SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN (2017-2018 2019-2020) Holy Spirit … · school. Our Faith Theme for 2016/17...

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Transcript of SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN (2017-2018 2019-2020) Holy Spirit … · school. Our Faith Theme for 2016/17...

AERR: 2016-2017 and THREE-YEAR EDUCATION PLAN 2017-2018 – 2019-2020 Page 1


SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN (2017-2018 – 2019-2020)

Holy Spirit School

Alberta Education requires all schools to maintain an education plan that reflects and aligns with the district’s 3 Year Plan. These plans are cyclical and fluid and are to be considered “living documents”.

• The Annual Education Results Reports (AERR) is the evaluation for all the desired and specific outcomes identified in the school plan. It is in the AERR that schools report their assessment of progress as it relates to the school’s past performance and achievement of targets. The AERR appears first followed by the 3 Year Plan to reflect the cyclical planning process. There should be a strong connection between the AERR and the School Education Plan.

• The School Education Plans are to reflect the adjustment of strategies and targets for each year.

• Target setting means establishing outcomes that arise from the analysis of current measures and performance at the school and district level and are expressed qualitatively.

• Outcomes are measurable statements of what you seek to achieve. In broad terms, they answer the question, “What will this look like when we get to where we want to be?”


Holy Spirit Elementary School is a learning organization that empowers students to reach their full potential, to meet the challenges of life, to serve their community and to journey in faith with God, through Christ, in the Spirit.


Holy Spirit School is utilizing our school council as an advisory group in setting direction for the school as we strive to develop a positive partnership between home and school while seeking continuous improvement in teaching and learning. The school council has been involved in planning through regular discussions during our school council meetings. School Council goals align with the school’s educational

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plan and district and provincial goals. Our School Education Plan will be revisited regularly at the school level and with School Council as needed. School Plans are shared annually with our School Council and parent community. During the November 23rd meeting, the school council was presented the achievement test results and we discussed the AERR and three-year education plan. Strategies for improvement will be shared and input from the council will be taken. We continually seek feedback and incorporate suggestions. Updated School Education Plans are posted on the school’s website in late November. PAT analysis and discussion takes place with School Council on Nov. 23rd, 2017 and throughout School Council Meetings in the year.

• Provincial Accountability Pillar (AERR), grades 4-6 “Our School” survey results, and the Parent Satisfaction Surveys are also shared with opportunities to provide input on an ongoing basis.

• Both staff and council’s involvement include reviewing the Provincial Achievement Test results as well as the results from the Provincial Accountability Pillar (AERR), grades 4-6 “Our School” survey results and the school based Parent Satisfaction Surveys. Progress is reviewed throughout the year and Council is involved in an advisory capacity on an on-going basis. Professional development for staff is based on the initiatives and goals in the school plan. (Faith Formation, Champions for Students, Student Excellence, Student Wellness, support of First Nations, Metis and Inuit students and sharing of their culture and history). Additionally, School Plans are reviewed regularly throughout the year during monthly staff meetings. Administration has an open-door policy and takes feedback from the parent community, school council meetings, newsletters and other stakeholders in the community into consideration when planning.

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Our Catholic schools demonstrate their constitutional right to provide and support the development, permeation, and modeling of our faith.

LOCAL DESIRED OUTCOME ONE: Catholicity is enhanced and supported within the district.


LOCAL OUTCOME 1.1: The school models the social teachings of the Catholic church by both

receiving and giving mercy and engaging in the works of mercy.

Performance Measure For AERR Number of projects

Total number of service acts as indicated within the context of the Catholic Community of Caring survey.


Comment on Results for Local Outcome 1.1 (The school models the social teachings of the Catholic church by both receiving and giving mercy and engaging in the works of mercy.)

The promotion of Catholicity and Social Justice has been and always will be a focused priority for our school. Our Faith Theme for 2016/17 was “Be Merciful: Just as your Father is Merciful” Luke 6:36. This theme was appropriate as it was a great foundation that built on the declared “Year of Mercy” from Pope Francis in 2016. We worked within the context of the Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy and focused on how we as Catholics can serve God’s people. Holy Spirit dramatically increased symbols of faith throughout the school and promoting and acknowledging the sacraments and candidates. We are trying to implement a student recognition program that centers on the Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit. We are trying to continue to build bridges with our local parish to increase their connections and visibility in our school community. Building a positive connected relationship with Father Dennis and the parish is critical to build bridges for further positive growth opportunities. Prayer continues to be a priority and has been expanded this year to include community daily prayer and reflections with students. Through our Catholic Community of Caring program, our school has been focused on both local and international service projects. Locally, we have supported the Canadian Cancer Society (Terry Fox Run), local Holy Spirit Thanksgiving food hampers (6 families), Food Bank - Activettes. To start the 2016/17 school year, through local Cochrane social justice programs, we supplied over 30+ backpacks with school supplies for our families that have difficulty providing these necessities. We also work in Big Family Groups to promote Virtues with our students and discuss these Social Justice projects. This past year we continued to involve our grade 6 social justice leaders in “WE DAY” as we sent 15 students to represent Holy Spirit in the one-day celebration. They had a responsibility to return to our community and lead by example promoting and leading projects in support of social justice. Grade 5/6 CTF classes also used the annual market fair to raise money for District approved charities. Students selected these charities based on personal significance. Our school also had two “Doors of Mercy” located at the entrances to the gymnasium. Father blessed these doors during an in-school liturgy to start the year. We had our grade 2 class lead by example as they all learned about the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. They were challenged to get involved and make a difference in the world by following these works of Mercy as a guide. The impact to the immediate and the greater community was significant. Another powerful example of Mercy occurred during the staff May PD day. Our staff was separated into teams of 5-6 and they went into the community and created “Mercy Projects” that made a direct impact to the people.

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Examples of these projects were washing windows at an old age home, cleaning the garbage around the church grounds, buying random people at Tim Horton coffees, and working in the Cochrane library. This PD opportunity was so powerful staff would like to carry on the Mercy tradition during our May 2017 PD day again in the morning. Grade 5 religious education achievement results 2017 - Demonstration of learning:22.39% (EX), 52.24% (AB), 25.37% (AC), 0% (NY). Personal Reflection 26.87% (EX), 38.81% (AB), 25.37% (AC) 7.46% (NY) Multiple Choice 83.06% (78.74% avg in 2016)

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LOCAL OUTCOME 1.2: The school fosters faith formation of staff by increasing knowledge, understanding and practice of the faith.

Comment on Results for Local Outcome 1.2 (The school fosters faith formation of staff by increasing knowledge, understanding and practice of the faith.)

The October 7th PD day had the entire staff of Holy Spirit attend a Faith Formation Retreat at Mount St. Francis retreat Centre in Cochrane. The staff had an opening keynote with Father Dan Gurnick about “Creating a Culture of Mercy”, followed by a prayer walk, mass in the chapel with the Franciscans, reconciliation and Pictionary – Catholic version. It was well received day and stoked the fire of providing a faith foundational element back into the school community through the works of our staff’s head, hands, and hearts.

To begin the year, Father Andrew attended the school to bless the new playground on October 28th with the students. Deacon Dan and Father Andrew visited the classrooms speaking with our students about Faith formation. Chris Bray (Catholic inspirational speaker/singer) spoke/sang to the students in a school wide assembly on November 3rd. The topic of this presentation was “How to be a Saint” - Comparing the lives of the Saints to the superheroes we know and love, to empower us to live out our call to sainthood. The session for students and staff has engaging and energetic music and a dynamic talk, inspiring passion for our Catholic faith.

