School Magazine & Context Page Evaluation

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of School Magazine & Context Page Evaluation

[Type text]My target audience of my media product was students

and teachers within my school. The technique that I used to appeal to my audience is that I used a layout that had a

sophisticated and young adult look. Also I used appropriate content that the teachers will be able to

understand the students may find it helpful in the future.

I used different types of font for my text as one of my features of my magazine. I did this because I thought it would be easier for my target audience to tell the different type of text apart. For example I typed the quotes in Arial Rounded MT Bold and I typed the paragraphs in Corble.

I used an appropriate colour scheme that is unisex and matches with the colour of the school logos. I did this because I wanted to appeal to both adult and students. I didn’t want the colour scheme to look too formal because the students may not read it and I didn’t want it to look too childish because then the teachers might not read it.

I chose a wide shot image because I wanted to show the whole building and I wanted to show my target audience that the building is really big.

I chose a close up image of the sixth form entrance because I wanted to get a clear view of the Plumstead Manor logo .

I chose a point of view shot because I thought it would appeal more to students because they would be able to visualise what it will be like going into sixth form building.

One of the thing I would improve for this magazine cover is the colour of the background. Instead I will pick a colour that can be link back to the school. For example next time I will pick a red background because the colour can be link back to the colours of the school logos.

Another thing I would improve for this magazine cover is that next time I will get rid of the quotes because I feel like it doesn’t really match with the context of this magazine. The quotes would be more suitable for a philosophy magazine.

I chose a medium shot of the school library because the library is too big to take in one photo.

Zara Iqbal

[Type text]

I chose the pencils as the page border because it matches the context of the magazine where the magazine is about school. I chose appropriate formal images and I pick images that students and teachers can relate to. For example most of the target audience can relate to Canary Wharf picture since it is in London.

I chose the pictures and text to be separated from each for the page layout. This is because I didn’t want the readers to get confuse with the layout and this may lose their interest of reading the magazine.

Next time I will improve the context page by using more relatable content. For example I would use French exchange students because it is more likely that French exchange students will come to this school rather than Japanese due to France being part of the EU.