Saniguard Active---Durable,nonleaching antimicrobial for all surfaces

Post on 25-Nov-2015

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A UNIQUE ANTIMICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY With Saniguard-Active---Bonding mechanism,Antimicrobial, Disinfectant, Biocide, Sterilant, Biostatic and Odor Eliminator --Longer lasting, more effective, versatile, non-toxic and save---Uses:---Common Surfaces,Building Materials and Components ,Roofing Materials, Insulation Materials ,General Use Materials , Fabric Materials

Transcript of Saniguard Active---Durable,nonleaching antimicrobial for all surfaces

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A UNIQUE ANTIMICROBIAL TECHNOLOGY With Saniguard-ActiveAntimicrobial, Disinfectant, Biocide, Sterilant, Biostatic and Odor Eliminator It is patented and EPA registered to inhibit the growth of fungi and bacteria.

Is based on advanced silane chemistry : the organo silane technology is proven to be very effective, following 30 years of development. Traditional antimicrobials provide short-term kill of microorganisms. Unlike disinfectants, sanitizers and bleaches, the water based Saniguard-Active forms a molecular bond to surface. The molecule disrupts the cell membranes of harmful fungi and bacteria, inhibiting, reducing and providing long-term, residual kill. It can produce a durable, non-migrating antimicrobial finish to a wide range of textiles. SANIGUARD-Active can form an invisible and durable micro-biostatic coating on a broad range of hard surfaces. The physical, rather than chemical, mode of action of SANIGUARD-Active does not affect normal skin flora, does not lose strength with use and does not promote adaptative organisms (super bugs)

Micro-oganisms susceptible to Saniguard-Active Antimicrobial AgentBacteria (gram positive)Streptococcus aureusStreptococcus faecalisBacillus subtilisAlgaeCyanophyta (blue-green)oscillatoriaCyanophyta (blue-green) anabaenaChrysophyta (brown)Chlorophyta (green) Selenastrum gracileChlorophyta (green)ProtococcusBacteria (gram negative)Samonella typhosaSamonella chloeraesiusEscherichia coliMycobacterium tuberculosisPseudomonas aeruginosaAerobacter aerogenesFungiAspergillus nigerAspergillus terreusChaetonium globosumAspergillus flarresAspergillus verrucariaPencillum funiculosmPullularia pullulansCephaldascus fragansTrichoderm sp. Madison P-42Trichophyton interdigitalYeastSaccharomyces cerevisiaeCandida albicans

Antimicrobial strategies in cleanroom environments with Saniguard-ActiveThe cleanroom and cleanroom-garment industries are challenged by the presence of microorganisms and the negative effects they cause. Deterioration, defacement and odors are dramatic effects that can occur as a result of the microbial contamination of woven, nonwoven, composite fabrics, and building surfaces. These cleanroom elements act as harbors and transfer routes, offering ideal environments for medically significant microorganisms and those that cause problems in process equipment and products. The ability to make textiles and environmental surfaces resistant to microbial contamination has advantages in many applications and market segments.

Cleanroom managers must possess a reaction plan for avoidance and control of airborne, human, and surface-sourced microbial contaminants. Strategies for control of microbes must include garments, beddings, linens, wipes, surgical fabrics, and other textiles used in cleanroom operations, construction materials and operating systems.

The term antimicrobial refers to a broad range of technologies that provide products and buildings with varying degrees of protection against microorganisms. This control reduces or eliminates the problems that microbes can cause, such as deterioration, staining, odor, product cross-contamination, and health concerns. Antimicrobials are very different in their chemical nature, mode of action, impact on people and the environment, in-plant-handling characteristics, durability on various substrates, costs, and how they interact with good and bad microorganisms. Antimicrobial strategies for bad organisms must include ensuring that non target organisms are not affected or that adaptation of microorganisms is not encouraged.

Antimicrobials primarily function in two ways. The conventional leaching type of antimicrobial leaves the treated surface and chemically enters or reacts with the microorganism, acting as a poison. The unconventional bound antimicrobial stays affixed to the treated surface and, on a molecular scale, physically stabs and electrocutes the microorganism on contact to kill it. Like an arrow shot from a bow or bullet shot from a gun, leaching antimicrobials are often effective, but are depleted in the process of working, wasted in random misses, or are compromised by other chemicals.Antimicrobial strategies in cleanroom environments with Saniguard-Active

Mould, mildew, bacteria, fungi, yeasts. Visible and invisible, beneficial and deadly - but always present. The Saniguard-Active provides safe, effective solutions to microbial contamination in the indoor environment.

