Sat chatcuratedconversation

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sat chatcuratedconversation

Curated Conversation:#SatChat

Heutagogy (self determined learning)

Dr Stewart Hase

Before we get to the questions for today

Overriding Principal about heutagogy

Human beings know perfectly well how to learn. The task of the learning leader (I hate the term teacher) is to:


concentrate on the process not the content,

read the learner’s mind by observing, questioning,

change course as the learner asks new questions and takes new directions


Answer to the main fear that everyone has when they come across heutagogy:

No, you don’t throw the curriculum out the window. You enhance it and grow it.

Curriculum needs to be a living document not a dead sea scroll

Its all in the process and accessing human potential

Question 1

How did the idea of heutagogy (self-determined learning) come about?

On the shoulder of giantsConstructivism, humanism, systems thinking, complexity theory

Dissatisfaction with university teaching


White wine (Book Chapter)

Question 2

What do you mean by evidence-based practice?

I’m an unresconstructed believer (intentional paradox) in science

Brain research gives us evidence for how people learn and in informs practice

Added to other research that is largely associative gives us a powerful basis for action

Question 3

What are the basic principles of self-determined learning that effect educational practice?

involve the learner in designing their own learning content and process as a partner;

make the curriculum flexible so that new questions and understanding can be explored as new neuronal pathways are developed;

recognize that learning is non-linear;

individualize learning as much as possible;

provide flexible or negotiated assessment;

Question 3 cont’d

enable the learner to contextualize concepts, knowledge and new understanding; use experiential learning techniques;

facilitate collaborative learning;

facilitate reflection, and double loop and triple loop learning (metacognition);

provide lots of resources and let the learner explore;

develop research skills including how to be discerning about ideas and content;

Question 3 cont’d

differentiate between knowledge and skill acquisition (competencies) and deep learning;

recognize the importance of informal learning and that we only need to enable it rather than control it;

have confidence in the learner; and

recognize that teaching and teacher control can become a block to learning.

Question 3 cont’d

Everything you want to know about heutagogy:

Question 4

How does heutagogy affect the educational practitioner?

Trust how the learner really learns-trust the science

Challenge and shift your ingrained mental models about learning

Intelligent experimentation

Watch the learner-questions, questions, questions

Collaborate with the learner-explore

Use a compas not a map

Question 4 cont’d

Plagiarised from Lisa Marie Blaschke

Question 4 cont’d

Question 5

Heutagogy was derived in 2000, how has it evolved and affected academics, teachers and students?

Main evolution has been in the inclusion of more brain research as evidence

Anecdotal student feedback by way of blogs and book chapter in first book

Practitioner feedback and very innovative ideas mainly seen in blogs

Some schools using it as a base for their curricula

Needs more research

Question 5

ApplicationsSchool curricula

Lifelong learning.

Workplace learning.


Social learning.

Community education.

Performance review.

Question 5 cont’d

Practitioner development

Postgraduate education.

Teacher education.

Design of collaborative assessment

Blog design.

Collections of applications in two books:

Question 6

Where does heutagogy fit in to the future of education? Pre-school, primary, secondary?

Its going to do depend on whether we can convince policy makers and politicians-constructivism, student centred learning Steiner ,Montessori have not quite taken the world by storm so why should heutagogy?

Education is an inherently conservative enterprise and conservatives are slow to change and innovate

Question 6 cont’d