Science reviewer for biology and physical sciences let examiness

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Transcript of Science reviewer for biology and physical sciences let examiness

SCIENCE REVIEWER(covers the basics on all field of sciences except social sci.)

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What is the sun?-Star-

What is the hottest planet in the solar system?-Venus-

What planet is closest to the sun?-Mercury-

What is the mutual attraction between all masses in the universe called?-Gravity-

What is the earth's primary source of energy?-Sun-

What is the biggest planet in our solar system?-Jupiter-

What is the biggest organ in the human body?-Skin-

What galaxy is the earth located in?-Milky Way-

What is the first name of the scientist who gave us Newton's Laws of Motion?-Issac-

How many lobes does a human brain have?-4-

What is the largest muscle in the human body?-Gluteus Maximus-

Which of these is the largest bone in the human bod y?-Femur-

How many lungs are in a human body?-2-

What lives in a Formicarium?-Ants-

Who said "nature abhors a vacuum?"-Galileo-

How many atoms are there in a molecule of water?-3-

How many wisdom teeth does the average adult have?-4-

How many millimeters are there in one inch?-25.4-

What is removed during an appendectomy?-Appendix-

What is classified by the A B O system?-Blood-


What is the chemical symbol for chromium?-Cr-

What does a joule unit measure?-Energy-

According to Newton, mass times acceleration is equ al to what?-Force-

What does a hertz unit measure?-Frequency-

If you had rubella what would you have caught?-German measles-

Which will not rust?-Gold-

Alopecia describes a person with a lack of what?-Hair-

Where in the body is the patella?-Knee-

What is the chemical symbol for sodium?-Na-

Which is the most common gas in the atmosphere?-Nitrogen-

What is the most common blood type in humans?-O-

What is not a primary color?-Orange-

What do botanists study?-Plants-

K is the chemical symbol for which element?-Potassium-

What plant does the Colorado beetle attack?-Potato-

What does a pascal unit measure?-Pressure-

Which plant gives absynthe its hallucinogenic prope rties?-wormwood-

Which temperature has the same value in degrees in both Celsius and Fahrenheit?--40-

How many moons does Venus have?-0-

How many moons does Saturn have?-62-

About how many miles must one walk in order to burn off a pound of fat?-34-


How many elements from the periodic table occur nat urally on earth?-94-

How many liters are there in a barrel of oil?-159-

What are lanthanides?-A block of elements in the periodic table-

What can you see with Kirlian photography?-Aura-

What is an Ishihara test used for?-Blindness-

Which element is present in all organic compounds?-Carbon-

What makes up 99.9% of the universe?-Dark energy-

Where in your body would you find the rods and cone s?-Eyes-

Ir is the chemical symbol for which element?-Iridium-

Mg is the chemical symbol for which element?-Magnesium-

Mn is the chemical symbol for which element?-Manganese-

What is the scientific name for laughing gas?-Nitrous oxide-

What does a becquerel unit measure?-Radioactivity-

The common cold is what kind of virus?-Rhino-

What is the chemical symbol for antimony?-Sb-

Which of the following is a theory in physics?-Schrodinger's Cat-

What does an OLF unit measure?-Smell-

What is the chemical symbol for tin?-Sn-

On the Mohs scale, the hardest substance is diamond . What is the softest?-Talcum powder-

What is the chemical symbol for titanium?-Ti-

W is the chemical symbol for which element?-Tungsten-


Which planet in the solar system is closest in size to Earth?-Venus-

Which plant gives absinthe its hallucinogenic prope rties?-wormwood-

What kind of star is our sun?-Yellow Dwarf-

How many inches to a cubit?-18-

How many cubic feet are there in three cubic yards?-81-

How many years is 1,000,000 hours?-114-

In which year was the first black tulip cultivated?-1986-

How many hairs does the average human head have?-100,000-

What was the highest ever-recorded temperature in t he Libyan desert?-136 degrees Fahrenheit-

What is the speed of light?-186,272 miles per second (299,775,726 KM-

How long does the light from the sun take to reach the earth?-8.5 minutes-

What is the most common blood group in Europe?-A +-

Which of these elements is the heaviest?-Caesium-

How many earths would fit inside the sun?-about 1,000,000-

Hypermetropic people are what?-Far sighted-

Which planet has the tallest mountain?-Mars-

What does the medical term dolent mean?-Pain-

Which planet has the most eccentric orbit?-Pluto-

Which planet has the most moons?-Saturn-

Somatology is the study of what?-The body-

A baby has 270 bones. How many bones does an adult have?-206-


A fetus acquires fingerprints at what age?-three months-

About how many pints of blood are in the human body ?-8 (3.79 L)-

Bananas contain the natural chemical serotonin. How does it make a person feel?-happy-