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November 6th - Catholic Education Sunday: This year the staff were the stewards of service as teachers planned and organized active roles in the Sunday mass. Staff were involved by being the readers, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, greeters, and choir leaders that utilized our school choir.

During the year, staff met every Thursday morning to gather for a staff prayer in the learning commons. We focused on the book “A Year of Mercy with Pope Francis: Daily Reflections” followed by personal intentions then finishing with the traditional ‘Our Father or Hail Mary’. It was a peaceful and energizing event that allowed for the power of prayer as a group.

Another powerful example of Mercy occurred during the staff May PD day. Our staff was separated into teams of 5-6 and they went into the community and created “Mercy Projects” that made a direct impact to the people. Examples of these projects were washing windows at an old age home, cleaning the garbage around the church grounds, buying random people at Tim Horton coffees, and working in the Cochrane library. This PD opportunity was so powerful staff would like to carry on the Mercy tradition during our May 2017 PD day again in the morning.

Last June, we invited all of our students that received a sacrament during the 2016/17 school year for a sacramental recognition breakfast. Father Andrew attended to represent St. Mary’s parish. Administration spoke about the sacraments and introduced all the students to recognize their great achievement. It was a tremendous success and will continue to include as part of the community for 2017/18.

Father Dan Gurnick and Father Michael (from Mount St. Francis) came numerous times to speak/sing to our grade K-6 students throughout the year. We hope to continue this Faith leadership in the upcoming year with our students. Our school name brings an amazing teaching focus where the Faith formation of the Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit (student awareness and recognition program) was brought to life. Document services developed a poster series that brought focus and understanding of the Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit. We revealed this program after Christmas to the students. Teachers will instruct students through classroom teaching and learning activities in combination with BFG’s and ICE time presentations. Weekly, students received recognition that their actions were witnessed in our community where these Gifts & Fruits of the Holy Spirit were brought to life. Students posted badges in the hallway to symbolize that the Gifts and Fruit of the Holy Spirit lives’ in our community.


LOCAL OUTCOME 1.3: The school fosters faith formation of students by increasing knowledge, understanding and practice of the faith.

Performance Measure For AERR Results (in percentages)

Percentage of parents/legal guardians who agree and strongly agree with the following statement from the annual District Satisfaction Survey:

• The Religious Education program at the school supports me in teaching my child(ren) the Catholic faith.

• The Religion program, and the Catholic perspective across the curriculum, has positively influenced my child’s moral decision-making. (e.g. citizenship, social justice, environmental stewardship, etc.)

• I am satisfied with the collaboration between my child’s school, parish and home in preparing my child to receive the sacraments of the Catholic church. (i.e. baptism, first holy communion, first reconciliation and confirmation)

2016 2017



Statement #1

School 92.9 93.8 94

District 91.6 91.4 91.5

Statement #2

School 85.7 90.6 91

District 91.0 91.2 91.3

Statement #3

School n/a 75 80

District n/a 85.8 85.9

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Comment on Results for Local Outcome 1.2 (The school fosters faith formation of students by increasing knowledge, understanding and practice of the faith.)

There is no data from statement number three in past years as this was a new survey question. The numbers seem to be significantly lower than District data. We will investigate possible ways in which we can improve these results. Collaboration between the three stakeholders (church, home and school) needs to improve. The school will be more active to include a deeper information source to inform parents of sacramental procedures and preparation. A significant change will be having two staff members (Audrey Bahrey and Erica Pawliuk) lead the sacramental preparation at the church. This should significantly improve communication and build bridges with the parents, students and parish. Father Dennis is the new pastor in St. Mary’s. He has already been very active in building relationship with our school community. He has attended our school opening barbeque, attended our staff PD day in October and has come many times at lunch to share time with our staff while popping by to see the kids. We will continue to host a sacramental breakfast recognition in June to bring students and their families together to celebrate these important events in a Catholics life. St. Mary’s church has also entered into the social media age. We will re-post important information that connects our school and parish on Facebook and twitter. We look forward to improving these results. Grade 5 religious education achievement results 2017 - Demonstration of learning:22.39% (EX), 52.24% (AB), 25.37% (AC), 0% (NY). Personal Reflection 26.87% (EX), 38.81% (AB), 25.37% (AC) 7.46% (NY) Multiple Choice 83.06% (78.74% avg in 2016)


LOCAL OUTCOME 1.4: The school builds student wellness through the ongoing development of the Catholic Community of Caring within the school climate and culture.

Performance Measure For AERR Results (in percentages)

Percentage of parents/legal guardians who agree and strongly agree with the following statement from the annual District Satisfaction Survey:

• Catholic church teachings and practices are reinforced through the culture and climate of my child’s school.

2016 2017



School 92.9 93.8 94

District 92.6 92.3 92.4

Comment on Results for Local Outcome 1.2 (The school builds student wellness through the ongoing development of the Catholic Community of Caring within the school climate and culture.)

The results in this area remain strong. See comments under local 1.2 section. 2015 survey (8 parent respondents)

2016 survey (14 parent respondents)

2017 survey (32 parent respondents) Our school continues to have regular masses and liturgies at the school. We will attend St. Mary’s parish for our school opening and closing masses, family Advent liturgy in December, and we will host our grade 6 farewell mass and celebration in June at the church. Our Catholic Community of Caring extends itself within the walls of the school but also to the greater Cochrane community. In addition to the details in section 1.2, the school has Peace Patrols where students take a leadership role to support our care for younger children during recesses. We also have 4-6 Big Family Group meetings where each teacher is assigned students from K-6 in a mixed environment where lessons and activities are anchored in our Faith development and a Champions foundation.

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SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN (2017-2018 – 2019-2020)


Our Catholic schools demonstrate their constitutional right to provide and support the development, permeation, and modeling of our faith.


Catholicity is enhanced and supported within the district.

LOCAL OUTCOME ONE: Catholicity is enhanced and supported within the district.

The Catholic Community of Caring plan is embedded in this section and focuses on the 2017-2018 faith theme, “Ask, and it will be given you.” Include how your school will engage in the theme by focusing on how we as servants of God are always called to discern His will, and through prayer we develop a closer relationship with Him who loves us.

• Continue to promote mercy and justice through social justice initiatives—corporal and spiritual works of mercy and Catholic social teachings and by permeating these teachings throughout the curriculum.

• Continue to foster faith formation of staff and students through participation in prayer and liturgy, professional learning, retreats, pilgrimages and other formation activities.

• Continue to build student wellness through school climate and culture, aligned with the Catholic Community of Caring values (faith, caring, respect, responsibility, trust and family).

LOCAL OUTCOME 1.1: The school district models the social teachings of the Catholic church by engaging in works of mercy, and by permeating these teachings throughout the curriculum.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): Holy Spirit will continue to build a vibrant and dynamic Faith culture focusing on promoting mercy and justice through school based initiatives.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure:

• Catholic Community of Caring (faith, caring, respect, responsibility, trust and family).

