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1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation for WirelessPowered Communication Networks

Qingqing Wu, Student Member, IEEE, Meixia Tao, Senior Member, IEEE, Derrick Wing Kwan Ng, Member,IEEE, Wen Chen, Senior Member, IEEE, and Robert Schober, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper considers a wireless powered communi-cation network (WPCN), where multiple users harvest energyfrom a dedicated power station and then communicate withan information receiving station. Our goal is to investigate themaximum achievable energy efficiency (EE) of the networkvia joint time allocation and power control while taking intoaccount the initial battery energy of each user. We first studythe EE maximization problem in the WPCN without any systemthroughput requirement. We show that the EE maximizationproblem for the WPCN can be cast into EE maximizationproblems for two simplified networks via exploiting its specialstructure. For each problem, we derive the optimal solutionand provide the corresponding physical interpretation, despitethe non-convexity of the problems. Subsequently, we study theEE maximization problem under a minimum system throughputconstraint. Exploiting fractional programming theory, we trans-form the resulting non-convex problem into a standard convexoptimization problem. This allows us to characterize the optimalsolution structure of joint time allocation and power control andto derive an efficient iterative algorithm for obtaining the optimalsolution. Simulation results verify our theoretical findings anddemonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed joint time andpower optimization.

Index Terms—Energy efficiency, wireless powered networks,time allocation, power control.


Energy harvesting allows devices to harvest energy fromambient sources, and has attracted considerable attention inboth academia and industry [1], [2]. Energy harvesting fromnatural renewable sources, such as solar and wind, can providea green and renewable energy supply for wireless commu-nication systems. However, due to the intermittent nature ofrenewable energy sources, the energy collected at the receiveris not controllable, and the communication devices may notalways be able to harvest sufficient energy. On the other hand,it has been shown that wireless receivers can also harvestenergy from radio frequency (RF) signals, which is known aswireless energy transfer (WET) [1], [2]. Since the RF signalsare generated by dedicated devices, this type of energy sourceis more stable than natural renewable sources.

Qingqing Wu, Meixia Tao, and Wen Chen are with Department of Elec-tronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, email: {wu.qq, mxtao,wenchen} Wen Chen is also with School of Electric Engineeringand Automation, Guilin University of Electronic Technology. Derrick Wing K-wan Ng is with the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications,The University of New South Wales, Australia, email: Schober are with the Institute for Digital Communications, Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nurnberg, email: Thispaper has been presented in part at IEEE ICC 2015 [1]. This work issupported by National 973 #2012CB316106, NSFC #61322102, National 863#2015AA01A710, and SKL #2013D1.

Two different lines of research can be identified in WET.The first line focuses on simultaneous wireless informationand power transfer (SWIPT), where the wireless devices areable to split the received signal into two parts, one for infor-mation decoding and the other one for energy harvesting [3]–[7]. SWIPT has been studied for example for multiple-inputmultiple-output (MIMO) [3], multiuser orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing access (OFDMA) [4], [5], multiusermultiple-input single-output (MISO) [6], and cognitive radio[7]. These works generally optimize the power splitting ratio atthe receiver side to study the fundamental tradeoff between theachievable throughput and the harvested energy. The secondline of research in WET pursues wireless powered communi-cation networks (WPCN), where the wireless devices are firstpowered by WET and then use the harvested energy to transmitdata signals [8]–[11]. In [9], the downlink (DL) WET timeand the uplink (UL) wireless information transmission (WIT)time are jointly optimized to maximize the system throughput.Then, WPCNs with user cooperation and full-duplex, relay,multi-antenna, massive MIMO, and cognitive techniques arefurther studied in [10]–[16], respectively. Moreover, the au-thors in [17] investigate how an energy harvesting relay candistribute its harvested energy to support the communicationof multiple source-destination pairs. However, most existingworks on WET aim to improve the system throughput whileneglecting the energy utilization efficiency which is also acritical issue for next generation communication systems,especially for energy harvesting based systems [18]–[23].

Because of the rapidly rising energy costs and the tremen-dous carbon footprints of existing systems [18], energy effi-ciency (EE), measured in bits per joule, is gradually acceptedas an important design criterion for future communicationsystems [19], [24], [25]. The authors in [4] study the re-source allocation for EE maximization in SWIPT for OFDMAsystems requiring minimum harvested energy guarantees formultiple receivers. However, the conclusions and proposedmethods in [4] are not applicable to the WPCN scenario dueto the fundamentally different system architecture. Energy-efficient power allocation for large-scale MIMO systems isinvestigated in [20]. Yet, the resource allocation is optimizedonly for the single-receiver scenario and cannot be directlyextended to the multiuser case due to the coupling betweentime allocation and power control. Moreover, the circuit powerconsumption of the user terminals is ignored in [3]–[7], [9]–[11]. However, as pointed out in [26], the circuit power con-sumption is non-negligible compared to the power consumedfor data transmission, especially for small scale and short

1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


range applications. Furthermore, in the WPCN, energy isnot only consumed in the UL WIT stage but also in the DLWET stage during which no data is transmitted. In fact, asignificant amount of energy may be consumed during DLWET in order to combat the wireless channel attenuation.Therefore, EE optimization is even more important in WPCNthan in traditional wireless communication networks.

In this paper, we consider the WPCN where multiple usersfirst harvest energy from a power station and then use the har-vested energy to transmit signals to an information receivingstation. The considered system model is most closely relatedto that in [9]. However, there are three important differences.First, a hybrid station is employed in [9], i.e., the power stationfor WET and the information receiving station for WIT areco-located. Hence, a user near the hybrid station enjoys notonly higher WET channel gain in the DL but also higherWIT channel gain in the UL compared with users that arefar from the hybrid station. This phenomenon is referred toas “doubly near-far” problem in [9]. To avoid this problem, inthis paper, the information receiving station is not restrictedto be co-located with the power station. Hence, a user farfrom the power station can be near the information receivingstation and visa versa. Second, in contrast to [9], each user isequipped with a certain amount of initial energy and can storethe harvested energy from the current transmission block forfuture use. This generalization provides users a higher degreeof flexibility in utilizing the harvested energy and improvesthereby the EE of practical communication systems. Third,unlike [9], we focus on maximizing the system EE whileguaranteeing a minimum required system throughput insteadof maximizing the system throughput. The main contributionsand results of this paper can be summarized as follows:

• We formulate the EE maximization problem for multiuserWPCN with joint time allocation and power control.Thereby, we explicitly take into account the circuit energyconsumption of the power station and the user terminals.In the first step, we investigate the system EE of W-PCN providing best-effort communication, i.e., WPCNthat do not provide any system throughput guarantee.Subsequently, to meet the QoS requirements of practicalsystems, the EE maximization problem is studied for thecase with a minimum required system throughput.

• For the case of best-effort communication, we reveal thatthe energy-efficient WPCN are equivalent to either thenetwork in which the users are only powered by the initialenergy, i.e., no WET is exploited, or the network in whichthe users are only powered by WET, i.e., no initial energyis used. We refer to the former type of network as “initialenergy limited communication network” (IELCN) and tothe latter type of networks as “purely wireless poweredcommunication network” (PWPCN). For the IELCN, weshow that the most energy-efficient transmission strategyis to schedule only the user who has the highest userEE. In contrast, for the PWPCN, we find that: 1) in theWET stage, the power station always transmits with itsmaximum power; 2) it is not necessary for all users totransmit signals in the WIT stage, but all scheduled users

Power Station Wireless Powered Devices Information Receiving Station

hk gk

Power Transfer

Information Transmission

Fig. 1. The system model of a multiuser wireless powered communicationnetwork.

will deplete all of their energy; 3) the maximum systemEE can always be achieved by occupying all availabletime. Based on these observations, we derive a closed-form expression for the system EE based on the userEEs, which transforms the original problem into a userscheduling problem that can be solved efficiently.

• For the case of throughput-constrained WPCN, exploitingfractional programming theory, we transform the originalproblem into a standard convex optimization problem.Through the analysis of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT)conditions, we characterize the optimal structure of timeallocation and power control, and propose an efficientiterative algorithm to obtain the optimal solution. Weshow that for a sufficiently long transmission time, thesystem EE is maximized by letting each user achieve itsown maximum user EE. For a short transmission time,users can only meet the minimum system throughputrequirement at the cost of sacrificing system EE.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. SectionII introduces some preliminaries regarding WPCN. In SectionIII, we study best-effort communication in energy-efficientWPCN. In Section IV, we investigate the EE maximizationproblem in the presence of a minimum system throughputrequirement. Section V provides extensive simulation resultsto verify our analytical findings and the paper is concluded inSection VI.


A. System Model

We consider a WPCN, which consists of one power station,K wireless-powered users, denoted by Uk, for k = 1, ...,K,and one information receiving station, that is not necessarilyco-located with the power station, as illustrated in Fig. 1.As a special case, the information receiving station and thepower station may be integrated into one hybrid station assuggested in [9], which leads to lower hardware complexitybut gives rise to the “doublely near-far” problem. The “harvestand then transmit” protocol is employed for the WPCN.Namely, all users first harvest energy from the RF signalbroadcasted by the power station in the DL, and then transmitthe information signal to the information receiving stationin the UL [9]. For simplicity of implementation, the powerstation, the information receiving station, and all users areequipped with a single antenna and operate in the time division

1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


mode over the same frequency band [4], [9]. To be moregeneral, we assume that user k, for k = 1, ...,K, is equippedwith a rechargeable built-in battery with an initial energy ofQk (Joule). The initial energy may be the energy harvestedand stored in previous transmission blocks. This energy canbe used for WIT in the current block.

