Sarajevo bosnian war

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Sarajevo bosnian war

Sarajevo - Bosnian war

By Lora and Karen

Start of the war

● The war started on March 1st 1992.

● To start off the war, a serb wedding in

downtown Sarajevo was struck first.

Only 1 person was killed.

● The next day, snipers were keeping

Sarajevo citizens scared to go out on

the streets

The siege of Sarajevo was the

longest siege of a capital city in the

history of modern warfare.

A total of 13,952 people were killed.

July 4th 1992 - A shell hit and seven

innocent children were killed when

they were out to get cherries.

October 30th 1992 - A little girl in

Sarajevo named Nadja had shrapnel

stuck in her leg because of a shell.

November 1st 1992 - The whole zoo

of Sarajevo is gone. The last bear

died of hunger.

Sad Dates 1992 - start of 1993

November 9th 1992 - A little boy was

walking home and a shell exploded

next to him, his mother and people

The mother was in critical condition,

and the son didn’t die.

January 15th 1993 - At 2:20pm a

deadly missile exploded in front of

the Sarajevo Brewary, where

citizens were collecting water.

8 killed, 15 wounded.

Sad dates 1993 - 1994

May 30th 1993 - The aggressors in

the surrounding mountains were

shelling the city and 20 citizens

were killed, and 170 wounded.

December 27th 1993 - In the last

five days, over twenty thousand

shells have landed on the suburb of

Zuc Hill.

February 5th 1994 - A shell exploded

at the marketplace, 68 were killed

and over 100 wounded.

March 30th 1994 - The bombings

have stopped but the snipers are

still at work.

April 5th 1994 - The city of Gorazde

has suffered heavy bombing.

Sad Dates 1995

March 12 1995 - There was heavy

bombing downtown. A doctor was

killed and another person was


May 26th 1995 - There was a

massacre in the city of Tuzla. 63

people dead and hundreds wounded.

May 27th 1995 - Three bombs

exploded near Nadjas apartment.

The Unis towers 15 years ago and now

The Holiday Inn 15 years ago and now

The “Loris” residential building 15 years ago and now

Emerika Bluma street, formerly known as Beogradska street

National and University Library before and after

A view of Grbavica before and after

Bosnia and Herzegovina parliament before and after

Nadjas escape

In mid August 1995, Nadja was chosen to be one of the twenty young

Bosnians to go to America. She had to catch her flight in 5 days, so she had to

get a tunnel permit to be able to go to through the tunnel. They finally got it

and they started their journey through the tunnel. Whenever they would hear a

sniper shooting, the boy would grab her hand and say, “It’ll be okay, just keep


When they got out of the tunnel, they hopped onto the truck and had to drive at

night with their lights off, and the snipers would still shoot and they would have to

duck. They arrived at Mount Igman. The next day, Nadja and her mom hitchhiked

to Croatia. Nadja flew out to the United States but her mom went back to



Both of Nadjas parents still live in Sarajevo,

and she has a husband named Chris

Morrison. Her brother Sanel, moved to the

United States also.

The war ended in December 1995, an

estimate of 250,000 people have been


Nadja revisited the

tunnel in 2004


Before and afters:



Other sources from book,

“My Childhood Under Fire.”

