Sanch It

Post on 21-Feb-2016

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Transcript of Sanch It

EFFECT OF TV WATCHING ON CHILDREN :Everybody love to watch TV, including children. Children spend more time to watch TV than doing anything else. Within a week they can watch TV about 170 hours. Because watch TV is not so bored like reading book. And they also can absorb many information from TV that is not derived from other media. But on the other side, there are many TV program that give bad influent to the children. Increasing obesity and ruining their eyes are the bad impact of watching TV for children. The first is increasing obesity. Research shows that children who often watch TV will snacking between meals, and eating foods that are advertised on TV and also tend to influence their parents to buy these foods. Besides that sitting for hours in front of the TV screen will make the body do not move and reduce the metabolism, so fat stacked, not burned and eventually lead to obesity. And the second is ruining their eyes. Television emits blue light that also produced by the sun. But it's blue light is not same as ultraviolet light. Blue light did not make the eyes automatically blink. So, the blue light goes straight into retina without filter anymore. The wavelength of light produced is 400-500nm and hence, potentially triggering the formation of free radicals and injuring the photochemistry in the retina of children's eyes. Ten years later when the children were adults, the damage caused by blue light looks very clear. Retina of the eye is no longer as healthy as childhood so the function ability become decreased. Therefore, watching TV is not so good for children. They must reduce their time to watch TV and parents are the one who can help them to avoid it. So that, the bad impacts of watching TV such as increasing obesity and ruining eyes will not occur in children. Invite them to fill leisure time with more beneficial activities such as going to the library which provide good benefits for children.

सुबह सुबह खि�ड़की के माध्यम से मेरी आं�ों के सामन ेका वि�स्तार वि�शाल घास के दृश्य असाधारण है. इसकी �जह यह कांच पर छोटे बूंदों का थोड़ा धंुधला है, यह संुदर रहता है. जल्दी सुबह में, प्रकृवित के लोगों और �ाहनों के अधिधकांश अभी तक जाग नहीं हैं इसलिलए ताजा और विनद9ष लगता है. पक्षि<यों की एक प्रकाश twittering ध्�विन यह तो शांवितपूण= बनाता है, वि>र भी यह आपको ताकत देता है. ह�ा चुपचाप उसके साथ पत्ते चलती है, तो कोमल लगता है. 

 विकसी भी इंसान उस समय प्रकृवित की दृधिA से छुआ जा सकता है; �ह इतना कमजोर लगता है. मैं इस तरह के एक सौंदय= दृश्य सामन ेहँू जब यह मेरे मजाविकया की तरह लग रहा है.सोच का आग्रह करता हंू विक मुझ पर ले जाता है की तरह है. सब कुछ पुरुषों प्रकृवित के पथ पर कदम नहीं है जब इतनी अच्छी तरह से मंदबुद्धिJ और संकोची है. �ह हमारे लिलए कोई नुकसान नहीं मतलब है, वि>र भी �ह लोगों न ेहमला विकया और दुरुपयोग विकया है. मू�= ... 

 मेरे मन में प्रकृवित की है विक विपछले तस्�ीर के साथ, मैं अपनी आँ�ें बंद करो. सही पेड़ों के बीच के बाहर �ड़ा था के रूप में अगर मैं लगभग ह�ा में ताजगी महसूस कर सकता था. हरी घास का भेजा मेरी नाक महसूस करता है, और धीरे धीरे साँस लेने में मुझे इस बात का सभी को आत्मसात मदद करता है. यह प्रकृवित तुम इतना र<ाहीन महसूस कर सकता है विक कैसे अवि�श्वसनीय है. हलिथयारों के लिलए कोई ज़रूरत नहीं है और हिहंसा की कोई जरूरत नहीं, के खि�ला> लड़ने के लिलए कुछ भी नहीं है; सब शांत है. हम आपदाओं, पागल और अनुपस्थिUत वि�चार �ाले लोगों से भरी दुविनया में रहते हैं. लेविकन कुछ हमेशा बेहतर करने के लिलए चीजों को बदलने की witful हो जाएगा और आप इसे से चविकत विकया जा सकता है, भले ही प्रकृवित हमेशा अपने प< में हो जाएगा.Cricket in India is becoming an obstacle in the progress of other sports. Television, commercialization and the advertising world have promoted cricket to an extent that it has become a Mount Everest, which is badly affecting other sports in the country. An equal exposure is not given to all sports in the country. New comers in cricket sport get name & fame in a short span. But its not happen with other sports players. Many budding players in sports like shooting, lifting, hockey etc. cannot continue their passion due to lack of governmental aid provided to them at International level which is

