Satsangsociety primerv1-0-120811204647-phpapp01

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Save Our Civilisation From Mediocrity !!!

Transcript of Satsangsociety primerv1-0-120811204647-phpapp01

Satsang Society Sat (Truth) Sang (Together in a common thought)

Mythbuster Session Comprehensive

v1 Draft


• Welcome to the world and web of shattering truth • Views discussed here may range from obvious to shocking to ridiculous • Keep your mind open • Be a spectator and ‘take’ what you think is right • Then question what you ‘think’ is wrong.. Do research and correct yourself or us if

it is wrong • Refer to links in Comments / Notes section or just ‘Google it’ • Discuss and develop with the society • Contribute by your own research • Feedback on present content –




We always feel something is not right with the world. But cannot figure out what is wrong.

We are all stuck in a world where do work which we don’t like, have system

which strangulates us and still we support and work in the same system

Why our span of attention is growing short and we always discuss some negative topics and issues

Something's not right with the world!


Our Life Today!

•One thing is always short, however much it may be! Money!

•It is major factor in most of ills of our society

•Money is the limiting factor which makes world go around

•But where has our curiosity gone to know and investigate the issues?

•Why don’t we recognize and then solve them?


• Look around at society around us

• We are all organised in a pigeon cage like structure where we are expected to follow orders of our ‘authority’ and do what you are asked to do

• You are allowed only to know enough so that you just ‘complete’ your work

• The structure includes Governments, Office, Business and Families too

• The pyramid of manipulation in control structure is next slide

Structure of Society


Illuminati Structure

You are stuck in most probability in lower most of level of your profession


• In this pyramid structure, few people control whole society • The structure is worldwide and governed by secret societies • The exact structure at top is unknown, hidden and works from behind the

scenes • There are many societies and the web is famously called ‘Illuminati’ • Illuminati control – United Nations, Governments, Religion, Intelligence

Agencies, Media Houses, Corporations, Money supply, Education • Emphasizing again, the people employed in these also just know about

their jobs, not much above, not much below • People on top of these organizations are high degree freemasons and

know a lot, but not all • Let’s look at their structure

Somethings not right with the world!


Hidden Symbols


Illuminati Structure


Illuminati Structure


Control Structure


Control Structure


Control Structure


Presentation Notes

Control Structure


Presentation Notes

Control Structure • Few researchers claim that these secret societies are controlled by alien

and reptilian species since old ages • That is why there is reference of reptilians in all religions • Hollywood / Bollywood cinema is known for its fantasy with reptilian

world • Shapeshifting reptilians can be well seen in

– Nagina – Hisss - Mallika Sherawat – It’s produced, directed and music by known

Hollywood people – Numerous Hollywood movies

• More, after next few slides


Presentation Notes

Control Structure


Presentation Notes

Corporations Controlling Society

The above is just an indicative list!


Secret Hidden Symbols


The occult symbology of one eye, pyramid, 13 stars can be seen around us in movies, corporate logos, television and most prominently in 1 USD bill!

Secret Hidden Symbols


• One eye symbology - All around us!

Symbols – One eye

Olympic 2012 Mascots


Presentation Notes

• One eye – Occult symbology

Symbols – One eye


Symbols – One eye


Symbols – One eye


• Pyramids in corporate logos

Symbols – Pyramid

These are just few examples. Search on.. You’ll find hundreds.. Few others are Sun, Owl, Camel, Masonic symbol


Sign of the Horns


The elite and celebrities can be found with Sign of Horns

Presentation Notes – Swami Prabhupada

Sign of the Horns


Presentation Notes – Swami Prabhupada

Sign of the Horns


Presentation Notes – Swami Prabhupada

Sign of the Horns or Sign of Rock


Presentation Notes – Swami Prabhupada

Secret Symbols – 666 and One Eye


Presentation Notes – Swami Prabhupada

Secret Symbols

Cinergy Logo – Check eye symbol on top of pyramid formation


Presentation Notes – Swami Prabhupada

Secret Symbols

Shahrukh in Ra.One – Lucifer!


Presentation Notes

Secret Symbols


Presentation Notes

Secret Symbols


Presentation Notes

Bollywood Illuminati • Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi was a known Freemason (Illuminati) • Is it a coincidence that Saif Ali Khan’s production house is named ‘Illuminati Films’ • Check out the Devil Sign in Sharmila Tagore’s hand


Sign of the Horns

Murder 2 Love Aaj Kal Twist Song


Presentation Notes – Swami Prabhupada

Reptilian Symbology


Presentation Notes

Reptilian Symbology


Presentation Notes

Reptilian Symbology


Presentation Notes

Reptilian Symbology


Reptilian Symbology



What is Money? Money is exchange of Human Labour In early age, money used to be anything from Gold, Silver, Bronze, Sea Shells to anything substantial and

which another person gave value • As per Section 26 of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the Bank is liable to pay the value of banknote. This

is payable on demand by RBI, being the issuer. The Bank's obligation to pay the value of banknote does not arise out of a contract but out of statutory provisions.

• The promissory clause printed on the banknotes i.e., "I promise to pay the bearer an amount of X" is a statement which means that the banknote is a legal tender for X amount. The obligation on the part of the Bank is to exchange a banknote for coins of an equivalent amount

• RBI Website reference:

• The Reserve Bank of India is one more Central Bank in control of Global Central Banking System



Presentation Notes

Debt Money Money also follows Pyramid structure.. Let’s see how!


