Sample Registration System in India

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  • 8/14/2019 Sample Registration System in India


    Sample Registration SystemSample Registration Systemin Indiain India

    State Institute of Health & Family Welfare, Jaipur

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 2

    Sample Registration System (SRS)Sample Registration System (SRS)

    Initiated 1964-65

    Operational -1969-70

    One of the largest continuousdemographic householdsample survey in the world

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 3

    SRS is-

    Dual reporting systemProvides annual estimates of -

    Birth and death rate

    Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) Total Fertility Rate (TFR)

    Maternal Mortality Rate

    Other measures of fertility and mortalit

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 4

    Objective of SRSObjective of SRS

    The main objective is to provide reliableestimate of

    Birth rate

    Death rateInfant mortality rate

    Also provides data for other measures of

    Fertility rateMortality rate(infant & child) at higher

    geographic level

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 5

    Sample DesignSample Design

    A uni-stage stratified simple random samplewithout replacement.

    A simple random sample of enumeration block is

    selected without replacement from each of thesize classes of towns/cities in each State/UT

    The sample unit in

    rural areas -village or a segmented village

    Urban area- census enumeration block

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 6

    Estimation ProcedureEstimation Procedure

    The estimates of population, live births,deaths and infant deaths are obtainedusing unbiased method of estimation.

    The annual estimates of births, deaths andinfant mortality rates are based on reportednumber of sample births, deaths and infant

    deaths respectively at the national level.

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 7

    Most sensitive index of the level of socio-economic development and quality of life.

    Used for monitoring and evaluating population

    and health programmers and policies.IMR -

    India- 53 (2009 SRS Bulletin)

    Rajasthan- (63)

    Lowest- 12 (Kerala )

    Highest -70 (MP)

    Infant mortality

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 8

    Maternal MortalityMaternal Mortality

    SRS (1997) : 408

    SRS (1998) : 407

    SRS(2003) : 301SRS(2006) : 254

    MMR of Rajasthan is 388 (2006)

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 9

    SRS Bulletin (Oct. 2009)SRS Bulletin (Oct. 2009)

    Birth Rate: 22.8(per 1000 population)

    Death Rate: 7.4(per 1000 population)

    Natural Growth Rate:15.4 (per 1000


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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 10

    Revision of SRS sampling frame10-yearly based on recent results of Census

    To make necessary modification in thesampling design

    To give wider representation of population

    To overcome the difficulties/limitations inthe existing scheme

    To meet the additional requirements

    Enhancing the scope of SRS

    Rationalization of SRS forms

    Better netting of events

    User friendly

    Easy for scanning

    Streamlining the system

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 11

    Enhancing the Scope of DataEnhancing the Scope of Data

    Data on:


    Family planning practices

    AbortionBirth history of all currently married

    women in reproductive span

    Reasons of migration

    School attendance (up to 16 years)


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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 12

    Introduction of Unique IdentificationCode

    One of the significant modification proposedis introduction of unique identification code.This will result in :

    easy storage and retrieval of data

    aggregation at different levels

    Cross-classification of various

    determinants with fertility and mortalityindicators

    Cohort studies

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 13

    Causes of Death in SRS

    Data on causes of death are useful for healthplanners, administrators, and medicalprofessionals

    To identify the public health importance of different

    diseasesTo evaluate trends in causes of mortality over time

    in order to assess the impact of national healthprograms

    To analyze the socio-economic, demographic andlife style factors that are associated with thedeaths due to various diseases

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 14

    Verbal Autopsy ActivitiesPart Time Enumerator

    Continuous recording of birth/death events


    Half yearly retrospective survey

    Collection of the circumstances,symptoms and signs of illness and

    Narrative in VA forms

    Quality Check10% Re-sample in the field

    by independent Re-Sample Teams

    Inform households aboutthe conduct of VA

    Cause of DeathAssignment by

    Health Professional

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 15

    Initiatives in SRSInitiatives in SRS

    To improve the data on causes of death in SRS:Development of VA Forms

    Forms based on the existingexperience of WHO, Chinese

    Surveillance System and otherinternational and national studies.

    Type of Forms : incl. Structured & Narrative

    Neo-Natal Form

    Childhood FormAdult Form

    Maternal Death Form

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 16

    Conduct of pre-tests of VA Forms invarious regions

    Review of the results of pre-test byeminent epidemiologist/researchers

    Refinements in VA Forms based onthe feed-back

    Preparation of VA InstructionManuals

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 17

    Premier Institutes like CGHR (University ofToronto), NIMHANS(Bangalore), PGI(Chandigarh), ICMR, TIFR (Mumbai),Medical colleges of India, ERC (Chennai),have been identified in all the major Statesas long term technical partners with SRSfor :

    Training/Refresher Training toRGI Staff on verbal Autopsy

    Conducting VA in 10 percentresample units

    Assignment of causes ofdeaths

    Quality Control

    Epidemiological analyses

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 18


    Objective- 10% of VAs for eachSRS Supervisor will be checkedby collaborating institutions fortraining feedback

    Identification of operationalproblems and possible remedialmeasures:

    Physician coding100% double coding,

    Reconciliation with anotherphysician

    Adjudication of disagreements

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 19

    Present Scenario & Future PlansPresent Scenario & Future Plans

    All the SRS Surveyors have been trained and re-trained in the art of canvassing VA

    The VA has been introduced in all the states/ an integral component of SRS

    The preliminary results for two Half YearlySurveys (2nd HYS, 2002 & 1st HYS, 2003)were presented in Trivandrum Workshop

    The results suggest that VA would result ingenerating cause specific mortality by age,sex and other risk factors on a continuousbasis.

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    SIHFW: An ISO:9001:2008 certified Institution 20

    To see the SRS bulletin follow few

    steps:Go to the Census site


    In the web page See below inVital


    Click on SRS bulletins

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