Sci fi films research – openings

Post on 13-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Sci fi films research – openings


STAR TREK In this opening, it begins

with a close up of the spaceship to zoom out in a twist, revealing the whole of it. This set the scene, of the futuristic setting and technology. Along side that, in the first two minutes it shows a pan of the inside of the spaceship, and introduces characters; themselves being narrative hooks. The sounds of computers plus people talking , constructing a atmosphere of busy panic. Maybe showing what’s going on inside his head.


The mid shot of the guy in a blue shirt, infers that he is important also he takes the middle chair without hesitation; the leader? The close up places the audience in his shoes, and also relating to his confusion that you can see from his face. In the last few seconds of the two minute opening, you see an unknown problem occur and become the main focus, arising lots of question for the audience, and creating another narrative hook.


Blade runner, like other sci-fi films, starts the film with clear writing scrolling up across the screen, this sets the scene and clears confusion to how and what has happened for this new environment to occur. Which is shown in the bottom photo , which creates narrative hooks.