Sc Timothy Pratt Index

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Transcript of Sc Timothy Pratt Index

Satellite Communications

Second Edition

Timothy Pratt Charles W. Bostian Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

Jeremy E. Allnutt Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering George Mason University

John Wiley & Sons


Preface ix

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Background 1 1.2 A Brief History of Satellite Communications 3 1.3 Satellite Communications in 2000 6 1.4 Overview of Satellite Communications 15 1.5 Summary 16 References 16

2. Orbital Mechanics and Launchers 17

2.1 Orbital Mechanics 17 Developing the Equations of the Orbit 17 Kepler's Three Laws of Planetary Motion 22 Describing the Orbit of a Satellite 23 Locating the Satellite in the Orbit 25 Locating the Satellite with Respect to the Earth 27 Orbital Elements 29 Example 2.1.1 Geostationary Satellite Orbit Radius 29 Example 2.1.2 Low Earth Orbit 29 Example 2.1.3 Elliptical Orbit 30

2.2 Look Angle Determination 30 The Subsatellite Point 31 Elevation Angle Calculation 32 Azimuth Angle Calculation 34 Specialization to Geostationary Satellites 35 Visibility Test 36 Example 2.2.1 Geostationary Satellite Look Angles 36

2.3 Orbital Perturbations 38 Longitudinal Changes: Effects of the Earth's Oblateness 39 Inclination Changes: Effects of the Sun and the Moon 40 Example 2.3.1 Drift with a Geostationary Satellite 42

2.4 Orbit Determination 42 2.5 Launches and Launch Vehicles 43

Expendable Launch Vehicles (ELVs) 44 Placing Satellites into Geostationary Orbit 48

2.6 Orbital Effects in Communications Systems Performance 49 Doppler Shift 49 Example 2.6.1 Doppler Shift for a LEO Satellite 50 Range Variations 51 Solar Eclipse 51 Sun Transit Outage 53



2.7 Summary 54 References 54 Problems 55

3. Satellites 57

3.1 Satellite Subsystems 57 Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS) 57 Telemetry, Tracking, Command and Monitoring (TTC&M) 59 Power System 59 Communications Subsystems 59 Satellite Antennas 59

3.2 Attitude and Orbit Control System (AOCS) 60 Attitude Control System 60 Orbit Control System 66

3.3 Telemetry, Tracking, Command, and Monitoring 68 Telemetry and Monitoring System 68 Tracking 68 Command 70

3.4 Power Systems 71 3.5 Communications Subsystems 72

Description of the Communications System 72 Transponders 75

3.6 Satellite Antennas 80 Basic Antenna Types and Relationships 80 Example 3.6.1 Global Beam Antenna 82 Example 3.6.2 Regional Coverage Antenna 83 Satellite Antennas in Practice 83

3.7 Equipment Reliability and Space Qualification 87 Space Qualification 87 Reliability 88 Redundancy 90

3.8 Summary 92 References 93 Problems 93

4. Satellite Link Design 96

4.1 Introduction 96 4.2 Basic Transmission Theory 100

Example 4.2.1 104 Example 4.2.2 104

4.3 System Noise Temperature and G/T Ratio 105 Noise Temperature 105 Calculation of System Noise Temperature 107 Example 4.3.1 110 Example 4.3.2 110 Noise Figure and Noise Temperature 111 Example 4.3.3 112 G/T Ratio for Earth Stations 112 Example 4.3.4 112


4.4 Design of Downlinks 112 Link Budgets 113 Link Budget Example: C-Band Downlink for Earth Coverage Beam 115

4.5 Satellite Systems Using Small Earth Stations 117 Direct Broadcast TV 118 Example 4.5.1 123

4.6 Uplink Design 124 Example 4.6.1 127

4.7 Design for Specified C/N: Combining C/N and C/I Values in Satellite Links 127 Example 4.7.1 129 Overall (C/N)0 with Uplink and Downlink Attenuation 129 Uplink and Downlink Attenuation in Rain 130 Uplink Attenuation and (C/N)up 130 Downlink Attenuation and (C/N)dn 131 System Design for Specific Performance 131 Satellite Communication Link Design Procedure 131

4.8 System Design Examples 132 System Design Example 4.8.1 133 Ku Band Uplink Design 133 Ku Band Downlink Design 134 Rain Effects at Ku Band 135 Summary of Ku Band Link Performance 137 System Design Example 4.8.2 Personal Communication System Using

Low Earth Orbit Satellites 137 Inbound Link: Mobile Terminal to Gateway Station 141 Mobile Terminal to Satellite Link 142 Satellite to Gateway Station Link 143 Outbound Link 144 Downlink C/N Budget 145 Optimizing System Performance 146 Link Margins with FEC 147 Rain Attenuation at Ku Band 147 Path Blockage at L-Band 149 Summary of L-band Mobile PCS System Performance 149