Genetic information is transferred from parent to d aughter cells through what?-nucleus-

How many chambers is the heart divided into?-4-

How many chromosomes are in the human gene?-46-

How many joints are in the human body?-230-

How many pairs of chromosomes are in a human cell?-23-

How many pairs of cranial nerves are there?-12-

How much does the average human brain weigh?-1,400 grams-

If you take a class in Mycology, what are you study ing?-fungi-

In what part of the body are the Betz cells found?-brain-

Motor nerves carry nerve impulses to the muscles fr om what?-the senses-

Sensory nerves carry nerve impulses from the senses to what?-brain-

The death of an entire species is called what?-Extinction-

The first patent for a tree was issued in 1932. Wha t kind of tree was it?-a peach tree-

The PH value of human blood is?-7.4-

What absorbs most of the water in the alimentary tr act?-the large intestine-

What are leukocytes?-white blood cells-

What are the oldest, most widely cultivated and use d nuts in the world?-almonds-

What bone is located in the collar region?-Clavicle-


What bone is located in the upper jaw?-Maxilla-

What cell component is commonly used for personal i dentification?-DNA-

What disease causes rapid and uncontrolled growth o f abnormal cells?-Cancer-

What disease causes yellowing of the eyes, skin and urine?-Jaundice-

What do animal cells NOT contain?-cell walls-

What filters the blood to excrete harmful substance s in the form of urine?-Kidneys-

What helps keep the human body cool?-Perspiration-

What is 70% of the human body made of?-water-

What is a fertilized human egg initially called?-zygote-

What is a single piece of coiled DNA called?-Chromosome-

What is Botany the study of?-Plants-

What is glucose?-monosaccharide -

What is the cell membrane made of?-phospholipids-

What is the correct name for the nerve cell?-the neuron-

What is the fastest-growing plant?-Bamboo-

What is the green color in plants named?-Chlorophyll-

What is the largest and longest bone in the human b ody?-the femur-

What is the largest artery in the body?-Aorta-

What is the largest organ in the human body?-skin-

What is the most common element in the human body?-Oxygen-

What is the most common human blood type?-O Positive-


What is the movement of organisms away from sunligh t known as?-Negative phototaxis-

What is the nerve from the eye to the brain?-optic-

What is the periderm of a plant also known as?-the bark-

What is the rarest blood group?-AB Negative-

What is the scientific term for the production of l ight by living organisms?-Bioluminescence-

What is the smallest bone in the body?-stirrup-

What is the structure of the hindbrain?-Pons-

What kind of plant is a mango?-flowering-

What metal is present in chlorophyll?-Magnesium-

What metal is present in hemoglobin?-Iron-

What method is used to kill the bacteria in milk ? -Pasteurization-

What part of the body produces bile?-liver-

What part of the eye adjusts to focus more clearly?-the lens-

What part of the human body cleans up to 50 gallons of blood every day?-the kidneys-

What part of the human brain does alcohol affect?-Cerebellum-

What prevents the entry of food into respiratory pa ssages?-Epiglottis-

What scientist created the first recombinant DNA mo lecules?-Paul Berg-

What scientist showed that genetic material is a he at stable chemical?-Franklin Griffith-

What type of proteins are collagen (fibre in bone a nd ttendon and other connective tissues) and elastin (elastic tissues)?

-structural proteins-

What type of tree bark is used to make Quinine(mala ria theraphy)?-Cinchona-

What was the first genetically engineered organism?



What was the first animal to be successfully cloned ?-Sheep-

Where are fats, carbohydrates and proteins digested ?-the small intestine-

Where are villi not found?-in the colon-

Where in the heart does the aorta originate from?-left ventricle-

Where is the tympanic membrane found?-Ear-

Where on the human body is the thickest skin locate d?-Palms or Soles-

Which blood group is known as the 'Universal Donor' ?-Group O-

Which blood group is known as the 'Universal Recipi ent' ?-Group AB-

Which of these diseases is airborne?-Bronchitis-

Arthritis Malaria Lung Cancer

Which of these is a naked-seeded plant?-a sunflower-

a cedar tree a guava a maple tree

Which organ is the spleen located behind?-the stomach-

Which organism is helpful in making the soil fertil e ? -Earthworm-

Which part of the respiratory tract is also known a s the voice box?-Larynx-

Pharnyx (passage of food)

