Sati paṭṭhāna Sutt a...Sati paṭṭhāna Sutt a Study with Meditation Workshop “Critical,...

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Transcript of Sati paṭṭhāna Sutt a...Sati paṭṭhāna Sutt a Study with Meditation Workshop “Critical,...

  • Sati paṭṭhāna Sutt aStudy with Meditation Workshop

    “Critical,thought-provoking,yet highly practical...”

    26 – 29 July 2012Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary

    Taiping, Perak, MALAYSIA

    Conducted byAggacitta Bhikkhu

    Cost of mass-producing 1000 Packs sponsored by Jim & Carol Lai

    May the material help spread the wonders of dhamma

  • Closer to Reality SeriesSāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary presents a series of Dhamma resources that investigate popular interpretations and practices of Buddhism in the light of the Pāli scriptures and real-life experiences.

    Using a critical yet constructive approach based on the Four Great References of Mahāparinibbāna Sutta (DN 16) and Mahāpadesa Sutta (AN 4.180), as well as on Kālāma Sutta (AN 3.66), the series is an attempt to reconcile ancient teachings with selected contemporary life experiences and research findings. In this way, Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary hopes to bring us closer to a practical reality we can more easily connect with.

    Four Great References Before he passed away, the Buddha gave us practical advice to assess situations in which we hear a monk proclaiming that what he teaches “is the Dhamma... the Vinaya... the teachings of the Master”. He may say that he heard and learned it in the presence of 1. the Buddha himself2. a Saṅgha in a certain monastery with its elders and leaders3. many learned elders in a certain monastery who are recipients of the oral

    tradition, and upholders of the Dhamma, Vinaya and the summaries, or4. a learned elder in a certain monastery who is a recipient of the oral tradition,

    and upholder of the Dhamma, Vinaya and the summaries.In such situations, without rejoicing in or scorning the monk’s words, we should investigate to see if such teachings are included in the sutta or seen in the Vinaya. If they are, we may conclude that they are the words of the Buddha and that they have been well learned by the speaker. Otherwise, we may conclude that they are not the words of the Buddha and that they have been wrongly learned by the speaker, and so we should reject them.

    Kālāma Sutta Also named Kesamutti Sutta and popularly known as “The Charter of Free Inquiry”, the discourse was given by the Buddha to the Kālāmas who were perplexed by the conflicting claims of visiting monks and priests. It stresses on cautious discernment, as the abridged excerpt below shows:

    “Come, you Kālāmas. Do not go by repeated hearing, nor by tradition, nor by hearsay, nor by scripture, nor by logical thinking, nor by inference, nor by theorising, nor by considered acceptance of a view, nor by apparent capability, nor by thinking: The monk is our teacher. When you yourselves, Kālāmas, know: These things are unskilful, blameable, disapproved by the wise; carried out and undertaken, these things lead to harm and suffering—then, Kālāmas, you should abandon them ... When you yourselves know: These things are skilful, blameless, praised by the wise; carried out and undertaken, these things lead to benefit and happiness—then, Kālāmas, you should live, having fulfilled them.”

  • Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop

    Video Pack Manual

    How to useYou may use this Video Pack for group- or self-study. The contents of this Pack are also available at The following pointers and materials may be useful.

    Pre-readingSome pre-reading before each satipaṭṭhāna exercise is required to gain the most from the workshop. A soft copy of the course book, Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Commentarial Coursebook 1.3.pdf, is included in Disc 5. The hard copy can be obtained from Nalanda Institute, Malaysia.

    Using the Videos 1. It is best to watch the videos in sequence according to the Table of

    Contents in this manual, a pdf copy of which is also included in Disc 5.2. For the discussion topics,

    a) first view the beginning of the track to understand the topicb) pause and do your own discussionc) then only watch the video of the presentation, explanation and Q&A

    if any.Perhaps the answer to some of your questions can be found in the teacher’s explanation or the Q&A. You can email him any doubts or questions that need further clarification, but he does not promise a prompt reply. Contact him via the webmaster at

    3. For the guided asubha meditation sessions in Day 2 (one during the day, one at night), it would be better to view the video once while looking at the images of the body parts / corpses, and a second time with the eyes closed, as you follow the instructions, trying to visualise what you had seen earlier.