• Thanksgiving food hampers (7 local Holy Spirit families)

• Random acts of Mercy/Kindness (30 day challenge)

• Fundraising to support a less privileged school in CCSD to provide new opportunities to learn. (chromebook/field trip/guest speaker, winter clothes)

• Inclusive FNMI community (Helmer

• Highly visible bulletin board visual display with Faith Theme: Ask, And it will be Given You”

• Continue to recognize previous CCSD faith theme of ‘Do Justice, Love Kindness and Walk Humbly with God’ and 2016/17 “Be Merciful just as your Father is Merciful”

• Promote school based acts of justice in I.C.E Time (Inform. Engage. Celebrate) and Assemblies

• Recognize acts of justice through school

• Raised awareness of families that need support, due to education of our students and parents including providing lunches to students in need.

• Support from School Council in “Prayer” theme.

• “Do Justice, Love Kindness and Walk Humbly with God” and 2016/17 “Be Merciful just as your Father is Merciful” remain part of the school culture, climate and vernacular.

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Twoyoungmen – Stoney Nakoda Elder, chili luncheon, Holy Spirit choir & dancers performing for parents)

• Brown Bag lunch program (we feed local students daily due to contributions of our CCC and local donations)

• Donate to Terry Fox run/walk

• Back packs filled with supplies - school supplies for first day and also for Inn from the Cold.

• Right to Play – Student Leadership Academy and fundraiser to support bringing sports equipment to developing countries

• Staff Faith Day (November 1st) – Prayer and importance of Catholic Education.

newsletters, the website and classroom blogs, as well as videos of events.

• Use visual displays to promote justice ex. in front foyer and down Div. 1 & 2 hallways

• Use Twitter and Facebook accounts to inform, engage and celebrate our acts of Mercy

• We successfully meet our fund raising and donation goals for all events.

• Common language around District Faith Based Theme- “Ask, And it will be Given You”

• Community of Caring Parent Committee providing meals and support to families in need.

LOCAL OUTCOME 1.2: The school district fosters faith formation of staff by increasing knowledge, understanding and practice of faith.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): The school fosters faith formation of staff and school leaders by increasing knowledge, understanding and practice of faith.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure:

• April 20th PD day: entire staff of Holy Spirit attend a Faith Formation Retreat at Mount St. Francis retreat centre. Opening keynote with Father Dan Gurnick / Father Dennis about “Prayer and the Importance of Catholic Education”, followed by a prayer walk, mass in the chapel with the Franciscans, and reconciliation. We hope this day will be as well received as last year and stokes the fire of providing a faith foundational element into the school community through the works of our staff’s head, hands, and hearts.

• Father Dennis as a new pastor for St. Mary’s has been very active in building relationship with our entire school community.

• The following resources are used regularly to guide our faith reflections

• Staff reconciliation

• Catholic Education Sunday (collaborative service with St. Tim’s for mass) – readers, Eucharistic ministers, servers, choir, music ministry….living our faith together.

• Promote School Identity/Community around the components

• Attendance to regular mass times.

• Create a Catholic faith filled collaborative community where our actions and thoughts echo around our Faith Theme

• Increase in positive student and staff relationships.

• Common language around virtues and faith themes

• Results of parent/student satisfaction survey

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• Catholic Education Sunday (Nov. 4/5th) Holy Spirit staff and students involvement with choir, Eucharistic ministers, ushers, readers, greeters.

• Weekly staff prayer and reflections in the learning commons. (formal and personal reflections, using CCSD support books)

• Staff prayer and services to begin staff meetings.

• Building on the success from last year, staff will use time at May PD to provide an opportunity to give back to our community through service and acts of Mercy to those that surround us (food bank, local community service, etc)

• Staff Faith Day (November 1st) Bishop McGrattan.

of a Catholic Community of Caring.

LOCAL OUTCOME 1.3: The school district fosters faith formation of students by increasing knowledge, understanding and practice of faith.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): The school fosters faith formation of students by increasing knowledge, understanding and practice of faith.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure:

• Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit – student recognition program.

• Sacramental recognition breakfast

• Attending St. Mary’s parish for opening and year end mass for the entire community. Advent family liturgy at church as well as grade 6 farewell liturgy and celebration.

• Regular prayer services within our school gymnasium

• BFG: groupings of students in K-6 with a lead teacher- builds a

• Students receive weekly nominations to award recognition of characteristics that come from the Gifts & Fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Badges with names and acts of recognition). These will be displayed in the hallway weekly.

• Results from parent/student satisfaction survey

• Common language around virtues and faith themes

• Display board of Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit

• Increased attendance in Faith activities outside of school time.

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community of support, as all students take responsibility for each other

• Regular visits from Father Dennis and Father Dan to our school classrooms.

• Ask, and it will be given you – social justice activities.

• Chris Bray will present, sing and engage our students for part 2 of his Faith Formation presentation in April. The topic this year is “Training to be Disciples for Christ" - examining the discipline, determination and endurance of athletes and Olympians, to demonstrate how we can excel in our faith, to run the race and cross the finish line.

• Enhanced communication of curricular Gospel focuses, liturgical calendar and the connections between religion class and Catholicity in daily life.

• Grade 6 farewell retreat and Pilgrimage.

• • BFG’s will revolve around be

Prayer (Faith Theme) and G & F of Holy Spirit

• Large posters are displayed where we can display students that receive sacraments throughout the year.

LOCAL OUTCOME 1.4: The school district builds student wellness through the ongoing development of the Catholic Community of Caring within the school climate and culture.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): The school builds student wellness through the ongoing development of the Catholic Community of Caring within the school climate and culture.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure:

• Friendship groups

• Brown bag programs

• FNMI inclusive community

• Supporting students suffering extra anxiety and stress due to school and family issues.

• Finding ALL students connected with a Champion in the building

• School support worker (SSW) reaches out to students and families recommended through staff discussions, SRT and parental inquiry.

• FNMI cultural support worker (Wanda First Rider) and FNMI family support worker (Amber Dawn Marshall)

• Our School survey for grade 4-6 students.

• Observation and anecdotal records of student satisfaction and utilization.

• Evident decrease in student anxiety, bullying and stress related actions.

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• Student anxiety PD (CCSD supported)

• Be a Champion – CCSD initiative (focus on connecting students with adults in the building)

• Education of student conflict and bullying situation using the “Dare to Care” program. Looking for alternatives to recognize and deal with these situations. Lisa Dixon Wells is the leader for this initiative. HA HA SO

• Regular meeting with DLTCT and CCSD instructional services (triage) to identify areas of concern

• Admin inviting ‘at risk’ students into a friendly environment to chat, play games, work on academics, and simply build positive relationships.

• SSW having buddy groups to support teach other

• DLTCT and SSW work with student experiencing self-harm thoughts and actions.

• Zones of Regulation

• Sensory room utilization

• WITS (Walk away, ignore, talk it out and supervisor)

• Dare to Care is booked to present a school wide program on November 24th

• Results of “Our School” Survey

• Reduction in reported bullying situations and students being able to solve issues independently.

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Our Catholic schools promote shared responsibility for stewardship of resources, transparency and the success of the students in our care.

PROVINCIAL OUTCOME THREE: Alberta’s education system is inclusive.


• Overall teacher, parent, and student agreement that students are safe at school, are learning the importance of caring for others, learning respect for others, and are treated fairly at school. (Required Provincial Accountability Measure)


3 Year Plan

Current Result 2017 (%)

Prev Year

Result (%)

Prev 3-yr.