Enviroperfect can assess and solve existing problems (even after flooding and other catastrophic events) or can effectively prevent problems from happening.

The key is the unique Saniguard-Active Antimicrobial technology. In contrast to the conventional weapons you use in the unending battle with microbial contamination (sanitizers, disinfectants, bleach and biocides), it is odourless, effective, durable and professionally applied.

Microorganisms, their body parts, metabolic products, and reproductive parts, cause multiple problems to building materials and furnishings. They are human irritants, sensitizers, toxic -response agents, causers of disease, and simple discomforting agents. Clearly, microorganisms are the most potent pollutants in the indoor environment, on our clothes, and on our furnishings.

The medical impact of microorganisms on an individual depends on genetic heritage, general health, and the physical and mental stress factors in the person's life. Work or other psychological pressures, diet, weather patterns, and environmental pollutants, contribute to the severity of human reactions. For people with a predisposition for respiratory problems - the infirm, elderly, babies, people recuperating from illness, and those being treated with

Antimicrobial strategies in cleanroom environments with Saniguard-ActiveWhat Saniguard-Active Antimicrobial Finish do?Dramatically reduce mould, mildew and bacteria levels on treated surfaces and in the indoor environment and keep low levels up to 2 years.

Significantly reduce the need to replace water damaged carpeting, ceiling tiles, furnishings and building materials.

Control growth of microbial contamination in areas which have been exposed to flooding or high moisture conditions.

Control the odours, damage and deterioration typically caused by microbial growth.

Lessen the risk of airborne and surface microbial contamination spreading throughout a building and triggering serious human health responses.

Save you thousands of dollars in restoration costs after catastrophic events such as hurricanes, flooding or building failures.If you exclude the problem buildings which have specific chemical problems like asbestos, radon, exhaust fumes, or infiltration of some toxic material and illness like Legionnaires' Disease, the human symptoms are remarkably consistent - headaches, sore eyes, congestion, sinus problems, sore throat, drowsiness.These symptoms are not identifiable to any single pollutant - either chemical or microbial.

The logical conclusion is that the bulk of building problems result from human reaction to the total contaminated load in the building.

Just as the human immune system provides resistance to disease only until it is overwhelmed by the combined bacterial and fungal insult level, it resists reaction to airborne contaminants only until it is overwhelmed by the total contaminant levelWhat Saniguard-Active Antimicrobial Finish do?

If the total contaminant level is significantly lowered, the so-called "sick building symptoms" tend to disappear. The rate of disappearance depends on the individual sensitivities of the inhabitants.

This phenomenon is clearly seen when we compare a building treated with the Saniguard-Active vs. a building with the HVAC system modified to greatly increase the amount of "fresh air". The difference is that the saniguard-Active Solution removes the sources of contamination and lasts for a very long time, but the HVAC solution does nothing to eliminate the sources - consequently the problems are likely to return as microbial contamination continues to bloom. AND there is no comparison in the costs of the two solutions!What Saniguard-Active Antimicrobial Finish do?How does Saniguard Active works:The active ingredient in the Saniguard-Active forms a colorless, odorless, positively charged polymer that molecularly bonds to the treated surface. You could think of it as a layer of electrically charged swords. When a microorganism comes in contact with the treated surface, the C-18 molecular sword punctures the cell membrane and the electrical charge shocks the cell. Since nothing is transferred to the now dead cell, the antimicrobial doesn't lose strength and the sword is ready for the next cell to contact it.