Who discovered Penicillin ?-Alexander Fleming-

Who discovered the bacteria that causes Anthrax?-Robert Koch-

Who discovered the vaccine for smallpox? -Edward Jenner-

Who has more bones?-a baby (270)-

Who has the longest recorded life span?-Freshwater Oyster-


Who introduced sterilization of surgical instrument s ?-Joseph Lister-

Chronic infection with hepatitis C virus will lead to what?-Liver cirrhosis-

In the human body, the optic nerve sends signals fr om the eye to what?-Brain-

In which process do plants bend toward light?-phototropism-

Scurvy is caused by a deficiency of what?-Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)-

The cells of human males have what two chromosomes?-One X and One Y-

What is a more scientific term for "high blood pres sure"?-hypertension-

What is a prokaryotic cell missing?-nucleus-

What is the pituitary gland attached to?-Brain-

What molecule in the blood carries oxygen?-Hemoglobin-

What part of the human body shares its name with th at of a punctuation mark?-Colon-

Where in the human body would you find your Adam's Apple?-Neck-

Where is a human's appendix located?-right side-

Where is undigested food stored?-large intestine-

Which joint is most commonly affected by the first attack of gout?-big toe-

Which term means "weakening of the bones"?-osteoperosis-

Which is longer: the large or small intestine?-small-

What name is given to the clear layer at the front of the eye?-cornea-

How many electrons are in a Hydrogen atom?-1-

If an atom has 13 electrons, how many shells will h ave electrons?-3 (spdf)-

What is an example of a crystal lattice?-Diamond-


What is the symbol that stands for the speed of lig ht in a vacuum?-c-

How many states of matter are there?-5 (solid,liquid,gas,plasma)-

What term is used to describe the phase change of a liquid to a gas?-boiling-

What is the most common solvent on Earth?-water-

What forces keep molecules together when the surrou nding energy drops?-Attraction-

What element is #1 on the periodic table of element s?-Hydrogen-

Which of these is an inert gas (stable elements)?-Neon-

How are Elements in the periodic table arranged by?-Atomic Number-

What has the least energetic molecules?-solids-

Which element is not found in the Earth's atmospher e?-Gold-

What are rows in the periodic table called?-periods-

What is the lightest halogen (from top-light- to bo ttom-heavy-)?-Fluorine-

What is the name of the compound NaCl?-Sodium chloride-

Where are halogens found on the periodic table?-right side (group 17)-

Basic pieces of an atom.

Neutron Electron Proton

What do chemical reactions create and break down?-chemical bonds-

Where will you usually find carbohydrates?-starches-

What are the columns of the periodic tables called?-groups-

What smaller pieces are proteins made of?-Amino Acids-

What force pulls liquids towards the ground?-gravity-


What is the term for a reaction happening in severa l steps?-Reaction Mechanism-

What is water when it is at room temperature?-liquid-

Who came up with a periodic table that included all of the known elements?-Dmitri Mendeleev-

What scientist is famous for his equilibrium princi ple?-Le Chatilier-

What is a positively charged ion called?-Cation-

When water is in a solid form, what is it called?-ice-

Example of a temperature scale.

Kelvin Fahrenheit Celsius

The equilibrium constant can be changed when what c hanges?-Temperature-

What are Purines and Pyrimidines types of?-Nucleotides (basic stucture unit of DNA & RNA)-

What is the metabolic process that breaks down suga rs to release energy?-Glycolysis-

Phospholipids have what element in the compound?-Phosphorus -

How many basic structures do proteins have as they are being synthesized?-4-

What is the salt that absorbs water called?-Hygroscopic Salt-

When burning charcoal, what gas is produced?-Carbon Dioxide (oxygen used to burn)-

What is the conversion of water vapor to water on a cold glass known as?-condensation-

What form is most of the pure, drinkable water of t he earth in?-icebergs-

What is a barometer used for measuring?-Atmospheric Pressure-

What is it called when you add chlorine to water to kill microbes?-Chlorination-

What is lemon juice?-acidic (less than 7, excess hydrogen)-

Acids change a litmus paper from blue to what color ?-red-


Make up Earth's atmosphere.