Average (%)

Measure Evaluation

Achievement Improvement Overall

School 87.6 87.7 90.3 High Maintained Good

CCSD 89.3 89.7 89.5 Very High Maintained Excellent

Province 89.5 89.5 89.3 Very High Improved Significantly Excellent

Performance Measure For AERR Results (in percentages) Target

Percentage of teacher, parent and student agreement that students are safe at school, are learning the importance of caring for others, are learning respect for others and are treated fairly in school.

Overall (required) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

School 87.9 94 89.1 87.7 87.6 89.5

CCSD 88.9 89.8 89.1 89.7 89.3 89.5

Province 89.0 89.1 89.2 89.5 89.5

* Data provided by Alberta Education October 2017.

Comment on Results for Local Outcome 3.1 (All students are supported in a respectful, caring and faith-filled environment.)

The number of participants in the survey has increased over the past two years. Results indicate that Holy Spirit is seen as a safe and caring community that continually strives toward school improvement. We have a student driven focus, so that they have input into their learning (Our School survey) and school decisions. Our Family Support Worker provides social emotional support for our students and a focus on learning spaces has provided a comfortable learning environment for our students.


All students are supported in a respectful, caring and faith-filled environment.

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We continue to make changes and adjustments to transportation to provide safe and calm improvements to bussing environment. We are continuing to develop and implement a Levelled Literacy and Numeracy program at Holy Spirit. We have a specialized teacher designated to increase academic growth in each of these very important and critical areas. Students below grade level are grouped according to need and a support program is in place to develop and grow skills and strategies for improvement. We anchor our support for students in our Faith. We are using an organic ‘Champions’ focus to create positive relationships with at least one trusted adult in the building. Many of our PD and professional discussions focus around building relationships with our students.

PROVINCIAL OUTCOME FIVE: Alberta’s education system is well governed and managed.


• Overall teacher and parent satisfaction with parental involvement in decisions about their child’s education. (Required Provincial Accountability Measure)

CURRENT MEASURES: Parental Involvement

3 Year Plan

Current Result 2017 (%)

Prev Year

Result (%)

Prev 3-yr.

Average (%)

Measure Evaluation

Achievement Improvement Overall

School 86.9 80.2 84.4 Very High Maintained Excellent

CCSD 79.6 79.7 79.8 High Maintained Good

Province 81.2 80.9 80.7 High Improved Significantly Good

Performance Measure For AERR Results (in percentages) Target

Percentage of teacher and parent satisfaction with parental involvement in decisions about their child's education.

Overall (required) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

School 78.1 90.3 82.6 80.2 86.9 87

CCSD 80.5 80.1 79.6 79.7 79.6 81.2

Province 80.3 80.6 80.7 80.9 81.2

* Data provided by Alberta Education October 2017.


The Board of Trustees provide visionary leadership to ensure the district is well governed and managed.

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• Overall percentage of teachers, parents, and students indicating that their school and schools in their jurisdiction have improved or stayed the same in the last three years. (Required Provincial Accountability Measure)

CURRENT MEASURES: School Improvement

3 Year Plan Current Result 2017 (%)

Prev Year

Result (%)

Prev 3-yr.

Average (%)

Measure Evaluation

Achievement Improvement Overall

School 78.5 80.1 83.9 High Declined Acceptable

CCSD 80.0 79.7 79.4 High Improved Good

Province 81.4 81.2 80.2 Very High Improved Significantly Excellent

Performance Measure For AERR Results (in percentages) Target

Percentages of teachers, parents and students indicating that their school and schools in their jurisdiction have improved or stayed the same the last three years.

Overall (required) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

School 81.3 90.9 80.7 80.1 78.5 81

CCSD 78.7 79.4 79.1 79.7 80.0 81.4

Province 80.6 79.8 79.6 81.2 81.4

* Data provided by Alberta Education October 2017.

• Overall teacher, parent and student satisfaction with the overall quality of basic education. (Required

Provincial Accountability Measure)

CURRENT MEASURES: Education Quality

3 Year Plan

Current Result 2017 (%)

Prev Year

Result (%)

Prev 3-yr.

Average (%)

Measure Evaluation

Achievement Improvement Overall

School 93.5 91.7 91.9 Very High Maintained Excellent

CCSD 89.7 89.8 89.6 Very High Maintained Excellent

Province 90.1 90.1 89.6 Very High Improved Significantly Excellent

Performance Measure For AERR Results (in percentages) Target

Percentage of teachers, parents and students satisfied with the overall quality of basic education.

Overall (required) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

School 87.4 94.3 89.7 91.7 93.5 93.5

CCSD 89.3 89.8 89.2 89.8 89.7 90.1

Province 89.8 89.2 89.5 90.1 90.1

* Data provided by Alberta Education October 2017.

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ANNUAL EDUCATION RESULTS REPORTING for LOCAL OUTCOME 5.2: The school strengthens engagement with parents/legal guardians and the parental role in decision-making.

Performance Measure For AERR Results (in percentages)

Percentage of parents/legal guardians who agree and strongly agree with the following statement from the annual District Satisfaction Survey:

• I am satisfied with information received from the district informing me about opportunities which allow me to be informed about my child’s education. (Connections newsletter, website, social media, Parent/Trustee forums, etc.)

2016 2017 Target 2018

School 93 87.5 90

District 90.2 90.3 90.4

Comment on Results for Local Outcome 5.2 (The school strengthens engagement with parents/legal guardians and the parental role in decision-making.)

2015 survey (8 parent respondents)

2016 survey (14 parent respondents)

2017 survey (32 parent respondents)

Teachers continue to use student agendas, classroom newsletters, Class Dojo and Seesaw, email, and phone communication to establish important connections with parents to provide valuable feedback and information.

Administration will also be making “Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit student recognition” phone calls home to reflect on student attitude and actions within our community of caring. Administration is also making regular phone calls home to seek two-way communication in dealing with educational challenges and behavior issues.

Communication was greatly enhanced through technology and social media tools in the following ways:

- New school website is up and ready and we hope to discover the full potential of this online support for communication. It should have improved structure of the school website to provide constant updates and information.

- Weekly Spirit Speaks newsletter/calendar of events

- Classrooms are using Blogs, Seesaw and Class Dojo to build connection with the parent community.

- Creation of Animoto videos of special events to celebrate success with school community (school barbeque, Residencies, etc)

- Twitter & Facebook are utilized to share information, with a feed to our school website.

- School connects to inform parents of attendance, school events (bus routes, school barbeque, emergencies etc)

- School-based parent feedback surveys

- School council provides feedback into the school plans. Looking for ways for school council to be engaged versus just being involved.

- Email notifications of District, community, and Parish news We have focused on improving the school council and parent community as engaged contributors to the educational process. We have asked for input on new curriculum development, international travel, CCSD school calendar and continue to build seeking information from the council into the fabric of data collection.

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Holy Spirit has worked to build a school with a strong sense of community, which has diversified learning opportunities through literacy/numeracy intervention, fine arts, technology, physical literacy and healthy choices. Technology awareness and the use of technological tools have been increased, as well as bringing in outside organizations in fitness, music, drama and artist in residency programs to provide diversity in academic programming.

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SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN (2017-2018 – 2019-2020)


Our Catholic schools promote shared responsibility for stewardship of resources, transparency and the success of the students in our care.

LOCAL OUTCOME 3.1: All district students are supported in a respectful, caring and faith-filled environment.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): Students are supported in a respectful, caring and faith-filled environment.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure:

• As a school community, we are embedding the Champions initiative at a grassroots level. We want the relationships to be organic and real. We do not want to make this a “one off” checklist. It has to be ingrained into the very fabric of why we “do what we do”. Increased conversations and action plans to build bridges and connections with our students and their families is crucial.

