integration CostTotal Product Cost

At first, total product costs are lower. In fact, component acquisition costs continue to

decline in the short run because the additional manufacturing volume at the supplier will

drive its production costs even lower than they were at the time of outsourcing. However,

because internal component production has ceased, the OEM is no longer learning about

those aspects of the component that are crucial to integrating it effectively into the

product. Thus, with time, the integration knowledge stock deteriorates from obsolescence

that causes the integration cost to begin to creep upward. After about five years (for

these parameter values), the total product cost is equal to the cost before the decision to

outsource was made. After this time, increased integration costs exceed the component

cost savings, causing the total product cost to climb even more. Thus, while outsourcing

provided excellent short-run returns, it proved to have long-run drawbacks. Furthermore,

if the OEM decides to re-insource once again, it will no longer have the in-house

manufacturing experience it had at the time of the outsourcing decision, and will have to

climb the learning curve yet again before returning to the lower total product costs.

Hence, the OEM has been caught in the outsourcing trap of seductive low initial supplier

acquisition costs, and will find a return back to its prior cost levels to be quite painful.


General Motors and Ford may have fallen into this trap when they decided to spin off

their component divisions. The two new companies, Delphi and Visteon, are busily

expanding their customer base beyond their parent corporations. As they do so, the risk

of another automaker gaining access to once-proprietary technology grows. GM and

Ford’s knowledge of the components may also become obsolete, leaving them helpless to

make innovations in component performance and unable to effectively integrate

electronic components with the rest of the system.

We suspect that this was the main reason behind Toyota’s re-insourcing of electronics

components. Auto companies may be most vulnerable to potential integration cost

penalties in the area of automotive electronics, which has become the decisive factor in

advancing car comfort, safety, and performance. Toyota may be acting to avoid this trap

by bringing its automotive electronics back in-house after 45 years , even though its

supplier, Denso, is the world leader in cost and quality (Hansen Report 1994). It has

made this move just as U.S. manufacturers are divesting themselves of this same

capability. Without understanding electronics, we believe it will be more difficult to

develop a competitive automotive product than in previous years.

Figure 2 illustrates the cost hurdle that a firm must overcome if it wants to insource

components after a long period of outsourcing component production.

Figure 2 - OEM switches from 100% purchasing of components to 100% internal component production at t = 10


Component Costs in Dollars vs. Time






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50


Component Make/Buy Cost

System Integration Cost

Total Product Cost

At time t=10, a firm that was outsourcing all component production begins to

manufacture the component internally. At first, the firm’s costs increase due to higher

component costs. However, for products with high integration costs (as in this example),

integration costs could fall enough in the long run to offset the higher component cost.

In another from another industry, the second-largest software company in the world,

SAP, a German provider of enterprise-wide integrated software packages, experienced

serious implementation problems with many of its North American clients. These

software packages, often known as enterprise resource planning programs (or ERPs),

integrate all the information processing activities in a firm, from purchasing and

manufacturing, to order fulfillment and accounting. SAP ultimately traced its difficulties

to its outsourcing of implementation to third-party consultants. Because SAP didn’t

participate in the implementation process directly, the company didn’t gain knowledge to

feed back into product improvements. Many of these problems have lessened since SAP

began to join its alliance partners in actual implementation projects.

Manufacturing a component or performing a service can thus give a firm a decisive edge

in knowing how to integrate it effectively into the final product. For example, many of


Microsoft’s detractors claim that Microsoft uses its in-depth knowledge of the Windows

operating system to give it an edge over its competitors in designing the features of its

applications software. If this is true, then splitting Microsoft into an operating systems

company and an applications software company, as mandated by court order, may have a

hidden cost to the consumer. The new applications company may become less familiar

with Windows as the operating systems changes with time and their former Microsoft

employees turn over, leading it to design products that exploit Windows’ capabilities less

effectively. In a related phenomenon, (Parker and Van Alstyne 2000) have modeled the

potential benefit to consumers when firms are allowed to take advantage of products that

exhibit cross-market externalities by setting one price to zero.

3.5 Overcoming Outsourcing Traps

How does a firm overcome these outsourcing traps? One way is to avoid outsourcing

altogether. This approach may be necessary for firms concerned about the leakage of

proprietary knowledge through a supplier. If the company still wants to pursue

outsourcing, it may need to have vendors sign binding nondisclosure agreements.

However, even the best of these will only slow, not stop, the diffusion of knowledge.

