science project

Post on 14-Aug-2015

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Transcript of science project



Types of Forests in Ecuador

-Rain Forest: It has a lot of vegetation and it is moist. It rains a lot

Amazon Rainforest

-Cloud Forest: It is cloudy and moist.


-Mangrove: Mangrove forests support a lot of life and live life on the edge

Cayapas Mataje Ecological Reserve

Amazon Rain Forest

Mindo-Nambillo Forest


How does the Land Altitude Influence the Forest Formation?

The forests in Ecuador are located in different places which means the forests may be located in different altitudes. For instance the lands that are located in a lower altitude have more vegetation since it is warmer. The climate and the vegetation of the land can be affected by the altitude.

Can we plant any type of trees in Ecuador? Why or Why not?

Ecuador has a diverse vegetation of plants. We can plant a lot of trees in Ecuador since it has a nice climate and it is a good place to get used to the environment. However, the trees have to adapt to their environment and in Ecuador we have a lot of different environments so it depends on how the trees are adapted to.

Are there protected Forest Areas in Ecuador? Which ones?

Ecuador protects a lot of its natural environments. For instance they protect their forests. One of the protected forests in Ecuador include the Chimborazo Forest reserve. Ecuador tries to keep its nature.

Chimborazo Forest reserve