  • For Group OrganisersIf you are organising a study group, the following fi les in Disc 5 might be useful.1. Notes for Organiser.pdf containing guidance for the organiser to

    prepare for a live course. 2. Timetables for Days 1-4.pdf which can serve as a useful guideline. The

    empty “Time” column is for you to plan your daily schedule according to the actual ti ming of the video tracks in the “Durati on” column. In the “Topic to Cover / File name” column, most of the fi le names correspond to the topics to be covered. The “Page” column gives the page number/s of the relevant topic in the Course Book.

    Other MaterialsDisc 5 also contains an arti cle enti tled Two Types of Jhāna 2.0.pdf, in which Ajahn Geof (Ṭhānissaro Bhikkhu) argues that “the commentaries are right in viewing their type of jhāna as unnecessary for Awakening, but Awakening cannot occur without the att ainment of jhāna in the canonical sense”.

  • Day 1: Table of Contents100 Opening 9:05

    Course Outline 0:43Course Background 1:02

    101 Preamble: Classifi cati on of the Buddha’s Teachings 34:39102 Introducti on: Signifi cance & Background 18:21103 Overview: Structure of the Sutt a 7:51

    Proclamati on 0:12Defi niti on 0:33Refrain 1:09Predicti on 3:29Ajahn Sujato’s Sati paṭṭhāna Mūla 4:20

    104 Abstract I 8:54Chanti ng of Uddesa ITranslati on and Explanati on 1:45Word Analysis: Ekāyana 3:17Word Analysis: Sati paṭṭhāna 6:48

    105 Discussion D1: What is sati ? 11:13Presentati on 0:29Explanati on 2:424 R’s of Mindfulness 7:28

    106 Abstract II 16:39Chanti ng of Uddesa (conti nued)Explanati on 1:56Word Analysis: Anupassī 2:25Word Analysis: Sampajāna 4:58Word Analysis: Vineyya 11:14

  • 1 CONTEMPLATION OF THE BODY107 1.1 Secti on on In-Breath and Out-Breath 12:57

    Chanti ng of Ānāpāna·pabbaWord Analysis: Parimukha 7:26

    Instructi ons for D3 and D4 9:49Q&A: What is “body in the body”? 12:15Self-Practi ce of Ānāpānasati (no video)

    108 Discussion D2: 1st person direct speech vs anatt a 6:07Presentati on 0:22Explanati on 1:00Absence of “I” in Pali Grammar 2:27Labelling 3:32

    109 Discussion D3: What is “whole body”? How to “calm the bodily formati on” 26:55Presentati on 0:13Explanati on of “whole body” 8:34Explanati on of “calming the bodily formati on” 22:16

    110 Discussion D4: How to contemplate internally / externally 6:14Presentati on 0:19Explanati on 3:30

    111 1.2 Secti on on Postures 9:33Chanti ng of Iriyāpatha·pabbaExplanati on 3:00Guided Meditati on on Postures 4:00Explanati on of Postures 8:22

    112 1.3 Secti on on Clear Knowing 12:42Chanti ng of Sampajāna·pabbaExplanati on 3:49

    113 Guided Meditati on on Acti ng while Clearly Knowing 5:59

  • 114 Discussion D5: How to dwell independently, without clinging 14:50Presentati on 3:17Explanati on 7:03Q&A: Kāya, self, body 12:04