Personnel cannot be permanently kept from transferring between projects from different

clients. And, even if transfers could be stopped, as long as the supplier is reaping some

benefit from selling to more than one customer, there will necessarily be some

information leakage between the groups supplying each customer. On the other hand,

complete insourcing may not be an option. Making components in-house will avoid the

supplier-hostage and systems-integration traps; however, it can also put a firm at a

serious competitive disadvantage by raising the cost of acquiring components or services.

There is at least one possible way to avoid this dilemma and obtain both the low

component cost of outsourcing and the low risks and integration costs of insourcing. In

many instances, by making just a small percentage of the component (or one of a number

of similar components) in-house, a firm can reduce the average cost to make or buy a


component while maintaining adequate knowledge to keep many outsourcing risks and

integration penalties under control. A similar strategy can be pursued when outsourcing

services. The success of this strategy depends on a number of variables, but clearly of the

utmost importance are the fixed costs associated with the component or service. If high

fixed costs need to be duplicated at both the firm and its suppliers, then pursuing this

partial outsourcing strategy may not be feasible. Figure 3 demonstrates the partial

outsourcing strategy. In this figure, only total costs are plotted for three different

strategies: total component outsourcing, total component insourcing, and 90% component


Figure 3 - OEM maintains 100% internal component production or switches to 90% or 100% purchasing of component at t = 10

Total Product Cost in Dollars vs. Time






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50year

No Outsourcing90% OutsourcingComplete Outsourcing

For these parameter values, a firm that pursues total component outsourcing gets into an

outsourcing trap, as described above. However, the firm that pursues 90% outsourcing

gains most of the benefit of lower component costs while keeping integration costs low

enough to gain a total cost advantage.

This is essentially the policy we suspect that Toyota has pursued with Denso. It is

probable that Toyota can never produce electronics control systems more cheaply than


Denso. So it lets Denso produce most of them; thus keeping average parts costs down.

However, by designing and manufacturing some electronics in-house, Toyota can gain

enough knowledge to utilize the full potential inherent in electronics control systems

when designing new automobiles. It also helps prevent a “Denso inside” strategy

paralleling Intel’s branding of the personal computer industry. A similar strategy can be

pursued when outsourcing services. Franchisors that maintain company-owned stores are

classic examples of using partial outsourcing to give “a firm direct knowledge of

operations issues and allows it to test and implement marketing strategies franchisees

may not be able to do at their stores” (Tikoo 1996). For example, in 1988 Dunkin’

Donuts operated only 2% of its 1500 locations itself. However, it specifically used its

company-operated sites to pilot all of its new distribution and marketing programs before

asking franchisees to adopt them (Kauffmann 1988). Hence, partial outsourcing is a

powerful tool in many economic endeavors to gain outsourcing cost benefits while

maintaining insourcing’s innovation and integration benefits.

The success of the partial outsourcing strategy depends on a number of variables

including economies of scale, the pace of technological change, and the modularity of

components. But most important are the fixed costs associated with the component or

service. If high fixed costs need to be duplicated at both the firm and its suppliers, then

pursuing this partial outsourcing strategy may not be feasible. For example silicon wafer

fabs, which make semiconductor chips, cost several billion dollars and are unsuitable for

low-volume production. Unless a semiconductor company has a tremendous number of

components, partial outsourcing in this industry is unlikely to be cost-effective. On the

other hand, in the software design industry, the majority of fixed costs, such as providing

high-end computers and internet access, are accrued per programmer. Hence,

maintaining a small fraction of programming activities in-house is unlikely to duplicate

fixed costs at the supplier.

There are other possible solutions to the outsourcing dilemma as well. For example, a

firm can lower its integration costs by hiring and training people with certain specific


systems-integration skills, such as systems engineering. If employees can carefully design

a product so that its component interfaces are well defined and well understood, then

many thorny integration problems may be avoided. For example, products that are

designed to use “snap-in” components are usually much easier to assemble into a final

product than those requiring parts to be screwed into place. Hewlett-Packard has pursued

this approach in tandem with increased outsourcing over the past five years. HP’s

notebook division has seen a tenfold increase in its revenue and a significant

improvement in profitability since it began outsourcing production of its notebook

computers in 1997 (Parker and Anderson 2000). In Section 5, we discuss the human

resource strategy of employing supply chain integrators whose job is to work to ensure

product and service integrity.