Assume that both the DL and the UL channels are quasi-static block fading channels. The DL channel power gainbetween the power station and user terminal k and the ULchannel power gain between user terminal k and the informa-tion receiving station are denoted as hk and gk, respectively.Note that both hk and gk capture the joint effect of pathloss, shadowing, and multipath fading. We also assume thatthe channel state information (CSI) is perfectly known at thepower station as we are interested in obtaining an EE upperbound for practical WPCN [9]. Once calculated, the resourceallocation policy is then sent to the users to perform energy-efficient transmission. We assume that the energy consumedfor estimating and exchanging CSI can be drawn from adedicated battery which does not rely on the harvested energy[23]. We note that signaling overhead and imperfect CSIwill result in a performance degradation but the study of theirimpact on the system EE is beyond the scope of this paper.For a detailed treatment of CSI acquisition in WPCN, we referto [27], [28].

During the WET stage, the power station broadcasts an RFsignal for a time duration τ0 at a transmit power P0. Theenergy harvested from channel noise and the received UL WITsignals from other users is assumed to be negligible, since thenoise power is generally much smaller than the received signalpower and the transmit powers of the users are much smallerthan the transmit power of the power station in practice [9]–[11], [29]. Thus, the amount of energy harvested at Uk can bemodeled as

Ehk = ητ0P0hk, k = 1, · · · ,K, (1)

where η ∈ (0, 1] is the energy conversion efficiency whichdepends on the type of receivers [9].

During the WIT stage, each user k transmits an independentinformation signal to the receiving station in a time divisionmanner at a transmit power pk. Denote the information trans-mission time of user k as τk. Then, the achievable throughputof Uk can be expressed as

Bk = τkW log2

(1 +


), (2)

where W is the bandwidth of the considered system, σ2 de-notes the noise variance, and Γ characterizes the gap betweenthe achievable rate and the channel capacity due to the use ofpractical modulation and coding schemes. In the sequel, weuse γk = gk

Γσ2 to denote the equivalent channel to noise ratiofor WIT. Thus, the total throughput of the WPCN, denoted asBtot, is given by

Btot =K∑k=1

Bk =K∑k=1

τkW log2(1 + pkγk). (3)

B. Power Consumption Model

The total energy consumption of the considered WPCNconsists of two parts: the energy consumed during WETand WIT, respectively. For each part, we adopt the energyconsumption model in [4], [21]–[23], namely, the powerconsumption of a transmitter includes not only the over-the-air transmit power but also the circuit power consumed forhardware processing. On the other hand, according to [26],[30], the energy consumption when users do not transmit, i.e.,when they are in the idle mode as opposed to the active mode,is negligible.

During the WET stage, the system energy consumption,denoted as EWET, is modeled as


ξτ0 −


Ehk + Pcτ0, (4)

where ξ ∈ (0, 1] is the power amplifier (PA) efficiency and Pcis the constant circuit power consumption of the power stationaccounting for antenna circuits, transmit filter, mixer, frequen-cy synthesizer, and digital-to-analog converter, etc. In (4), Pcτ0represents the circuit energy consumed by the power stationduring DL WET. Note that P0τ0−


hk is the energy loss

due to wireless channel propagation, i.e., the amount of energythat is emitted by the power station but not harvested by theusers. In practice, P0τ0−


hk = P0τ0


∑Kk=1 ηhk

)is always positive due to the law of energy conservation and0 < η ≤ 1 [4], [20].

During the WIT stage, each user independently transmitsits own signal with transmit power pk during time τk. Thus,the energy consumed by Uk can be modeled as

Ek =pkςτk + pcτk, (5)

where ς and pc are the PA efficiency and the circuit powerconsumption of the user terminals, respectively, which areassumed to be identical for all users without loss of generality.In practice, Ek has to satisfy Ek ≤ Ehk +Qk, which is knownas the energy causality constraint in energy harvesting systems[4], [20].

Therefore, the total energy consumption of the whole sys-tem, denoted as Etot, is given by

Etot = EWET +K∑k=1

Ek. (6)

C. User Energy Efficiency

In our previous work [24], we introduced the concept of userEE and it was shown to be directly connected to the systemEE. In this subsection, we review the definition of user EE inthe context of WPCN.

Definition 1 (User Energy Efficiency): The EE of userk, k = 1, · · · ,K, is defined as the ratio of its achievablethroughput and its consumed energy in the WIT stage, i.e.,

eek =BkEk

=τkW log2 (1 + pkγk)

τkpkς + τkpc

=W log2 (1 + pkγk)

pkς + pc

, (7)

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


where the energy consumption includes the energy consumedin both the PA and the electronic circuits. Hence, eek repre-sents the energy utilization efficiency of user k in WPCN.

It can be shown that eek is a strictly quasiconcave functionof pk and has a unique stationary point which is also themaximum point [31]. Therefore, by setting the derivative ofeek with respect to pk to zero, we obtain



Wγk(1+pkγk) ln 2 (pkς + pc)−W log2(1 + pkγk) 1

ς(pkς + pc

)2 = 0.


After some straightforward manipulations, the optimal trans-mit power can be expressed as

p?k =


ee?k ln 2− 1



,∀ k, (9)

where [x]+ , max{x, 0} and ee?k is the maximum EE of userk in (7). Based on (7) and (9), the numerical values of ee?kand p?k can be easily obtained using the bisection method [31].As shown in the sequel, the user EE plays an important rolein deriving an analytical expression for the maximum systemEE as well as for interpreting the obtained expression.


In this section, we study the resource allocation in best-effort WPCN with the objective to maximize the system EE,which is defined as the ratio of the achieved system throughputto the consumed system energy, i.e., EE = Btot

Etot. Specifically,

our goal is to jointly optimize the time allocation and powercontrol in the DL and the UL for maximizing the system EE.The system EE maximization can be formulated as EE∗ ,


∑Kk=1 τkW log2 (1 + pkγk)

P0τ0( 1ξ −

∑Kk=1 ηhk) + Pcτ0 +

∑Kk=1(pkς τk + pcτk)

s.t. C1: P0 ≤ Pmax,

C2:pkςτk + pcτk ≤ ηP0τ0hk +Qk, ∀ k,

C3: τ0 +


τk ≤ Tmax,

C4: τ0 ≥ 0, τk ≥ 0, ∀ k,C5: P0 ≥ 0, pk ≥ 0, ∀ k. (10)

where EE∗ is the maximum system EE of WPCN. In problem(10), constraint C1 limits the DL transmit power of the powerstation to Pmax. C2 ensures that the energy consumed for WITin the UL does not exceed the total available energy which iscomprised of both the harvested energy ηP0τ0hk and the initialenergy Qk. In C3, Tmax is the total available transmission timefor the considered time block. C4 and C5 are non-negativityconstraints on the time allocation and power control variables,respectively. Note that problem (10) is neither convex norquasi-convex due to the fractional-form objective function andthe coupled optimization variables. In general, there is no s-tandard method for solving non-convex optimization problems

efficiently. Nevertheless, in the following, we show that theconsidered problem can be efficiently solved by exploiting thefractional structure of the objective function in (10).

A. Equivalent Optimization ProblemsFirst, we show that the EE maximization problem for

WPCN is equivalent to two optimization problems for twosimplified sub-systems. To facilitate the presentation, we de-fine ΦP and ΦI as the set of users whose initial energy levelsare zero and strictly positive, respectively, i.e., Qk = 0 fork ∈ ΦP and Qk > 0 for k ∈ ΦI .

Theorem 1: Problem (10) is equivalent to one of the fol-lowing two problems:

1) The EE maximization in the pure WPCN (PWPCN) (i.e.,the system where DL WET is used and only the users in ΦPare present for UL WIT): EE∗PWPCN ,




τkW log2 (1 + pkγk)

P0τ0( 1ξ −

∑Kk=1 ηhk) + Pcτ0 +


(pkς τk + pcτk)

s.t. C1: P0 ≤ Pmax,

C2:pkςτk + pcτk ≤ ηP0τ0hk, k ∈ ΦP ,

C3: τ0 +∑k∈ΦP

τk ≤ Tmax,

C4: τ0 ≥ 0, τk ≥ 0, k ∈ ΦP ,

C5: P0 ≥ 0, pk ≥ 0, k ∈ ΦP , (11)

where EE∗PWPCN is used to denote the maximum system EEof the PWPCN.

2) The EE maximization in the initial energy limited com-munication network (IELCN) (i.e., the system where DL WETis not used and only the users in ΦI are present for UL WIT):EE∗IELCN ,



τkW log2 (1 + pkγk)∑k∈ΦI

(pkς τk + pcτk)

s.t. C2:pkςτk + pcτk ≤ Qk, k ∈ ΦI ,


τk ≤ Tmax,

C4: τk ≥ 0, k ∈ ΦI ,

C5: pk ≥ 0, k ∈ ΦI , (12)

where EE∗IELCN is used to denote the maximum system EEof the IELCN.

If EE∗PWPCN ≥ EE∗IELCN, then EE∗ = EE∗PWPCN;otherwise EE∗ = EE∗IELCN, i.e., either problem (11) orproblem (12) provides the optimal solution for problem (10).