4.9 Summary 150 References 150 Problems 151

5. Modulation and Multiplexing Techniques for Satellite Links 156

5.1 Frequency Modulation 157 Waveform Equation for FM 158 Bandwidth of FM Signals: Carson's Rule 159 Baseband S/N Ratio for FM Signals 159 Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis 161 Pre-emphasis 162

5.2 Analog FM Transmission by Satellite 164 Television Signals 165 S/N Ratios for FM Video Transmission 167 Example 5.2.1 168


FM Threshold 168 SCPC FM Links 169 Example 5.2.2 170 Data Transmission Using Analog FM Channels 170 Example 5.2.3 171

5.3 Digital Transmission 172 Baseband Digital Signals 172 Baseband Transmission of Digital Data 172 Band-pass Transmission of Digital Data 179 Example 5.3.1 181 Example 5.3.2 181 Transmission of QPSK Signals through a Bandlimited Channel 182 Example 5.3.3 185 Example 5.3.3 185

5.4 Digital Modulation and Demodulation 187 Terminology 187 Modulation and Coding 187 Bit and Symbol Error Rates 188 Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) 189 Probability of a Symbol Error 191 BPSK Bit Error Rate 194 QPSK Bit Error Rate 194 Example 5.4.1 195 Example 5.4.2 197 Generation of Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) Signals 198 QPSK Variants 199

5.5 Digital Transmission of Analog Signals 201 Sampling and Quantizing 201 Nonuniform Quantization: Compression and Expansion 204 Signal-to-Noise Ratio in Digital Voice Systems 206 Digital Television 208

5.6 Time Division Multiplexing 209 TDM Terminology: The U.S. Tl 24-Channel System 209 Other TDM Systems 211 Channel Synchronization in TDM 212

5.7 Summary 212 References 213 Problems 214

6. Multiple Access 221

6.1 Introduction 221 6.2 Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) 223

Intermodulation 226 Intermodulation Example 228 Calculation of C/N with Intermodulation 230 Example 6.2.1 Power Sharing in FDMA 231 Example 6.2.2 Channel Capacity with Demand Access FDMA 232

6.3 Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) 233 Bits, Symbols, and Channels 234 TDMA Frame Structure 235

Example 6.3.1 TDMA in a Fixed Station Network 237 Reference Burst and Preamble 238 Unique Word 239 Guard Times 241 Synchronization in TDMA Networks 242 Transmitter Power in TDMA Networks 243 Example 6.3.2 TDMA in a VSAT Network 244 Example 6.3.2 TDMA in a Fixed Earth Station Network 244 Satellite Switched TDMA 246

6.4 Onboard Processing 246 Baseband Processing Transponders 247 Satellite Switched TDMA with Onboard Processing 248

6.5 Demand Access Multiple Access (DAMA) 249 Example 6.5.1 FDMA-SCPC-DA 252

6.6 Random Access 254 6.7 Packet Radio Systems and Protocols 254 6.8 Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) 257

Spread Spectrum Transmission and Reception 258 DS-SS CDMA Capacity 262 Example 6.8.1 CDMA in a Fixed Earth Station Network 263 Example 6.8.2 CDMA in an LEO Satellite Network 263 Example 6.8.3 GPS 264

6.9 Summary 266 References 267 Problems 267

7. Error Control for Digital Satellite Links 273

7.1 Error Detection and Correction 273 7.2 Channel Capacity 275 7.3 Error Control Coding 277

Example 7.3.1 278 Linear and Cyclic Block Codes 279 Golay Codes 280

7.4 Performance of Block Error Correction Codes 281 7.5 Convolutional Codes 282 7.6 Implementation of Error Detection on Satellite Links 284

Example 7.6.1 287 7.7 Concatenated Coding and Interleaving 288 7.8 Turbo Codes 290 7.9 Summary 292 References 292 Problems 293

8. Propagation Effects and their Impact on Satellite-Earth Links 295

8.1 Introduction 297 8.2 Quantifying Attenuation and Depolarization 298

Example 8.2.1 301 8.3 Propagation Effects that Are Not Associated with Hydrometeors 306

Atmospheric Absorption 307 Cloud Attenuation 308


Tropospheric Scintillation and Low Angle Fading 308 Faraday Rotation in the Atmosphere 310 Ionospheric Scintillations 312

8.4 Rain and Ice Effects 312 Characterizing Rain 312 Rain Climate Maps 314 Rainfall Rate Exceedance Contour Maps 315 Raindrop Distributions 315