• Family Support Worker (friendship groups, students at risk, anxiety/stress etc)

• FNMI focus to increase attendance. Build stronger connections with families and students. Increase in school events (Orange Shirt Day, Helmer Two Youngmen – Stoney Elder cultural storyteller, Pow Wow, using language of greetings and thank yous etc)

• PD – Consultant: student stories, Verbal De-escalation, Autism, Student anxiety

• Triage meetings with CCSD team (discuss students at risk and their family situations)

• Staff meetings: support staff and staff discussion to bring up students at risk of not having a designated trusted adult.

• New students opening pizza lunch and meetings in September.

• Student recognition program (Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit)

• Dare to Care school wide program (building relationships and giving students power to take control of bad situations themselves.

• Our School survey

• Less students requiring one on one or group counselling from Family Support Worker and administration.

• Increased attendance for FNMI students.

• Positive climate and culture in the hallways with students enjoying coming to school.

• Reduction in negative behavioral situations (in school and out of school suspensions, progressive discipline is at low levels)


Alberta’s education system is inclusive.

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• Increase in teacher / home communication to build positive proactive communications.

• Big Family Groups themes of Champions and building relationships with each other.

• Administration have 1 on 1 time with students requiring additional support (discussion, games, mentoring)

LOCAL OUTCOME 3.2: The district optimizes resources to meet the diverse learning needs of all students.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): The school optimizes resources to meet the diverse learning needs of all students.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure: • Diverse learning

coordinating teacher, administration and teachers utilize CCSD IS resources to strengthen program and teaching and learning opportunities.

• Math Consultant delivers Numeracy PD during start up. We are focusing on Numeracy as a school wide initiative. Ongoing yearly visits to teachers to discuss and review numeracy.

• ELA consultant attends in September staff PD to discuss reading diagnostics (F & P) and formative assessments for our students.

• CLEVR – NEW online system that will take significant steps to master in the direction of LSP’s and request for support for students.

• Special needs consultant to provide regular support to our diverse learning room. ES 2 & 3 students along with other Holy Spirit students attend this space regularly.

• Triage meetings (behavioral consultant, therapists, psychologists etc) attend quarterly meeting to discuss students at risk.

• Literacy and numeracy support teacher. We have a 0.5 FTE teacher to work with students who require more academic attention.

• Teacher’s professional growth plans focus on numeracy.

• CLEVR – more comfort and consistency from all stakeholders in working with this new program.

• More teacher support to deliver a program that meets all the curricular demands.

• Students and families requiring outside support receive necessary information and programming.

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• ELL consultants to support teachers as our numbers of ELL students are growing from past years.

• Sensory room has received a part two upgrade to the items within the room. (Fiber optics, black light, observation window)

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PROVINCIAL OUTCOME FIVE: Alberta’s education system is well governed and managed.

LOCAL OUTCOME 5.1: The Board of Trustees provide visionary leadership to ensure the district is well governed and managed.

LOCAL OUTCOME 5.2: All district stakeholders have confidence that the district is well governed and managed.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): Parents/legal guardians have confidence that the school is well managed.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure:

• School Council chair and administration attend Trustee / Chair meeting on November 7th. School Council chair creates a positive environment for regular monthly meets.

• Create an environment of engagement versus participation of all stakeholder. During the year, administration will make regular phone calls and face to face meetings to touch base with a representative of stakeholders to discuss school management. (Parents, Parish, Community, School Council, CCSD Area Superintendent)

• Occupational Health and Safety

• Promotion of School support worker/FNMI Support Worker

• Increased community building with the RCMP

• Catholic Community of Caring

• Phone calls and face to face meetings with all stakeholders.

• Create more opportunity to share a voice in the way of surveys and satisfaction feedback.

• Create an environment of trust and confidence by making administration available to listen to people with questions and concerns.

• Compliance with District and Provincial OH&S Standards

• Year start, Spirit Speaks school support brochures, classroom visits.

• Increase community partnerships

• RCMP Constables have regular visits to Holy Spirit and assisted on lockdown practice.

• Build community through opening school BBQ & Artist in Residency

• Welcoming student homeroom to each student from the teacher prior to the first day of school welcoming them to their class (new student pizza luncheon)

• Develop a comprehensive guidance school support worker plan with emphasis on building respect and responsibility while providing services to those students

• School Council and parent feedback via open communication systems.

• Students leaving our school for another alternative.

• Successful completion of Internal OH&S Audit

• Maintenance of qualified First Aiders

• OH&S items: Monthly staff meetings and Weekly “In the Loop” staff newsletter

• Posting of Hazard Reports

• Students recognize RCMP as friendly people in our hallways.

• Increased access of the school support worker.

• Survey (Parent Satisfaction and Alberta Learning Accountability) Feedback,

• Our School survey results

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requiring additional supports – ie Mental Health

• Support families in our school who are in need – through community supports.

• Support and develop strong co-curricular and extracurricular programs ensuring students feel connected to the school.

• School presentations and speakers throughout course of school year to promote self-worth, self-respect, personal safety

• Promote community through CCofC activities

• Community Service activities such as collecting for food hampers St Vincent de Paul / Activettes

• Support FNMI students through Support Worker/Cultural Support Worker and Artist-In-Residence program.

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Our Catholic schools develop students who reflect the image of God and are successful contributors to a global society.

PROVINCIAL OUTCOME ONE: Alberta’s students are successful.


REQUIRED PROVINCIAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND DATA • Overall percentage of students in grades 6 and 9 who achieved the acceptable standard and overall

percentage of students who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (based on cohort*). (Required Provincial Accountability Measure)

Student Learning Achievement (K-9)

(Percentage) October 2017 Evaluation

Current Measures Current Result

Prev Year


Prev. 3-yr

Average Achievement Improvement Overall

Overall percentage of students in Grade 6 who achieved the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests (School).

74.5 82.2 80.9 Intermediate Maintained Acceptable

Overall percentage of students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests (District).

75.7 76.8 75.8 Intermediate Maintained Acceptable

Overall percentage of students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests (Province).

73.4 73.6 73.2 Intermediate Maintained Acceptable

Overall percentage of students in Grade 6 who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (School).

15.7 19.2 15.9 Intermediate Maintained Acceptable

Overall percentage of students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (District).

21.0 21.7 20.6 High Maintained Good

Overall percentage of students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (Province).

19.5 19.4 18.8 Intermediate Improved

Significantly Good

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“A” = Acceptable; “E” = Excellence – the percentages achieving the Acceptable Standard include the percentages achieving the Standard of Excellence. Alberta Education requires jurisdictions and schools to report results for Provincial Achievement Test data on the basis of the cohort group.

*This form of reporting accounts for all students enrolled at a grade level. For example, the number of students in the cohort is determined as the total of number of students who write, the number of students who are absent, and the number of students who are excused from writing by the Superintendent for valid reasons as determined by Alberta Education (because participation would be harmful to the student or the student could not respond to the test instrument). When the percentage of students meeting Standards is calculated, students who are absent or excused are considered to have not demonstrated the Acceptable Standard for a given achievement test as their achievement is not known.

