science quiz-Resonance final 2015-16

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Transcript of science quiz-Resonance final 2015-16

Physics Association 2015-16


The Science Q10.02.2016,Seminar Hall, Farook college

I have a few questions !!

ROUND IInfinite bounce

6 questions,10 points for direct and passing Q

Science behind which process

The basic journey of hard kernel to fluffy morsel is straightforward. Heat causes water inside the kernel's starchy interior to boil, building up pressure until the vapour bursts. But with high-speed cameras in

hand, a team discovered something new: starch inside heated kernels first forms a leg.As the scientists described in the Journal of the Royal

Society Interface, after the leg comes into contact with the bottom of a pan or bag, it compresses and releases like a spring, vaulting the kernel

into the air and causing it to somersault.

Popping of popcorn

In 2001, Karl Glazebrook and Ivan Baldry of John Hopkins university determined that the colour of X as greenish white,

but they soon corrected their analysis in a 2002 paper, in which they reported that their survey of the colour of X added up to a

slightly beigeish white. They named the colour as Y The hexadecimal RGB value for Y is #FFF8E7. Id X,Y

Earlier one Corrected one

X-UniverseY-Cosmic latte (Colour of the universe)

FITBWhen the Internet was still very much under the spell of bare Unix shells, an ambitious group of scientists at CERN

started working on the World Wide Web.In an office on the fourth floor they placed the World Wide Webs central database. Some faulty requests were answered with a

standard message: “___________”


According to H. M. Phipson, William was born in May 1894 and presented to them by H. Ingle of Karwar. He reached his full

length (1.30 m) by the end of his third year. His diet consisted of fruit, and also of live mice, scorpions, and plain raw meat.William

was known for catching tennis balls thrown at him from a distance of some 30 feet. In his obituary W. S. Millard made the

following remarks “ Every visitor here in Appollo Street will miss him, better known

as the "office canary" which lived behind Millard's chair in Phipson & Co.'s office for 26 years and died in 1920.

What is the claim to fame?

William was the great Indian hornbill on the logo of BNHS

Physicist X lectured, "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom," at an American Physical Society meeting on December 29, 1959,

which is often held to have provided inspiration for the field Y. X had described a process by which the ability to manipulate individual atoms and molecules might be developed. In the course of this, X noted, scaling issues would arise from the

changing magnitude of various physical phenomena: gravity would become less important, surface tension and Van der

Waals attraction would become more important.X,Y?

X- Richard FeynmanY- Nanotechnology

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that results in a chronic,systemic inflammatory disorder that

may affect many tissues and organs, but principally attacks flexible joints. It can be a disabling and painful condition,

which can lead to substantial loss of functioning and mobility if not adequately treated.Who ,in the world of

cricket is perhaps the most famous person suffering from this disease

(This lead to something dramatic!)

Billy Bowden,& his signalling "crooked finger of doom”

ROUND IIPounce/Bounce

6 questions+10/-10 on Wrong pounce

This pigment is denoted by chemical formula Fe7(CN)18. This was the first modern synthetic pigment. In medicine, this is used as an antidote

for certain kinds of heavy metal poisoning. It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, needed in a basic health system. It lent its name to ______ (hydrogen cyanide), which was

derived from it. In Germany, hydrogen cyanide is called ____ acid, and Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac gave cyanide its name, from the Greek word

kyanos, because of the color. The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai, Starry Night by Van Gogh makes extensive use of this colour.

Prussian blue/Berlin blue

_____Was Henry ford’s hero as well as his friend. During _____’s final illness this test tube was close to his beside. Upon his death it was sealed with paraffin wax._____’s son later sent his fathers

“last Breath” to Henry ford knowing their close relationship.

Description of -------------?

This contains a mixture of butane, iso butane and propane gas; a foaming agent; water; and other chemicals. When it leaves the container, the gas depressurizes and expands,

creating small, water-covered droplets . The butane mixture later evaporates, leaving only water and surfactant residue behind.Eventhough the idea was proposed in the year 1980

the first successful implementation was in 2014 by a company 9-15.