Since Saniguard-Active chemically bonds to the application surfaces, it cannot diffuse or migrate once it has been professionally applied and has dried. It is uniquely different from most other antimicrobials in that it is only effective against single-celled organisms. Since it doesn't dissipate, it minimizes or eliminates the potential for micro-organisms to adapt or build up a tolerance and become resistant. It acts by rupturing the cell membrane - not by poisoning. Almost all other antimicrobials, sanitizers and disinfectants are designed to diffuse and be absorbed. Once absorbed, they act by poisoning or causing fatal mutations. As they diffuse, they lose strength and adaptation can and does occur.The durability of Saniguard-Active has been extensively tested. Treated surfaces will remain antimicrobially active for at least one year and up to three with follow-up service (we even guarantee that it will). Effectiveness in controlling airborne microbial pollution depends on the extent of the surfaces treated, the effectiveness of cleaning prior to treatment and the amount of growth which has occurred inside of materials before treatment. In fact, the Saniguard-Active treatment will normally last the life of the surface treated for surfaces not subject to wear.Although no material is truly "non-toxic", Saniguard-Active Antimicrobial has a long and extraordinary record of safe use and application. It has been used in thousands of buildings - offices, schools, hospitals, nursing homes, industrial sites, labs, homes, etc. and has been registered for and regularly applied to carpeting, hosiery, undergarments, hospital gowns, surgical drapes, mattress covers and many other items. How does Saniguard -Active works:The Saniguard-Active is a precise application process custom designed to your building to achieve a complete surface treatment of contaminated materials or potential growth areas. The antimicrobial is normally spray applied in a dilute water solution. Since it only acts on contact with organisms, it is essential that a complete treatment be made. After flooding or other catastrophic situations, the program should be implemented as soon as cleaning has been completed and the drying process has begun. It is not necessary to have the area completely dry for effective treatment. Building areas close to flooded or water damaged sections should be treated immediately to deter the growth of fungi, bacteria and organisms which are encouraged by high humidity and which can cause serious human health problems.The chemical bonding causes the treated surfaces themselves to become antimicrobially active --- not just surfaces from which an antimicrobial leaches or volatilizes.

On direct contact with a microorganism, the technology works by disrupting (or rupturing) the cell membrane. This interrupts the normal life process and destroys the cell. The interruption is caused by two forces --- the long chain chemical component and the positively charged nitrogen component. The first can be compared to a "sword", the second to "electrocution".

Like a "sword", the strength of Saniguard Active Antimicrobial is not used up or diminished when it acts.

It can be used over and over again. Conventional antimicrobials are absorbed and are more like "bullets". With each use, some of the ammunition store is used up and effectiveness diminishes.How does Saniguard -Active works:How does Saniguard -Active works:The unique bonding and killing capacity of Saniguard-Active, with its one-two punch, allows it to effectively control bacteria, fungi (mold, mildew and yeast), algae and other one celled organisms, as well as some viruses.

Because it acts only on the membrane and does not lose strength over time, it doesn't create the conditions which allow microorganisms to adapt to its presence or develop resistance. As conventional antimicrobials gradually lose strength, new, resistant microorganisms can develop.Longer lasting, more effective, versatile, non-toxic and save SANIGUARD-Active : Mode of action Part I : The first part of the molecule is the silane base. This silane base is the antimicrobial anchor. The antimicrobial is anchored by covalent bonds which are formed gradually through hydrolysis reactions that bond the antimicrobial permanently to almost any surfaces and allow for crosslinking and polymerisation with other molecules. Part II : The second part of the molecule is the centrally located positively charged nitrogen. It plays an important role in the active nature of the antimicrobial. Some membranes of microbes are negatively charged; when in close proximity, the microbes are drawn into the active surface of the antimicrobial and Part III : The third segment is the edge that leads to blow in the offending microbes. This long molecular chain acts like a sword that punctures the cell membranes of all microbes coming in contact with it.

When a microorganism comes in contact with the treated surface, the C-18 molecular sword punctures the cell membrane and the electrical charge shocks the cell. As the microbe is further drawn into the antimicrobial, it is electrocuted

Since nothing is transferred to the now dead cell, theantimicrobial doesnt lose strength and the sword isready for the next cell to contact it. The active layerremains intact, efficacious and ready for the next cell that approaches.

