SAT VOCABULARY - Ivy Global · PDF fileIvy Global READING 227 SAT VOCABULARY PART 2 The new...

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Ivy Global READING 227


The new SAT’s Evidence-Based Reading and Writing Test assesses your knowledge of

college-level vocabulary—the kinds of words that you will need to know in order to

understand academic writing about many different subjects. The vocabulary tested on the

new SAT includes words that you are likely to see and use frequently in college courses, as

well as words that have different meanings in different contexts.

Building your college-level vocabulary now will not only help you increase your score on

the SAT, but also help you in your future studies. In this part, we’ve included a list of 250

college-level words, as well as lists of common word parts to help you learn new vocabulary.


Many words can be broken into basic parts. Roots carry the basic meaning of a word,

prefixes come before roots and alter their meaning, and suffixes come after roots and alter

either their meaning or their part of speech. Because English is related to French, German,

Spanish, Latin, and Greek, many of these word parts will look familiar if you speak one of

those languages.

The lists below contain some of the most common roots, prefixes, and suffixes that make

up English words. Start learning these basic parts to help you break down unfamiliar

vocabulary and speed up your vocabulary building process for the SAT.

Common Roots

ag, act do action, activity, agent

ambul walk, move ambulance, ambulatory, amble

ami, amo love amiable, amorous

anim mind, soul,

spirit animal, animate, unanimous

anthro human anthropology, philanthropy

aud, audit hear audible, auditorium, audience

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auto self automobile, autobiography, autograph

belli war belligerent, rebellious, bellicose

ben good benefactor, beneficial, benevolence

biblio book bibliography, Bible

bio life biography, biology

carn flesh, meat carnivore, carnal, incarnate

chron time chronic, chronology, synchronize

cid, cis cut, kill incision, homicide, insecticide

civi citizen civilization, civilian, civil

corp body corporation, corporeal, corpse

dem people democracy, demographic

dic, dict speak dictate, contradict, prediction, verdict

domin master dominant, domain, domineering

err wander error, erratic, errand

eu good,

beautiful eulogize, euphoria, euphemism

fall, fals deceive fallacious, infallible, falsify

fid faith fidelity, confide, confidence

graph, gram writing grammar, telegram, graphite

loqu, locut talk soliloquy, loquacious, elocution

luc light elucidate, lucid, translucent

magn great magnify, magnate, magnanimous

mal bad malevolent, malediction, malicious

mori, mort die mortuary, immortal, moribund

morph shape, form amorphous, metamorphosis

nat born innate, natal, nativity

nom name misnomer, nominal

nov new novice, innovate, renovate, novelty

omni all omniscient, omnipotent, omnivorous

pac, pas,

pax peace pacify, pacific, pacifist, passive

path, pass disease,

feeling pathology, sympathetic, apathy, antipathy

phil love philanthropist, philosophy, philanderer

port carry portable, porter, transport, export

poten able,

powerful potential, omnipotent, potentate, impotent

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psych mind psyche, psychology, psychosis, psychopath

reg, rect rule regicide, regime, regent, insurrection

sacr, secr holy sacred, sacrilegious, sacrament, consecrate


script write scribe, describe, script

somn sleep insomnia, somnolent, somnambulist

spec, spic see, look spectators, spectacles, retrospect, conspicuous

tang, tact,

ting touch tactile, tangent, contact, contingent

terr land terrain, terrestrial, subterranean

urb city urban, urbane, suburban

vac empty vacation, vacuous, evacuate, vacant

ver truth veracity, verify, veracious

verb word verbose, verbatim, proverb

viv, vit alive revival, vivacious, vitality

Common Prefixes

ambi, amphi both ambidextrous, ambiguous, ambivalent

an, a without anarchy, anemia, amoral

anti against antibody, antipathy, antisocial

circum around circumnavigate, circumspect, circumscribe

co, col, com,


with, together coauthor, collaborate, composition, commerce

contra, contro against contradict, contravene, controversy

di, dif, dis not, apart digress, discord, differ, disparity

dia through, across diagonal, diameter, dialogue

dys abnormal, bad dysfunction, dyslexia, dystopia

e, ex, extra,


out, beyond expel, excavate, eject, extrovert

in, il, im, ir (1) not inefficient, inarticulate, illegible, irrepressible

in, il, im, ir (2) in, upon invite, incite, impression, illuminate

inter between, among intervene, international, interjection, intercept

intra within intramural, introvert, intravenous

mis bad, hatred misdemeanor, mischance, misanthrope

mono one monarchy, monologue, monotheism

pan all, every panacea, panorama, pandemic

peri around, near perimeter, periphery, periscope

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poly many polygon, polygamist, polyglot

