Scaling MySQL writes through Partitioning

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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We use MySQL on most of our projects. One of these projects has a an access pattern unlike any other I've worked on. Several million records a day need to be written to a table. These records are then read out once at the end of the day, summarised and then very rarely touched again. Each record is about 104 bytes long (thre's one VARCHAR column, everything else is fixed), and that's after squeezing out every byte possible. The average number of records that we write in a day is 40 million, but this could go up.

Transcript of Scaling MySQL writes through Partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

Philip Tellis /

ConFoo / 2010-03-10

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


$ finger philip


ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Web requests

Millions of beacons from a web pageNo response requiredCan be batch processedVery small amounts of data loss is acceptable

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Large volume

2000 requests/second on most daysup to 8000 requests/second on some days200MM requests/daySome data is fake or abusive

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Access patterns

Lots of writes throughout the dayOne huge read at the end of the daySummarise data and throw out the detailsMany reads of summary data over several months

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Why not use a data warehouse?

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

I like to get the most out of my hardware

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Hardware setup

MySQL 5.1Multi-master replication in two colos, 1 remote slave permasterOnly one master writable at any point of time4GB RAM (later 16GB), Big disk with RAID 10

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

DB config

innodb_buffer_pool_size=2078Minnodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=1innodb_log_buffer_size=8Minnodb_max_dirty_pages_pct=90innodb_doublewrite=1, innodb_support_xa=1sync_binlog=0key_buffer_size=32M, myisam_sort_buffer_size=512ktransaction_isolation=REPEATABLE-READ

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Data setup

Each row 120bytes+ InnoDB overheadinnodb_file_per_table so we can see how the table growsNo Autoincrement fieldsPRIMARY KEY derived from data + one other index

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Test requirements

Insert records until the system breaks downFind out why it broke downFind out how to make it not break downFind out how fast we can insert records (must be >2000 i/s)

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Test requirements

Insert records until the system breaks downFind out why it broke downFind out how to make it not break downFind out how fast we can insert records (must be >2000 i/s)

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Test requirements

Insert records until the system breaks downFind out why it broke downFind out how to make it not break downFind out how fast we can insert records (must be >2000 i/s)

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Test requirements

Insert records until the system breaks downFind out why it broke downFind out how to make it not break downFind out how fast we can insert records (must be >2000 i/s)

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

How I tested

Insertion script measured insertion speed v/s number ofrecordsNumber of records roughly translates to table sizeOn DB box we measure disk performance and table size

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Our dataDB infrastructurePerformance

Test 1

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights

Test 2 - Drop the secondary index

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights

Test 3 - innodb_buffer_pool_size=1000

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights


Max table size directly proportional toinnodb_buffer_pool_size

Extra index reduces insertion rateExtra index reduces max table sizePossible solution: increase RAM andinnodb_buffer_pool_size

But this only postpones the problem

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights


Max table size directly proportional toinnodb_buffer_pool_size

Extra index reduces insertion rateExtra index reduces max table sizePossible solution: increase RAM andinnodb_buffer_pool_size

But this only postpones the problem

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights

Test 4 - innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights

Test 5 - innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct=60

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights

Test 6 - Let’s try MyISAM

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights

Test 7 - Inserts in a transaction

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights

Other stuff we tried

innodb_doublewrite=0 - no effectServer side prepared statements - no effecttransaction_isolation=READ-COMMITTED - no effectinnodb_support_xa=0 - 12% increase in insertion rateCombination of the best options - negligible effect

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights

What we knew at this point

Sticking with InnoDBWe need a large buffer poolWe need to drop extra indicesflush_log_at_trx_commit=2 is good enoughTransactions are good

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Basic testsGoing crazyInsights

Our big problem

Insert rate was barely reaching the rate of incoming data!Still breaks down before getting a day’s worth of data

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Bulk insertsPartitioningLong running test

Test 8 - Single bulk insert

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Bulk insertsPartitioningLong running test

Bulk insert specifications

40,000 records in one insert statementUse INSERT IGNORE4-6 seconds per statementPRIMARY KEY drops duplicatesWe still have a breakdown when we cross the buffer pool

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Bulk insertsPartitioningLong running test

Test 9 - bulk inserts + partitioning

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Bulk insertsPartitioningLong running test

What happened?

Split the table into partitionsEach partition < 0.5 x innodb_buffer_pool_sizecurrent and next partition fit in memory at any timePartition key is based on incoming data and not onSELECTs

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Bulk insertsPartitioningLong running test



) PARTITION BY RANGE( ( time DIV 3600 ) MOD 24 ) (Partition p0 values less than (2),Partition p1 values less than (4),...Partition p10 values less than (22),Partition p11 values less than (24)


ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Bulk insertsPartitioningLong running test

Test 10 - Ran for 7 days

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Bulk insertsPartitioningLong running test

Still running

Terabytes of dataaround 8500 inserts per secondPotentially 700+ MM inserts per day

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests



Bulk inserts push up your insert ratePartitioning lets you insert more recordsPartition based on incoming data key for fast inserts

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Thanks, Merci

ConFoo organisersExceptional Performance team @ Yahoo!Monitoring team @ Yahoo!MySQL Geeks at Yahoo!

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


contact me


ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning

The ProblemThe Tests


Photo credits

Disused warehouse on Huddersfield Broad Canal / by TDR1

Hardware store dog / by sstrudeau

North Dakota, Broken Down Van / by mattdente

One red tree / by EssjayNZ

The Leaning Tree / by stage88

ConFoo / 2010-03-10 Scaling MySQL writes through partitioning