Summary When the antimicrobial is bonded to the surface of an object, it is ready for defense. As the microbes come into contact with the antimicrobial surface, they are first punctured by the long molecular chain. The positive-negative attraction in between the positively charged nitrogen and the negative cell membrane draw the microorganism even further down on the sword. This modified cell can end the life of a microbe but the end point is the contact between the negative and the positive charges : the cell membrane is electrocuted and blown apart delivering inescapable kill In addition, since this process transfers nothing from the antimicrobial to the cell, the antimicrobial stands ready for the next wave and can continue to work at full strength and definitely. SANIGUARD-Active Bonding MechanismApplied in a single stage of the wet finish process, the attachment of SANIGUARD-Active to surfaces involves two means. First and the most important is a very rapid process, which coats the substrate (fabric, fiber, etc), with the cationic species (physics sorption) one molecule deep. This is an ion exchange process by which the cation of the silane quaternary ammonium compound replaces protons from water or chemicals on the surface. The second mechanism is unique to materials such as silane quaternary ammonium compounds. In this case, the silanol allows for covalent bonding to receptive surfaces to occur (chemisorptions). This bonding is then made even more durable by the silanol functionality, which enables them to homopolymerize. After they have coated the surface in this manner, they become virtually irremovable, even on surfaces with which they cannot react covalently. 3. Treated surface

We have 2 reactions: 1. The product forms a molecular BOND to any fabric 2. Product forms a film : crosslinking of the product 1. Molecule used in SANIGUARD-Active

2. Surface view For Soft Furnishing:

The Saniguard-Active is applied in aqueous solution and can be inserted into almost any wet process during manufacturing at the mill. They can also be applied to finished goods. The antimicrobial is easily integrated into most jet, pad, and batch processes. The antimicrobial is cationic so it mixes well with other cationic and nonionic finishes (most softeners) and performs well in the same bath.

For Hard surfaces: It can be treated on any hard surfaces by either fogging, wipe down, soaking or paint rolling on the target substrate.How is the treatment applied?Conventional products penetrate living cells and kill by way of poisoning the organism or disrupting a vital life process. They are designed to act quickly and dissipate quickly. Most commercial antimicrobials used for treating surfaces do an adequate job of killing bacteria and fungi, although most have a limited range of effectiveness.

The Saniguard-Active technology takes a totally unique approach. It provides an effective initial microbial kill when applied, but, unlike the conventional methods, it also provides long-term control of growth on treated surfaces, often for the life of that surface. The surface itself is modified to make it antimicrobially active.

Almost all other treatments (antimicrobials, fungicides, insecticides, disinfectants, sanitizers, etc.) act by volatilising into the air or dissolving in a liquid. Then the active ingredient is dissipated rapidly or over a period of time - but all have a relatively short effective life. Once inside the organism, the material acts either by poisoning the organism or by promoting lethal mutation.

Since saniguard-Active does not dissipate, the organism does not absorb it. Instead it acts by rupturing the cell wall of the organism - when the organism comes into DIRECT contact with the antimicrobial.

In theory, saniguard-Active becomes a permanent part of any application surface and will continue to be fully effective permanently. In effect, it alters the application surface to make it permanently antimicrobial.

How It Is Different From Other Antimicrobial Remedies Applications of Antimicrobial Finish With Saniguard-ActiveClassificationApplicationTextilesSocks, underwear, dress-shirt, working uniform, formal dress Bedding & Night clothes (filling of a quilt, quilt cover, sheet, pajamas, blanket)Gloves, hat, handkerchief.Household goodsKitchen goods (towel, dish cloth, chopping board, water purifier, sponge)Bath room & toilet goods (bathtub, washbowl, bath mat, toothbrush, toilet fixtures, toilet seat cover) Glove (Kitchen, garden, agriculture & fishing, industry, skiing, golf), Toilet seat cover & mat

FootwearShoes, Slippers, shoe insole.Interior goodsCarpet, curtain, upholstery. bedsheetsHome electric appliancesVacuum cleaner, air cleaner, washing machine, telephone, air conditioner, headphones, floppy disk.OthersStationary : (Ball-point pen, file-cover, folder, a desk; a chair; a table, a bookcase; a hutch; shelves; an offce divider panel; file, cabinet; a fax machine; a telephone; a computer; a keyboard; a monitor; a computer mouse; a book; a lamp; a binderstapler; an offce stamp; and a desk pad.). Cards (telephone card, cash card).Watch-strap, belt.HospitalsBedsheets, surgical nonwoven fabrics, wet wipes, filters(Filtration media like AC), hospital floorings, walls, operation theatre, ICU units, Mattress Pad, buildingApplications of Antimicrobial Finish With Saniguard-ActiveUsesCommon Surfaces - Chairs, desks, counter tops, door handles, common contact surfaces, bathroom surfaces, toilets, sinks, and kitchen surfaces.