post after postpone, posterity, postscript, posthumous

pre before preamble, prefix, premonition, prediction

pro forward, for,


propulsive, proponent, prologue, prophet

re, retro again, back reiterate, reimburse, react, retrogress

sub, suc, sup,


under, less subway, subjugate, suppress

super, sur over, above superior, supernatural, supervise, surtax

syn, sym, syl ,


with, together symmetry, synchronize, synthesize, sympathize

trans across transfer, transport, transpose

un not unabridged, unkempt, unwitting

Common Suffixes

able, ible ADJ: capable of edible, presentable, legible

ac, ic, ical ADJ: like, related cardiac, mythic, dramatic, musical

acious, icious ADJ: full of malicious, audacious

ant, ent ADJ/N: full of eloquent, verdant

ate V: make, become consecrate, enervate, eradicate

en V: make, become awaken, strengthen, soften

er (1) ADJ: more bigger, wiser, happier

er (2) N: a person who does teacher, baker, announcer

cy, ty, ity N: state of being democracy, accuracy, veracity

ful ADJ: full of respectful, cheerful, wonderful

fy V: to make magnify, petrify, beautify

ism N: doctrine, belief monotheism, fanaticism, egotism

ist N: dealer, doer fascist, realist, artist

ize, ise V: make victimize, rationalize, harmonize

logy N: study of biology, geology, neurology

oid ADJ: resembling ovoid, anthropoid, spheroid

ose, ous ADJ: full of verbose, lachrymose, nauseous, gaseous

osis N: condition psychosis, neurosis, hypnosis

tion, sion N: state of being exasperation, irritation, transition,


tude N: state of fortitude, beatitude, certitude

Ivy Global READING 231


The vocabulary list below contains 250 words at the same difficulty level and of content

areas that are most likely to appear on the SAT. Work your way through this list, using

flashcards to learn words you don’t know and looking up words that you’re not sure how to

use. To help you remember their meanings, see if you can break down any of these words

into parts using the roots, prefixes, and suffixes charts above.

# Word Definition

1 accede 1. give in, agree to 2. take office

2 acclaim praise

3 acquiesce give in

4 affable (related: affability) friendly

5 affected 1. influenced by something 2. artificial, trying to


6 affluent wealthy

7 ailment illness

8 ambivalence (related:

ambivalent) mixed feelings

9 amenable 1. cooperative, easily persuaded 2. receptive,


10 animosity hostility

11 anomalous (related:

anomaly) not normal, unusual

12 antecedent what came before

13 antithesis opposite

14 apathetic (related: apathy) lacking interest

15 apparatus device, equipment

16 arbitrary random

17 archaic old or old-fashioned

18 assail attack

19 assuage 1. relieve, soothe 2. satisfy

20 atrophy waste away

21 atypical not normal

22 augment enlarge, increase

23 auspicious favorable, promising

24 aversion dislike

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25 banal not original, common, boring

26 benevolent generous

27 bog marsh, swamp

28 buoyant 1. cheerful 2. floating 3. very active (in an economic


29 buttress support

30 byzantine excessively complex

31 cajole persuade

32 callous cruelly insensitive

33 capacity ability

34 catalyst something that triggers an event

35 caustic 1. bitter and sarcastic 2. acidic

36 cerebral intellectual

37 charismatic charming

38 circumscribe restrict, limit

39 circumvent overcome an obstacle

40 cite 1. quote as evidence 2. mention as an example

41 combustible able to catch fire easily

42 compatible 1. able to co-exist peacefully, well-suited 2. consistent

43 compile assemble, collect

44 comply go along with rules

45 comprehensive thorough

46 conducive favorable to, likely to bring about a certain outcome

47 congenial pleasant

48 conscientious careful, hardworking

49 constraint restriction, limitation

50 consummate 1. (verb) complete, make perfect 2. (adjective) highly

skilled, perfect

51 contemporary 1. living or occurring at the same time 2. occurring in

the present

52 contemptuous (related:

contempt) scornful, disrespectful

53 contingency 1. possibility 2. unforeseen event

54 convoluted complicated, twisted

55 criterion standard by which things are judged or measured

56 cursory quick, hurried, not thorough

57 deficit lack, shortage

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58 definitive absolute, authoritative

59 demure (related: demurral) overly modest, shy

60 denounce declare to be wrong, criticize

61 depose 1. remove from power 2. testify or give evidence (in a

legal context)

