Science and ethics - Influence

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Transcript of Science and ethics - Influence

INFLUENCEPresenter: Yurong tao

Thursday, January 16, 14

What is influence?

Influence is the ability to persuade people into doing something

Thursday, January 16, 14

Rules of Thumb We Usually Follow

Thursday, January 16, 14

Expensive = Good

Thursday, January 16, 14

Follow the crowd

Thursday, January 16, 14

Goods of limited supply is usually good.

Thursday, January 16, 14

Why are people so resistless to those rules?

Thursday, January 16, 14

Automatic behavior pattern (click, whirr)

Thursday, January 16, 14

Weapon of influence

Thursday, January 16, 14


We try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us

Thursday, January 16, 14


The rule allows one individual to give something to another with confidence that it is not being lost.

Thursday, January 16, 14


Providing a person with a favor and then asking for one in return


Food tryout

Thursday, January 16, 14

A Simple Variation: Reciprocal Concession

People will have an obligation to make a concession to someone who has made a concession to us.

Thursday, January 16, 14

Thursday, January 16, 14



First make a large request that a person will most likely turn down

Then, after that person has refused, make a smaller request that you were really interested in all along.

Thursday, January 16, 14

Commitment and Consistency

People tend to be and look consistent within their words, attitudes, and deeds.

Thursday, January 16, 14


Reason 1: Consistency is highly valued by society

Reason 2: Consistency provide a beneficial approach to daily life

Reason 3: Consistency affords a valuable shortcut through the complexity of modern existence.

Thursday, January 16, 14


Induce people to:

Make a commitment.

Make an active, public, effortful commitment.

Make an internally motivated commitment.


Ads without price.

Thursday, January 16, 14

Social Proof

We determine what is correct by finding out what other people think is correct.

Example: Canned laughter

Thursday, January 16, 14


Usually, when a lot of people are doing something, it is the right thing to do. People use this principle as a determining shortcut.

Thursday, January 16, 14


Create conditions of



Thursday, January 16, 14


Average-person-on-the-street testimonials on TV


Thursday, January 16, 14


People prefer to say yes to individuals they know and like.

Thursday, January 16, 14


Increase physical attractiveness.

Increase similarity.

Use compliments.

Increase familiarity.

Increase positive association.

Thursday, January 16, 14


People have strong pressure for compliance with the requests of an authority.

Thursday, January 16, 14


Reason 1: People are often told from childhood that obeying orders is good conduct.

Reason 2: Genuine authorities usually possess high levels of knowledge, wisdom, and power.

Thursday, January 16, 14


Use symbols of authority:




Thursday, January 16, 14


People assign more values to opportunities when they are less available.

Thursday, January 16, 14


Things that are difficult to attain are typically more valuable, the availability of an item or experience can serve as a shortcut cue to its quality.

As things become less accessible, we loss freedom.

Thursday, January 16, 14


Quantity limits

Time limits

Thursday, January 16, 14

Apple’s Scarcity Tactic

Thursday, January 16, 14


Six weapons of influence

Reciprocation, Consistency, Social proof, Liking, Authority, Scarcity


Thursday, January 16, 14


Cialdini, Robert B. "Influence: Science and practice." Boston: Allyn & Bacon(2001).

Thursday, January 16, 14