Building Materials and Components - Wooden building materials, engineered lumber, plywood, flake board, oriented strand board, particle board, fibreboard, sheathing, decking or planking, wall board, vinyl siding, plastic siding, wood siding, concrete and concrete products, cinder blocks, brick, stone, ceiling tiles, architectural metal, louvers, vents, coping.

Roofing Materials - Wood shingles, composite shingles, asphalt shingles, roofing granules, tiles, membranes, underlayment, wood shakes, felt, stone, concrete, asphalt coating, synthetic coating.

Insulation Materials - Cellulose insulation, fibreglass insulation, panel insulation, rigid foam, expanded foam, moisture and wind fabric barriers.

General Use Materials - Vinyl, plastic, wood, laminate, concrete, tile, stone, wallboard, gypsum board, plaster, EIFS wall systems, fibreglass, synthetic stucco, cinder block, brick, siding, wall paper and wall coverings, carpet, underlayment, mats.

Fabric Materials - Acetates, acrylics, cotton, fibreglass, nylon, lycra, polyester, polyethylene, polyolefins, polypropylene, rayon, spandex, vinyl, wool, orlon, silk, natural down, and blends of these fibres.

Applications On Textiles , Household goods, Stationeries , other industries etc Textiles: Socks, underwear, dress-shirt, working uniform, formal dress Bedding & Night clothes (filling of a quilt, quilt cover, sheet, pajamas, blanket) Gloves, hat, handkerchief.

Furnishing Materials: As components of upholstered furniture, bedding, or carpeting, engineered fabrics have a unique role to play and strengthen their value with antimicrobial treatments.

Housekeeping Goods: From wipes, mops, sponges to other cleaning supplies, engineered fabrics have utility and with an antimicrobial finish, serve a more durable and functional life.

Garments: Engineered textiles bring strength, cleanability, breathability, insulation properties, barrier properties and antimicrobial treatments as valuable assets to many uses. These properties are all important in the great variety of garments used in medical care operations.

Central Storeroom Materials: Bedcovers, linens, wraps, drapes, covers, and other textile or film-like materials can all be made and made better with engineered fabrics. The mix and value of properties of nonwoven, woven, and composite fabrics are a certain opportunity for engineered fabrics with antimicrobial treatments.

Office: The present invention generally relates to office furnishings such as: a desk; a chair; a table; a bookcase; a hutch; shelves; an office divider panel; a file cabinet; a fax machine; a telephone; a computer; a keyboard; a monitor; a computer mouse; a book; a lamp; a binder; a stapler; an office stamp; and a desk pad, etc.

Construction & Concrete industry :

Prevents deterioration due to fungi (mold and mildew), bacteria and algae. Prevents stains caused by fungi (mold and mildew), bacteria and algae. Prevents odors caused by fungi (mold and mildew), bacteria and algae. Prevents deposition of dust on the treated surfaces. Is easy to apply and more effective than traditional antimicrobial products.

Roofing and envelope materials integrated with the engineered textiles can offer installation and performance properties that make them a preferred choice over any alternatives. Antimicrobial treatments enhance the value of these products. Applications On Textiles , Household goods, Stationeries , other industries etc

Paints Industry :

Saniguard-Active approved to be used in wood , decks painting, latex indoor and outdoor paints and stains; woodstains, architectural paints; lacquer and maintenance coatings; films; laminates and finishes including alkyd, urethane, enamel, epoxy, siloxaline, amino resins, textile coatings, extrusion coatings, architectural coatings and overlays, anti-corrosion coatings fire-resistant coatings, aliphatic coatings, vinylester and polyester coatings, gel coatings, aminoresins, resins used as additive mixes for cement, epoxy laminating resins.

Applications On Textiles , Household goods, Stationeries , other industries etc By incorporating SANIGUARD-Active in the Wood for wood furniture will inhibit deterioration and damage cause by these microorganisms for an extended period of time.


Air filters:Air filters are part of the front-line for dealing with microbial problems in our modern buildings. Upgrading efficiency of air filters by adding a durable, safe and effective antimicrobial treatment can protect the air filter from abnormal fungal growth and improve the air quality of our buildings.