3.6 Could the IBM PC’s Fate Have Been Avoided?

This section looked at just a few of the difficulties that can result from a decision to

outsource. The outsourcing traps highlight how a seemingly simple decision to have a

vendor produce a component or service can have devastating effects on a company’s

future well-being. By examining the dynamics behind outsourcing, companies can

identify potential traps and make better decisions about outsourcing than they might have


By building the concept of integration into dynamic models, we can look beyond the

short-term benefits achieved by outsourcing and analyze the long-term consequences,

including what effects these decisions may have on future economic and market

positions. We can be almost certain that IBM’s management did not envision the future

that it created when it chose to farm out its microprocessor to Intel and its operating

system to Microsoft. Perhaps the fate of IBM in the personal computing market and the

structure of the entire industry would have been different if they could have used the

tools that system dynamics and systems thinking offer.


In the next section, we consider issues of supplier relationships that affect a supplier’s

willingness to invest in the firm-specific technologies necessary to pursue high-

performance integrated product design strategies.

4 Supply Chain Design for Integration-Contracting Issues

This section draws substantially from material originally presented in (Parker 1998). As

firms work to design their supply chains, they must build relationships with providers of

goods, technology, and skills, both within and outside company boundaries. In this work,

think of a supply chain as a chain of skills or capabilities superimposed on a chain of

organizations (Fine 1996, 1998). This section focuses on skill development, taking as

given that the types and strengths of capabilities in the chain are key determinants of

supply chain performance.

The question for firms is how to contract for a coherent sequence of projects that satisfies

the need to compete successfully in today’s marketplace and builds a set of desired

capabilities to enable competition in tomorrow’s marketplace. Supplier capabilities do

not remain static over time, but instead constantly evolve as unused capabilities shrink

and new capabilities are created (Leonard-Barton 1992). Contracting firms must take

into account that suppliers will evaluate business opportunities in part by assessing how

projects will improve market opportunities outside the existing relationship. The tension

is that buyer firms may prefer projects that add little value to a supplier's outside

opportunities, but create substantial value within the firm/supplier relationship. The work

presented in this section attempts to establish some of the building blocks for

understanding the strategic implications of projects between customers and suppliers that

involve learning.


4.1 Key factors in building integration-enabling capabilities

The negotiation between firms and suppliers over which projects to undertake and how to

distribute rewards takes place in a complex setting that includes but is not limited to the


Firm technology

A major factor that both parties will take into account is the type of technology employed

by the firm with which the supplier (firm or individual) must integrate in order to produce

the desired output. If the firm employs very specialized technologies, the supplier (if it

hasn’t already) will have to acquire the ability to work with this technology. To the

extent that the technology is unique, the supplier cannot use the capabilities with other

firms, and suppliers will take this into account before agreeing to develop the capability.

Suppliers might fear that they will be locked in to a specific technology and that once

locked in, they might lose negotiating leverage with the customer firm. Conversely, a

firm that pursues specialized designs with high integration requirements might fear

supplier hold-up as described in Section 4.

Rate of technological change

The rate of technological change is a factor that affects the willingness of suppliers to

adopt unique capabilities. For example, suppliers to a coal-fired electric generating plant

can be confident that the capabilities they develop will likely be useful over the (thirty-to-

forty-year) lifetime of the plant. However, the capabilities of suppliers to a consumer

electronics firm may obsolesce in a very short time period of years to months. Planning

to make capability investments in a rapidly changing environment requires the parties to

make the additional calculation of how long the capability is expected to be relevant. The

terminology “slow clockspeed” and “fast clockspeed” is used to describe industries that

are innovating slowly versus those which are innovating rapidly (Fine, 1998).



We assume that supply chain partners act in their own self-interest. That is, suppliers

cannot be compelled to undertake projects that are not in their interest. It is assumed that

suppliers always have the option to make (potentially unobserved) capability investments

in more general technologies if the customer firm does not offer a sufficiently broad set

of project choices. Firms must therefore offer incentives to suppliers if they wish

suppliers to risk getting locked in to highly unique technologies.

4.2 Supply chain design matters: IBM example

As noted in the section above on outsourcing traps, IBM’s supply chain design decision

for the personal computer product line launched in the early 1980s provides an example

of the importance of the supplier decisions companies make early in product

introductions. At the time, no one had a believable prediction for how large the market

for personal computers was going to become. “Heavy Iron,” the large mainframe

computers upon which IBM was built remained supreme.