Oxygen Carbon Dioxide Nitrogen

Which gas is green in color?-chlorine-

Which of these is necessary for a substance to burn ?-Oxygen-

What does the lead of a pencil mainly contain?-graphite-

What is the chemical symbol for fluorine?-F-

Cd is the symbol for what element?-cadmium-

What causes the fizz in soft drinks?-carbon dioxide-

What type of acid does milk have?-lactic-

Allotrope (other form) of carbon.

diamond charcoal graphite

What is the chemical name of Vitamin C?-Ascorbic Acid-

Found in baking powder. Tartaric Acid

Used in glass,paper,welding and preservative. Boric Acid

Used as bleach and rust remover. Oxalic

What is the combination of any substance with oxyge n known as?-oxidation-

What are rocks that are rich in metals known as?-ores-

What gas is evolved when dilute sulphuric acid is a dded to Zinc?-Hydrogen-

Who discovered anode rays?-E. Goldstein-

With which metal does oxygen combine to form rust?-iron-

What is the opposite of acids?-bases-


Which metal is extracted from the ore 'bauxite'?-aluminum-

What is the minimum number of elements needed to fo rm a compound?-2-

Co is the symbol for what element?-cobalt-

What appears when elements bond?-compounds-

What was the particle discovered in the anode ray e xperiments? -proton (+)-

How many elements is salt made of?-2 (NaCl)-

How many elements is sugar made of?-3-

An element is determined by the number of what?-protons (atomic number)-

What holds the elements?-Periodic Table-

What are protons, neutrons, and electrons the three basic components of?-atoms-

By changing the number of electrons on an atom, you produce a different _____.-ion (atom that lost or gained electrons)-

What English chemist and physicist discovered hydro gen?-Henry Cavendish-

Who is known as the father of chemistry?-Robert Boyle-

Changing the number of neutrons of an atom changes its _____.-isotope (same atomic # but dif. neutron)-

What is the element of the symbol Sn?-tin-

What are substances that control the rates of chemi cal reactions?-catalysts-

What is matter that does not enter chemical reactio ns described as?-inert-

What is the name for anisole?-methoxy benzene-

Which is strong acid?-HBr (bottom right)-


Which one is a saturated compound?-propane-


What is the chemical formula for benzene?-C6H6-

Who proposed the theory of relativity?-Albert Einstein-

What is the main element of organic compounds?-C-

Which of these is the most acidic in nature?-ethyne-

ethane methane lime

What is a substance that dissolves other materials known as?-solvent-

What functional group is present in aniline(dye,pla stic,med)?-amine-

How many of the currently known elements occur natu rally?-88-

At room temperature, what is the only metal that is in liquid form?-mercury-

What is the fourth-most abundant element in the uni verse in terms of mass?-carbon-

Which is the first alkene member?-ethene-

What is the element symbol for tungsten?-W-

According to the periodic table, what is calcium cl assified as?-alkaline earth metal-

In the periodic table of elements, what element has the symbol "Na"?-Sodium-

In the periodic table of elements, what is Krypton classified as?-Noble gas/inert-

Sea water typically freezes at a temperature ____ t han fresh water.-lower-

What color does copper turn as it ages?-Green-

What is the chemical symbol for gold?-Au-

What is the chemical symbol for potassium?-K-

What is the chemical symbol for the element copper?-Cu-

What is the most abundant element in the earth's cr ust?-oxygen-


What is the most plentiful metal in the earth's cru st?-Aluminum-

What is the scientific symbol for Zinc?-Zn-

What is the scientific symbol of Mercury?-Hg-

What name is given to a solution which is more dilu te in comparison to another?-Hypotonic-

What scale indicates whether a substance is an acid , a base, or neutral?-pH-

What temperature equals 0 degrees celcius?-32 degrees fahrenheit-

Which category of elements have the greatest number of elements?-Metals-

Which European country has two elements in the peri odic table named after it?-France-

The nucleus of an atom consists of _____.-Protons and Neutrons-

What is a transformation of some substances into on e or more other substances?-chemical reaction-

What temperature is the zero point on the absolute temperature scale (Kelvin)?--273 degrees celsius-

Around 35% of dinosaurs were omnivores, which meant they ate what?-a variety of food-

What are scientists who study dinosaurs called?-Paleontologists-

What type of lens does a magnifying glass have?-convex lens-

What is it called when light bends as it enters a d ifferent medium?-refraction-

What unit is electric resistance typically measured in?-ohms-

If a 220-pound (99.7kg) person from Earth went to M ars, about how much would they weigh?

