Sci-Tech Quiz Nimble'13 IITJ

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Transcript of Sci-Tech Quiz Nimble'13 IITJ


X's Company Y needed a powerful and worthy CEO. X's search for a CEO led him to Pepsi, where he said this legendary line to get John Sculleyto join Y: "Do you want to sell sugar water all your life, or come with me and change the world?"


• This is a brand developed by Unilever which shares its name with the SI unit of illuminance and luminous emittance measuring luminance flux per unit area.

• Id the brand.

This is a major example of how the technopreneurship may boost a country's economy.

This region focused on the personal computer business and is now having $200-billion total sales a year.

Name the region and place where it originated?


Silicon Valley is a region found in

San Francisco Bay Area in the southern part in Northern

California in U.S.A

4.Homo floresiensis is a possible species of extinct human found on the island of Flores in Indonesia. The first set of remains to be found in 2004, LB1, has an estimated height of 1.06 m, and a brain volume of 23 cu in.

What was the nickname given to Homo floresiensis?


• Keratin reacts with hennotannic acid (aka Lawsone), via a mechanism known as Michael addition to create a stain.

• How do we know this process better as?

6. Id this famous Alloy

• Inventor: Dr. Myron MacLain

• In its solid form, it is colorless and shiny. It is almost impossible to destroy or fracture in this state and when crafted to a razor edge it can penetrate most lesser materials with minimal application of strength. It is at least somewhat magnetic. Has 13 allotropes, all of which are unstable, and short-lived, but virulently poisonous.

• It Is rarely used due to extreme cost, poor reliability and inability to be reshaped .

• Types : Proto, Secondary, Beta, Carbonadium.


• Zheng and Pollock demonstrated the existence of a 100 micron-thick exclusion zone near solid interfaces with this substance, while a second critical point has been invoked to explain certain unusual properties of this substance in the supercooled state.

• The Mpemba effect implies it can sometimes freeze faster when hot than cold, and hydrogen bonding results in an unusually large dielectric constant which peaks at about 30°C.



• _______ Day is celebrated on the 256th day of the year (13 Septemberin normal years and 12 September in leap years). The number 256(2^8) was chosen because it is the number of distinct values that canbe represented with an eight-bit byte.

• Also, '256' in hexadecimal is '100' ('0x100'), and it's the highest powerof two that is lower than 365 (the number of days in a year).

• Typical celebrations of _______ Day include playing around with oldcomputers and behaving in a generally inane(stupid and silly) manner.

• It is an official professional holiday in Russia.!



• e^(i π )+ 1 = 0• 'The most remarkable formula in Mathematics'

according to Richard P. Feynman for its simple use of addition, multiplication, exponentiation and equality and the single use of important constants like 0, 1, e, i and π.

• In 1988, readers of the Mathematical Intelligencer voted it 'The most beautiful Mathematical formula ever'.

• What is the formula known as?


10.What the picture shows is a technique used

mainly by Vulcans to render unconsciousness by

pinching a pressure point at the base of the

victim’s neck.

Although usually used on humanoid

beings, in Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Spock

successfully performs the pinch on a horse-like


An everyday used computer technique has been named after this.


Three finger salute

11. ID X

X is a fictional character. X's secret identity is

____ _____, an American billionaire playboy,

industrialist, and philanthropist. Having

witnessed the murder of his parents as a child,

X swore revenge on criminals, an oath

tempered with the greater ideal of justice.

X trains himself both physically and intellectually

and dons a themed costume in order to fight crime.

12. On What Occasion?

Srinivasa Ramanujan's 125th


13.• A particular theory specific Application was

instrumental to NAZI’s defeat in the World war -2.

• Widely used by industries to develop and employ ingenious strategies, to beat the heat of competition.

• The Picture below Speaks a Million Words. Identify this theory.


• Which automobile company’s logo features a circle with an arrow, which is a symbol for iron used by ancient alchemists?

• The logo, representing a strong and powerful metal, combined with the company name signifies the company’s brands that are known for their `rolling power’.


The very first items sold on…


• It is called a ‘solidus’ if written as a diagonal line ( / ) or a ‘viniculum’ if written as a horizontal line ( __ ).

• What is it ?

The line between the numerator and the denominator in a fraction.

• 17 17.Where would you land if you type in the URL bar of a internet browser ??


• This IT company is headquartered in Palo Alto, California and was founded in a car garage.

• The founders tossed a coin to decide the order of the surnames and then named the company.

Identify the company.


• X was a British mathematician and cryptanalyst. • He developed a number of techniques for

breaking ciphers. • X’s father worked for the Indian Civil Service and

mother was a Chief Engineer of Madras Railways. • X played a pivotal role in the development of

computer science.Identify X

It results from emissions of photons in the Earth's upper atmosphere, above 80 km (50 mi), from ionized nitrogen atoms regaining an electron, and oxygen and nitrogen atoms returning from an excited state to ground state. They are ionized or excited by the collision of solar wind and magnetospheric particles being funnelled down and accelerated along the Earth's magnetic field lines; excitation energy is lost by the emission of a photon, or by collision with another atom or molecule:

What phenomenon is being talked here??