62 deprecate (related:

deprecating) disapprove of, criticize

63 derivative not original

64 derogatory (related:

derogate) insulting, disrespecting

65 destitute poor

66 deter prevent, discourage

67 detrimental damaging, harmful

68 devoid lacking

69 diligent (related:

diligence) hardworking

70 diplomatic 1. having to do with foreign relations 2. tactful,

sensitive, polite

71 dire urgent, dreadful

72 discount (verb) 1. reduce in price 2. ignore, disregard

73 discourse discussion

74 discredit harm someone’s reputation

75 discrepancy difference, mismatch

76 discriminating selective, having refined taste

77 disseminate scatter or spread widely

78 domestic relating to the home or the home country

79 dominant most important or powerful

80 dormant not active

81 eclectic from a variety of sources

82 efface (related:

effacement) erase

83 effervesce (related:

effervescent) bubble, fizz

84 eloquence (related:

eloquent) flowing and persuasive speech or writing

85 elude escape from, avoid

86 embitter (related:

embittered) cause someone to feel bitter

87 empirical based on observation and experimentation

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88 encompass include, surround

89 endorse approve, support

90 enigma (related:

enigmatic) mystery

91 equanimity calmness

92 equitable fair, even-handed

93 erroneous incorrect

94 evince show clearly

95 exacting demanding, having severe requirements

96 exasperate annoy

97 excise remove

98 explicit fully expressed, leaving nothing implied

99 exploit 1. (verb) benefit unfairly from something 2. (noun)

bold or heroic deed

100 facile 1. shallow, simplistic 2. effortless

101 facilitate help, make easier

102 faction a small group within a larger group

103 fallacy mistaken belief, faulty reasoning

104 fastidious careful, painstaking

105 fathom 1. (verb) understand 2. a unit of depth, usually

measuring water

106 flag

1. (noun) symbol of a country or institution 2. (verb)

point out, signal, draw attention to 3. (verb) become

tired or weak

107 florid (related: floridity) 1. having a red or flushed face 2. flowery, elaborate

108 folly foolishness

109 furtive sneaky

110 generic general, not specific

111 germinate begin or cause to grow

112 glacial 1. icy, related to glaciers 2. cold, unfriendly 3.

extremely slow

113 gravity seriousness

114 hail 1. (noun) pellets of ice 2. (verb) rain down with force 3.

(verb) signal, greet, call out 4. (verb) praise

115 harbor

1. (noun) safe place or shelter, particularly for boats 2.

(verb) keep or hold in mind 3. (verb) give a home to,

shelter, or hide someone

116 hedonist someone driven by pleasure

117 heresy (related: heretic) belief that goes against the established opinion

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118 hierarchy ranking, classification

119 hospitable welcoming, friendly

120 hypothesis (related:

hypothetical) theory, guess

121 iconoclast (related:

iconoclastic) someone who attacks traditional beliefs

122 ideology system of ideas, way of thinking

123 idiosyncrasy (related:

idiosyncratic ) unique personal trait

124 impeccable perfect, flawless

125 impetuous impulsive, spontaneous

126 impetus motivation

127 incarnate 1. possessing a concrete, material form 2. in the flesh

128 incontrovertible definitive, unable to be denied

129 incorrigible incapable of being corrected or improved

130 incredulous (related:

incredulity ) disbelieving, skeptical

131 indiscriminate unselective, random

132 indisposed 1. ill 2. unwilling

133 induce 1. bring about, cause 2. arrive at a conclusion by logical


134 inert (related: inertia) not moving or active

135 inherent innate, inborn, natural

136 inhibit (related: inhibiting) hold back, restrain, prevent

137 innocuous harmless

138 innovate (related:

innovation, innovative) make something new, change, create

139 insidious sneaky, stealthy, treacherous

140 insular 1. related to or similar to an island 2. narrow-minded,


141 integrity 1. honesty, dignity 2. completeness

142 inundate flood, overwhelm

143 irony (related: ironic) difference between what is expected and what actually