not the case with cricket. Scarcity of stadiums, playgrounds and poor sports system in schools colleges also pull down interest of people in other sports. Huge crowd pack the cricket stadium when there is a India-Pakistan match, to boost the morale of their country but where does this “morale boosting brigade” disappear when sportsmen of other than cricketers need them. We do have Sania Mirza,  Leander Paes and  Mahesh Bhupati bringing laurels to the country in the field of tennis; a Vishwanathan Anand in the field of chess. In hockey we have great legends like Balbir singh, Pargat Singh, Surjit Singh, Ashok Kumar, Ajit Pal Singh, who conquered hockey cup in 1975.They all play hard to bring pride and glory to our country just as cricketers.  It was a time when hockey commentary delivered by commentator Jasdev Singh holds the breath of nations’ listeners. That sensational wave sound has now vanished from radio sets and stadiums. Other games like chess, tennis, and hockey are craving for true status as cricket game.  Cricket is not our national game, but it is celebrated as a festival. It has been used as a bridge between two nations. Our country’s politics also get active with these sports. Players of international fame and caliber in other sports are not given the proper media support and attention as well as proper facilities for further development. Media hype and money involvement in cricket game are the main culprits for cricket ruling the roost, to the detriment of other sports in India. Paradoxically our country is still struggling hard to form a good football team. Day by bay Indian football is losing the little charm it had gained. Recently JCT club has decided to disband and fold off its team. It was not very shocking news as even Mahindra United decided to discontinue its football team last year. Same happens with our national game hockey. There was a time when India did win the Hockey World Cup in 1975 and people showed a keen interest in the sport, but not so anymore. The sport has died a natural death from lack of leadership and sponsorship. If this cricket mania continues, India can never do well in the Olympics for years to come. Hence there is a great need to reform the administration, infrastructure, training and facilities given to players of other sports than cricket so that they can   shine more brightly with their stunning performances. Other sports have the full right to move up the pecking order.  I think, it is not justified to think cricket as a national obsession. It is the one game through which we Indians are able to hold our heads high. We won two world cups and have been on top in tests for two odd years. Whatever it has brought is quite appreciable. In other sports as well, like Abhinav bindra winning gold medal in Olympics, Indian hockey team winning 8 gold medals in past, etc are also highly appreciated. But it is also a fact that it happened when TV’s and internet are on full bloom. But, in 1983, when India won the world cup, the TV’s were just becoming popular. Still, cricket fever was high on everyone’s head. That made it more popular than any other sport. Every Indian wants to play cricket in streets. It is in Indian blood and no media is required for cricket. Cricket is, and will be the most popular sport in India although I hope other sports also will do well. 

Even I don't think that cricket have hurt any other sports. If cricket is more interesting, full of excitement, inculcating a nation patriotism feeling, then it is not the "SPORT'S" fault. I think it is just because cricket has a very interesting format and that is why it has

become so popular and loved by all. It is followed as a religion and the cricketers are worshiped as God in our country. But also the fame that cricket has given to India, cannot be ignored. As far as other sports are concerned, they have not lost their importance. Whether it is tennis, badminton or hockey they are still very popular. But yes, it is a fact that cricket is more popular and followed by more people.