21.In the medieval ages, this term (deriving from the Greek word meaning “indivisible”) used to denote a unit of time, specifically “a twinkling of the eye” – the smallest amount of time imaginable. This was sometimes defined in a precise way equivalent to exactly 1/376 minute or about 160 milliseconds.

Though the term has retained much of the original meaning, it is now mostly applied in a different context.

What is this word?

22. This is the first what?

23.This European company was busy manufacturing forest products like paper in the initial 130 years of existence . They expanded to manufacturing of television in the 1980’s , but lost a lot of money. It then ventured into the computer field which lead to a total burn out forcing the CEO to take away his life.During Russian recession of early 90’s, it underwent a big slump and was on the verge of termination when the new CEO decided to concentrate on just one sector they are now synonymous with.The company is named after a finnish river.

Which company am I talking about?

24.Known as Number Place in the U.S., was published in New York in the late 1970s by the puzzle publisher Dell in its magazine Math Problems and Logic Puzzles. It became immensely popular in the U.K in 2005, stimulating international interest. What is its popular name which is also the Japanese for ‘single number’ ?

25.Which software developed by

Google is named after a famous

Spanish Painter?


How do we better know“Completely Automated PublicTuring Test to tell Computers andHumans Apart” which issometimes described as a reverseTuring test ?


27. FUNDA!!

What is the comic trying to convey ?


Pauli’s Exclusion Principle


The origin of this word is from the Latin word meaning pebble or stone used for counting.

Id the word which is very much known to us.


This is a piece of mineral rock that’s called Armalcolite. It is a titanium-rich mineral with the chemical formula (Mg,Fe2+)Ti2O5.

• How did it get its name?

Armstrong, Aldrin, Collins


• Name this Computational Knowledge Engine

• Stephen _____ , a British mathematician created what is known as an “answer engine” which uses sophisticated algorithms to understand user’s questions as input. It displays information using artificial intelligence and then offers relevant Information.

31.David Warren, an Australian scientist came up with a

workable prototype, with civilian aircraft in mind, after a

series of crashes in 1953 and 1954.

The idea was slow to catch on and it took 10 years before

it was made mandatory in Australian aircraft for

Investigation purposes.


32.This poem by John Updike appeared in a 1960 issue of New Yorker magazine.

“ X they are very small. They have no charge and have no mass

And do not interact at all. The earth is just a silly ball

To them, through which they simply pass, Like dust maids down a drafty hall

Or photons through a sheet of glass. They snub the most exquisite gas, Ignore the most substantial wall,

Cold-shoulder steel and sounding brass, Insult the stallion in his stall ”

The second line turned out to be factually wrong as X were later found to have mass.

When the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1995 was awarded for work related to X, the above poem was part of the poster.

What is X?


• In engineering, fiction, and thought experiments, it is any extremely rare, costly, or impossible material, or (less commonly) device needed to fulfill a given design for a given application.

• It’s properties depend on the intended use. For example, a pulley made of it might be masslessand frictionless;

• However, if used in a nuclear rocket, it would be light, strong at high temperatures, and resistant to radiation damage. The concept of it is often applied humorously. What am I talking about?


X is a process of convenience which was invented by

Larry Tesler at XEROX PARC for the Smalltalk-76

programming environment, in 1973-76.

In Smalltalk, you had a large number of commands you could apply to the text inputted into the system. ‘again',

'doit', 'compile',, 'cancel', 'align' are some of them. But it

was later modified for convenience to include only 3

ID this most famous process which all of us has used at

least once.


A long-time executive for Google Inc.,

X is an alumni of Stanford University. Her career in Google spanned Google Search, Google Images, Google News, Google Maps, Google Toolbar, iGoogle and Gmail.

She is the president and CEO of a Fortune 500 company-Y.

Identify X and Y .

Marissa Mayer and Yahoo!!


Who said this in a funny way-

“A Computer is like Air Conditioning- it

becomes useless when you open


(Hint: Think of Open-Source!)

37.Jack Smith, a hardware engineer left Apple

computers along with his colleague(who is

a BITS Pilani Graduate) X to form a free e-

mail portal which created e-mail revolution.

Name X and the email service.

(Hint: Now it is a part of Microsoft)

Sabeer Bhatia and HotMail

38.The exact definition of this word is “edible part of a nut”. This is the

layer which connects the application software and hardware.

Name this?



Individuals with ____ phenotype blood group can only be transfused with blood from other ____ phenotype individuals. Given that this condition is very rare, any person with this blood group who needs an urgent blood transfusion will probably be unable to get it, as no blood bank would have any in stock. The blood phenotype was first discovered in an Indian city and is named after it.

40.• Motorola recently announced "Project Ara,"

an effort to create a hardware platform that consumers can use to make customizable smartphones with upgradable parts.

• Name the concept/idea they are using?



• _____ is a Palo-Alto-based website created, edited and organized by its community of users.

• It was co-founded by two former Facebook employees; One of them is Charlie Cheever.

• In January 2013, it launched a blogging platform

Identify it and name the other co-founder.

A number has received considerable attention

in popular culture as a result of its central

appearance in fiction X as the "Answer to The

Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and


The programmers must be familiar with the above

line and number.

ID X and its author.