144 laborious involving hard work

145 lofty 1. tall 2. majestic, noble 3. arrogant

146 lucid clear, easily understood

147 lurid sensational, shocking

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148 malign (related:

malignant) 1. (adjective) evil 2. (verb) criticize, speak ill of

149 mar hurt someone’s appearance

150 meander wander

151 mercenary 1. (adjective) motivated by money 2. (noun) soldier

hired to fight for a foreign country

152 mercurial unpredictable, inconsistent

153 mitigate (related:

mitigation) make less serious, reduce

154 muted quiet, soft

155 myopic 1. nearsighted 2. unimaginative

156 nebulous vague, cloudy

157 nonchalance (related:

nonchalant) lack of concern

158 notorious (related:

notoriety) famous for something bad

159 novelty 1. newness, originality 2. a trinket or toy

160 odoriferous having a strong or unpleasant smell

161 opaque (related: opacity) 1. not transparent 2. hard to understand

162 opportunist (related:


a person who takes advantage of opportunities, often


163 orthodox conservative, traditional

164 oversight mistake

165 parochial 1. relating to church 2. narrow-minded, unsophisticated

166 particular (related:

particularity) 1. specific, individual 2. fussy, demanding

167 partisan 1. supporter of a party or a cause 2. someone who is

prejudiced towards a certain cause

168 patronize 1. support financially 2. act superior, look down on

169 peremptory bossy, commanding

170 perennial long-lasting, continual

171 perfidious untrustworthy, disloyal

172 perverse 1. unacceptable, unreasonable 2. unnatural, abnormal

173 pigment substance that gives color

174 plebeian common citizen

175 poignant emotionally touching

176 pragmatic (related:

pragmatism, pragmatist) practical

177 precipitate cause a sudden outcome

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178 precocious having early development in maturity and intelligence

179 prescribe 1. recommend, advise 2. command

180 presumption 1. assumption, guess 2. boldness, disrespect

181 pretense 1. make-believe, fake 2. false claim

182 prevalent widespread

183 proclivity natural tendency

184 procure get or provide

185 profane 1. not sacred or religious 2. showing disrespect for


186 prohibitive (related:

prohibit, prohibition) 1. forbidding or restricting 2. excessively high in price

187 prolific 1. productive, creative, fertile 2. plentiful

188 prospective likely or expected to become

189 quagmire 1. complex, difficult situation 2. bog or swamp

190 qualified 1. competent, able 2. limited

191 quash 1. reject 2. put down, suppress

192 radical extreme

193 recourse the act of turning to someone or something for


194 rectify (related: rectitude) put right, correct

195 regressive backward-looking, becoming less advanced

196 rejuvenate make young again

197 remission reduction or decrease, particularly of a debt or medical


198 remote distant, far

199 renounce reject, abandon

200 repudiate reject entirely, deny

201 repugnant offensive, disgusting

202 resign (related:

resignation, resigned) 1. give in, surrender 2. step down from a position

203 rhetoric (related:

rhetorical, rhetorician) persuasive speech or writing

204 rudimentary 1. basic 2. undeveloped, incomplete

205 sanction 1. (noun) penalty for disobeying a law 2. (verb) punish,

impose a penalty 3. (verb) formally approve

206 sanguine cheerfully confident, optimistic

207 satire (related: satirical,

satirize) sarcastic imitation

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208 saturate soak, make completely full

209 scintillating lively, effervescent

210 scope 1. range 2. opportunity, possibility

211 sensational amazing, shocking, scandalous

212 servile submissive, overly willing to please

213 shopworn worn out, trite

214 simile comparison

215 solicitous (related:

solicitousness) expressing care or concern, often too much

216 sparse lacking, rare

217 spate outbreak of similar events happening one after another

218 spurn reject, turn down

219 stagnant (related:

stagnation) not moving

220 stark (related: starkness) harsh, plain

221 staunch strong, loyal

222 stock (adjective) standard, usual, automatic

223 strain

1. (verb) stress, force, make an excessive effort 2.

(noun) excessive stress, effort, or force 3. (verb)

separate solids from a liquid

224 stupefy amaze

225 subjugate conquer, dominate, control

226 subordinate lower in rank, inferior

227 subservient 1. obedient, yielding 2. less important

228 subtle not obvious

229 supine 1. lying on one's back 2. not resisting

230 susceptible easily influenced or affected

231 sustain 1. strengthen, support 2. maintain, carry on 3.

experience, suffer

232 synthesis combination of elements or ideas

233 tangent (related:


1. different or irrelevant line of thought 2. a line that

touches a curve at a point (in math)

234 tempestuous stormy

235 tenacious (related:

tenacity) stubborn, determined

236 thrive grow, develop, prosper

237 transcend go beyond, rise above

238 trite unoriginal, common

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239 unorthodox not traditional

240 unprecedented without any previous example

241 usurp seize power without authority

242 vicarious felt indirectly by imagining someone else's experiences

243 vindicate (related:

vindication) clear someone of blame, prove to be right

244 virulent 1. poisonous 2. bitter, harsh, hostile

245 vitiate spoil, destroy

246 vocation career

247 vulnerable susceptible, exposed

248 wane lessen, become weaker

249 wary cautious

250 wry having a clever or grim sense of humor