Vanishing foam / World cup football 2014

The name APSARA,For the first nuclear reactor of India was given by the then Prime Minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru when he likened the blue radiation coming out of the experimental set

up. He related the beauty of the radiation to the beauty of Indra's court dancers. This is actually an electromagnetic

radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the

phase velocity of light in that medium. I need the scientific term used to denote these radiations.

(Image follows)

Cherenkov radiation named after

Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov

FITBAccording to recent theories there are five fundamental tastes.• Sweetness• Sourness• Saltiness• Bitterness• Umami• Umami is a taste described as a savoury or meaty taste. It can be tasted in

cheese and soy sauce.• Having the meaning "good flavour" or "good taste",umami is considered

fundamental to many Eastern cuisines, although it was only recently recognized in the West as a basic taste. This was studied and identified by Kikunae Ikeda.He isolated a substance and named it _________, it produces a strong umami taste.

Aji no moto

Thin film interference is the phenomenon that occurs when incident light waves reflected by the upper &lower boundaries of

thin film interfere with one another form a new wave. Which modern day technique used in spectacles and camera lenses is

derived from the thin film interference ?

Anti-reflective or Anti-glare coating


K)+10 for each right answerBonus of 10 For getting all

A wrote “I always wanted to be a writer. A writer of science, like B. At last, this is the only letter I am getting to write”.B helped C ,(The

founder of C equation an estimate of the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy) to write the D message, a radio message beamed into space from the a

radio telescope on November 16, 1974.D message consist of 7 components in which the second part The depicts atomic numbers of the elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and phosphorus,

which make up E. In 1953, F and G suggested what is now accepted as the first model of E in the journal H,first published on 4 November

1869. H was ranked the world's most cited scientific journal with an impact factor of approximately 42.4.Their model of E was then based on a single image (labelled as “I“) taken by J and K.In 1962 F, G, and K jointly received the Nobel Prize in Physiology /Medicine.Eventhough J

was the first one to come out with H he was not awarded the prize since he was not alive during the time of declaration.

• A-Rohith Vemula• B-Carl sagan• C-Frank Drake• D-Arecibo Message• E-DNA• F-JamesWatson• G-Francis crick• H-Nature• I-Photo 51• J- Rosalind Franklin• K-Wilkins


round)6 questions

Differential scoring systemScores=5n

n=Number of teams not attempted/wrong answered

One of the new spider species, had a particularly well-known namesake—famed singer and songwriter _____. The spider was

abundant near Folsom State Prison in California, which had inspired his song "Folsom Prison Blues" and where he performed

and recorded a live album in 1968. And the tarantula's dark coloration reminded Hamilton(Scientist who named this

spider) of this preference for head-to-toe black attire, which had earned the nickname, "The Man in Black."

Aphonopelma johnnycashi named after Johnny cash

In flash photography the light of the flash occurs too fast for the pupil to close so much of the very bright light from the flash passes into the

eye through the pupil, reflects off the interior surface of eye at the back of the eyeball and out through the pupil. The camera records this reflected light. The main cause for this is the ample amount of blood in the choroid which nourishes the back of the eye and is located behind

the retina. The eye contains several photo stable pigments that all absorb in the short wavelength region, and hence contribute to this


Red eye effect

This is a tropical forest near Entebbe.It means "overgrown" in the regional language. As property of the (UVRI), it is protected and restricted to scientific research. The forest covers an area of about 25 hectares next to the swamps

of Waiya Bay, an inlet of Lake Victoria. This place is known for combining several kinds of ecosystems. Tell me the current relevance

Zika fever/Virus

This shape is known as hyperbolic paraboloid. is a doubly ruled surface

shaped like a saddle. In a suitable coordinate system, a hyperbolic

paraboloid can be represented by the equation

Which famous product (snack food) claims that they are designing their product in

this shape to get secure packing without breakages.