Supply chain decision allowed quick entry

IBM tasked Microsoft with the development of the operating system and assigned

microprocessor production to Intel. This division of responsibility allowed IBM to gain

quick access to the market. The product design and distribution activities carried out by

IBM provided the most value added early in the industry life-cycle. However, as other

competitors entered the market over time, product designs became standardized and

additional distribution channels were developed. IBM was no longer able to earn

substantial profits on the basis of these activities.


Supply chain partners appropriate the profit

Fast forward to 2000 and the environment is far different. Both Microsoft and Intel are

among the world’s most valuable companies, as measured by market capitalization. As

discussed earlier, the design and sale of personal computer boxes became a commodity

business, while the majority of industry profit is made further up the supply chain in

microprocessors and operating systems; a recent report said that Intel and Microsoft

together earn fully half of the total profits earned in the personal computer industry.2

Other firms learned to use Intel/Microsoft output.

Early in the personal computer industry life-cycle, there was a very limited market for

Intel and Microsoft output, so IBM could appropriate industry profits. However, other

firms developed the capability to manufacture PCs using Intel and Microsoft output. In

this way, the capabilities developed by Intel and Microsoft became general to the industry

instead of specific to IBM.

Could IBM have done anything differently when it was designing the supply system for

the personal computer to capture more of the value created by the capabilities developed

along the supply chain? Was there a way of thinking about the supply chain and how the

locus of relative value could shift, which might have led IBM to make different decisions

about control over personal computer components? Should (could?) IBM have attempted

to bind supply chain members to technologies controlled by IBM as opposed to opening

the architecture for component by component competition (see Farrell, Monroe et al.

(1998))? It is unlikely that the industry would have grown nearly so rapidly if IBM had

adopted a closed architecture (as Apple did), forcing Intel and Microsoft to remain

captive suppliers. So, any answers to the questions above must take into account the

desire to create a large and growing market, while at the same time attempting to earn

profits from participating in this market.


4.3 Supplier Incentive Designs

Parker (1998) developed models of capability development for suppliers under different

sharing regimes. The general problem being considered was how to provide incentives

for suppliers to develop highly specific technologies while reducing the hold-up problems

discussed in (Williamson 1975) and many follow-on studies.

Figure 4 – Output and payments for two technologies

yt |Proprietary technology

yt | General technology

rt | General Capability

rt | Proprietary Capability


Output, Payments

In the figure above, there are two output (yt) curves, and two reservation payment (rt)

curves are shown for two technology and capability emphases, general and proprietary.

In this example, the firm’s proprietary technology joined with a supplier that has invested

it creates more output than a general technology. Conversely, when the supplier invests

in general capabilities, other firms place a higher valuation on the supplier’s capabilities

than if it invests in more firm-specific capabilities. This means that the distance between

output and reservation wages in the proprietary case is larger than the distance between

output and reservation wages in the general case. If the purchasing firm chooses to share

none of this distance, then a rational supplier firm will act only to raise it own reservation

payments, but not to improve output and would therefore choose to invest only in general

capabilities. Such capabilities would be unlikely to lead to successful joint buyer-

supplier product development efforts if the design is for a highly integrated product.

Parker (1998) models how much a buying firm must employ profit-sharing in order to

induce suppliers to invest in proprietary technologies. In survey results from technical

professionals, Parker finds that firms that employ highly-sought-after technologies must


offer substantially higher sharing contracts than those (such as space flight systems) that

employ technologies of relatively little value elsewhere.

This example leads us to consider the issue of how to train and reward people for supply

chain integration roles.

5 Human Resource Issues – Supply Chain Integrators

This section draws heavily from (Parker and Anderson 2000). Our story about the new

role of the supply-chain integrator is developed from four sources. (1) We drew upon a

substantial set of background interviews through our participation in a research project

with Professor Charles Fine and Dr. Daniel Whitney of the Massachusetts Institute of

Technology, during which we visited many firms (including the Chrysler Corporation

[now Daimler-Chrysler], the Ford Motor Company, General Motors, Cincinnati

Milacron, Bihler USA, Detroit Center Tool, Progressive Tool, Giddings and Lewis,

Leblond-Makino, NipponDenso [now Denso], Toyota, Applied Materials, Intel, and

others) over the period 1993 to 1996. These visits were part of the supporting research

for an investigation of the development of corporate technology supply-chains (Whitney