With the proper choice of an antimicrobial agent applied to air filtration media, you can prohibit the growth of microbes on filter surfaces, reduce the number of microbial cells in the air stream, and reduce microbes in the indoor environment. Microbiological pollutants, as sources of irritants, sensitizers, discomforting products, toxicants and as disease causing agents, have enormous consequences on human productivity, comfort, health, and general well being.

This fact clearly links microbes to the cause, effect, and remedy equation needed for establishing and maintaining indoor environmental quality. Air purification systems. Automobiles. Re-circulating air handling systems. Vacuum cleaner filters. Aquariums.

Provides an invisible durable microbiostatic coating on most substrates from a water-based system. Inhibits the growth of odor causing bacteria. Prevents the growth of mold/mildew and algae. Is compatible with many processes and conditions, including pH from 3 to 10. Attacks malodors at their source to prevent decay. Can be incorporated into the manufacture of a wide variety of materials, providing extended life and usefulness to many products. Hospitals continue to struggle to prevent dangerous infections caused by bacteria such as MRSA, and others. Although hospital staff wipes down parts of the hospital rooms with disinfectants, the dangerous bacteria remain present in hospitals.

Areas that are sometimes overlooked in a hospital are furnishings within offices, as well as reception and waiting areas.

Even offices outside of a hospital or healthcare facility are prone to harbor bacteria and therefore Would benefit from being disinfected. Most common disinfectants, however, only kill bacteria present on an article at the time the disinfectant is applied, and thus such treatment is ineffective in preventing bacteria from subsequently collecting on the article.

SANIGUARD-Active in Hospital

The medical industry is challenged by the presence of microorganisms and the negative effects they cause. Deterioration, defacement and odors are all dramatic effects which occur from the microbial contamination of surfaces as varied as carpeting and medical non-woven fabrics. These surfaces can also act as a microbial "harbor," as most offer ideal environments for the proliferation of microorganisms that are harmful to buildings, textiles and humans. The ability to make surfaces resistant to microbial contamination has advantages in many applications and market segments. This is especially true in medical markets where many products have contributed a degree of aseptic sophistication beyond that required of consumer products.

Textiles (wovens, nonwovens, and composite fabrics), soft goods, equipment, and indoor hard surfaces used in a medical environment have unique microbial problems and their control is a complex chemical, physical, and microbiological task. The microbiological integrity of medical textiles and surfaces has been the object of numerous studies ranging from the sterilization of nonwovens to the evaluation of the barrier properties of engineered fabric. Test data generated generally support the fact that these materials contribute positively to the reduction of microorganisms in the medical environment. This contribution has been part of the medical communitys awareness of the benefits of and the actions aimed at improving the hygienic nature of their environment as they take steps towards asepsis. SANIGUARD-Active in Hospital

Mold spores are always in the air ready to colonize upon a surface and grow in mass numbers.

It can grow comfortably in temperatures from 0 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. In lower temperatures mold can become dormant - but still survive.

Sensitivity to mold is a significant cause of allergic diseases. These include allergic asthma, allergic rhinitis, bronchopulmonary mycoses, sinusitis hypersensitivity and pneumonitis. Black Mold can cause serious asthma attacks and studies have linked mold to the tripling asthma rate over the past 20 years.

The active ingredient in saniguard-Active forms a colorless, odorless, positively charged polymer, which chemically bonds to the treated surface. When a microorganism comes in contact with the treated surface, the quaternary amine sword punctures the cell membrane and the electrical charge shocks the cell. Because nothing is transferred to the now dead cell, the antimicrobial doesnt lose strength and the sword is ready for the next cell to contact it. SANIGUARD-Active in Hospital

A wide array of uses has led such materials into end uses where microbiological problems are no longer simply questions of bio-deterioration. The problems caused by microorganisms in these uses have extended the needs of antimicrobial treatments to controlling organisms that cause unsightly staining, odors, and reduction of organisms such that the fabrics are not considered harbors or transmission substrates for infectious organisms.

In order to understand microorganisms and their impact on medical materials, we must understand the uses and abuses of these materials. Just as the end-use is different for each article, the potential for microbial contamination and the ability to control this contamination are very different. Specific fabrics are designed for different end-uses.