Aggregated PAT results are based upon a weighted average of per cent meeting standards (Acceptable, Excellence). The weights are the number of students enrolled in each course. Courses included: English Language Arts (grades 6, 9, 9KAE), Français (grades 6 and 9), French Language Arts (grades 6 and 9), Mathematics (grades 6, 9, 9KAE), Science (grades 6, 9, 9KAE) and Social Studies (grades 6, 9, 9KAE)

Grade 9 Provincial Achievement Tests were substantially impacted by the flooding of June 2013 so caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and district.

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Provincial Achievement Tests

Percentage of students in grade 6 and 9 who achieved the acceptable standard and the percentage who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests. Results based on students who wrote the test (required by the district – see *note below).

PAT Results – By Number Writing 2017 2014-2016 Average

Acceptable Excellence Acceptable Excellence

Grade 6

(%) (%) (%) (%)

English Language Arts 6 School 88.2 15.7 94.7 22.1

CCSD 95.4 25.0 95.5 24.2

Prov. 91.5 20.9 91.1 21.2

French Language Arts 6 School

CCSD 96.7 15.9 91.9 20.2

Prov. 88.5 14.0 89.8 14.8

Mathematics 6 School 77.8 8.2 86.9 8.6

CCSD 83.8 15.5 87.3 18.2

Prov. 76.7 13.9 80.4 16.0

Science 6 School 76.5 27.5 86.2 20

CCSD 90.3 37.0 90.2 31.8

Prov. 85.7 32.3 84.9 28.5

Social Studies 6 School 76.5 15.7 87.1 19.1

CCSD 88.5 27.3 86.0 23.6

Prov. 81.0 24.1 78.5 21.0

* For all Achievement Tests, schools complete Analysis Packages to address specific strategies and outcomes based on results. The Analysis Packages provide opportunities for individual teachers and divisional groups to reflect on achievement data and set priorities for instruction.

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• Overall teacher, parent and student agreement that students model the characteristics of active citizenship. (Required Provincial Accountability Measure)


3 Year Plan Current Result 2017 (%)

Prev Year

Result (%)

Prev 3-yr.

Average (%)

Measure Evaluation

Achievement Improvement Overall

School 83.9 83.4 86.7 Very High Maintained Excellent

CCSD 84.4 84.8 85.0 Very High Declined Good

Province 83.7 83.9 83.6 Very High Maintained Excellent

Performance Measure For AERR

Results (in percentages) Target

Percentages of teachers, parents and students who are satisfied that students model the characteristics of active citizenship.

Overall (required) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

School 82.8 91.9 84.6 83.4 83.9 84.5

CCSD 83.7 85.2 84.8 84.8 84.4 84.5

Province 83.4 83.4 83.5 83.9 83.7

* Data provided by Alberta Education October 2017.

• Overall teacher and parent agreement that students are taught attitudes and behaviours that will make them successful at work when they finish school. (Required Provincial Accountability Measure)

CURRENT MEASURES: Work Preparation

3 Year Plan Current Result 2017 (%)

Prev Year

Result (%)

Prev 3-yr.

Average (%)

Measure Evaluation

Achievement Improvement Overall

School 86.4 67.2 75.9 Very High Improved Excellent

CCSD 80.6 79.7 79.2 High Improved Good

Province 82.7 82.6 81.9 High Improved Significantly Good

Performance Measure For AERR Results (in percentages) Target

Percentages of teachers and parents who agree that students are taught attitudes and behaviors that will make them successful at work when they finish school.

Overall (required) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

School 58.3 86.6 73.9 67.2 86.4 83

CCSD 76.8 79.5 78.5 79.7 80.6 82.7

Province 80.3 81.2 82.0 82.6 82.7

* Data provided by Alberta Education October 2017.

Comment on Results for Provincial Outcome One: Alberta’s students are successful.

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Comment on Results for School Outcomes: Literacy and numeracy is focused on as a means to achieve success for all students. The area of citizenship was excellent and appears to be very strong with the data analysis. The immediate concern from last year was ‘work preparation’ as the data analysis was significantly lower than CCSD and provincial average. It looks like there was a significant increase in this result for 2017. There was increased communication focus that students are taught attitudes and behaviors that will make students successful at work when they finish school. Our CTF program within our building is garnering lots of attention from all elementary schools within Calgary Catholic. We are well ahead of the curve in this mandatory program. We spend 10% of our week to work on self-directed learning to create real life application of learning. This program includes team challenges, resume building and awareness, business management with junior achievement support, market fair and presentation of projects (team and individual projects). Sections of this program is modelled after Genius Hour – inquiry based real life application where a driving question and passion drives the research and learning. We have been concentrating on literacy by using benchmark assessments (such as Fountas & Pinnell) to determine student’s levels. The LLI (Leveled Literacy Intervention) is being addressed by a teacher through targeted pull-out for our developing readers. We are also including a section of numeracy support with the same teacher to work with students on basic numeracy and computations skills (the focus will be on catching student up on strategies and skills)

Numeracy Will be our academic focus for 2017/18. We will address the use of a variety of math resources. We continue to make adjustments to focus on numeracy and skill confidence and development. Numeracy results within the PAT remain a concern from our perspective. We had increased discussion and PD focus from the previous year but it dependent on the class of students writing the assessment. Both of the acceptable and standard of excellence levels remain a concern. We started our school year in August with CCSD Math consultant, Erika Kittleson, joining us for a PD on Holy Spirit numeracy. Where are we now? Where do we think we are and where do we want to go? Many teachers are using their professional growth plans with a Numeracy focus for goals and objectives to improve practice. In the upcoming months we will need to ask questions and seek potential solutions to dissect a relationship of PAT assessment levels and current practice. The previous long-standing grade 6 math teacher has left Holy Spirit. We have a new teacher teaching three classes of grade 6’s. She is currently working with the other division 2 teachers to look at the new part of the PAT for 2018 where computational skills will be assessed without a calculator. Current resources and curriculum focus will be evaluated and reflected upon to identify and improve numeracy standards. We will reassess the focus on math resources used and return to an evidence based balance approach to numeracy instruction. We are also implementing “mathletics” for division 2 and “Zorbits” for division one as a technology resource for students that require engaged connections to curriculum support. There needs to be a balanced approach to foundational skills and discovery based approach to knowledge, skills and attitudes.

The PAT analysis package will be utilized with staff and parents to identify strengths and areas for growth as well as trends. The analysis packages provide opportunities for individual teachers and divisional groups to reflect upon achievement data. The results will guide our practice moving forward.

One area of note is Holy Spirit participation rates. Our participation rates are significantly higher than the District and the province. We have less students not writing the PAT exams due to exemptions than the other comparatives. This would definitely affect out acceptable school percentages. We have also had some students not show up to write exams and this has left a 0% unacceptable rate on results.

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PROVINCIAL DESIRED OUTCOME TWO: The achievement gap between First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) students and all other students is eliminated. (FNMI data is published only when there is a sufficient population of FNMI students (more than 6 students).

PROVINCIAL PERFORMANCE MEASURES AND DATA • Overall percentage of self-identified FNMI students in grades 6 and 9 who achieved the acceptable

standard and the percentage of self-identified FNMI students who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (overall results). (Required Provincial Accountability Measure)

Student Learning Achievement (K-9)

(Percentages) October 2017 Evaluation

Current Measures Current Result

Prev Year


Prev 3-Yr

Average Achievement Improvement Overall

Overall percentage of self-identified FNMI students in Grade 6 who achieved the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests (School).