Proof: Please refer to Appendix A.Theorem 1 reveals that the EE maximization problem in

WPCN with initial stored energy can be cast into the EE max-imization in one of the two simplified systems, i.e., PWPCNor IELCN. In the following, we study the EE and characterizeits properties for each of the systems independently. Note thatfor the special case that EE∗PWPCN = EE∗IELCN, without lossof generality, we assume that the system EE of problem (10)is achieved by PWPCN in order to preserve the initial energyof users belonging to ΦI .

1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


B. Properties of Energy-Efficient PWPCN

The following lemma characterizes the operation of thepower station for energy-efficient transmission.

Lemma 1: In energy-efficient PWPCN, the power stationalways transmits with its maximum allowed power, i.e., P0 =Pmax, for DL WET.

Proof: Please refer to Appendix B.Remark 1: This lemma seems contradictory to intuition

at first. In conventional non-WPCN systems, since only thetransmit power is optimized, the EE is generally first increas-ing and then decreasing with the transmit power when thecircuit power is taken into account [4], [18]–[22], [24]. Yet, inPWPCN, where the transmission time can also be optimized,letting the power station transmit with the maximum allowedpower reduces the time needed for WET in the DL, andthereby reduces the energy consumed by the circuits of thepower station. Moreover, it also gives the users more time toimprove the system throughput for WIT in the UL.

The following lemma characterizes the time utilization forenergy-efficient transmission.

Lemma 2: In energy-efficient PWPCN, the maximum sys-tem EE can always be achieved by using up all the availabletransmission time, i.e., τ0 +


τk = Tmax.Proof: Please refer to Appendix C.

Remark 2: Lemma 2 indicates that, in PWPCN, using upthe entire available transmission time is optimal. In fact, ifthe total available time is not completely used up, increasingthe time for both DL WET and UL WIT by the same factormaintains the system EE at least at the same level, whileimproving the system throughput.

Next, we study how the wireless powered users are sched-uled for utilizing their harvested energy for energy-efficienttransmission.

Lemma 3: In energy-efficient PWPCN, the followingscheduling strategy is optimal:1) If EE∗PWPCN < ee?k, ∀ k ∈ ΦP , then user k is scheduled,i.e., τ∗k > 0, and it will use up all of its energy, i.e.,τ∗k (

p∗kς + pc) = ηPmaxτ

∗0 hk.

2) If EE∗PWPCN = ee?k, ∀ k ∈ ΦP , scheduling user kor not does not affect the maximum system EE, i.e., 0 ≤τ∗k (

p∗kς + pc) ≤ ηPmaxτ

∗0 hk.

3) If EE∗PWPCN > ee?k, ∀ k ∈ ΦP , then user k is notscheduled, i.e., τ∗k = 0, and it preserves all of its energy forthe next transmission slot.

Proof: Please refer to Appendix D.Lemma 3 reveals an important property related to user

scheduling and the corresponding energy utilization: users thatare scheduled should have a better or at least the same EE asthe overall system, and for users with a strictly better EE,utilizing all of their energy always benefits the system EE.

Remark 3: In [9], the authors focus on the throughputmaximization problem for PWPCN. For that problem, theoptimal transmission time of each user increases linearly withthe equivalent channel gain. In other words, all users arescheduled no matter how severely their channel conditionsare degraded. However, for EE oriented systems, it is notcost effective to schedule all users, especially if their channels

are weak, since each user introduces additional circuit powerconsumption.

In Lemmas 1, 2, and 3, we have revealed several basicproperties of EE optimal PWPCN. In the following, we derivean expression for the maximum EE and also the optimalsolution based on the above properties.

Theorem 2: The optimal system EE of PWPCN can beexpressed as


∑k∈S∗ ee



+ 1ξ −

∑Kk=1 ηhk

)+∑k∈S∗ hk



where S∗ ⊆ ΦP is the optimal scheduled user set. The optimalpower and time allocation can be expressed as

p∗k =


ee?k ln 2− 1



, (14)

τ∗0 =Tmax

1 + ηPmax


hkee?kW log2(


ln 2)

, (15)

τ∗k = ηPmaxτ0hkee


W log2( Wςγkee?k ln 2 )

. (16)

Proof: Please refer to Appendix E.Theorem 2 provides a simple expression for the system

EE in terms of the user EE and other system parameters. In(13), since Pmax and Pc are the maximum allowed transmitpower and the circuit power, respectively, their ratio Pc


can be interpreted as the inefficiency of the power station.The term 1

ξ −∑Kk=1 ηhk represents the energy loss per unit

transmit energy due to the wireless channels, non-ideal energyharvesting devices, and a non-ideal PA at the power station.

Note that 1η


+ 1ξ −

∑Kk=1 ηhk

)involves only fixed

system parameters and is therefore a constant. This meansthat once S∗ is determined, the optimal solution can beobtained from (13). Therefore, the problem is simplified tofinding the optimal user set S∗. In [22], we have proposed alinear-complexity algorithm for solving a scheduling problemwith a similar structure as (13). The details of this algorithmare omitted here and we refer the readers to [22] for moreinformation.

Another interesting observation for PWPCN is the rela-tionship between the number of scheduled users and thephysical system parameters, which has been summarized inthe following corollary.

Corollary 1: 1) For energy-efficient PWPCN, the numberof scheduled user increases with the ratio Pc

Pmax; 2) For energy-

efficient PWPCN, the number of scheduled user decreases withthe energy conversion efficiency η.

Proof: Due to space limitation, we only provide a sketchof the proof here. From Lemma 3, we know that the conditionfor scheduling user k is EE∗PWPCN ≤ ee?k. Since a largerPcPmax

or a lower η leads to a lower system EE, EE∗PWPCN,i.e., more users satisfy the scheduling condition, more usersare scheduled.

Corollary 1 generally reveals the relationship between thenumber of scheduled users and the physical system parameters

1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


of the power station (Pc, Pmax) and/or user terminals (η) inthe energy efficient PWPCN.

In the next subsection, we investigate the EE of IELCN andcharacterize its properties.

C. Properties of Energy-Efficient IELCNTheorem 3: Problem (12) is equivalent to the following

optimization problem



τkW log2 (1 + pkγk)pkς τk + pcτk

s.t.pkςτk + pcτk ≤ Qk, k ∈ ΦI ,

τk ≤ Tmax, k ∈ ΦI ,

C4, C5, (17)

and the corresponding optimal solution is given by

p∗k =

{p?k, if k = arg max

i∈ΦIee?i ,

0, otherwise, ∀i,(18)



0,max( Qkp∗kς +pc

, Tmax)

], if k = arg max

i∈ΦIee?i ,

= 0, otherwise, ∀i.(19)

Proof: Please refer to Appendix F.Theorem 3 indicates that the optimal transmission strategy

for EE maximization in IELCN is to schedule only theuser with the highest user EE. Thus, based on Theorem 3,EE∗IELCN can be easily obtained with the user EE introducedin Section II-C.

In summary, we have obtained the optimal solutions ofproblems (11) and (12) in Section III-B and Section III-C, respectively. Thus, as shown in Theorem 1, the optimalsolution of problem (10) is achieved by the one which resultsin larger system EE.


Since practical systems may have to fulfill certain QoSrequirements, in this section, we investigate energy-efficienttime allocation and power control for WPCN guaranteeing aminimum system throughput. In this case, the EE maximiza-tion problem can be formulated as


∑Kk=1 τkW log2 (1 + pkγk)

P0τ0( 1ξ −

∑Kk=1 ηhk) + Pcτ0 +

∑Kk=1(pkς τk + pcτk)

s.t. C1, C2, C3, C4, C5,


τkW log2 (1 + pkγk) ≥ Rmin, (20)

where Rmin denotes the minimum required system throughputand all other parameters and constraints are identical to thosein (10). We note that different priorities and fairness amongthe users could be realized by adopting the weighted sum rateinstead of the system throughput. However, since the weightsare constants and do not affect the algorithm design, withoutloss of generality, we assume all users are equally weightedin this paper [4].

A. Feasibility of Problem (20)

Before proceeding to solve problem (20), we first investigatethe feasibility condition for a given QoS requirement, Rmin.The following theorem provides the necessary and sufficientcondition for the feasibility of problem (20).

Theorem 4: Problem (20) is feasible if R∗ ≥ Rmin, whereR∗ is the maximum objective value of the following concaveoptimization problem



τkW log2

(1 +

τ0Pmaxηhk +Qkτk

ςγk − pcςγk


s.t. τ0 +K∑k=1

τk = Tmax,

τ0 ≥ 0, τk ≥ 0, ∀ k. (21)

Proof: Due to the space limitation, we only providea sketch of the proof. It can be shown that the maximumthroughput of problem (20) is achieved when C1-C3 are allsatisfied with equality, which leads to problem (21). If theenergy of some user is not used up, the system throughputcan always be improved by increasing its transmit power whilekeeping its transmission time unchanged, thus C2 holds withstrict equality. Similar considerations can also be made for C1and C3, respectively. The objective function in (21) is concaveand all constraints are affine, thus problem (21) is a standardconcave optimization problem.