    115 Summary and Conclusion: Day 1 18:07116 Questi on &Answers 26:54

    Ānāpānasati and nimitt aWill the Tipiṭaka be updated? 22:35

  • Day 2: Table of Contents201 1.4 Secti on on Att enti on to Disgust 12:50

    Chanti ng of Paṭikūla·manasikāra·pabba 0:17

    Explanati on: Att enti on to Disgust 7:41

    Slides of Body Parts 10:13202 Guided Meditati on on Body Parts 15:20203 Discussion D6: How to contemplate impermanent nature of

    body parts 11:28Presentati on 1:06

    Explanati on 2:25204 1.5 Secti on on Att enti on to Elements 5:13

    Chanti ng of Dhātu·manasikāra·pabbaExplanati on 4:51

    205 Guided Meditati on on Elements while Standing 21:30206 Discussion D7: How to contemplate the body as elements 20:39

    Presentati on 0:30

    Explanati on on Body Parts & Elements 4:16207 1.6 Secti on on Charnel Grounds 12:50

    Chanti ng of Nava·sivathika·pabbaExplanati on 11:05

    208 Guided Meditati on on Corpses 4:35209 Discussion D8: Benefi ts of contemplati on on disgust vs that on

    corpses 6:01Presentati on 1:09

    Explanati on 4:10210 Discussion D9: Classify 14 body contemplati ons as samatha or

    vipassanā 17:26Presentati on 2:07

    Explanati on 8:32

  • 211 2 CONTEMPLATION OF FEELINGS 5:02Chanti ng of VedanānupassanāExplanati on 4:26

    212 Guided Meditati on on Feelings 14:13213 Discussion D10: What is the diff erence between feeling &

    emoti on? 16:15Presentati on 0:42

    Explanati on 9:35214 Discussion D11: What is the diff erence between kāyā- &

    vedanānupassanā? 14:14Presentati on 0:17

    Explanati on 3:16

    Q&A: Isn’t feeling conditi oned by percepti on? 10:22215 3 CONTEMPLATION OF MIND 32:43

    Chanti ng of Citt ānupassanāExplanati on 3:40

    Mind as Citt a, Mano and Viññāṇa 20:08216 Guided Meditati on on Mind 17:57217 Questi ons & Answers 16:38

    What is nāma-rūpa? 0:09

    When to switch from ānāpāna to citt ānupassanā? 4:48

    Combining ānāpāna, Mahasi and Sayadaw U Tejaniya methods 12:20

    Is vipassanā insight or Mahasi method? 14:53218 Summary and Conclusion: Day 2 6:57219 Guided Meditati on on Combinati ons of Kāyānupassanā 47:17

  • Day 3: Table of Contents300 Questi ons & Answers 16:12

    A yogi’s experience of elements 0:30

    Is the self form or consciousness? 5:52For one not good at visualisati on, how to meditate on body parts?


    Aft er removing and heaping up the body parts, can we reduce them to the elements?


    Are the 4 elements conceptual or real? 1040How can Buddhist meditati on and qigong be combined? 15:02

    301 Summary of Part 1 (Days 1 and 2) 9:574 CONTEMPLATION OF DHAMMAS

    302 4.1 Secti on on Hindrances 23:06Chanti ng of Nīvaraṇa·pabbaSpecial Signifi cance of Dhammānupassanā 7:03Food for Thought: Why is Dhammānupassanā phrased diff erently from Kāyānupassanā?


    Explanati on of Hindrances 12:25303 Guided Meditati on on the Hindrances 23:30304 Discussion D12: Under what conditi ons can the hindrances be

    observed? 41:59Presentati on 1:29Explanati on on Conditi ons for Preventi on of Hindrances 15:33Q&A: Shouldn’t the hindrances be contemplated only as and when they arise?