45.8 n/a n/a n/a

Overall percentage of self-identified FNMI students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests (District).

54.6 60.7 54.8 Very Low Maintained Concern

Overall percentage of self-identified FNMI students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the acceptable standard on Provincial Achievement Tests (Province).

51.7 52.4 52.1 Very Low Maintained Concern

Overall percentage of self-identified FNMI students in Grade 6 who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (School).

n/a n/a n/a

Overall percentage of self-identified FNMI students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (District).

9.2 8.5 8.5 Very Low Maintained Concern

Overall percentage of self-identified FNMI students in Grades 6 and 9 who achieved the standard of excellence on Provincial Achievement Tests (Province).

6.7 6.3 6.3 Very Low Improved Issue

Aggregated PAT results are based upon a weighted average of per cent meeting standards (Acceptable, Excellence). The weights are the number of students enrolled in each course. Courses included: English Language Arts (grades 6, 9, 9KAE), Français (grades 6 and 9), French Language Arts (grades 6 and 9), Mathematics (grades 6, 9, 9KAE), Science (grades 6, 9, 9KAE) and Social Studies (grades 6, 9, 9KAE) Grade 9 Provincial Achievement Tests were substantially impacted by the flooding of June 2013 so caution should be used when interpreting trends over time for the province and district.

ANNUAL EDUCATION RESULTS REPORTING for PROVINCIAL OUTCOME TWO: The achievement gap between First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) students and all other students is eliminated.

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Comment on Results for Provincial Outcome Two: (The achievement gap between First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) students and all other students is eliminated.)

The greatest challenge we experience is the poor attendance of students from Stoney - Nakoda Reserve. We work closely with our FNMI support worker from the District, Wanda First Rider, in order to support our FNMI students, as well as seeking assistance for social emotional needs from our school support worker. CCSD also has allocated a family support worker (Amber Dawn Marshall) to connect with families and build bridges to the FNMI community and the school community. She has a tremendous background in social work and family support structure available to families. We have a couple lead teachers who are tremendously valuable resources for classroom teachers to accommodate diverse learning situations with FNMI students. Our music teacher is also a Champion of our FNMI community. She build bridges through curricular and social justice activities. Administration has also meet with CCSD FNMI supervisor and consultant to instill that we are working together to place supports necessary to increase academic success. Cindy Stefanato and Angel Houle (FNMI CCSD consultants) have also been at the school to provide PD to staff (residential schools, Blanket Exercise, FNMI myths, traditions and cultural awareness, we also used our past year Our School data to look at these students anxieties and concerns). This year we have started the year in September with honoring Orange Shirt Day (Every Child Matters). We had Wanda First Rider come to speak to the students to discuss the FNMI culture and brief introduction into the residential schools experience. During our October PD day, we had Wanda and Angela lead the Blanket Exercise where the entire staff went through role play to teach about Aboriginal history in Canada. That afternoon, we hosted two Stoney Nakoda elders (Anita Diggins and David Bearspaw) that lead us through a reflective circle discussion. We offer inquiry learning and access to information via classroom blogs, SEESAW, and Class Dojo so that students can keep track of assignments, even from home. We have worked to build an inclusive environment for our First Nations students by including them in cultural events such as our “Culture Café” (First Nations dancing) and our liturgies, assemblies and volunteer tea (First Nations drumming). On October 25th and 26th, we hosted Helmer Twoyoungmen (Stoney Nakoda elder) that met with every classroom to talk about First Nations culture and provide a traditional musical experience. On the 26th, we invited our local Holy Spirit drumming, choir (Tantanka – traditional Stoney song) and dancers to join the parents and guardians for performances and chili luncheon to create that trusting and inclusive environment. We had a grand entry to start with elders, staff, and students and a round dance to finish where all people gathered hand in hand to connect. This year we had an increase of non-aboriginal students to support the performances. This was a meaningful act of reconciliation. It was amazing seeing both groups support each other with our FNMI students acting as leaders. It was a tremendous success where an appreciation of ‘one community’ is honored and respected! We have applied to the Calgary Catholic Foundation grant in November to ask for an influx of technology earmarked for our FNMI students (chromebooks and iPads). This proposal will include FNMI students who will receive and have greater personal access to technology. We are looking for engaging ways to connect student learning (literacy and numeracy) and culture. We hope to attend St. Tim’s Pow Wow on National Aboriginal Day in June this year again. It was a tremendous success last year and we hope to be an active participant this year. We had all of our students and staff attend with many of our students playing a part in the dancing/drumming and singing. Our Champion focus this year is grassroots and focused on creating a rich and loving environment where these FNMI students have at least one (hopefully more than one) trusted adult at school that can be there to listen, guide, and support the students. An increase in home communication (phone, email and texting) are critical to create a trusting relationship.

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PROVINCIAL DESIRED OUTCOME FOUR: Alberta has excellent teachers, school and school authority leaders.


Alberta has excellent teachers, school and school authority leaders.

• Overall teacher, parent and student satisfaction with the opportunity for students to receive a broad program of studies, including fine arts, career, technology, health and physical education. (Required Provincial Accountability Measure)

CURRENT MEASURES: Program of Studies

3 Year Plan Current Result 2017 (%)

Prev Year

Result (%)

Prev 3-yr.

Average (%)

Measure Evaluation

Achievement Improvement Overall

School 88.9 81.0 83.6 Very High Maintained Excellent

CCSD 82.8 82.4 83.0 Very High Maintained Excellent

Province 81.9 81.9 81.5 Very High Improved Significantly Excellent

Performance Measure For AERR Results (in percentages) Target

Percentages of teachers, parents and students satisfied with the opportunity for students to receive a broad program of studies including fine arts, career, technology, and health and physical education.

Overall (required) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

School 77.0 84.4 85.4 81.0 88.9 85

CCSD 82.5 83.8 82.8 82.4 82.8 82.9

Province 81.5 81.3 81.3 81.9 81.9

* Data provided by Alberta Education October 2017.

Comment on Results for Provincial Outcome Four (Teacher preparation and professional growth focus on the competencies needed to help students learn. Effective learning and teaching is achieved through collaborative leadership.)

Comment on Results for School Outcome: A cohesive professional development plan is established.

The current year result seems to be at the highest level in 5 years. There was a conscious effort to create a diversified program where students experienced a wide range of educational development. This focus came in the way of curriculum and co-curricular activities (residencies, RBC physical literacy project, CTS and market fair, Dare to Care, etc.). Our professional development committee meets a few times of the year to discuss and plan professional development that focuses on school plan and District initiatives. This year we are focusing on the “Champions” initiative, student excellence (numeracy), FNMI support and Faith formation of the students and staff. Teachers are provided an opportunity to choose and drive their own learning, through PLC’s and breakout sessions during PD time. Our continuous focus on literacy and numeracy has resulted in many learning opportunities during staff meeting and outside of school options (District PD, conferences, CRC sessions).

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Staff Meetings include more time that can be spent on PD and PLC’s during these times with the involvement of CCSD IS department. Personalized focus in the development of Teacher Professional Growth Plans. Some grade teams are choosing a collaborative approach to designing teaching and learning growth as a focus. This year the strong influence in staff TPGP’s is numeracy growth. Regular feedback from teachers through “fireside chats.” Holy Spirit school will continue to work with district consultants to explore ways to create cross curricular connections and to increase opportunities within our option programs.