In fact, problem (21) falls into the category of throughputmaximization problems in WPCN and can be solved bystandard optimization techniques, such as the interior pointmethod [31]. The feasibility of problem (20) can thereby beverified based on Theorem 4. If it is infeasible, Rmin canbe decreased and/or Tmax (Pmax) can be increased until theproblem becomes feasible. In the following, we assume thatproblem (20) is feasible.

B. Transformation of the Objective Function

It is intuitive that when Rmin is sufficiently large, bothpower transfer and the initial energy are needed to meet thesystem throughput requirement. Thus, problem (20) cannot besimply cast into PWPCN or IELCN. Moreover, problem (20)is neither convex nor quasi-convex due to the fractional formof the objective function and the non-convexity of inequalityconstraints C2 and C6. Next, we study the transmit power ofthe power station.

Theorem 5: For problem (20), the maximum system EE canalways be achieved for P ∗0 = Pmax.

Proof: As the power transfer may not be activated due tothe initial energy of the users, we discuss the following twocases. First, if the power transfer is activated for the optimalsolution, i.e., τ∗0 > 0, then we can show that P ∗0 = Pmax

following a similar proof as for Lemma 1. Second, if τ∗0 = 0holds, then the value of the power station’s transmit power P ∗0does not affect the maximum system EE, and thus P0 = Pmax

is also an optimal solution.It is worth noting that Lemma 1 is in fact a special case of

Theorem 5. Considering Theorem 5, we only have to optimize

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


τ0, {pk}, and {τk}, ∀ k, for solving problem (20). Accordingto nonlinear fractional programming theory [32], for a problemof the form,

q∗ = maxτ0,{pk},{τk}∈F

Btot(pk, τk)

Etot(τ0, pk, τk), (22)

where F is the feasible set, there exists an equivalent problemin subtractive form, which satisfies

T (q∗) = maxτ0,{pk},{τk}∈F

{Btot(pk, τk)−q∗Etot(τ0, pk, τk)} = 0.

(23)The equivalence of (22) and (23) can be easily verified at theoptimal point (τ∗0 , p

∗k, τ∗k ) with the corresponding maximum

value q∗ which is the optimal system EE to be determined.Dinkelbach provides an iterative method in [32] to obtain q∗.In each iteration, a subtractive-form maximization problem(23) is solved for a given q. The value of q is updatedand problem (23) is solved again in the next iteration untilconvergence is achieved. By applying this transformation to(22), we obtain the following problem for a given q in eachiteration



τkW log2 (1 + pkγk)− q


(pkςτk + pcτk







)+ Pcτ0

)s.t. C2, C3, C4, C5, C6. (24)

Although problem (24) is more tractable than the originalproblem (20), it is still a non-convex optimization problemsince it involves products of optimization variables. Hence,we further introduce a set of auxiliary variables, i.e., Ek =pkτk, for ∀ k, which can be interpreted as the actual energyconsumed by user k. Replacing pk with Ek

τk, problem (24) can

be written as



τkW log2

(1 +


)− q



+ pcτk







)+ Pcτ0

)s.t. C3, C4, C5: Ek ≥ 0, ∀ k,


+ pcτk ≤ ηPmaxτ0hk +Qk, ∀ k,


τkW log2

(1 +


)≥ Rmin. (25)

After this substitution, it is easy to show that problem (25) isa standard convex optimization problem, which can be solvedby standard convex optimization techniques, e.g., the interior-point method [31]. However, this method neither exploits theparticular structure of the problem itself nor does it provideany useful insights into the solution. Hence, in the following,we employ the KKT conditions to analyze problem (25), whichresults in an optimal and efficient solution.

C. Iterative Algorithm for Energy Efficiency Maximization

The partial Lagrangian function of problem (25) can bewritten as

L(τ0, Ek, τk,µ, δ, ϑ)

=(1 + ϑ)K∑k=1

τkW log2

(1 +


)− q



+ pcτk


+ Pmaxτ0





)+ Pcτ0

)+ δ

(Tmax − τ0 −






(Qk + ηPmaxτ0hk −

Ekς− pcτk

)− ϑRmin, (26)

where µ, δ, and ϑ are the non-negative Lagrange multipliersassociated with constraints C2, C3, and C6, respectively. Theboundary constraints C4 and C5 are absorbed into the optimalsolution in the following. Then, the optimal solution can beobtained from the following theorem.

Theorem 6: Given µ, δ, and ϑ, the maximizer ofL(τ0, Ek, τk,µ, δ, ϑ) is given by


{∈ [ 0, Tmax), if f0(µ) = 0,= 0, if f0(µ) < 0,


E∗k = τ∗kpk,∀ k, (28)



ηPmaxτ∗0 hk+Qk

p∗kς +pc

, if γk > x∗,


ηPmaxτ∗0 hk+Qk

p∗kς +pc

], if γk = x∗,

= 0, if γk < x∗,


where pk and f0(µ) are given by

p∗k =

[W (1 + ϑ)ς

(q + µk) ln 2− 1



,∀ k, (30)

f0(µ) = Pmax


µkhk − q




))− qPc − δ.


In (29), x∗ denotes the solution of

aq(ln 2) log2(ax)1


x− q(a+ pc)− δ = 0, (32)

where a , W (1+ϑ)ςq ln 2 .

Proof: Please refer to Appendix G.By exploiting Theorem 6, the optimal solution of (25) can

be obtained with Algorithm 1 given on the next page. InAlgorithm 1, we first initialize the Lagrange multipliers ϑ andδ. Line 9 calculates x∗ from (32), where x∗ is the threshold todetermine whether a user is scheduled or not. It is interestingto note that since the parameters a, q, ς , pc, and δ in (32) areindependent of the user index k, the threshold x∗ is therebyidentical for all users. Then, based on (29), we determine theusers that should be scheduled by comparing x∗ with γk. Thus,for an unscheduled user k, its corresponding µk is zero sinceconstraint C2 is met with strict inequality. In contrast, for ascheduled user k with γk, line 10 calculates its correspondingµk by setting f(µk, γk) = 0 in (47), where f(µk, γk) is givenby (46). With given ϑ, δ, and µk, the power allocation variable

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


Algorithm 1 Energy-Efficient Transmission Algorithm forWPCN

1: Initialize q = 0 and the maximum tolerance ε;2: Repeat3: Initialize ϑ and δ;4: Set Lagrange multipliers ϑmax = ϑ, ϑmin = 0, δmax =δ, and δmin = 0;

5: While ϑmax − ϑmin ≥ ε6: ϑ = 1

2 (ϑmax + ϑmin);7: While δmax − δmin ≥ ε8: δ = 1

2 (δmax + δmin);9: Compute x∗ from (32) for given q, ϑ, and δ;

10: Compute µk from (46) and (47) with γk > x∗;otherwise, µk = 0;

11: Obtain pk for each user from (30);12: Obtain τ0 and τk from (27) and (29),

respectively;13: If there exist τ0 and τk,∀ k, satisfying (??),

then, break;14: elseif τ0 +

∑Kk=1 τk > Tmax

15: δmin = δ; else δmax = δ;16: end17: end while18: If there exist pk, ∀ k, satisfying (??), then, break;19: elseif

∑Kk=1 τkW log2 (1 + pkgk) < Rmin

20: ϑmin = ϑ; else ϑmax = ϑ;21: end22: end while23: Update q = Btot(pk,τk)

Etot(τ0,pk,τk) ;24: until T (q∗) < ε

pk can be immediately computed from (30) in line 11. Then,from (27) and (29), the region with respect to τ0 and τk iseasily obtained as in line 12. Since it has been shown in (39)and (46) that the Lagrangian function L is a linear functionwith respect to τ0 and τk, the optimal solution that maximizesL can always be found at the vertices of the region created byτ0 and τk. It is worth noting that in the case that all usershave sufficient energy, it follows that µk = 0 due to thecomplementary slackness condition (42). Then, from (31), thisleads to f0(µ) < 0 which implies that activating the powertransfer is not beneficial for achieving the highest system EE.Otherwise, ϑ and δ are updated iteratively until they converge.Since the outer-layer Dinkelbach method and the inner-layerbisection method are both convergent [31], [32], the proposedalgorithm is guaranteed to converge to the optimal solution.

The computational complexity of Algorithm 1 can be ana-lyzed as follows. The complexity of lines 8-11 in Algorithm1 is linear in the number of users, K. Furthermore, thecomplexity of the Dinkelbach method [33] for updating qand the bisection method [31] for updating ϑ and δ are bothindependent of K. Therefore, the total complexity of theproposed algorithm is O(K).

In the following, we reveal some properties of energy-efficient WPCN with a throughput constraint.

Corollary 2: If the total available transmission time is notused up, i.e., τ0 +

∑Kk=1 τk < Tmax, then each scheduled user

k transmits with the power that achieves the maximum userEE, i.e., pk = p?k in (7). In contrast, if the total availabletransmission time is used up, then the optimal transmit powerof each scheduled user k satisfies pk ≥ p?k.

Proof: Please refer to Appendix H.Corollary 2 reveals that as long as the total available

transmission time is sufficiently long, letting each user inde-pendently maximize its own maximum EE is the most energy-efficient power control strategy for the whole system, whichalso coincides with the conclusion in Theorem 2 for best-effort PWPCN. On the other hand, if the available transmissiontime is not sufficient, users can only meet the required systemthroughput by increasing their transmit power at the expenseof sacrificing user EE and also system EE. Furthermore, usersthat are not scheduled in the problem without Rmin, i.e.,problem (10), may have to be scheduled in order to meetRmin, although scheduling them is detrimental to the systemEE. Thus, it is likely that some of these users only consumejust enough of their energy to satisfy Rmin. The followingcorollary sheds some light on how an energy-efficient WPCNmeets the QoS requirement.