World Financed by Debt Money


Presentation Notes Billions for the Bankers, Debt for the People �The Real Story of the Money-Control Over America by Pastor Sheldon Emry "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." — Thomas Jefferson Americans, living in what is called the richest nation on earth, seem always to be short of money. Wives are working in unprecedented numbers, husbands hope for overtime hours to earn more, or take part-time jobs evenings and weekends, children look for odd jobs for spending money, the family debt climbs higher, and psychologists say one of the biggest causes of family quarrels and breakups is "arguments over money." Much of this trouble can be traced to our present "debt-money" system. Too few Americans realize why our founding fathers wrote into Article I of the U.S. Constitution: Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value Thereof. They did this, as we will show, in prayerful hope it would prevent "love of money" from destroying the Republic they had founded. We shall see how subversion of Article I has brought upon us the horrors of which Jefferson had warned. MONEY IS MAN'S ONLY "CREATION"�Economists use the term "create" when speaking of the process by which money comes into existence. Now, creation means making something that did not exist before. Lumbermen make boards from trees, workers build houses from lumber, and factories manufacture automobiles from metal, glass and other materials. But in all these they did not "create," they only changed existing materials into a more usable and, therefore, more valuable form. This is not so with money. Here, and here alone, man actually "creates" something out of nothing. A piece of paper of little value is printed so that it is worth a piece of lumber. With different figures it can buy the automobile or even the house. Its value has been "created" in the true meaning of the word MONEY "CREATING" PROFITABLE�As is seen by the above, money is very cheap to make, and whoever does the "creating" of money in a nation can make a tremendous profit! Builders work hard to make a profit of 5% above their cost to build a house. Auto makers sell their cars for 1% to 2% above the cost of manufacture and it is considered good business. But money "manufacturers" have no limit on their profits, since a few cents will print a $1 bill or a $10,000 bill. That profit is part of our story, but first let us consider another unique characteristic of the thing - money, the love of which is the "root of all evil." ADEQUATE MONEY SUPPLY NEEDED�An adequate supply of money is indispensable to civilized society. We could forego many other things, but without money industry would grind to a halt, farms would become only self-sustaining units, surplus food would disappear, jobs requiring the work of more than one man or one family would remain undone, shipping, and large movements of goods would cease, hungry people would plunder and kill to remain alive, and all government except family or tribe would cease to function. An overstatement, you say? Not at all. Money is the blood of civilized society, the means of all commercial trade except simple barter. It is the measure and the instrument by which one product is sold and another purchased. Remove money or even reduce the supply below that which is necessary to carry on current levels of trade, and the results are catastrophic. For an example, we need only look at America's Depression of the early 1930's. THE BANKERS DEPRESSION OF THE 1930's�In 1930 America did not lack industrial capacity, fertile-farm land, skilled and willing workers or industrious farm families. It had an extensive and highly efficient transportation system in railroads, road networks, and inland and ocean waterways. Communications between regions and localities were the best in the world, utilizing telephone, teletype, radio, and a well-operated government mail system. No war had ravaged the cities or the countryside, no pestilence weakened the population, nor had famine stalked the land. The United States of America in 1930 lacked only one thing: an adequate supply of money to carry on trade and commerce. In the early 1930's, Bankers, the only source of new money and credit, deliberately refused loans to industries, stores and farms. Payments on existing loans were required however, and money rapidly disappeared from circulation. Goods were available to be purchased, jobs waiting to be done, but the lack of money brought the nation to a standstill. By this simple ploy America was put in a "depression" and the greedy Bankers took possession of hundreds of thousands of farms, homes, and business properties. The people were told, "times are hard," and "money is short." Not understanding the system, they were cruelly robbed of their earnings, their savings, and their property. MONEY FOR PEACE? NO! MONEY FOR WAR? YES!�World War II ended the "depression." The same Bankers who in the early 30's had no loans for peacetime houses, food and clothing, suddenly had unlimited billions to lend for Army barracks, K-rations and uniforms! A nation that in 1934 couldn't produce food for sale, suddenly could produce bombs to send free to Germany and Japan! (More on this riddle later.) With the sudden increase in money, people were hired, farms sold their produce, factories went to two shifts, mines re-opened, and "The Great Depression" was over! Some politicians were blamed for it and others took credit for ending it. The truth is the lack of money (caused by the Bankers) brought on the depression, and adequate money ended it. The people were never told that simple truth and in this article we will endeavor to show how these same Bankers who control our money and credit have used their control to plunder America and place us in bondage. POWER TO COIN AND REGULATE MONEY�When we can see the disastrous results of an artificially created shortage of money, we can better understand why our Founding Fathers insisted on placing the power to "create" money and the power to control it ONLY in the hands of the Federal Congress. They believed that ALL citizens should share in the profits of its "creation" and therefore the national government must be the ONLY creator of money. They further believed that ALL citizens, of whatever State or Territory, or station in life would benefit by an adequate and stable currency and therefore, the national government must also be, by law, the ONLY controller of the value of money. Since the Federal Congress was the only legislative body subject to all the citizens at the ballot box, it was, to their minds, the only safe depository of so much profit and so much power. They wrote it out in the simple, but all-inclusive: "Congress shall have the Power to Coin Money and Regulate the Value Thereof." HOW THE PEOPLE LOST CONTROL TO THE FEDERAL RESERVE�Instead of the Constitutional method of creating our money and putting it into circulation, we now have an entirely unconstitutional system. This has resulted in almost disastrous conditions, as we shall see. Since our money was handled both legally and illegally before 1913, we shall consider only the years following 1913, since from that year on, ALL of our money has been created and issued by an illegal method that will eventually destroy the United States if it is not changed. Prior to 1913, America was a prosperous, powerful, and growing nation, at peace with its neighbors and the envy of the world. But - in December of 1913, Congress, with many members away for the Christmas holidays, passed what has since been known as the FEDERAL RESERVE ACT. (For the full story of how this infamous legislation was forced through our Congress, read The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G. Edward Griffin or Conquest or Consent, by W. B. Vennard). Omitting the burdensome details, it simply authorized the establishment of a Federal Reserve Corporation, with a Board of Directors (The Federal Reserve Board) to run it, and the United States was divided into 12 Federal Reserve "Districts." This simple, but terrible, law completely removed from Congress the right to "create" money or to have any control over its "creation," and gave that function to the Federal Reserve Corporation. This was done with appropriate fanfare and propaganda that this would "remove money from politics" (they didn't say "and therefore from the people's control") and prevent "Boom and Bust" from hurting our citizens. The people were not told then, and most still do not know today, that the Federal Reserve Corporation is a private corporation controlled by bankers and therefore is operated for the financial gain of the bankers over the people rather than for the good of the people. The word "Federal" was used only to deceive the people. MORE DISASTROUS THAN PEARL HARBOR�Since that "day of infamy," more disastrous to us than Pearl Harbor, the small group of "privileged" people who lend us "our" money have accrued to themselves all of the profits of printing our money' - and more! Since 1913 they have "created" tens of billions of dollars in money and credit, which, as their own personal property, they then lend to our government and our people at interest. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" had become the secret policy of our National Government. An example of the process of "creation" and its conversion to people's "debt" will aid our understanding. THEY PRINT IT - WE BORROW IT AND PAY THEM INTEREST�We shall start with the need for money. The Federal Government, having spent more than it has taken from its citizens in taxes, needs, for the sake of illustration, $1,000,000,000. Since it does not have the money, and Congress has given away its authority to "create" it, the Government must go the "creators" for the $1 billion. But, the Federal Reserve, a private corporation, doesn't just give its money away! The Bankers are willing to deliver $1,000,000,000 in money or credit to the Federal Government in exchange for the Government's agreement to pay it back - with interest! So Congress authorizes the Treasury Department to print $1,000,000,000 in U.S. Bonds, which are then delivered to the Federal Reserve Bankers. The Federal Reserve then pays the cost of printing the $1,000,000,000 (about $1,000) and makes the exchange. The Government then uses the money to pay its obligations. What are the results of this fantastic transaction? Well, $1 billion in Government bills are paid all right, but the Government has now indebted the people to the Bankers for $1 billion on which the people must pay interest! Tens of thousands of such transactions have taken place since 1913 so that by the 1980's, the U.S. Government is indebted. to the Bankers for over $1,000,000,000,000 (trillion) on which the people pay over $100 billion a year in interest alone with no hope of ever paying off the principal. Supposedly our children and following generations will pay forever and forever! AND THERE'S MORE�You say, "This is terrible!" Yes, it is, but we have shown only part of the sordid story. Under this unholy system, those United States Bonds have now become "assets" of the Banks in the Reserve System which they then use as "reserves" to "create" more "credit" to lend. Current "fractional reserve" requirements allow them to use that $1 billion in bonds to "create" as much as $15 billion in new "credit" to lend to States, Municipalities, to individuals and businesses. Added to the original $1 billion, they could have $16 billion of "created credit" out in loans paying them interest with their only cost being $1,000 for printing the original $1 billion! Since the U.S. Congress has not issued Constitutional money since 1863 (over 100 years), in order for the people to have money to carry on trade and commerce they are forced to borrow the "created credit" of the Monopoly Bankers and pay them usury-interest! AND THERE'S STILL MORE�In addition to the vast wealth drawn to them through this almost unlimited usury, the Bankers who control the money at the top are able to approve or disapprove large loans to large and successful corporations to the extent that refusal of a loan will bring about a reduction in the price that that Corporation's stock sells for on the market. After depressing the price, the Bankers' agents buy large blocks of the stock, after which the sometimes multi-million dollar loan is approved, the stock rises, and is then sold for a profit. In this manner billions of dollars are made with which to buy more stock. This practice is so refined today that the Federal Reserve Board need only announce to the newspapers an increase or decrease in their "rediscount rate" to send stocks up and down as they wish. Using this method since 1913, the Bankers and their agents have purchased secret or open control of almost every large corporation in America. Using that control, they then force the corporations to borrow huge sums from their banks so that corporation earnings are siphoned off in the form of interest to the banks. This leaves little as actual "profits" which can be paid as dividends and explains why stock prices are often depressed, while the banks reap billions in interest from corporate loans. In effect, the bankers get almost all of the profits, while individual stockholders are left holding the bag. The millions of working families of America are now indebted to the few thousand Banking Families for twice the assessed value of the entire United States. And these Banking Families obtained that debt against us for the cost of paper, ink, and bookkeeping! THE INTEREST AMOUNT IS NEVER CREATED�The only way new money (which is not true money, but is "credit" representing a debt), goes into circulation in America is when it is borrowed from Bankers. When the State and people borrow large sums, we seem to prosper. However, the Bankers "create" only the amount of the principal of each loan, never the extra amount needed to pay the interest. Therefore. the new money never equals the new debt added. The amounts needed to pay the interest on loans is not "created," and therefore does not exist! Under this kind of a system, where new debt always exceeds the new money no matter how much or how little is borrowed, the total debt increasingly outstrips the amount of money available to pay the debt. The people can never, ever get out of debt! An example will show the viciousness of this usury-debt system with its "built-in" shortage of money. IF $60,000 IS BORROWED, $255,931.20 MUST BE PAID BACK When a citizen goes to a Banker to borrow $60,000 to purchase a home or a farm, the Bank clerk has the borrower agree to pay back the loan plus interest. At 14% interest for 30 years, the Borrower must agree to pay $710.92 per month for a total of $255,931.20. The clerk then requires the citizen to assign to the Banker the right of ownership of the property if the Borrower does not make the required payments. The Bank clerk then gives the Borrower a $60,000 check or a $60,000 deposit slip crediting the Borrower's checking account with $60,000. The Borrower then writes checks to the builder, subcontractors, etc., who in turn write checks. $60,000 of new "checkbook" money is thereby added to "money in circulation." However, and this is the fatal flaw in a usury system, the only new money created and put into circulation is the amount of the loan, $60,000. The money to pay the interest is NOT created, and therefore was NOT added to "money in circulation." Even so, this Borrower (and those who follow him in ownership of the property) must earn and TAKE OUT OF CIRCULATION $255,931, almost $200,000 MORE than he put IN CIRCULATION when he borrowed the original $60,000! (By the way, it is this interest which cheats all families out of nicer homes. It is not that they can't afford them; it is because the Banker's usury forces them to pay for 4 homes to get one!) Every new loan puts the same process in operation. Each borrower adds a small sum to the total money supply when he borrows, but the payments on the loan (because of interest) then deduct a much LARGER sum from the total money supply. There is therefore no way all debtors can pay off the money-lenders. As they pay the principal and interest, the money in circulation disappears. All they can do is struggle against each other, borrowing more and more from the money-lenders each generation. The money-lenders (Bankers), who produce nothing of value, slowly, then more rapidly, gain a death grip on the land, buildings, and present and future earnings of the whole working population. SMALL LOANS DO THE SAME THING�If you haven't quite grasped the impact of the above, let us consider a small auto loan for 3 years at 18% interest. Step 1: Citizen borrows $5,000 and pays it into circulation (it goes to the dealer, factory, miner, etc.) and signs a note agreeing to pay the Banker $6,500. Step 2: Citizen pays $180 per month of his earnings to the Banker. In 3 years he will take OUT of circulation $1,500 more than he put IN circulation. Every loan of Banker "created" money (credit) causes the same thing to happen. Since this has happened millions of times since 1913 (and continues today), you can see why America has gone from a prosperous, debt-free nation to a debt-ridden nation where practically every home, farm and business is paying usury-tribute to some Banker. The usury-tribute to the Bankers on personal, local, State and Federal debt totals more than the combined earnings of 25% of the working people. Soon it will be 50% and continue up. THIS IS WHY BANKERS PROSPER IN GOOD TIMES OR BAD�In the millions of transactions made each year like those above, little actual currency changes hands, nor is it necessary that it do so. 95% of all "cash" transactions in the U.S. are by check, so the Banker is perfectly safe in "creating" that so-called "loan" by writing the check or deposit slip, not against actual money, but AGAINST YOUR PROMISE TO PAY IT BACK! The cost to him is paper, ink and a few dollars in salaries and office costs for each transaction. It is "check-kiting" on an enormous scale. The profits increase rapidly, year after year, as shown below. These are a few taken from Arizona newspapers in January, 1979. Valley Bank posts 49% gain in profits Gains of 49 percent in net income and 51 percent in operating income were posted last year by Valley National Bank. Those gains brought net income to $33,969,-000' in the year ended Dec..31 and operating income to $34,459.000. The year before those totals were $22,836.000 and $22,807,000 respectively. Bank's profits rise 21%�Arizona Bank announced on Monday it had achieved a 21.2 percent increase in net income in 1978 over 1977. On the basis of operating income, excluding the 1977 sale of the Arizona Bank Building for $l,336,369, the bank said the increase was 43.9 percent. Tostenrud said loans and deposits increased in the last year: Deposits 18.8 percent to $1.353 billion and loans 21.9 percent to $951 million. THE COST TO YOU? EVENTUALLY, EVERYTHING!�In 1910 the U.S. Federal debt was only $1 billion, or $12.40 per citizen. State and local debts were practically non-existent. By 1920, after only 6 years of Federal Reserve shenanigans, the Federal debt had jumped to $24 billion, or $226 per person. In 1960 the Federal debt reached $284 billion, or $1,575 per citizen and State and local debts were mushrooming. By 1981 the Federal debt passed $1 trillion and was growing exponentially as the Banker's tripled the interest rates. State and local debts are now MORE than the Federal, and with business and personal debts totaled over $6 trillion, 3 times the value of all land and buildings in America. If we signed over to the money-leaders all of America we would still owe them 2 more Americas (plus their usury, of course!) However, they are too cunning to take title to everything. They will instead leave you with some "illusion of ownership" so you and your children will continue to work and pay the Bankers more of your earnings on ever-increasing debts. The "establishment" has captured our people with their ungodly system of usury and debt as certainly as if they had marched in with a uniformed army. FOR THE GAMBLERS AMONG MY READERS�To grasp the truth that periodic withdrawal of money through interest payments will inexorably transfer all wealth in the nation to the receiver of interest, imagine yourself in a poker or dice game where everyone must buy the chips (the medium of exchange) from a "banker" who does not risk chips in the game, but watches the table and every hour reaches in and takes 10% to 15% of all the chips on the table. As the game goes on, the amount of chips in the possession of each player will go up and down with his "luck." However, the TOTAL number of chips available to play the game (carry on trade and business) will decrease rapidly. The game will get low on chips, and some will run out. If they want to continue to play, they must buy or borrow them from the "banker." The "banker" will sell (lend) them ONLY if the player signs a "mortgage" agreeing to give the "banker" some real property (car, home, farm, business, etc.) if he cannot make periodic payments to pay back all of the chips plus some EXTRA ones (interest). The payments must be made on time, whether he wins (makes a profit) or not. It is easy to see that no matter how skillfully they play, eventually the "banker" will end up with all of his original chips back, and except for the very best players, the rest, if they stay in long enough, will lose to the "banker" their homes, their farms, their businesses, perhaps even their cars, watches, rings, and the shirts off their backs! Our real-life situation is MUCH WORSE than any poker game. In a poker game none is forced to go into debt, and anyone can quit at any time and keep whatever he still has. But in real life, even if we borrow little ourselves from the Bankers, the local, State, and Federal governments borrow billions in our name, squander it, then confiscate our earnings from us and pay it back to the Bankers with interest. We are forced to play the game, and none can leave except by death. We pay as long as we live, and our children pay after we die. If we cannot pay, the same government sends the police to take our property and give it to the Bankers. The Bankers risk nothing in the game; they just collect their percentage and "win it all." In Las Vegas and at other gambling centers, all games are "rigged" to pay the owner a percentage, and they rake in millions. The Federal Reserve Bankers' "game" is also rigged, and it pays off in billions! In recent years Bankers added real "cards" to their 'game. "Credit" cards are promoted as a convenience and a great boon to trade. Actually, they are ingenious devices by which Bankers collect 2% to 5% of every retail sale from the seller and 18% interest from buyers. A real "stacked" deck! YES, IT'S POLITICAL, TOO!