1993; Fine and Whitney 1995; Fine 1998). (2) In 1997 and 1998, we were introduced to

the changing role of the supply-chain manager through a series of 19 open-ended

interviews at Hewlett-Packard. Between October and December 1999, we followed up

with five additional interviews at Hewlett-Packard. We augmented this knowledge base

with interviews at BridgePoint (a semiconductor firm), an automotive firm, and an office

of the Department of Defense. (3) We made use of articles from the popular business

press to delineate a contrast between industry practice in the early 1980s and today, and

to add further support to our case study information. (4) Finally, we utilized our own

experience as engineers and project managers at General Motors (Anderson 1985-1987),

Ford Motor Company (Anderson 1988-1993), and General Electric (Parker 1985-1990).

We turned to our former industrial colleagues in these three firms to help clarify issues

we observed in our case and archival data.


From these information sources, we have come to believe that there is a job, the supply-

chain integrator, that has become critical to the vertically-disaggregated firm’s success

and growth. This new job differs radically from those found in traditional supply-

management organizations, which have focused primarily on issues of cost, delivery, and

inventory control. In the era of large, vertically integrated firms purchasing well-

specified components, these issues were of paramount importance. As we have argued

above, firms have been disaggregating their operations as they cease to perform non-core

activities in-house (Fung and Magretta 1998), (Scouras 1996). More and more, firms are

purchasing sub-assemblies for final assembly into complete products to be shipped to

customers, leaving detailed engineering and design work to the suppliers. In order to

successfully manage this new “virtually-integrated” supply base, some firms have created

the position of supply-chain integrator. A number of former mid-level managers, many

of whom may have been victims of corporate downsizing only two years ago, have found

a new career as individual contributors managing the interaction of supplier firms. Even

as firms are reducing head-count and becoming more focused, the people responsible for

direct interaction with the suppliers are finding their jobs to be richer and more complex

than ever before.

So, how does a disaggregated firm stitch together its suppliers into one virtually-

integrated firm? One partial answer to the issue may be to employ supply-chain

integrators on both sides of a customer/supplier relationship. By providing the necessary

translation, coordination, and negotiation between supply-chain members, these highly-

skilled integrators act as the glue to bind together the virtually-integrated firm into a

coherent, effective reality. But how does a firm employ them, what skills do these people

need, and how does a disaggregated firm find the people possessing them?

Based on case studies presented in (Parker and Anderson 2000), we develop a list of

desirable supply-chain integrator capabilities. We note that in many cases firms are using


veteran employees who learned their skills in large, vertically-integrated manufacturing


We suggest that the supply-chain integrator’s primary purpose is to translate knowledge

and mediate requirements across the supply-chain to maintain product integrity. In our

case studies, two main themes emerge. From the notebook case described earlier we see

one firm emphasizing people-skills and managerial competence (Parker and Anderson

1999). We needed a whole new group of people. [These new supply-chain managers] need people-management skills, such as objectives setting and planning and exploiting people’s strengths and setting up plans to improve their weaknesses. The supply-chain managers also need negotiation skills. Half of the people…were managers [in their former positions]. Third party partners [in Taiwan] are more complicated to manage than HP people. They are 16 hours ahead of us. It’s a lot like having first-shift supervisors managing second shift people. Being really good at setting plans and objectives is more crucial. It’s a better more interesting problem. You need to be a better manager than before. Contingency plans need to be set in place. They’re forced not to micromanage. They need to know information technology systems and how they fit together. This is needed to stitch together the systems at HP and the suppliers. They need a cursory understanding of what tools are out there and what’s available. It’s also clearly helpful if they understand logistics, but maybe more emphasis is necessary on the people side.

In contrast, one domestic automotive firm has stressed a technological solution to the

problem of managing the supplier base. This firm is emphasizing systems engineering

skills—the ability to make technical trade-offs. A manager at the firm said the following

(Anderson and Parker 1999a): Our strategy is to leverage systems engineering capability. We’ve won awards for integration…but it’s in pockets. What are our core competencies? What do we need to do to develop people? We’re trying to manage complexity. Systems engineering tools look like the best for the job. We’re not wedded to [them]; if a better methodology comes along, we’ll adopt it.