Corollary 3: If WET is used, i.e., τ0 > 0, and a scheduleduser m does not use up all of its available energy, thenthe transmit powers of all scheduled users remain constantuntil user m’s energy is used up. Moreover, as the requiredsystem throughput increases, the energy transfer time τ0 andthe transmission time τk of any scheduled user k 6= mdecrease, respectively, while the transmission time τm of userm increases.

Proof: Please refer to Appendix I.Corollary 3 suggests that if some scheduled user has a large

amount of initial energy available, it is preferable to utilize thisenergy instead of prolonging the DL WET time if the requiredthroughput is high. This is because DL WET not only causescircuit energy consumption but also reduces the time for ULWIT.


In this section, we present simulation results to validateour theoretical findings, and to demonstrate the system EEof WPCN. Five users are randomly and uniformly distributedon the right hand side of the power station with a referencedistance of 2 meters and a maximum service distance of 15meters. The information receiving station is located 300 metersaway from the power station. The system bandwidth is setas 20 kHz and the SNR gap is Γ = 0 dB. The path lossexponent is 2.8 and the thermal noise power is -110 dBm.The small scale fading for WET and WIT is Rician fadingwith Rician factor 7 dB and Rayleigh fading, respectively. Thecircuit power consumptions at the power station and the userterminals are set to 500 mW and 5 mW, respectively. The PAefficiencies of the power station and the user terminals, i.e.,ξ and ς , are set to unity, without loss of generality. Unlessspecified otherwise, the remaining system parameters are setto η = 0.9, Tmax = 1s, and Pmax = 43 dBm. In Figs. 3-6,best-effort communication WPCN are considered, whereas inFigs. 2 and 7, a minimum system throughput requirement isimposed.

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 100










2x 10


Number of iterations





y of



em (





= 40 Kbits


= 60 Kbits


= 80 Kbits

Fig. 2. System EE versus the number of outer-layer iterations of the proposedalgorithm for different minimum system requirements, Rmin.

A. Convergence of Proposed Algorithm

Fig. 2 depicts the achieved system EE of the proposedAlgorithm 1 versus the number of outer-layer iterations usingthe Dinkelbach method for different configurations. As can beobserved, on average at most six iterations are needed to reachthe optimal solution in the outer-layer optimization. Since thetime allocation and power control by the bisection method alsoresults in a fast convergence in the inner-layer optimization[31], the proposed algorithm is guaranteed to converge quickly.

B. System EE of WPCN: PWPCN versus IELCN

We provide a concrete example to illustrate Theo-rem 1 for best-effort communication. Specifically, we setQ , [Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5] = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1] (Joule), h ,[h1, h2, h3, h4, h5] = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1], and γ ,[γ1, γ2, γ3, γ4, γ5] = [8, 6, γ3, 0.3, 0.2], respectively. Note thatonly the last three users have initial energy available. There-fore, from Theorem 3 for IELCN, we know that only the thirduser is scheduled if γ3 > 0.3, and its EE is independent ofPmax and increasing with γ3. However, from Theorem 2, weknow that the EE of PWPCN is increasing in Pmax. Therefore,we can vary γ3 and Pmax to observe the system switching fromIELCN to PWPCN in terms of system EE, which is shown inFig. 3. In the low transmit power regime, the system is in theIELCN mode, but as Pmax increases, when the EE of PWPCNsurpasses that of IELCN, the system switches to the PWPCNmode.

C. System EE versus Transmit Power of Power Station andPath Loss Exponent of WET Channel

We compare the EE of the following schemes: 1) EEOptimal: proposed approach; 2) Throughput Optimal: basedon conventional throughput maximization [9]; 3) Fixed Propor-tion: let each user consume a fixed proportion of its harvestedenergy, denoted as ρ, which can be adjusted to balance theenergy consumed and stored. In Fig. 4, as Pmax increases,we observe that the performance of the EE Optimal schemefirst sharply increases and then experience a moderate increasewhile the EE of the Throughput Optimal scheme first increases

10 15 20 25 30 35 400







x 104

Transmit power Pmax






y of



em (










Fig. 3. Illustration of the system switching from IELCN to PWPCN as Pmax

increases. The green curve corresponds to PWPCN and the horizontal portionof curves corresponds to IELCN.

and then strictly decreases, which is due to its greedy useof power. Moreover, for the Fixed Proportion schemes, asρ increases, the system EE also increases. However, evenfor ρ = 1, the EE Optimal scheme still outperforms theFixed Proportion scheme. The proposed scheme has a superiorperformance as it only schedules users which are beneficial forthe system EE while the Fixed Proportion scheme imprudentlyschedules all users without any selection.

In Fig. 5, the system EE of all schemes decreases withincreasing path loss exponent α. Moreover, the performancegap between the different schemes decreases as α increases.A larger path loss exponent leads to more energy loss insignal propagation, which forces the energy-efficient designs toschedule more users and to utilize more energy to increase thesystem throughput so as to improve the system EE. Hence, theproposed algorithm behaves similar to the Throughput Optimalscheme for very high path loss exponents.

D. Number of Scheduled Users versus Energy HarvestingEfficiency

In Fig. 6, we show the number of scheduled users versusthe energy harvesting efficiency of the user terminal, η. Aninteresting observation is that the number of scheduled usersis non-decreasing with increasing η. This is because as the en-ergy harvesting efficiency increases, the energy loss decreaseswhich leads to a higher system EE. This further forces thesystem to be more conservative in scheduling users so as tomaintain higher EE. Moreover, for a larger Pc, more users arescheduled.

E. System EE versus Minimum Throughput Requirement

Fig. 7 shows the system EE versus the minimum requiredsystem throughput, Rmin, for different numbers of user termi-nals. We observe that as Rmin increases, the system EE firstremains constant and then gradually decreases, which is due tothe fundamental trade-off between EE and spectral efficiency(SE). As expected, the EE increases with the number of usersK. The reasons for this are twofold. First, for DL WET, ifmore users participate in energy harvesting, the energy loss

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450










2x 10


Transmit power Pmax






y of



em (




EE OptimalThroughput OptimalFixed Proportion ρ=1

Fixed Proportion ρ=0.7

Fixed Proportion ρ=0.3

Fig. 4. System EE versus the maximum transmit power.

1.8 2 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3 3.2 3.4 3.60










x 104

Path loss exponent α





y of



em (




EE OptimalThroughput OptimalFixed Proportion ρ=1Fixed Proportion ρ=0.7Fixed Proportion ρ=0.3

Fig. 5. System EE versus the path loss exponent.

due to signal propagation decreases. Second, for UL WIT, alarger number of users results in a higher multiuser diversitygain, which in turn leads to a higher system throughput.

Another interesting observation is that for larger K, thesystem EE decreases more rapidly than for smaller K. Thisis mainly because for larger K, more energy is harvestedand thus the energy loss in DL WET is relatively lessdominant in the total energy consumption compared to theenergy consumed for UL WIT. Therefore, for high throughputrequirements, the energy consumption is more sensitive tochanges in the throughput requirements for larger K, whichleads to a faster decrease in the system EE.


In this paper, we have investigated the joint time allocationand power control of DL WET and UL WIT to maximizethe system EE of the WPCN. For the WPCN with best-effortcommunication, we have shown that the EE maximizationproblem is equivalent to the EE maximization in two differentsimplified systems, i.e., PWPCN and IELCN. For the PW-PCN, we have reduced the EE maximization problem to amultiuser scheduling problem where the number of scheduledusers increases with the circuit power but decreases withthe energy conversion efficiency at the user side. On theother hand, for the IELCN, only the user with the highestuser EE is scheduled. Furthermore, we have studied the EEmaximization problem under a minimum required systemthroughput constraint and proposed an efficient algorithm forobtaining the optimal solution. In addition, we have shownthat when the available transmission time is sufficiently long,the most energy-efficient strategy for the system is to leteach user achieve its own maximum user EE. In contrast, ifthe transmission time is too short, the system EE has to besacrificed to achieve the system throughput requirement.

There are several interesting research directions that couldbe pursued based on the results in this paper: 1) While thethroughput in UL WIT improves with the quality of the CSI,this comes at the expense of energy and time needed forCSI estimation which reduces the system EE. Therefore, thedesign of the optimal CSI acquisition strategy for maximizing

the system EE is an interesting topic. 2) Beyond the systemEE, maximizing the user EE may be desirable in practice, forexample, to extend the lifetime of some specific battery. Thus,the user EE tradeoff is worth studying so that different trans-mission strategies can be employed to strike the balance amongEEs of different users. 3) Finally, maximizing the system EEwhile guaranteeing minimum individual user throughputs isalso an interesting problem.