�Democrat, Republican, and Independent voters who have wondered why politicians always spend more tax money than they take in should now see the reason. When they begin to study our "debt-money" system, they soon realize that these politicians are not the agents of the people but are the agents of the Bankers, for whom they plan ways to place the people further-in debt. It takes only a little imagination to see that if Congress had been "creating," and spending or issuing into circulation the necessary increase in the money supply, THERE WOULD BE NO NATIONAL DEBT, and the over $4 Trillion of other debts would be practically non-existent. Since there would be no ORIGINAL cost of money except printing, and no CONTINUING costs such as interest, Federal taxes would be almost nil. Money, once in circulation, would remain their and go on serving its purpose as a medium of exchange for generation after generation and century after century, just as coins do now, with NO payments to the Bankers whatever! MOUNTING DEBTS AND WARS�But instead of peace and debt-free prosperity, we have ever-mounting debt and periodic wars. We as a people are now ruled by a system of Banker-owned Mammon that has usurped the mantle of government, disguised itself as our legitimate government, and set about to pauperize and control our people. It is now a centralized, all-powerful political apparatus whose main purposes are promoting war, spending the peoples' money, and propagandizing to perpetuate itself in power. Our two large political parties have become its servants, the various departments of government its spending agencies, and the Internal Revenue its collection agency. Unknown to the people, it operates in close cooperation with similar apparatuses in other nations. which are also disguised as "governments." Some, we are told, are friends. Some, we are told, are enemies. "Enemies" are built up through international manipulations and used to frighten the American people into going billions of dollars more into debt to the Bankers for "military preparedness," "foreign aid to stop communism," "minority rights," etc. Citizens, deliberately confused by brainwashing propaganda, watch helplessly while our politicians give our food, goods, and money to Banker-controlled alien governments under the guise of "better relations" and "easing tensions." Our Banker-controlled government takes our finest and bravest sons and sends them into foreign wars with obsolete equipment and inadequate training, where tens of thousands are murdered, and hundreds of thousands are crippled. Other thousands are morally corrupted, addicted to drugs, and infected with venereal and other diseases, which they bring back to the United States. When the "war" is over, we have gained nothing, but we are scores of billions of dollars more in debt to the Bankers, which was the reason for the "war" in the first place! BUT WAIT.. THERE'S STILL MORE�The profits from these massive debts have been used to erect a complete and almost hidden economic and political colossus over our nation. They keep telling us they are trying to do us "good," when in truth they work to bring harm and injury to our people. These would-be despots know it is easier to control and rob an ill, poorly-educated and confused people than it is a healthy and intelligent population, so they deliberately prevent real cures for diseases, they degrade our educational systems, and they stir up social and racial unrest. For the same reason they favor drug use, alcohol, sexual promiscuity, abortion, pornography, and crime. Everything which debilitates the minds and bodies of the people is secretly encouraged, as it makes the people less able to oppose them or even to understand what is being done to them. Family, morals, love of Country, the Christian religion, all that is honorable is being swept away, while they try to build their new, subservient man. Our new "rulers" are trying to change our whole racial, social, religious, and political order, but they will not change the debt-money economic system by which they rob and rule. Our people have become tenants and "debt-slaves" to the Bankers and their agents in the land our fathers conquered. It is conquest through the most gigantic fraud and swindle in the history of mankind. And we remind you again: The key to their wealth and power over us is their ability to create "money" out of nothing and lend it to us at interest. If they had not been allowed to do that, they would never have gained secret control of our nation. "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender" (Proverbs 22:7). Let us now consider the correct method of providing the medium of exchange (money) needed by our people. INTEREST-FREE MONEY�History tells us of debt-free and interest-free money issued by governments. The American colonies did it in the 1700's and their wealth soon rivaled England and brought restrictions from Parliament, which led to the Revolutionary War. Abraham Lincoln did it in 1863 to help finance the Civil War. He was later assassinated by an agent of the Rothschild Bank. No debt-free or interest-free money has been issued in America since then. Several Arab nations issue interest-free loans to their citizens today. The Saracen Empire for bad interest on money for 1,000 years, and its wealth outshone even Saxon Europe. Mandarin China issued its own money, interest-free and debt-free, and historians and collectors of art today consider those centuries to be China's time of greatest wealth, culture and peace. Germany issued debt-free and interest-free money from 1935 and on, accounting for its startling rise from the depression to a world power in 5 years. Germany financed its entire government and war operation from 1935 to 1945 without debt, and it took the whole Capitalist and Communist world to destroy the German power over Europe and bring Europe back under the heel of the Bankers. Such history of money does not even appear in the textbooks of public (government) schools today. Issuing money which doesn't have to be paid back in interest leaves the money available to use in the exchange of goods and services and its only continuing cost is replacement as the paper wears out. Money is the paper ticket by which such transfers are made and should always be in sufficient quantity to transfer all possible production of the nation to ultimate consumers. It is as ridiculous for a nation to say to its citizens, "You must consume less because we are short of money," as it would be for an Airline to say "Our planes are flying, but we can't take you because we are short of tickets." NO MORE BANKERS' PLUNDER�Under the present debt-usury system, the extra burden of usury forces workers and businesses to demand more money for the work and goods to pay their ever-increasing debts and taxes. This increase in prices and wages is called "inflation." Bankers, politicians and "economists" blame it on everything but the real cause, which is the usury levied on money and debt by the Bankers. This "inflation" benefits the money-lenders, since it wipes out savings of one generation so they cannot finance or help the next generation, who must then borrow from the money-lenders, and pay a large part of their life's labor to the usurer. With an adequate supply of interest-free money, little borrowing would be required and prices would be established by people and goods, not by debts and usury. CITIZEN CONTROL�If the Federal Congress failed to act, or acted wrongly, in the supply of money, the citizens would use the ballot or recall petition to replace those who prevented correct action with others whom the people believe would pursue a better money policy. Since the creation of money and its issuance in sufficient quantity would be one of the few functions of Congress, the voter could decide on a candidate by his stand on money, instead of the hundreds of lesser, and deliberately confusing, subjects which are presented to us today. And since money is, and would remain, a national function, local differences or local factions would not be able to sway the people from the nation's (citizens') interest. All other problems, except the nation's defense, would be taken care of in the State, County, or City governments where they are best handled and most easily corrected. An adequate national defense would be provided by the same citizen-controlled Congress, and there would be no Bankers behind the scenes, bribing politicians to give $200 billion of American military equipment to other nations, disarming us, while alien nations prepare to attack and invade the United States of America. A DEBT-FREE AMERICA�With debt-free and interest-free money, there would be no high and confiscatory taxation, our homes would be mortgage free with no $10,000-a-year payments to the Bankers, nor would they get $1,000 to $2,500 per year from every automobile on our roads. We would need no "easy payment" plans, "revolving" charge accounts, loans to pay medical or hospital bills, loans to pay taxes, loans to pay for burials, loans to pay loans, nor any of the thousand and one usury-bearing loans which now suck the life-blood of American families. There would be no unemployment, divorces caused by debt, destitute old people, or mounting crime, and even the so-called "deprived" classes would be deprived of neither job nor money to buy the necessities of life. Criminals could not become politicians, nor would politicians become criminals in the pay of the Money-lenders. Our officials, at all government levels, would be working for the people instead of devising means to spend more money to place us further in debt to the Bankers. We would get out of the entangling foreign alliances that have engulfed us in four major wars and scores of minor wars since the Federal Reserve Act was passed, alliances which are now used to prevent America from preparing her own defense in the face of mounting danger from alien powers. A debt-free America would mean mothers would not have to work. With mother at home, juvenile delinquency would decrease rapidly. The elimination of the usury and debt would be the equivalent of a 50% raise in the purchasing power of every worker. With this cancellation of all debts, the return to the people of all the property and wealth the parasitic Bankers and their quasi-legal agents have stolen by usury and fraud, and the ending of their theft of $300 Billion (or more) every year from the people, America would be prosperous and powerful beyond the wildest dreams of its citizens today. And we would be at peace! (For a Bible example of cancellation of debts to money lenders and restoration of property and money to the people, read Nehemiah 5: 1-13.) WHY YOU HAVEN'T KNOWN�We realize this small, and necessarily incomplete, article on money may be charged with oversimplification. Some may say that if it is that simple the people would have known about it, and it could not have happened. But this MONEY-LENDERS' consPIRACY is as old as Babylon, and even in America it dates far back before the year 1913. Actually, 1913 may be considered the year in which their previous plans came to fruition, and the way opened for complete economic conquest of our people. The consPIRACY is old enough in America so that its agents have been, for many years, in positions such as newspaper publishers, editors, columnists, church ministers, university presidents, professors, textbook writers, labor union leaders, movie makers, radio and TV commentators, politicians from school board members to U.S. presidents, and many others. CONTROLLED NEWS AND INFORMATION�These agents control the information available to our people. They manipulate public opinion, elect whom they will locally and nationally, and never expose the crooked money system. They promote school bonds, municipal bonds, expensive and detrimental farm programs, "urban renewal," foreign aid, and many other schemes which will put the people more into debt to the Bankers. Thoughtful citizens wonder why billions are spent on one program and billions on another which may duplicate it or even nullify it, such as paying some farmers not to raise crops, while at the same time building dams or canals to irrigate more farm land. Crazy or stupid? Neither. The goal is more debt. Thousand of government-sponsored ways to waste money go on continually. Most make no sense, but they are never exposed for what they really are, builders of "billions for the bankers and debts for the people." So-called "economic experts" write syndicated columns in hundreds of newspapers, craftily designed to prevent the people from learning the simple truth about our money system. Commentators on radio and TV, preachers, educators, and politicians blame the people as wasteful, lazy, or, spend-thrift, and blame the workers, and consumers for the increase in debts and the inflation of prices, when they know the cause is the debt-money system itself. Our people are literally drowned in charges and counter-charges designed to confuse them and keep them from understanding the unconstitutional and evil money-system that is so efficiently and silently robbing the farmers, the workers, and the businessmen of the fruits of their labors and of their freedoms. When some few Patriotic people or organizations who know the truth begin to expose them or try to stop any of their mad schemes, they are ridiculed and smeared as "right-wing extremists," "super-patriots," "ultra-rightists," "bigots," "racists," even "fascists" and "anti-Semites." Any name is used which will cause them to shut up or will at least stop other people from listening to the warning they are giving. Articles and books such as you are now reading are kept out of schools, libraries, and book stores. Some, who are especially vocal in their exposure of the treason against our people, are harassed by government agencies such as the EPA, OSHA, the IRS, and others, causing them financial loss or bankruptcy. Using the above methods, they have been completely successful in preventing most Americans from learning the things you have read in this pamphlet. However, in spite of their control of information, they realize many citizens are learning the truth. Therefore, to prevent violence or armed resistance to their plunder of America, they plan to register all firearms and eventually to disarm all citizens. They have to eliminate most guns, except those in the hands of their government police and army. TELL THE PEOPLE�The "almost hidden" conspirators in politics, religion, education, entertainment, and the news media are working for a Banker-owned United States in a Banker-owned world under a Banker-owned World Governments! Love of Country and concern for your children should make you deeply interested in this, America's greatest problem, for our generation has not suffered under the "yoke" as the coming generations will. Usury and taxes will continue to take a larger and larger part of the annual earnings of the people and put them into the pockets of the Bankers and their political Agents. Increasing "government" regulations will prevent citizen protest and opposition to their control. Is it possible that your grandchildren will own neither home nor car, but will live in "government-owned" apartments and ride to work in "government-owned" buses (both paying usury to the Bankers), AND BE ALLOWED TO KEEP JUST ENOUGH OF THEIR EARNINGS TO BUY A MINIMUM OF FOOD AND CLOTHING while their Rulers wallow in luxury? In Asia and eastern Europe it is called "communism;" in America it is called "Democracy" and "Capitalism." America will not shake off her Banker-controlled dictatorship as long as the people are ignorant of the hidden controllers. International financiers, who control most of the governments of the nations, and most sources of information, seem to have us completely within their grasp. They are afraid of only one thing: an awakened Patriotic Citizenry, armed with the truth, and with a trust, in Almighty God for deliverance. This article has given you the truth about their iniquitous system. What you do with it is in your hands. AUDIT THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM?�The Federal Reserve has never been audited by the government since it took over our money and credit in 1913. In 1975 a bill, H.R. 4316, to require an audit was introduced in Congress. During the April, 1975 hearings, this author submitted a statement favoring the audit, as did many others. Due to pressure from the money controllers, it was not passed. No audit of the Fed has ever been made. WHY HAVEN'T THEY TOLD YOU?�Why haven't they told you about this scandal - the greatest fraud in history which has caused Americans and others to spill oceans of blood, pay trillions of dollars interest on fraudulent loans and burden themselves with unnecessary taxes? Who are "they"? "They" are most of the politicians of the two old parties and elected officials. Most "educational" groups like the League of Women Voters, the Heritage Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). All mainstream news services, such as the Associated Press and the United Press International. All mainstream daily newspapers, including the New York Times and Los Angeles Times. All mainstream weekly "news" magazines, such as "Time" and "Newsweek." All of the above and more have been hiding the truth from you. WHAT SOME FAMOUS MEN HAVE SAID ABOUT THE MONEY QUESTION ALAN GREENSPAN: "In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation. .. This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists' tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard." PRESIDENT THOMAS JEFFERSON: "The system of banking [is] a blot left in all our Constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction.. I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity.. is but swindling futurity on a large scale." PRESIDENT JAMES A. GARFIELD: "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce". CONGRESSMAN LOUIS McFADDEN: "The Federal Reserve(Banks) are one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever seen. There is not a man within the sound of my voice who does not know that this Nation is run by the International Bankers". HORACE GREELEY: "While boasting of our noble deeds were careful to conceal the ugly fact that by an iniquitous money system we have nationalized a system of oppression which, though more refined, is not less cruel than the old system of chattel slavery. THOMAS A. EDISON: "People who will not turn a shovel full of dirt on the project (Muscle Shoals Dam) nor contribute a pound of material, will collect more money from the United States than will the People who supply all the material and do all the work. This is the terrible thing about interest ..But here is the point: If the Nation can issue a dollar bond it can issue a dollar bill. The element that makes the bond good makes the bill good also. The difference between the bond and the bill is that the bond lets the money broker collect twice the amount of the bond and an additional 20%. Whereas the currency, the honest sort provided by the Constitution pays nobody but those who contribute in some useful way. It is absurd to say our Country can issue bonds and cannot issue currency. Both are promises to pay, but one fattens the usurer and the other helps the People." PRESIDENT WOODROW WILSON: "A great industrial Nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the Nation and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the world - no longer a Government of free opinion no longer a Government by conviction and vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of small groups of dominant men". (Just before he died, Wilson is reported to have stated to friends that he had been "deceived" and that "I have betrayed my Country". He referred to the Federal Reserve Act passed during his Presidency.) SIR JOSIAH STAMP, (President of the Bank of England in the 1920's, the second richest man in Britain): "Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin. The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create deposits, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough deposits to buy it back again. However, take it away from them, and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for this would be a happier and better world to live in. But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, let them continue to create deposits". MAJOR L .L. B. ANGUS: "The modern Banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banks can in fact inflate, mint and unmint the modern ledger-entry currency". RALPH M. HAWTREY (Former Secretary of the British Treasury): "Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment out of nothing". ROBERT HEMPHILL (Credit Manager of Federal Reserve Bank, Atlanta, Ga.): "This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present civilization may collapse unless it becomes widely understood and the defects remedied very soon". This study on money is not copyrighted. It may be reproduced in whole or in part for the purpose of helping the American people.

