SCHOOL BULLYING PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION PLAN (BPIP) · 2019. 10. 17. · Stevenson hildren’s...

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Transcript of SCHOOL BULLYING PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION PLAN (BPIP) · 2019. 10. 17. · Stevenson hildren’s...

SCHOOL BULLYING PREVENTION AND INTERVENTION PLAN (BPIP) (School Name: Princess Anne French Immersion Public School - Year: 2019-2020)

This plan is to be completed in conjunction with the BPIP guide found at: Safe and Accepting Schools Team Members:

Principal: Melina DiCarlo (Principal), Robert Powell (Vice-Principal)

Parent(s): Shannon Czomba, Kara Ford, Erica Fralic, Maggie Hanan, Meaghan Kinney

Teacher(s): Sally Chamberlain, Allison Chesney, Kat MacLean, Lamija Makic

Student(s): 3 Gr. 7 students 2 Gr. 6 students

Non-teaching staff: Patrick Burns, Angela Parreira, Suzanne Swinden

Community partner(s): Evan Harrison (Community Officer), Linda Tallett (Noon-hour Supervisor)

STEP ONE: Data Collection and Assessment

Strengths & Successes: - Relationships with students - Intervening when problems are brought to

teachers’ or administrators’ attention

Areas for Growth: - Communication with parents about incidents

regarding bullying

School Bullying Prevention Statement:

Princess Anne French Immersion Public School is committed to creating a school that embraces a safe, inclusive and diverse culture that values the individuality of each student. We will model respectful behaviour that promotes social and emotional well-being and academic achievement for all students. We will foster a sense of belonging and pride in our school community.

STEP TWO: Creating/Revising the Plan

1. Education – Awareness Raising and Skill Building: (Programs and Initiatives) Students:

● Big Brothers/Big Sisters ● Character Trait Monthly Themes and

Assemblies ● ME to WE Club ● Reading lists for Monthly Traits ● Cyber-bullying Awareness ● Pink Shirt Day ● Orange Shirt Day ● Mental Health Week ● Pride Month and Fly the Flag


● Workshops for parents about internet safety and respect (School Council/London Police Department)

● Share Safe Schools webpage with parents ● Wellness/Safety in the Week-at-a-Glance

weekly newsletter ● Home & School

● GSA ● Bus Buddies ● Learning Buddies ● Lunch monitors

2. Curricular Connections: ● Physical and Health Education: connection

between stress reduction and exercise, peer relationships, awareness of various forms of diversity

● Language and French: character trait themes embedded into literature, media and responses, Global Read-Aloud

● Drama: character trait themes embedded into topics

● Social Studies: exploring connections between conflicts in the past and present, the FNMI perspective

3. Training Opportunities for Staff: ● training or refresher for TRIBES; encourage

the use of TRIBES agreements/elements in the classroom

● invite police community officer to help staff distinguish between different levels of harmful behaviours, how to identify risks, and provide staff with literature and opportunities to present to students

● staff sharing for literature to support their students and parents

● Peer Mediation: Students helping Students ● Guest speakers at staff meetings to provide

alternative training and discussion ● Education/training for staff in regards to

trauma-informed teaching strategies

4. Leadership: Student:

● Carnaval ● Announcements ● Student monitors (lunch and bus) ● Me-to-We ● GSA ● Learning Buddies

Staff: ● Teachers running Big Brothers/Big Sisters

(monthly) ● Learning/Math/Reading Buddies

Parent/Community: ● School Council (Facilitating Internet Safety

Workshops) ● Green Space/Playground

5. Community Connections/Resources: ● London Police Services (including VIP) ● Go Girls Program/LEADS Camp ● Child and Adolescent Community Care

Centre ● Fanshawe Child and Youth workers ● Vanier/Merrymount ● Attendance Support Counsellor

Western Engineering

● Thames Valley Children’s Centre ● CAS ● CAA ● Teacher Candidates ● Stevenson Children’s Camp ● East Community Center (due to open Fall


6. The school Code of Conduct has been reviewed and updated to address bullying and reflect core values and expectations. ⌧ Yes □ No

7. When developing supervision plans, consideration has been made to address bullying where and when it happens as identified through school climate surveys and other feedback. ⌧ Yes □ No

8. Responding: Students

● offer preventative strategies ● will be encouraged to respond to bullying

through reporting and by being an upstander ● Encouragement of perseverance and

resilience ● Development of conflict resolution strategies ● Encourage ownership of behaviours ● Identify conflict versus bullying ● Culture for Learning “Steps to Addressing

Behaviour” ● Peer Mediation

Parents/Community ● communication to parents will provide

information on what to do if they suspect their child is involved with bullying

● encourage communication with school early rather than allowing a potential problem to build