We first introduce a lemma to facilitate our proof.Lemma 4: Assume that a, b, c, and d are arbitrary positive

numbers. Then, we have a+cb+d ≤ max {ab ,

cd} where “=” holds

if and only if ab = c

d .Proof: The proof is straightforward and thus omitted due

to the space limitation.Let S = {P0, τ0, {pk}, {τk}} denote an arbitrary solu-

tion of problem (10) and its corresponding system EE isdenoted as EE. Let S = {P0, τ0, {pk}, {τk}} and S ={P0, 0, {pk}, {τk}} denote the optimal solutions of problem(11) or problem (12), respectively. The energy consumptionscorresponding to S, S, and S during DL WET are EWET,EWET, and 0, respectively. The feasible sets of problems (10),(11), and (12) are denoted as D, DP , and DI , respectively,and rk(pk) , W log2(1 + pkγk). Note that if τk = 0 holdsfor ∀ k ∈ ΦP and ∀ k ∈ ΦI , the system EE of WPCN is zerowhich is obviously not the maximum value of problem (10).Therefore, the maximum EE of problem (10), EE∗, can onlybe achieved for one of the following three cases:1) {τ0 > 0;∃ k ∈ ΦP , τk > 0; ∀ k ∈ ΦI , τk = 0}: In this case,as τ0 > 0 while ∀ k ∈ ΦI , τk = 0, the maximum EE of WPCNis achieved by PWPCN, i.e., problem (10) simplifies to prob-lem (11) and EE∗ = max {EE∗PWPCN, 0} = EE∗PWPCN.2) {τ0 = 0;∀ k ∈ ΦP , τk = 0; ∃ k ∈ ΦI , τk > 0}: In thiscase, as τ0 = 0 and ∀ k ∈ ΦP , τk = 0, the maximum EE ofWPCN is achieved by IELCN, i.e., problem (10) simplifies toproblem (12) and EE∗ = max {0, EE∗IELCN} = EE∗IELCN.3) {τ0 > 0; ∃ k ∈ ΦP , τk > 0; ∃ k ∈ ΦI , τk > 0}: In thiscase, by exploiting the fractional structures of (10)-(12), we

1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 10












Energy harvesting efficiency η



of s






c=5 W

Pc=0.5 W

Fig. 6. Number of scheduled users versus the efficiency η.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

x 104







3x 10


Throughput requirement Rmin






y of



em (





Fig. 7. System EE versus the minimum required throughput.

have the following inequalities

EE =

∑Kk=1 τkrk(pk)

EWET +∑Kk=1 τk(pkς + pc)



τkrk(pk) +∑k∈ΦI



τk(pkς + pc) +∑k∈ΦI

τk(pkς + pc)

a≤ max

{ ∑k∈ΦP



τk(pkς + pc),∑


k∈ΦIτk(pkς + pc)

}b≤ max

{ ∑k∈ΦP



τk( pkς + pc),∑


k∈ΦIτk( pkς + pc)

}= max {EE∗PWPCN, EE

∗IELCN} , (33)

where inequality “a” holds due to Lemma 4 and the strictequality “=” represents the special case when the system EEof PWPCN is the same as that of IELCN. Inequality “b”holds since S and S are the optimal solutions correspond-ing to EE∗PWPCN and EE∗IELCN, respectively. Therefore, in(35), if and only if the maximum system EE of PWPCN isthe same as the maximum system EE of IELCN, the strictequality in “a” can hold together with the strict equalityin “b”. In this case, there exists a solution that satisfies{τ0 > 0; ∃ k ∈ ΦP , τk > 0; ∃ k ∈ ΦI , τk > 0} andachieves the maximum system EE of WPCN. It thus followsthat EE∗ = EE∗PWPCN = EE∗IELCN and without loss ofgenerality, we assume that the maximum system EE for thiscase is achieved by PWPCN in order to preserve the initialenergy of users belonging to ΦI . Otherwise, the strict equalityin “a” can not hold together with the strict equality in “b”.This means that the system EE achieved by any solution thatsatisfies {τ0 > 0;∃ k ∈ ΦP , τk > 0; ∃ k ∈ ΦI , τk > 0} willbe strictly smaller than the maximum EE of either PWPCNor IELCN, i.e., EE∗ = max {EE∗PWPCN, EE

∗IELCN}, which

suggests that either PWPCN or IELCN is optimal. Next, weinvestigate under what conditions “b” holds with strict equality,

i.e., EE∗PWPCN and EE∗IELCN are achieved without violatingthe feasible domain of the original problem (10). This leadsto the following two cases:• For k ∈ ΦP , it is easy to verify the equivalence between{P0, τ0, {pk}, {τk}} ∈ D and {P0, τ0, {pk}, {τk}} ∈DP . As {P0, τ0, {pk}, {τk}} maximizes EEPWPCN, “b”holds true for the first term inside the bracket.

• For k ∈ ΦI , the optimal solution, denoted as {p∗k, τ∗k} ∈D, implies that τ∗k (

p∗kς + pc) ≤ ηP ∗0 τ

∗0 hk + Qk and

τ∗0 +∑Kk=1 τ

∗k ≤ Tmax. Then, we can construc-

t another solution {P0, 0, {pk}, {τk}} with P0 =P ∗0 , pk = p∗k, and τk = ατ∗k , where α =mink∈ΦI

QkQk+ηP∗0 τ

∗0 hk

≤ 1 such that τk( pkς + pc) ≤ Qk

for ∀ k. It can be verified that {P0, 0, {pk}, {τk}} isa feasible point in DI , and can achieve the same EEas {P ∗0 , τ∗0 , {p∗k}, {τ∗k}} ∈ D, i.e.,



τk(pkς +pc)


ατ∗k rk(p∗k)∑k∈ΦI

ατ∗k (p∗kς +pc)


τ∗k rk(p∗k)∑k∈ΦI

τ∗k (p∗kς +pc)

. On the oth-

er hand, since {P0, 0, {pk}, {τk}} ∈ DI maximizesEEIELCN, “b” holds true for the second term inside thebracket.

The above analysis proves Theorem 1.


We prove Lemma 1 by contradiction. Suppose that{P ∗0 , {p∗k}, τ∗0 , {τ∗k}} is the optimal solution to problem (11)where P ∗0 < Pmax holds for any P ∗0 , and the optimalsystem EE is denoted as EE∗. Let E∗0 , P ∗0 τ

∗0 where

E∗0 can be interpreted as the actual energy transmitted bythe power station. Then, we can construct another solution{P0, {pk}, τ0, {τk}} satisfying P0 = Pmax, P0τ0 = E∗0 , pk =p∗k, and τk = τ∗k , respectively. The corresponding system EE isdenoted as EE. It is easy to check that {P0, {pk}, τ0, {τk}}is a feasible solution given {P ∗0 , {p∗k}, τ∗0 , {τ∗k}}. Moreover,since P0 = Pmax > P ∗0 , it follows that τ0 < τ∗0 and hencePcτ0 < Pcτ

∗0 always holds true. Therefore, we always have


(1ξ −

∑Kk=1 ηhk

)+ Pcτ0 < P ∗0 τ


(1ξ −

∑Kk=1 ηhk


Pcτ∗0 . Since neither {p∗k} nor {τ∗k} are changed in the

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This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


constructed solution, based on problem (11), it followsthat EE > EE∗, which contradicts the assumption that{P ∗0 , {p∗k}, τ∗0 , {τ∗k}} is the optimal solution. Lemma 1 is thusproved.


Suppose that {P ∗0 , {p∗k}, τ∗0 , {τ∗k}} yields the maximumsystem EE, EE∗, and satisfies 0 ≤ τ∗0 +


τ∗k < Tmax.Then, we can construct another solution {P0, {pk}, τ0, {τk}}with P0 = P ∗0 , pk = p∗k, τ0 = ατ∗0 , τk = ατ∗k , respectively,where α = Tmax

τ∗0 +∑k∈ΦP

τ∗k> 1 such that τ0 +


τk =

Tmax. The corresponding system EE is denoted as EE. First,it is easy to check that {P0, {pk}, τ0, {τk}} still satisfiesconstraints C1-C5. Then, substituting {P0, {pk}, τ0, {τk}} intoproblem (11) yields EE = EE∗, which means that theoptimal system EE can always be achieved by using up allthe available time, i.e., Tmax. Lemma 2 is thus proved.


First, if EE∗PWPCN < ee?m, we proved that user m willbe scheduled in our previous work [Theorem 1] [24]. Second,we prove that the scheduled user will use up all of its energyby contradiction. Suppose that {P ∗0 , {p∗k}, τ∗0 , {τ∗k}} is theoptimal solution to problem (11) and there exists a Um,∀m ∈ ΦP , such that EE∗PWPCN < ee∗m, but its harvestedenergy is not used up, i.e., (

p∗mς + pc)τ

∗m < ηPmaxτ

∗0 hm and

(p∗kς + pc)τ

∗k ≤ ηPmaxτ

∗0 hk for k 6= m. The corresponding

system EE, EE∗PWPCN, is given by



∑k 6=m τ

∗kW log2 (1 + p∗kγk) + τ∗mW log2 (1 + p∗mγm)

E∗WET + Pcτ∗0 +∑k 6=m τ

∗k (

p∗kς + pc) + τ∗m(

p∗mς + pc)



Then, we can construct another solution {P0, {pk}, τ0, {τk}}with P0 = P ∗0 , pk = p∗k for ∀ k, τ0 = βτ∗0 , τk = βτ∗kfor k 6= m, and τm = ατ∗m, respectively, where 0 <β < 1 and α > 1. Note that as β → 0, it follows thatηPmaxτ0hm = βηPmaxτ

∗0 hm → 0, and as α increases, it

follows that ( pmς + pc)τm = α(p∗mς + pc)τ

∗m increases. There-

fore, there always exist α and β such that α(p∗mς + pc)τ

∗m =

βηPmaxτ∗0 hm holds. It is also easy to check that for k 6= m,

β(p∗kς + pc)τ

∗k ≤ βηPmaxτ

∗0 hk still holds. Consequently, the

corresponding system EE, denoted as EEPWPCN, is given by



∑k 6=m τkW log2 (1 + pkγk) + τmW log2 (1 + pmγm)

EWET + Pcτ0 +∑k 6=m τk( pkς + pc) + τm( pmς + pc)

=β∑k 6=m τ

∗kW log2 (1 + p∗kγk) + ατ∗mW log2 (1 + p∗mγm)

β(E∗WET + Pcτ∗0 +

∑k 6=m τ

∗k (

p∗kς + pc)

)+ ατ∗m(

p∗mς + pc)



In order to compare EE∗PWPCN and EEPWPCN, we introduceLemma 5.