World Financed by Debt Money One who controls money controls each economic and social aspect

related with money. There are very few things which are not influenced by money today.

Control of money should not be with few but with the public.




Rūpya is a Sanskrit term for silver coin What is the meaning of "I promise to pay" clause? From RBI website: • As per Section 26 of Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, the Bank is liable to pay the value of banknote. This

is payable on demand by RBI, being the issuer. The Bank's obligation to pay the value of banknote does not arise out of a contract but out of statutory provisions.

• The promissory clause printed on the banknotes i.e., "I promise to pay the bearer an amount of X" is a statement which means that the banknote is a legal tender for X amount. The obligation on the part of the Bank is to exchange a banknote for coins of an equivalent amount

• RBI Website reference:

• The Reserve Bank of India is one more Central Bank in control of Global Central Banking System

Debt Money


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Important question: Do we have as much coins in circulation to fulfill the promise of pay of all bank notes

by RBI? Facts are: • There are not enough coins in circulation to fulfill the RBI’s promissory note’s

promise to pay • Infact value of 1 rupee coin has reduced from silver to a small nickel coin

nowadays • Money today is created by few taps on keyboard and computer screen • There is not even enough paper currency in circulation and hence the push

towards usage of electronic money

Debt Money


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Debt Money

Sher shah's rupee French issued rupee in the name of Mohammed Shah

1719 1758 for Northern India trade cast in Pondicherry

Indian one pice minted in 1950

Aluminium Series Paise


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End [Their Federal Reserve System = An Exclusive Banking Cartel]��$100 Bill - a sovereign United States Note, interest and debt free, authorized by Congress and printed by the Treasury Department��"I sincerely believe the banking institutions having the issuing power of money are more dangerous than standing armies" - Thomas Jefferson��The primary owners of the Federal Reserve System [Chart 1 N.M. Rothschild , London - Bank of England, at the top of the banking cartel] are not the American people, the United States, or the Federal Government - they are banking institutions.��These banks, their associates, and stockholders, own and operate their private Federal Reserve System [the twelve district banks are private corporations ], printing the money of the United States [Federal Reserve Note], and making loans to the Federal Government at interest. ��These banking firms are charging and collecting [ income taxes are collected by the Internal Revenue Service as payment on the interest debt owed to these bankers for their loans ] perpetual interest payments from the American people on the national public debt [1913 $2 billion plus - 2010 $13 trillion plus ] of the United States.��These bankers have exclusive monopoly power to print the money [Federal Reserve Note] of the American people and make loans to the Federal Government at interest for their profit. They charge interest [up to 6%] on every dollar that they print and loan back to the Federal Government.��These prosperous bankers, calling themselves the Federal Reserve System, are an independent agency, unaccountable, and unanswerable to the American people, have never been audited, never pay any income taxes on their earnings, their meetings and deliberations are secret, and they exercise complete control over the United States economy by their power to print more money or restrict the money supply, lower or raise the interest rates charged for credit at their sole discretion, thereby causing the "boom and bust" cycles in the economy, even causing inflation, hyper-inflation, deflation, recession, depression, and the financing for the wars of the United States [1914-ongoing] by providing the loans to the Federal Government at interest. ��Certainly, in a sovereign, free and independent nation, like the United States, their money must also be made sovereign, so the citizens are not forever in debt to a cartel of private bankers. Their money must be interest and debt free ["we gave the people of this republic the greatest blessing they ever had, their own paper money to pay their own debts" - Abraham Lincoln] to these banking firms - their money [United States Note] must be authorized, printed, issued, and distributed in the economy in sufficient quantities for steady non-inflationary economic growth [3% - 6% annually] by the people of the United States, acting through their Treasury Department, debt and interest free, without having to loan the money printed from these bankers at interest.��The Federal Reserve Act of 1913 must be revoked, and Executive Order 11110, still valid, must be reinstated, authorizing the Treasury Department to print, issue, and distribute United States Notes that are interest and debt free - the American people and their United States not being dependent on and in perpetual debt [1913 - ongoing] to this banking cartel for their privately issued money. ��

Debt Money Initially, Goldsmith-bankers began to accept deposits, make loans and transfer funds. They also gave receipts for cash, that is to say gold coins, deposited with them. These receipts, known as “running cash notes”, were made out in the name of the depositor and promised to pay him on demand.


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• Whenever a bank gives out a loan in a fractional-reserve banking system, a new sum of money is created. This new type of money is what makes up the non-M0 components in the M1-M3 statistics.

• Reserve Money (M0): Currency in circulation + Bankers’ deposits with the RBI + ‘Other’ deposits with the RBI = Net RBI credit to the Government + RBI credit to the commercial sector + RBI’s claims on banks + RBI’s net foreign assets + Government’s currency liabilities to the public – RBI’s net non-monetary liabilities.

Fractional-reserve banking


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Speed of money •In simple terms, all the money in existence is debt money

•Few simple rules are followed

•It needs to be consumed to stay relevant

•How would you consume it?

•Increase production in economy and hence increase production of products

•These products need to be sold too

•Hence the economy is ‘consumption based’

•How would you sell them? Increase advertising – That is why you are bombarded for consumption via TV, Radio, Internet, Billboards


Speed of Money - Consumption •As money supply increases economy must grow to match it •Hence obsession with consumption for economic growth

•Increase in consumption = Cut more trees, Dig more mines, Burn more oil, Pollute nature more, Produce sub-standard products, waste more

•In this race to consume the phony currency, we are cutting trees, killing animals, polluting the core of earth

•Today basic necessity like water is a commodity and plan is to make an air an commodity too

•Air is being turned into commodity by false and fraud theory called Global Warming. Shortly you will be paying carbon tax when corporations trade on carbon tax.

•This is again to keep the earth’s conscious and vibrations in low state (more on this later)


Speed of money Few more facts: •Why banks never give you cash when you take loan?

•Whenever money is loaned.. It creates new money in system

•Obviously money creation has some rules too.. For ex.. Cash Reserve Ratio, Liquidity limits and all that complex mumbo jumbo •What’s the logic of Government borrowing it’s own money from a private reserve bank and paying it back with interest and if it cannot it is called fiscal deficit.. Which pushes reserve bank to create more money into existence!


• Money is created as debt • There is no GOLD in reserve bank against your money! It’s a myth. • Hence banks pester you to take loans i.e. to consume money created out of

thin air • And they charge INTEREST on money created out of thin air • Profit of banks depend on it • For a bank, Loan is an Asset and Savings money a liability

• If you & I had created or printed money this way, we would be in jail

• Reason for massive bubbles like housing bubble, where most of property is

owned by banks

• It is hilarious that we are spending our lives running after money which is unlimited, phony, debt money and can be discharged with our signatures only

Debt Money


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What would happen ultimately? •The debt money cannot sustain itself and can’t be consumed

•All the ‘Fiat currencies’ like Euro and Dollar would crash

•Countries would be bankrupt.. PIGS nation (Portugal, Italy, Greece, Spain) are already seeing this due to their ignorance

•Rupee could be one of currencies to crash.

•This currency crash is already visible

•Holding precious metals would be savior

•This was a problem created

•Solution would be to bring in tightly controlled electronic money


To Increase consumption and use of extra created money, you need to increase it’s speed - Usage of electronic money, debit card, credit card - Promote mobile money - NEFT in one day -Watch Shahrukh Juhi - Advertisement of Matrix – Death of Cash

Push towards Electronic Money


Push towards Electronic Money Offers of Reward Points/Cashbacks/Gifts are a bait to use electronic money and increase your dependence on it


Increasing Speed of money


Increasing Speed of money


Increasing Speed of money


Banks are looting your real money!



Looting your real money!


Looting your real money!

This is nothing more than a piece of paper being used as money!

This paper currency is going to be like a toilet roll eventually!


Debt Money


Looting your real money!

This is state of Zimbabwe currency and soon same would be seen for every major fiat currency including USD, INR. This would pave way for electronic money


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Debt Money


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Debt Money - Quotes “’The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. Bankers own the Earth. Take it away from them, but leave them the power to create money, and with the flick of the pen they will create enough money to buy it back again... Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. But if you want to continue to be slaves of the banks and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit’.” Sir Josiah Stamp Director, Bank of England 1928-1941 (reputed to be the 2nd richest man in Britain at the time)


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Debt Money - Quotes

"I am afraid that the ordinary citizen will not like to be told that banks can and do create money ...And they who control the credit of the nation direct the policy of Governments and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny of the people“ - Reginald McKenna, past Chairman of the Board, Midlands Bank of England "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws." - Mayer Amschel Rothschild, International Banker Economist John Kenneth Galbraith famously observed, the process by which money is created is “so simple it repels the mind.


Debt Money - Quotes "If all the bank loans were paid, no one could have a bank deposit, and there would not be a dollar of coin or currency in circulation. This is a staggering thought. We are completely dependent on the commercial banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash, or credit. If the banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless situation is almost incredible -- but there it is." Robert Hemphill. Credit Manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


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Debt Money - Quotes If there were no debt in our money system —there wouldn’t be any money. Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce... and when you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate. -James A Garfield, President, US

-“That is what our money system is. If there were no debts in our money system, there wouldn’t be any money.” -Marriner S. Eccles, Chairman and Governor of the Federal Reserve Board


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Debt Money


Debt Money




• Presently Government taxes you to the tune of your 60% of income in one way or another

• You are left as much to just survive and be left on debt of banks in form of loans and EMI’s

• There are hundreds of taxes and they are hidden • There are taxes on Eating, Entertainment, travel, income, wealth and even

basic commodities like water and electricity • Service tax, Customs, VAT, Excise, Income Tax and so many more • There is almost 100% tax on petrol • All these taxes are presently to reduce fiscal deficit of phony currency • We pay all these taxes via our labor, our health, our time • Most of social issues are due to lack of money or unequal distribution




Government Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and

manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.

- Woodrow Wilson (28th President of the United States)




• Why Indian Constitution is same as in British rule – same 3500 laws (Approx)

• Why Bharat still follows same laws of IPS, IFS, Legal system, Monetary System?

• Why don’t we change it? • Indian Citizenship Act – states that we are a ‘dominion’ state.

Check out on Wikipedia.

Constitution of India


Illusion of Choice

•Democrats or Republicans is just an illusion of choice •This is true for BJP or Congress •Both work for Corporate Interests to milk humans and nature


Illusion of Choice


Illusion of choice = Illusion of freedom

• Corruption of money is easy to handle, corruption of character is difficult to handle

• The attitude of ‘samarpan’ and ‘seva’ towards society and nature has transformed into personal gain and selfishness

• Forgiveness and love has transformed to race towards money and unnecessary anger in psyche



• Governments must create the problem, or label something as a problem. When the public see this new problem, they demand that government solve the problem, and the government willingly obliges by presenting it's solution

• Governments exist to solve problems. Governments increase in size and power when new problems arise, which they can then work to solve. It is not in the interest of governments to actually eliminate problems

• The key to being able to see the truth through the matrix of lies and myths that exist around us, is understanding why the lies exist. This requires an understanding of the technique known as Problem-Reaction-Solution.

Problem Reaction Solution


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Problem-Reaction-Solution: False-Flag Attacks

• A brief look at history teaches us that governments have always used Problem-Reaction-Solution to increase their size, power and control, often in the form of false-flag attacks.

• The most popular type of false-flag attack is where a government carries out an attack, such as a terrorist attack, against it's own people, then blames it on a foreign enemy.

• The public demands the government take action against the apparent perpetrator, and the government willingly obliges by starting a war against their chosen enemy. Alternatively, a domestic enemy can be blamed and the public will accept a police state, told that it will be the solution to the problem and similar attacks will not occur again.

Problem Reaction Solution


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Problem Reaction Solution


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Problem Reaction Solution


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Problem Reaction Solution


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Problem Reaction Solution • Wars and Terrorism is controlled and managed by Governments to keep

people under control • Terrorism is an excuse by Governments to monitor you, control you and

peep into your private lives • Think about need of so many verifications in your daily life, multiple

identity cards and your dependence on them. • It’s all on pretext of terrorism • Rules are good if they make you love otherwise they are devised to curb

your freedom • Rules divide and control • Mutual Love and respect in society should be the only rule


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Wars • Wars and Terrorism

are controlled and managed by Governments to keep people under control


• Wars are for profit • Both sides are funded by same banksters • World War II ended the "depression." The same

Bankers who in the early 1930's had no loans for peacetime houses, food and clothing, suddenly had unlimited billions to lend for army barracks, K-rations and uniforms.

• A nation that in 1934 could not produce food for sale, suddenly could produce bombs to send free to Germany and Japan!

• With the sudden increase in money, people were hired, farms sold their produce, factories went to two shifts, mines reopened, and "The Great Depression" was over!

• Some politicians were blamed for it and others took credit for ending it.

• The truth is the lack of money (caused by Bankers) brought on the depression, and adequate money ended it. The people were never told that simple truth and in this article we will endeavour to show how these same bankers who control our money and credit have used their control to plunder America and place us in bondage





• What is meaning of legal term – ‘Register’ • Anything ‘registered’ is property of Queen of England • What do you do when you ‘register’ your birth? • In your Home Deed.. Check out you are listed as tenant and you are

‘authorized user’ • What is meaning of your name in ‘ALL CAPS’ • ‘ALL CAPS’ is available on your Passport, Driving License, Birth Certificate • ‘ALL CAPS’ means it is a fictional identity created by system to take loans

on it’s name

• Further research and understanding is desirable on above




Control Society


• You just know what is supposed to be done • You do not know anything above it • This is How the Pyramid Structure is! • Police, Law are the tools in hands of PTB

Control Society


Control Society • Where is the surveillance: • CCTV – At Metro Stns, Markets, Hotels, Shops, Restaurants, Airport • Mobile Tracking (Suspicious activities can be recorded instantly) • Internet – Google, Facebook, MSN, your ISP’s • Your transactions – Electronic money tied with your PAN cards • Online return of Income Tax. It knows all your transactions, where you shop and for

what? • Aadhar card is the future – Even your Biometrics will be in hands of Govt and

international corporations • Protest this culture now! – Terrorism cannot be excuse for everything!

Google recently has started to ask users to verify their account via phone numbers. Don’t do that!