    305 4.2 Secti on on Aggregates 4:28Chanti ng of Khandha·pabba

    306 Discussion D13: How to contemplate the aggregates 17:28Presentati on 0:02Explanati on 2:12Form 3:59

  • Percepti on 4:45

    Feelings 4:48

    Saṅkhārā 7:49

    Viññāṇa 8:01

    How the aggregates work in combinati on 8:54307 4.3 Secti on on Sense Bases 17:38

    Chanti ng of Āyatana·pabbaExplanati on 4:25

    308 Discussion D14: What is the fett er for each sense base? 9:09Presentati on 0:14Explanati on of 10 fett ers 1:56Q&A: Shouldn’t sakkāyadiṭṭhi also be a fett er? 7:33

    309 Discussion D15: What is the range of dhammas for the mind & for vipassanā? 16:45Presentati on 0:19Explanati on 5:35

    310 The Mechanics of Percepti on at the Six Sense Doors 13:57311 Guided Meditati on on Open Awarenes of the Senses 25:17

    Q&A: This is not as complicated as it appears to be, right? 21:41312 4.4a Secti on on Awakening Factors I 6:48

    Chanti ng of Bojjhaṅga·pabba IExplanati on 2:54

    313 Discussion D16: What is sati as an awakening factor? 7:53Presentati on 1:12

    314 Discussion D17: What is dhammavicaya as an awakening factor? 21:42Presentati on 0:45Explanati on: Virtue Discourse 2:14Explanati on: Investi gati on of Dhamma 7:00Range of All Awakening Factors 14:52

    315 Summary and Conclusion: Day 3 8:05

  • Day 4: Table of Contents401 4.4b Secti on on Awakening Factors II 10:28

    Chanti ng of Bojjhaṅga·pabba IIExplanati on 3:53

    Word Analysis: Samādhi 5:01

    Explanati on of Equanimity 9:04402 Guided Meditati on on Awakening Factors 23:08403 Discussion D18: Can samādhi be att ained by any or all 4

    sati paṭṭhānas? 6:41404a Explanati on to D18: Samādhi & Sati paṭṭhāna in the Pāli Sutt as


    Sāla Discourse (Appendix 5) 0:35

    Word Analysis: Ekaggacitt a 2:00

    Word Analysis: Vippasanna 3:02

    Kāyānupassanā leads to Samādhi: Kāyagatāsati Sutt a 4:37

    Sati paṭṭhāna leads to Samādhi: Janavasabha Sutt a 16:20

    Sati paṭṭhāna leads to Samādhi: Cūḷavedalla Sutt a 24:42

    Word Analysis: Ekaggatā 25:23

    Defi niti on of Samādhi in the Sutt as 37:12404b Samādhi·bhāvanā Sutt a 10:14

    Bhante Gunaratana’s Change of View About Jhāna 7:59405 Samatha & Vipassanā in the Pāli Sutt as 23:08

    Tati ya·samādhi Sutt a 0:20

    Paṭhama·pubbārāma Sutt a 8:03

    Yuganaddha Sutt a 8:57

    Samatha vs Vipassanā 9:50

    Saṅkhārā 12:29

    Paññā and Viññāṇa 20:37406 4.5 Secti on on Truths 12:30

  • Chanti ng of Sacca·pabbaExplanati on of Four Noble Truths 1:52

    407 Discussion D19: What is your preferred translati on of yathābhūtaṃ? 16:56Presentati on 0:18

    Explanati on Including Concept of “3 Times” 9:07408 Sutt a Conclusion 4:45

    Chanti ng of Nigamana409 Discussion D20: Can fi nal knowledge be att ained by any or all

    four sati paṭṭhānas? 15:360:17

    Explanati on 9:01

    Simile of Kimsuka Tree 9:12410a Comparison of Sati paṭṭhāna Contents in Buddhist Texts 16:11

    Ajahn Sujato’s Methodology & Abstract 0:18

    Introducti on to Texts & Schools 3:59

    Contemplati on of Body 6:48

    Contemplati on of Feeling 10:57

    Contemplati on of Mind 12:21410b Contemplati on of Dhammas 14:13

    Refrain 1:36

    “Tribulati ons” in Jhāna Sutt a 3:11

    Structure of Sati paṭṭhāna Mūla 9:22

    Comments on Ajahn Sujato’s Conclusions 12:12411 Questi ons & Answers 17:43

    Can samādhi be att ained outside sati paṭṭhāna practi ce? 0:05

    What is the “saṅkhāra” in the paṭicca·samuppāda? 2:52

    Advice for people with depression and bipolar conditi on 6:11

    How dynamic meditati on helped to calm down a bipolar pati ent 8:40

    Could Samādhibhāvanā Sutt a be the basis for Visuddhimagga’s separati on of Samatha & Vipassanā as 2 kinds of meditati on?