Lemma 5: Assume that a, b, c, and d are arbitrary positivenumbers which satisfy a+c

b+d <cd . Then, for any 0 < β < α,

we always have a+cb+d <

βa+αcβb+αd .

Proof: The proof is straightforward and thus omitted dueto the space limitation.

Let a =∑k 6=m τ

∗kW log2 (1 + p∗kγk), b =

P ∗0 τ∗0 ( 1

ξ −∑Kk=1 ηhk) + Pcτ

∗0 +

∑k 6=m τ

∗k (

p∗kς + pc),

c = τ∗mW log2 (1 + p∗mγm), and d = τ∗m(p∗mς + pc),

respectively. Since user m is scheduled, we haveEE∗PWPCN < ee∗m, i.e., a+c

b+d <cd , otherwise, EE∗PWPCN can

be further increased by letting τ∗m = 0. Based on Lemma 5,we obtain EE∗PWPCN < EEPWPCN, which contradicts theassumption, and 1) in Lemma 3 is thus proved. The proofs of2) and 3) can be obtained easily following a similar procedureas above, and thus are omitted here for brevity.


Denote S∗ ⊆ ΦP as the set of users which are scheduled.Substituting P0 = Pmax and τk = ηPmaxhkτ0

pkς +pc

into the objectivefunction of problem (11), we have

EE =


ηPmaxhkτ0pkς +pc

W (1 + pkγk)

EWET + Pcτ0 +∑k∈S∗

ηPmaxhkτ0pkς +pc

(pkς + pc)


∑k∈S∗ hkeek

Pmax( 1ξ −

∑Kk=1 ηhk) + Pc + ηPmax

∑k∈S∗ hk



where eek is the user EE defined in (7). Given S∗, in orderto maximize EE, we only have to maximize each eek, whichis solely determined by pk, and the maximum value ee?k canbe computed from (7) and (9). After some manipulations, weobtain

EE∗ =

∑k∈S∗ hkee




ξ + 1−∑Kk=1 ξηhk

)+∑k∈S∗ hk

. (37)

Since the transmit power of each scheduled user k is p?k givenby (37), τ∗0 and τ∗k can be easily obtained from Lemma 2 andLemma 3. Theorem 2 is thus proved.


From (12), we have



τ∗kW log2 (1 + p∗kγk)∑k∈ΦI

τ∗k (p∗kς + pc)

c≤ maxk∈ΦI

τ∗kW log2 (1 + p∗kγk)

τ∗k (p∗kς + pc)

d≤ maxk∈ΦI

W log2 (1 + p?kγk)p?kς + pc

= ee?k (38)

where inequality “c” holds due to the same argument asinequality “a” in (33), and “d” follows from the optimalityof p?k for ee?k. From (38), we observe that the maximumsystem EE is always achieved by scheduling a single user.Then, applying the optimal power p? in the time and energyharvesting constraints, we obtain (18) and (19).

1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications



By taking the partial derivative of L with respect to τ0, Ek,and τk, respectively, we obtain


= Pmax


µkhk − q





))− qPc − δ,


=(1 + ϑ)τkγk

(τk + Ekγk) ln 2− q + µk

ς, (40)


= W (1 + ϑ) log2

(1 +


)− W (1 + ϑ)Ekγk

(τk + Ekγk) ln 2

− (q + µk)Pc − δ, (41)

and the complementary slackness conditions are given by


(Qk + ηPmaxτ0hk −

Ekς− pcτk

)= 0, (42)


(Tmax − τ0 −



)= 0, (43)



τkW log2

(1 +



)= 0. (44)

Let f0(µ) , ∂L∂τ0

and f(γk, µk) , ∂L∂τk

. From (39), weknow that L is a linear function of τ0. Since τ0 ≥ 0, to makesure that the Lagrangian function L is bounded above [31],we have f0(µ) ≤ 0. Specifically, when f0(µ) < 0, it followsthat τ0 = 0, otherwise if f0(µ) = 0, τ0 ≥ 0, which results in(27). From ∂L

∂Ek= 0, we can obtain the relationship between

Ek and τk as

pk =Ekτk


[W (1 + ϑ)ς

(q + µk) ln 2− 1



,∀ k. (45)

Substituting (45) into (41) and after some manipulations,f(γk, µk) can be expressed as

f(γk, µk) = (1 + ϑ)W log2

(1 + γk

[W (1 + ϑ)ς

(q + µk) ln 2− 1



− (q + µk)

([W (1 + ϑ)ς

(q + µk) ln 2− 1



+ pc

)− δ.


Since τk ≥ 0, using a similar analysis as for τ0, the optimalsolution of τk must satisfy


= f(γk, µk)

{< 0, τk = 0, ∀k= 0, τk ≥ 0, ∀k. (47)

To facilitate our derivation, we next introduce a lemma relatedto f(γk, µk).

Lemma 6: f(γk, µk) is an increasing function of γkand a decreasing function of µk under the condition thatW (1+ϑ)ς

(q+µk) ln 2 >1γk

.Proof: Lemma 6 can be easily proved by taking the

derivative of f(γk, µk) with respect to γk and µk, respectively.The proof is thus omitted due to the space limitation.

Based on Lemma 6, we know that the maximum value off(γk, µk) in terms of µk is achieved at µk = 0, i.e., f(γk, 0).

Moreover, when γk = q ln 2W (1+ϑ)ς , f(γk, 0) = −qpc − δ < 0

holds, and when γk → +∞, f(γk, 0) → +∞ holds. From(46), since f(γk, 0) is an increasing function of γk, therealways exists a x∗ such that f(x∗, 0) = 0, i.e.,

f(x∗, 0) = (1 + ϑ)W log2

(W (1 + ϑ)x∗

q ln 2


x− W (1 + ϑ)ς

ln 2− qpc − δ = 0, (48)

which results in (32). Note that since the parameters ϑ, W ,q, ς , pc, and δ in (48) do not depend on the user index k,the threshold x∗ is thereby identical for all users. Now, weanalyze the following three cases:

• For γk < x∗, it follows that f(γk, µk) ≤ f(γk, 0) < 0.According to (31), we know that a user with UL channelgain γk less than xk is allocated zero transmission time,i.e., τk = 0.

• For γk > x∗, there always exists a µk > 0 such thatf(γk, µk) = 0 < f(γk, 0) since f(γk, µk) is a decreasingfunction with respect to µk. However, there may existµk > 0 such that f(γk, µk) < 0. Then, accordingto (29), it follows that τk = 0 and Ek

ς + pcτk =0 < ηPmaxτ

∗0 hk + Qk, which contradicts (42), i.e.,

µk(ηPmaxτ∗0 hk+Qk−Ek

ς −pcτk) = 0, and this is therebynot the optimal solution. Nevertheless, for users with γklarger than x∗, µk > 0 implies that they utilize all of theirenergy. Thus, from (42), we have τk =

ηPmaxτ∗0 hk+Qk

pkς +pc

.Correspondingly, as τk > 0, the value of µk can becalculated from the second case in (47), where f(γk, µk)is given by (46), i.e., f(γk, µk) = 0.

• For γk = x∗, if µk > 0, then f(γk, µk) = 0 < f(γk, 0) =0 and τ0 = 0, which contradicts (42). Therefore, µk = 0follows from (42), this means that user k can utilize anyportion of its energy, i.e., τk ∈


ηPmaxτ∗0 hk+Qk

pkς +pc


Based on the above three cases, we obtain the region of timeallocation variables given in (27) and (29). As the Lagrangianfunction L is a linear function of τ0 and τk, the maximumvalue of L can always be obtained at the vertices of theregion created by (27) and (29). Moreover, τ∗0 and τ∗k , fork = 1, ...,K, satisfy the complementary slackness conditions(43) and (44). Therefore, if δ > 0, then the time constraintshould be strictly met with equality, otherwise, we obtain anassociated inequality for limiting the range of time variablesτk and τ0. The same interpretation also applies to ϑ.


From (46) and (47), we know that for each scheduled userk, we have

(1 + ϑ)W log2 (1 + γkpk)− (q + µk)


+ pc

)− δ = 0.


Note that from (45), W (1+ϑ)ς(q+µk) ln 2 = pk + 1

γkalso holds for

user k. Substituting this relation into (49) and after some

1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


manipulations, we obtain

D(pk) ,W log2 (1 + pkγk)− Wς

(pk + 1γk

) ln 2(pkς

+ pc)

− δ

1 + ϑ= 0. (50)

If the total available transmission time is not used up, i.e.,τ0 +

∑Kk=1 τk < Tmax, it follows from (43) that δ = 0.