Google /FB have bad reputation of privacy.. For Privacy, quit Google and use /


Presentation Notes
Educate yourself on attempts to censorship Tools:

Control Society • How Control Society is sustainable? • Control society can only be sustained by keeping

public in state of fear and low vibrations • Fear of

– Death – Terrorism – Wars – Police – Diseases/Plague (Swine Flu) – Germs/Bacteria – Money – Peer Pressure – Society – Disasters – Aliens – Scarcity – Excessive population


Control Society • The beauty of system thus created is that everyone is in silo waiting for their

superiors orders and acting against their own fellow beings – A policeman is against own citizens on order of superiors – An army to kill its own citizens if they create any ‘law and order’ issue – An superior to keep eye on other – Police even promotes to keep an eye on another fellow

• Ego inflation and competition is promoted which is ultimately for benefit of few • ‘Survival of Fittest’ promoted by flawed and manipulated Darwin Theory • We get dependent on system which is leeching upon your energy and labor


Control Society


Control Society


Democracy or Police State?


Democracy or Police State?


A state where farmers and it’s citizens are shooted for protesting is no more a democracy






• What exactly are we doing with our food? • In Egyptian civilization, dead bodies were preserved by ‘preservatives’ • These were called ‘Mummy’ • Today, our food has all the preservatives to preserve it • The food is dead food laden with chemicals! • Now you understand the correlation? • Eating dead food, makes you dud, removes thinking capabilities and makes

you ill • The medicine industry is one more profit center • This chakravyuha is very much supported by our Governments and is in

their and corporate interest • Genetically Modified Food, Cosmetics, Pollution add up to our chemical




• Schools teach students that ‘pasteurised milk’ is good and advancement of technology • Nothing can be farther from truth • With pasteurization process, friendly bacteria are killed and this finally helps increasing

‘shelf life’ in supermarkets and in distribution chain • Pasteurized milk is actually ‘dead’ and is harmful to health • Pasteurization converts the calcium into insoluble form that body can no longer absorb

and Pasteurized milk kills bone density. • Encourage local desi cow milk for good milk • Demand creates supply. Demand pure raw desi cow milk for your children and you. • Jersey (Foreign) Cow’s milk is prevalent which is not healthy

Pasteurised Milk


Presentation Notes

• The globalists first cause the cancer and then provide us with their ineffective treatments (not cures) for profit. This method is known as Problem – Reaction – Solution

• The cure for ‘famous’ diseases like cancer, AIDS Iossible, but never encouraged due to profit industry it is

Cancer Cure


Presentation Notes


Brining in FDI would allow corporates control our food chain supply for their profit



Web of corporations own most of food supply The above image is representative of US and European food industry 112

Poison in FMCG

Chemicals in water and FMCG products are poisonous If we know of the reality.. Wouldn’t governments know it? Then why don’t they stop it? You can very well be aware and stop using this poison. BOYCOTT! sodium laureth sulfate is dangerous of all. Google it’s side effects 113

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Water Supply


Did you ever questioned fluoride in your water supply and toothpaste?

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Water Supply


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The Web of Food Corporations

Who owns these corporations? Same Illuminati bankers! 116

Genetically Modified Food


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Presentation Notes

• Allopathy is a for profit and invented by corporate business • Allopathy always treats your ‘Symptoms’ and not the ‘Cause’ • A big corporate nexus drives all research and controls sector of medical

education and further dissemination of medicines • Genuine researches and treatment for diseases like Cancer, AIDS are never

allowed and adopted • Instead diseases like Swine Flu are created for profit and for creating a fear

based control society



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•Vaccination is big business and big money for doctors, for the drug companies and for the government; •Vaccines are by no means proven safe, as you are being led to believe

•Remarkably, vaccination has never been clinically proven to be effective in preventing disease!

Presentation Notes



• What’s the interest? - Did someone told you? • Why there is no ‘big’ politician hurt in a terrorist attack? • 9/11 is a problem-reaction-solution example • Imagine if there are no wars and no terrorism, how would trillions of dollars worth of weapons and

security solutions industry get its profits from? • Solution to Pakistan and Kashmir is not done deliberately due to US influence and to maintain it’s

dominance in region • AS WE KNOW, Pakistan and Afghanistan are already controlled, funded and dominated by US. Is it not

easy to stop that funding and reign in ‘Terrorists’



Presentation Notes

Terrorism – 911 is a lie


So the question is, on 9/11 how did the BBC learn that WTC7 collapsed 23 minutes before it actually did. Building Seven was 47 storeys, modern in design with structural steel throughout, yet symmetrically collapsed in 6.5 seconds, was someone leaking information. No steel framed skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire, before or after 9/11,

Presentation Notes See at 15:00 time mark. On September 11th 2001, BBC World reported at 4:57pm Eastern Time that the Salomon Brothers Building (more commonly known as WTC7 or World Trade Building 7) had collapsed. This even made the 5pm EST headlines, what is bizarre is that the building did not actually collapse until 5:20pm EST. 9/11 was unusual enough, without BBC World being able to foretell the destiny of WTC 7. What is even stranger, is that the women reporter is telling the world that the building had collapsed when you can see it in the background over her left shoulder. Then at 5:15pm EST, just five minutes before the building did actually collapse, her live connection from New York to London mysteriously fails. So the question is, on 9/11 how did the BBC learn that WTC7 collapsed 23 minutes before it actually did. Building Seven was 47 storeys, modern in design with structural steel throughout, yet symmetrically collapsed in 6.5 seconds, was someone leaking information. No steel framed skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire, before or after 9/11,

Terrorism – 911 is a lie


Presentation Notes See at 15:00 time mark. On September 11th 2001, BBC World reported at 4:57pm Eastern Time that the Salomon Brothers Building (more commonly known as WTC7 or World Trade Building 7) had collapsed. This even made the 5pm EST headlines, what is bizarre is that the building did not actually collapse until 5:20pm EST. 9/11 was unusual enough, without BBC World being able to foretell the destiny of WTC 7. What is even stranger, is that the women reporter is telling the world that the building had collapsed when you can see it in the background over her left shoulder. Then at 5:15pm EST, just five minutes before the building did actually collapse, her live connection from New York to London mysteriously fails. So the question is, on 9/11 how did the BBC learn that WTC7 collapsed 23 minutes before it actually did. Building Seven was 47 storeys, modern in design with structural steel throughout, yet symmetrically collapsed in 6.5 seconds, was someone leaking information. No steel framed skyscraper has ever collapsed due to fire, before or after 9/11,

Are these Coincidences?


Hints of 9-11 were prevalent in Hollywood even before it actually happened Watch out:

The Future – New World Order


This is how you must be feeling.. But wait! This is tip of an iceberg!

The Future – New World Order


The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. ~ J. Edgar Hoover, first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the United States

The Future – New World Order


As per prevalent Conspiracy theories, the plan is to create a new world order which will be done by culling billions of humans and there will be a one world government with one currency, one religion and population will be RFID tagged. European Union is already a reality which will be followed by American, African and Asian Unions.

The Future – New World Order





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• Media is controlled as usual by few big people owning the media

• Let not media tell you what is right and what is wrong!

• Media fools people by asking biased questions and then interprets facts by itself to give you solution

• A simple concept used is – ‘A Lie repeated hundred times seems truth’

• Hence a repeated news creates illusion of lie being a truth

• Hence also create an illusion that you know all about politics and cinema

• Use your own critical thinking!



Presentation Notes


Dileep Padgaonkar – The man who once claimed he held ‘the second most important job in the country’ – Editor, Times of India


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You can easily replace the news channels with Indian ones


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Presentation Notes

• Cricket, Cinema & Sex are tools of PTB to keep you engaged, busy and in illusion

Cricket, Cinema & Sex


Cricket, Cinema & Sex


Cricket, Cinema & Sex


Cricket, Cinema & Sex


Cricket, Cinema & Sex


• There is censorship on Cinema, Newspapers, Media and you think we are having freedom of speech?

• Internet when invented was not envisioned to be so free • With rise of blogging, microblogging, facebook – Hidden energy expresses

itself and hence the rising awareness of issues expressed here • PTB obviously hence want to control this awareness • Internet Censorship – Surveillance and Control

– Blocking of sites – Creation of corporate for surveillance on you like Facebook and Google – Censorship of Facebook pages – Anonymous retaliates!





Copyright • Copying is good. Our education system brainwashes us against collaboration and

learning from each other • ‘Collaboration’ in corporate world is hence a failed attempt and it is always a race

to cut each other in a fierce competition • Copyright is essentially dominance of media corporate houses over creativity • Did Rishis and gurus ever teach us ‘copyright’? • All the good Upanishad's, Vedas, Gita and Sanskrit literature were evolved due to

free flow of information. They were free of any copyright. • Information hence evolved i.e. Gyan, Education should evolve human to next level

of consciousness and not bind it in mad race of consumerism, materialism and competition race

• Information should flow freely and should be a catalyst for new and better information


Presentation Notes

Copyright • Copyrights basically are being owned by the elitists as income for letting

people use their free stuff online such as search engines, social networks, and other free services

• Anything we do on the Internet may actually be owned by the corporations so by simply copying another persons work which they do consent to, you can still be sued if that person you copied their work from signed any kind of legal agreement with Google, Facebook,, or anywhere else that they own copyrights to that persons personal and non-commercial work.


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Macaulay - Education


Macaulay’s Education • Education has taught us to ‘Believe’ • When you just believe blindly, you do not ‘Question’ • The biggest casualty hence is that it has killed our ‘Curious Mind’ • The methodology of cramming and vomiting has made us lose our

‘thinking’ ability and system made us to ‘follow’ and be robotic • This system has killed all the ‘Thought’ process and provides us with all

the readymade answers and the theories which have foolish assumptions • This has limited our Research & Development


Presentation Notes
Excellent Lecture:

Macaulay’s Education • The system has also taught us to look out and be dependent on ‘good job’ • The system teaches us to be risk-averse and has killed enterprenureship • This system is similarly controlled in pyramid fashion where you cannot

question and change it. • Government controls all boards like CBSE, ICSE, UGC and their delivery

method and has not changed as made by Britishers to westernize Bharatvasis

• It is hence now also not strange that real historic freedom fighters and virat Bharat’s hindu past phase is absent from history textbooks


Macaulay’s Education • In a gentleman’s company, you are not supposed to talk politics, religion • What is left out? Cricket, Cinema, Sports? • These are most idiotic topics to talk about • We have created a system where we are massaging egos and you speak

only of interest of others, especially of superiors. • A difference in opinion is not welcome and not taken as different

perspective • We are advised not to speak to strangers and be in silo (I detest Delhi

Metro announcement of not speaking to strangers) • We have turned policeman for each other. Such is the mechanics of

Control Society


Macaulay’s Education


Macaulay’s Education


Macaulay - Education •Intelligence, as it is traditionally defined, does not adequately encompass the wide variety of abilities that humans display.

•For example, a child who excels in science is not necessarily more intelligent than a child who struggles with Newton's Laws. The latter may be gifted in another kind of intelligence and may excel in other fields like music.

•So, rather than blindly pursuing degrees and higher education that channel brain development in one direction, individuals should work to develop their mental faculties in some core areas like linguistics, logical-mathematical ability, spatial sense, music, kineseology, interpersonal and intrapersonal skills, and naturalistic intelligence.


Macaulay - Education • Brain is primarily devided into two parts • Development of both the parts is very important for humans to thrive


Macaulay - Education

• But our education system is primarily developed to serve industrialized system and consumption

• Humans should hence be more robotic and be easily following the orders without their thinking


Presentation Notes

Left Brain vs Right Brain


Presentation Notes

Left Brain vs Right Brain


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Left Brain vs Right Brain


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Left Brain vs Right Brain


Presentation Notes

Macaulay - Education



Where’s all the amazement lost?


Where’s all the amazement lost? • Where’s your amazement lost?

– Of how sun is rising – Sea roaring – Rise of Sun / moon / stars – Birth of child from a cell which contains all information

• We have stopped questioning and take readymade answers for everything from so called ‘theories’

• What if Galileo was satisfied with the fact that sun revolves around earth • Every theory has some assumptions behind it, which are ready to be

proven false


Darwin Theory • Why so few people question Darwin’s theory based on assumption? This

actually means dissolution of our belief from ancient powers which were present in humans and are lost today


Presentation Notes his week, in 1925, John Scopes was on trial for violating Tennessee’s Butler Act, which made it illegal to teach evolution. Christians and Darwinists are still fighting 85 years later. However, biblical literalists now bring the lawsuits in a society that largely accepts science as the norm.��For me there is no inherent contradiction between faith in God and scientific theory. I don’t understand why many people insist that it is either science or faith which must win out—I don’t believe that the two are irreconcilably incompatible. Whether it’s called “Intelligent Design,” “Creationism,” or anything else, these non-science explanations for the origin of the universe shouldn't be confused with the science driven ones. The difference between them is not that one is right and one is wrong. The difference is far more fundamental: “Faith-based science” seeks solely to confirm that which it already believes. The science model, however, seeks to falsify what it already believes as a way of pushing science forward. Science celebrates discovering its errors as much as its accuracies. This difference is why the two do not belong together in the same teaching curriculum. ��Science and faith address different issues. Science wrestles with "How" things come to be. Religious approaches are concerned with "Why" things come to be. Both are important questions, but it is important to know that they are different questions. When either tries to masquerade as the other, it does a disservice to both. We don't need to hide from either question, but we need to learn the rightful place for each them and a respectful approach to everyone’s beliefs.