● continue broad participation on the Culture for Learning Schools Team

● report anonymously through website

Staff ● continue to use Safe Schools Incident

Reporting form ● intervene in situations where bullying is or

may be occurring and communicate results with parents and administration

● contact parents when Bus Conduct Forms are sent

● use of children’s literature and media related to monthly character traits (C.T. bin)

9. Reporting: ● Web link on PAFI webpage for anonymous

reporting ● School newsletter will highlight web link ● Bus reports are completed by operators

● Encourage parents share information with the staff member directly supervising, following board communication protocol

● Communication extends to supply teachers

10. Support Strategies : Student who engaged in bullying:

● Conversation with staff member(s), understanding impact on others

● Check-ins with teacher and/or administrator ● Progressive discipline and involvement of

parents ● Restorative approaches ● Action Plan with consequences, interventions

and development of positive social skills

Student who has been bullied: ● Provide supportive response ● Establish plan of safe places and people ● Frequent check-ins

Students who witness bullying:

● debrief and thank for report

11. Follow Up: ● Check-ins with students and families as


● Encourage families to check-in with the school

● Regular communication with LSTs, EAs and Admin

● Refer to additional support agencies if required

12. Communication: Students

● Teachers will review Code of Conduct with students

● BPIP shared with and developed in part by students on Safe and Accepting Schools team

Parents/Community ● BPIP posted on website ● Reference to BPIP in September Week-at-a-

Glance ● Share at School Council meeting ● Referenced at Week-at-a-Glance


● Agenda item at June PD Day ● Referenced at Week-at-a-Glance ● May choose to use Brightspace

communication platform

Parents/Staff Together

● purchase new bulletin board and use it for education and understanding.

● topics would include: ○ What is bullying? ○ Cyber safety ○ Character traits ○ Steps to address behaviour (Stop It,

Name It, Explain It, Ask for Change) ● Other ideas: poster contest, thankfulness

challenge, highlight times of the year (education week, mental health week, etc)

STEP THREE: Implementation Plan

Timelines Who How

June 2019


Share draft of BPIP (after feedback from TVDSB) with Safe and Accepting Schools Team Ask staff for feedback on BPIP upon sharing overview at June PD

1st Week of School

Safe & Accepting Schools Team

Opening Assembly, where school code of conduct is addressed with students in child-friendly language by administration.

September Administration 1st School Council – Communicate with parents regarding BPIP on school website

Administration and School Council

Provide literature to parents and students on cyber-bullying and safety


Administration Work with staff regarding curriculum strategies for addressing the use of children’s literature and media into learning

Administration and Library

Support students in creating character trait videos to present at monthly assemblies and into morning announcements

Staff Build a list of resources for parents and students

STEP FOUR: Monitor/Reflect

Timelines Who How

SAST Meeting Dates: 1- October 17,

2019 2- November

7, 2019

P/VP/BPIP Committee

Monitor SSAP Meeting in October Reflect Indicators of Success

1. Parents are using the resources that are made available in the parent library

2. Parents receiving communication from the school regarding cyberbullying

3. Announcements reflect character trait daily by mid-October 4. Ongoing check-ins with student members of Safe and

Accepting Schools Team 5. Character trait literature and media is evident during

instructional time throughout each month Celebration of Success

1. Certificates of monthly character assemblies 2. Sharing embedded character curriculum tasks between staff 3. School website and newsletter 4. E-news to community

Our BPIP will be reviewed annually and posted on our school website by June 30th for implementation the following school year.

Month WAAG Other

September Character Trait: Acceptance

Att: Code of Conduct

Lead with restorative approach to discipline

October Character Trait: Respect

Att: Steps to Address Behaviour Monthly Assembly to discuss trait with students What is bullying? – Parent Council meeting

November Character Trait: Caring

Att: Caring within our school Monthly Assembly to discuss trait with students: How do you show that you care?

December Character Trait: Empathy

Att: Caring Fund Monthly Assembly to discuss trait with students

January Character Trait: Initiative

Att: Code of Conduct Monthly Assembly to discuss trait with students

February Character Trait: Honesty

Att: Smart Social Poster (6 of 6) Monthly Assembly to discuss trait with students

March Character Trait: Integrity

Att: Anonymous reporting Monthly Assembly to discuss trait with students

April Character Trait: Perseverance

Highlight Mental Health week Monthly Assembly to discuss trait with students

May Character Trait: Equity

Highlight Mental Health week Monthly Assembly to discuss trait with students

June Character Trait: Inclusion

Being inclusive Monthly Assembly to discuss trait with students