-84 lbs. (38)-

How is energy from wood measured?-by calories-

At approximately what speed does sound travel at?-757 miles per hour (1218.27 km/h)-

What planet spins in the opposite direction to Eart h?-Venus-


What year did Albert Einstein win the Nobel Peace P rize for his work in Physics?


Who invented the lightening rod?-Benjamin Franklin-

What are caused by the Earth's rotation and the gra vity of the Moon and Sun?-tides-

What are large groups of wind turbines called?-wind farms-

How long does light take to get from the Earth to t he Moon?-1.255 seconds-

Galileo Galilei was born in 1564. What country was he born in?-Italy-

What is the largest planet in our solar system?-Jupiter-

What animal can hear at a higher frequency then hum ans?-dogs-

Metals expand when they are heated. What do they do when cooled?-contract-

What is the wire that is in an electric light bulb known as?-filament-

Who is the Hubble Space Telescope named after?-Edwin Hubble-

What unit is electric current typically measured in ?-ampere-

What is the most recognized model of how the univer se began?-The Big Bang-

What is the only planet in our solar system that ro lls on its side like a barrel?


How is potential electric energy measured?-in volts-

Which one of these did Galileo Galilei invent?-thermometer-

What country was the physicist James Maxwell born i n?-Scotland-

On Earth, what is the biggest source of energy for producing electricity?-coal-

Where was Isaac Newton born?-England-

What can't sound travel through?-a vacuum-

Albert Einstein was born in what country?



How does heat from the sun get to the Earth?-radiation-

What word describes anything that is occupying spac e?-matter-

What are substances that don't radiate heat know as ?-insulators-

Who was the first to say that the Earth revolves ar ound the sun?-Nicolaus Copernicus-

Who won the Nobel Peace Prize for discovering radon and polonium?-Marie Curie-

What's short for "light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation"?-a laser-

According to legend, what kind of tree was Isaac Ne wton sitting under when he realized gravity?


In what form does energy travel between cell phones ?-radio waves-

What was found on Mars that led some scientists to believe that there was once life there?


What is the scientific study of sound waves known a s?-acoustics-

What was measured in the famous Michelson-Morley ex periment of 1879?-speed of light-

Which of the quantities are always conserved in a c losed system?-energy-

How many colors are there in the spectrum when whit e light is separated?-7-

What did Dennis Gabor invent in 1947, that won him a Nobel prize in 1971?-holograms-

Who coined the term "black hole"?-John Wheeler-

When a spring is released, what is its potential en ergy converted to?-kinetic energy-

What is the lightest element?-hydrogen (top left)-

What is the heaviest natural element?-uranium-

What force opposes the relative motion of two bodie s that are in contact?-friction-

What is the SI unit for mass?-kilogram-


Of the three states of matter, which has neither de finite volume or shape? -gas-

What is the SI unit for the amount of substance?-mole-

What is a substance which consists of atoms that ar e alike called? -an element-

Which one of these has the lowest density?-cork-

water glass milk

What is the unit for illumination? -lux-

What is the SI unit for time?-a second-

Which of these has the highest density?-tungsten-

mercury lead

What is the rate of change of displacement called? -velocity-

What is pressure defined as?-force/area-

What instrument is used for measuring atmospheric p ressure? -a Barometer-

What is the SI unit of pressure? -Pascal-

What is heat a form of?-energy-

What is the name of the magnetic iron ore once used as a primitive compass?-Lodestone-

What are the only materials that can be influenced by a magnet?-magnetic materials-

What are electrons that easily move from one atom t o another called?-free electrons-

What is an atom that is deficient in electrons call ed?-a positive ion (cation)-

What is the central core of an atom also referred t o as?-nucleus-

What are bodies that radiate light called?-luminous-

What are materials that light cannot pass through c alled?-opaque-


What is the SI unit of frequency?-Hertz-

What is the time in which a vibrating body complete s one vibration called?-time period-

What is the distance between two consecutive crests of a wave called?-wavelength-

What is the lower limit of frequency that can be he ard by the average human? -20 Hz-

What keeps the pressure in the middle ear the same as the outside air pressure?-Eustachian tube-

Heat capacity = Specific heat capacity multiplied b y _____.-mass-

What is the freezing point of water?-273 K-

What is the heat gained or lost by a body resulting in a change in temperature?-sensible heat-

What is the SI unit of momentum? -N*s ((kg*m/s2)*s)-

What is the gravitational force acting on an object called?-weight-

The resistance offered by an object to an applied f orce is referred to as?-inertia-

