SAY HELLO Hi, hello and how are you?. When I’m meeting someone new.

Post on 31-Mar-2015

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Transcript of SAY HELLO Hi, hello and how are you?. When I’m meeting someone new.


Hi, hello and how are you?

When I’m meeting someone new

Sometimes it’s really hard to do

I say these words, and you can too

Hi, hello and how are you?

When I’m walking down the street

I’ll try not to look down at my feet

Lots of different folks walk by

I’ll smile and look them in the eye

I’ll smile and look them in the eye

Say, “hi, hello and how are you?

When I’m hanging with my friends

And someone new wants to join in

I’ll help them to join the gang

I say, ‘what’s up?’ and shake their hand

I say, ‘what’s up?’ and shake their hand

Smile and look them in the eye.

Say, ‘hi, hello and how are you?’

And if I’m feeling shy with you

Your voice, your face, your smell is new

I’ll be brave and talk to you

And say, ‘hey, hola, nice meeting you.’

Say, ‘hey, hola, nice meeting you.’

Say, ‘what’s up?’ and shake their hand.

Smile and look them in the eye.

Say, ‘hi, hello and how are you?’

And if you say to me,

“Hi, I’m Sam.”

And then you ask me how I am.

I’ll say, ‘I’m fine’ and ‘My name is Gram’.

I’ll say, “I’m fine and my name is Gram.’

Say, ‘hey, hola, nice meeting you.’

Say, ‘what’s up?’ and shake your hand.

Smile and look you in the eye.

Say ‘hi, hello and how are you?’

Say, hi, hello and how are you?’