8.5 Prediction of Rain Attenuation 317 Example 8.5.1 319 Example 8.5.2 323 Calculation of Long-Term Statistics for NGSO Systems 324 Scaling Attenuation with Elevation Angle and Frequency 325 Cosecant Law 325 Example 8.5.3 325 Squared Frequency Scaling Law 326 Example 8.5.4 326 ITU-R Long-Term Frequency Scaling of Rain Attenuation 326

8.6 Prediction of XPD 326 Canting Angle 328 Tilt Angle 328 Example 8.6.1 330 Example 8.6.2 331 Ice Crystal Depolarization 332 Rain Effects on Antenna Noise 332 Example 8.6.3 333

8.7 Propagation Impairment Countermeasures 333 Attenuation 333 Power Control 334 Signal Processing 335 Diversity 335 Depolarization 337

8.8 Summary 338 References 339 Problems 340


9.1 Introduction 343 9.2 Overview of VSAT Systems 345 9.3 Network Architectures 347

One-Way Implementation 347 Split-Two-Way (Split IP) Implementation 347 Two-Way Implementation 348

9.4 Access Control Protocols 349 Delay Considerations 351

9.5 Basic Techniques 354 Multiple Access Selection 355 Signal Formats 362 Modulation, Coding, and Interference Issues 362


9.6 VSAT Earth Station Engineering 366 Antennas 366 Transmitters and Receivers 367

9.7 Calculation of Link Margins for a VSAT Star Network 370 9.8 System Design Procedure: Example 9.1 372

Description of System 373 System Parameters 373 Preliminary Calculations 374 Link C/N Ratios 375 Inbound Links 376 Inbound Links with 270 Channels 378 Outbound Links 379 System Analysis 380

9.9 Some New Developments 383 9.10 Summary 384 References 385 Problems 385

10. Low Earth Orbit and Non-Geostationary Satellite Systems 388

10.1 Introduction 389 10.2 Orbit Considerations 391

Equatorial Orbits 391 Inclined Orbits 392 Elliptical Orbits 394 Molniya Orbit 396 Radiation Effects 398 Sun Synchronous Orbit 403

10.3 Coverage and Frequency Considerations 406 General Aspects 406 Frequency band 406 Elevation Angle Considerations 408 Number of Beams per Coverage 411 Off-Axis Scanning 412 Determination of Optimum Orbital Altitude 418 Radiation Safety and Satellite Telephones 420 Projected NGSO System Customer Service Base 420

10.4 Delay and Throughput Considerations 421 10.5 System Considerations 423

Incremental Growth 424 Interim Operations 424 Replenishment Options 424 End-to-End System Implementation 425

10.6 Operational NGSO Constellation Designs 425 Ellipso 425 Globalstar 426 New ICO 428 Iridium 428 Orbcomm 429 Skybridge 429


Teledesic 430 Example 10.6.1 System Design 432

10.7 Summary 434 References 434 Problems 435

11. Direct Broadcast Satellite Television and Radio 439

11.1 C-Band and Ku-Band Home Satellite TV 440 11.2 Digital DBS TV 441 11.3 DBS-TV System Design 447 11.4 DBS-TV Link Budget 449 11.5 Error Control in Digital DBS-TV 450 11.6 Master Control Station and Uplink 452 11.7 Installation of DBS-TV Antennas 454 11.8 Satellite Radio Broadcasting 455 11.9 Summary 456 References 457

12. Satellite Navigation and the Global Positioning System 458

12.1 Introduction 458 12.2 Radio and Satellite Navigation 461 12.3 GPS Position Location Principles 463

Position Location in GPS 464 GPS Time 466

12.4 GPS Receivers and Codes 467 The C/A Code 468

12.5 Satellite Signal Acquisition 470 12.6 GPS Navigation Message 472 12.7 GPS Signal Levels 473 12.8 Timing Accuracy 475 12.9 GPS Receiver Operation 476 12.10 GPS C/A Code Accuracy 480

Dilution of Precision: HDOP, VDOP, and GDOP 481 12.11 Differential GPS 482 12.12 Summary 484 References 485 Problems 485

Appendix A Decibels in Communications Engineering 487

Appendix В FDM/FM/FDMA Analog Telephone Transmission 491

Baseband Voice Signal 491 Voice Signal Multiplexing 493 Frequency Modulation with Multiplexed Telephone Signals 496 Bandwidth Calculation for FDM/FM Telephone Signals 497 Telephone Performance Specifications 498 Practical Examples 499 Example B.l 499


Example В.2 503 References 503

Appendix С Complementary Error Function erfc(jr) and Q Function Q(z) 504

Equivalence Formulas and Tables of Values 504 References 504

Appendix D The Simple Attenuation Model 507

Example D.l 511 References 512

Glossary 513

Index 522