Science Rendezvous Webinar November 24, 2010. Key events that highlight a SR event: Departmental...

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Transcript of Science Rendezvous Webinar November 24, 2010. Key events that highlight a SR event: Departmental...

Science Rendezvous WebinarScience Rendezvous WebinarNovember 24, 2010November 24, 2010

Key events that highlight a SR event:Key events that highlight a SR event:

• Departmental Pavilions

• The Amazing Science Chase

• Science Carnival

• Science Stage

Departmental Pavilions:Departmental Pavilions:

• Hands-on activities for all ages

• Poster presentations

• Lecture segments not recommended

• Can be followed by lab tours

• Diverse departmental involvement

The Amazing Science ChaseThe Amazing Science Chase

• Amazing Race style adventure game

• Obstacles are overcome through scientific inquiry and clues and problem solving skills

• Built for adults and kids

• Add a fun theme for example James Bond, Mission Impossible etc.

Science CarnivalScience Carnival

• Street festival

• Activities should encourage the participation of attendees

• Some examples of main attractions include:Non-Newtonian Pool Volcano Alley Science Busking StationsHistorical Figures

Science StageScience Stage

• Outdoor venue holding artistic and scientific performances

• Once again encourage the engagement of the attendees

• Some examples of shows include: Chemistry Magic Show Musical acts Dance acts

How to organize the internal committee How to organize the internal committee structurestructure

7 executive committees:

• Science Carnival

• Science Chase

• Publicity and Promotions

• Logistics

• Internal Affairs

• Volunteer

• Finance/Treasurer

How to build a strong teamHow to build a strong team

• Diverse team


How to organize the internal committee How to organize the internal committee structurestructure

7 executive committees:

• Science Carnival

• Science Chase

• Publicity and Promotions

• Logistics

• Internal Affairs

• Volunteer

• Finance/Treasurer

Publicity and PromotionsPublicity and Promotions

• First target university media outlets: university newspapers emails lists university website

• Next target larger media outlets, usually in coordination with central SR

Logistics CommitteeLogistics Committee

• Ensuring the whole event runs smoothly on the day of

• Organizes the infrastructure of the entire event

• Obtains permits, materials, and resources required for the event

Internal AffairsInternal Affairs

• Recruit university departments and groups

• Help brainstorm ideas for exhibits

• Coordinate all necessary logistical requirements

Volunteer CommitteeVolunteer Committee

• Recruit all volunteers

• Usually divide them to their area of interest i.e. Science Carnival, Logistics, etc.

• Organize amenities (lunch, volunteer lounge)

• Organize an appreciation event

Rough DeadlinesRough Deadlines

• Summer-November: form team

• September-December: secure funding

• January-February: start applying for permits

• January: recruit departments, volunteers

• February: submit permits

• March: budget materials and obtain quotes

• March-April: order all materials and resources

• May: Science Rendezvous!!