One explanation for the difference in the two approaches is that automobiles are vastly

more complex products than notebook computers. Indeed, the instrument panels in some


higher-end automobiles incorporate specialized laptop-type computers as subsystems to

provide navigation and other information services to drivers and passengers. Despite the

emphasis on systems engineering at one automobile firm, we believe that this firm

requires at least the same skills in its supply-chain integration function as the notebook

computer firm. Combining these approaches, we develop a set of skills for the supply-

chain integration role. This set includes:

1. Product development, including system decomposition and interface specification as well as project management. This also includes that portion of marketing science required to translate customer requirements faithfully into a product concept and maintaining its integrity over time (see Iansiti and Clark, 1994 for a fuller description of product integrity).

2. The “soft” people skills necessary to mediate and resolve conflicts successfully.

3. The ability to evaluate business decisions on a cost and strategic basis.

4. The ability to make trade-offs at the sub-system level to improve system level

performance. 5. Operations management, particularly logistics and process analysis.

6. A good working knowledge of information technology capabilities.

Several comments are necessary on the list above. The integrator clearly must

understand product development, including system decomposition and the translation of

customer needs into product requirements. This is, of course, true for any firm.

However, the disaggregated supply chain makes special demands. One is the multiplicity

of firm world-views, expectations, and assumptions. In this mixed and ambiguous

milieu, a clear articulation of product vision is of the utmost importance in aligning firms

to a common purpose. Also crucial is decomposing a product to minimize potential inter-

firm design problems because, as we will discuss shortly, resolving problems across firm

boundaries is extremely difficult. Thus, a deep understanding of product design is

necessary to clearly delineate the “virtually-integrated” firm’s target, define a path

towards it, and removing as many obstacles as possible along the way.


But, inevitably such obstacles will arise. Thus, the integrator must also be a skilled

practitioner of “soft” people skills. This requirement may appear unimportant if there is

only one integrator purchasing all of a project’s outsourced goods and services.

However, as demonstrated in the case of the semiconductor manufacturing chain, the

supply-chain integrator may not reside in the same company that purchases the final

product. Thus, at that firm, there is automatically a complex relationship cutting across

two organizational boundaries (chip supplier � testing, packaging, and integration �

customer firm � end customer). And even if only one integrator is purchasing the

services, the buyer’s coercive power is essentially restricted to threatening withdrawal of

business from the supplier. While such power can be effective, it is also crude and likely

to work only in stable environments with well-known requirements and multiple potential

replacements for the affected supplier. Something else must replace the fine-grained

coercive power of a product manager in an integrated firm with organizational

connections to supplier engineers. What is necessary, then, are the skills of persuasion

and mediation. When requirements are not all that clear and product life-cycles short, the

integrator’s goal is to tease out the joint solutions with the supplier firms in order to

faithfully maintain the original product vision. This suggests that the relationship with

suppliers is not a zero-sum game with players negotiating over a fixed-size reward, but

instead an effort to create the highest joint reward. An integrator’s ability to engender

mutual trust with suppliers is critical to facilitating this type of joint problem-solving

(Currall and Judge 1995), (Zaheer, McEvily et al. 1998). It also suggests how necessary

it is for the integrator to translate imperfect requirements from the technical and

institutional context in one firm to another. For without such inter-firm translation,

miscommunications will lead inevitably to either inter-firm conflict or a sub-optimal

product (Nonaka 1991). Hence, translation as well as mediation and negotiation are the

primary tools with which the supply-chain integrator must organize the supply-chain.

The complementary abilities to evaluate business cases and system trade-offs are

necessary to guide the integrator in solving the inevitable product development and

sourcing problems in such a way as to maximize customer value and firm profit.


Integrators need not know how to evaluate all the problems themselves; knowing all the

possible technological ramifications of every possible problem as well as being expert in

project management and soft people skills would require a superhuman. The solution

favored by many is to hire specialized technical experts to advise front-line integrators

when they must handle especially challenging technical problems. For instance, HP’s

notebook division employs several such troubleshooters with deep technical expertise in

miniaturization. According to a manager in the notebook division, most of these experts

“were small hardware designers at HP for a long time. People who designed calculators

in the 70s and palmtops” (Parker and Anderson 1999). The Department of Defense

employs companies such as Aerospace Corporation to fill a similar role by providing

Ph.D. experts in fields such as load dynamics to provide technical evaluation support for

their project managers on an as-needed basis (Anderson and Parker 1999b). Thus, while

it is imperative that integrators have the general skills of an MBA and systems engineer,

they need not know all the technical fields with which they interact in depth.

The integrator must also understand the core concepts of operations management such as

process analysis quite well. For the more esoteric aspects of specific areas such as

logistics, they can request technical assistance from an operations research group.