The Saniguard-Active treatment on woven and nonwoven medical goods, carpeting, textile building materials, and as a broadcast treatment throughout the hospitals has been laboratory and field tested on a wide variety of materials and has proven utility as a broad spectrum antimicrobial. SANIGUARD-Active in Hospital

Antimicrobial Surface with saniguard-Active:

An antimicrobial surface contains an antimicrobial that inhibits or reduces the ability of microorganism to grow on the surface of a material. Such surfaces are becoming more widely investigated for possible use in various settings including clinics, industry, and even the home.

he most common and most important use of antimicrobial coatings has been in the healthcare setting for sterilization of medical devices to prevent hospital associated infections.

In addition to medical devices, linens and clothing can provide a suitable environment for many bacteria, fungi , and viruses to grow when in contact with the human body which allows for the transmission of infectious disease

Viral InhibitorsViruses are mainly spread from person to person through airborne droplets produced while coughing or sneezing.

However, the viruses can also be transmitted when a person touches respiratory droplets settled on an object or surface. It is during this stage that an antiviral surface could play the biggest role in cutting down on the spread of a virus.

SANIGUARD-Active in Hospital SANIGUARD-Active in Hospital Surgical/Medical Nonwovens:

Clinical studies have shown that nonwoven fabrics are superior to woven fabrics in control of postoperative infections. These findings have led to major acceptance of nonwovens in the health care industry. In the U.S.A. a variety of the surgical nonwovens being produced are antimicrobial agents treated to provide an even greater reduction of risk of postoperative infection. Products being marketed include surgical drapes, instrument wraps, Mayo stand covers, and surgical packs.

Products with the added antimicrobial treatment are finding excellent acceptance by the medical community. Saniguard-Active antimicrobial agent treated fabrics show that microorganisms, which contact the surface, are rapidly killed.

In the surgical arena, contact of the treated nonwoven with body and irrigation fluids is a frequent occurrence. Saniguard-Active treated surface maintains antimicrobial activity against potentially pathogenic microorganisms in the presence of body and irrigation fluids.

In the hospital environment concerns relating to adaptation of microorganisms to antimicrobial agents have resulted in routine changes in sanitizer/disinfectant agents by the infection control staff. This is done to reduce the potential for adaptation. Fabrics treated with Saniguard-Active have not shown the potential for adaptation

Added performance and value have also been shown on saniguard-Active treated bandages, sponges, surgical masks, and gowns. Benefits of reduced infectious organisms and a more hygienic surface are clearly realized.Mattress Pad:

Microbial odors are associated with mattress pads as a result of the degradation of perspiration, dead skin and organic matter. These problems are persistent because laundering of the mattress pad is done less frequently than the sheeting or other bedding materials. The major organisms associated with mattress pads are the fungal organisms, but bacteria may cause problems under special conditions.

Composition of the mattress pads consists of a mixture of woven and nonwoven fabrics. Testing both the nonwoven and woven fabrics is required to ensure performance and wash durability.

Saniguard-Active treated Mattress pad can overcome the said problem.

SANIGUARD-Active in Hospital

Gram Negative BacteriaAcinetobacter calcoaceticus 2, 5, 6, 11, 14, 15Aeromonas hydrophilia 5, 6, 11Citrobacter deversus 5, 6, 11Citrobacter freundi 5, 6, 11Enterobacter aerogenes 5, 6, 7, 11Enterobacter aglomerans 2, 5, 14, 15Enterobacter cloacae 5, 6, 7, 11Enterococcus 10Escherichia coli 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14Klebsiella oxytoca 5, 6, 11, 14Klebsiella pneumoniae 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14Klebsiella terriena 19Legionella pneumophila 1Morganella morganii 5, 6, 7, 11Proteus mirabilis 5, 6, 7, 11Proteus vulgaris 5, 6, 7, 11Pseudomonas aeruginosa 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14Pseudomonas fluorscens 5, 6, 7, 10, 11Salmonella cholera suis 5, 6, 7, 11, 14Salmonella typhi 5, 6, 7, 11, 14Salmonella typhimunium 1, 5, 6, 7, 11Serratia liquifaciens 5, 6, 7, 11Serratia marcescens 5, 6, 7, 11Xanthomonas campestris 5, 6, 7, 11