Note that D(pk) is increasing in pk. Moreover, when pk = 0,D(pk) = −Wςγk

ln 2 pc < 0, and when pk → +∞, D(pk) →+∞. Therefore, there is always a unique solution pk for (50).Combining (50) with (7) and (9), after some manipulations,we conclude pk = p?k. On the other hand, if the total availabletransmission time is used up, i.e., τ0 +

∑Kk=1 = Tmax, it

follows that δ ≥ 0. Hence, we conclude that pk ≥ p?ksince D(pk) is monotonically increasing with respect to pk.Corollary 2 is thus proved.


If WET is activated, i.e., τ0 > 0, from (27), we obtain

δ = Pmax


(q + µk)hk − q(Pmax

ξ+ Pc

). (51)

Meanwhile, for any scheduled user k, it follows that (50)also holds true. Combining (51) and (50), and after somemanipulations, we obtain

W log2(1 + pkγk)− W (pk + pcς)

(pk + 1γk

) ln 2−



(pk + 1γk

) ln 2


ξ + pc

)1 + ϑ

= 0. (52)

If the energy of any user m is not used up, µm = 0holds due to the associated complementary slackness conditionin (42). Thus, from (45), we know that pm = Em


W (1+ϑ)ςq ln 2 − 1


]+,∀m. Therefore, substituting pm into (52),

we have

log2(1 + pkγk)− (pk + pcς)

(pk + 1γk

) ln 2−



(pk + 1γk

) ln 2


ξ + pc

)(pm + 1

γm) ln 2

= 0. (53)

From (53), we observe that the transmit powers of the sched-uled users depend only on the system parameters W , ξ, ς ,Pmax, pc, and γk. Moreover, the left hand side of (53) is amonotonically increasing function of pk. Therefore, as long asthe energy of user m is not used up, (53) holds true and pkremains constant. Note that if the energy of user m is used up,

i.e., µm > 0, pm =[W (1+ϑ)ς

(q+µm) ln 2 −1γm

]+and µm is thereby

introduced in (55). Then, the value of pk varies with µm. Onthe other hand, since WET is used, i.e., τ0 > 0, and the energyof user m is not used up, it can be further shown that the totalavailable time must be used up, i.e., τ0 +

∑Kk=1 τk = Tmax.

At the same time, the required system throughput has to be

satisfied, i.e.,∑Kk=1 τk log2(1 + pkgk) ≥ Rmin. Therefore, as

Rmin increases, the information transmission time∑Kk=1 τk

has to be increased since pk remains constant. Thus, it followsthat τ0 decreases due to the more stringent time constraint.Then, the energy harvested at each user ηPmaxhkτ0 decreasesand the transmission time for any user k 6= m also decreasesas τk = Pmaxhkτ0+Qk

pkς +pc



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1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


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Qingqing Wu (S’13) received the B.S. degree inelectronic engineering from South China Universityof Technology, Guangzhou, China, in 2012. He iscurrently working toward the Ph.D. degree withthe with the Network Coding and TransmissionLaboratory, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. SinceAugust 2015, he is working as a visiting studentin the School of Electrical and Computer Engineer-ing, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,USA. His current research interests include energy-efficient optimization and wireless information and

power transfer. He served as a TPC member of Chinacom 2015. He is therecipient of the International Conference on Wireless Communications andSignal Processing (WCSP) Best Paper Award in 2015.

Meixia Tao (S’00-M’04-SM’10) received the in electronic engineering from Fudan Uni-versity, Shanghai, China, in 1999, and the in electrical and electronic engineering fromHong Kong University of Science and Technologyin 2003. She is currently a Professor with the De-partment of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai JiaoTong University, China. Prior to that, she was aMember of Professional Staff at Hong Kong AppliedScience and Technology Research Institute during2003-2004, and a Teaching Fellow then an Assistant

Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NationalUniversity of Singapore from 2004 to 2007. Her current research interestsinclude content-centric wireless networks, resource allocation, interferencemanagement, and physical layer security.

Dr. Tao is a member of the Executive Editorial Committee of the IEEETRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS since Jan. 2015. Sheserves as an Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS andthe IEEE WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. Dr. Tao is the recipientof the IEEE Heinrich Hertz Award for Best Communications Letters in 2013,the IEEE ComSoc Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young Researcher Award in 2009,and the International Conference on Wireless Communications and SignalProcessing (WCSP) Best Paper Award in 2012.

Derrick Wing Kwan Ng (S’06-M’12) receivedthe bachelor degree with first class honors and theMaster of Philosophy (M.Phil.) degree in electron-ic engineering from the Hong Kong University ofScience and Technology (HKUST) in 2006 and2008, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degreefrom the University of British Columbia (UBC) in2012. In the summer of 2011 and spring of 2012,he was a visiting scholar at the Centre Tecnologicde Telecomunicacions de Catalunya - Hong Kong(CTTC-HK). He was a senior postdoctoral fellow

in the Institute for Digital Communications, Friedrich-Alexander-UniversityErlangen-Nurnberg (FAU), Germany. He is now working as a Lecturer in theUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia. His research interestsinclude convex and non-convex optimization, physical layer security, andgreen (energy-efficient) wireless communications,

Dr. Ng received the Best Paper Awards at the IEEE Wireless Communica-tions and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2012, the IEEE Global Telecom-munication Conference (Globecom) 2011, and the IEEE Third InternationalConference on Communications and Networking in China 2008. He wasawarded the IEEE Student Travel Grants for attending the IEEE WCNC2010, the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) 2011,and the IEEE Globecom 2011. He was also the recipient of the 2009 FourYear Doctoral Fellowship from the UBC, Sumida & Ichiro Yawata FoundationScholarship in 2008, and R&D Excellence Scholarship from the Center forWireless Information Technology in HKUST in 2006. He has served asan editorial assistant to the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions onCommunications since Jan. 2012. He is currently an Editor of the IEEECommunications Letters. He was a Co-Chair for the Wireless Access Trackof 2014 IEEE 80th Vehicular Technology Conference. He has been a TPCmember of various conferences, including the Globecom, WCNC, ICC,VTC, and PIMRC, etc. He was honoured as the top reviewer of the IEEETransactions on Vehicular Technology in 2014 and an Exemplary Reviewerof the IEEE Wireless Communications Letters for 2012, 2014.

1536-1276 (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.

This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TWC.2015.2502590, IEEETransactions on Wireless Communications


Wen Chen (M’03-SM’11) received the B.S. andM.S. degrees from Wuhan University, Wuhan,China, in 1990 and 1993, respectively, and thePh.D. degree from The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan, in 1999. From 1999to 2001, he was a Researcher with the Japan Societyfor the Promotion of Sciences. In 2001, he joined theUniversity of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, start-ing as a Postdoctoral Fellow with the InformationResearch Laboratory and continuing as a ResearchAssociate with the Department of Electrical and

Computer Engineering. Since 2006, he has been a Full Professor withthe Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai, China, where he is also the Director of the Institute for SignalProcessing and Systems. Since 2014, he has also been the Dean of ElectronicEngineering and Automation with Guilin University of Electronic Technology,Guilin, China. He is the author of 67 papers in IEEE JOURNALS ANDTRANSACTIONS and more than 100 papers in IEEE Conference Publication-s. His research interests include network coding, cooperative communication-s, cognitive radio, and multiple-input-multiple-output orthogonal-frequency-division multiplexing systems.

Robert Schober (S’98-M’01-SM’08-F’10) wasborn in Neuendettelsau, Germany, in 1971. He re-ceived the Diplom (Univ.) and the Ph.D. degreesin electrical engineering from the University ofErlangen-Nuermberg in 1997 and 2000, respectively.From May 2001 to April 2002 he was a PostdoctoralFellow at the University of Toronto, Canada, spon-sored by the German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD). Since May 2002 he has been with theUniversity of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver,Canada, where he is now a Full Professor. Since

January 2012 he is an Alexander von Humboldt Professor and the Chairfor Digital Communication at the Friedrich Alexander University (FAU),Erlangen, Germany. His research interests fall into the broad areas of Commu-nication Theory, Wireless Communications, and Statistical Signal Processing.

Dr. Schober received several awards for his work including the 2002Heinz MaierCLeibnitz Award of the German Science Foundation (DFG), the2004 Innovations Award of the Vodafone Foundation for Research in MobileCommunications, the 2006 UBC Killam Research Prize, the 2007 WilhelmFriedrich Bessel Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation,the 2008 Charles McDowell Award for Excellence in Research from UBC, a2011 Alexander von Humboldt Professorship, and a 2012 NSERC E.W.R.Steacie Fellowship. In addition, he received best paper awards from theGerman Information Technology Society (ITG), the European Associationfor Signal, Speech and Image Processing (EURASIP), IEEE WCNC 2012,IEEE Globecom 2011, IEEE ICUWB 2006, the International Zurich Seminaron Broadband Communications, and European Wireless 2000. Dr. Schoberis a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering and a Fellow ofthe Engineering Institute of Canada. He is currently the Editor-in-Chief ofthe IEEE Transactions on Communications and the Chair of the SteeringCommittee of the IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and MultiscaleCommunication.