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SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN (2017-2018 – 2019-2020)


Our Catholic schools develop students who reflect the image of God and are successful contributors to a global society.

PROVINCIAL OUTCOME ONE: Alberta’s students are successful.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): Focusing on literacy and numeracy is a means to achieve success for all students.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure: • Literacy focus: Daily 5 café

(fostering literacy independence) – the foundational brain and learning research underlying the five core literacy components that, practiced every day, create independent readers and writers. Help students develop literacy awareness, knowledge and understanding and strategies they need to achieve success.

• Four components: comprehension, accuracy, fluency and expanding vocabulary (CAFÉ)

• To increase reading comprehension and student engagement in reading throughout the grades

• November: looking to create a classroom based leveled reading program (division 2 and possibly division 1).

• 0.5 FTE program support teacher is focused on small groups Levelled Literacy Intervention (LLI).

• Review of school based reading assessment. (F & P and red folder) All teachers to be on the same level of

• Teacher refresher PD session in September to build competence and comfort in building classroom routines.

• Fountas & Pinnell - Leveled Literacy Intervention program (0.5 FTE teacher) assigned to work with students to increase their leveled literacy.

• Monthly staff meeting discussions and team meeting collaboration to build confidence and support.

• Student Learning Profiles for students K-6 (update information on red folders)

• Fountas & Pinnell – Benchmark Assessment- (assessment tool) Meeting with Christine Knight in September.

• Jerry Johns IRI to support coded students

• Students will have access to Literacy Place, PM Reading, Scholastic Books, Daily 5 and Personal Classroom Libraries, with the goal of increasing literacy levels

• Scholastic Reading Program – Literacy Place – K-3 and Moving Up 4 and 5 (with 6 in the works)

• Our School Survey

• PAT results

• Student writing samples

• LLI growth in grade leveled reading.

• Students aware of terminology and procedures to create common structure from year to year. Familiarity with processes and expectations creates a sense of unified movement.

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understanding for fall and spring assessments.

• iPads, Chromebooks, Laptops with programs to support Diverse Learner literacy. Racz kids school and home reading software.

• Parent Volunteers – Reading with students

• Home Reading Programs in the classroom/Home read-aloud program

• Use SMART technology, laptops, LCD projectors and student personal devices to increase literacy engagement

• Numeracy focus - Evidence based developmental math focus where procedure and concept create learning opportunities.

• Erika Kittleson PD session for teachers in August 2017. Where do we think we are, where are we? Where do we want to go?

• MIPI (Math intervention program instrument) We are part of a pilot study to use a math diagnostic tool to assess where students are entering the school year.

• Family Math night in January – gamed based night with guest speaker to talk about the importance of numeracy development.

• Teachers have chosen to focus on numeracy in their teacher’s professional growth plans. (TPGP).

• Daily 3

• Teacher numeracy support groups

• MIPI implementation (Pam Sinclair and Tanya Hurley are the lead teachers)

• TPGP’s

• Mathletics for division 2. Zorbits for division 1.

• Teacher directed numeracy support group to work on basic numeracy computational skills and foundational math.

• PAT data analysis

• MIPI results

• Our School survey (designated question regarding numeracy for students)

• PAT results

• Student numeracy samples

• Students aware of terminology and procedures to create common structure from year to year. Familiarity with processes and expectations creates a sense of unified movement.

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SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN (2017-2018 – 2019-2020)


Our Catholic schools develop students who reflect the image of God and are successful contributors to a global society.

PROVINCIAL OUTCOME TWO: The systemic education achievement gap between First Nations, Métis and Inuit

students and all other students is eliminated.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): All students, teachers and school leaders will learn about First Nations, Métis and Inuit perspectives and experiences, treaties, and the history and legacy of residential schools.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure:

• Recognize Canada’s National Aboriginal Day – June 21

• Recognize Orange Shirt Day - September 22

• Blanket Exercise: Oct. PD day

• Celebrate an inclusive culture (Helmer Twoyoungmen – Stoney Nakoda Elder storyteller and traditional music Nov. 25-26)

• FNMI family luncheon with drumming, round dance, hoop dancers, jingle and grass dance Nov. 26th.

• FNMI District Support Worker, Wanda First Rider

• School FNMI Family Support Worker – Amber Dawn Marshall

• Implementation of Inclusive Education Initiatives

• Assignment and updates on Seesaw and Class Dojo

• Student technology connection project (Application to CCEF for chromebooks and iPads to give a more one to one learning environment)

• Run cultural programs and seek advice and support from Wanda

• Social emotional support from school support worker. Helping with social skills and organizational skills

• Meeting with CCSD FNMI supervisor and consultant multiple times to create understanding and educational supports available.

• Continue to advocate for support using the DLT to apply for necessary requests for referrals.

• Consistent communication to home with various means…phone calls, texting, email, blogs and more

• Look for opportunities to celebrate First Nations culture in our community

• Artist in residency (storytelling and art mixed media) will utilize a First Nations focus

• Music class with FNMI themes and traditional music concepts.

• Students attending school more regularly

• Students expressing that they feel successful and are happy at Holy Spirit

• LSP successful goals.

• Increased FNMI student achievement/progress

• Students making friends and demonstrating success on assignments

• Participation in school events.

• PAT results

• Smiles in the hallway and feeling connected to their Champions

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• Extra teacher allocated time for FNMI students (LLI program and numeracy support)

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PROVINCIAL OUTCOME FOUR: Alberta has excellent teachers, school and school authority leaders.

2017-2018 School Outcome(s): A cohesive professional development plan is established.

Initiatives/Projects: Strategies: Measure: • PD committee planning in

May 2017 to create a plan for the 2017/18 school year. Meeting again in September to review and plan resources, activities, and outcomes of focused PD. They are also constantly looking at next steps in the journey.

• Implement an IS supported plan by utilizing subject area consultants to support individual teaching and learning needs by the teachers.

• Focus on the District themes – Student Excellence, Student Wellness, Faith Formation, FNMI inclusion, Champions, assessment, Numeracy

• Increase the PD availability for support staff. (We hosted the NW CCSD schools for support staff PD day on Oct. 6th).

• Erika Kittleson (Math consultant) presented on August 30th to staff about numeracy. We looked at where we are? Where do we want to go? Resources – hard copy and online. Teachers are using Zorbits for division 1 and Mathletics for division 2.

• Christine Knight (ELA consultant) hosted a staff discussion on September 14th on F & P and reading assessments. We arrived at a staff action plan for consistency and developed an updated reading assessment folder for student files.

• TPGP’s mainly focus on numeracy this year as we look to review our teaching and learning in this area.

• Nov. 17th PD day: Staff mass at the church followed by continuation of Student Stories PD – verbal de-escalation. (Christie Bell – Behavior consultant CCSD)

• Staff work in teams on year two of a Mercy Project. Teams complete volunteer work in the community to create act of service towards those in the community that are in need (May PD day)

• Staff retreat in April at Mount St. Francis.

• Local staff sharing sessions (Staff meetings)

• EPD localized review

• October 6th – support staff attend PD at Holy Spirit to focus on topics that relate to their growth and development.

• Staff taking more risks

• Team planning to support and guide strategies and implementation.

• Increased student engagement and learning opportunities.

• Staff feeling inspired and confident to share their learning with their peers.

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• CCSD attendance in March for district driven day

• Dependence of outside PD sources (conferences, Calgary Regional consortium etc)