SANIGUARD-Active Active Against: VirusesAdenovirus Type II & IV 17, 18, 21Bovine Adenovirus Type I & IV 17, 18, 21Feline pneumonitis 21Herpes Simplex Type I 16, 17, 18Herpes Simplex Type II 21HIV-1 (AIDS) 21Influenza A2 (Aichi) 17, 18, 21Influenza A2 (Asian) 17, 18Influenza B 17, 18Mumps 17, 18Parinfluenza (Sendai) 21Rous Sarcoma 17, 18Reovirus Type I 17, 18Simian Virus 40 17, 18Vaccinia 17, 18MS2 19PRD1 19

SANIGUARD-Active Active Against: The following list outlines the bacteria, virus, fungi, algae, molds, and yeastsSaniguard-Active has been shown to be active against and helps eliminate.Gram Positive BacteriaBacillus sp. (vegetative cell) [5, 6, 11]Clostridium difficule 25Corynebacterium diptheriae 1, 13Listeria monocytogenes 24, 25Micrococcus lutea 5, 6, 11Micrococcus sp. 2, 5, 15Mycobacterium tuberculosis 14Mycobacterium smegmatis 14Propionibacterium acnes 5Staphylococcus aureus 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 24, 15, 21Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) 25Staphylococcus epidermidis 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15Streptococcus faecalis 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14Streptococcus mutans 5, 6, 7, 11Streptococcus pneumonia 1Streptococcus pyogenes 5, 6, 7, 11

SANIGUARD-Active Active Against: Fungi, Algae, Mold, Yeast, SporesAlterania alternate 8,12Aphanizomenon sp. 22Aspergillus flavus 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 14Aspergillus niger 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14Aspergillus sydowi 5, 6, 7, 11Aspergillus terreus 5, 6, 7, 11, 14Aspergillus versicolor 2, 5, 6, 7, 11Aspergillus verrucaria 14Aureobasidium pullans 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 12Candida albicans 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 14Candida pseudotropocalis 5, 6, 7, 11Chaetomium globsum 1Cladosporium cladosporioides 8, 12Chlorella vulgaris 19Dreschslera australiensis 8,12Epidermophyton sp. 9Gliomastix cerealis 8, 12Gloeophyllum trabeum 5, 6, 7, 11Microsporum sp. 9Microsporum audouinii 21

SANIGUARD-Active Active Against: Monilia grisea 8, 12Oscillatoria 20Penicillium chrysogenum 5, 6, 7, 11Pencillium commune 8, 12Penicillium funiculosum 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 11, 14Penicillium pinophilium 5, 6, 7, 11Penicillium variable 5, 6, 7, 11, 14Phoma fimeti 8, 12Pithomyces chartarum 8, 12Poria placenta 5, 6, 7, 11Scenedesmus 20Saccharonyces cerevisiae 5, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14Scolecobasidium humicola 8, 12Selenastrum sp. 22Trichoderma viride 5, 6, 7, 11Trichophyton interdigitale 2, 14Trichophyton maidson 14Trichophyton mentogrophytes 5, 6, 7, 9, 11Trichophyton sp. 9Protozoa ParasitesCryptosporidium parvum (oocysts) 19SANIGUARD-Active Active Against:

Resistance testing:Antimicrobial resistance was evaluated as per AATCC 100Antifungal Resistance was evaluated using AATCC 30Durability study-AATCC 135ProductConc g/lS Aureus% ReductionE Coli% ReductionSaniguard-ActiveInitial10wash20 washInitial10wash20 wash209890689492653010091.5687.329993.585.074010094.2390.109994.4688.35AATCC 100 Test on Cotton fabric with Saniguard-Active by padding:AATCC 100 Test on Cotton fabric with Saniguard-Active by exhaust:ProductConc % owfS Aureus% ReductionE Coli% ReductionSaniguard-ActiveInitial10wash20 washInitial10wash20 wash0.5989280.37989072.721.01009485.459991.8780.342.010095.5687.329993.585.073.010096.2390.109994.4688.35Sample descriptionRating/Zone of InhibitionCotton fabric treated-50g/l of Saniguard-Active0The percentage of surface growth of Aspergillus Nigar is rated as follows:Rating No growth:0 Trace of Growth(