The National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi is a premier institute in India which generally keeps the record of standard si

units we use in India. they frequently check and calibrate this with international units. NPL is also involved in research activities. One of the important research activities

undertaken by NPL is in collaboration with this company What is the specific area of this research?

Devising the chemical structure for indelible ink used in general elections.!!

മലയാളത്തിലെലആദ്യലെത്തസമ്പൂർണ്ണസയൻസ്‌ഫിക്‌ഷൻ, മലയാളത്തിലെലആദ്യലെത്തലെമഡിക്കൽ ത്ര�ില്ലർ, ലെ�ക്‌ന�ാളജിയിൽ,

ഒരുപന%, ഇന്ത്യയിലെല�ലെ(ആദ്യലെത്തന�ാവൽ- ഇങ്ങലെ� ഒരുപാ�്‌ അപൂർവ�കളാണ്‌ഈപുസ്‌�കം മുന(ാട്ടുവയ്‌ക്കു(�്‌.. പുസ്�കം

ഏ�് ? എഴു�ിയ�്ആര് ?

ICE -196C, ജി.ആർ. ഇന്ദുന5ാപൻ

ROUND VInfinite bounce

6 questions,10 points for direct and passing Q

This is a phenomenon where tea leaves in a cup of tea migrate to the centre and bottom of the cup after being stirred rather than being

forced to the edges of the cup, as would be expected in a spiral centrifuge. The formation of secondary flows in an annular channel

was theoretically treated by Boussinesq as early as in 1868. The solution first came from Albert Einstein in a 1926 paper where he used

it to explain the erosion of river banks.

Tea leaf paradox

Few lines from "La Belle Dame Sans Merci", by John Keats published in 1819.Which famous book inspire its title from these


‘I saw their starved lips in the gloam,With horrid warning gaped wide,And I awoke, and found me here

On the cold hill side.

And this is why I sojourn here,Alone and palely loitering,

Though the sedge is wither'd from the lake,And no birds sing’.

In 1772, Priestley published a paper titled Impregnating Water with Fixed Air in which he describes dripping "oil of vitriol" (sulfuric acid) onto chalk to produce carbon dioxide gas. He

referred to this invention of as "happiest" discovery. But two decades before this In 1750 the Frenchman Gabriel François

Venel produced artificial ________for the first time using different method. In the United States, this was known as

_______until World War II, due to the sodium salts it contained. During the Great Depression, it was sometimes called "two cents

plain", a reference to its being the cheapest of its kind.


The substance derives its name from the composition and its place of discovery. William J. Buehler along with Frederick Wang discovered its

properties during research at the Naval Ordnance Laboratory in 1959.William Buehler was attempting to make a better missile nose cone, which could resist heat and the force of impact. Having found that a 1:1 alloy of nickel and titanium could do the job, in 1961 he

presented a sample at a laboratory management meeting. The sample, folded up like an accordion, was passed around and flexed by the participants. One of them applied heat from his pipe lighter to the

sample and, to everyone's surprise, the accordion-shaped strip stretched and took its previous shape.

Name the substance and what category of material they belong to?

NITINOLNickel Titanium-Naval Ordnance Laboratory

Shape-memory alloy

X co-won the Physics Nobel in 1956 for researches on semiconductors and their discovery of the transistor effect ,he left most of his family at home rather than bringing them along for the awards ceremony. The

king of Sweden Gustaf VI Adolf noted the absence at the ceremony and scolded X for not bringing his family. The laureate promised he'd bring

them "the next time." Then, in 1972 X indeed won a second Nobel (making him the third person in the history of the prize to win twice).

That time, he made sure to bring his entire family.

John Bardeen

X is the sensation that an amputated or missing limb (even an organ, like the

appendix) is still attached to the body and is moving appropriately with other body parts. Approximately 60 to 80% of individuals with an amputation experience this sensations in

their amputated limb. Y an Indian neuroscientist known primarily for his work in the fields of behavioural neurology and

visual psychophysics scientifically explained the reason connecting this to the functioning

of brain. He explains his ideas in the book“ X in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the

Human Mind” .Id

X-Phantom Y –V.Ramachandran