Without a good understanding of the possibilities inherent in operations management,

however, they will not know what questions to ask suppliers or which possible solutions

to evaluate. Finally, a basic knowledge of the possibilities inherent in modern

information technology is also necessary to the integrator. This may surprise the reader

(as it did the authors!). Increasingly, however, the requirement for a basic knowledge of

information technology appears to be true not only for supply-chain integrators, but for

operations managers in general. Sturgeon (1997) noted that “electronics firms are using

information technology to communicate across the firm boundary….” One of the authors

(Anderson) supervised five MBA operations group-internship projects (at four separate

firms) in the 1999-2000 academic year. Each project required a significant information

technology component; this prevalence was not true even two years ago. Again, the

actual information technology applications can be developed by specialists, but a


knowledge of what supply chain strategies information technology can and cannot enable

is essential.

The care and feeding of supply chain integrators

Having defined the skill set necessary for supply-chain integrators, we must address how

to develop and maintain them. Parker and Anderson (2000) discusses some possible

options to formally educate supply-chain integrators. However, for the foreseeable

future, firms will obtain integrators in one of two ways. The first method described by

firms such as Hewlett-Packard that are currently building integration capabilities is to

hire older engineers and managers who have held multiple positions in product design

and manufacturing over ten to twenty years. While this is a quick and efficient method, it

may become less viable as the vertically integrated firms which created these veterans in

the first place disaggregate. The other option available to firms is to create integrators

through internal training. This training will necessarily be demanding and lengthy,

including in all likelihood both a period of formal training and a following period of on-

the-job learning. Once firms obtain a number of experienced integrators, they may be

able to reduce this training period by mentoring less-experienced colleagues. However,

even with a veteran core of experience integrators, managing these sorts of in-house

training programs is quite difficult because of the dynamic trade-offs involved,

particularly if there is market growth (Anderson 2000) or cyclicality (Anderson 1999).

For example, during upswings in demand, should integrators best spend their time

integrating new products or training new integrators? During downswings, should

integrators be fired knowing that they will be difficult to replace during the next

upswing? Anderson, Fine, and Parker (forthcoming) explore similar issues in skill

retention issues in the machine tool industry in the face of industry cyclicality. Further,

all of these problems are exacerbated when planning policies for product design staffs

must be integrated across a supply chain (Anderson and Morrice 2000). The results of all

these papers suggest that such programs and people must be treated as expensive, long-

term investment programs. Many firms may be naturally reluctant to bear the costs of

such training programs. As discussed earlier, however, the ability to effectively integrate


supply-chains is becoming increasingly more critical, makes the expense of setting up

such training programs unavoidable. And given the lead time required to build up this

capability, the earlier that firms begin to develop this capability, the sooner they will be

able to exploit their new disaggregated business models most effectively.

6 Conclusion

We have argued that designing supply chains with an eye toward managing learning and

integration along the supply chain will provide substantial advantage to firms that can

manage these difficult tasks well. As motivation, we note that product outsourcing has

led to a number of challenges for managers. As firms have disaggregated their supply

chains to take advantage of cost savings offered by supplier organizations, firms become

susceptible to the “humpty dumpty” problem. They must somehow ensure that products

remain tightly integrated even though their design is broken up into a dozen pieces or

more. One response, as described above, is to design products that have well-defined

sub-systems (modular architecture) and hence need little integration. Another response is

to hire special integrators whose job it is to ensure product integrity over a disaggregated

supply chain. The need for such personnel is likely to increase if firms begin to

outsource substantial portions of their product design. However, creating such a

workforce may be initially quite problematic.

There are other downsides to the vertically integrated firm. In particular, there are many

outsourcing traps that snare firms in low quality, high-cost product solutions. What

makes outsourcing traps difficult for firms to avoid is that near-term decisions that offer

component cost savings are the very decisions that, in the long run, can increase

integration costs, and possibly increase total product cost. Finally, there are substantial

contracting issues that firms must confront if they wish to develop proprietary

technologies jointly with their suppliers.


We firmly believe that integration will become the key issue for firms as they design their

physical and technology supply chains in the future. Because there is little literature

examining how learning, integration, and outsourcing mutually interact, we call for a

systematic study of their relationship to improve supply chain design. This study can

teach us how to fully exploit the advantages of product and design outsourcing without

suffering the possibly devastating consequences of poor outsourcing decisions.


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