Sample Sponsorship Prospectus by Meeting Expectations (3)

Post on 10-Mar-2016

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Attract exhibitors and sponsors to your conference or tradeshow with a prospectus by the experts at Meeting Expectations.

Transcript of Sample Sponsorship Prospectus by Meeting Expectations (3)

18th Americas Conference onInformation Systems (AMCIS) 2012


August 9-12, 2012Seattle Sheraton

Seattle, Washington USA

Reflect and Redefine:Designing the Digital Future


On behalf of the AMCIS 2012 Conference Committee and the Association for Information Systems

(AIS), I would like to invite you to partner with us as we present the 18th Americas Conference on

Information Systems (AMCIS), Reflect and Redefine: Designing the Digital Future

The Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) is an annual research conference in

the information systems discipline held in the region. AMCIS attracts up to a thousand or more IS

academicians and doctoral students, principally from North America but increasingly from other

regions of the world as well. It is conducted under the auspices of AIS.

The Association for Information Systems (AIS) is the premier global organization for academics,

students and practitioners specializing in information systems (IS). Founded in 1994, AIS is now an

international professional society of nearly 4,000 members from more than 90 countries and a key

player in the advancement of the IS academic community.

AMCIS provides an excellent opportunity for your organization to reach this select group of IS

academics, thought-leaders and doctoral students. Please take a moment to review the available

sponsorship and branding opportunities and let us know how we can help you reach your market-

ing goals and objectives.

We look forward to partnering with you,

Len Jessup Joe Valacich

University of Arizona University of Arizona

Conference Co-chair Conference Co-chair

AMCIS 2012 Sponsorship Opportunities pg 2

AMCIS 2012 Corporate and Academic Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum Sponsor, $25,000• AMCISRegistrations–4

• ExhibitBooths–2

• LogoinProgramGuide

• Logo/LinkonAMCISWebsite

• LogoonConferenceMeterBoards

• FullPageAdinProgramGuide

• ConferencePacketorBagInserts–2

• InvitationtoPrivateAISLeadersReception

• RecognitioninConferenceProceedings

• Pre-conferenceSessionTimeSlot(onedayortwohalf-daysessions)

Gold Sponsor, $10,000• AMCISRegistrations–2

• ExhibitBooth–2

• LogoinProgramGuide

• Logo/LinkonAMCISWebsite

• LogoonConferenceMeterBoards

• ProgramGuideAd-1/2page

• ConferencePacketorBagInsert–1

• InvitationtoPrivateAISLeadersReception

• RecognitioninConferenceProceedings

Silver, $5,000• AMCISRegistration–1

• ExhibitBooth–1

• LogoinProgramGuide

• Logo/LinkonAMCISWebsite

• LogoonConferenceMeterBoards

• ProgramGuideAd–1/4page

• RecognitioninConferenceProceedings

• InvitationtoPrivateAISLeadersReception

Bronze, $2,500 • AMCISRegistration–1

• LogoinProgramGuide

• Logo/LinkonAMCISWebsite

• LogoonConferenceMeterBoards

• RecognitioninConferenceProceedings

• InvitationtoPrivateAISLeadersReception

AMCIS 2012 Sponsorship Opportunities pg 3

AMCIS 2012 Session Tracks

Track Sponsor – $1,000 per track• LogoonSessionRoomSignageforeachSessioninSponsoredTrack

• LogoandMentionwithSessionDescriptioninProgramGuideforeachSessionintheSponsoredTrack

• RecognitioninConferenceProceedings

Session Sponsor – $250 per session• LogoonSessionRoomSignage

• LogoandMentionwithSessionDescriptioninProgramGuide

AMCIS Student Scholarship Sponsor – $500 per studentChoose the number of student scholarships you wish to provide.

• LogoonAMCISwebsiteandprogramguide

Additional Sponsor and Branding Opportunities

Other opportunities to consider are listed below.

Of course, we would be happy to work with you to create a unique sponsorship and branding opportunity as

well. To discuss further ideas and opportunities contact Len Jessup at or Joe Valacich


• WomeninISBreakfast

• AM/PMBreaks

• EveningSocialEvent

• ConferenceBagsponsorship

AMCIS 2012 Sponsorship Opportunities pg 4

AMCIS 2012 Sponsorship Opportunities pg 5

For information regarding sponsor contracts, benefit fulfillment, registration or exhibit logistics,

AMCIS 2012 Sponsorship Agreement

Company Information

Payment Information (Payment due: July 1, 2012)

Company/University _____________________________________________________

Street: _____________________________________________ Suite: _______________

City: ____________________________________________________________________

State/Province: _________________________________________________________

Country:____________________________________Zip/PostalCode: ___________

Telephone: (______) ________________________Fax: (______) _________________

Key Contact Name: _____________________________________________________

Title: ____________________________________________________________________

E-mail: __________________________________________________________________

Check:Check #: ______________________ (Make checks payable to “Association for Information Systems)

Credit Card:

q Amex q Mastercard q Visa

Authorized Amount $ _____________________________________________ 3 or 4 Digit CVV __________________________

Credit Card Number: _____________________________________________ ExpirationDate: _________________________

Authorized Signature: _______________________________________________________________________________________

Billing Address (if different from above):

Street: ___________________________________________________________ Suite: ___________________________________

City: _____________________________________________________________ State/Province: __________________________

Country: _________________________________________________________ Zip/PostalCode: _________________________

Sponsorship Options(select one)

q Platinum Sponsor - $25,000

q Gold Sponsor - $10,000

q Silver Sponsor - $5,000

q BronzeSponsor-$2,500

q Track Sponsor -$1,000/Track

q SessionSponsor-$250/Session

q Student Scholarships

$ _______________________

($500 per student)

q Other __________________

Amount ________________

Name (please print): ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Title: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Authorized Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Sponsorship TermsIn the event AMCIS 2012 cancels the conference for any reason, a full refund will be issued, or at the Company’s option, this sponsorship fee may be transferred to another event. Other than the sponsorship fee herein, AMCIS 2012 is not responsible for any and all costs the Company may incur whether directly or indirectly related to this Conference. Upon receipt of this agreement signed by the Company representative, the Company will be responsible for 100% of the contracted amount. No cancellations will be accepted. Acceptance of this application by AMCIS 2012 constitutes a contract.