Control Energy – Suppress Free Enery • The world is dependent for energy on oil • By controlling oil production and prices, almost every aspect of life is

controlled • Electricity, Plastics, Paint, Fuel for every vehicle - everything is dependent

on crude oil • Suppression of Free Energy technology is hence in interest of the power

corporations and oil companies • Inventions of Nikola Tesla (inspired by Swami Vivekananda) were

suppressed by oil mafia • Google – Nikola Tesla, Free Energy suppression


Habit of negating • A habit of negation has entered the psyche • We keep our ego up and defend our ‘thoughts’ • Ideally we should have questioned ourselves and strived for higher truth • A person saying no to god is similar. He has just read the Darwin’s theory

and ‘believes’ in theory and has stopped relying in his ‘experience’ • People similarly ‘believe’ in their governments


Critical Thinking • ❝Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter

if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.❞ -Buddha

• Not because you think you know everything without questioning, but rather because you question everything you think you know



No child is born with a belief in religion. All children are godless. They get brainwashed with religion later



Akhanda Bharat


Akhanda Bharat


Akhanda Bharat


200 years ago: • Hindu Kush region (now Afghanistan), was a vibrant place with all religions from

Hinduism to Buddhism • Buddha statues were demolished in Bamiyan by Taliban - 2001

Struggling for Identity - Hinduism


Presentation Notes Hindu Kush means Hindu Slaughter By Shrinandan Vyas All the Encyclopedias and National Geographic agree that Hindu Kush region is a place of Hindu genocide (similar to Dakau and Auschwitz). All the references are given. Please feel free to verify them. ABSTRACT All Standard reference books agree that the name 'Hindu Kush' of the mountain range in Eastern Afganistan means 'Hindu Slaughter' or 'Hindu Killer'. History also reveals that until 1000 A.D. the area of Hindu Kush was a full part of Hindu cradle. More likely, the mountain range was deliberately named as 'Hindu Slaughter' by the Moslem conquerors, as a lesson to the future generations of Indians. However Indians in general, and Hindus in particular are completely oblivious to this tragic genocide. This article also looks into the reasons behind this ignorance. 21 References - (Mainly Encyclopedia Britannica & other reference books, National Geographic Magazines and standard history books). INTRODUCTION The Hindu Kush is a mountain system nearly 1000 miles long and 200 miles wide, running northeast to southwest, and dividing the Amu Darya River Valley and Indus River Valley. It stretches from the Pamir Plateau near Gilgit, to Iran. The Hindu Kush ranges mainly run thru Afganistan and Pakistan. It has over two dozen summits of more than 23,000 ft in height. Below the snowy peaks the mountains of Hindu Kush appear bare, stony and poor in vegetation. Historically, the passes across the Hindu Kush have been of great military significance, providing access to the northern plains of India. The Khyber Pass constitutes an important strategic gateway and offers a comparatively easy route to the plains of Punjab. Most foreign invaders, starting from Alexander the Great in 327 BC, to Timur Lane in 1398 AD, and from Mahmud of Ghazni, in 1001 AD, to Nader Shah in 1739 AD attacked Hindustan via the Khyber Pass and other passes in the Hindu Kush (1,2,3). The Greek chroniclers of Alexander the Great called Hindu Kush as Parapamisos or Paropanisos (4). The Hindu name of the Hindu Kush mountains was 'Paariyaatra Parvat'(5). EARLY HISTORY OF HINDU KUSH REGION (UP TO 1000 AD) History of Hindu Kush and Punjab shows that two major kingdoms of Gandhaar & Vaahic Pradesh (Balkh of Bactria) had their borders extending far beyond the Hindu Kush. Legend has it that the kingdom of Gandhaar was established by Taksha, grandson of Bharat of Ayodhya (6). Gandhaar's borders extended from Takshashila to Tashkent (corruption of 'Taksha Khand') in the present day Uzbekistan. In the later period, Mahabharat relates Gaandhaari as a princess of Gandhaar and her brother, Shakuni as a prince and later as Gandhaar's ruler. In the well documented history, Emperor Chandragupt Maurya took charge of Vaahic Pradesh around 325 BC and then took over Magadh. Emperor Ashok's stone tablets with inscriptions in Greek and Aramaic are still found at Qandahar (corruption of Gandhaar?) and Laghman in eastern Afganistan(3). One such stone tablet, is shown in the PBS TV series 'Legacy with Mark Woods' in episode 3 titled 'India: The Spiritual Empire'. After the fall of Mauryan empire, Gandhaar was ruled by Greeks. However some of these Greek rulers had converted to Buddhism, such as Menander, known to Indian historians as Milinda, while some other Greeks became followers of Vishnav sects (Hinduism)(7). Recent excavations in Bactria have revealed a golden hoard which has among other things a figurine of a Greek goddess with a Hindu mark on its forehead (Bindi) showing the confluence of Hindu-Greek art (8). Later Shaka and KushaaN ruled Gandhaar and Vaahic Pradesh. KushaaN emperor Kanishka's empire stretched from Mathura to the Aral Sea (beyond the present day Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and Krygzystan)(9). Kanishaka was a Buddhist and under KushaaN influence Buddhism flourished in Gandhaar. Two giant sandstone Buddhas carved into the cliffs of Bamian (west of Kabul) date from the Kushan period. The larger Buddha (although defaced in later centuries by Moslem invaders) is about 175 ft tall (10,11). The Kushan empire declined by 450 AD. The Chinese traveller Hsuan-Tsang (Xuan-zang) travelled thru the region in 7 th century AD and visited many Buddhist religious centers (3) including Hadda, Ghazni, Qonduz, Bamian (3,10,11), Shotorak and Bagram. From the 5 th thru 9 th cenury AD Persian Sasanians and Hepthalites ruled Gandhaar. During their rule Gandhaar region was again influenced by Hinduism. The Hindu kings (Shahiya) were concentrated in the Kabul and Ghazni areas. The last Hindu Shahiya king of Kabul, Bhimapal was killed in 1026 AD. The heroic efforts of the Hindu Shahiya Kings to defend the northwestern gates of India against the invaders are described by even al-Biruni, the court historian of Mahmud of Ghazni (12). Some excavated sites of the period include a major Hindu Shahiya temple north of Kabul and a chapel that contains both Buddhist and Hindu images, indicating that there was a mingling of two religions (3). Islamic invasions on Afganistan started in 642 AD, but over the next several centuries their effect was marginal and lasted only a short time after each raid. Cities surrendered only to rise in revolt and the hastily converted returned to their old religion (Hinduism or Buddhism) once the Moslem armies had passed (3). THUS TILL THE YEAR 1000 AD AFGANISTAN WAS A FULL PART OF HINDU CRADLE. HINDU KUSH AND THE HINDU GENOCIDE Now Afganistan is a Moslem country. Logically, this means either one or more of the following must have happened: a) original residents of Hindu Kush converted to Islam, or�b) they were slaughtered and the conquerors took over, or�c) they were driven out. Encyclopedia Britannica (3) already informs us above about the resistance to conversion and frequent revolt against to the Moslem conqueror's rule from 8 th thru 11 th Century AD. The name 'Hindu Kush' itself tells us about the fate of the original residents of Gandhaar and Vaahic Pradesh during the later period of Moslem conquests, because HINDU KUSH in Persian MEANS HINDU SLAUGHTER (13) (as per Koenraad Elst in his book 'Ayodhya and After'). Let us look into what other standard references say about Hindu Kush. Persian-English dictionary (14) indicates that the word 'Kush' is derived from the verb Kushtar - to slaughter or carnage. Kush is probably also related to the verb Koshtan meaning to kill. In Urdu, the word Khud-kushi means act of killing oneself (khud - self, Kushi- act of killing). Encyclopedia Americana comments on the Hindu Kush as follows: The name Hindu Kush means literally 'Kills the Hindu', a reminder of the days when (Hindu) SLAVES from Indian subcontinent died in harsh Afgan mountains while being transported to Moslem courts of Central Asia (15). The National Geographic Article 'West of Khyber Pass' informs that 'Generations of raiders brought captive Hindus past these peaks of perpetual snow. Such bitter journeys gave the range its name Hindu Kush - "Killer of Hindus"'(10). The World Book Encyclopedia informs that the name Kush, .. means Death ..(16). While Encyclopedia Britannica says 'The name Hindu Kush first appears in 1333 AD in the writings of Ibn Battutah, the medieval Berber traveller, who said the name meant 'Hindu Killer', a meaning still given by Afgan mountain dwellers who are traditional enemies of Indian plainsmen (i.e. Hindus)(2). However, later the Encyclopedia Britannica gives a negationist twist by adding that 'more likely the name is a corruption of Hindu-Koh meaning Hindu mountains'. This is unlikely, since the term Koh is used in its proper, uncorrupted form for the western portion of Hindu Kush, viz. Koh-i-Baba, for the region Swat Kohistan, and in the names of the three peaks of this range, viz. Koh-i-Langer, Koh-i-Bandakor, and Koh-i-Mondi. Thus to say that corruption of term Koh to Kush occurred only in case of Hindu Kush is merely an effort to fit in a deviant observation to a theory already proposed. In science, a theory is rejected if it does not agree with the observations, and not the other way around. Hence the latter negationist statement in the Encyclopedia Britannica must be rejected. IT IS SIGNIFICANT THAT ONE OF THE FEW PLACE NAMES ON EARTH THAT REMINDS US NOT OF THE VICTORY OF THE WINNERS BUT RATHER THE SLAUGHTER OF THE LOSERS, CONCERNS A GENOCIDE OF HINDUS BY THE MOSLEMS (13). Unlike the Jewish holocaust, the exact toll of the Hindu genocide suggested by the name Hindu Kush is not available. However the number is easily likely to be in millions. Few known historical figures can be used to justify this estimate. Encyclopedia Britannica informs that in December 1398 AD, Timur Lane ordered the execution of at least 50,000 captives before the battle for Delhi, .. and after the battle those inhabitants (of Delhi) not killed were removed (as slaves) (17), while other reference says that the number of captives butchered by Timur Lane's army was about 100,000 (18). Later on Encyclopedia Britannica mentions that the (secular?) Mughal emperor Akbar 'ordered the massacre of about 30,000 (captured) Rajput Hindus on February 24, 1568 AD, after the battle for Chitod' (19). Another reference indicates that this massacre of 30,000 Hindu peasants at Chitod is recorded by Abul Fazl, Akbar's court historian himself (20). These two 'one day' massacres are sufficient to provide a reference point for estimating the scale of Hindu genocide. The Afgan historian Khondamir records that during one of the many repeated invasions on the city of Herat in western Afganistan, 1,500,000 residents perished (11). Since some of the Moslem conquerors took Indian plainsmen as slaves, a question comes : whatever happened to this slave population? The startling answer comes from New York Times (May-June 1993 issues). The Gypsies are wandering peoples in Europe. They have been persecuted in almost every country. Nazis killed 300,000 gypsies in the gas chambers. These Gypsies have been wandering around Central Asia and Europe since around the 12 th Century AD. Until now their country of origin could not be identified. Also their Language has had very little in common with the other European languages. Recent studies however show that their language is similar to Punjabi and to a lesser degree to Sanskrit. Thus the Gypsies most likely originated from the greater Punjab. The time frame of Gypsy wanderings also coincides early Islamic conquests hence most likely their ancestors were driven out of their homes in Punjab and taken as slaves over the Hindu Kush. The theory of Gypsie origins in India was first proposed over two centuries ago. It is only recently theta linguistic and other proofs have been verified. Even the Gypsie leadership now accepts India as the country of their origin. Thus it is evident that the mountain range was named as Hindu Kush as a reminder to the future Hindu generations of the slaughter and slavery of Hindus during the Moslem conquests. DELIBERATE IGNORANCE ABOUT HINDU KUSH If the name Hindu Kush relates such a horrible genocide of Hindus, why are Hindus ignorant about it? and why the Government of India does not teach them about Hindu Kush? The history and geography curriculums in Indian Schools barely even mention Hindu Kush. The horrors of the Jewish holocaust are taught not only in schools in Israel and USA, but also in Germany. Because both Germany and Israel consider the Jewish holocaust a 'dark chapter' in the history. The Indian Government instead of giving details of this 'dark chapter' in Indian history is busy in whitewash of Moslem atrocities and the Hindu holocaust. In 1982, the National Council of Educational Research and Training issued a directive for the rewriting of school texts. Among other things it stipulated that: 'Characterization of the medieval period as a time of conflict between Hindus and Moslems is forbidden'. Thus denial of history or Negationism has become India's official 'educational' policy (21). Often the official governmental historians brush aside questions such as those that Hindu Kush raises. They argue that the British version is the product of their 'divide and rule' policy' hence their version is not necessarily true. However it must be remembered that the earliest reference of the name Hindu Kush and its literal meaning 'Hindu Killer' comes from Ibn Battutah in 1333 AD, and at that time British were nowhere on the Indian scene. Secondly, if the name indeed was a misnomer then the Afgans should have protested against such a barbaric name and the last 660 plus years should have been adequate for a change of name to a more 'civil' name. There has been no effort for such a change of name by the Afgans. On the contrary, when the Islamic fundamentalist regime of the Mujahadeens came to power in 1992, tens of thousands of Hindus and Sikhs from Kabul, became refugees, and had to pay steep ransom to enter into Pakistan without a visa. In the last 46 years the Indian Government also has not even once demanded that the Afgan Government change such an insulting and barbaric name. But in July 1993, the Government of India asked the visiting Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra to change its name because the word Jerusalem in its name is offensive to Moslem Fundamentalists. CONCLUSION It is evident that Hindus from ancient India's (Hindustan's) border states such as Gandhaar and Vaahic Pradesh were massacred or taken as slaves by the Moslem invaders who named the region as Hindu Kush (or Hindu Slaughter,or Hindu Killer) to teach a lesson to the future Hindu generations of India. Unfortunately Hindus are not aware of this tragic history. The Indian government does not want the true history of Hindu Moslem conflicts during the medieval ages to be taught in schools. This policy of negationism is the cause behind the ignorance of Hindus about the Hindu Kush and the Hindu genocide. COMMENTS & FUTURE WORK Although in this article Hindu Kush has been referred to as Hindu slaughter, it is quite possible that it was really a Hindu and Buddhist slaughter. Since prior to Moslem invasions influence of Buddhism in Gandhaar and Vaahic Pradesh was considerable. Also as the huge 175 ft stone Buddhas of Bamian show, Buddhists were idol worshipers par excellence. Hence for Moslem invaders the Buddhists idol worshipers were equally deserving of punishment. It is also likely that Buddhism was considered an integral part of the Hindu pantheon and hence was not identified separately. This article barely scratches the surface of the Hindu genocide, the true depth of which is as yet unknown. Readers are encouraged to find out the truth for themselves . Only when many readers search for the truth, the real magnitude of the Hindu genocide will be discovered. REFERENCES Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 th Ed, Vol.5, p.935, 1987 Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 th Ed, Vol.14, pp.238-240, 1987 Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 th Ed, Vol.13, pp.35-36, 1987 The Invasion of India by Alexander the Great (as described by Arrian, Q.Curtius, Diodoros, Plutarch & Justin), By J.W.McCrindle, Methuen & Co., London, p.38, 1969 Six Glorious Epochs of Indian History, by Veer Savarkar, Savarkar Prakashan, Bombay, 2nd Ed, p.206, 1985 Chanakya - a TV series by Doordarshan, India Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 th Ed, Vol.21, pp.36-41, 1987 V.Sarianidi, National Geographic Magazine, Vol.177, No.3, p.57, March 1990 Hammond Historical Atlas of the World, pp. H4 & H10, 1993 W.O.Douglas, National Geographic Magazine, vol.114, No.1, pp.13-23, July 1958 T.J.Abercrombie, National Geographic Magazine, Vol.134, No.3, pp.318-325, Sept.1968 An Advanced History of India, by R.C.Majumdar, H.C.Raychaudhuri, K.Datta, 2nd Ed., MacMillan and Co, London, pp.182-83, 1965 Ayodhya and After, By Koenraad Elst, Voice of India Publication, p.278, 1991 A Practical Dictionary of the Persian Language, by J.A.Boyle, Luzac & Co., p.129, 1949 Encyclopedia Americana, Vol.14, p.206, 1993 The World Book Encyclopedia, Vol.19, p.237, 1990 Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 th Ed, Vol.21, pp. 54-55, 1987 An Advanced History of India, by R.C.Majumdar, H.C.Raychaudhuri, K.Datta, 2nd Ed., MacMillan and Co, London, pp.336-37, 1965 Encyclopedia Britannica, 15 th Ed, Vol.21, p.65, 1987 The Cambridge History of India, Vol.IV - The Mughul Period, by W.Haig & R.Burn, S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, pp. 98-99, 1963 Negationism in India, by Koenraad Elst, Voice of India Publ, 2nd Ed, pp.57-58, 1993 Back To Islamic Ages�Back To Modern Hindu History�Back To Library Of Hindu History This site is part of Dharma Universe LLC websites. �Copyrighted 2009-2011, Dharma Universe.