  • Isn’t wrong view the cause of suff ering? 13:10412 Summary and Conclusion: Day 4 5:43413 Parti cipants’ Feedback on the Course 34:26414 GRAND SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION 16:19415 Closing Remarks 2:45416 Sharing Merits, Making Aspirati on 2:53417 Group Photo


    Aggacitta Bhikkhu is a Malaysian Buddhist monk who received higher ordination from his preceptor (upajjhāya) Bhaddanta Mahasi Sayadaw in 1979. He trained under various teachers, notably Sayadaw U Paṇḍita, Sayadaw U Tissara (Yankin Forest Monastery), Sayadaw U Āciṇṇa (Pa Auk Forest Monastery) and Sayadaw U Tejaniya (Shwe Oo Min Dhammasukha Forest Centre).

    Besides practising meditation, he studied advanced Pāli grammar under Sayadaw U Dhammananda at Wat Tamaoh, Lampang, Thailand, and the Pāli Tipiṭaka in Myanmar, and researched on its interpretation and practice until his return to Malaysia at the end of 1994.

    After a four-year solitary meditation retreat in Sarawak, he returned to West Malaysia at the end of 1998 and since then has spent considerable time investigating popular interpretations and practices of Buddhism in the light of the Pāli scriptures, real life experiences and contemporary research findings. Using a critical yet constructive approach, he has been sharing his findings with interested parties in order to bring them closer to a practical reality they can more easily connect with. The titles of his published Dhamma resources can be viewed at

    In 2000 he founded Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary (SBS) nestled among secluded valleys and brooks near Taiping, Perak, Malaysia.

  • Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop Video

    In 2012 Āyasmā Aggacitta conducted the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Study with Meditation Workshop seven times all over Malaysia and in Singapore. A total of about 500 people participated in the workshops, initiated by Nalanda Institute, Malaysia. This video is an edited recording of the last workshop held from 26 – 29 July 2012 in Sāsanārakkha Buddhist Sanctuary, Taiping, Perak, Malaysia.

    Structure of WorkshopThe 4-day programme covers all aspects of the Sutta, including • its historical background• an overview• the Pāli text and translation• a comparative survey of the satipaṭṭhāna material in various Buddhist traditions.The format consists of group chanting in Pāli, translation into English, explanation and word analysis by Āyasmā Aggacitta, discussion and presentation by the participants, followed by Āyasmā Aggacitta’s explanation. Sutta study is made practical through guided meditation exercises wherever and whenever applicable. Among other revelations, this workshop clarifies the meaning of samādhi, the distinction between samatha and vipassanā, and the difference between jhāna in the suttas and in the Visuddhimagga.

    Files in This Pack of DVD CDs

    1. 70 MP4 files, numbered sequentially, starting with 100 for the first video of Day 1 and ending with 416 for the last video of Day 4.

    2. 417 Group Photo.jpg.3. x01 Satipatthana Video Pack Manual.pdf.4. x02 Notes for Organiser.pdf.5. x03 Timetables for Days 1-4.pdf.6. x04 Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta Commentarial Coursebook 1.3.pdf.7. x05 Two Types of Jhāna 2.0.pdf.

    How to Obtain this Video

    This Satipaṭṭhāna Pack of DVDs is available FOC only upon request from:

    Nalanda Institute Malaysia 3357, Jalan 18/31, Taman Sri Serdang, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.

    Tel: 6-03-8938-1500/ 1501 Email: Website:

    AcknowledgementSpecial thanks to the dedicated production team, especially Lim Teik Leong, Mickael Chia and Jimmy Yap.