Work is done when what moves through a distance?-force-

What was the thermometric fluid used by Galileo in his thermometer?-air -

What is ultraviolet light a form of?-radiation-

Which of the following substances has the highest s pecific heat capacity? -water-

copper iron silver

About how many miles can light travel in one year? (a light year)-5.88 trillion-

5.88 million 5.88 thousand 5.88 billion

In the visible light spectrum what color appears be tween yellow and blue?-Green (ROYGBV)-

In what year was Isaac Newton born?-1642-

What are individual particles of light called?-Photons-


What color are the hottest stars?-blue-white-

What does an anemometer measure?-wind velocity-

What is a dying star that explodes into brilliant l ight?-Supernova-

What is another name for a black hole's gravitation al border?-Event Horizon-

What is the effect caused by light bending around o bstructions in an optical system.


Crick and Watson discovered the helical structure o f what in 1953?-DNA-

How many elements are on the basic periodic table?-117-

Which equipment is used to register the intensity o f an earthquake?-Richter Scale-

Deuterium and Tritium are isotopes of which gas?-Hydrogen-

By subtracting 32, multiplying by 5 and dividing by 9, what conversion is made?-Fahrenheit to Centigrade-


Which word means "a prolonged painful contraction o f a muscle"?-cramp-

Where is the friggia on the human body?-The interdistal area between the toes-

Which of these elements has the lowest atomic numbe r?-Technetium-

Uranium Tellurium Radon

Which is the largest joint in the human body?-Knee-

Which scale is used to measure the hardness of meta ls?-Moh's Scale-

What is the longest bone in the human body?-femur-

How many pairs of chromosomes does the normal human have?-23-

The red mineral Cinnabar is the chief source of wha t?-Mercury-

Which rocks cover about three-fourths of the Earth' s surface?-sedimentary-

In what year did Stephen Hawking publish "A Brief H istory of Time"?



In what year did Albert Einstein publish the "Gener al Theory of Relativity"?-1915-

In what year did Heisenberg state his uncertainty p rincipal?-1923-

*position and momentum (energy and time) cannot be measured both at once.

In what year was the neutron discovered?-1932-

In what year did Charles Darwin publish "On The Ori gin of Species"?-1859-

In what year did Sigmund Freud publish "The Interpr etation of Dreams"?-1900-

In what year was Penicillin first used to successfu lly treat a patient?-1943-

In what year did Dolly the sheep become the first m ammal to be cloned?-1996-

About when was geometry developed in Egypt?-1500 BC-

What kind of animals live in both water and on land ?-amphibians-

In humans, males have which chromosomes?-XY-

In humans, females have which chromosomes?-XX-

Which of these is not a phase of cell mitosis?-endophase-

prophase metaphase telophase

Who said "light may be shed on man and his origins" ?-Charles Darwin-

Atomic weight is determined primarily by the number of _____.-protons and neutrons-

Most planets in our solar system are named after wh at?-Roman Gods-

St. Elmo's fire is named after St. Erasmus of Formi ae, the patron saint of _____.


What discovery was made by Marie Skodowska-Curie an d Pierre Curie in 1898?-Radium-

Which vitamin was discovered first, in 1913?-A-

A perennial plant must have a life cycle of more th an how many years?



In what year was the first human heart transplant p erformed?-1967-

In what year was the first "test tube baby" born in England?-1978-

How many joints do humans have in their necks?-7-

How many degrees, in Kelvin, is equal to minus 273. 15 degrees celcius?-0-

What is the more common name for a circumorbital he matoma?-black eye-

In what year was the first kidney transplant?-1954-

What is the more common name for nitrous oxide?-laughing gas-

What was the name of the first cloned sheet in 1996 ?-Dolly-

Ultraviolet radiation is absorbed by which layer of the stratosphere?-ozone-

What is the main downward-growing root of a plant c alled?-taproot-

What is the hardest substance in the human body?-tooth enamel-

What unit is electric power typically measured in?-watts-


Objects with mass are attracted to each other. What is this known as?-gravity (universal law of gravitation--G=Gmm/r2)-

How many electrons would a neutral halogen atom hav e in its outer orbital?-7 (to be stable use spdf with value 2,6,10,14 if t he last spdf config has the

upperscript of the spdfvalue 261014 then stable) -What letter represents the equilibrium constant?


What is water called when it's pure and free of any impurities?-distilled water-