100 years ago: • Hindus in Lahore and Karachi were observing the Sanatan Dharm by performing Pooja and singing

Bhajans and Kirtans. Today, there is none • Hindus who formed nearly 24% of Pakistan at the time of partition, have been reduced to less than

1% today 50 (fifty) years ago: • Hindus in Srinagar (Kashmir) too were observing the Sanathan Dharm. All Kashmiri Pandits have

been chased away, and are living like refugees in Jammu and Delhi. Now: • CIA agent Antonia Maino (Fake Sonia Gandhi) running the catholic government • Talks going on to separate J&K and give it autonomy. This will finally result in it’s occupancy by

Muslim extremists • Assam under siege by Bangladeshi infiltrators 50 (fifty) years from now: • Will our country remain democratic and secular. Will your children have the freedom of Hindu

thought and expression and read Gita? • The landscape of ‘Bharat’ has continuously been shrinking. • India can remain united only on the basis of Hindutva, i.e. Hindu Principles, which encompasses

everything humanity stands for.

Sanatan Dharm - Hinduism


Presentation Notes Can you visualise a scene where your son/daughter or your grandson/granddaughter succumbs to the bullet of a terrorist when they are doing some shopping or worshipping at a temple? Can you imagine a situation where your children or grandchildren are forced to leave your house and take asylum somewhere else? Or can you reconcile to the fact that they are forced to give up Sanatan Hindu Dharm and convert to an alien religion? Today, even just a thought on these lines will send shiver down your spine. But it has happened and is going to happen if you are not awake. Just look at the following facts. 1. 200 (two hundred) years ago Hindus in Kandahar (Afghanistan) were observing the Sanathan Dharm byperforming Pooja and singing Bhajans and Kirtans. Today there is no one. There are only Al Qaedas andTalibans, enforcing Shariat law of ‘eye for an eye’, ‘leg for a leg’, etc.  2. 100 (hundred) years ago, Hindus in Lahore and Karachi (which derives their name from Lav and Kush, thesons of Sri Ram) were observing the Sanathan Dharm by performing Pooja and singing Bhajans and Kirtans.Today there is none. All have vanished into thin air. After the creation of Pakistan in 1947, by dividing ourMotherland Bharat, it was named ‘Islamic Republic of Pakistan’ and became an Islamic country. Hindus whoformed nearly 24% of Pakistan at the time of partition, have been reduced to less than 1% today.  3. 50 (fifty) years ago, Hindus in Srinagar (Kashmir) too were observing the Sanathan Dharm by performing Pooja and singing Bhajans and Kirtans. Today no one is left there to do so. All have been chased away, and are living like refugees in Jammu and Delhi.Considering the above historical facts, 50 (fifty) years from now, will you (or your son/daughter or grandson/grand daughter) be able to perform Pooja and sing Bhajans and Kirtans? Will our country remain democratic and secular. Will your children have the freedom of thought and expression? Logic says ‘NO’. Social demography also confirms this. Symptoms too point out towards that stark eventuality (I can give you hundreds of examples):The landscape of Bharat has continuously been shrinking. The world Muslim population is about 130 crores,but there are 57 Islamic countries. The world Christian population is about 200 crores. There are nearly 150countries where Christianity wields supreme. The world Hindu population is nearly 110 crores. Is there a single country for Hindus?Is this the legacy you want to leave behind for your sons and daughters? If not, get up from your deep slumber and face the challenge, before it is too late. Before knowing about the challenges, we should go into the background of our Nation. Bharat is a land of Sants and Rishis. Many Gods and Rishis have taken avatar in this land – Ram, Krishna,Mahavir, Bhuddha, Adhi Shankara, Guru Nanak, etc. That is why it is called Devbhoomi, Punyabhoomi, etc.For us, it is the Motherland (Mathrubhoomi), and we worship Her as “Bharat Mata”. Bharat has all along been a de facto Hindu Nation, although it has been ruled by Muslims and Christians for nearly 1000 years. There is no country in the world which, after being enslaved for nearly 1000 years, takes rebirth as one country. Bharat did so, in spite of so much diversity in the name of caste, language, region,etc. This oneness was due to the spiritual and cultural unity of Bharat, which in other words is calledHindutva. Moreover, Spiritualism and Nationalism have always been interlinked in Bharat. For example, in a Pooja, the ‘sankalpa’ begins with “Bharata varshe, Bharata kande, Jambu Dweepe …”, a clear reference to Motherland. India can remain united only on the basis of Hindutva, i.e. Hindu Principles, which encompasses everything humanity stands for.

• Try an experiment. Start speaking pro-hindu in your colleagues or intellectuals. They will feel uncomfortable!

• Why Hindu’s have lost the self-identity • Since when talking about Hinduism become Anti-Secular and Communal?

Speaking Pro-’any other community’ is secular. Such is the dogma and propaganda • Paidmedia has transformed the psyche of nation • It needs to be understood that PRO-HINDU IS NOT EQUAL TO ANTI-MUSLIM • God is as much as same for Hindus as same for Muslims/Christians • The difference in religions is just different ways to reach one destination i.e. super-

consciousness • Fighting for the paths taken is foolishness

Sanatan Dharm - Hinduism


Presentation Notes

• Hinduism is more a way of living and built up on principles of sharing with community, society and future generations

• It was never built up on principles of ‘ego’ and self • It was a way of life built in sync with nature, animals, plants • Today it has deformed to levels of individualism and self-interest • Debt Money is a big player in all this game • It is a philosophy more than a religion • A few challenged the idea of naming the society as Sat-sang Society but we

deliberately emphasized it.

Sanatan Dharm - Hinduism


Presentation Notes

Indian Logic about Secularism

In India Muslims don't kill Muslims the way Muslims kill Muslims in Pakistan. Majority Hindu population is a good protection for Muslims – Taslima Nasreen


• They have overtook all the big trusts of shrines • Kerala Padmanabhan Swamy Temple looted • Conversions at fast pace, as much so that Kerala is now a Hindu Minority • Assam • Fake Hindu Terrorism propaganda • Ganga pollution and deliberate efforts to diminish it • Sanskrit being denigrated and given no funding to develop even after so many years of

independence • Rampant cow slaughter and initiation of Pink Revolution to butcher more cows and export

beef • Saints like Nityananda being dragged into sex controversy • Conspiracy to break Ram Setu for Thorium under it by DMK and Congress • Kill Cow

• Do check out Rajiv Malhotra on youtube and links in comments below

Hinduism under seige


Presentation Notes

• The attacks are generally on your subconscious mind and slow • This happens in various forms and from various sophisticated fronts • History has seen wiping out of religions of Greece, Egypt, Iraq and large parts of US and UK • The authentic religions have been wiped out and replaced by Christianity and Muslims • All spiritual religions are finished or attacked (Hinduism in India, Buddhism in Tibet) • Macaulay and Max Mueller had implemented policies to break a society only culturally • The breakage of culture is visible with rampant run towards westernisation • Put porn (like Sunny Leone) and Gay culture in cinema

Threat to Hinduism


Presentation Notes सेकुलर शब्द विदेश से आयातित और सबसे अधिक भ्रामिक शब्द है .इसलिए भारत की किसी भी भाषा में "सेकुलर " के लिए कोई समानार्थी और पर्यायवाची अर्थ नहीं मिलता है .लेकिन कुछ चालाक लोगों ने हिंदी में " सेकुलर " का अर्थ " धर्मनिरपेक्ष " शब्द गढ़ दिया था .यदपि इस शब्द का उल्लेख न तो किसी भी धर्म के ग्रन्थ में मिलता है और न ही इसकी कोई परिभाषा कहीं मिलती है .और फिर जब " सेकुलर "शब्द का विपरीत शब्द " सम्प्रदायवादी "बना दिया गया तो यह शब्द एक ऐसा अमोघ अस्त्र बन गया कि अक्सर जिसका प्रयोग हिन्दुओं प्रताड़ित उनको अपराधी साबित करने ,उन पर पाबंदियां लगाने के लिए किया जाने लगा . इसका परिणाम यह हुआ कि खुद को सेकुलर बताने वाला बड़े से बड़ा अपराधी , और भ्रष्टाचारी लोगों की दृष्टि में दूध का धुला बन गया .और मोदी जैसे हजारों देशभक्त अपराधी लगने लगे .बड़े आश्चर्य की बात तो यह है कि इमाम बुखारी जैसे अनेकों कट्टर मुस्लिम नेता भी " सेकुलरिज्म " की वकालत करने लगे

How is Hinduism being attacked?

Check out cross on Rs 10 coin (later withdrawn)


• A language is just a mode of communication • Richness of Hindi – It is complete in itself and not needs tto import words

from other languages • Poorness of English – Authentic English is being overtaken by slangs and

words from other languages. It is slowly digesting local dialect

Why Hindi? • Every human when encounters foreign language, translates in mind into

mother tongue and while expressing converts from its mother tongue • Imagine research study in foreign language, speed of thought reduces to

1/8 • This is major reason of lack of R&D development in Bharat • The reason why Baba Ramdev demands for higher languages in mother




What can you do? • Start your communication in Hindi and feel proud about its richness • Aspire this to be a language of integration and revive our old literature • Feel same for your Tamil, Telugu and other Indian Languages and dialects • Start and encourage your local language • Don’t be ‘digested’ by some other culture • Encouraging mother language doesn’t mean insult of another one • This PPT in english is only indicative of author’s inability to express well in




Sanskrit • Sanskrit is a very structured language with all

alphabets shaped with precision • This is the most perfect and logical language in the

world, the only one that is not named after the people who speak it

• It is completely structured and thought out. There is not a word that has been left out in its grammar or etymology

• Sanskrit in fact specializes in making up compound words from smaller words and parts

• Text in Sanskrit from thousands of years ago remains same

• All languages change because they are defective • They are born and die after seven or eight hundred

years • Sanskrit is the only exception. It is a never-dying



Presentation Notes - Rutger Kortenhorst, Sanskrit teacher at John Scottus school in Dublin, Ireland - What does my child do with Sanskrit?

