School magazine evaluation

Post on 01-Dec-2014

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Transcript of School magazine evaluation

School Magazine Evaluation

Front Cover.• This is my front cover. I tried to follow the codes and conventions of school

magazines that I looked into. Masthead- Relevant to the genre of school. Also mention the audience it is targeted at (six formers)

Cover lines- Aligned beside my main image. Include relevant topics. Consistent colour scheme.

Plug- Entices school readers to purchase the magazine. Becomes a unique selling point.

Date it was issued, allows readers to keep up to date with news.

Main image- Shows a pupil highlighting schools facilities (makes school look professional and good). Dominates majority of the page.

School logo- give the magazine an association to the cooperate image of the school.

Masthead- Set the basis of the page (Similar to the front cover)

Page number- The enables reader to easily navigate themselves through the magazine. Follows the magazine house style.

Cover lines- entices readers to read the magazine.

Images- Relevant to the topics on the left hand side. Images show connection to the school.

Transparent image of school- show the association with school.

How my school magazine relates to the target audience?

• From my initial ideas and sketches, I made it clear that I wanted to produces a magazine that will be targeted at sixth form students. Due to this I was able to set up the content that will be included and that codes and conventions that I will follow. The reason my school magazine is aimed at sixth form students is because I felt that this a crucial time for them in their life and creating a magazine to help them along the way would be most beneficial for them. This is why I mention cover lines such as ‘Exam Pressure’ and ‘UCAS’. Moreover, sixth formers would also see my magazine as something to read while relaxing, for example in their free periods.

Text to image ratio is balanced. There is not too much text that distract attention and focus from the main image. The image itself isn’t overpowering the text, this create and neutral dynamic to my front cover.

The colour scheme of my front cover is very consistent is some place. It follow the colour scheme of the school logo, this emphasises the association the magazine has with school. There is a variety of colour used, the colour as relevant and appropriate for the cover lines. For example- “Exam Pressure”- The “Exam” is in red, this highlight the important element of the cover line.

Main image- Involves a sixth form student this allows other sixth form students to feel a personal connection to this particular individual. It also give the target audience a chance to relate themselves to this person on the main cover. The clothing the young girl wears is not inappropriate and emphasises sixth form students freedom in the school. The non-uniform also shows that each student is able to represent them individually. There is a use of high key lighting, this adds a friendly approach to the magazine. Placing a girl with an Asian ethnicity perhaps suggests a cultural diversity in the school, however this isn’t entirely clear because only one student is on the cover (If there were more students with different ethnicities this could be supported). If this was done then maybe my different people in my target audience could relate to the magazine.

Masthead- Largest text on the page, therefore it grasp quick attention of the target audience. The heading is called “Contents” making readers aware that this is the page that will allow them to easily navigate through the magazine

Separation of text by a Headline, this makes the magazine look more structured and organised.

The content of the magazine is aligned is a column. This follows the codes and conventions of a magazine.

Text to Image ratio- There is more texts are opposed to images. This is because to contents provides the base of the magazine therefore more information is needed.

How my magazine relates to my target audience- Language

• The language used in my magazine isn’t overly technical and difficult to read. In contrast it is very complex and may even be easily read by lower years in school, despite my target audience being sixth formers. The reason for this is because if the language was overly challenging no student would read my magazine, therefore making it very complex become less intimidating for student and may be more enjoyable to read.

• The phrases used such as “Exam”, “Pressure” etc. is all linked to the daily lives of sixth form pupils. From this my target audience may infer that this magazine will help them overcome factors such as this.

• The Masthead of my magazine is self explanatory as it says “6th Form at TSS”. This produces a direct link with sixth form students and the magazine, as it addressees them in one of the first things they may see. The acronyms ‘TSS’ will be clear for students at this school, as they will be able to recognise this as Titus Salt School. This shows that this magazine is only for sixth form pupils at this school and not anywhere else.

What I have learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

• I have advance my Photoshop skill and have a greater knowledge of various tools and what they do. These skills will enable me to create a professional magazine for my main task. (I have become comfortable with using tools such as the ‘Polygonal Lasso Tool’, The text tool and have learnt how to add drop shadow to layers.)

• I have learned how to edit the contrast of images (Like the one on my contents page). This gives the images a professional look, which then make the magazine seem trustworthy and reliable.

• I have discovered how to use new websites such as ‘Slide share’ this allow me to present my evidence effectively.

What I have learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

• Furthermore, I have discovered how digital technology helps with the process of constructing a magazine. This is by digital cameras, this creates a clear image which through editing can be made to look professional. This process can be completed by applying a USB cable to transfer photo’s onto the computer.

What I have learnt from my preliminary task that I can carry onto my main task?

• I have developed my skills in Photoshop, and now have a greater understanding of what tools are for what.

• I have become familiar with the codes and convention that should be included in magazines and how this differs from magazine to magazine depending on the target audience.

• I have learnt that planning is crucial, this means that the product can easily be created and look more professional.

• I have learnt how different languages appeal to different audiences.