• The qualities of Sanskrit will become the qualities of your child- that is the mind and heart of your child will become beautiful, precise and reliable

• User needs to pay FINE attention due to its uncanny precision. When the precision is there the experience is, that it feels uplifting. It makes you happy

• This is the mother of most of Indian languages • Auspicious literature and mantras are in Sanskrit • This precision of attention serves all subjects, areas and activities of life • Children will be able to attend more fully, easily and naturally. Thus in terms of relationships,

work, sport– in fact all aspects of life, they will perform better and gain more satisfaction. Whatever you attend to fully, you excel in and you enjoy more

• By studying Sanskrit, other languages can be learnt more easily; this being the language all others borrow from fractionally.

• What Sanskrit teaches us that there is a language that is ordered, following laws unfailingly and as they are applied your child gets uplifted, not only when they grow up, but as they are saying it!



• NASA to use Sanskrit as computer language (The scientists believe that

Sanskrit is also helpful in speech therapy besides helping in mathematics and science. It also improves concentration. The alphabets used in the language are scientific and their correct pronunciation improves the tone of speech. It encourages imagination and improves memory retention also. )

• Best language for artificial intelligence • In the heart of London, a British school (St James Junior School) has made

Sanskrit compulsory subject



Presentation Notes

Cow • This world is made up of vibrations. What

you see around you is result of your thoughts and actions. Your actions are not independent to your realm. Even a twinkling star billions of light year away affects you and your life. Your action of even plucking a flower or leaf creates pain in the plant and the vibrations are released in environment.

• Did you ever thought that nature made you to co-exist in harmony with animal kingdom and not rule it? We were given brains to have love vibrations and not ego vibrations of supremacy.

• Mother earth has equal love and nourishment for humans, animals, plants, insects and every other species. Mother earth vibrant conscious being by god. God made the earth to co-exist and not be ruled by humans

• World Hunger: Animals are fed human crops to make them more bulky, and more sell-able. Causes of food shortage and hunger deaths in impoverished countries.


Cow • Violence: The largest amount of

violence, turbulence and oppression in world will naturally be seen in areas where the most animals are cut or where humans are non-vegetarian.

• You: What you eat is what you become. Stress hormones laded meat when eaten kills empathy, calmness and humanness in you. It makes you more fearful from the control system designed around you.

• Understand why Vedas and Puranas had called cow ‘Ma’ or ‘Mother’ and why we still follow it. The mother cow which nourishes you with milk in childhood is cut and you do not do anything about it.. it’s a shame!


Women Women is created equal in society and half energy A Man is incomplete without Women Patriarchal Society has created inequality which is dangerous Imbalance is deliberately created by promoting male chauvinism


• Women is one more ‘commodity’ and to be used as for ‘sex’ now • The mentality is created by cinema and advertisement world • Women Rights organisations are impotent and made like that • They have not solved any problems and in fact issues are increasing in

society • Imagine most of the episodes of Satyamev Jayate are concentrated around

female feticide, dowry, domestic violence • Women’s contribution at home is not considered part of GDP.. Why?



• Sex is important part of life and basic activity in all animals and plants • Nature’s way to pave way for creation of new so that old and decayed be

replaced and give way to decay of old by death • You are born through initiation of this activity.. It cannot be bad • The psyche of ‘sex is bad’ creates conflict in humans and feeling of guilt • Our whole awareness drifting towards sex is all about keeping our

energies in lowest of chakras • Kundalini awakens with rise of energy from lowermost sex center to

highest sahstra chakra • Don’t be too much obsessed with sex




Positive Vibrations


Positive Vibrations • This world is made up of vibrations • Vibrations are high or low • Love is state of high vibration • Fear is state of low vibrations • All the emotions are by-product of these two emotions • We create our reality based on these vibrations • Earth is a conscious being too • Earth is evolving with time • The Dec 21st 2012 phenomenon is related to that


• As you would have understood by now, that there is fear society in place • The consciousness of earth is rising • Earth just like us is a conscious living being and it’s consciousness is rising • You would have experienced by now that ‘Time’ is speeding up! • What do you mean by that? Just think back last few years of your life.. See

how technology is evolving, see how less time you get for yourself! • If mass consciousness starts to be fearful, the manifestation will be fearful • Start meditating • Spread the idea • 1+1 is 11 and not 2

Dec 21, 2012


• Are you conscious of your thinking? • What you think is what you manifest… that’s the whole idea! • Ever thought how your intuitions become real?

Conscious Thinking


• Are you conscious of your thinking? • What you think is what you manifest…

that’s the whole idea! • Ever thought how your intuitions

become real?

Conscious Thinking



What’s already there and needs support In Bharat: • Bharat Swabhiman - Baba Ramdev - Fighting against Black Money • Action Committee Against Corruption in India (ACACI) – Subramanian Swamy • Janlokpal – Team Anna – Beware of this group created with political agenda to

counter Baba Ramdev’s fight against system – Check Comments

Around world: • Anonymous – Created Occupy Movement – The leaderless people’s movement. No

specific goals but working to end corporate control on governments • – Julian Assange - Releasing secret documents of corrupt

governments around the world • Pirate Bay – Fighting Freedom of Speech and Internet Freedom • Arab Spring – Around Arab World

The Rise of Consciousness!


Presentation Notes
Expose of Kejriwal, Bhushan's and Team Anna   Please read through the links below and then take out wise inferences to counter   Team Anna was creation of paidmedia and Congress to counter Narendra Modi & Baba Ramdev   Team Anna is being funded by US Ford Foundation which is funded by CIA (Kejriwal is well aware of this and ducks this question with misleading replies)   Janlokpal proposed by Team Anna would have created a monster which will be out of control of any constitutional body   Such Janlokpal is of interests of MNC's, Corporates, CIA and Unites States, which will then have to just control few Lokpals and not entire system   Team Anna is all Magsasay Award winners. This award is funded again by Ford Foundation   Janlokpal under jurisdiction of Supreme Court and with Right to Recall by public would had been a good option which was clearly rejected by Kejriwal   The draft of Janlokpal is in very tough english and cannot be understood easliy   Team Anna's 'Secular' face is same as that of Congress i.e. Against Narendra Modi, Against Hindus. Anti-Hindu propaganda is in sync with Paidmedia's AntiHindu agenda   Team Anna always tries to hamper movements of Baba Ramdev (that's why they never aligned with already announced Aug 9 movement and tried to sabotage and mislead public's faith in mass movements by cleverly planned July 25 agitation)   In long run, Team Anna will cut votes of BJP and of any party by Baba Ramdev which will indirectly help Congress   You would now understand the reason why "Cartoons Against Corruption' members and other activists were beaten up on asking questions raising their voices against Kejriwal   You would understand the reason now of so much infighting in Team Anna Core Committee as the views of everyone are not considered and Kejriwal imposes his views   Prashant Bhushan is publicly said for separation of Kashmir from Bharat..   Everybody ask these questions from Kejriwal and Bhushan's.. What's thier view on Assam Riots and Bodo Hindus, What's their view on Kashmiri Pandits relocation, WHat's their View on narendra Modi and Gujarat's success (Refer Bhagat singh Kranti Sena's link below)   How could diabetic Kejriwal survive 8 days without food?   Why Kejriwal and Bhushan's used Anna time and again when they were not even taking his views (clearly reflected in Anna's letter to his team.. - Anna quoted Gandhi, asked team to delay politics)   Why were there differences in motives of fast.. Team Anna wanting SIT whilst Anna wanting Janlokpal?   If all team members were not agreeing to form party (Hegde, Vishwas and majority of volunteers)... why did they do that?   Why is Kejriwal ditching Baba Ramdev and not together with him? Is his ego bigger or the fight to corruption?   The political motive to fight elections was already there since beginning. Volunteers have just been 'used' for their agenda.   You ask them for satisfactory response.. Paidmedia would never ask these questions!!

• At the start of the 2008 financial crisis, Iceland literally went bankrupt • In 2003 Iceland’s debt was equal to 200 times its GNP, but in 2007, it was

900 percent. • The three main Icelandic banks, Landbanki, Kapthing and Glitnir, went

belly up and were nationalised, while the Kroner lost 85% of its value with respect to the Euro.

• At the end of the year Iceland declared bankruptcy. • Contrary to what could be expected, the crisis resulted in Icelanders

recovering their sovereign rights, through a process of direct participatory democracy that eventually led to a new Constitution.

• Icelanders didn't stop there: they decided to draft a new constitution that would free the country from the exaggerated power of international finance and virtual money.

• Iceland is the latest success stories where bankers were kicked out • Read:


The Success Stories


Presentation Notes Google: iceland revolution


What can you ‘Do’?

We deserve this corruption, inflation, crime and ills of society because we were foolish enough and didn't care! The same would continue for worse if we do not act and are not wise today! Tomorrow may be too late! Keep Your eyes, ears and mouth open for good


What can you ‘Do’?


Presentation Notes
Image Credits:

• Remember, world is changed by people who ‘Do’! • Make use of your life.. Don’t let it pass away. • You have a chance to do something meaningful now! • A big set of aware people is the biggest savior in society • Stop Obeying Unjust rules! Boycott is the biggest power. • Unity is our Strength – Be together and Stand for each other – This is conquering

fear • Negative people will obviously ridicule and term this as impossible • But we need positive people and positive energy in society • Don’t worry - Negative people will be transformed with change • The fear is their tool and you need to overcome it • Do your ‘good karma’ and leave results to god - Gita • Spreading awareness is the least you can do!

What can you ‘Do’?


Together – We Can


• This Satsang Society is about creating the world full of love • Stop fighting the crumbling system.. It is taking it’s last breath • Let the system fail.. Be rotten give way to fresh and new • Create your reality.. Manifest the life you want to live in! • Read and understand the ‘Sat’ and spread ‘Sat-sang’ Let thousand revolutions bloom. Authentic ones would last and rest perish..

Souls with divine guidance will find their way!

Let’s ‘Do’?



• There is absolutely no copyright to this content. • An Idea if taken by other is no more an idea of individual.. It is idea of all those

people • Take the ownership and aware society about what you believe is right from the

content • Take these ‘Mythbuster sessions’ in classrooms, lectures • Bring more people onboard • Create ‘buzz’. Display society’s link and logo on your blog / car / shop. • Collaborate to take such mythbuster sessions • Make videos of mythbuster sessions and upload it on YT • File RTI’s • File PIL’s • Share! Share! Share! – via email, Twitter, Facebook, CD’s, DVD’s, USB

Together – We Can


Together – We Can

• Civil Disobedience has the biggest power

• Starve the Beast – Eliminate ‘Fear’ – Create ‘Love’ – Boycott tainted

corporations – Be Local, Support the

society – Stop ‘taking’, Start



• Create and support for society we will like to see – Indulge in work we ‘like’ to do – Start a free sanskrit / vedic maths / critical thinking class for children in your

locality – Organic farming, Pure Food – Boycott Preservative and Chemical laden food – Good medicines – Debt Free System

• Create ministries with responsibilities – Seek help of other sat-sangis.. Put the request on website

Steps for ‘To Do’


• Create this matter in Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Urdu and other Indian languages

• We need to: – Develop this material further with individual modules – Disseminate idea – Schools, Associations, Word of Mouth, CD’s, FB, Twitter – A website – Developers and Designers needed – Spread Idea, Study Groups – Volunteers for education society



• You could get this understanding because world cared to share! • If you look for what’s in it for ‘me’ – You can save yourself only if people

unite • Remember you learn by sharing and what is outside is what is inside • ‘Love’ and actively share the information • Create the world you wish to live in NOW!



Don’t believe any material here! Experience it!

Learn with questions when you Discuss!

Don’t Believe!



About Us! • Satsang is from Sanskrit and made up of Sat & Sang

– Sat :Truth – Sang : People of common interests and ideology

• All the ideas and research in previous slides is obviously not constant. It develops

with further understanding. • Only constant is change • Ideologies, ideas, way of working can change with its ideas of it’s members and

with vision


Ideology - ‘We are the Society’ • Mutual Love is the only purpose and law in this society. All other rules and laws

are oppression and control • Conquer your ‘fears’, Burn your ‘egos’ • We are here with no masters or hierarchy, just experts or students • Expert may be a student in some other area • A Society with Mutual – Respect

• Differences are actually Good and help grow your perspective. • ‘Unity’ despite differences is instrumental • And if you are dedicated to each other, rather than ‘competing’ with each other,

you are actually helping yourself


Ideology - ‘We are the Society’ • We always say that society is from us.. But did we ever tried to create such society

which we desire? • Challenge the idea of ‘One doesn’t matter’ • Love travels round and round – When released.. It travels back to you • Money is good, but not the aim of life • World inside is world outside


• Be Transparent • ‘No Money’ principle as priority • If money is involved, all the donations would be marked on website with

identifiers of donors. Subsequently all expenses will be available too. • Absolutely no debt

Ideology – How will we work?


Honest Stands Alone

It’s Honest Man who always stand alone and then world follows them. Fools first make fun

then shout and

then follow.


Any Inputs?

Check if you are reading the latest version from